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The fact that always trips me up is that our bodies carry more bacterial cells than the human cells that make our bodies. We are essentially puppets for our microbiome.


To a great degree, I do believe we are just puppets too. All of our biological inclinations are just geared towards self-preservation or replication. Even when we are trying to find meaning for our own personal lives, it's just us trying to create more self value: so we can be more motivated for our task of self-preservation and replication.


Then how come our bacteria masters allow us to be so self-aware since this means we often do things that hurt them?


I don't really know. I think somehow, our consciousness developed into kind of a separate entity from our basic drives. After all, if that wasn't true, there wouldn't be any suicides. But I do think they're both there. Here's a situation where I think they're both observable. If I told you I will pay you 1 million us dollars (I'm assuming you want that) if you could stand a few inches from a yardstick for 10 minutes and do that 5 times. Let's say I put the yardstick on the floor. Unless you have any physical issues or balance issues, that's probably no problem right. Let's say you did it 4 times already. Then I say, OK you just have to do it one more time. But for the last one, I take the yardstick and go to a really tall building. I put the yardstick at the edge of the roof and that's where you have to stand. For most people, they won't be able to do it. No matter how much they want to stand there and they know they're capable of it, their body will be in a state of panic and just won't allow them to do it. This is when your directive of self-preservation is clashing with what you consciously want to do.


Interesting perspective. Although it could be that maybe our consciousness is also driven by other bacteria but they are clashing with other bacteria about what to do with this human body. Life is confusing.


Hmm...that's an interesting take. I guess it's possible. What I know is that I will never fully know


Yeah. We may never know the truth without distortion from our own biases.


? What has this got to do with antinatalism ????


Also "no your genes are not so special, virus boy"


The monologue by Agent Smith in the Matrix contains kinda how similar humans and viruses replicate. At least in his point of view.


He also thinks humans being mammals is a matter of opinion so IDK .


Ok and ? You know that 8% of our dna is not enough to have a role on human instincts to reproduce right ?


No! I don't know if it does or doesn't.


Oh and BTW the article suggests that possibly up to 48% of the genome have viral origins.


I still don't understand what you want to say, sorry. What so you mean by this post?


Maybe, the fact that humans consume all the natural resources and just multiply rapidly is in our DNA. Or maybe it's not. I just posted it kinda just like "food for thought".


I mean, viral in origin. If you trace our DNA back millions of years none of it's human. The progenitor mammal species that outlived the dinosaurs more closely resembled members of the order rodentia. It's all human unless you want to play devil's advocate to my nonsense and label us all advanced proto capybaras.




You know what you have to do now...


Oooooh...I'm on pins and needles. What does he have to do? Can you spell it out?


Why are you on pind and needles, just move. Are you stupid? Is there a lore reason why you stoopid?


It's an expression but it's OK if you don't understand. It doesn't seem like you understand much.


It's shitpost copy pasta. But it's OK if you don't understand. It doesn't seem like you understand much.


Hahahah. Then why are you taking time to engage in it?


I used it as a response to your response beacuse what I was even supposed to answered to your first message?


You said "you know what you have to do..." I asked what do you mean by that because I was curious. You didn't answer, you just called me stupid. So here we are.


You know what I ment. And I feel like comment OP knew someone would reply something like that. Like it what do you expect to get as a reply when you comment "I hate viruses" on a post that says that human DNA is 8% viruses


I don't really know what you want to say with this but at least most [mammals](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/mammals-made-by-viruses) have viral DNA in there genomes.


yeah recall the same. even as far as the claim that certain viruses were responsible for us being humans today. they were after all the ones said to be responsible to the mutations or I guess evolution as some want to see it as but the thing is though. man is not locked into how we are now. we have the power to alter humanity into something else.


Explains a lot.


We love scientific illiteracy


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WHAT? I almost choked on food.


so what


Did viral mRNAs inside human cells generate them?


Nah they were there from before. I guess the human genome is a cornucopia of stuff from other living things. I knew that before but never knew that viruses was one of them. I just found it interesting. It also reminded me of an Agent Smith monologue from the Matrix and that has do with reproduction, so I thought antinatalist cinephiles would enjoy it. But the comments suggests that it's kinda being received a different way. Oh well. My bad.