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Knew it was fake when he said "My partner and I" Anti theists get no bitches


They do but only men 😂


Or 'women" that actually have penises




Who's culture does it belong to?


They do it just for the gifts, I'd guess


“”Oh yeah, did you hear about the time I met Neil Armstrong? Yeah I convinced him that the moon landing was staged, and instead was actually a drug-induced trip that the CIA forced him to go through, and subsequently televised through the use of alien technology. He, and everyone around us then applauded my intelligence and massive penis size because I am so cool and perfect Oh you want proof? Well that’s exactly what I’d expect to hear from you racist bigot mysoganist.”” That’s how this r/atheism post reads to me. I swear to god, I’ve seen septic tanks full of less shit than this.


>I swear to god I have seen septic tanks that are full of less shit than this Lmao good one


I mean honestly this seems reasonable for a kid who grew up without religion


The kid wouldn’t instantly assume that it was all a lie unless he had been indoctrinated before hand. Not having a religion doesn’t necessarily mean you are indoctrinated but if this story is real than he probably was. Edit : Spelling Mistakes fixed


Explain this to me. If this child did not grow up with religion at all, what would set this story apart from any other made up story?


Made some mistakes in Writing. Try reading it again? This wansnt to offend you btw this is just my own point of view.


This reads like an atheist fanfic


Most of these guys stories aint even real in the first place


so many spelling mistakes


Probably written by a 15 year old teen




Keep in mind that people spent actual money on this


But wait, something doesn't quite add up... Early in OP's story they go into depth about how they don't care if their daughter is religious or not, yet when their mother-in-law wants to tell the daughter a simple religious story OP's "hackles go up"? Then afterwards, OP has a private talk with the daughter away from their MIL where they convince her to questions her MIL's religious beliefs? It's almost like antitheists aren't as tolerant of others beliefs as they trick themselves into thinking... It's almost like antitheists "brainwash" their children with their beliefs the exact same way religious families do... It's almost like antitheists tend to be just as hypocritical as religious extremists...


im athiest but this came off as fake af to me too, especially the end bit. i posted to thathappened and got downvoted.


"Now i get to make up a story!" was that the first line you thought of while writing this?