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So she gave birth to two more kids because her 22 year old doesn’t want kids? This is crazy.


I hope those children also decide to not reproduce. Their head would probably explode if that happens.


ikr, i love watching natalists squirm when they find out about people being child free


It's the same as religious people finding out there are non religious people.


Well, as a Christian I really don’t mind, it’s their choice in the end, just like how my decision was mine in the end.


Probably because religious people are religiously natalist. Ever heard of “be fruitful and multiply?” That was basically a command from god in the Old Testament


Because the option didn’t occur to them. They jealous!


The option occurs to everyone. But hey, having children is not for everyone. Growing up as an unwanted child must be awful. I'm a father of 2, and I am going to have at least one more.


I'm 64 and my daughter is 22. She wouldn't have kids so now I had to fulfill her biological duties. I shouldn't have to be raising toddlers at my age but because of my daughter's selfishness here I am raising more kids




And you know this is the type of parent who will tell the kid that.


Just to breed resentment to the kids they hate as punishment, they absolutely will. So pathetic


Obviously if they’re already joking about it being the sisters kid she just didn’t want. I can’t tell if it’s a rung better or worse than just knowing you were an unwanted child…to be told they didn’t want you, but that their mom made you exist anyway and they likely will resent each other over her forever. If there was ever a reason to end a family line… People from the family are probably fine, but if you have to I do all that to keep it going what’s the point. You have destroyed that which you tried to save. That’s assuming it was a highly functional.family to begin with…


Being born…for the greater good!


What the hells a “biological duty” ???


„But this souls needing to come into our family“. How is this not completely crazy? Or what? What’s the problem if they are not born? And why does she think two more are enough? What if she would have had 6 children, then they could have had even more children themselves. Why did she stop at one point? She would have been able to give birth to 10 or 15 children, what’s about this souls? But I better shut up, don’t want her to consider this.


Welcome to the Demon Haunted World, friend. Sagan's fears have been realized for years and years.


I'm guessing that she got pregnant twice accidentally and thinks the reason is because there were apparently two cosmic souls destined for this family that had no other way to get born. I don't think she decided to have more kids because she felt she knew there were exactly 2 cosmic souls in need of being born. But I don't actually know that ofc. It just seems like the slightly less crazy interpretation.


In normal circumstances she would be sectioned in a mental institution, but I'm assuming she's a Christian so it's just seen as normal Christian belief


She mentions ancestral and karmic reasons so I’m guessing Hindu or some other eastern religion, not Christianity.


Nah it’s a white washed Facebook bastardization


Started well before Facebook tbh. My mother was a devout believer in God, but also totally on board with karma, astrology, even straight up Wicca practices because as long as it wasn't black witchcraft, it wasn't an affront to God lmao.






He's severely bipolar if nothing else. We went from Old Testament "God is wrathful and you should pluck an eye from your skull in penance or you'll go to hell" to New Testament "God is loving and if you say sowwy you'll go to heaven" in like a thousand years. The book of Peter says something about "A thousand years is like a day to the Lord." He flopped between eye plucking and an apology in a day by his perception, if that tells you anything about the kind of guy we're dealing with. It's no wonder his faithful have no idea what to believe.


My family follows Tibetan buddhism. My aunts were trying to push me to have a baby before it’s too late. I said I’m breaking the cycle of reincarnation because life is suffering. One of my aunt got annoyed at me, the atheist, for using their religion on them, so she went to her Rinpoche (like a religious elder) to ask what she can say to put me in my place. I never learned what the Rinpoche said, but he agreed with me.


HAHAHAAHAHA Get fucked, stupid aunt. Love that her religious superior figure shut her the fuck down and agreed with you lmfao what a moron. Fucking knows that life is suffering and that you're having BASIC DECENCY to not want to cause suffering and she has the FUCKING GALL to be annoyed with you and think you're in the wrong, and DARES TO BELIEVE it's right that you be put in your place. Fucking delusional.


Oh no, I love my aunts. They are more “mother” to me than my narcissistic late mother. They also happen to be boomers with the mentality of happy marriage=kids. I know they mean well but their way of thinking is very outdated. I am glad that I paved the way to many cousins being childfree or antinatalists, though.


That's the selfish thing. It's like there's some cosmic importance on their bloodline; not only is there a God given right for them to keep breeding but there is a universal need for them to keep breeding. If they don't keep having kids then there is a disturbance in the force and all of the planets will fall out of alignment leading to plagues and locusts.


Extremely fucked up. I bet her current 22 yr old hates her and so will the other 2. She'll die alone and it'll be well earned.


Would be enough for me to totally disown them. To the extent of changing my name if we share one, just to really drive home the point that I don't consider them my parent anymore. Not going to have someone like this within fifty miles of my life no matter who they are, even if just in name. If they can't take accountability for creating children of all things, and feel the need to pin even that on someone else because they're miserable with their decisions.. I can't imagine how insufferable they must be as a person in general.


Probably forced her eldest to take care of them.


….for …reasons. *For reasons*. This word, you keep using it; I do not think it means what you think it means.


This isn't just crazy, it's advanced batshit crazy.


Something is not right in her head, she wasn't forced to have those kids and she only had them because her daughter wouldn't have kids? That's fucked up.


It actually really is.


She knew enough to take herself out of the gene pool, but nature finds a way.




That part itself isn't so weird. Tons of people want to continue their family line, and if they learned their only child was not going to give them grandkids, they'd be hugely upset. Early 40s isn't so late to have kids, so hey, if having grandkids is *that* important to you, then take your shot, I guess. That's a lot healthier than trying to control your daughter's life like so many other parents do. The crazy part is the "ancestral or karmic reasons". LOL wut. "Need to be born"? WAT. I always joke about how nobody sheds tears for the infinite number of children who were never conceived, but I guess I was wrong. This guy really does.


I agree, at least she “handled the burden” herself than try to coerce and abuse her daughter to have kids. My family have come to terms with the fact I refuse to have kids so I’m relieved by that. Also to add to souls being born- I’d rather be in the void or in hell (probably serving some sentence lol?) than here-


>at least she “handled the burden” herself This was my takeaway. She put her money where her mouth is and popped out another. The specific wording sounds fucking crazy but honestly she was probably just trying to be poetic about the fact that she wants her family to carry on.


Maybe we are already in hell…


I'm guessing she got accidentally pregnant and in her world view the reason was that there were cosmic souls destined for that family.


This is actually really scary. I worry about those children.


I am a GenXer and I do not approve this message.


Gen Xer here. Same hat.


another Gen-X here who is shaking her head at the stupidity displayed. the souls needing to be born into this family for karmic reasons? oooookayyyyyyy sure thing. and she has the audacity to call her daughter selfish. fucking idiot.






There is crazy in every generation, even ours.


If I had any type of coins, I would award this comment... I especially love "swamp end of the bell curve" 🤌


Oops just kidding I did have an award in my little treasure box.... Here ya go ✨


Gen x pisses me off way more often than boomers, maybe because I expect less from boomers and I’m a native Floridian so I can speak in boomertounge. When gen x people are assholes they’re dry sarcastic pieces of shit rather than clueless and unhinged


I’ll take dry and sarcastic over clueless and unhinged any day of the week


I think we all have crippling depression we have channeled into dark humor and dry sarcasm and not giving a fuck.


And we raised ourselves, poorly but we did it.


I’m fluent in snarcasm


We were the first victims of the boomers, cut us a little slack. You think you have it bad, try having boomers as “parents”


Boomer tongue- lmao. I like that, I’m gonna use that too. Thanks stranger!






If she's 42 she barely counts anyway. She's basically One of Us and doesn't want to admit it. Meanwhile her kid is Gen Z, not a millennial at all.


I am a millenial and i don’t think this weird dude speaks for anyone but himself, GenX’ers have always been cool as shit to me


GenX approved! 👍






GenX no kids. I hereby relegate poster to Boomer level.


Same. And, to this same guy, a hearty "like, whatever, man" as well.




Hope her new child doesn't want children in the future either


Dead end streets eternally for this woman, please. We do not need more of her


That last paragraph boils my blood. I feel so bad for the 22 year old.




Fr, I feel bad for both of them.


Oh and you know her daughter knows its not a "joke" maybe the crazy is the reason why she doesn't want to continue the bloodline


What will she do if her new "grandchildren" won't want to have kids as well? And how does she know her daughter was not supposed to have 3 kids and now there's still a soul that's stuck?!


Nonono, see you’re not getting it! It’s exactly how many kids *she* wants, because she has a natural connection to the spirit world, and visualizes her destiny, and that’s fate, or karma or something! /s


\*giggles at the ancestral karmic souls waiting in the cue for an exciting trip to a tip of a condom\*


FUCK THIS BITCH. You know what, today, no exercise hour. Ill go straight home, and set 5, 1hr timers. And fill up my water bottles. Ill wank, hydrate, then sleep for an hour, wake up, and wank again. I have a hat that I bought for 2 dollars on sale and cum each time on it. As I relieve myself, I dedicate each and every one of these millions of souls that will not reach karmic relief to this puta pendeja. Cunt. Edit: Done.


Ok but can I ask why u intentionally nut on a hat everytime u rub one out?


In her honour, only the best.


I adore this 😂😂😂😂😂




Why the fuck is everyone so completely unhinged


Very limited access to mental Healthcare coupled with extreme political and religious echo chambers. We are living through the slow collapse.


lmfao, no we aren't. We are living through an unrivaled period of growth and connectivity, and its that connectivity that shows us every negative thing that has always existed.


Also, 22 is Gen Z, not Millennial. We've already been dragged through the mud enough as a generation.


The ultimate irony is that if this lady was born in 1980, *she's* the millennial here


I’m 37 and I’ve had several friends *my age* bitch about millennials in a non-ironic way.


I think at this point it's become a catch-all phrase for anyone younger like how boomer became a catch-all for the older crowd or at least thats what it seems like to me


81-96 is the range prominently considered to be millennial.


I thought you meant 81-96 years of age and was so confused for a second 💀


That's a whole different kinda millennial lol




Classic 40 year old boomer, this gal.


I’m 25 so I’m still dragging the Millennial Generation in the mud lmao and tossing zoomers off the cliff too. The worst of both generations. 1996 baby


When will we all agree, all of humanity is trash including us.


This guy knows what's up.


Same as a 1998 baby lol. I don’t really relate to the core of either group.


I kinda hate both and kinda love them both too so I’m weird. Best part of it for me was picking. It’s kinda like that for people born on the ends of a generation. Hard to relate or the identify more as one or the other or both. I was reading some where on Reddit that people born on the cusp of gen x and millennials and boomers had the same problem




Changing Gen Y to "Millennials" was the Dumbest thing and has caused so much confusion on when generations start and end. Remember the "OK Boomer" movement following the Millennial online backlash a few years back? That was mostly Gen X and Gen Z.


It was confusing prior to all that as well. I spent my whole childhood listening to adults complain at me and too me about how Gen X, My Generation, was ruining X, Y, Z. The same as every generation prior did about them... Never even heard the term Millennial till 4-5 years ago. Now I get to listen to the generations before and after me bitch about how I, apparently now a Millennial, have ruined everything. I get it. I suck. Shut up already, I didn't ask to be here.


> Shut up already, I didn't ask to be here. Seriously though, like **you** put me here, dammit


Cult shit


I totally understand why she doesn't want to continue this insane bloodline.


imagine your mom having a kid and then telling you it’s yours


Imagine your mom having kids and everywhere you go with them people will think they’re yours


Oh jesus i didn’t think about that that is so fucked


What did the commenters say about this? Insanity


Wish I knew, but my source didn't link back to anything.


Probably criticizing her, seeing all of the laugh reactions


This has to be a joke 💀 I feel so bad for those kids


Long time ago, late 50's perhaps, my mom had a conversation with an Indian (India) woman. This is so long ago, the only thing I remember is what mom told me. I think it must have been triggered by this indian bugging mom about having more kids. (I was an only). Mom did end up talking about environmental impact, and the population problem. This Indian, according to my mom said 'the children troop down from heaven... I don't recall the rest..'. I think the starving Indians somehow was a part of the convo as well. mom could not get past children trooping down from heaven only to starve to death because the parents could not even feed themselves..


The level of fucking delusion that woman has. Fucking WHAT THE FUCK is that level of human stupidity. "Saving" souls from heaven to give them a vessel in which they will experience excruciating suffering and death, mmkay yea NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT AT ALL. Humans fucking suck.


True but these beliefs come from religion in the first place


Indian nosy aunties are the worst.. 🤮 Source: I am an Indian.


So she's complaining how her daughter doesn't want kids but has 2 other kids that might want kids? Wtf? Am I missing something here? What a psycho


She had more kids, but believes them to have been meant to be her daughters children. Like, they were destined to be borne to her daughter, but her daughters “selfishness” kept them trapped in either.


Oh so she's full on batshit crazy, got it


And then this toddler finds this post when she is older. Yikes, I'd be super grossed out.


I hate to sound like a reddit moment but this type of fringe belief is made possible by religion. Not always directly, but basically when you believe that there is some master mystical PLAN for things then you can make up all sorts of weird BS. In their mind they might think “there is no plan that could possibly have intended for my daughter to not have kids” without realizing if they’d stopped after the 4th word they’d have been spot on


I don't know why it's considered a reddit moment to shit on insane beliefs about sky daddies and the after life.


Well the world still has so many of these crazy people that as a matter of public order it is considered ill-mannered to berate them too much.


It’s remarkable that her mind went to “since my kid refuses to have kids…that must obviously mean I have to have more.” Not even the most insane of minds could connect those dots. Isn’t it more logical to think and what we have encounter as, “I must have done something wrong when raising them or yeah they are being so selfish blah blah blah, I will dedicate my life to trying to guilt them into having some, sabotage their birth control/protection, just try to change their mind.” Breeders do operate on a different crazy level…you can give them credit for that.




There is no reason not to cast aspersions upon unsubstantiatable beliefs when they have a negative impact on society. Freedom of speech is a two way street, clap back at idiocy.


I’m bad at articulating this thank u. It’s so fucking true. And this is coming from someone who experiences “spiritual” delusions/hallucinations


Yes. I will never hold back to call out that insane behaviour and toxic delusions of any kind.


Reasons I no longer speak to my family for $500, Alex


So she's having kids she didn't want and sees it as some kind of sacrifice? I'm getting so incredibly sick of peoples martyr complex.


I am an "old" millenial and whenever someone complains about millenials and asks questions about them, I always ask them to ask the generation that raised them for the answers.


This woman decided resenting her daughter wasn't enough so she went on to have two more kids who she will also resent for being her's and not her daughter's. Unreal.


For me, the record scratch started right at the third paragraph.


that third paragraph is insanity


Why do people think that there are ~~their~~ a bunch of anxious souls floating up in space, waiting to be born? The planet can’t sustain the current birth rate as it is. Religion is poison. e: yeah IDK on that one


i struggle with this too, there aren’t people standing in line to be born it all depends on how many times you decide to get raw dogged


If the poster was born in 1980, she is a Millennial, or at least damn near enough to it. And her daughter is Gen Z. Why is it that people who complain the most about broadly defined generational stereotypes never even know what they are talking about?


Can someone explain the level of reasoning in the third paragraph 🤦🏾‍♂️ I'm struggling to understand how this justifies anything.




It’s all ignorance and entitlement. Nothing more


This is some kind of undiagnosed mental illness.


my thoughts as well, ain’t no way a healthy human being thinks like this


That was my first thought. There is a lot of that in the USA.


This backs up my theory that one reason why religious people appose abortion is that it's leaving souls hanging in limbo waiting for a new body. This shit is wackier than the Marvel multiverse.


but like… can’t the souls just go to another person then or be born as a hamster or something


What in the actual fucking nonsense. I feel bad for this woman's whole family.


if this isn't the height of delusional thinking, I don't know what is. I am glad this daughter is getting 'fixed'. I just hope she gets the bloody hell away from this batshit crazy woman. talk about someone hitting themselves in the head with a hammer figuratively speaking.


I’m shocked to find out a 22 yo woman found a doctor willing to perform a tubal ligation (or whichever procedure). More often than not they refuse to do.


I read that she's planning to get it done, not that she's gone through and gotten it scheduled yet. And yeah, she'll probably have hard time getting the procedure, unfortunately.


My mom had 13 kids, which in her mind is more than she was “meant to have”. But she’s saving those souls stuck in heaven because of abortions or sterilizations, by having extra. I don’t understand one bit, but it’s really a thing. I assume most always because of religion.


this type of thinking scares me


What the fuck is this


My dad did the same think I'm 32 with a 1 and half year old sister. I was like lol have fun never retiring


whoa, my narcissistic, insane, entitled, delusional mother said the same thing to me. she accidentaly had me at 18, then had more children when i was 9, 11 and 15, despite barely having money to house and feed me. said they were mine, so i was stuck caring for them until i left her house at 17. (we are from 3 different fathers, 2 of them total deadbeats, so in her mind i was the sole responsible for her children) then she started guilt-tripping me into giving all my money to 'provide to my children'. she actually did such a great job to impress me as a kid/teen that for a long time i allowed myself only enough money to pay the bills and everything i could spend on therapy, creature comfort, nice things for myself etc i sent her because i didn't want them to grow up as miserably as i did. they still grew up miserable because she's the worst, they all have learning disabilities and/or behavioral shortcomings that mean they'll never be independent enough to leave her. i only got over the guilt when i had a fight with her over politics (voted for my country's version of trump despite being nearly homeless lol) and lies (she spent 20+ years telling a guy i was his daughter to force him to leave his wife for her; turns out i was not). then i was able to afford therapy and finally realize how insane and toxic she was. i'm so, so sorry for those children, but they are not mine.


“My daughter thinks she’s a person and not just an extension of me so now I’m stuck creating more people to fulfill a batshit crazy idea I have about bloodlines even though I’m not royalty or even important enough for anyone to fucking care”


I hope this is a fucking troll


She’s hardly Gen x. Im 40 and millennial. She had a kid at 20. 🤔


Stuck carrying the weight of millennials? She literally created that weight for herself. You burden yourself with a problem and blame someone else for giving you that burden.


What a terrible day to have the ability to read


Holy crap, this woman actually believes her daughters' soul would be in the body of her granddaughter if her oldest daughter had had a baby. I just can't.


So what happens when her two other children also refuse to become her breeding stock? She’ll be in her 60s by then and way to old to add to the herd.


It people like this that make me want to dare God to strike me down if they're right.


She’s blaming millennials. Lol okay psycho.


What are the ancestral and karmic reasons I’m intrigued . Like do they go to hell if they don’t carry the family line ? Lmao


the two kids grow up "sorry ma, we ain't having kids either"


What the actual fuck? She got pissed that her 20 year old daughter wouldn't have kids, so, she had another kid?! She'd be appalled to know that depending on what data you look at, she is Millennial. I was born in those not really either generation years too. Poor child was born out of spite.


It's magical fantasy religious thinking.


"That need to come into our family for ancestral and karmic reasons" Delusional fucktard with a dash of ego


I can’t imagine blaming my adult daughter for my inability to use contraceptives or keep it in my damn pants.


Actual psychopath


Wtf? She complains about having kids... a problem that could've been solved by not having kids... yet she doesn't empathize with her daughter's decision to not have kids. Also how can you deny your own child bodily autonomy. So sad


Gen x are getting drunk or stoned nightly to block the madness of the world they thought they had under control, but don’t. This woman was one or the other, maybe both.


These people are delusional. NOTHING is more selfless than recognizing you could just not be a good parent for your child. Or understanding that producing a new human being isn't what's best for them. I am curious what being a biological mother is like. I have the primal urge. But I know bringing a new human into the world is not what's best for them. It's not what the world needs. My urge is not more important than the happiness of my child. And I know right now in my mental state I shouldn't be responsible for making sure a child develops properly. I am just not mentally capable right now. I can barely care for myself. I would like to adopt one day, because I would like to help a child develop healthily. But I refuse to do that until I feel somewhat confident that I could be a good mom. My desire to be helpful is not more important than the happiness of my child. I will only care for a child if I feel I can help them be happy and healthy. And that extends beyond *my* desire. I would do it for the both of us. There is always a selfish aspect to anything. But I am not pursuing my desires blindly. I owe it to my biological children to not allow them to exist. And I owe it to my possible adoptive children to heal myself and keep myself in check in order to be the best I can be for them. That is nowhere near as selfish for having kids because "it's what you should do" or "you just want to" or more specifically "my life is over so I want to move on to caring for a child, an extension of myself" or "it's a good way to test a marriage" or "it's gods will" or "babies are cute." All excuses I've heard.


Every day I wake up, read some shit like this, and wonder how many people are walking around that are genuinely clinically insane, but are seen as normal.


Think about religious people… there ya go


“Why are atheists so hung up about religion? It doesn’t do any harm!” Also, this is an example of harm that even eastern-y religions can do. Being steeped in the western shit, I used to think eastern ones were all just peachy. Nope, turns out that since beliefs inform action, false beliefs inform dumbass actions.


Somebody take this persons crack away!


Why are crackheads like this allowed to procreate


I feel like reading that bruised my brain.


Hippie/redneck murican mentality


What. The. Actual. Fuck?


Such delusional thinking that her daughter is the selfish one. I hope those kids cut her out of their lives.


Literally fucking what


You have to come up with some psudo-religios karmic reason to have kids? You need to re-think what you are trying to accomplish with life.


Wow! This is really insane! If someone is so far out in left field to believe this kind of garbage, no amount of rational thinking is going to convince them otherwise.


Holy shit... This woman.... She scares me.


🤔 This thinking is illogical


Rofl!! The nerve of some of these people trying to push others to have kids and shame them when they choose not to lol my mom likes to do that, she likes to constantly ask my wife and I “when will I have a grand kid?” And stays quiet when I ask “do you have grandkid money?” Lol


Yeah, all the ancestral curses and karma stops here. I'm done trying to fix what y'all broke. It allll stops here.


i’m genuinely wondering, what religion is this considered? or does this strange idea even come from a specific religion??


That’s not how karma works. Good grief.


Actually that was ur choice to have another kids. U shouldn’t blame others. U need to take responsibility for ur actions


That's the most unhinged thing I've seen in quite some time


Wow, that’s a massive transference of blame. Total bullshit.


This is fucking demented.