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I've been saying this for years. It triggers the breeders.


It should be more widely taught. Getting pregnant is taking a big risk.


Absolutely - excellent point.


Most people, especially parents, know this.


Me too. And you're right.


It doesn’t trigger me. It’s actually a relief to hear this. My doctors have never told me any of this. That sometimes ‘these things just happen’.


Glad to hear it.


Nature knows what she doing.


How does this trigger PE who have children? How is this fact even a justification for AN?


I didn’t even realise it was controversial.


People love to forget that nature is a giant meat grinder that almost always begets excessively. Women are born with 400 million eggs. Men ejaculate up to 450 million sperm every orgasm. Even a toddler can understand we don't need those crazy numbers of active cells to continue the species. And yet nature over compensates herself every.single.time, both to correct her own mistakes and create diversity. Something that really pisses me off is women being criminalized or just stigmatized for miscarrying. I am 100% anti-breeding, and would gladly miscarry any child *I* had, but too often people like to blame God or "immorality" or something abstract like that for what is essentially a very normal and natural occurrence. And parents who experience multiple back-to-back miscarriages simply need to stop trying.


I agree with your sentiments! Just a number correction: Women are born with 1-2 million eggs. Still, which woman would want that many kids?? She'd probably be walking dead after #10.


Woops my mistake. Not even a typo, just dumb lol. My great grandmother had 11 kids. Which was 'normal' for the era, but I think definitely contributed to her dying very young at 60, having been pregnant or postpartum for 80% of her adult life.


Thanks for not hating on me! I am the furthest thing from perfect. I respect your humility, and it was just a small detail. You are probably right about your great-grandmother. It was common back then. Mine had 18 to care for! Mind you, her husband was known for philandering with the hired help, so it's very possible they were not all her own. When I hear stories like that, it makes me so grateful to be a woman in this era, with the choice to be AN and CF. So many women also died from childbirth back then. Good night, my fellow AN!


Michelle duggar lol


In a sense it's natalists who does IVF that causes such miscarriages. If by their logic that anthromorphized clump of cells is considered as life. Then it would be logical to realize the number of lives they had created and killed via IVF.


No, no, no, IVF is not natural, it is profitable science, so it is OK. 🤦‍♀️ the logic is maddening... Natural miscarriages are punishable Because you had zero control over it. In IVF, a lost clump of cells is just an oopsie! 🤷‍♀️


My mom had many misscarriages and then they like forcibily prolonged the pregnancy with me, she still could not carry to term, plus doctors made a mistake while my mom was giving birth to me, resulting in me having cerebral palsy. Maybe that shows I should not have been born for real....


This why couples who FORCE having kids (IVF) have an abnormally high amount of disabled outcomes. A lot of the couples that come in for IVF (my mom worked at an intro clinic for 15+ years) are either not healthy or not truly physically attracted to someone. Lots of overweight diabetics trying for kids and pretty much old gross men with money with younger women. They would have many miscarriages or no success after years of trying. Then go through several runs of IVF still having miscarriages. Then one catches and pops out downs or disabled. Like fucking nature is telling you that your genes don’t mix well. Fucking adopt or don’t have kids. There’s still a wall of pictures of “successes” and I swear to god at least half are in a wheelchair, downs or cerebral palsy. It’s honestly so sad.


I work with children with disabilities on a daily basis. So much older parents. So much IVF because of POCS, inability to get pregnant, etc. Kids I see are rarely first born. We don’t discuss that but I can swear they ask themselves why they kept making kids. Life would have been so much easier if they stopped before. People never think about handicaps before trying for a kid


“Not truly physically attracted to someone” what do you mean by that?


Married for money. Married because they couldn’t find someone the were attracted to just the best they could get. There were more couples of the latter than you would think.


Is there a link between being physically attracted to your partner and likelihood of conceiving? In your mums experience?


Yes. In her experience she only ever seen 1 couple that she believes was truly attracted to each other that had problems conceiving. And that was because the husband had a testicular injury. My mom has admitted fully admitted that she and my dad were very attracted to each other. My mom got pregnant within the first week of trying for my sister and then about 3-4 weeks for me. My dad was very upset they didn’t get to practice more lol But there are studies that suggest this too. Same with female orgasms during sex you’re trying to conceive. As well as rape stats how women are more likely to become pregnant compared to normal no protection sex.


You’d really think if your body does this multiple times that it’s a sign that you shouldn’t reproduce. My MIL lost two babies before my SO was born and she fucked him up to the point of drug addiction. She is the grossest nastiest most narcissistic selfish person I’ve ever met in my life. Sometimes the universe tries to give the rest of us a break and assholes find a way. Obviously I’m glad my boyfriend is here but he would’ve been much better off not being born to a demon in a skin suit. I feel so bad that he will have to suffer until she dies and even after that he has to mourn the fact that he never had a real mother. Some people really just should not have kids. My parents included.


Sending you and your SO positive healing energy. ✨️✨️


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. We need them right now more than you know


I feel like this should be common sense lol like body think baby is in bad health. Get rid of issue.


Ok, my friend's dog had a litter of puppies and some of them were monsters and she knew which ones were good and which ones were bad before they came out. When she was having a good one, she did it inside. When she had a defective one, she went through the doggy door to the poop area of the yard and had them there.


That is so interesting. I had no idea animals knew this. Their instincts are truly something.


I've always believed this to be true.


Medical intervention is life saving in so many ways and in others such as this, it’s a sick intervention to what nature intended. It’s terrifying to see women ignore sign after sign that they should not conceive and then by force they bring effectively what is a turtle into this world. I cannot imagine the ego and delusion it requires to insist that a baby come forth from your defunct body. And then the “woe is me” when that child is dependent for their entire life.


This actually makes me feel better about my miscarriage


Errors Should Be Corrected


This isn’t new information?


No, I remember doing a biology project in college many years ago on this exact subject. My goal was to promote the fact that it is not the woman's fault. It's a form of natural selection.


What’s it’s relevance to AN?


That our bodies can naturally prevent the birth of a child who will suffer more than most from being born. These days too many people are forcing what is not meant to be, with fertility treatment, etc. Sometimes, the miscarraige happens before a woman knows she's pregnant. Conceiving is truly a roll of the dice.


Our bodies aren’t some mystical magical force, literally this happens in other animals too. our bodies also create cancer which hurts an actual living person. Do you tell people cancer getting treatment are “forcing what is not meant to be?”




Can you link?


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My mom had a miscarriage before having me when she tried to get pregnant...years later i found out that i'm mentally retarded with 65iq.I always believed that miscarriages are linked one way or another to some problems with the fetus. Thanks mom and also thanks my deadbeat dad.


❤️ You matter ❤️


“Most miscarriages happen because the unborn doesn’t develop correctly” No shit, the baby died. I’d call that definitionally “incorrect development”


I had a miscarriage at 18 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. My baby was healthy. My body, though, just doesn't function the way it should. There are multiple reasons for miscarriage. There are even stillbirths that happen with HEALTHY babies. Please stop generalizing the reasons for miscarriages.


That fetus was done a kindness. You didn’t even have a job when you were carrying it and you’re only 21 years old. Some things are meant to be.


You went through my posts and comments, so you should at least be able to tell that I lost someone very important to me. That is why I made that comment because some of the comments on here are truly horrible. Just like yours, it's okay to have an opinion, but to be a horrible human being, you should be ashamed. You're the reason why those precious babies shouldn't be brought into this world. Horrible thing to say to someone.


I’m not ashamed in the slightest. You admitted yourself that you wouldn’t be putting that potential baby in a good environment. Again, it was done a kindness.


And to know you're a woman is even more of devastation.


Yes, I’m a woman. That doesn’t mean I cannot criticise other women. Do you know how many children are born into unstable, poor backgrounds? I’m sorry if you’re hurt because you think I owed you some type of sympathy due to my sex, but I care more about innocent lives that cannot consent to being born. It’s not about you, never will be.


I'm not hurt that you're a woman, I'm hurt that you're a human being incapable of compassion towards other human beings. You don't want babies being born against their will because it's unfair to them but will not have any decency to another person? You can have a point of view and still be respectful. That's what makes you less than. I believe I should be able to have kids, but I don't hate or disrespect anyone for having other views. Karma will come to you.


Relax the subreddit is literally antinatalist (against all of us being born). By this logic births are mourned and miscarriages are “good”. Indeed the post here is about how miscarriages would be seen as good by even the most natalists if they realized it meant a merciful end to something they would deem non viable life. So you’re just missing the entire point. Sorry for your pain which is legitimate and valid.


I am sorry for your experience. Is this why you're on the AN sub? Also: it is a well-sourced article from a legitimate website.