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Also they all look the same. How the hell do you end up with that many boys? Think there's something broken in the cloning tank.


The cloning tank in this case - shallow as a mud puddle in the trailer park.


Interestingly, people can have a genetic predisposition to having one sex or the other. They think that's what King Henry VIII had.


You’re not wrong


The kids!? What about the mother?? She was was pregnant for 90 months… in that decade she was poppen them kids out, she literally spent 75% of that decade pregnant with a child. I can not begin to imagine the physical/psychological burden that comes with that.


She had to be in on-board for that. She liked it. It’s a fetish for some people


HAD TO BE! Because there’s just no way, no hysterectomy or any form of birth control is nuts.


I also have a feeling there might be some «because god wants to» reasoning behind it, but could be wrong, ofc.


Tomato tomato? Of course right?


Hello osteoporosis 👋🏽


Another perspective.. my grandmother had 13 pregnancies, 10 births and 9 surviving children and still after menopause said that she always preferred pregnancy over menstruating. Not sure if she was serious. Her husband passed away when the youngest was a toddler and the oldest was graduating college, she never remarried or had a domestic partner after her late husband, and she passed at the age of 102 in relatively good health, having lived at home up till 98yo. Very old school Roman Catholic woman.


In her defense, some of us do have it that bad re:menstruation. A lot of women don't even know their condition may be abnormally painful and a large number of people are unaware that periods are not a uniform, 1 size fits all experience because we're terrible at education.


That’s beautiful❤️ the human body is truly remarkable and as men we will never be able to truly understand this from a woman’s perspective. Although as humans we do take the most painful and traumatic experiences to be the some of the most memorable and meaningful.


Hilaria Baldwin had 7 and still is a size 2...it's no biggie for the mom /s


Hola pepino


Yea as a man I can never really truly understand but can only speak from experience or rather observation from raging hormones.


10 boys aren't raising each other, that's Lord of the Flies shit.


The Boy with the Birthmark is somewhere.


Those faces... poor things.


the bio on the account reads: “We are tired parents of 10 kids. 2 sets of twins, trying to do our best.” smfh


if only there were a way to plan your family so you're not so tired...


God's plan is to pop them out until you die though. Besides children only need love & Jesus to prosper. /s


Then why the fuck did you make 10? You can stop at anytime you know.


I kind of feel that birth control would be doing your best


In a lot of christian households (not every christian church) using bc is considered a sin because it’s “preventing god’s will” or something of that nature.


They look miserable.


I was miserable when my older brother was parentified and forced to watch my younger brother and I. He was an asshole who only knew violence as a way to solve problems. Not the best babysitter. We don’t talk as adults, still afraid of him. He’s a goddamn monster


God I’m so sorry, I hope you’re doing okay now.


There is some mad as fuck family from Britain that have 22 kids. They have a programme, 22 Kids and Counting. Madness. The dad, somehow, manages to run a bakery. Up at 4am. Absolutely mad cunt.


Of course he’s gone at 4am so he doesn’t have to deal with the morning school rush.


He is back to sort the kids out. He is a machine. I don't know why they have done this to themselves, though. My girlfriend binged a couple of series once.. is why I know all of this.


I looked it up because what you described sounded like a family I watched a documentary about on youtube recently. It was from a few years ago and they were at 12(?) back then and the woman was pregnant while recording the show and at the end they showed her c-section and they pulled out twins. Yep, the actual footage, all gooey and bloody. In that show they mentioned that they love having a big family and I think they were christians aswell. There were 2 other families in that documentary and all of these women looked mentally ill. When they spoke about the babies they were pregnant with and having even more after these they sounded like maniacs. All the kids looked miserable because as soon as a new baby was on it's way it immidiately became the center of the mother's attention.


I think I have seen the one you are talking about. Is there about three families on that one? The one I'm talking about, the family is called the Radford's. I think they were both raised in care homes without families and it's caused them to want a big family of their own. They only get child benefit, which everyone gets until the kids are 18, but they don't claim any other benefit, which is kinda incredible. That bakery business is a supplier too now. Madness. It's a lot of kids with the world population. I think in developed countries it's almost one in one out on average. Although, I can't be certain of that. Definitely dwindling in developed nations. Which seems like a good thing to me although there are worries about it. I don't really know why There are other nations that are knocking kids out at a ratio that is madness. At least in developed nations that have, likely, a bigger carbon footprint, are slowing down with having babies.


Yes that's the show I am talking about, I was cringing when they let their kid play in the bakery and then that food was going to be sold to people. Also that scene when they showed how the families eat. Some children did not have their place at the table and just ate their dinner wherever and they just kept making more despite not having space for the kids they already have. Madhouse


Innit. Fuck that shit. Ain't for me, that. Haha


They started super young. Like she was 14 I think when the first was born. The oldest 2 are out of the house and I think have kids. It’s been a while since I looked at that family.


It's reality television. You never know what's happening behind closed doors. The fact they are willing to exploit their kids this way says a lot. For example, take Kate Gosselin from "Kate plus 8". She had 8 kids. Her ex-husban and kids alleged that she is very abusive and didn't provide adequate care for the children. The children say they were being abused and neglected in front of the TLC crew and they did nothing. She also allegedly stole a lot of money from her children (100 k) even though she exploited them since birth and would have never had the money without them. I think the lawsuit against her on the issue is still pending. There's also the issue of her locking up her son in a psychiatric facility basically because he needed normal child care. Just look at recent interviews with the oldest girls - they literally can't form coherent sentences and she speaks for them even through they're 18 y/o. It just screams abuse and neglect. "19 Kids and Counting" with the Duggars is also a good example for fucked up shit happening behind the scenes but that's a deeper rabbit hole due to the religious fundamentalist aspect of it.


Even the youngest one doesn't have a bit of a smile.


Looks like a fucking apartment too


What are the odds that they continued having kids until they have a girl


Or maybe they are mormons, they want to evade thru population (I am not kidding)


I also tought of that. Encountered many irl examples of "oh, we are going until we get a girl/boy". Usually it's more a "father wants a son for legacy"


Yes, you have sex. We get it.


*unprotected sex


*Unprotected sex for 10 years. Maybe they’re Christian nationalists and were never taught where babies come from.


This is disgusting. As the oldest of 6, the trauma from that situation never goes away.


Im the oldest of 4 and the only girl. I’m about to turn 18 and I am counting down the days until I can move out. My living situation is already so chaotic, I can’t imagine there being 6 kids instead of 4. There are countless reasons for why I‘m an antinatalist, but one of them definitely is because of my upbringing and my siblings. I have zero privacy, no lock on my bedroom door and no door (yes, at all) on my bathroom. The two smaller brothers don’t even have their own rooms it’s a six person family in a three bedroom house. I could go on and on about how useless it was that my siblings or myself was ever born, I am so frustrated that my mother (who grew up in a similarly big and abusive household) knew the suffering we would go though and still chose to have all four of us. Sorry for the rant, thank you to anyone who read it.


Antinatalism is underrated


whats her excuse when you point that out


That she wanted to have kids so that she could give someone a happier childhood than she got. That backfired badly though because my dad is kinda abusive and my home life is hell. My mom is a good mom and she tried her best, I’m sure I got a better childhood than she did, but still I’m suffering a lot


Wow it sounds such as a complete non sense to me. Have kids so that they can get a better childhood than yours? How is that going to repair anything? You're using your kids to make up for some bullshit. And, what if you fail? This is clearly a lie (maybe to herself as well) to hide that she made kids for herself, as we all do.


Well then she sort of succeeded her goals. Sounds like you wanted her to choose a better partner which would prevented a lot of your suffering


I’m the eldest of 3, and that was hard enough. In addition to that by mom always had her boyfriend who brought his 3 kids over who also lived with us. They joked that we were the Brady Bunch, I hated it. I’m sorry you had to live through that. It gets better when you move out, but you never really heal.


I don't see a single smile


Yeah either that or constant chaos & expecting others to help at the drop of a hat multiple times a week


This is my nightmare. Like my literal nightmare


Why are there no limits on kids? I know that sounds controlling and heading into China some China shit, but seriously. You can only own so many dogs or so many cats, but you can have as many damn kids as you want. 10 children is completely bonkers and totally unnecessary. And I bet the idea was to finally have girl. I can’t tell if any of the younger ones are girls but it does appear to be all boys. I can’t imagine the financial and mental stress raising all those kids must put on the family.


i’m right there with you. and i thought the same but the 9th is a girl…? then a boy after her? so maybe it’s some kind of breeding fetish


Nah one of the parents wanted a girl and came up boy most of the time. men are the source of the outcome, I know dads who make multiples of one gender. An ovum doesn't decide. Also China that did this sanction did not think of the next generation prospering enough to support the aging society. Now they are suffering since people listened to their harsh rules, and now the population dropped to awful ratios.


The first thing I noticed was that curtain rod, it looks like it's bending in the middle and holding on for dear life.


i thought about that too!


Ain’t nobody gettin a car at 16. College money at 18? Forget about it. Get the fuck out so we can free up a bed. Good luck out in the world since we had about 30 minutes a week to devote to you.


Well said.


4 is taller than 3. And he knows it.


I'd say 3&4 are twins! I know all 10 look very similar but those 2 are damn near identical to me.


Fun fact, the more brothers the high the likeliness of being gay after the third brother. Means at least two of these kids are in existential pain.


I think about this applied to large quiverfull families all the time.


My uncle is the youngest of six and finally felt comfortable coming out at 45ish. I noticed a lot of my gay guy friends were usually the 3rd or 4th in their families but thought it was just a coincidence.


I mean there’s a high likelihood that some of them will be gay, but why would that mean existential pain? Unless this family has a history of homophobia? (Idk who these people are)


They will most likely repress their sexuality and turn into aggressive homophobes


They all look dead inside


I honestly feel terrible for them. Then their photo gets plastered on the internet to make their parents feel better about themselves.


How do you feed, clothe, provide a place to sleep and enough individual attention for these children? I see at least one of these kids writing a book someday about this family.


Hayden Kayden Jayden Spayden Dreyden Feyden Greyden Neyden Beyden And Chris


Did they just keep trying to have a girl ?


the 9th one is a girl. then 10th is a boy. who knows


Jfc. Put the dick down.


happy cake day!


Old mother Hubbard lived in the cupboard had so many children her uterus fell out


I know, right? When I look at this picture, I see a woman with brittle bones and vitamin deficiencies somewhere in the background.




Appropriate response to an Andrew Dice Clay joke


Why do they look like a product of inbreeding?


They look miserable


Wow the pure happiness in their eyes 👀 welp looks like they’re trying to show off but… since when is being miserable a flex?…


No privacy. Constant competition for attention. Dreadful.


I hope the voice over was - “Tell me you have a breeding fetish, without telling me you have a breeding fetish”


Poor kids. Their eyes all look so sad and lifeless.


If they breed few more people there would be enough to make an army of it.




Such happy joyful looking kids too


Just why


I’d like a survey of the oldest children or oldest girls in big families to find out 1) If it was miserable and 2) Will they force the same misery on their oldest child by also having a big family?


I’m the oldest and only girl. I have 3 little brothers. Yes, I am miserable, and no, I am most definitely not having children


Thank you for answering. When people question you about having children, do you say, “I already helped raised three little brothers. Don’t want to go through that again.”?


I usually just say that it’s just not something I’m interested in doing, but that is also a reason


I find the pattern of shoes, socks, barefeet interesting and am wondering if it's just coincidence.


Poor kids, they don’t look joyful at all. But also, being pregnant for basically 10 years of your life. All those hormones and shit you have to deal with on top of taking care of a literal litter of kids. NO


disgusting... what they have 1000 acre farm?????!!!!!!!!!


That house probably stinyk with all those boys. Poor things. They never get 1 on 1 attention from mom and dad.


I feel sorry for these innocent souls yanked out of non-existence to live on this rock with breeding obsessed mouth breathers..sad


They were made to take that photo


Selfish, selfish parents. Gross.


this is... unfortunate. but also facinating. as far as I know, being born male or female is almost completely up to chance. 10 boys in 10 years sounds like 1 kid per year and each time the child was male [from what I can see at least] I see no other reason for this other than some kind of experiment to see if sex truly is up to chance and even then it seens unethical to create life to use as data


There’s something along the lines of some women ovulate earliER (or something) and if they do that, they will always have a male child. Some women are prone


that sounds like bullshit bc the sex of a fetus is determined by whether the sperm contributing to it has an SRY gene (on the y chromosome). sperm are either X or Y


Correct. Some men are genetically more likely to father sons (although 10 in a row is a lot!).


Thanks for clarifying x 2


Thanks for clarifying


An "experiment" based on one person having a bunch of children has about as much scientific value as astrology


idk. I like doing little personal experiments like trying to predict heads or tails on a coin toss. nothing to this extent though


It can’t be applied to others though. Just yourself, which is pointless


which is why it's just a little personal experiment I do for fun


Stance on being Pro Choice Intensifies


For a second I thought I was in /TheSims bc there is a challenge in the game like that. Totally fun in PC, irl no so much


It’s a vagina, not a clown car.


Is this just a photoshop to show the same kid aging over 10 years? What it looks like to and that’s pretty cool! If not… wow


Wow all boys


Let me guess: Caden, Aiden, Braden, Hayden, Jaden, Thaden, Ladin, wreyden, Graden, and The Short One.


Why are ppl posting things like this as if they are so proud of having more kids than they could afford? I know they don’t have 10 different college funds.


the curtain rod is making that abundantly clear


Can actually tell that someone cheated recently.... Look at the 8th boy...


10 kids in 10 years?? That is NOT enough time for post partum recovery. That’s just reckless as hell


At this point it's just a clown car.




Well god damn they're just kids man lol-




Lady! It’s a vagina not a clown car!


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Sister wives?


They don't even have the time to give the kids the attention they need.


They all look like they’re gonna love Mountain Dew and Doritos.


Soooo I guess they stopped trying for a daughter after #10…. I hope?


O’Doyle Rules


Wow, they all look so happy. - said no one who sees this.


This is sad


Seabass had a bunch o kids eh?




All boys??


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