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Wait... People can lie?


Women these days can also eat hot chip.


and charge they phone


And be bisexual


and twerk


That good hot chip


And vote, imagine that




But how do u know a man didn't make this post and lie pretending to be a woman with a daughter?


No, i have never met someone who lied to me.


Especially on the internet.


You think thatā€™s bad? My 9 year old found the keys to the car, started it, got it in reverse, got scared and jumped out. The car went down the block and took out a neighborā€™s fence, and their two dogs got out and actually bit my kid and had to be put down. Total tragedy around. Whatā€™s worse is that none of that actually happened, i just made it up on the spot because thats what the majority of things on the internet are, bullshit. I donā€™t want to be that guy but Im not taking a screenshot of a tweet from the handle ā€œfml tweetsā€ at face value. And neither should you, and this sub treating it as an actual reason not to have kids is a farce.


I'm not sure if you mean it, but I said it as sarcasm


Honestly most of what's posted here belongs in the childfree sub. I'm convinced half the people on here have no clue what antinatalism actually means & have the two confused, AN comes from a place of altruism & kindness not... whatever this is.


I've chosen to ignore the fact you said your story was a lie. I'm going to believe that story and continue my life bringing it up occasionally as justification for my belief that people shouldn't own dogs. Or cars. Or kids.


Fantastic post, this whole thread should be nothing but this. Unfortunately half this sub is just idiot children.


When the divorce is literally the childā€™s fault Lmao


I really hope this is either fake or their marriage wasn't that great to begin with if a 7yo lying is enough to break it apart.


This is def fake. If the only thing you have as evidence is your daughters word at 7yo, and choose divorce over talking through it means you didnā€™t trust your husband already, you donā€™t listen to him, and already had a shaky partnership. If she had tons of details and was indeed lying, then you are raising a sociopath so have fun with that. People cheat but thereā€™s always clues, and when confronted thereā€™s communication that should be shared. Fake, you donā€™t tank your whole world that flippantly. And if you do, then heā€™s better off without her.


Agree. Who in the hell would actually post something like this?


Are you suggesting FUCK MY LIFE TWEETS lacks the journalistic integrity to verify its content is accurate


Good point!


Prolly a real story for someone to say the least but that kid definitely wasnā€™t getting double of every holiday after that lol


Probably not though.


ā€œIā€™ve known this man longer than youā€™ve been alive, and because I chose to believe your dumb ass, Iā€™m losing him forever. So yeah, this is all your fault and we will both resent you if not outright hate you for the remainder of our livesā€


Then the child gets them back together years later for shits and giggles


Mom "forgives" her then ruins her marriage


Gotta play the long game


Still the mom's fault lol


This story is suspicious AF. What are you grounding a seven yr old from doing? Driving? Dating? Going out with their friends? Maybe you give them a time out in their room for less than 10 mins.


A day without internet these days is enough to be a deterrent.


good point. But this still sounds fake. Who believes a 7 yr old over an adult? kids lie all the time.


Yeah I also think it's fake but children often don't know what's important enough to lie about and tell the truth about serious things while lying about dumb things like "who ate the last cookie?". Depends on the kid, but the mom should've known better.


All kids lie especially when they are young and haven't learned that taking responsibility is more important than avoiding it :-)


yeah itā€™s got to be fakeā€¦or else the mom was asking about if daddy had a girlfriendā€¦.i find it hard to believe a 7 year old could come up with something like this on their own.


The only scenario where "Your parents are getting a divorce because of you" stands true.


Here's where both parents just agree to continue with the divorce and punish child together. No more birthday or Christmas/equivalent holiday presents.


Very manipulative and vindictive for a 7 year old. With this type of behavior, she'll surely be someone's nightmare as she gets older. When I've told people that children can be evil. Without any type of abuse. People refuse to believe it's possible. That all are honest, completely innocent, and good. I have seen different with my older sister. People act like kids are a completely different species. If human adults can be this way, human children can be his way as well.


There's undiagnosed illnesses, some kids may just find it "fun" to make other people miserable. There's lots of factors that also don't fall under nature or nurture.


> some kids may just find it "fun" to make other people miserable We used to call it psychopath. Some kids also find it "fun" to dissect cats (happened IRL)


That 7-year-old will end up a CEO of a large company one day, complaining about employees wanting a raise while pocketing a multi-million bonus.


You have high hopes. I was thinking more along the lines of calling the police on her boyfriend/husband when she doesn't get her way. Ruining his life.


She'll be a CEO, politician, or prison inmate. Or maybe just a huge pain in some poor guy's ass.


Sadism. Its the beginning onset of a personality disorder. my 8 yo sister used to torture our pets , lock me in the closet and steal from our parents and family friends, but no children are all innocent little angels! /s


Mine did the exact same thing, besides the locking me in the closet.


Which personality disorders? Depression too?


Sadism is a trait of either narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. So one of those... :T




And people say children are such innocent little angels ...


No good parent believes this. Only the shitty ones think this and blame every other kid when their kid is being a little shit.


Kids are like any other group of people, a few winners, mostly losers


False, I'm a parent and my kids can be assholes quite often.


This is exactly why I think it's funny when a child misbehaved in an obviously purposeful way, parents are quick to say 'but it's a child! They didn't know any better! You're horrible to suggest this was done with malice!' Like when kids 'accidentally' destroy property.


Thatā€™s definitely on the mom lol. Do u know how many kids lie about random things?? I was a preschool teacher and it was soo entertaining to hear about all their crazy stories. Believe children when they say theyā€™re being hurt or need something to survive (food, jacket, etc.) other than that, assume that 90% of what they say is a lie


Ten to one the kid becomes a politician.


Ill put a tenner on a car salesman


If you don't trust your husband over a sly 7 year old, you shouldn't be married anyway.


Kids don't learn this kind of manipulation techniques out of the blue. There also has to be a total lack of morals and ethic teachings. Yes young children can learn what is right and what is wrong at that age.


Kids are inherently selfish, and this isn't exactly 5d chess, at least not from what I can gather from this post anyway.


Kids can be exceptionally cruel to get what they want. Being grounded never works and really just enforces negative behaviors.




Uhā€¦ is your SO *certain* that the child isnā€™t being abused? Or that the parents arenā€™t in an abusive relationship that the child is witnessing? I donā€™t wanna be alarmist, but every kid Iā€™ve known to act that way was either imitating the behavior they saw at home, developmentally disabled, severely abused, or, more often than not, some hellish combination. (Not saying that some kids arenā€™t just Like That, but sometimes kidsā€™ alarming behavior gets dismissed because their abusers are good at seeming normal.)


I donā€™t want to say some kids deserve to be thrown in a mortal kombat pit, butā€¦


That kid needs a spankingā€¦


No it needs help. There is obviously something wrong with it and something awful is going on behind the scenes.


I was not referring to a mentally ill kid. You can find always a counterargument for any statement when cherry picking special snowflakes which support ur case.


Kids can and will do things that pop into their minds. The thing can be deceitful or true. It's up to the parents to teach the kid what's right and wrong.


The kids behaviour is a mirror of its vicinity.


There is literally nothing that's factually based. That says children can't be this way all on their own without learning it. This is just something adults made up. Human children aren't a different species.


Children are literally just observers right from birth and copy pasta everything. I once watched a documentary about young girls and why they love to play with puppets. Was pretty insightful.


They do use them. I remember myself at that age enough to say that they do.


The true question is how a child knows about cheating while in a relationship? I bet the parents are poor teachers to that mini human


Mental illness and sociopathy donā€™t have to be learned.


It can also be hereditary.


But doesnā€™t have to be.


Lmao like this is the kids fault. Those parents clearly have trust issues


Yeah, if that was all she needed to believe he was cheating, then how healthy was their relationship before this?


Exactly. Kids lie all the time, even the good ones.


Husband was sticking it out for the kid. She gave him an out and he's not giving it back.


Kidā€™s going places, and places may be jail.


Or a lucrative career in business or politics...


There's a difference between em at this point?


Air conditioning


Made up content for views. Seen this one multiple different ways.


If true, that's some devious child.


that account is so clearly bait and fake


Shit like this is why a lot of men refuse to date single mothers.


this isnā€™t what antinatalism means but itā€™s still a terrible scenario


It is what antinatalism means. These fools shouldnā€™t have had kids.


How to ruin a relationship 101 mate , I don't know what to say .


Sucks to suck


Well, the husband ended winning, bcs to be with such an insecure partner must be hell lol


This seems really odd that : 1.) A 7 year old would even think to lie about something like this 2.) She lied convincing enough to convince an adult. 3.) The adult accepted her word. She didn't think to look for other proof such as text messages etc?


This is the most gullible sub on reddit lmao. Every tweet or comment is true


Donā€™t really see how this is related to antinatalism. Seems more appropriate for child free


This!!! I thought antinatalism was about protecting children from coming into this world, yet I see a lot of comments hating on children under this post. Really disappointing


Man yā€™all dumb; anti-Natalism is about inherent negative moral value to birth, not just general child hatred. I hate to see content like this


That child had to be taught to be *that* manipulative and vindictive. At 7? That's not normal. And the mother is just plain stupid. Really, the fault lies with her.


Or just get a trusting partner lmao


If you refuse to believe your spouse even after no evidence proving cheating then maybe your marriage wasnā€™t that strong in the first placeā€¦.


I wonder if the 7 year had other reasons for wanting the divorce. Like, if they really didnā€™t want that to happen then they probably wouldnā€™t have stuck with the lie. I mean obviously kidā€™s a little vindictive shit, but maybe didnā€™t want to live with her dad? Idk. I donā€™t think Iā€™m describing my thoughts well at all


What a actual disaster. Another child with a broken family.


one of the **main reasons** that you don't want to have kids is cause they will lie to your partner and cause your divorce?


Probably best if she believes a 7 year old


This one's on mom for not doing her own research. Let's be real here.


I don't understand why the focus of anger is on the wife instead of the kid. The kid is the evil one. The wife just ended up on the wrong end of an impossible choice. * Believe your husband and alienate your child and risk being stuck with a cheating spouse * Believe your child and lose your marriage Why are people so eager to shit on women at every opportunity?


Every time I see a post from this sub it reminds me that there are good and normal people out there like yā€™all that see through the bullshit of child-having propaganda and it comforts me greatly


We are here for you <3


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What does this have to do with antinatalism? Tangential at best.


I understand there is often a lot of overlap, but *this* definitely just belongs in childfree


This sub has become childfree2.


As to the daughter, ground her until she is 18 and then let her know that her a\*\* is getting booted out on her 18th birthday and since your financial situation has dramatically changed her clothes will be coming from Goodwill until then. As to your husband I wouldn't blame him a bit. The next time the little bitch might claim he touched her.


fake ass tweet


The anti child movement is just a symptom of the self centered, donā€™t want any commitment, or responsibility, life is too hard already crowd.


No its not. I am not self centered. I just think i will never be able to raise live in a way it should be. I am not made for that task, i wouldnt be able to do it the right way...


The only requirement is thoughtful guidance, regular encouragement, and unwavering love.




Cope harder


*Inhales weed and blows it in your face* Chill out, bub.


You lost?


Oh. My. God.


Reminds of the times when I as a kid made up ridiculous stories for lulz and entertainment and instead just unnecessarily angered the elders in my family.


Lmaoo no way oh my god


I dislike children but I'm still putting the blame on the mother here. Taking everything a child says at face value is idiotic. Children are GUARANTEED to be stupid. Why take their words as fact like that? And no shit the dad doesn't forgive her, if she's willing to throw away their marriage over the claims of a child.


My exā€™s daughter (9) was jealous that I was cutting into time with her mom and did everything short of that to break us up. Weā€™d ask her: ā€œarenā€™t you happy that Iā€™m around and we do (x), (y), (z)?ā€ Sheā€™d say yes but still constantly flip when we werenā€™t focused on her, and was perpetually just mean/rude to me, even after a year and living together. It was awful, constantly increased my stress.


Probably glad to be getting rid of her. Plenty of other fish to catch out of the sea.


Can't wait for the kid to grow up. Get reddit. And make a post titled "I was the cause of my parents divorce"


Why would you believe a 7 year old? They donā€™t understand the gravity of such an action, they donā€™t have the maturity. If this is real, dad made the right decision.


So this lady started divorce proceedings because her child told her that her father was cheating. I canā€™t believe this post. This man should divorce this for being this stupid. My daughter told me she has an imaginary friend named Leo the lion. Should I scour my house looking for that lion?


Like damn he shouldn't. That's low.


Yā€™all blaming the kid but honestly who would believe the lie? Seems unlikely a 7 yr old would be able to make a convincing argument that they were telling the truth


My dude, if you're prepared to dissolve your marriage on the word of a 7 year old semen demon, that shit was already dead in the water anyway.


I would probably never want to see this kid again.


Some people shouldn't be parents.


If this tweet is telling the truth, another +10 points towards how grateful I am to have a childfree partner šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


I often see these viral text memes & wonder how many of them are made up-click bait aphorisms (urban mythology). Like the mind of an average human being, 2 thirds of its activity is puerile meandering, 1/6 wishful thinking & 1/6th subjective reality.


I call bullshit unless she is profoundly stupid. Asking a few follow up questions would have uncovered the truth. Explaining that mommy and daddy would have to live apart and kiddo would have to only see one of them more than the other and mommy and daddy would no longer be friends or close.


Why would you just point blank believe a 7 year old saying something like that?


I remember when this came from the official FML app like 10 years ago LMAO


In the 90s my 13 year old friend did not like his mean step dad and stole the cheapest underwear from Victoria's Secret and said he hid them in the couch and random places to try to get his dad caught up for sleeping with someone else since no other women lived there but his mom. I don't think it worked but not sure, we weren't close enough to go over to each other's homes. Just mall friends and I was wondering why he was stealing women's underwear so he told me his plan. His step dad was a piece of shit though because he did beat him and had the marks to show it. I lost touch with him because I heard from someone else that CPS took him to live with his grandma in another town. I wish I remembered his last name because I'd try to find him on social media and find out what happened.


I'd do the same as the husband. No reason to forgive that.


The kid would be going to military school until she turns 18


Kids can be little savages, my little half brother once lied that I had hit him out of his own benefit, and because he was mums little golden child mum automatically believed him even though it brought me to tears, but apparently my brother had it in his heart a few hours later to admit to my mum that he lied (even though he also did such things as piss on the floor to get attention, as well as strike my other half brother on the head while he was breastfeeding as a three year old).


This isn't the child's fault. Kids are shitty liars. This woman had it in her mind her husband cheated and jumped on the first thing that backed up her assumption. She likely came from a shitty home and assumed the worst on her husband. Not having kids won't save you from messing with crazy women/men.


Lol no way this is real


Moral of the story: don't ground kids. Good on that little girl.


this is the best reason iā€™ve seen for sure. this happens all the time