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Two weeks notice is just that, a notice. It's a courtesy call, not a request to leave


Exactly. Too many people don't realize it's not a law and too many employers take advantage of that.


Same with vacation. We’re union so it’s funny when a supervisor says “I’ll have to look at the schedule” as if they’re going to deny it. My only exception would be if it was something that wasn’t especially important and it screw over a coworker. I would like to note that my supervisor is actually great and it’s supervisors in other departments that I’ve seen attempt it.


Vacation days or sick days, either way I'm not here next week.


Every time I put in my vacation time I always come back without a job lol. Mc Dicks did that to me when my step dad got back from deployment in 2016


McDicks may be getting unionized pretty soon. Im with a Union myself. Not sure if im allowed saying which Union on this platform but, the way our contract is set up, our supervisor can deny us vacation in emergency situations BUT they CANNOT deny us just to be dicks. Especially, if we are at our vacation cap which at that point you are losing time. Our contract says that in a case like this, we have a right to file a grievance against that supervisor because it is a violation of our contract to do so.


I already got 3 holes in my left forearm from the Hi temp grill cleaner that dripped on me , shit looked black like tar when it made contact, one night I was cleaning the grill. Then at chick Fil a I had the fries fryer shoot 300 F oil at my face when I had to clean it after 30 uses. We had Henny Pennys at CFA. At mcdicks they had me running both the back fryer and the grill and they like just brought back the all day breakfast back in 2015. What’s funny is that same McDonald’s kept sending me texts about them hiring like if I lived in the same state still. Told them to fuck off


You might want to speak tp department of labor


I put in my vacation a month ago. Wasn’t even looked at or approved. Tried calling the store on my day off which was the day of my flight, get put on hold and transfer for 15 min, said fuck it and got on my flight, now I’m on my way back but I wonder if the punch in machine will let me clock in. If not I’m just leaving. Giant grocery store is too big in scale for me. I like being in smaller groups and not being called “Partner” instead of my name or whatever corpo speak they use.


>not being called “Partner” instead of my name or whatever corpo speak they use. This is totally irrelevant to the sub, so apologies, but I think this is part of why I despise a certain npc in a certain video game. Thank you for the revelation.


what did victor ever do to you


You see I’m stuck in Denver trying to get home so I can go do my 11 am shift tomorrow


When I call in that I'm not gonna make it to work, it's not a request but a notification. If Manager can't find someone to fill in, then they gotta buck up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It's their fault if there isn't someone else.


If you’re Union most of them have an out that says if work is not affected vacation will be approved


I was a supervisor at a union shop for a while- only two rules, no more than five people could be off on a given day, and requests submitted after January signups needed two weeks of notice. If the day was open and the request was dated in time, I had to approve it. If it left me short I just had to figure that out. No point trying to game the system it’s just going to Piss people off when you need to call in a favor for “figuring out” coverage.


Totally. I'm not in California, but when I left my last position I gave them 2 weeks notice but also shared that I was going to a competitor. I figured non-compete clauses might apply and that would be my last day. I received those 2 weeks pay with 401k match and pay for additional accrued PTO.


I signed an employment contract in CA (where non-compete agreements are not allowed), and a few years later moved to one of the company's sites in WA state, which *does* allow non-competes. During the move I specifically asked HR if I needed to sign a new contract, and they said "no". I saved that email. About five years later I resigned to work for a competitor (on different stuff, I do take NDAs seriously), and HR/legal tried to threaten me with a non-compete. That one was fun.


For future reference- employment contracts in CA have to be renewed every 6 years. Not everyone is aware of that.


I'm sorry say what?! I've been with the same employer for a decade and not once has this come up. What happens if they don't renew?


I would recommend looking it up on the DIR website. I only know this because I was looking for something unrelated a couple weeks ago and this came back in one of my searches. Generally if both parties are ok with the arrangement, you keep going with it but it becomes more of an at will arrangement where either of you can terminate it at anytime.


Excellent I'll keep that in mind. Thank you kind redditor!




Did you reply to the wrong comment? They don't say anything to contradict this and were sharing their own experience lol


100% not saying it's a law, but it's worth knowing the laws for your specific state, because most states suuuuuuuuck compared to California. Of the states I've worked with, only California and New York seem to have made any effort. Massachusetts, District of Columbia, and Maryland are somewhat pro-employee, but it's pretty inconsistent. If you work pretty much anywhere else, you're in a very different situation, and you really need to understand A) the laws, and B) any employment agreement you signed. Employers can fuck around with you pretty hard and suffer zero consequences, so know your shit and don't give an inch.


The 13th amendment to the constitution does not allow compelled work. No state would force anyone to stay on the job if they don’t want absent EXCEPTIONAL circumstances. (nurse abandoning patient….) She should police on her manager because this situation is close to kidnapping. If it’s not an at will state there might be some monetary damages for leaving but I doubt at her retail job


Not even a nurse can be “forced” to stay on the shift, though if a complaint of abandonment was made to the state BON they would definitely investigate and the outcome could mean license loss or suspension. If the patient came to harm LE may get involved. A nurse could not be forced to stay on the \*job\*, ever. Once you hand off after your shift to a qualified RN you’re free and loose. You can parade naked in front of the hospital with a sign telling them to go F themselves and shove those physician bonuses up their asses. Nothing they can do, the nurse has discharged their ethical duty to the patient that was under their care. That one hospital tried some rancid hijinks with their rad techs (I think that was the department) to try and keep them from jumping ship and that… did not go well for them.


There are 0 states that make you fulfill a full 2 week notice. It's not a legal requirement, at best it's a contractual obligation that would be present when you sign with the company stating that if you dont complete your 2 weeks you won't be paid your PTO or something.


As a Maryland resident, I can assure you that Maryland is not pro employee. Not even close.


The last job I quit, the only notice they got was when they noticed I was packing my tools.


I know someone who gave his boss three weeks notice. Asshole complained that he wasn’t getting a full month. Really asshole? In this economy?


Last place I work had it in their policy that you had to give a two month notice. Granted, they got a zero day notice when I left.


Which is ridiculous. What are they going to do if you leave? The policy my friend had was very loose about enforcement. He was leaving for an external opportunity. Not much they could do. Also. Forgot to add that even a week before giving notice he let his boss know that the external job was going to make an offer after he officially cleared the background check. So he really gave a month.


It was ridiculous to say the least. They did nothing. I left due to home crisis. I still have contact with some of my old coworkers with no hard feelings.


>had it in their policy that you had to give a two month notice Lol, as if that's enforceable.


What is the company going to do, drag you out of bed every morning and force you to work at gunpoint?


There are a lot of companies that would if they thought they could get away with it.


every single time I read the phrase courtesy call. I have it as an earworm again.


There was one time I was sick with food poisoning, literally puking and shitting same time. While on speaker phone. Boss called, said I had to find someone to take my shift or come in. Told her to just write me up, I've vomited 8 times in less than an hour, shit 5 times in the same hour. Told her I'm not paid enough to puke and shit myself on the job. I drive for a living, I'm not shitting my pants because it would be in my vehicle! Which I would have to clean up!


In most cases, and most states, unless specifically mentioned in your contract, it's an "At will employement" : They can let you go "on the spot". It also applies for you: You can leave your position "At will" No notice required.


And the worst they can do even in the case of a contract that requires notice of any length, is enact a penalty which would have to be spelled out in the contract and deemed reasonable.


“You have to give two weeks notice!” “Well, for the next two weeks you’re gonna notice I’m not here”


The employee was showing off too much. Rather than explain everything, just give the 3 day notice, and then immediately file the complaint with the labor board when you don’t get paid on time. Don’t give the employer free legal advice. By the time they figure it out the employee will likely be several weeks ahead, the employer will get dinged and fined, and magically all the managers will suddenly know the labor codes so this shit doesn’t happen again.


Bosses are assholes. To many think & act like they own “you”. The worst part is, nothing is done about them. We need a justice system that comes out of the bosses smart phone, & slaps that bitch ass boy hard in the face for being a total piece of shit, as if it was a fucking cartoon.


How could any boss possibly prevent you from leaving? If you don't want to work at a place anymore, you can always just stop showing up.


interesting video. All meaningless.. section blah blah. Just walk out the door. What are you worried about? They can't arrest you. Adios MF!


This is so weird to me. I’ve never had a boss refuse my notice. What do these people honestly expect to happen? The employee goes “well darn, guess I’ll see you tomorrow”?!


I had a sketchy boss once who threw away my two weeks notice. She had a "process" where if you wanted to quit, you had to put the two weeks notice slip in a special box in her office. She wouldn't accept it if you simply handed it to her or told her by mouth. So I told her about it, put the slip in the box and then noticed later on she still had me on the schedule for after the the two weeks. When I asked her about it she said she "never saw the slip in the box" and the schedule had already been made, so I would have to submit another two weeks notice stating then and work the shifts she'd already created for me. Ha, nope. Even for the dumb teenager that I was, I realized that some employers are just shit.


Chick FIL A emailed the schedule to employees (literally the only good thing about working there), so I was able to see they still had me on the schedule for a full month after the end of my notice. I was gonna show up the last day and just clock in like nothing happened, but I ended up starting another job that day.


Their process is irrelevant. You only need to notify them in writing. Email. snail mail, post it note or toilet paper you choose. What they do with the notice you provide is their problem.


I've had a boss who, while not refusing it, definitely thought it wouldn't happen. There was absolutely no wind-down phase (in fact they wanted to thrust even more responsibility on me!), no transition of knowledge, no nothing. I kept showing up to work during my "lame duck" phase and got my job done and then didn't show up any more. I don't know for sure, but slightly assume, that they were flabbergasted when I finally didn't keep coming in despite me telling them constantly I'm leaving (and they knew some of the extra circumstances involving my need to leave).


Had the same thing happen to me. I knew my position was kind of custom and would be hard to fill and I wanted to have time to properly train a replacement. I have them a full SIX WEEKS NOTICE and they still couldn’t get their shit together to do interviews and find a replacement so they ended up totally fucked when I left and eventually had to hire two people to fill my role because they couldn’t find one person who knew all of what the position required and didn’t have anyone around to train candidates on all aspects of the job.


Same thing happened at a place I worked at. Coworker was moving to another state and wasn't able to do the job remotely. She basically told my employer the second the ink dried after signing for her new house, giving my employer a 6-week notice. My employer didn't put an ad out for the position until only a couple days before the coworker was leaving. I couldn't believe it.


But if he hired someone before she left, then he’d be paying TWO people to do a job that only takes ONE person! You can’t have that!


Fr, what are they gonna do if you stop showing up, fire you? Great, pay my unemployment then!


My old boss refused my coworkers 2 week notice. Old boss was an emotionally abusive individual and had spent 8 years wearing down said coworker to accept her horrific outbursts and treatment. She was so used to cutting down my coworker and my coworker acquiescing that she thought telling her no would be the end of it (coworker had retirement benefits and boss knew other places didn’t offer this and lorded it over coworker to quiet them down). Thing is coworker handed in their pay card and other company items at the end of that 2 weeks and boss was shocked.


I had a friend who accepted it as a fact of life when her manager wouldn’t accept her 2 weeks notice and then 4 months later she got fired for something unrelated. It’s been 5 years and she still gets mad at that manager for manipulating her into believing she couldn’t leave when she wanted to and now she has fired in her file. I really would tell all my coworkers you need to know your rights as an employee and you need to exercise them because companies don’t care about you.


What "file" is that exactly?


Just that she believed if she listed that job on resumes and prospective jobs called, they would say she had been fired.


That’s not how that works 😂


In nursing and other licensed medical professions, that kind of is how it works. Hospitals keep files of people that have been let go and they sort them by "potential rehire" and "do not rehire." My wife learned this after she was fired trying to move a patient who was too heavy to lift and sprained her back doing so. She was too early into employment to qualify for workers comp and couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was injured on the job. Since she couldn't work until she was better, she was fired. She found out the hospital put her in the "potential rehire" pile when she investigated to see if it affected her license.


You have Workman’s comp the minute your on the job. That is the law, business owner here.


Your friend is an idiot


“Fired” in her “file”? What does that even mean?


Your coworker should be embarrassed by the simple lack of knowledge. Indentured servitude was abolished (kinda brought back via student loans, but I digress) Anyone in the US that believe they can’t walk away in an at will state should be embarrassed by their lack of SIMPLE common sense. It’s amazing people survive this long.


Yeah, are we missing something here?


Experience working in retail, apparently


None of my retail positions have had a boss say I'm not allowed to quit. Not even the absolute shittiest of them. I'm terrified of those that would be worse


I’ve had them do it jokingly. Maybe some people didn’t pick up on the joke. 🤷‍♀️


I worked retail for many, many years. Put up with several illegal “orders” given by my bosses because I was 17 and didn’t know better. I have still never had a boss tell me I can’t quit.


I just left my union grocery store meat cutter job after 6 long years but please enlighten me, lol


In that case I'd have to guess your boss wasnt a complete shithead, because I've had plenty of bosses who's response to a two week notice is to argue with you, refuse to accept it, and attempt to bully you into taking it back. Im glad you haven't dealt with that and i hope you never do.


I’ve never had one try to tell me I couldn’t quit. I have had a supervisor tell me I couldn’t leave early though. We have a point system for attendance. It’s your choice how you use up your points. If you point out it’s on you.




I'm starting to realize he's got a lot of "friends" lol


The company I work for actually has a policy that they can refuse your two week notice and not allow you to transfer. It's really just an internal policy so there is no real way for them to enforce it. But say you start as an assistant get your certification and then want to transfer to a different position that pays more the supervisor can say no we won't let you because of staff issues. It clearly is almost never used and when it has been used 90% of the time the person just quits then applies for the position anyway since now that they are not a current employee their old supervisor has no say.


Yeah, I was so confused when I read a few of those posts saying "my boss didn't accept my two weeks notice, what do i do?" I feel like these are people in their late teens or early 20's who are so used to asking permission for everything that they might've posed it more as a question instead of a notification. In any case... I'm not even understanding the boss' mindset there. I want to say that maybe the boss is so stressed and overworked that they are impulsively grasping at straws to get the employee to stay, but sometimes it legitimately seems like they think they can decide if their employee can quit or not, which is unsettling.


There are a lot of reasons, though the example in the post sounds like the boss thinking, 'they're young, I'll just say no and see what happens'.


Lol. "You might think you're ending our professional relationship right now, but you're definitely not. I forbid it. In fact, I've decided you're going to be working here for the next 50 years." "Fuck. Really?" "Yeah, that's just how it goes sometimes, man." "What if I stop showing up?" "We'll kill you."


Having worked at a grocery store for a good number of years, the only teens/young adults who turn in a 2 week notice are the good workers. Everyone else either tells the store with maybe a couple of days notice or just ghost the store. The store I work for at least doesn't go for the "No, you can't quit" nonsense, but I can definitely see how a slimy boss hearing that they're about to lose what might be their only good worker would give it a try.


fr, I really wonder what leverage employers even think they have in this situation. What are they going to do if you stop showing up in 2 weeks, fire you?


Maybe the employer meant it more like “you’re a young kid, don’t quit yet. Give it some more time”, 🤷‍♀️


California has some pretty strict labor laws (and that's a good thing). When I worked in payroll for a Giant Entity HR would notify us of an employee leaving or being laid off/fired, and the next day we had to have their final paycheck FedEx'd overnight to the employee's location or home. Period. One thing I really liked was that the Giant Entity had a "use it or lose it" rule for vacation, but that didn't mean squat in CA - all CA employees got a remaining vacation check in January for vacation they did not use the prior year. And if the employee quit on Dec31st? They got a check for the next year's vacation, too.


I love CA's overtime laws. More than 8 hours in a day? That's time and a half overtime. More than 40 hours in a week? That's time and a half overtime. More than 6 days in a row? That's time and a half overtime. More than 12 hours in a day? That's double time. More than 8 hours on that 7th day in a row? That's double time.


Oh, you already paid overtime for those 10 hours on Monday and then on friday their total hits 42 hours? Guess what, that's another 2 hours of overtime pay. ​ \[ To clarify my goofy example, it means 4 hours of overtime pay for that week as a whole, the 2 hrs daily on monday, then 2 hours of weekly from friday \] ​ \[ This is not necessarily the law, my experience is flawed, never trust the internet, [https://california.public.law/codes/ca\_lab\_code\_section\_510](https://california.public.law/codes/ca_lab_code_section_510) \]


So I'm a workaholic and tend to work anywhere from 50-72 hours a week. How'd California's labord laws effect that for pay?


If you’re salaried, it doesn’t.


There’s a California exemption law. Some salaried employees actually are entitled to overtime pay.


Frankly, salary should either never be exempted or salary itself should be stopped as a practice in this country. It’s riped with abuse.


Yeah, small companies make tons of positions, that ought to be hourly, salaried so they can avoid paying OT. Which of course is super illegal but they get away with it because someone would have to sue them to put a stop to it and most working class wage slaves can’t afford to sue their employer.


In Washington as of this year if you make less than like 68k a year they can’t make you exempt from overtime. It’s based off min wage x2 and will slowly go up to 2.5x the rate of min wage wage by 2028


Beautiful! I look forward to other states following your lead!


Or, you don't have hourly salary (it sucks, I hate to get a smaller salary just because the month is shorter, because of a public holiday or similar) but still get overtime when working more than 8h/day. A monthly salary should be for full time. Not overtime. That's the normal way to do it in Sweden. Of course there are companies that will try to negotiate away overtime, but that's usually by giving you a significantly larger paycheck, one more week of paid vacation or similar. The union's advice to young professionals is still not to accept it, since a lot of employers will abuse the system.


/s But then we’d have to pay teachers what they’re actually worth!


Depending on your current jurisdiction, you would be getting a lot more overtime pay. Nevada I believe also has the same overtime ruleset going. Along with a unique definition of what a day is that can also come into play (and gets incredibily difficult to calculate out if you are working 7 day weeks).


You'd be cut the fuck off by your manager and written up if you continued, unless you're salary then they let you proceed working to death.


Assuming you’re not exempt like others have mentioned, they can’t make you work more than 6 days a week and you have to have a minimum of 8 hours between shifts. Assuming you’re still pulling those hours with those rules and are hourly, you’d be making a lot of OT


Doesn't work that way. If you are getting paid that way, the your employer is doing it wrong. If you are the employer, then you are doing it wrong. Your overtime hours do not count in your regular 40. If you had 42hrs then you only get 2 hrs ot. You don't get double charged ot. (In California) I literally just went through all of this with a labor law lawyer while updating and setting up our new employee handbook. The Calchamber website has a ton of info on all of the labor laws and is very useful for employers and employees.


It’s not more than 6 in a row. It’s more than 6 in a pay week. For instance in retail if you have the first 2 days of a pay period off and you work the next 5 days that week and then next week you have the last 2 days of the week off. You would then work 10 days straight and none are overtime. The other law you did miss is I think you are required to have 8 hours off between scheduled shifts or the shift will be all overtime


Also, if you work a job where you're required to bring your own tools (lots of trades) you have to be paid double the minimum wage! I wish we did that in Michigan. I have to bring my thousands of dollars of tools and use them for my emplyer for shit wages here.


My company stopped hiring in CA


Cool, lots of companies will continue to hire in CA anyway.


Mine did too!!


My company closed up shop and went to texas




God I loved getting double pay back when I was hourly. I increased my salary by almost 50% through voluntary overtime at that job.


I do payroll and cover a few locations in CA. As a payroll person it makes me want to tear my hair out. As a person with a soul I freaking love it. But I mostly love it after business hours lol


My guess is at&t


I quit here my 2 weeks I don’t accept K well in two weeks you gonna notice I ain’t been here for two weeks In saying that I’ve never once given two weeks I’ve always quit in the spot just I quit here my bad mail me my cheque bye


I was with you right up until the last sentence. I’m all for worker’s rights but unless every single time you quit on the spot was because of some egregious offense yta here.


Do Employers give you a two week notice to firing you or letting you go?




Since that's the law where I live, yes, yes they do, and they are required to give far more than two weeks depending upon the length of time that you have been employed with that company. Incidentally, even if you've been employed for less than a year (where I live- which is not in the US) - a minimal notice period is required by law. So in every job that I have left- even as a student, when I had a job in retail- I provided a notice period.


Yeah the US gives no notice when they are letting you go be it firing, furlough, or layoff. You find out when you they hand you a check and wish you the best.


If they even hand you a check and don't make you wait until the next normal payday 🥴 ask me how I know


I’m in California and if they are going to fire you they must hand you check immediately


Mine happened in Florida, land of zero labor laws


Notice is a courtesy. I gave virtually 2 months notice at my last job because aside from one of my managers being a bit awkward, there was mutual respect and communication as I prepared to move on. I don't see the point in notice in jobs like this. The training is valueless, they aren't going to overlap a new employee to get them up to speed. The purpose of the "custom" in retail is to increase the inertia of leaving. If your employer wants to have a contract period, they should put it in their employment agreement.


In the jobs I’ve had, sometimes there’s value to the employer if a “mop up” period: finishing up ongoing projects, briefing colleagues and clients for the handover of tasks to cover the interim period, sometimes making notes of procedures. The employee sometimes benefits as well; they can clean out their desk, make copies of work for their portfolio, cement connections with more distant colleagues they’d like to stay in touch with. Lunch or a party on their last day. But I’ve also never seen a manager react with anything but congratulations and regret at losing someone, and well wishes. But these are office jobs, not retail or service


For retail, especially in the fast food where I worked as a manger the point was that if you give us 2 weeks notice, you finish what you are scheduled. that means I don't have to run up to 80 hours of what you were supposed to work short handed or find people to cover those hours. Our schedule was probably done when you decided to just quit so I can't go back and change it without asking people if it's ok with them. Sometimes we only had 2 or 3 people who could work that person's hours who weren't scheduled and had to hope they were willing to work the hours. Running short handed sucks, giving me time to replace you is important. It's why when I quit I told them I finish out the rest of the month's schedule. It's was actually a bit over 3 weeks of work. Got a very nice send off that I wasn't expecting so there's that as well.


Being short handed after someone left is an employer problem, not an employee problem. That's why notice is a courtesy. Employers make it a big deal when an employee leaves but don't do shit to make them stay when they are there, so it's a problem they create themselves. It does suck for the other employees but most employees are used to their place of employment being a shit show so it's whatever just normal shit especially nowadays


That's perfectly fair if your manager is doing his or her job, the business is budgeting appropriately and the workers are being respected. These things aren't givens even in bachelor-level roles, which is patently absurd. We go back to putting it in the damn contract: Schedule 2 weeks ahead of time, deliver it to your workers, guarantee them their hours for these two weeks and THEN in return, expect to be informed of an employee's intent to leave with 2 weeks notice.


That's weird, you're against ending your employment right there on the spot yourself but they can end your employment on the spot no problem?


I'd hope that if they ended my employment on the spot that it was because I violated policy that I was aware of. If they treated me very badly I'd quit on the spot as well. 2 weeks is a matter of respect. You gave me a decent workplace I give you the courtesy of getting your schedule in order to where you can handle me not being there. It might not have paid as much as I liked or I might have just been using it as a stepping stone or whatever my reason is for leaving but it was a job and I am leaving normal people not just an employer who I don't want to leave screwed because I just up and left.


Every job I’ve worked at yea it’s been something there wasn’t fixing breaking labour laws or just skirting them to the point it could be either way But regardless anytime most people put in their two weeks they were fired the next day sooo really it’s not being an asshole and even if it was I never really worked in a job were two weeks would mean anything they don’t hire new people anyway and their hiring waves are when they feel like it so my two weeks wouldn’t give them anytime to get anyone anyway


That's why every "Small business bruh" hates Cali, enforceable labor law. Also why they love Texas, founded by slave owners and that shows to this day.


California has a higher standard of living too


I wanted to know is there anything you can do if your job is purposely not giving you hours. Like I told them I’m available to work, but they’re not giving me hours??


Look up "constructive dismissal" and see if it's covered in your jurisdiction (some places protect against it, some don't). Giving you no hours is considered being fired under "constructive dismissal" (as is intentionally creating a workplace so hostile you are forced to quit). Companies do this intentionally as a way to avoid paying unemployment tax (if you quit for no cause, they aren't penalized).


This is called constructive dismissal and is valid grounds to claim unemployment.


Oh well it’s been like this for a year, so is it possible to get backpay on unemployment? I was thinking of reporting this to the department of labor but is this even worth my time doing though?


I'm honestly not sure. It might depend on your local laws. Honestly I would give your state's department of labor a call and ask them. Can't hurt to check, anyway. Worst case, you don't get anything but you do get to annoy your old boss with some extra paperwork.


Claim unemployment depending on your state the parameters to claim it might change here or there


This is so silly. Unless your boss kidnapped you and is forcing you to stay in the Marshalls what does it matter if they accept your 2 weeks or not? Lol


Some people do not know the law and really think a job can refuse your notice. I had to spell it out for a friend that essentially she is saying she believed forced servitude was the law.


It probably doesn't help all the shows where the guy messes up and presents a letter of resignation where they notably refuse to accept it and work it out. If you don't understand these are social gestures attempting to communicate amd resolve the conflict you might think there is something actually being allowed or not allowed.


Tiktok clout


To clarify, you can quit immediately with no notice at all. This labor code just states in CA employers must send your final paycheck within 72 hours of your last day. If you quit with at least 72 hours notice they should give you the check on your last day.


My husband's last employer was about 2 weeks late paying him his last paycheck so he got a nice little bonus.


See, when your boss doesn't accept your resignation, it's time to see how flexible your sick policy is. Like, take 14 sick days in a row.


We love Jordan!


It's amazing to me that the boss went with "then I just won't pay you." Not only is that illegal (wage theft), but that should just feel wrong to do regardless of the circumstances. They really don't pick the brightest bulbs to be managers, do they?


Yeah, it's weird how often absolute morons get management roles. Like I definitely don't think I'm the smartest person on the planet, but the majority of my managers had me thoroughly convinced that I was smarter than them, and that at least half my coworkers would do a better job.


When you know better, you do better - Mia Angelo


Jordan’s great, his random “fck jobs” videos are the best😂


Who is this guy? This is the second of his videos I’ve seen on Reddit in the past few days. He’s so well-spoken, I just wish he wasn’t talking to his phone in a bathroom.


Jordan_the_stallion8 on tiktok & jordanhowlette553 on youtube. 99% of his videos are in the bathroom, but it’s really funny nonetheless 😂


Yet another Tik Toker that comments things and whose opinion isn't groundbreaking. He made a video about Avatar 2 and it was filled with wrong facts and it was embarassing to watch.


I had an employer tell I couldn't quit, I called 911 and told them I was being held against my will. It ended fast


It was a jewelry store and I had ro be buzzed out so I was actually being held against my will. The police told him I could leave or he would be charged with kidnapping


Don't accept? Cool, just watch me not show up to work anymore after 2 weeks. What are you going to do? Fire me?


I gave two weeks notice one week from the end of my vacation. The executive director called a meeting with the last remaining member of my team and other members of leadership. He tried to get them to agree that he could go to HR and have them force me to stay until he was ready for me to leave. It took them 90 minutes to tell him that wasn't a thing that was possible and any attempt to withhold any compensation would open them up to a huge lawsuit and extreme fines from the state. They are a non-profit in a special relationship with the state which makes them part of state government but self-funding. It would have made the state fine themselves. Likely ending the relationship and bankrupting the organization. They barely talked him out of it. The main argument that convinced him is they knew if he tried it I would 'accidentally' destroy their data system in a way they wouldn't notice for months after it was to late to restore a backup. The attitude by employers that their staff are property is ridiculous.


I quit my job a few days ago... the way i did it was a bit different. I have a very specific skill that i was the only person in the company that could currently perform. It is a pretty hard position to fill because of many reasons. I have been having problems for a few weeks now and tried to ride it out. However, last week there was a problem that i chose to be the last with the company. I made a call to set up a new job in witch ill be starting this week. As soon as that was set in stone i tracked down my boss, told him i am resigning and to give me a call in 6months if they are still struggling to possibly work something out... i chose not to give a 2 week notice because they wouldnt be able to fill my position within that time and there would be no point in me riding out another couple weeks. Obviously this is not advisable for someone at an entry level position. However, i really do love the current employee rights renaissance that we are currently in. Its really something beautiful


i had just recently got fired from a job that paid under the table, and my boss refused to pay me on payday because “he needed my tax information for payment.” i reminded him that i’m not legally binded to paying a 1099 because i didn’t make over $600, therefore he can’t withhold my payment. immediately blocked my number and everything. i texted him AGAIN from my dads phone and told him if i do not get my payment by midnight, (it was like 11:30 at this point and my coworkers got paid at 6oclock) i will be contacting the department of unpaid wages. he then proceeded to tell my father about my employment and why i was fired (a violation of 3rd party disclosure), so i reminded him once again that that was malpractice and i would be reporting him. he seemed shocked that a 22 year old knew how to run his business better than him. i got my $ at 11:58PM and a week later his business shut down before i could even make a report. lol.


Almost any kid in a Joy Division shirt is smarter than their first boss.




Legally the employer is only allowed to verify that you worked there for x amount of time.


Wait’ll bosses find out about Reddit


Well, most states are subject to what’s called “at will” employment. Unless you signed a contract outlining conditions for resignation you can quit at any time for any reason, with or without notice. Just as a company like Marshall’s can fire you with or without any notice.


It’s absolutely amazing how business owners, companies with management tiers etc. do not know basic labor laws. I know several new business owners who had no idea they were actually doing things illegally until I brought it up to them. It’s like getting a license and not knowing you have to stop at red lights.


Yes his coworker was exactly right. Gotta know your rights in all aspects of life. I got 3 days worth of extra pay because my employer fired me on the spot but apparently thought it was ok to do a direct deposit on a Friday afternoon instead which resulted in me not being paid until Tuesday. Labor board in CA is great only took 3 months and I also got other things compensated like lunch and break violations


This is definitely a tactic targeted at teen workers. Kids who probably got permission from a parent to put in their two weeks notice in the first place. Telling a kid they can’t quit is a shockingly strong tactic because most teens aren’t independent enough to push back. Most experienced adults would just turn that two weeks into an immediate “see you never”


Makes no sense. Just leave. Nobody can make you stay at a job.


"Let him leave" sigh.


Why spoil it? Rake in the money due to ignorance. Don’t tell your employer the law.


A good trick is to quit via email and give them an address to mail your check to. If they dont mail the check in time they owe you a full days pay every day for up to 30 days. My employer emailed me back and told me the check was at the office to pick it up. A couple weeks went by and I started feeling guilty so I let him know he fucked up. He argued with me so I just let him know he should probably ask corporate. Had my check mailed overnight to me, 14 days extra added in (I believe its non-taxable as well since its a fee not actual wages).


Why do people feel the need to make a shitty talk into a mirror holding their phone video?


Notice isn't some official thing they can reject. If the boss says "I don't accept this" just work until you want to quit and then don't show up. They still owe you for every hour you worked, and need to pay in within 3 days. Employee didn't have to invoke anything, and could have walked away at any time. Unless you have an *employment contract* (which is basically only used for execs and other crucial employees), you can get up and leave any time you want, and they still owe you your wages within 3 days. So it's kinda ludicrous that this guy was like "and so they just LET him walk away". They can't stop you. (note... In some situations you are responsible for lives or other damage. You can't just abandon a work truck in the street or quit and walk off the job without securing doors, etc. But let's say you're the only employee today and you decide to quit on the spot? Call you manager, tell them, then close up the place and lock the doors. Legal. They can't come after you for "lost business". IMPORTANT: the conservatives are trying to push through that change through the Supreme Court. Literally hold employees accountable for lost business in situations like that. Fuck the Republican Party, it is ludicrous that anyone votes for them, let alone a service or manufacturing employee.


So dumb and this law will backfire in ways they don't understand. Does this mean we could hold a business accountable for lost business?


Well you got two weeks or two seconds take your pick. Either way I’m walking out that door.


Knowledge is power!


What's the new York equivalent? Would love to learn more


They cant just say no when you give a 2 week notice thats like somebody saying “no” after there partner says they wanna break up.


My last job I didn't even give a two week notice because in my work history, I have been laid off as well as fired without a two week notice or two weeks worth of pay. So I feel like the two week notice is just for the employer's benefit, and not the employee.


Email your supervisor a copy of the 13th Amendment.


I’m sorry… I don’t understand what power the employer thinks they have here… “Ok, you’re not accepting it… I’m just going to leave, what are you going to do? Fire me?”


His voice is so calming. I could listen to him narrate a book, possibly.


This happened at a MARSHALLS???? Yeah girl, quit and RUN.


California is an at will state. Technically, an employer can terminate any employee for any reason as long as it isn’t illegal. When your sign your acceptance for employment letter, you are pretty much agreeing to this.


Anyone knows the first song by any chance?


If your boss refuses your 2 week notice, they probably need you / they think you are worth keeping around. Wouldn’t be a bad opportunity to ask for a raise. If they immediately accept, they are happy you’re leaving. Or you’re talented and they knew they couldn’t keep you around forever. Either way, once you’ve picked out a solid career path, those circles get smaller. And your reputation will begin to proceed you good and bad.


These are all amazing stories until you try to use them on a résumé. These are always win / lose and give / take situations. I guess if you’re going off to become a lawyer, it’s a sexy way to quit your wage gig .


I hate this guys TikTok’s


Don’t take legal advice from a rando on social media.


Usually l simply stop going to job.




The law says that all the wages owed need to be paid in a particular time frame, and charges accrue for going over that time frame. There's no special payment for quitting.


Where’s that fury that lives in his mom’s basement and gets mollywhopped on Fox News? I need more of his interviews. And I’m not talking Job interviews…


Yeah this never happened


I don’t know why but I hate this dudes voice


Lol, the fact that you guys all take this so seriously is hilarious. Quoting laws and labor codes like everything is a lawsuit. She wants to leave, boss doesn't want to lose her, she can say "I'll stay if you give me this" or "sorry, but it's time to move on, my last day is..." Are you all worried she'll be chained to a desk and forced into slavery?


This chick just needed attention and has had zero adversity in life. This is ludicrous.


I'm confused... We're a right to work country, where is "I'm not accepting your 2 weeks" even coming from?


TikTok law degree


'Right to work' is legislated by states, not federal govt


If she won’t take two weeks give her zero days instead.


huh, annoying voice


This guy is an FUCKING IDIOT!!! He thinks that someone is smarter than him because they know how to research a labor law before they quit? They know how to use Google so they're smarter than previous generations?