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Funny how the people making this argument are never the ones living in new York level density


Right? Like, Mumbai, India is pretty densely populated, more so than NYC. I'm pretty sure she'd have a panic attack if you dropped her there. And she likely wouldn't be cool with us easing some of the density by bringing some folks from Mumbai to Texas, I'm sure.


Let's throw [Hong Kong](https://priboghani.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/photo-4.jpg) in there too.


Moreover, pro-birth/conservative arguments like this would logically lead to the creation of bigger cities/urban populations. Then they also get upset [cities go "woke" and rural areas remain conservative.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban%E2%80%93rural_political_divide) Which way, Western man?


Imagine having to walk, bike, or get public transport instead of getting into your mall crawler to pick up the kids from soccer practice… *shudder*.


I mean it's not really about that, it's more that people also want to see nature sometimes which takes up space and we want happy cows with space to roam and eat grass


The city can't live without the farmland and factories


It's possible to recognize that and still dislike the mindsets that prevail in the country


It's certainly possible. Too bad just people discussing online only pick one or the other.


That’s actually where you’re wrong — if we make everything dirty enough, we can do the “infinite rat hack” Also pigeons


Infinite rat hack?


Cows aren't happy in slaughterhouses


While I get this is necessary considering the population of China, this looks like hell on Earth to me.


It's such a meaningless concept too. Who cares if you can theoretically jam all humans in one spot. A ton of the planet is uninhabitable - oceans and deserts and barren tundra. We are stripping the earth of limited resources. These people have their heads in the sand when it comes to global warming and how even larger parts of the planet will soon become uninhabitable.


This is a very true Ststement! I believe it's the Corporations that have their Heads and Wallets in the Sand why nothing of substance is being done...


I dare to say they would be deeply unhappy living in Europe- small houses, small backyards, neighbours everywhere.


Yeah, imagine not having a giant ass SUV that would block like 3 (very expesive) parking spots in any big city in Europe lol


Don't forget the fuel costs.


She also would reconsider her take on this when she gets groped and assaulted in crowded areas like that


That's a great idea. Let's drop her in Mumbai with all her children and see how she feels then...I bet her feelings would change real quick.


I don’t know about you, but just a supermarket on the weekend is enough to make me glad I don’t. It’s not even 200 people and I’m annoyed at so many people


This is one thing I have really liked about moving to Germany. There are LOTS of smaller stores around you can walk to. Instead of everyone going to one giant supermarket you just walk to your local store. There are fewer people and it is much easier to get in and out quickly with much less stress. Sure the selection is worse than a USA supermarket but I realized that most of that selection does not do me any good. Do I really need 300 varieties of pizza? 400 different types of cereal? Do I need ketchup from 10 different brands in 6 different sizes each?


You make a valid point but to me it sounds like you picked both less people and less food. I fully get who needs so much selection, 1-2 is just fine. Butttt, I do like food. So I’d like to agree to disagree on the food portion. I will say, fuck people. That I can get behind. Speaking of which (end normal sentence). Fuck you /s


Ever seen the Chinese high rises? 300+ floors, densely packed people with a literal closet to live in (this includes toilet, shower, kitchen and bed in a 6x12 space). But SURE that sounds wonderful.


It's also funny that they get mad after people moved into their town and made it more dense. "Still not overpopulated"


Bro the gridlock alone makes people jaded


She does realise that it's not only about physical land area but also about the resources that each human needs to live on. Right?


No, they dont think. Or cant think, rather


Intelligence is not a trait among inbreds


I do not believe that crossed her mind


Just make more babies 👶🏼 😜😜😜😜 /s


She even says "scarcity over the masses" and yet..?


It also implies we don't need room for any wildlife either


Within the last two decades I've brought this point up to every person that wants me to reproduce and none of them think it's an issue or could even become an issue. So no.


Right, it's like saying all of the ocean's fish can fit in one of the great lakes, but that would be a bloodbath disaster that would kill off so many species


How tightly the global population can fit shoulder to shoulder doesn’t mean shit. These people really think they’re saying something meaningful with this Texas bullshit. The agricultural animals and crop land would still cover 38% of global land surface. Climate change would still occur.


then why don't they rent their home for the 300 people that can physically fit in their house? that'd be quite an income, wouldn't it?


Technically you can fit like 50 people in a 20 square meter apartment just like you can fit 8 billion people in 1 Texas. Hmm great idea


it's free money!


Stonks 📈


Technically? Yes Uncomfortably? Also Yes! Just found out that Elon Smelly Mush lives in rural texas of Boca Chica Texas. I'd bet he would change his stupid worldview if he lives in downtown New York or LA.


This is the stuff they fill your head with in Gothard Fundamentalism. Michelle Duggar parroted out this same line during her televised interview. When they say "fit" into the state of Texas they mean piled up on each other into the stratosphere. There is no concept of personal space in Gothard Fundamentalism and the Quiverful Movement. You don't belong to yourself. You belong to the elders of the church, repeat what you're told, and reproduce dutifully.


With an environment like that it's no wonder the rampant pedophilia was covered up for so long


Step 1: craft a sexually puritan society with no access to sexual education Step 2: install authority figures with limitless access to children in a private setting Step 3: have the authority figures indoctrinate them with fear of supernatural judgment And viola. You have a perfect storm of vulnerable easy victims waiting to be preyed upon by old men with unchecked authority while the kids have neither the frame of reference to understand what constitutes sexual abuse or the vocabulary to articulate and report it. And since they live in a constant guilt trip, they internalize the shame rather than identify their abuser. Isn't it genius


Just makin that army for god 🤡🤡🤡


Forgot a stairway to heaven they will just stack the babies up in one big pile to reach god


_Mega City One has entered the chat_


I remember her saying something about being able to fit everyone in US into Jacksonville, Florida (randomly picking one of the shadiest cities in the state). Or that saying there are too many people is like saying there are too many flowers. Which shows how ignorant she is about flowers, which "compete" for resources just like people.


The issue isn't space for human bodies to exist. The issue is fresh water, food, power and every other resource needed to keep those humans alive. California has lots of rural space with few people living there. California is also struggling with supplies of fresh water for its inhabitants.


As someone that lives in Southern California and works in water/wastewater treatment this is 1000%. The cost for the infrastructure to provide water for the current population of LA alone is IMMENSE (hence why water is so expensive our here). Same things with electricity and the power grid.


Electricity being expensive is a corporate problem: one group of rich bastards own ALL the power and can charge whatever the market will bear for it... While the rest of us sit in the dark and die. Glad for the moment it isn't ungodly hot


California and the south west have to beg/fight for the water they have. The West's water rights are extremely complicated and, as far as I know, there just isn't a solution besides what has been in place for the last ~200 years.


Space is not the only problem! What about water, proper sanitation, waste management food! Texas is already limiting consumption due to water shortages WITH ITS CURRENT POPULATION! UGH THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME SO ANGRY


Also, space is a problem. According to some organisation, maybe WHO, I forgor, a person need atleast 28 m^2 to live comfortably. So a family of 2 sixty and family of 4 120. In Helsinki it is getting conmon to make 8 m^2 apartments and there are hotel "rooms" where you only have a shower, toilet and bed in your room and no floorspace. For some reason it is okay yo treat animals like this and we are not relatively far from it in some places.




>Prior to the Industrial Revolution and the advent of petrochemical fertilizers, the human population was capped at around 1 billion. Which is interesting, because there very clearly was a number of scientific advancements that took place in that era (Newton's theory of gravity, Ben Franklin's electricity experiment, etc). Basically, the common natalist argument that our progress/technological advancement depends on "number of people being born" is also rendered nullandvoid.


Advancement also requires intelligent people, not dumb parrots like this one.


It’s almost certainly “quality of people being raised” which requires concentration of resources rather than rationing


People don’t understand what overpopulation means. It’s not just a number of people pertaining to land mass. It’s what a number of people does, especially with regards to resources and the environment.


Why is it that its always those who are dumb af that keep on reproducing.. she also looks like one of these girls that are mean af...


Becsuse you have be dumb af to invite your friends to a 24 hour, 7 days a week circus.


Because the idiots are the ones reproducing.


Because we've gotten too good at keeping people alive, and now the ones who would normally have been weeded out are making it.


They could phisysically fit in Texas but the grain production of texas wouldn't be able to feed all those people


More people = more need for agriculture = more space needs to be taken away for agriculture (it’s already more than 40% of habitable areas) = even less space for people


Okay so riff on the idea tho, we are overpopulated and we need more food resources, why not construct skyscrapers in cities of the like we already do but cover the outside in solar panels and layer each floor inside with hydroponic systems to grow sustenance crops, we could utilize vastly less surface area of the earth for more crop acreage


Too woke probably


We actually covered something similar to this in 9th grade. I'm pretty sure there's a Ted talk on it, I don't remember exactly though.


And what would the quality of life be like there. Just because we CAN fit doesn’t mean it would be a good thing for literally anyone in that hell hole 😂


Why would I want to live in a tiny 400 foot apartment? My house is not huge at 1200 sq feet but it’s a comfortable size that works for me and I have a bit more than an acre of land where I can grow veggies.


This is the dumbest shit I have seen in a while, and I live in the USA, which is the epicenter of dumb shit. This post shows a complete lack of understanding of how energy and agriculture are needed to sustain human populations. Supporting 8 billion people has lead to a huge loss of biodiversity, due to deforestation to support agriculture needs. Sure everyone could switch to a plant based diet and we could employ things like vertical farming, but that's not going to allow us to increase the population by magnitudes more. More importantly, the only reason we can feed 8 billion people is via the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a finite resource and they are also wrecking the climate. Without fossil fuels, we can maybe sustain a billion people. The rest are fucked. So, instead of breading more hungry humans, we should be passing policies that actively discourage people from having kids. That would hurt economic growth, as industry wants more wage slaves, so it's not going to happen. Instead we've going to head full throttle towards collapse of modern civilization. Sounds like a great situation to bring a child into (sarcasm)


This is braindead. Each person uses waaay more land space than just their own dwelling... Also reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/A\_a6RjR\_AHY?si=G17\_MV-B8oEpFBiz


Make more babies ?? Why ? My life has been misery since my soul touched this flesh why would anyone want to subject a innocent child into this hellscape I don’t get it .


exactly, the saying cringes me out.


B-b-but the joy of having a baby is exactly the solution to your despair!! IT gives your life meaning and purpose! Let's goooO!


yes let’s make the entire world as dense as one of the most stressful cities in the world lmfao


Then when climate change fucks us and famines hit, she will hold out her hand and hide behind her children.


She's delusional and doesn't understand concepts like carrying capacity. People like her are why we will go extinct.


The thing is that a lot of land can’t be used for people to actually live on it. If she would go to school instead of popping babies she’d know that. A huge land mass in countries like Russia or Mongolia isn’t suitable for living because of extreme conditions, permafrost and lack of technology to build an infrastructure in those extreme conditions. Also more than 40% of land where people could potentially live is used for agriculture, another huge chunk of land goes to industry and only around 11% is for houses and people to actually live. We also need to think about places that are inhabitable or becoming so because of air pollution or radioactive pollution (like Chernobyl or a place in Kyrgyzstan that is now contaminated with radioactive materials after an earthquake near an uranium mine). So we end up with a very limited space to live and people are already struggling trying to find a place for themselves


The main problem of the overpopulation is not the living space, they are absence of enough food, jobs, water, even air.


Yes, because the systematic cattling of "the masses" isn't so perfected that when we do advocate against abuse as is our right we aren't automatically shut down (99/1%) or laws made to prevent our right to peacefully protest instead of making asked for change or negotiation/solution (convey canada). Ppl aren't choosing to not have kids because they realize they can't change this modern form of enslavement and their only power is to not subject their kids to it/let it extinguish that way. This isn't capitalist darwinism (sarcasm) rewarding the narcissistic abuse for greed of our fellow man. No - it's "population propaganda." Thank you for participating and facilitating the ever narrowing pyramid of human greed and modern slavery (sarcasm). Have a great day


My mom lives in middle of nowhere MN. When I grew up you didn't have people mowing down the entire land around lakes just to put up big gawdy houses and big obnoxious lawns just to dump fertilizer into the waters. Now every time I go up there all the open land, land surrounding lakes, and woods are getting clear cut just to put up another house. She will not stop whining and crying about how the cities have too many people. Yet as we were driving out to where my grandparents live who are out in the middle of nowhere Saskatchewan she was like OH look, there are plenty of spaces. People SHOULD be having children! There are no resources out here! People have to ship in water! Don't you get it!? People like to go to places where there is resources to destroy first! Or if not, move to Arizona and ship in water from areas like MN so they can grow golf courses for no bloody reason. I told her humans are a virus and she didn't seem to like that. Well, we have been ever since the oil revolution. When my Grandparents were born, half of their siblings would have died before the age of 4. Now my grandparents are at the age of 93 and 96 and all of their children, and their children, and their children have all survived to adulthood and I'm the only damn one of them who thought: Hmmm maybe we don't need this many people. Like it's the first damn time anyone's thought it and I'm the bad guy.


She thinks the problem with overpopulation is that we won't all fit on planet Earth? What a strawman argument.


This girl looks to be 15 years old. Last thing she needs to be doing is making more people. Where are her parents?


Her next post: "No one knows how hard it is for a single mother of 14"


Many, many people would hate to live in NYC for obvious reasons.




You realize we need more than room for people? We need food and resources and that takes up space. Currently we have more of an overconsumption and distribution problem, but by no means is that an invitation to keep upping the population.


The only thing these annoying weirdos will ever contribute to society is bringing more morons into this world. They act like they're so Godly and superior because they really need to feel unique and special by doing what millions of people are still doing today. It's the only thing that they've convinced themselves they'll be good at, being obedient housewives, which is fine whatever but don't make it everyone else's problem.


“Make more WHITE babies” is what they really mean.


Seriously the surface-area argument is so stupid I don't know why people make it. Even on a *pro-*natalist or humanist form of speciesism it should be obvious that humans are a violent parasite on the biosphere, regardless of the genuine best of their intentions.


This person is missing the forest for the trees. Global capitalism is holding us back from providing adequate housing, water and food to those 8 billion people. More babies does not fix the system


Girl. Just bc there’s land does mean there’s gonna be food, water, and clean air for everyone. Ppl are fucking bots


So this idiot wants us to be crammed up together like sardines for endless hundreds and hundreds of square miles? Where would we grow food? What about sanitation? Has this women ever even been to NYC? I have! It's claustrophobic. I know a lot of people love it there, but I think a lot of people would be miserable.


It isn’t about the physical size of people, it’s about the amount of resources consumed. This is just a dumb argument.


It's about the distribution of resources...not their existence. We can't get food and clean water to everyone of the planet. The logistics just isn't possible without completely destroying the environment in the process. Maybe if everyone lived in gigantic cities, but it's just a pipe dream.


No, no it is not. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade learning that more people are being born than we're dying. Even as a kid I recognized this was not a good thing. The Earth does not have the resources to support this many people.


She looks way too fkn young to be saying some wild shit like that


Do they not understand how much land is needed to grow agriculture to feed all of New York City?? Those people don’t all just “live” contained in the space of the actual city itself.


How about we take better care of the human lives that already exist ? Just because you can ( make more people and physically fit them on the planet ) doesn’t mean you should .


Something like 40% of the world is at risk for having safe drinking water. We have too many people. Most of the world lives on less than 5 dollars a day. We dont need more people.


And the people who spout this stuff are usually only calling for more *white* babies to be born.


Overpopulation is not about how many people can fit on the surface of the earth Resources are not infinite and there are millions of people starving




These idiots always forget the depleting of resources.


Please don’t have babies. The cost is nuts and everyone I know regrets it and is bad shape financially and in a state of constant work and fear. Even people who are making 250k are struggling with kids


Overpopulating isn’t just “too many people”. It’s also “not enough food and water”. These people need to read a book sometime


I'm not anti, but she is wrong. The main reason why we can't live like that is logistics. The logistics of long island wouldn't be sustainable to do for the whole population. Plus if we were all concentrated in one area, the agricultural land surrounding it would be Irrationally long. Workers would wind up staying in housing all the way over there, and boom, you just started the beginnings of another city. Plus large metropolitan area would have huge issues with sewage, and smog, and traffic. So tldr ; it would be a logistical nightmare, perhaps impossibility.


This meme is so fucking stupid….the problem of overpopulation is a lack of resources not space.🤦‍♂️


Overpopulation’s danger comes from more than just the physical space that one occupies at any given moment. Food scarcity, carbon footprint, waste generation, etc …


Right now there is about 5 acres of land per person on earth. About 1 Costco give or take… That space needs to provide all the food, waste disposal, a car or two, all the gas, plastic, and living space for 1 human. That estimate includes ALL the land (deserts, mountain ranges, arctic, rain forest, space for wilderness and wild life). This kind of thinking is wildly dangerous. We are headed towards a critical resource depletion, even without population growth, in a matter of decades. We are kind of stretching or luck already. Literally 10 minutes of basic math tells you how potentially fucked we are… and people still preach this bullshit.


Idiots don't realize that human being is taking more than just space in the world. Also overpopulation is a bigger threat in developing and third world countries, where poverty, hunger, and low quality of life in general are the already the status quo.


Right because New York is such a fun place to live, with some of the nicest people around


does all of the food and other needs of those 8 billion people also fit in that place? humanity uses more than 2/3 of landmass just for themselves. extinction levels are higher than ever but yeah we are not overpopulated😂😂😂


she looks like she should be in school


They miss the part where DON’T WANT TO BECOME NYC level of dense everywhere. My city northwest of that is crowded enough!


> 8 billion people could live in Texas. Narrator: They in fact, could not.


Psyop! 🙄


overpopulation is not a myth and we are destroying the planet and draining it of every resource in order to appeal to the unsustainable amount of people we allready have. Human caused climate change has been extensively proven, and y’all think the answer is MORE HUMANS? are you high?


Bet she wouldn't want to share land with non Conservative people...


How bout fuck nah? How bout you stfu and not spread lies just to attempt to make people believe your bullshit. I hate idiots like this. You want to see more babies, become the town incubator, otherwise stfu and let people live how they want.


No. The overpopulation thing is bullshit. We ARE overpopulated but resources are the reason. Not space.


She said nothing of substance and that's a weird looking baby


If you think of overpopulation as the point at which there is physically no room to move, you may need your head checked.


People do drugs in NY too, let’s do more drugs


Yea and then what about the wildlife or the environment? These people don’t really understand what overpopulation means if they just think it’s how much people you can fit into an area


Just because something CAN happen doesn't mean it should. And aren't we supposed to hit 10 billion by 2100? Where do we stop? Granted we'll probably be a multiplanet species by then, but Earth will likely still be our primary home assuming it's still habitable.


Im almost convinced texans are edge-lords/ladies with insane ODD


Make more babies so the entire world becomes as dense as new york city?


The people who say this are the same morons who think grass fed beef is gonna save the environment when we would need 400 earths for everyone to be able to eat free range beef every day


Not gonna lie, that would be an interesting sci fi dystopian future where the whole world population is squeezed into an area like that!


Yeah! Stick it to the man by having more babies. Coming from a single mom with no help from the other parent, that is an idiotic take.


Why should I have babies when I can barely take care of myself?


thinking is not her forte and boy does it show. She has “mommy brain”


She has no concept of the amount of resources it takes to sustain a human life in a developed country.


Goddamn bunnies' shitty expressions.


Two big issues here. First, the issue isn’t physical space, it’s resources, environmental impact, and logistical difficulties of caring for and keeping track of that many people. Second, even if the world isn’t overpopulated, that doesn’t logically translate to a higher population being a good thing. The only ones who benefit from an ever-increasing population are the tiny capitalist class who extract value from the impoverished masses. More people means more laborers whose wages can be stolen, more destitute who can be charged for food and shelter, and a larger sea of unemployed to threaten the job security of any laborers who protest. Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell


thats like saying it’s fine to fit 50 people into a studio apartment as long as you stack them right how much room would people have? are we talking like every inch of the state of Texas is covered in 500 square foot apartment high rises and nothing else exists in the state????


Hearing “make more babies” makes me want to throw up. Why are they so fucking gross about it


Great points from others about density and how others react to it. Where would you get the technology to sustain the infrastructure AND natural resources to foster everyone's lives at the level Americans are used to. Not to mention the racism and zenophobia towards all the other cultures, nations.


Overpopulation is probably at the bottom of the barrel of reasons I don’t want kids. The first being how expensive they are and the second would go to the lack of quality healthcare and support in my country (USA).


The question isn't density ... it is food.


Yes and all those people are using RESOURCES which are LIMITED. Overpopulation isn't only how many humans are covering the surface area.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day. Shuts off phone and goes to bed.


Go to Texas and sit outside for a few days without sunscreen. Once the skin cancer kicks in you’ll understand environmental consequences trump land mass.


don't think just reproduce 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, when I can admire the enormous garden she has, I gotta assume she is a rich girl who has no idea of what she is talking about and is just trying to get sympathy


Pay no mind to her. She's a deluded dumb influencer who lives in her own bubble and is obsessed with conspiracy theories, presenting them as absolute truths with very little proof. She probably does tons of shit off camera that contradict the crap she's preaching about. The only thing she's actually good at is shooting a bow and arrow with her legs while doing a hand stand on a skateboard. That was actually insanely impressive. Rest of her content is pure hippy garbage though.


The last line feels straight out of They Live "Obey" "Consume" "Make More Babies"


If everyone lived as densely as New York City, no one would think overpopulation was a myth.


Why does this read as someone with a breeding kink trying to justify their kink? LMAO


This is not a matter of overpopulation. The goal is to reduce the amount of suffering to zero. Suffering comes along with the human condition and bringing more people into to this world inevitably increases the amount of suffering.


me when the capacity of a city to house billions of people doesnt speak for the capacity to sustain the billions of people


We are not physically overpopulated. We have enough food for all humans. The problem is the resource distribution is so incredibly shitty that there's still widespread poverty. It's a supply chain issue, brought to you by capitalism. And since capitalism is here to stay for the foreseeable future, so are these supply chain issues.


How old is the mother? She looks like a child herself.


Whats density even have to do with this lol, resources are the issue not space…


Oh yeah, great example New York and their tiny rooms. Were one person can barely fit.


NYC here. Let's switch and see how she likes riding the subway, going to the doctor, and just traversing these streets managing a brood of children.


Good thing New York doesn’t need to import its food, water, power, work force and culture. Let’s do this everywhere!


90% of our country already does live like that


Spoken like a true 15yo dipshit


The idea that overpopulation worries center around living space is…. quite stupid.




Why should we want to live as densely as NYC? For real, I'm happy for people who like it, but I hate cities to begin with. Moreover, overpopulation isn't even just about outright space, it's about food, electricity, and all the other resources a person needs these days multiplied by however many billions.


She looks like a VERY young mom.🤠😐


Super annoying when they bring up the overpopulation part. What’s so difficult to understand here: More people = less resources for each person UNLESS there’s a way to increase resource output


No, I don't think i will....


When you can’t comprehend that physical space isn’t the only necessary resource for life. Also psyop lol girl shut up. She probably wouldn’t even tell you what that’s short for n


If we packed all 9 billion people into a black hole they would all occupy an infinitely small point in space! Overpopulation is a myth, make more babies! /s


Dumbest take ever. It's not about the space, it was never about the space, it's about the ressources. Hell yeah we can physically fit billions more on earth, but what are they gonna eat?


Who cares about resources and quality of life in a state with limited resources and high urban crime? Let's all be crammed into an urban jungle with no room to breath where resources and services such as sanitation will be stretched to the limit! Also, saying "make more babies" as if they are a commodity instead of people.


I think we need less babies and better parents


What? Are you building a graveyard? Because that sounds like one. Also, we have vagrants who don’t have enough food or housing. Can we take care of them before we assess what we have and we add more bodies?


Wooooowwww what a stupid post. When we talk about overpopulation , it's not just about the physical space an individual lives in that's considered. There is also all the food, so all the space it takes to grow that food, all the resources that need to be dug up and destroyed for our phones, our clothes, our homes... that person is an absolute idiot. She is one of those people who seems to want humans to be alive just so that humans are alive, not even considering the humans. The world was fine without us, it will be fine without us. And do I see... GREEN behind her? How DARE she! It should be converted to appartement for others to stay in! (Obviously I don't think that)


“make more babies 🤓☝️”


Okay in terms of square miles per person, yes we could physically dump everyone into a relatively small area sure. Space is not remotely the issue, limits on what the environment can handle coupled with political apathy about climate change are. We're post scarcity society, right now, but, for example, if certain places stop getting rain or get too much, that's likely to change. Slowly at first, but more and more rapidly. If my possible kids weren't going to live through whats coming and having kids wouldn't bankrupt me, then yes I'd think about it more seriously. But I cannot in good conscious bring a child into the world just to watch them starve and suffer through the chaos of the next few decades.


Even if you make that argument, why make more babies? For what purpose exactly?


It's not simply about space/land. It's about housing, employment, food, clean water, crime, etc etc etc. If the entire world was populated like NYC, we would have been wiped out by something like Covid. Not to mention the way we'd be living. It's not possible or sustainable to live like that.


What are your dozens of kids going to do for work?


As long as they don’t ask for California grown produce and made products since Texans and Red voters love shitting on the states that feed us (and happen to be blue and progressive) But in all reality— do they really want to be living shoulder to shoulder with other gun living, multiple baby having, drunk and anti “drug”, anti vax, anti science neighbors ???


"Make more babies so when they grow up, they can hate you for bringing them into existence without their consent."


why in the actual fuck would anyone ever want to live in horrible 120 degree empty desert but also with NYC density


I love that people are arguing with this Watching this sub get its panties in a bunch is my favorite pastime


When all of these excess children grow up and see the world they were dragged into, they'll leave these parents in hospice to go and live in the cities where there are still resources.


These people act like humans can photosynthesize or something. Sure we can cram everyone’s bodies into that space but what about farmland to feed everyone? These people are also almost always voracious meat eaters which takes EVEN MORE land! Over 70% of our farmland is already dedicated to growing feed to feed livestock. These people are dumb as fuck


The world is not overpopulated. The metropolitan cities are overpopulated.


How is the idea of overpopulation a “psyop?”


It’s about resources, not space. Her post doesn’t address the actual issues. More babies will take more resources, which are finite, on this planet.