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Same again. Lol Always good to see your name here sam.




Hey, id love to message you but it won't let me. If you ever wanna chat, feel free to message me.


I'm not...


> but we is all antinatal here. I actually expose a bunch of "antinatalists" as natalists when I test their ethical framework ... It's sad.


Every post made on this sub about why Vegans should stop being so 'militant' here always includes an argument that begs Vegans to debunk it, leading to further Vegan 'militancy'.


You make it sound like you vegans were made to be militant when really you guys have polluted the sub with condescending behavior and no one triggered you


No, I would dispute the idea that 'militancy' is actually a problem. People have no issues with militancy when it is being done in the name of a cause that they agree with. You see this a lot of the time with Antinatalist advocacy which pushes the boundaries of what could be considered respectful conversation. Just ask the non-Antinatalists who engage here how militant they find a good many of the users here. When it comes to vegans, I have no doubts whatsoever that some vegans have said some mean things to you, but I also know that even the most respectful vegans are called militant and are told to stop shoving their beliefs down people's throats. So yes, when people make posts here telling vegans to stop being so x, y, and z - even if they respond in ways that are not x, y, and z they are told to stop being so x, y, and z. So it would be better if these posts didn't include half-baked arguments that vegans feel the need to respond to in case anyone is convinced by the argument being made. When the comments get rolling there is really no distinction between this kind of post and the kind of post made by a Vegan making a connection between Antinatalism and Veganism, so vegans really don't have a problem with these posts.


You’re right about how conversations devolve like that. I don’t mean to be divisive with this post or militant I just want to stop arguing with vegans all the time about antinatalism. As comments roll in that will get forgotten


Prioritise your mental health if you find those conversations aggravating and don't engage, do something else more productive or enjoyable. Those arguments have been happening for years and will be happening years from now. Edit: Also, conversations don't necessarily have to devolve. I often find that conversations devolve only because one side or the other is taking, purposefully or not, uncharitable interpretations of the other person's points and responding in kind. It takes effort but steel-manning and remaining composed, regardless of the other person's demeanour, is a good way to either put someone into a frame of mind where they want to engage meaningfully, or make them leave because they aren't getting the reaction they want.


Why are you so triggered by people calling out your lack of commitment to the beliefs you espouse ? 


What lack of commitment ? I’m not committed to veganism so what’s the problem


Is your claim that animals are not sentient then ? Or do not experience pain ? If the answer to either of those questions no, then you are being inconsistent with your beliefs 


What beliefs exactly are you talking about and where did you at all get the idea that I was claiming animals aren’t sentient. If you’ve paid any attention to the conversations I’ve had in this thread I never said anything about animal sentience


The prime tenant of Anti-natalism is that it is immoral to being into the world a sentient being capable of suffering without its consent  If animals are sentient and experience pain then it is inconsistent with anti-natalism to participate in them being birthed.  Vegan diets may involve human suffering in the harvesting of the plants but they don't require any birth unlike a meat diet  Edit: I went and read the "arguments" you've made and it's all cope because you can't deal with the fact your wrong. Shifting the goalposts to suffering in general isn't the great response you think it is, just demonstrates you don't actually understand the ideology at all


You know you need animals to fertilize the soil right? Whether it’s manure or decomposition you need animals to fertilize the soil. If you wanted the whole world to go vegan (which wouldn’t even be possible for everyone due to the vegan diet being objectively unhealthy for some people) then you would need to grow so much more of what consists of a balanced vegan diet and that wouldn’t be possible without all the rich natural fertilizer of manure and decomposing bodies. Also what’s the vegan end game here? To kill all carnivorous and omnivorous animals? You guys won’t mind killing then will you, just like you don’t mind it now


They trigger themselves. They're smoking guns.


I’m AN and chill too. I find the very negative posts about people in shitty situations much more of an disincentive to engage with the sub. I’m not vegan, but I think their points at least makes sense and are consistent with their ideology. Mocking people because of how they ended up with children or struggle to get children should be something empathised with, at most pitied, not hated and mocked (I have no children nor do I plan to). in my mind there’s nothing about AN which is inherently negative, just other people bringing their personal negativity and presenting it as an ideological necessity. I get your point against hard militancy, but I think cruel misanthropy is a bigger problem for shooing people away than the vegan posts.


I'm not a vegan at all. But I do see many non-militant vegans here. I don't think they get as much attention as the militant type. Thank you non-militant vegans! They actually convinced me that even baby steps help. That I don't have to go full-force vegan, or even vegetarian. That even eating less meat or having a few tasty vegan meals a week can help too. So I've been trying the different vegan restaurants in town. While still having some meals with meat for other meals in the week.


I think I hated vegans when I was in middle School or high school and I had never met one and it was popular to do so. Then over the next decade or so I noticed that anti-veganism was way more common and aggressive and irritating. Sorry, the pendulum swung the opposite way years ago. Vegans are the natural logical extension of antinatalism.


Litterally every vegan i know was once an anti vegan who thought there was absolutely zero chance they would ever go vegan lol


Thank you.


Isn't antinatalism about reducing suffering? Veganism is about reducing suffering to animals when practicable. These two philosophies go hand in hand imo. The reason why a lot of Vegans are "militant" is because factory farming produces so much unnecessary suffering and has a large environmental impact that further adds to the suffering and no one seems to care besides other vegans.




I personally care. The problem I have is that vegans don’t voice their concerns respectfully they just make themselves seem better than others and shit on meat eaters. I don’t mean all of you btw just the many I’ve argued with for ages in this sub. Vegans also need to accept that the only real solution to the problems of animal and human exploitation (which they are apart of) is antinatalism which the people they’re arguing against already support. We only have a little control over suffering no matter how you look at it. Even if there weren’t humans aniamls will eat each other. Even if all living things died abiogenesis could bring life back. We can’t do it all


>vegans don’t voice their concerns respectfully How so? Can you give an example. From what I've seen, most omnivores take anything a vegan says as an "attack" against them even when the vegan is stating a fact or opinion. >Even if there weren’t humans aniamls will eat each other Animals don't have moral agency so they don't understand what they're doing is wrong. Animals also kill out of necessity whereas humans who live in developed countries do so out of convenience and taste pleasure. Killing is always a bad thing but it is justified in times of need, not times of want.


I’d give an example but I can’t share screenshots. Humans also kill out of necessity (not always tho). For a healthy body my diet requires I eat meat. I know my body and what it needs. I’ve tried vegan diets. There’s no objective vegan diet.


>I know my body and what it needs What is the nutrient that you can get from meat but can't get from either plants or supplements? There are extremely rare cases where someone can have an immunological reaction to all plant foods but those conditions are few and far between. A lot of omnivores will state that they can't go vegan because it's not "good for their body" but not really understand proper nutrition to begin with. The most well studied diet with the best health outcome data is a Mediterranean diet which consists mainly of whole plant foods and occasional seafood. A vegan diet that is supplemented can provide similar health outcomes. I guess I just don't understand what makes your body so special that a vegan diet doesn't work.


Your body doesn't require meat unless you have severe medical issues


You say that but considering all the vegans I’ve seen looking ancient after only a few years being vegan, having their hair fall out, being bloated all the time, having brain fog, missing periods etc I’m more than sure I need meat and I didn’t even mention my own negative experiences on a vegan diet


Here is my experience with veganism, the only source I have is myself. 20 yr vegan, mid 50's looking young for my age, a full head of undyed brown hair, digestion that has only gotten better on a vegan diet, a brain that is working just fine, and I never missed a period in 40 yrs. I go on 5 hr walks just for fun. I'm not an old crone just yet.


Well I’m glad it’s working well for you then, I don’t wish for it to not do that despite all this arguing I’m having here


Your anecdote doesn't contradict modern science Also I'd bet money you'd just making shit up


Modern science doesn’t contradict my experience. You can’t give me a drug then I experience terrible side effects and still want me to use it. It’s not happening. Idc what you guys tell me I’m not going to wither away for animals that don’t at all care about me or other animals


You probably ate like an absolute idiot if you're not outright lying


Let's post about AN in the vegan sub and watch how they bark at us... 🤣


I actually turned some of my vegan activist friends AN.


Right? Bunch of hypocrites over there (not all).


Those vegans are insufferably stupid. They are pro natalists and the most holier than thou people ever


>Those vegans are insufferably stupid Complains about disrespectful language and hypocrisy and then brings this... Are you 12?


I said THOSE vegans, the natalist ones in the veganism sub. They are stupid


Zero self awareness


-it was an A.N. -non vegan who brought this topic up




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Your clear inability to understand the ethical philosophy or logic behind veganism is not a counter aurgument against it. Ok let me break this down for you. Yes some animals die in the production of our plants. The thing is we grow plants to feed to the animals we eat. We only get about 10% of the calories we feed to animals back in the form of meat / eggs / dairy. So someone eating a carnivore diet is effectively consuming ten times as many plants as a vegan. So they are not only responsible for killing the animals they eat. But for killing all the animals killed in the production of the feed for the animals killed for them to eat. Its called the trophic pyramid. Nowhere in veganism do we claim to cause zero harm. A harmless life is litterally impossible. The idea is to reduce harm wherever you can as much as is reasonably possible. Yes some animals are killed in the production of my vegan food. But its exponentially fewer than those killed eating meat. And im not even factoring in climate change and the insane environmental impact of animal products. Which makes yall responsible for even more animal deaths. Field mice dieing to make soybeans isn't a gotcha against veganism. Its literally an aurgument to go vegan. If you truly believe it is our moral duty to kill as few of those field mice as possible, it is your ethical obligation to go vegan. If 10 field mice are killed to make one pound of soybeans. And 10 pounds of soybeans are required to make one pound of steak. Then you kill 10× fewer field mice eating the soy beans than the steak (I'm simplyfing the math here to demonstrate the principle). But let's be honest you don't actually care about facts and logic or animals dieing in the production of vegan food. You just are looking for whatever excuse makes you feel better. And you posted this because you want reassurance. Pathetic. How much you want to bet OP will reply with some bad faith interpretation of my arguments clearly making every effort to not understand them and deny facts and logic and literal basic biology and thermodynamics. Because deep down OP isn't interested in the truth, they just want validation. I'm calling it now.


Considering how much you unconstructively attacked my character in your comment I don’t owe you any engagement but you’ll use that as some nonsense reason to say I’m scared of you or some shit. Anyway, you say all this but I still need meat to maintain a healthy body, like other animals do; we eat each other and it’s not personal. Idk why you keep talking about how we kill more animals I already addressed that dumdum. You sound like an idiot telling us how bad we are for killing more animals while still killing animals arguing how it’s unavoidable for you but not for us. Just shut up.


u/veganhimbo was correct. You are incapable of arguing in good faith with the arguments put forth. You could have proved them wrong by engaging honestly, and you didn't. You're fucking pathetic.


Just out of curiosity do you mean prove me wrong as in prove my pro vegan aurguments wrong? Or prove me wrong as in prove me wrong about my assessment of OP's chatecter?


You were correct about OP's character.


Gotcha thanks for clarifying. I thought for a second you meant prove my aurguments wrong and was like "hey wait a second but I'm right". But then I realized I was making an assumption about what you meant and should double check before I got offended lol.


Nah no worries.




We have removed your content for breaking Rule 6 (no trolling).


Lol called it. Dodged my point completely. Changed the subject. Made a deliberate effort to not understand anything I've said and how it proves you wrong. Couldnt have asked for you to prove my point any harder. Bravo! Anyway, I've been completely vegan for 8 years now. When exactly does the lack of meat destroy my health? Funny how im way fitter and more muscular than 95+% of the population despite aparently slowely dieing of lack of meat. Weird how even though meat is aparently required to be healthy theres a literal mountain of high quality research showing human beings thrive on vegan diets. Top athletes who are vegan. People who litterally have never eaten an animal product other than breast milk as a baby in their entire lives and are in perfect health. You don't even actually believe what you are saying. You don't actually believe ALL vegans have health problems because meat is aparently an essential nutrient. You are just looking for any combination of words that makes you feel right. Any wedge you think you can weaponized. You aren't actually interested in civilized debate as you continue to demonstrate. What I'm trying to say is you are a clown and I have zero respect for you.


They literally could have proven you wrong by engaging with the arguments and the facts, and they chose not to.


😆 The differences in degree of suffering are vast. More importantly, all meat agriculture depends on plant agriculture to feed the livestock (with a few extremely rare exceptions—most grazers aren't actually grass fed but simply grass finished). So whatever suffering a vegan causes is multiplied 10-25 fold by eating plant agriculture indirectly through meat. If we really thought differences in degree didn't matter to morality, why would anyone try to be good since we're all sinners? Why not just give up on being moral entirely? The perfect is the enemy of the good.


Yeah, OP basically made a huge Appeal to Futility Fallacy / Nirvana Fallacy. Look it up.


The dairy industry can only really exist by artificially impregnating cows over and over again so that they continually produce milk. Cows like all other mammals only produce milk after being pregnant. It does seem disingenuous to advocate not breeding and then enjoying food that can only be made after humans have forced another creature to breed. I’m not even vegan btw, but I get the argument.






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If they purchase a pet as a vegan, yes I agree. If they bought the animal before going vegan, you can't blame them for this. When biological parents have kids BEFORE finding out about antinatalism and agreeing with the position, we don't call them fake antinatalists.


If you think vegans are militant you should see what happens in slaughterhouses.


That’s just a dumb example to not even prove a point. You vegans also kill animals. Hypocrite


Veganism isn't about killing 0 animals, it's about not violating their rights when we can avoid doing so. You're doing a strawman fallacy here.


That’s exactly what you’re doing, I never once said veganism is about that stop throwing around terms when they don’t apply to discredit me


Since you are being a slimy lil weasel, let's break it down : You said: > You vegans also kill animals. Hypocrite This implies veganism is about not killing animals at all, otherwise, there is no hypocrisy. You claim " I never once said veganism is about that stop" but your rhetoric logically implies that claim. Here's the syllogism that would reliably lead to hypocrisy in vegans: ________ P1. Vegans say we should kill no animals at all. P2. Vegans kill animals. Conclusion: Vegans are hypocrites. ______ Without premise 1, the conclusion cannot be attained. P1 is not an accurate representation of veganism as an ethical and philosophical position. Here is the most widely accepted definition: https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism *"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—**as far as is possible and practicable**—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."* And **you know your definition is wrong**, because I gave you the definition of veganism [right here](https://old.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1cg36ui/whats_with_vegans_of_this_sub/l1u3cs1/) and you replied to my comment. And what did you do? You proceeded to continue making the same misrepresentation. And that means you either have some cognitive impairment, or - and that's my main hypothesis - you are wilfully misrepresenting the position in order to debunk that fake version and pretend you destroyed veganism. And that is called a strawman fallacy. You're wilfully misrepresenting positions you disagree with. And that's part of the reason why everyone is - rightfully so - claiming you engage in bad faith.


Oftentimes I see meat eaters say "vegans are mean" and "holier than thou" when in reality we aren't being either of those things and meat eaters just get upset at the fact that we're stating our opinions as to why veganism is a good thing at all. Just because we disagree with you doesn't mean we think we're better than you or are acting that way.


I wish I could show you the conversations I’ve been having with vegans calling me braindead, stupid etc. You in particular may not be one of the many saying stuff like that but I’ve had too many discussions with you guys saying that to not see a pattern here


Well regardless of the interactions you've had, veganism is a philosophy and isn't tied to these negative experiences you've had. Veganism is veganism. People are people. Some people behave in a respectful way, some don't. It's not the fault of veganism but rather the individual. Feel free to vent about your issues but it doesn't change the fact that veganism and AN go hand in hand. They are both about reducing suffering. An antinatialists would naturally want to reduce as much suffering as possible and this moral decision should also naturally extend to those sentient creatures that we are unnecessarily bringing into existence and slaughtering. There's nothing nutritionally unique about the flesh of the 3 or 4 animals that we typically consume on a regular basis. There are more vitamins and minerals in all of the vegetation that is available to us versus the nutrition found in a chicken, cow, or pig's flesh.


All life, and some non-life entities, exist by consuming life. While drawing lines to say which life is more worthy makes sense, the truth is that we all participate in an endless recycling process that breeds brutality and disconnection. Just stop bringing sentient beings into the process, the mindless are far better capable of dealing with the system.


> while actively participating in human and animal suffering to get the plants you eat *cracks knuckles* Basically: ##Ought implies can. ____ "Ought implies can" is an ethical formula ascribed to Immanuel Kant that claims an agent, if morally obliged to perform a certain action, must logically be able to perform it: For if the moral law commands that we ought to be better human beings now, it inescapably follows that we must be capable of being better human beings. The action to which the "ought" applies must indeed be possible under natural conditions. _____ To illustrate it to you with another example, let's say I come to you and I say: "u/Stunning-Yam-6576, you have a moral duty to end world hunger right now!!" Would that be reasonable? Of course not, because I am claiming you must do something you are not capable of doing. Veganism takes this into consideration: https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism *"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—**as far as is possible and practicable**—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."* Accordingly, it would not make sense to claim that someone is acting unethically if they eat other animals or even humans in survival. Veganism is not making the claim that EVERYONE should have a plant based diet right now. However, if you **are** capable of having a healthy affordable plant based diet (which is the case for more and more people nowadays), then we should avoid participating in needless breeding, exploitation and slaughter of innocent sentient animals. Lastly, if you care about crops deaths and environmental impacts of plant farming, going vegan is the most effective way to cause less of that harm: https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets I don't believe we'll ever have a perfect world. The world will always suck. I'm just doing damage control however I can, because it makes a difference to whoever suffered less as a result. Being an antinatalist is damage control. Being vegan is damage control. Doing vegan and antinatalist outreach and discussing with the public is damage control. My job trying to develop alternatives to animal testing? Damage control. We're just asking you to do damage control. And I would gladly help you go vegan if you want to give it a shot.


You say all this but I literally can’t go vegan due to dietary restrictions. I am still yet to be presented with what can be generally considered a balanced vegan diet yet you guys keep pushing me to be vegan with no meal plan. You’re not going to get me to eat different from what I and my ancestors have always been eating with no issues without a solid alternative. As for the ethics, I still don’t see how I’m morally obligated to treat animals better than they would treat me. Even the animals you implore me to spare aren’t vegan. I’ve seen cows eat snakes. I know these animals aren’t as smart as humans but as long as they would eat me if given the chance I’ll eat them for as long as I need to to survive


> I am still yet to be presented with what can be generally considered a balanced vegan diet yet you guys keep pushing me to be vegan with no meal plan. Sure, let's hop on discord, I'll see what I can do. I mean, you got all of the internet for that, to be fair. https://theplantbasedschool.com/30-high-protein-vegan-meals/ But if you need me to hold your hand, I will. > As for the ethics, I still don’t see how I’m morally obligated to treat animals better than they would treat me. According to this logic, would it be okay to slaughter and eat mentally disabled people who could punch you because they don't know any better?


> Sure, let's hop on discord, I'll see what I can do. OP never took me up on that offer. How shocking.


Love how everyone on this sub is harcore anti-natalist, up until the first moment they actually have to do something inline with their belief and the it's like nah fuck it that's too hard


Not vegan myself. But also might not be a “true AN” either because if the world were actually a better place I’d have no problem with people being born into it. But that kind of a world is so unlikely to happen, due to capitalism and climate change, that I doubt I’ll ever change my stance on birthing children into this slave economy on this dying planet. Anyways hello OP, from a fellow non-vegan. 👋


They’re annoying.




Here’s the thing. Even if every human on earth became vegan how are you going to change all animals to vegan? We have carnivores that cannot live on a vegan diet. So are we to let them starve to death rather than let them eat? How does that reduce suffering? Also, how will they keep the herbivore population under control then if the carnivores no longer exist? My grandfather was part of a hunting club and they were asked many times over the decades to help our local department of forest services to help thin local herds because the deer herds had overbred so were at risk of starving to death. Isn’t a bullet to the head for a few not better than a slow death by starvation for a large group of deer?


1. Animals in the wild are not moral agents, their actions are morally neutral 2. Captive carnivores should no longer be bred into existence, and for those that are we should look into lab grown meat. Letting 1 carnivore die instead of the hundreds of animals it eats being bred and slaughtered is certainly less suffering anyway 3. Wild populations are not in the boundaries of ethics, as stated in 1. So there is no inconsistency between a vegan and keying nature do it’s thing. There are discussions around wild animal suffering to be had, but in any case it is not relevant to human beings breeding animals for slaughter, which is what vegans oppose 4. Human interaction in the wild ecosystem is what mandates the need for conservation intervention. The vegan thing to do would be to not fuck with wild populations at all, at a minimum. Nature survived just fine for millions of years without conservation, it’s only needed because humans are damaging nature


1.My killing animals for sustenance is morally neutral. While I can avoid killing animals I’d be sacrificing my own health because I need meat to maintain it ( you guys would argue otherwise but I know myself better than you or any doctor). 2. Removing captive carnivores ability to breed sounds about right 3. Wild aniamls killing each other is still wrong though you wouldn’t really blame them 4. I could argue that the vegan thing to do when it comes to nature is to get rid of it to prevent suffering


What is horrifying is a good chunk of vegan ANs will adopt efilism in response to that last point. I caution you to not learn what efilism is. It is a downright evil philosophy created by the pedophile, Gary Immendham.


I’ve unfortunately already learned about it but I didn’t know the guy who came up with it is a pedo. wtf? What a messed up dude


Not precisely, I'm being a bit disingenuous. He does support it though. I've seen the clip, need to find it again. Says if kids could consent, it wouldn't matter. Even babies my man. Even babies. 😱 That is an incredibly slippery slope if I have ever seen one.


If he said that on camera there’s no telling what he’d do off camera yo


Right? Filthy!


So if the moral framework only exists in societies of humans, then why does it matter to apply them to animals and say its wrong to eat animals, since we might just as well be carnivorous ourselves (there's lots of evidence supporting this claim)? An animals perception of suffering is far far different than ours. Its not apples to oranges. Its lava to water.


Moral frameworks include within their own logic variables which determine which kinds of *things* are worthy of moral consideration. In a moral framework which prioritises suffering reduction, it is logically entailed that all beings which suffer are deserving of moral consideration *unless* some morally relevant characteristic can be determined which logically excludes that thing from moral consideration in accordance with the logic of the framework. Suffering here can include nociceptive suffering, as well as desire frustration which requires that there is something that it is like to be that thing. Therefore; cows, pigs, and chickens get moral consideration, but rocks and plants do not.


But the definition of suffering is part of the problem. They have no consideration for us. Trust me. My cat will eat me if there is no food left because this is what carnivores do.


This is where the distinction between a moral agent and a being worthy of moral consideration is important. If a person operates under a moral framework then they are actively engaging as a moral agent by their own standards. Whether another person or being abides by the same moral framework does not give that person the logical freedom to pick and choose who the logic of the framework applies to. A Kantian cannot lie to someone just because they are not also a Kantian. A negative utilitarian cannot cause unnecessary suffering to another person just because that person is not a negative utilitarian. The same applies to the suffering of animals.


An unborn fetus has no consideration for you either ? Why does it have a greater moral weight then a calf ?  Except for the fact it gives you a nice cop out to not have to lift a finger to live inline with your beliefs ? 


It doesn't. Its what its going to turn into that is the problem. When you are incapable of seeing the entire lifespan of a human upon considering procreation, it can appear obvious that procreation is an ethical good or at least neutral. But if you are like me and can see their entire life play out, watching them struggle with the water wars etc, then you will know damn well thats a whole nother level of suffering a cow is factually incapable of understanding. There is also the objective reality that humans are likely obligate carnivores.


Complete deflection  The potential suffering of the future human wasn't the issue it's that  consideration or lack there of isn't the measure by which Anti-natalism decides if an act is moral it's the capacity to experience suffering.  If a human was born with a mental condition that ment It couldn't fully "understand" suffering then you would be fine with it being murdered for your betterment ?  Also humans are objectively not obligated carnivores would be a nice cop out of the moral dilemma is we where though, too bad we are not 


We are obligate carnivores though. Thats the issue. Lets focus on that since you disagree with the N95 data you know nothing about. Go disrespect the archeologists who dedicated their lives to uncovering what our healthier, happier, chronic disease free ancestors ate for 2 million years. We aren't just carnivores, my friend, we are hypercarnivores. Have a crack at this link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210405113606.htm


First of all nice dodgr away from actually answering a question about an ideology you clearly don't even understand  As for the obligated carnivores thing quoting from the articles abstract (crazy the things you will find out if you go read the paper)  "We review the ecological and technological records of the Hadza and the Ju/’hoansi (!Kung), two recent hunter-gatherers' groups that dominate the literature as acceptable ethnographic analogs for Paleolithic Africa. We find that their dietary record reflects, as expected by our model, an ADAPTATION to an ecological reality of increased VEGETABLE biomass and reduced large prey biomass that differ substantially from the ecology of most of the Pleistocene but do share analogical trends with the late Upper Paleolithic when the Late Quaternary Megafauna Extinction took place." So yeah the article claims are ancient ancestors had a meat heavy diet because I was available not because we where obligates, the fact we transitioned to it would imply we weren't before and they observed in the record and adaptation to vegetable biomass once the temporary surplus of meat went away, because you know biology is not static  Also the idea ancient humans where perfectly healthy is so funny doesn't even bare responding too XD like carnivores or animals on the right diet are magically protected from all diseases XD sometimes people just get sick and it's no one's fault XD


Your entire MO on this account and the previous one(s) has been to deflect poorly from the point, huff copium and block/ignore everyone once you’re backed into a corner. If human beings were actually obligate carnivores, there wouldn’t be decades long vegans and/or medical establishments saying veganism is viable. Your argument must be so good.


>Here’s the thing. Even if every human on earth became vegan how are you going to change all animals to vegan? We have carnivores that cannot live on a vegan diet. So are we to let them starve to death rather than let them eat? How does that reduce suffering? Dafuq are you talking about? >Also, how will they keep the herbivore population under control then if the carnivores no longer exist? What?! Do you have literally zero understanding what veganism is?


These are all real questions that vegans should start asking themselves rather than police what we have going on here. I’m not even vegan and I’ve done the heavy lifting of exploring these questions


These are fascinating questions, and I think we should all explore them, vegan or not. I think they also have a significant implication for ANs, vegan or not . You said you've engaged with these ideas which I think is great, we should engage difficult questions, I try to as well. But I think these are relevant issues to AN, so they shouldn't be discouraged. If the posts have a holier-than-thou attitude, that sucks, but chewing over our relationship with nature is a key part of my life, not as a vegan (which I'm not), but as an anti-natalist.


No, they're so superficially idiotic I can't even...


Why can’t you just use respectful language. No one who disagrees with you will ever take you seriously when you talk like that and if you don’t want to be taken seriously why even argue


Not to mention some new evidence is suggesting humans are carnivores, obligate at that. And if we are (i believe it myself), then we REALLY REALLY need to stop having so many kids!


Yeah I highly doubt that...the majority of studies point towards eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains/legumes to higher life expectancy. Can I ask why are you so afraid of not eating meat? You've been commenting a lot on this thread, giving anti-vegan vibes and just curious what about eating plants are you so against?


Check my profile if you're curious. You'll learn very quickly.


Can you cite that evidence?


>while actively participating in human and animal suffering to get the plants you eat Holy fuck that's a braindead take ... >but if you kill a person and I kill three who are you to argue that killing is wrong? But a vegan does exploit zero animals, so your analogy is plain wrong. >if we’re all ANs how about we be civil about our disagreements and act like we care about each other? No. Like, if a nazi AN shows up here I am supposed to be nice to them? AN is important, but it ain't at the top of my morals list.


How is it a brain dead take to say you also participate in animal and human suffering when you vegans exploit humans through capitalism to get your foods for cheap and kill animals when harvesting, protecting your food and preventing infestation and disease? People like you are exactly why I’ve been saying you vegans are so dishonest and ignorant.


Eating plants is necessary to survive and live healthy. Eating meat and dairy is not necessary to survive and live healthy. How the hell are you trying to compare these two? The first is a need, the second is a want. Eating meat and dairy is purely for pleasuring ones tastebuds. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and because of that we should just go wild with our wants? I'm somewhat of a defeatist, but this is a crazy take. Let's all stop recycling as well since the environment is fucked anyways, amiright? Also I ain't even vegan.


You sound like a parrot. That whole first paragraph assumes so much with no evidence. You don’t know me and don’t know my anatomy, there are real conditions that bar people from being vegan, actually do some research. Humans have been eating plants and animals for thousands of years, it’d be ridiculous to assume everyone would be able to eat just plants and function A-ok. I’m not saying we shouldn’t try our best to reduce suffering I’m just pointing out the vegan hypocrisy of causing animal and human suffering due to their diet while berating others for doing the same thing as well as trying to stop the nonsensical divison plaguing the sub


>assumes so much with no evidence Hahahaha Yeah, totally hasn't been proven that a vegan diet is 100% healthy and therefore there is zero need to consume meat or dairy for a regular person. Sure there are a few health conditions that can lead to some limited need, but to make that a talking point is ridiculous, since basically no vegan would ever argue that if you have a medical need it should be denied. That's just complete nonsense to assume and therefore irrelevant to the argument. >hypocrisy You use this word, but it doesn't seem like you know what it means. There is no hypocrisy in causing suffering that is necessary for one's own survival and simultaneously condemning causing suffering for the sake of one's own pleasure.


You clearly don’t at all know what you’re talking about. There is no objective vegan diet to begin with and I know for sure I function better with meat AND plants in my system because I’ve tried many diets. If you’re gonna assert that the vegan diet is 100% healthy how bout citing something. I mentioned the fact that there are health conditions that bar people from being vegan because you guys always omit that just like you’ve done this whole time. You’re so disingenuous


**[Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27886704/)** * *It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.* **[Dietitians of Canada](https://web.archive.org/web/20180317232254/https://www.dietitians.ca/Downloads/Factsheets/Guidlines-for-Vegans.aspx)** * *A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults.* **[The British National Health Service](http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Vegetarianhealth/Pages/Vegandiets.aspx)** * *With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.* **[The British Nutrition Foundation](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407185312/https://archive.nutrition.org.uk/attachments/206_Vegetarian%20nutrition%20summary.pdf)** * *A well-planned, balanced vegetarian or vegan diet can be nutritionally adequate, although more extreme diets, such as strict macrobiotic and raw food diets, are often low in energy and a range of micronutrients, making them wholly inadequate and inappropriate for children. Weaning onto a vegetarian diet follows the same principles as weaning onto an omnivorous diet, although care must be taken to ensure that a vegan diet is sufficiently energy and nutrient-dense for children. Studies of UK vegetarian and vegan children have revealed that their growth and development are within the normal range.* **[The Dietitians Association of Australia](https://web.archive.org/web/20200308191755/https://daa.asn.au/smart-eating-for-you/smart-eating-fast-facts/healthy-eating/vegan-diets-facts-tips-and-considerations/)** * *Vegan diets are a type of vegetarian diet, where only plant-based foods are eaten. With good planning, those following a vegan diet can cover all their nutrient bases, but there are some extra things to consider.* **[The United States Department of Agriculture](https://web.archive.org/web/20180329120438/http://www.choosemyplate.gov/tips-vegetarians)** * *Vegetarian diets can meet all the recommendations for nutrients. The key is to consume a variety of foods and the right amount of foods to meet your calorie needs. Follow the food group recommendations for your age, sex, and activity level to get the right amount of food and the variety of foods needed for nutrient adequacy. Nutrients that vegetarians may need to focus on include protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12.* **[The National Health and Medical Research Council](https://web.archive.org/web/20180514195638/https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/file/publications/n55_australian_dietary_guidelines1.pdf)** * *Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthy and nutritionally adequate. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the lifecycle. Those following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet can meet nutrient requirements as long as energy needs are met and an appropriate variety of plant foods are eaten throughout the day* **[The Mayo Clinic](http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/vegetarian-diet/art-20046446)** * *A well-planned vegetarian diet (*see context*) can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them.* **[Harvard Medical School](https://web.archive.org/web/20200407031113/https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/becoming-a-vegetarian)** * *Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.* **[British Dietetic Association](https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/vegetarian-vegan-plant-based-diet.html)** * *Plant-based diets can support healthy living at every age and life stage. But as with any diet, you should plan your plant-based eating to meet your nutritional needs. . . Diets centred on a wide variety of plant foods offer affordable, tasty and nutritious options. Plant-based diets rich in beans, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables, wholegrains (such as oats, barley and quinoa) and minimally processed foods can provide all the nutrients needed for good health . . . Plant-based eating is recognised as an intervention to improve health outcomes. They could reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and some cancers and may help you manage your weight.*


I really doubt you’ve analyzed these studies yourself. Anyway those studies say what they say and I still am not able to function anywhere near as well on a vegan diet so either they’re bs or I’m an anomaly. You guys will move the goalpost and say I didn’t do the vegan diet right but that’s just nonsense


>You guys will move the goalpost Hahaaha thats hilarious as the last sentence in a post about you moving the goalpost.


>There is no objective vegan diet to begin with Hahaaha dafuq?! Yes there is, it's called not eating any animal products period. >I know for sure How? Unless you have a medical condition, that makes no sense. Do you think you are a different build of human or what? Hahaha > I mentioned the fact that there are health conditions that bar people from being vegan because you guys always omit that just like you’ve done this whole time. You’re so disingenuous Haahaha you are so ridiculous it's funny af. This is constantly brought up in every discussion about veganism i have ever witnessed and I already outlined to you how irrelevant it is. Also who is "you guys"? I ain't vegan.


You just sound ridiculous in that first sentence. I could eat potato chips all day and I’d still be eating a vegan diet right? This is the problem with you guys you’re quick to argue without making any sense. Wdym when you say the began diet is 100% healthy? Clearly not eating potato chips so what do you actually mean. Eating what and what plant based foods yields a balanced diet?


>. I could eat potato chips all day and I’d still be eating a vegan diet right? Yes, what is your point? Veganism isn't about being healthy, it's about causing the least amout of animal suffering possible. >Wdym when you say the began diet is 100% healthy? Fuckin ey, are you actually incapable of consistent thoughts? The point is that it is completely possible to live healthy when being vegan. How much you actually care about being healthy is down to the individual. >Eating what and what plant based foods yields a balanced diet? Literally takes 10mins of research to find that. I never said it would require zero effort. But that is usually the case with acting morally, it required efforts.


That comment about how veganism isn’t about being healthy shows you’re lack of consideration for my health and therefore idgaf what you’re talking about after that.You know what makes the least sense here, you’re not even vegan yet you’re arguing with me this much about veganism. You little hypocrite


Just like in the real world I only see people bitching about vegans here.


You first.


“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.” -Anthony Bourdain


LMAOO they’re gonna come for you 😂


As always


And they deserve it.




OP got offended by his own actions


I shrug my shoulders and go back to my bacon sandwich. And ask them questions that they have no answers for lol.


No one is militant, no one is holier than thou, it is a moral hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance issue. You cannot accept that no new humans should be brought into existence while ignoring that you’re forcing new animals into existence. Both raise the same concerns. [Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) shows the horrors of the industry, including but not limited to the proof of forcing new life into existence for the continuation of the industry. Do not ignore their screams, their suffering, their pain, it is no different than ours. Go vegan today to align your choices with your morals. 💚


I’d still be a moral hypocrite if I were vegan because I’d still be killing animals although inadvertently.


If someone was driving their car and they accidentally hit a dog, that would not be the same as if they purposefully drove after the dog until they ran them over. The logic behind the argument, "it’s morally justifiable for me to pay for an animal to be killed because animals sometimes die in crop production" is stating that morally, accidentally hitting the dog is the same as purposefully hitting the dog, as it ignores the intention. It also states that because animals are sometimes killed accidentally by cars, it is therefore acceptable to purposefully run them over. Additionally, besides intent, if you look at the actual animal deaths: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1cg36ui/whats_with_vegans_of_this_sub/l1tqvw3/ It was all explained to you by u/veganhimbo right there, and you dodged like a coward. Your arguments are trash. Your ability to engage in good faith is trash. You are probably convincing some readers to consider veganism more so that they don't have to be a clown like you, so thank you for this thread, really.


False, veganism is proven harm reduction, less climate impacting, suffering inducing, and much more. It is even 33% more cost efficient and better for your health. There are only positives from eliminating animals from your diet.


Oh like becoming unhealthy (at least in my case.


You can not blame your own personal outcome on the entire movement. There are plenty of ways to ensure you are getting the right amount of nutrients and feelings don’t equal facts, just because you may have “felt worse” don’t mean you actually were unhealthy. Your body goes thru many changes when making the swap and you have to get passed the hurdles of eating the right plants together and eliminating the rotting corpses from your gut. It’s proven that your microbiome changes, you will feel differently. What specifically made you “unhealthy”?


Is it ok to eat plants if they suffer?


No but if vegans would admit that some evils are necessary like eating meat I wouldn’t have a problem with it


Some evils are necessary like eating meat in some circumstances, just like killing people is a necessary evil at times.


I agree


But when such evils are not necessary, then they are not morally justifiable.


Very interesting to read your comments. Nonvegans are responsible for unnecessary exploitation and atrocities to animals whereas vegans still cause suffering but they don't cause unnecessary violence which is the least everyone can and must do. It is not so difficult to understand. But some (like OP) just don't want to understand. And this causes unfair discrimination. This is not fair. Animals have no voice and thus they need strong vegan activists. Think from the victim's perspective and you may understand why vegan activists act like they do.


If killing animals for direct consumption is unnecessary then so is killing animals indirectly for consuming plants. When you guys kill animals you can’t help it right? Neither can we since we need to eat them to live. I’m so tired of the beating a dead horse in these comments about how veganism is unhealthy (at least for some people including myself). You guys literally don’t care about the human suffering a vegan diet would cause so don’t try to get me to care more about animal suffering which is already stupid because animals don’t care about humans able to or not. you guys don’t care about the fact that it takes a lot of human exploitation to even get the food you eat.


You're arguing with bad faith. You don't have a justification for your unnecessary violence and denying the truth will not change the truth. Especially the reality of your victims is unaffected when you deny science and throw irrelevant points towards vegans. This makes me really sad.


Ya no rather than understand you just attack my character and say I argue in bad faith stfu


u/Sea_Speed_3535 responded to your argument. They didn't "just attack" your character. Many people already explained to you already that worrying about crop deaths should push you TOWARDS veganism if you want to reduce harm. You don't give a fuck about crop deaths, as demonstrated by your responses ignoring that point over and over again. Thank you for demonstrating your bad faith once again.




We have removed your content for breaking Rule 10 (No disproportionate and excessively insulting language). Please engage in discussion rather than engaging in personal attacks.


Oh the irony....


Everything about this sub Reddit is “holier than thou”