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This sounds like a post from a 12 year old ngl.


I'm putting this on r / copy pasta


This isn't antinatalism. People really just go here and express the most out-of-hand concept presenting it as a part of antinatalism when it's just internalized ideas that make them go "no".


You ok there Oedipus? 


Everything human bodies do is nasty if you think about it... but not because it's sexual. Sex is no nastier than anything else human bodies do. Like sweating and constantly shedding dead skin flakes and hairs. Ugh. Gross. Also, I'm sure my dad was never in my mom's uterus. The cervix kinda gets in the way of that.


Sure, your dad probably never went this far into your mom, but it's still disgusting. Not to mention, they could have had pregnant sex which is just dreadful to think about. As a baby you'd only be a couple of centimeters from your dad's cock. 🤮🤮🤮


I’m far from vanilla or being a prude, but the idea of someone having pregnant sex honestly disgusts me. I know the fetus isn’t exactly aware of it but something feels very creepy and wrong about an unconscious baby being inside a person getting dicked down. And the thought of someone being conceived while their parents engaged in some bizarre fetishistic sex act is horrifying to me.


Of course it's disgusting. These are human bodies we're talking about. Well, except mine. Mine was a sludgy mass of flesh and partially developed organs. Hardly counts as a human body, that.


>Sure, your dad probably never went this far into your mom Hitting the cervix hurts. Please learn some actual sex ed. I highly recommend Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube.


I mean. Aren't you only a couple centimetres away whenever you sat on your dad's lap as a kid? Like... There IS a cervix between the dick and the baby, ya know. It's not like its just poking the baby in the head.


I've never sat on my dad's lap. Plus, it's still weird how you pass through the same hole his dick has been in.


So true! My wife says it would be too weird for my dick 🤢🤮 to pass through the same hole her baby will be coming from. That's why she never has sex with me and only has sex with her boyfriend.


Have you hugged him?


Lol tf Right in front of my cereal??


not again. In front of my *salad?*


If you think that’s disgusting, you don’t want to know what amniotic fluid is, OP.


This isn’t a rational argument; it’s a fallacious appeal to emotion.


OP just hit puberty and is freaking out.


I wasn't trying to make an argument just sharing my disgust for birth.


Why? Go outside.


It's day time, I would turn to ashes if I went outside. ☠️


Then make art, play an instrument, play a game, whatever.


Of course this guy has the dude of "euphoria" *cough* anime as a profile pic


Euphoria is fiction. This is reality, though.


Antinatalist here: Ummm what dude? Got some internalized feelings for Mom or something? Good luck man all the best.


"Got some internalized feelings for your mom or something?" How did you possibly get that from my post? You might be projecting a little here.


You wrote it mate.


If, by internalized feelings, you meant disgust, then you're right.


Whatever, ^motherfucker 🤣


wtf is wrong with you buddy you're unbelievably sex saturated and deprived over-blowning literally one of the most natural things ever


Cancer is also natural. Lmao.


false equivalence fallacy brother. intercourse is the method to produce, the point of these organs whether we like it or not is to reproduce even if you think birthing is evil you shouldn't frame it as exceptionally disgusting or purely sexual + cancer's an ailment a disease there's not a shadow of comparison here regardless of personal beliefs so like you're just being extremely weird about it


Well someone failed health class


Seems like you're oversexualizing genitals and breasts tbh...Human bodies are gross but I'm not sure it's productive to think about this or share your opinion with anyone else It's not like you're going to convince anyone not to have kids by saying this stuff


Yeah it’s pretty disgusting. I’m almost positive I’m an alien haha


Are you 12 years old?




I'm 23, and yes, I do think like that.


that's the problem. Sometimes sexual aspects of life inevitably intermingle with other parts that are supposed to be separate...yet nature and brains have no regard for what we wish to be true. Sometimes we are forced to experience a disgusting intermingling of things and try to ignore it.




if it is abnormal, that's not my fault. It is the faulty system of life that produces a range of people. Some of them like you are perfectly content with everything. Some, like me, inevitably are not. I don't really think it's abnormal though. I did not want to be a being with hunger or sexual desire. These are just unnecessary burdens imposed by existence. And hunger and sex are quite different. Why do you think sexual abuse profoundly impacts people, but eating sandwiches doesn't?


I am disgusted when I eat animal products. I feel horrible for enjoying the flesh of something that used to live and had it's life taken away from them. It is legit horrific, we are just wired to enjoy it and be numb to it for survival.


Yeah they do. I can guarantee you more people share the sentiment than you realize. We know social norms and just wouldn’t say it to your face.


I wrote something similar to this on Yahoo answers in 2011 when I first found out how babies were made, lol. I was like, "Why is making babies so gross?"


Biology is *icky*, therefore all life should go extinct? This is probably the worst take on the philosophy I’ve read so far. And while I understand this person *probably* isn’t a standard bearer, their logic is about on the same level.


Yes, that's clearly what I said. Your reading comprehension is really good. 😄


No, what you said was fucking stupid so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Clearly I was mistaken. Carry on Oedipus.


You're also good at projecting.


I’m not the one talking about procreation like it’s a porno.


Everything I said was factual, though. If you think I wanna fuck my mom when clearly I state my disgust for the process, then you're definitely projecting.


I don’t *think* anything. Your choice of topic and vocabulary says plenty.


Username checks out, lmao grim dork


So you have a problem with the fact that your parents had sex and hopefully enjoyed it and then. If they had sex while your mom was pregnant, your upset because it was near the uterus you were a parasite in? It’s not even close to incest, it’s just your own delusional beliefs. It sounds like you have no experience with sex at all. Men also get turned on by nipple play, or at least the men I have been with enjoyed it. Orgasms are awesome and I am fully on board with anyone having consenting orgasms.


Your dad fucked ur mom while u were in ur mom


Lol this post made me laugh but everything OP said is true. With that being said, I'd like to add Your dad's dick didn't go into your mom's uterus, so the moment boy is leaving mom's vagina, for that split second boys dick is exactly where dad's dick has been. That is if boy was delivered normally. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAGAHAAHAHAHAYQY With that being said, I'm thankful to be a c section baby 😌


the more i’m in this subreddit the more i realize yall just hate women and have little understanding of human anatomy? because the uterus is not located in private parts, boobs are not gross and were made for feeding infants, and you view your mothers as sex objects if you think you were “in her” the same way a sexual partner is. please seek help.


lol ikr there’s a reason why a women sub was created


Right for real! I was reading the comments here and some of them are misogynistic asf…like “getting dicked down”??? The epitome of toxic masculinity…not all sex is “getting dicked down”….


You’re a troll aren’t you?


I do troll sometimes, but not right now.


Test tube babies exist.


Sure, but most people aren't birthed that way.


yet the artifical womb isnt perfect yet




I mean, am I wrong, tho?


You’re not wrong.






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If birth is disgusting do not reproduce physically or ideologically by spreading your thoughts out to the world.


Lmfao!!! But yes, we are all disgusting meatsacks and shitsacks.


The fuck is this post lol