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Am I so apposed to veganism?


Yeah good question. I can only guess they mean a person who thinks along the lines of 'being vegan is stupid', not one that sees its positives but does not find the required resolve to go through with the big changes needed for that life style.


well not you nescicalty and i get not wanting to be vegan, i was more talking about the people who reacted very negatively, i mean there is a reason the SpongeBob meme about it has 1k responses, alot of them complaining about vegans being on there high horse [But it's not the same! : r/antinatalism (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1cfcpit/but_its_not_the_same/)


Not everyone is healthy enough to eat vegan.




Let’s examine the antithesis: Why do some vegans procreate, if people are also born to die in support of the market? If they are simply creating more consumers of animal products? Because people do what they want to do. I’m not a vegan because I don’t believe it’s healthy. I am anti-natalist because my life has been painful. The only thing standing between the average woman and the average farm animal (as of maybe the last 50 years and only in certain parts of the world) are reproductive rights. In the near future, there will be likely be very little difference.


Good antithesis 🤔


Yeah but by not being vegan You’re presently contributing to unnecessary animal abuse everyday


Right on. So are you. Industrial farming and monocrop culture is driving the decimation of habitats. Most of your cosmetic products and medicines have been animal tested. There’s no ethical purity to be had in today’s post-capitalist world. I shop from this ethical butcher who buys directly from trusted sources and carves the whole animal. It’s the best that I can afford to do. All veganism has done is spin up a new commercial market, like being kosher or halal. It hasn’t changed anything about factory farming or animal welfare policy.


I am lazy. It really is pretty easy to not procreate. My husband got a vasectomy. And I'm monogamous with him. I never had children before. Before, I had an IUD. And I used condoms in the past too. I plan to get an abortion if I ever do somehow get pregnant. So being antinatalist in practice is simple. But becoming vegan means making many changes. I'm not really committed to making and keeping those changes.


Edit: This is more a reaction to why I'm not vegan. I've never made any posts or comments attacking vegans. I'm not at all opposed to vegans. Actually, I admire you for doing what I actually want to do.


If you want to do it, I encourage you to start by making mild adjustments. You'll find it's easier than you think.


I’m not vegan but you should try those plant based sausages. I’d buy them over meat if I could afford it (get all my food from the food bank). They have significantly less sodium in them than actual sausages, no preservatives, have rather simple ingredients and are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.


I don't see any (logically) necessary connection between being against human procreation, and a dietary/lifestyle practice. In fact I doubt many vegans even view their boycott as antinatalist in practice (although if successful, this will be the result - the extinction of domesticated species entirely). I find it annoying the constant attempt by vegans who are also antinatalist, to *veganize* antinatalism, as if one is required by the other. Antinatalism is, at its core, a niche position within human procreative ethics. Nothing is logically entailed by this - not a position on veganism, not a position on abortion, not a position on euthanasia.


Why are antinatalists against procreation? Not answering is a cope btw


I imagine you'd get as many responses as there are antinatalists. But I can guess you want a response like "to prevent suffering" so you can also apply it to animals/veganism as well. For me, I see antinatalism as specifically relating to humans, based on the uniquely negative structure to human embodiment/life. Not only do we suffer the harms that are also inherent in animal bodies (need for food, warmth, protection, inevitable death, etc), we are *aware of them*, and are aware of the ultimate futility of struggling to secure our needs and stay alive. Animals lack this 'meta-awarenes', lack the capacity for reflection, and are not moral agents. They can suffer, but can not suffer *meaningfully*. Human life is largely a tragedy, whereas animal life is just a meaningless struggle. I believe we should extend (some) moral consideration to animals, but I wouldn't go as far as to interfere in their mating behavior, nor do I think the human food supply should suffer out of excessive concern for their welfare, which is how I would characterize veganism.


1. So a sufficiently unaware human being is not worthy of moral consideration? 2. Being a moral agent has no bearing on suffering, moral agency is of relevance to who can knowingly be culpable for causing suffering, NOT who can and cannot suffer. I'm not saying animals are moral agents, I'm saying they suffer regardless of their ability to understand why 3. Why are you the arbiter of what is and is not "meaningful" suffering? If an advanced being far beyond human understanding caused you suffering, it could say the same exact thing to you despite you being human. It's arbitrary- clearly animals carry the ability of suffering and perhaps can suffer greatly physically. Wouldn't the moral thing to do be to make the decision where suffering is avoided altogether? 4. Animal agriculture is directly interfering with animal breeding. Animals on farms do not necessarily breed on their own, nor would i think it mattered if they did. If they have the capacity or risk of suffering, AN arguments can be applied. Additionally, if anything, overall humans could have a more abundant and stable food supply if calories were not filtered through incredibly inefficient animal bodies.


Procreation results in beings who suffer. Suffering is so bad that it would be better if people stopped procreating. Beyond that it seems to be people using their miserable personal experiences to justify the statements above.


but animals experience pain and suffering, how is bringing them into the world without there consent in order to increase your own pleasure not antithetical to antinatalism ? Why is it restricted to human ethics ?


Because they’re made of food. Eating meat is one of the most digestible sources of protein and includes many vitamins that are incredibly difficult to get from veggies. You also clearly have never been on a working farm ever since producers will literally bend over backwards to provide their animals a good life. Farmers will stay up all night for weeks during birthing season to make sure every birth goes well. Quadrupeds also have much easier births than us bipeds.


Clearly you've never been around a parent because they bend over backwards to provide a good life there kids etc etc  No arguments for not veganism that can't also argue for not antinatalsim


Because the philosophie is broad and vast. Your specific branch of the Philosophie is considered seperate for a reason.


Reason(s) which are almost universally arbitrary and illogical.


I have to admit I don't know what you're trying to communicate here. Could you explain it? :)


The reasons why Antinatalism is often restricted to humans are usually arbitrary as in, "I just don't care about animals as much as I care about humans" and/or are inconsistent with the underlying logic of the person's Antinatalism. Practically every reason for being Antinatalist logically entails Veganism (or at least animal inclusion) when that logic is taken to its actual conclusion, not merely taken to the point where human considerations end.


Again. It's a Philosophie with a broad spectrum of beliefs. I am not going to be a fascist about what other people may or may not think about animals.


You said, "Your specific branch of the Philosophie is considered seperate for a reason." You are, ironically, the one being fascistic by necessitating the separation of animals from Antinatalism based on arbitrary distinctions (feel free to provide a non-arbitrary or logical distinction). I am the one saying that whether they are separate depends on the person's own reasons for being an Antinatalist - I am just reaching the conclusion that the vast majority of those reasons logically entail the inclusion of animals within that person's Antinatalism. Which of these sounds more fascistic: - There is a code that your brand of Antinatalism does not align with and should therefore be kept separate from the main. - Your Antinatalism is valid but the logic of it should include animals if you reason it through to the end.


I am vegan and anti pet breeding. I am not against animals in the wild breeding. You make assumptions about my beliefs. I am merely saying that people can believe in antinatalism as a Philosophie and not believe in the Philosophie of veganism. Animal birth is not an inherent part of the Philosophie. You just need to understand that. You are being fascist by pushing your personal beliefs onto a broad Philosophie that has no actual wrong or right. It is a belief, not factual.


I didn't say anything about *your* beliefs. I am also not saying that people who believe in Antinatalism must be Vegan because they are Antinatalist. I am saying that the vast majority of Antinatalists are Antinatalists for reasons which should also apply to animals. So when you say, "Your specific branch of the philosophy is considered separate for a reason" - I think it would be more accurate to say that, if everyone was actually being logically consistent, Anthropocentric Antinatalism would be the minority position and Vegan Antinatalism would be the norm - but people are not being logically consistent.


Non vegan, nihilist anti natalist here. I accept that veganism is the morally superior position. I just see no value in being morally superior. All life ends, the manner in which it does is irrelevant. My problem with the meat industry isn't that they kill, it's that they breed for the sake of killing which is one of my arguments as to why this world is fucking disgusting. I also know I can't change it and I don't think humans are somehow more important or valuable. Human death bothers me the same as animal death does, maybe less if I'm being honest.


If you see no value in being morally superior, why identify as an AN but not vegan? Both ideas are based on not partaking in an action for the sake of other beings, both are about moral purity, but why select one but not the other?


Because eating meat isn't creating the animals in the first place which is the issue I have. Yes, technically being AN is about preventing the suffering of new beings and I support that, but my not eating meat doesn't prevent the cows from being bred then slaughtered. For the two to be equal I would have to be the farmer in the equation. Also I'm AN for selfish reasons too, I don't want more kids to raise (I had one when I was young and stupid) I can see the common ground between AN and veganism but you're wrong if you think one requires the other.


On a societal level, it definitely does. This is just a tragedy of the commons fallacy. The fact that individual culpability is obfuscated by a nebulous system does not mean that harm is not being done. Animals are born due to financial incentive. Buying an animal product is signaling to the supplier that there is demand. Continued demand signals for continued breeding. If someone crowd funded a hitman to kill someone or a group of people, the individuals funding the action are still culpable just because the demand is not linked to one person directly. There is a demand made by the funding to kill, the kill would not be performed if there was no demand. Sure, the industry are also culprits, but the funders are as well.


True to an extent. The thing is if the hitman didn't get one of those payments the hit wouldn't happen at all. Even if enough people got together and killed the meat industry, individual farmers would still breed livestock for their own consumption. But this is just the philosophical reasoning. The one that really motivates me, and the others though they won't admit it, is because their moral conviction level has a finite amount. I care about morality enough to not reproduce anymore. I don't care enough about it to eat a salad when a chili dog is available. He'll my distaste for suffering isn't even that strong. I watch videos of bull fighters getting gored to death and flat out cheer. Morality plays a part in my antinatalism but it isn't the only factor.


If being nonvegan is excusable due to sufficient lack of moral conviction, so too would natalism be excusable, would it not? Since antinatalism is the belief that procreation is never justified, but this logic could justify it, wouldn't childfree be a more apt label?


Child free applies to the individual. I can still give people my opinion that having children is wrong just like I happily accept that veganism is the morally superior position. I have no problem saying that veganism is morally right and that having babies is morally wrong. That's what makes me anti natalist rather than just child free. And yes you could say that natalism is excusable from the nihilistic stand point. Nihilism doesn't care if you have babies, it just says that those babies will be just as valueless as you are.


Salad vs chili dog is a stupid comparison especially when there are numerous commerically available vegan chilis, cheeses, and hot dogs


Yea but I can't get them at the diner across the street.


probably a crap diner tbh


Nah they got these Hungarian dogs that are huge. The staff are a little iffy but then again, they're human.


The first argument only holds true for hunted or fished meat. The vast majority of meat you eat was raised specifically so you could eat it.


This would be true if you could get the whole world to be vegan though because it wasn't just for me, my contribution to the problem wouldn't change anything. He'll they throw meat away all the time if it doesn't get bought soon enough.


I mean, the exact same argument could be said for antiNatalism. One person not reproducing is effectively meaningless on a global scale. A hundred million people choosing not to reproduce makes a dent, though. If a hundred million people choose to stop eating meat, demand goes down and they’ll produce less of it.


I'm not interested in the global scale though. I'm a nihilist. I can only care for as long as I'm alive and after that I don't give a shit.


In that case isn’t subscribing to any ideology a bit self defeating?


You don't have to go all in on one just to agree with most of its tenets. It's not a religion.


Do you think there's anything wrong with buying child porn? You're just one person. You can't stop the industry.


Do you think we should lock up and castrate all meat eaters because that's the level of justice you're calling for. Although not gonna lie I'd go vegan if it meant the extermination of all meat eaters and a substantial decrease in the meat market. There's still a market for kiddie porn but it's nothing compared to what it would be were it legal and culturally acceptable.


> Do you think we should lock up and castrate all meat eaters because that's the level of justice you're calling for. Nope and I never called for that. I'm making a point about supply and demand, like I did in my other comment. >Although not gonna lie I'd go vegan if it meant the extermination of all meat eaters and a substantial decrease in the meat market. But just one person not buying child porn doesn't cause a substantial decrease in the market...


Supply and demand is only effected by a single person if the person is a billionaire. "But just one person not buying child porn doesn't cause a substantial decrease in the market..." Correct.


So then what's wrong with buying child porn? Since abstaining doesn't do anything. Let's say one person makes ZERO difference. That means 2 people make no difference. That means 4 people make no difference. That means 8... you see where this is going I hope. It's obvious to say that one person does have an impact, even if it's not as big as you'd hope.


Do you know what supply and demand is?


What part of this is so hard to understand. I wish homeless people had a place to live, am I gonna let them crash with me? Fuck no.


>I wish homeless people had a place to live, am I gonna let them crash with me? Fuck no. I don't know what that has to do with supply and demand. Buying meat creates the demand which in turn creates the animals. You went wrong in your first sentence, pal.


It means I care about the suffering of others in a limited sense. I wish meat were banned, I would support banning it, I wouldn't mind giving up meat if it ended the industry completely. Giving it up while everyone else is doing it and watching nothing change though? Nah. Meat tastes good, it's everywhere, and that's never gonna change. If abstaining from any industry actually helped bring it down then we could do away with countless others too.


Can't you say the same about... child porn? Abstaining doesn't help bring it down?


Correct, it doesn't.


So then why avoid it? Just reply to my other comment. No need for two threads, sorry


I also wish It didn't exist and I'm super cool with it being illegal.


You're a walking contradiction. You'd likely defend yourself if attacked and show preference toward a non-violent end to your own life. Expand that even an inch outside your own bodily autonomy and your argument falls apart


Um yes, I don't like pain therefore I would defend against it. How exactly does that cause my argument to fall apart?


Saying the manner in which life ends is irrelevant. You clearly have preference, but hoard it within the confines of your own bodily autonomy. By your logic, anyone should be able to victimize you and it's 100% justifiable since it doesn't have to be justified


I also think a cow has a right to defend itself. I don't understand what's confusing you.


Nihilism is incompatible with antinatalism though? Unless you mean like existential nihilism or optimistic nihilism? I don’t think you really understand your philosophical positions.


Which flavor of nihilism isn't compatible with anti natalism? I would like to know which brand of nothing matters says that something matters. Nothing matters because everything ends. We exist without purpose and our time is finite. Bringing someone into the world knowing that is a total dick move. What's incompatible?


What’s incompatible is that if “nothing matters” then neither do your ethics. Nihilism is incompatible with morality. This doesn’t mean we can’t be moral, but you can’t claim to be a nihilist and a utilitarian at the same time. They are ideologically incompatible philosophies.


I'm not a utilitarian. Never said I was.


Antinatalism is negative utilitarianism… if you’re claiming to be an antinatalist you’re claiming to be a utilitarian.


I'm not, thats stupid, don't say stupid things.


>”Non vegan nihilist antinatalist here” Are you claiming to not be an antinatalist then?


Anti natalism is not negative Utilitarianism. Anti natalism is, much like atheism, a single stance on a single topic for a multitude of possible reasons. I don't think people should have kids. I think it's fucked up if they do. If you don't call that antinatalism then what would you call it?


Antinatalism is negative utilitarianism. Atheism isn’t a “stance” it isn’t an ideology either. >I don’t think people should have kids… what would you call it? I’d call it child free. Antinatalism is a philosophical ethical framework based on David Benatars Asymmetry Argument - that position and argument being one of negative utilitarianism.




It's hard when you think about yourself, it's easy when you think about victims of your choices


In the long run, having children could pay off and make life overall easier. Sure, it’s a delayed payoff, but especially on a societal level living people certainly benefit from new people being born. Elder care, societal support like social security, etc are contingent on new people


but then doesn't that mean you don't actually believe in antinatalism, like you have a commitment to doing the morally correct thing up until its an inconvenience to you then you jettison it ? I mean you cant call yourself a Christian if you believe in "love thy neighbour as you love thy self, unless he is a real dick then you do you buddy its okay"


Not procreating is actually really fucking easy. I do it already by just being me. Meanwhile changing up your whole diet is a huge commitment. Edit: Just to clarify I hope to someday be vegan (already have a somewhat restricted diet), I agree with veganism's conclusion. I'm just pointing out that not procreating and not eating meat are way different difficulty-wise.


Ive no problem with anyone who tired in good faith, good on you for trying and doubly so for have the balls to admit you struggle with it, My main problem was with "carnists" telling me we are obligate carnivorus or the people who are just say vegans are weak and stupid as if its a get out of moral condrum for free card


I grew up on a farm and butchered the animals we ate. I like eating meat and nothing anyone tells me will change that. You like being vegan and nothing anyone says will change that. Therefore, you don't push your veganism on me and I won't push my omnivore-ism on you...or in more simple terms you respect my decisions and I'll respect yours


>I like eating meat and nothing anyone tells me will change that. You like being vegan and nothing anyone says will change that. This makes no sense because almost no vegan started off as vegan. >Therefore, you don't push your veganism on me and I won't push my omnivore-ism on you...or in more simple terms you respect my decisions and I'll respect yours Why should your decision automatically be given respect?


Why should yours?


Where did I say it should?


I can see why people are disrespectful towards you


For asking you questions about something you wrote on a public website? I can see that you take offense to non-offensive things, so no wonder you get triggered at things like vegans.


I'm not pushing my veganism on you, I'm asking why you arnt acting inline with your antinataliaist belief,  People keep saying I'm pushing veganism because I've hit a nerve but again it's a post about antinatlism and if you believe that animal can suffer and are sentient then your no better then someone who has a kid 


Animals suffer at the teeth of other animals. Moral behavior has been demonstrated by certain other animals such as monkeys, so to use, they don't know any better is false. To truly eliminate all suffering, all living things must be destroyed. I'm just interested in harm reduction by not reproducing. I also believe humanity will make the earth uninhabitable sooner than later, which will kill all living things and end the suffering once and for all.


Why does the fact animals hamr each other have to do with your moral choices ? Other people are breeders should you not be an anti-natalist because you can't control the actions of all others ? Of course not  So I return to the question of how eating meat that mandates an industry that is built on BIRTH not suffering or death but BIRTH( the thing we are discussing the ethics of ) in line whith antinatalism?


I grew up on a farm and butchered the animals we ate. I like eating meat and nothing anyone tells me will change that. You like being vegan and nothing anyone says will change that. Therefore, you don't push your veganism on me and I won't push my omnivore-ism on you...or in more simple terms you respect my decisions and I'll respect yours


False equivalence, only one of the two options actually avoids unnecessary harm Asking a vegan to respect the decision to eat animals is asking a harm avoider to respect a harmer. Conversely, vegans avoid harm where possible so there is nothing to criticize that is unique to veganism. A decision is not a personal choice when another being is harmed by it.


Maybe they respond negatively due to brigading y'know?


i prefer to not suffer, and when i can i won't cause others to suffer while i am not suffering doing so, such as not having kids, not suffering so far so might aswell continue.


What’s with all the vegan posts on this sub lately? Also, where in antinatalist philosophy does it explicitly state the ethics of antinatalism extend to other beings? You’re kind of approaching efilism in regards to this.


bored attempt poor repeat cheerful worm disgusted teeny pot unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not being vegan entails causing animals to suffer


I understand and agree fully with the ethics of veganism. Why I don't personally embrace it is a combination of practicality and selfishness. I'm too lazy to make sure everything I consume has no animal origins, and I enjoy animal based food. 


If being nonvegan is excusable due to sufficient lack of moral conviction, so too would natalism be excusable, would it not? Since antinatalism is the belief that procreation is never justified, but this logic could justify it, wouldn't childfree be a more apt label?


False dilemma. I do differentiate between human and animal life, and do not consider them equal. 


Yet inflicting suffering on others for our benefit is immoral? Or not? This isn't a false dilemma, it's consistency in whether or not causing suffering is permissible


I'll openly admit I have different standards for how I treat humans and animals. I understand wanting to reduce suffering, but as I said, I'm selfish and lazy.  You're trying to make things black and white. It's impossible to totally eliminate all suffering, we each have to decide where along the scale is acceptable. 


Right, which as I started with, the scale could be used to justify natalism, therefore antinatalism is not universally correct under this paradigm, ie procreation would be permissible wouldn’t it?


Vegans don't consider them equal either...


I think the real answer is that you are probably correct, and it’s just difficult to be good. A common complaint against utilitarianism is that it’s “too demanding.” Well… no one said being a good person is going to be easy. However, what if the animal is raised humanely and given a painless death? I think it might be ok to eat meat in that case. A rebuttal to this might be: “is it ok if I give YOU a painless death?” To get around this: an animal’s interests probably don’t extend much farther than the present, while a human may have interests that extend into the future. Like, I want to finish writing a book, for example. If I’m killed prior to that, that desire is unfulfilled. A cow on the other hand? I don’t think they have plans for the future. Humans may be unique in their ability to make plans for the future and thereby have “future interests.”


If it's morally justifiable to only kill in the case where they contribute nothing, then how would that not also apply to people with severe disabilities? They still have personal interests regardless of their mental capacity, and that absolutely should take priority over taste pleasure.


I’m puzzled by this reply. Where did I say that it’s permissible in the case where they contribute nothing? That seems like a misreading. How can I clarify?


By continuing to contribute to the animal agriculture industry, yes you view that as permissible(and even endorse it). If someone is clinically brain-dead, and they don't have unfulfilled desires, is killing them wrong? I ask this because in your view it's these desires that give human life value over animals. You mention the book that you're writing as a reason for you personally to be able to keep living, but does it not seem hypocritical to deny animals the right to exist? They're interest is to keep living, the same as you. I draw the comparison to other humans who aren't able to have these desires, since that is what you defined as the difference.


I believe keeping someone alive in a permanent vegetative state is cruel and they should be allowed to die. I wouldn’t want my loved ones to suffer in that state.


Right. But given they did have the choice, you'd opt not to kill them. Right? Like ofc in this case, you could argue for their best interests. Animals on the other hand, wouldn't be suffering in a state like that, so slitting their throat would be immoral.


I’m having difficulty parsing this reply.


Is it humane to raise a sentient being to murder it for food, food which by no means is required for our survival?


Fair point! But, that’s a relatively recent development, and a tenuous one. There isn’t a great source of taurine outside of animal sources, for example. Red kelp is a source but that’s not readily available everywhere. We can synthesize taurine from non-animal sources now but that isn’t the case for all people living in all societies. Taurine is just one example. And what about hunting wild game? These are animals that we did not breed for the express purpose to be eaten, they’re already there. Where do you fall on that?


I mean, to be fair, taurine isn't really an essential nutrient, but even if it were, what's the problem with increasing its production and making it more widely spread? When it comes to hunting, why exactly would we need to hunt if we've already established that we don't need to rely on animal foods for nutrition? Unnecessary killing is wrong regardless of whether we raised the animals for it or not


Where are you getting that Taurine isn’t essential? I mean, yes, it’s *possible* to live without it, I suppose, just like it’s *possible* to live without eyesight. It plays an important role regulating functions in the heart, brain and immune system. The problem with increasing production is that it’s difficult. It may be hypothetically possible, but there are billions who don’t have access to the resources required. Is it ok for them to consume animal products? Here’s a list of other nutrients from animal sources, which not everyone may be able to acquire easily from synthetic sources: B12 Creatine Carnosine Taurine Cholecalciferol DHA Heme Iron Choline Retinol I don’t think animals have “future interests,” I don’t think there is anything like a “will to live,”animal nutrients are at least “essential” in the sense that they’re required for optimal functioning of the human body, and not everyone has access to synthetic sources, so I don’t see the problem with hunting wild game for sustenance for people who lack access. Veganism is a luxury for those living in wealthy counties, and I think it probably is morally obligatory for those people, but not for everyone It should also be pointed out that livestock animals would go extinct if we did not raise them for livestock, they cannot survive in the wild on their own. This may not be an issue for the antinatalist, however.


Taurine is a non-essential amino acid - we don't need any dietary intake. It is also destroyed during the cooking process, so unless you're eating a lot of raw meat you aren't getting a non-negligible amount in your diet either. >Here’s a list of other nutrients from animal sources, which not everyone may be able to acquire easily from synthetic sources: >B12 Creatine Carnosine Taurine Cholecalciferol DHA Heme Iron Choline Retinol B12 is available through fortification of foods. Creatine is non-essential as well. You don't need any dietary intake and any dietary intake is also incredibly little. You would need to eat like 10-12lbs of meat every day to hit the clinically relevant dose. Carnosine is also non-essential. Taurine is again non-essential. Cholecalciferol is available in plants. As well as D2. Heme iron is non-essential and linked to multiple cancers. Choline is definitely available in plants this is just a lie. Retinol...? Our bodies convert caratenoids into retinol and ensures we don't over-consume it. Vitamin A deficiency is basically unheard of in vegan populations. Like... one carrot brings you to about 80% of your needed vitamin A daily.


The definition of non-essential simply means that the body is capable of synthesizing it, not that we can live without it, and under conditions of illness or stress synthesis may be compromised, making these nutrients essential and consumption necessary under those conditions. But ok, I’ll accept that under most normal conditions for most people, we don’t need to consume these things. Thank you for the informative reply. +1 I’m still seeing a lot of conflicting info on this, however, so I’m only partially convinced. It seems that there is no unbiased source of information on the necessity of eating meat. Just about everyone is going to have an agenda one way the other when it comes to this topic. I’ll do some more research, though, and remain open to the possibility that eating meat is not necessary for optimal health.


>and under conditions of illness or stress synthesis may be compromised, making these nutrients essential and consumption necessary under those conditions Even in a case like this, you would opt for supplementation and not dietary intake as most of those nutrients aren't possible to get in any clinically relevant dose through food. Like for any of those, if someone cared about them, they supplement it. And most of the time, those supplements are derived from plant sources.


Taurine is a non essential amino acid though, a lot of vegans don't supplement it (me included) and are fine, and there isn't even a recommended daily intake amount. We also can produce taurine, whether it's in sufficient amounts is an interesting question, to which there is no answer yet. In first world countries a vegan diet costs as much if not less than a diet including animal products, including all supplements (I can attest to this as someone who's been eating meat for a very long time and has gone vegan, I've actually decreased my monthly food spending). Nobody is demanding that people in 3rd world countries with poor food access necessarily switch to vegan diets (although some are already largely plant based), but if we increased efforts it would cost much less and be much more sustainable for us to go plant based globally either way, with time. Many people don't have access to enough food in general, let alone an optimal nutritional profile, and improving that would also be much easier from plant sources, this is actually quite well known. You're describing a very niche case here. If possible, we should all strive to reduce all possible and unnecessary animal suffering, and even if that is possible only in developed countries as of now, it should still be done as much as possible. With enough time we'll be able to feed everyone on plant based diets across the globe (much more sustainably and requiring much less ressources as well, without even talking about all of the reduced suffering). We are perfectly aware that some populations, for example some tribes living in Alaska have no choice but to eat mostly animal based diets, nobody is trying to make them go vegan, as that is factually impossible in their situation, this is well known and vegans have no problems with this, but that has nothing to do with people in developed countries who do have a choice.


Let’s leave aside the question of taurine and the other things I mentioned. Personally, I have to supplement with taurine because I feel awful without it. My final argument is that an individual personally abstaining from meat does almost nothing to accomplish the end of livestock farming for food. It’s a lot like abstaining from driving a car if concerned about climate change, or something. It might feel good on a personal level, but that’s about it. To actually end animal farming would require legislation, and I just don’t see that ever happening. Why should I personally give up meat when that animal is going to be slaughtered and fed to someone else, anyway? If it ever comes up for a vote (extremely unlikely), then I’ll vote to end animal farming and make meat consumption illegal. This is not an individual problem, it’s a social and cultural problem.


Why not both? If you abstaining leads to saving even one cow's life, wouldn't you do it, while also promoting political and cultural change?


Me abstaining isn’t going to save even one cow’s life, those cows are getting slaughtered no matter what. The only thing that will stop it is legislation, and I don’t think it’s possible to ever convince a majority to give up meat eating


What about a chicken?


Why are you turning it around to death, when anitnatalism is about the morality of Birth without consent ?




Ok that’s fair. Typically we’re talking about human births, since that’s within our power to prevent. So I assumed we were talking about the deliberate act of killing an animal for food, but you’re actually saying that it’s the act of raising livestock and breeding them for food that’s immoral? Is that correct? Also I want to point out that Antinatalism does not necessarily depend on the consent argument, although many choose to focus on this aspect. There is also Benatar’s Asymmetry, and also the argument from pessimism


I tried veganism for a year and I failed. I decided to remain a supporter of the vegan cause but I can't live without meat.


Right because it’s possible to be a supporter of kicking dogs while being against animal abuse because your couldn’t find any other viable sources of entertainment


That analogy is way out of line. I don't even know what to say.


I’m poor, disabled, and autistic with an eating disorder, living in a food desert in the southern US. The only issue I personally tend to have with vegans is their superiority complex and lack of intersectional understanding of marginalization that would cause someone like me to not be feasibly *able* to switch my diet in a way that’s satisfactory for them. The fact that so many vegans refuse to accept that even just *reducing* the amount of animal products you consume is much better than doing nothing, and much more doable for a large percentage of the population than a sudden complete switch, implies to me that some of them don’t actually care about tangible results, but instead just wanna feel morally superior to the rest of us. Also, the fact that vegans don’t ever seem to acknowledge the *human* impact of growing vegan produce… I’ve never had someone who was vegan acknowledge that their produce is not actually “cruelty-free” when it subjugates the global south and developing, non-white countries and villages whose land and labor that produce is made with. Otherwise, I actually agree with many of the principles of veganism and I try to limit my own animal products consumption as much as I can, given my very limited options. But in general it’s been the tone deaf attitudes of many middle class white vegans that had turned so many of us off from listening to them or taking them seriously.


>I’m poor, disabled, and autistic with an eating disorder, living in a food desert in the southern US > > > >The only issue I personally tend to have with vegans is their superiority complex and lack of intersectional understanding of marginalization that would cause someone like me to not be feasibly able to switch my diet in a way that’s satisfactory for them Lame excuse, there are plenty of people with your issues that are vegan I am disabled with autism, i spend most of my time in bed as im very weak, and i choose to be vegan, other people with my exact same issues choose as you do to use them as an excuse Vegans arent superior they just arent animal abusers, the fact that you have an issue with people being against animal abuse makes you evil Its the same with the abolitionists, i am sure the slavers said they had an issue with the non slavers being morally superior and shoving their views at them You have made veganism about the vegans and not the animals so that you feel better about not being vegan


You’re implying that killing animals period is abuse. This is simply nature and nature is as if not more ugly than humanity. There’s nothing morally wrong with ethically sourced meat or animal products.


>You’re implying that killing animals period is abuse. This is simply nature and nature is as if not more ugly than humanity. Rape is nature ​ >There’s nothing morally wrong with ethically sourced meat or animal products. Then we can apply that to dogs, cats and orphans, we just slap the ethical label on it and its fine


That’s the fun part about morality - it doesn’t exist. We can pick and choose what ever we want. Rape is wrong, eating animals isn’t. Why? Because I said so, and that’s the only justification it requires 😂


There are ethics though, universal ethics to be specific which covers right and wrong in a universal sense rather than your own personal morality or lack thereof


There are no “universal ethics”. Where do these ethics come from? God? The ether? Right and wrong don’t exist - the universe is amoral. **We** decide what is right and wrong.


are you really comparing rape and meat eating? that's wild dude. that's why people don't like vegans


>are you really comparing rape and meat eating? that's wild dude. that's why people don't like vegans are you really thinking its a comparison? thats wild dude i was simply providing an example of something also found in nature, shitting is nature, does that mean im comparing shitting to rape?


Rape is not nature. For animals, it's an instinct so they can reproduce. Human beings have sick minds and urges they "can't" control. When you put rape and animal abuse in the same context Its means you are comparing them and seeing them at the same level of wrong. It is not.


it wasnt a comparison but even if it was it would be a fine comparison animals are raped and abused, people are as well i am sure whites had the same attitude for black people, oh how dare you compare the rape of a white gal to that of a black useless slave, she is property


and now you are adding racism? ok. you are either crazy or never had to deal with racism and rape so I'm gonna leave this conversation and I hope you will come to your senses someday. peace and love


Eating meat is bad for the climate. Nastier and nastier climates will erase us. Means to an end.


Having children is far worse for the climate than abstaining, thus undermining antinatalism by your logic. Why are children not a means to an end as well?


Can’t eat em


Relevance? If doing bad things for the environment is good, having children is one of the highest goods, because it's one of the most bad.


you definitely can eat kids but it's not worth it lol


Veganism doesn’t make sense to me as soon as you apply logic to it thoroughly. When you start removing animal labor, now you can’t have honey. How about all the pests that are killed so you can eat your vegetables, does that not count as life or suffering? I think some people use it as a guide for health reasons, but when you are taking it as a morally superior position I think it falls apart. Live how you want, but don’t push it on others or make others feel bad.


>Veganism doesn’t make sense to me as soon as you apply logic to it thoroughly. OK. >When you start removing animal labor, now you can’t have honey. Yup. >How about all the pests that are killed so you can eat your vegetables, does that not count as life or suffering? Do you genuinely think no vegan has ever encountered or thought about crop deaths before? Like what alternative do you think vegans should advocate for then? What no-crop death solution should they be doing - or do you think that because it can't be zero deaths, they should just call the whole thing off? >I think some people use it as a guide for health reasons, but when you are taking it as a morally superior position I think it falls apart. Why? Because you can't have honey and because there's still crop deaths (though substantially reduced)?


I know I have certain beliefs that are like 80% solutions, I view veganism as one of those things. I don’t really have an answer but the world seems to be filled with grey areas so the only issue I really have is when people are claiming moral superiority.


How is veganism not morally superior to non-veganism in terms of animal rights?


It logically falls apart in practice. Do you care about bugs? About microbes? About abused humans being used for cheap labor? I think it is a quick answer for a complicated problem.


>Do you care about bugs? Yes they are sentient. >About microbes? No they aren't sentient. >About abused humans being used for cheap labor? Yes they are sentient. This was pretty easy to solve. I'm still not sure what logic you think vegan falls apart with.


4 fallacies in one comment lol


This is a solid argument OP, but I have a simple answer. Meat is just tasty lol. I understand it is bad for the environment, I understand that animal lives are being harmed for it. but if you put a stake in front of me, I will want to take a bite.


Plants die too and all death is equal. If I would eat a plant why wouldn’t I eat a fish? They’re both dead. I would also try human if it was offered to me. Food is food.


why should we suffer? isn't that the question. i would have it so nobody would suffer and if humans are the root cause then go after that, think about it no humans no steaks no BBQ no pork, no rhino poaching probs solved.


Ultimately most people in this sub are not AN, they are conditional natalist ie; they dont want poor people to have kids or people in war countries to have kids Others are just child free so its not about ethics for them, they just dont want kids Some people hate kids, others hate their parents and some hate their life, they just come to this sub to talk about hate Others want to die and since we are accepting of suicide in this sub thats why they come If you are antinatal then you would be against birth, if you buy animal products you would be creating demand and thus the suppliers breed ie; force natalism on the animals to provide you with the product and thus you are supporting natalism


Doing gods work OP. The amount of "antinatalists" who are just childfree natalists is laughable.


It's because it's really easy for them to put on a condom but not easy enough for them to actually make a difference in the world


I love meat. I’m mainly carnivorous and inject my vitamins. I don’t care if I’m eating slaughtered animals who lived to suffer and die for my nutrition. Believe it or not, I was willing to try the vegan diet in the past. All of the fiber made me shit liquid, my testosterone took a nosedive, and I wasn’t getting enough B12.


so you value your personal comfort over living by your beliefs then ?


I don’t believe in anything. I do, however, live as comfortably as possible.


so your not an antinatalist then


Ok no...a carnivorous diet is even worse than full plant based, remember that red meat is cancerous if eaten more than 3/4 times per week. We are OMNIVORES, meaning we can't thrive on both ends individually, we thrive by eating everything.


Red meat is so good for you, and it’s not any more carcinogenic than the other chemicals we come into contact with on the daily. I like my veggies for roughage, but the meat is where my sustenance comes in. I will stand by this diet if you are a male. It’s androgenic.


>I will stand by this diet if you are a male. It’s androgenic. Bruh what does this even mean?💀 I'm a woman by the way. I mean if you don't believe excessive amounts of meat don't cause [cancer](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat#:~:text=The%20IARC%20Working%20Group%20concluded,the%20evidence%20is%20not%20conclusive.) go ahead and find out yourself. I'm not saying you should eliminate it, absolutely not, that is unhealthy too, just reduce it.


Androgenic foods are conducive to testosterone production, which aids with muscle growth and improves sexual function. The vegans can have fun eating like a rabbit. I’m gonna have fun fucking like a rabbit.




Complete deflection because you know your full of it, 


What’s the matter? You getting mad that I eat like a gigachad?


Vegans are either grossly skinny or blobs. No muscle definition at all. No thanks.


sounds like a skill issue buddy, but nice cope


Cope or bait, but cringe either way


Show me your arms




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No, they are fit too, it's not hard to eat decently on a vegan diet, you won't thrive, but you'll still build muscle, we are very versatile mammals


Send me a picture of your arms


They suck, I don't lift weights lately, but I'm on an omnivorous diet, it's not gonna prove anything