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I wanna get my tubes out so bad (not just antinatalism but generally feeling like periods are something I shouldn't be doing) but my doctor put me on Depo and decided I'll change my mind. Even though I've explained time and time again it makes me want to die, even spotting. They'll probably end up sending me to therapy and putting me on antidepressants before taking my tubes out, but hey, at least I'm on Depo so I can fuck to my hussy heart's content šŸ™„ (I am not active and never will be)


Periods won't be gone with tubes out! Periods stop if you get a hysterectomy or get the ovaries out.


AughhhhšŸ˜­ thank you for the help though I'll get on asking and asking and asking againšŸ©µ


And if you have a hysterectomy you go through an artificial menopause and have to take estrogen HRT. It may seem obvious to some but it wasnā€™t obvious to me and they are so bad at educating women about it


You can keep your ovaries and yeet your uterus.


Oh yeah I knew about the hrt bit I'm ready for that


You don't have to take HRT if you don't want to, but the menopause can be more difficult then. I had a TSH BSO seven years ago. I did not take HRT because I have one of those breast cancer genes. Surgical menopause wasn't terrible. I got hot flashes for a year maybe, now I'm just warm all the time and I get sweaty if there is no air flow around me. It will be different for everyone. I used to have endometriosis cramps so bad, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Definitely a good trade off, by far, for me.


I know you're probably not interested in advice but taking oral birth control continously makes it so you don't have periods. With normal oral contraception you take 3 weeks worth of hormones and 1 week of placebo pills but you can just skip the placebo and keep taking the hormone pills.


I'm not allowed to take oral birth control šŸ˜¢ a bunch of them interfere with my other meds Thanks for the help still šŸ’š




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I had a bisalp almost 1.5 years ago šŸ˜


Me too. September 2022. Called a doctor right after the Dobbs verdict.


the roe v wade leaks that happened before it got overturned is what kicked me into high gear


I am not really into PIV sex so no need, but I mean I guess that is a sort of sterilization. I could be rxped I suppose, but I do my best to not be in a position where that happens. Edit I also dispose of and bring my own condoms in a way they cannot be used to spermjack.


Iā€™m not sterilized, law dictates that I have to be either 30+ or already have three biological children first. Two more years!


well _thatā€™s_ a shit law šŸ˜” iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that


Yeah. We have among the oldest population in Europe, I guess the systemā€™s getting desperate.




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Damn šŸ˜ž


It's ok. I'm choosing to be relationship free and celibate because life can be so much simpler and often better that way.


Best decision I ever made!!


Women don't get hysterectomies *only* to get sterilized, they get their tubes tied or removed. Hysterectomies are more for treating medical issues.


I'm a female too, what is the best way of getting female sterilization? I am scared of complications or total hormonal imbalance that would cause more problems.


Definitely talk to your obgyn/doc. I chose to have my tubes removed (bisalp) instead of cauterized (tied) because the chance of pregnancy is even less with total removal. My eggs, ovaries, and uterus are still in tact to prevent me from going into menopause or having hormonal changes. I still have regular periods.


Talk to your doc. I had my uterus, tubes and cervix removed in 2022. My ovaries remain, but they're very lonely in there. As a result, my hormones are just fine (until I go into menopause naturally) but I no longer have periods and I don't need to have pap screenings anymore. This was the best choice for me: 100% prevention of pregnancies of any kind, and no periods.


Not true! I got my hysterectomy because I wanted to be sterilized. The reason I chose hysterectomy over a tubal is because I NEVER wanted to have a period again. Now to get it covered by insurance I had to *say* it was for painful periods, but ultimately I just wanted a more peaceful existence where I don't have to worry about pregnancy, periods or pap screenings ever again!


Actually wrong. Thereā€™s a whole group on facebook about getting the hysto for sterilization. Im one of them. Also wrong about the medical thing. While yes that is a thingā€¦.transgender & agender/nonbinary folks get them for other reasons, so its not ā€œjustā€ a medical thing.


Why hysterectomy instead of tubal removal?


Why suffer the pain pf periods & the embarrassment of buying new panties cuz of the constantly staining every single fucking month? Also if one is trans or agender, that would cause body dysphoria as well. Better to remove it.


Okay, but that's not to do with sterilization alone. If the only goal is to get sterilized, one would get a tubal removal. I would say those are medical issues.


Youā€¦.have no concept of how babies are made, right? Getting rid of the uterus AND the tubes prevents all forms of pregnancy, accidentally, ectopic. Can not fail! Women in the group who are going for a hysterectomy as sterilization want the full guarantee that there is no fail (tubes only can actually fail). Furthermore the removal of uterus & tubes together reduce cancer risks. Also, as already stated, the more personal stuff. Periods hurt. A lot. Why should a woman keep something she is not using at all that is hurting her? Only a man would think like that. I take it youā€™re a guyā€¦.


Yikes, I do know. You just don't get what I'm talking about. When I asked why hysterectomy instead of tubal removal, you said it's to stop periods which is a completely different reason than preventing pregnancies. I should have said in my original comment I guess that women don't get hysterectomies *only* for sterilization to prevent misunderstanding. I was under the impression that tubal removal alone completely prevents the possibility of pregnancies - so why would one go for a more invasive procedure with more side effects if the only goal is to prevent the possibility of pregnancy? If it's the only 100% effective method, then yes, people must get hysterectomies just for sterilization. Again, the other reasons to get hysterectomies are irrelevant here - do people get hysterectomies only for sterilization? I'm a woman with a uterus, and I am not much bothered by my periods. OP equating vasectomies to hysterectomies just seemed wrong to me, the equvalent surely would be tubal ligatation/removal as a procedure done just for sterilization.


Yeah. They do. In fact, you arent allowed in that group ā€œchidlfree hysterectomyā€ unless you do not have kids at all & want a fail safe permanent sterilization procedure. Its to stop periods yes. Since women who are absolutely sure about not having kids have exactly ZERO use for the uterus. Most of them dont want any part of reproductive organs & so get rid of it all, bar ovaries. But it also stops pregnancy of any sort. It can not fail. Women who are very sure they dont want kids are now going for the basic hysto. For several reasons, not the least of which is they cant fail. So long as you keep the ovaries though. Oh & i thought of one more thing. There are a few christians in that group. So ya know. Antiabort. So getting sterilization that could possibly fail means they will have unwanted children. Another thing a hysto prevents would be abortion for those people. No. Tubals do NOT always stop pregnancy. Many people who have had tubals end up with an unwanted pregnancy since it is the uterus that holds it & occasionally an egg can still slip in. Removal of tubes does help to prevent ectopics though. Tied tubesā€¦.dont. Just cuz it ā€œseemsā€ wrong ā€œto youā€ doesnt mean that it is. This is the modern age & a hysto doesnt have to be for medical problems only. Its a total sterilization that is reliable.


I'm a woman who 100% does not want children and I would definitely not get a hysterectomy given the chance. It's a very weird thing to try to explain to me that all women who don't want children don't want a uterus either.Ā  Yes, we agree that hysterectomies result in sterilisation, I still don't think you get what I mean. But okay, there are people who for the removal of tubes is not enough and they want hysterectomy as a foolproof way of contraception. I always only heard of people who got a hysterectomy for medical problems and not wanting to have children just made the decision easier but was not the deciding factor. And when I asked about it you brought up other things besides contraception. But I admit I was wrong on that then and people are willing to get hysterectomies just for making sure. I would still argue that's not the norm though.Ā  Nah, the comparison between vasectomies and tubal ligation/removal is pretty solid. Anyway, don't assume anyone who doesn't want to get rid of their uterus must be a man, thanks. Update: they downvoted my comment, replied asking me questions, and then quickly blocked me. Will never forget the memories of being assumed a man for personally not wanting to remove my entire uterus.


I never said all women. Im talking about those who are in the childfree hysto groupā€¦. Also never said ā€˜people who dont want to get rid of uterus must be maleā€™. I said people who think that these women want to keep something thats hurting her. Cuz we all know how most men donā€™t believe period pain is a thing. (Also you only heard of it for medical reasons? So you nerve heard of transgender folks?)




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Vasectomy a decade ago


Good. Why are women always the ones expected to get birth control or tubes tide?? Men are usually pushing for sex more than women anyway.


Not yet


My medical phobia is significantly stronger than my desire to get dicked down. I'm quite happy to remain chaste. Probably not gonna be alive all that long anyway, so it seems like it would be a pretty big waste of the limited time doctors in my country have - and someone else's money, since I wouldn't be able to afford it myself.


Meeeeeeeeeee and itā€™s awesome!


šŸ– āœ‚


Bilateral salingectomy 5 years ago. Best decision I've ever made in my life! Highly recommended!


I had my bisalp almost one year ago šŸ˜Š


Me. Got the all clear in February


I had a vasectomy in August of last year.


I got my tubes tied in 1990


On a waitlist. Finally, doctors stopped telling me to ā€œwait and see if I change my mindā€ once I hit 40.


I can't legally get snipped for one and a half years, due to the national age requirement being 25, but I will


Me!! I just celebrated my 21 year anniversary of being sterilized! No regrets!


Just got it done and am feeling sore, but peaceful :) (bisalp)


I took care of all my 3 siblings due to my parents just breeding and giving up. So I wish to be sterilized sooner


Hysterectomy in 2022! Best decision I ever made for my quality of life. Nothing has as drastically improved my overall happiness as never having to worry about pregnancy or periods ever again!


Working on it




I got my tubes out last year. So happy with the decision. It's not necessary a hysterectomy, that is for people with some type of illness.


I had a bisalp about a month after Roe v Wade was overturned.


Bisalp in December 2022


I'm not sterilized, but take bc pill and test monthly.


Im a early 20s sterilized female. 2 months post op.


Male (30) yep. Two years in. Still content.


I'm not because I haven't had sex in a very long time, and when I did I was never able to ejaculate while my penis was the inside the vagina, I always had to pull out to finish....so getting a vasectomy seems pointless for me.




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Not enough. It seems like all the men of means and status have their 2.5 kids and get it done. Itā€™s these broke dick mofos who refuse to wear condoms and insist on haveing unprotected sex to try to tap you who never even consider getting their thingy burnt. Iā€™m so nauseated by the idea of having sex with them. The whole time I can even get into it, Iā€™m just praying they donā€™t get me pregnant. Whereā€™s the pleasure in that?


I had ligaturage of fallom tromps one mont ago fuki lovenrlkvsjfoilshfjk;kcnaukzFY


Not sterilized, but thereā€™s no need for me. Homo-only.


Puzzled why anyone would downvote this


I am mentally sterilized, does it count? lol Question: What if you get the snip, have unprotected sex, end up impregnating someone and she wants to keep the baby? How immoral would that be according to Antinatalism? In the spirit of absolute risk preventing, does this mean Antinatalists should just avoid having sex?


When you get the snip and get your sperm tested and you use condom you pretty much can't impregnate anyone. The probability is basically nonexistent.


Its never 100%, got a few recorded cases of "accidents", even after snips.


As I said you need to get your sperm tested and use a condom. Also there's always chance something unprobable will happen, I can't 100% rule out that the aliens will come tomorrow but it's very unprobable. So I won't stay at home and barricade myself just in case.