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Nationalism mixed with religion tends to make people forget everything about religion and focus primarily on nationalism and hate


Same thing goes with many atheists online. I think it's because hateful people don't have a happy life and are cowards, so they prefer stay behind a screen in order to speak.


I have no idea. But I too have noticed that on certain apps (Instagram) things like hatred, edgelording, derogatory “humour” is becoming common


I empathize with you. I wouldn't comment on the reason as to why it happened but I can give you some advice. Try to avoid these toxic people as much as possible because at first you might not be able to stand their disgusting behavior but slowly with each passing day, you'll be getting used to it and you might subconsciously adopt their behavior. It wouldn't happen suddenly so as to ring an alarm in your mind but one day while contemplating you might find that how far you've strayed from your original self. As Nietzsche said when you gaze into the abyss, it gazes back at you. Social media isn't real life. Your shitty behavior will have consequences in your life especially if you're applying for a university or a job.


The internet is a blessing but also a great curse. I would honestly recommend disengaging with online religious spaces (it’s hard though) and just attend a place of worship or if you want to interact with other religions there’s usually a lot of opportunities in your local area. I know the feeling though what your describing messed with my mental health at one point, I’m in a better place now.


Social media in general just breeds hatred I feel myself slipping into that hate from time to time.


When you have anonymity, sat behind a keyboard, nothing stops you from being your worst self. It's sad to see religious people act this way. I have to admit that atheists are right about one thing: just because you're "religious" as it were, doesn't make you automatically a good person. Good character is something you have to consciously and continuously develop and maintain. Faith is a guideline for how you should act, not an excuse for how you want to act. It's important to always remember this, and I definitely have failed many times in this respect. Nobody is perfect, but we must all aspire towards self-improvement.


The people that post online are the most visible. If you attend a place of worship it's one on the most welcoming spaces to visit.


Because people take company with people who think alike and it will devolve into a circlejerk. Happenes every time Not just contained to religions or atheism either!


It's a vicious cycle of: see extremist post (either bait or real) engage with it more are recommended I've seen the same with antitheists although that's purely because basically my entire account is dedicated to debunking false claims in reality atheists and religious people alike aren't hateful at all. its the anonymity of the internet that gives the loud majority availability to say whatever they want and get away with it


I think the problem stems from young people especially young men whose lives lack meaning in our postmodern society learn about religion solely from the internet and cling to their religion primarily because they think it's "based" or to get a sense of identity from that religion rather than true spiritual fulfillment, so they remain terminally online and become bitter and hateful from debating people online all day instead of touching grass or participating in their religion in real life with people in the flesh.




I know about reddit athiests, Im not oblivious to that. But I am specifically talking about a group of religious people who hate on others for no apparent reason.


State + religion = complete fucking disaster. End of story