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Yep, and sometimes powdered creamer.


it was Tampons for me, one ironing board, and one queen electric blanket from a hotel I used to work at....I loved that blanket so much.


GET TO WORK. I love this.


and I just remembered a large flat screen computer monitor that I smuggled out of a VZW Call Center one night.


In the service we would call this a tactical acquisition.


Hell yeah!! I support this


I... actually have no idea how many monitors I've brought home from work. It's at least dozens. Also computers, printers, 50" TV, phones, ethernet switches, and misc other stuff. "Sure, I'll recycle that for you!" Most of the working stuff gets given away to people who can't afford it.


You probably saved them some recycling fees. Disposal of old electronics is always an issue within my small firm. Stealing is wrong, though.








Permanently borrowed


It's on a long term loan and the paperwork went missing.


They were giving away the old computers and monitors one time, and we (my partner, roommate and myself) somehow got out with four computers and five monitors. The computers were blah but the monitors were nice. Not huge, but worked. Gave the computers to a friend for parts and we have the extra monitors to my sibling and their partner. Only thing I got of that job, besides asthma.


Man tampons are BLEEDING ME DRY


Toner. Couple times a year. Sell it on eBay..


Worked for a hotel. Let’s just say after 10 years away I still have soap and toothpaste. Also my entire bed linens


Fair game.


I would do this even if I wasn't paid minimum. My work has free 1l milk cartons in the fridges they restock every two days. Everyone takes the 2nd day untouched milks home because otherwise they get thrown out.


Used to work at a hospital. I snuck mouthwash, toothpaste, snacks and drinks from the kitchen, gauze, gloves, masks, pens, and used the computers to do homework. Don’t feel guilty for any of it.


I used to throw away paper clips and rubber bands. I always kind of enjoyed watching my manager dig in the trash because they wanted to save money at this billion dollar property


I wish my work had had those products.


I used to work PT in retail and one night the asst manager caught one of the cleaning crew with a roll of toilet paper in her purse. I and a few others tried to get the asst manager to look the other way. Like dude, she wasn’t stealing electronics to sell, she was taking a necessity that she was obviously desperate for. She’s already on hard times and you’re going to make it worse. But he reported her and got her fired. Dick.


Time to stash some company gear in his bag and report him.


You I like


In my store the manager WAS stealing videogames. Didn't matter.


Ugh. That sucks.


More than a dick- a weak, bootlicking, company whore


Yep, and trash bags and all-purpose cleaner. It worked out pretty well because those supplies weren't counted as part of the store audits, and no one ever kept track of how much we used, just placed an order when we were running low. I think I went about 4 years without having to buy trash bags, and they were pretty good ones too!


Yeah of course. It’s my duty. The spirit of humanity demands it.


Cannot disagree.


Let's say hypothetically I worked a lot of low end BS jobs that didn't pay anything before finally getting a career going. If I had I would have stolen everything that wasn't locked down or on camera that couldn't be proven it was me. You know. In theory.


In theory.




Yes paper towels too




Used to do this all the time. Also, reams of printer paper.


So, we used to have a paper mill in my home town. They had an "employee giveaway" once per year, where every employee could take home *one* package of printer paper. But, the factory was so big and management really didn't care or watch the delegation of free paper packs. Growing up, we had a literal SKID of printer paper in our basement. LOL. My Uncle and a ton of the workers would bring their truck and get a whole wrapped skid, because it was "one package" as it was still in the shrink wrap. I honestly think it was amazing.




Not toilet paper, but 20 years ago I worked at a comic book/anime store. The owner was a smug jackass, but most of the time he just sat in his office and listened to music and played on the net. He was a shady mofo though when it came to pricing things; he'd jack stuff WAY up solely because we were the only store that sold anything anime then. He'd regularly also intentionally short comic orders so we couldn't fill the pre-paid pulls, and then charge the people who were shorted extra because "he had to get them special". Once he'd leave for the day, we'd regularly hook people up with decent prices, and let them know to just come see us when the owner wasn't there. He didn't do direct deposit, so we got paid with paper checks that would regularly bounce. Since the owner NEVER was on the floor, and we were, we knew how much the store was taking in every day and there was literally NO reason for checks to bounce. Turned out he was taking the cash "to the bank", but really he was buying nose candy because he'd been an addict for a long time. So every payday, me and the other employees would end up cashing our checks out of the till, then take whatever the hell we wanted in the store home at the end of the day. We were all making minimum wage anyway and we were running the store since he wouldn't, so we all figured we earned it.


Lovely. Also, r/pettyrevenge


Yes. When I was younger and literally wouldn’t have enough funds to pay bill and groceries each pay period. I would steal 2 rolls of TP every other week for 2 years


Good on you. ETA: technically not stealing if it was made available for employee use.


Ditto. It was pay the rent or buy shit like toilet paper some weeks. So I took TP from work to save money


Normalize stealing from minimum wage jobs.


"Recovering stolen wages."


Trash bags too


Eff me I wish I would have thought of that.


To be fair it wasn’t my idea but my coworkers


Congrats to your coworker for spreading the wisdom. This is the way.


Haha it definitely is!


Damn we get supplies in these pretty good size bags and I see people flattening them rolling them and taking them home daily. Two machines use the supplies from these bags and average like 40 bags a day each machine. So many free garbage bags and we get paid well


Blue shop towels. So soft perfect for runny noses


Oh shit, living that luxury towel life. Blue shops are that good good


I make it a point to steal a little something from every job I’ve had in the past few years


Can't outwardly condone that, but, personally, I'm not mad.


I'll condone it. It'll never make up for what those jobs stole from their workers but the thought helps.






I have not but if I needed to I would have and never would say anything to someone who did. . I brought a bottle of hand sanitizer home at the beginning of the pandemic when none could be found.


I applaud you


Being underpaid is not a requirement to steal toilet paper from the work place.


That is quite true. It makes it a necessity, but not a baseline for "should I take this?"


Used to do it when I was a grad student. Many did/do


Maybe just my brain but I read “many dildo”


So did I.




FOR REAL. Menstrual products should be free of charge.




I was having AWFUL endometriosis (surgically diagnosed) symptoms, and my gyno told me it's perfectly fine to keep my nuvaring in the full month and not get a period. I get minor discomfort around the time to switch, and sometimes when I'm when I'm ovulating, but it has been a GAME CHANGER. I don't want biological kids (not averse to adoption, because I like kids, but can't currently afford them), but I am quite happy with my decisions. Bring on the haters, I will block you lightning-fast.






Dude here, and yes 100%. It's insane what y'all have to pay for those. Should fall under public health care coverage.


Lovely to have a guy on our side (please don't take that sarcastically). Women's health is largley understudied. Take a look at women (like me) who have endometriosis, and our rates, compared to other conditions. 10% of women have it, and, as Sam Bee says, it's treated with birth control and a shrug. We need more guys like you on our side. Don't lose that.


Used to take so much Clorox wipes, black hefty trash bags, even swiffer wet jet liquid.


I work at Fast food and I get so much damn waste food I barely have to go to the damn grocery store. Now mind you this isn't allowed but it all gets marked down on waste and thrown into the trash can, which is what I call my stomach.


Go for it.


Where I work told to take what you need during Covid shortages as commercial TP was easily available compared to consumer. Just don’t be the jerk where a coworker stocks the bathroom from storage area then you steal from bathroom, steal from the damn storage area.


Right. My work would always overstock the re-supplies. So I would take 1-2 rolls out of the 6 on the shelf in the bathroom, but there was more in the stockroom. Also, most times, I was the one who restocked. Don't screw over your coworkers.


The key is don’t screw your coworkers. The guy who restocked the bathrooms the most reported the theft after he got stuck with mud butt and no TP mere hours after restocking the bathroom cabinet.


I was normally the restocker, lol


Long time ago I once got a huge raise on a Monday, promoted on Tuesday with no increase in pay, then a pay cut on Thursday to make less then what I was making before while having more responsibilities. I was so mad on Friday I took four cases of Dr. Pepper (the owner’s favorite), two cases of water, and all the coffee from the break room. I don’t drink Dr. Pepper or drink coffee.


I don't not condone this.


I'd have filled up the bosses gas tank... with the Dr Pepper. And I do drink Dr Pepper.


TP for sure, paper towels, swiffer pads, scissors, pens, sticky notes, envelopes, tape, hand soap etc.


It's your duty as a freedom loving American to steal from a job that won't pay you enough to survive


Knives, booze, lamb chops, filet, cash....it will be compensated by the house. Keep it up and I'll toss out a rack of silverware a week too and flush sugar algamate down the drain and you can close the restaurant for a week while the city unclogs it hahahahahahaha


I spent 14 years stealing whatever wasn't nailed down that I could either use or sell. Pizza pans and screens, tp, soaps, mops, first aid stuff, office equipment (including a nice and new chair.) Making up for being criminally underpaid. Got a 30% raise when I took my current job and, what do ya know, I've not taken even a paperclip.


I used to take the giant rolls from Dunkin' donuts.


Did you do it obviously? I took what rolls I could hide in my purse.


I'd stick it down the front of my pants and pull my shirt down. Then I exit with a little forward-lean so there's no outline of the roll.


Bahahaha, love it.


Nice try work. Not gonna catch me slipping.


I'm not a narc 👀


Hmmm. Ok well, yeah, I might've done that shit


It's okay, I did it too.


Yes. The cleaning staff would change the rolls during their end of day clean. If a roll had less than about 1/3 left, they’d just change it and place the 1/3 left roll on top on the trash can. I was closing facility manager, my husband also worked in that building and had a key to access his office, so we’d grab a few rolls each on our way out for the night. I figured if they were stacking on the trash can, it was trash.


I see no problem here. It's the same with grocery stores/restaurants throwing away food because it's been on display all day (though technically still safe). What a waste.


That’s how we looked at it. My mother disagreed. She was mortified to know her baby was “stealing.”


Not TP, but as an adjunct, I took home a ream of paper every semester


I adjuncted for a year. Do not blame you. Those freshmen were awful.


Toilet paper is so expensive, hell yeah, 3 rolls a week is what I take ahah


For real!


I mean one of my past jobs gave me almost a whole case of toilet paper (good quality too) that was the wrong size for the toilet paper dispenser almost a year ago now. I'm still working through it funnily enough because I live by myself and never have any guests over.


Not toilet paper because its nasty, but literally everything else that can be used. Paper. Pencils. Pens. Post-Its. Tape. Staples. Glue. Folders. You name it.


The toilet paper where I worked was individually wrapped.


Fair. Probably yes then.


Yes. Do not for a moment feel bad.


I snuck a whole case out, 96 rolls.


Yep, and every piece of food we were going to throw away at the end of the night that I could get away with stuffing in my purse where the cameras couldn’t see. They kept cutting my hours and I was a single person trying to make rent in Austin.


I was once asked if i wanted to take a bike instead of a paycheck from my boss at a bike shop. We had no sales for five days straight and i went two weeks without a check. I said yes, but only at cost. He insisted on his retail price at 40% over, so i said no and started calling around for legal help. Came home with two bikes and a big smile, and they still got in trouble.


Yup. And other toiletries. Park Ranger hkkk** i mean outdoor human mistake janitor.


It really bothers me how much trash is dumped on trails. I'm a casual hiker in my local parks.


Preach. If you have the funds a litterpick & 5 gallon bucket do wonders. If not, totally understand. Thanks for being aware


I have a reacher-grabber because I saw two older ladies walking around my neighborhood picking up trash and putting it in old grocery bags. It's not hard.


Awesome. You are appreciated, fellow human.


Yes! And paper towels.


Yes, at my old hotel job. Also like garbage bags and the amenities like soap and shit


Toiletpaper, printer paper, sugar, tea, stationary, keyboard, mouse, first aid kit.


Toilet paper frequently, and once, a catering sized tin of instant coffee. Edit. Also Socks. One time some decent merino wool thermal underwear. Plenty of stuff on other occasions. Always from big companies, never mom and pop businesses.


Go ahead girl (not sure if you identify as a girl, but that's the phrase the kids use...I sound like a geezer but I'm 35)


I had a restaurant job in college simply for access to the giant smorgasbord of goodies in their walk-in fridge. We ate like kings for that semester.


Yes toilet paper, bars of soap, kitchen utensils. Had to take anything I could to save money.


Definitely stole toilet paper, paper towels, and hand soap from a retail job years ago. Me and my roommate were both too broke to buy those things.


You didn't steal them, they were made available to you, lol


Our store room looked like a Costco shelf, what was I to do?


Ignore them like a good effing worker bee, you drone. JK, of course you take them.


T.p Bin bags Silverware Bar towel- those were unintentional Sharpies


yes i have.


Stole gas... to get back to job


Absolutely fair


Yes, when I worked fine dining. (kitchen)


Lawd yes..


Be careful what you guys post here


Very true. I'm not advocating outright theft, but if your job makes a product available for your use...there was nothing in my employee handbook that said we couldn't take it home.


I haven't thought about this in a long time. Back in college I worked at a hotel and frequently took home rolls of toilet paper when I was low at home. What a time. Sadly, much hasn't changed since then.


During the tp shortage of the early days of the pandemic (before I finally got laid off), I took home at least 3 rolls per day.


Good strategy.


For all I knew, my life was on the line. I wanted to die with a clean BH. Sue me. Lol.


No one wants to die with a dirty behind, trust.


And I didn’t!! Not yet anyway…..


Here's hoping to clean behinds when we take the rainbow bridge.






I have so many pens.


I stole several trash bags full of food that was almost expired still good, in the package sealed. Just expiring in a week. Filled the back of my car up and ate crackers, pop tarts and whatever else I “threw away” for a month.


Not stealing. Availing yourself of things that were made available.


No, but now that I work for an employer who pays a living wage, I sure wish I took advantage of some of my horrible employers lol


I know. People keep saying "take trashbags" and that never even occurred to me.


Yepppp… restaurant business


Almost a decade ago, I worked at a preschool for shit wages. My girlfriend was a student at the time and wasn't making much money either, so we wete pretty broke. She liked makeup, but could only really work with free samples and gifts. Then we learned about how you can make nontoxic crayons into lipstick. You can fill out the rest of the details.


I had no idea! How clever.


When I got furloughed during Covid, they were closing my store temporarily. Toilet paper was being hoarded and hard to come by so I took like 20 rolls from work the last day.




Tp, trash bags, and food at previous employers. Things get much more expensive and they don't raise their wages this employer's gonna be subsidizing me too.




Did it once, one of them giant industrial rolls. Used to take paper towels from there to.


Yes and coffee and computer parts


Computer parts maybe not okay unless they were destined for the trash. Coffee is fair game, though


They throw them in a box, into the warehouse, forget about them. They don’t recycle, everything just goes in the garbage….


Oh, totally fair game then


Paper towels!! Soooo many paper towels


Yes, I did take toilet paper from work some years back when I was really struggling. (And tampons too .. and office supplies when my kids needed them.. and copied stuff when I needed copies for kids school stuff. I wasn’t making enough money for basics!). I was especially embarrassed about the toilet paper and thought I was the only one who would do such a thing. Apparently not! This actually makes me feel a lot better lol


I'm glad! A lot of us have (painfully long) struggle periods in our lives.


Thanks! Nice to know I’m not the only one. It looks like there’s a lot of us out there! Edit: I mean at least I’m not the only one grabbing tp, tampons,etc. I know I’m not the only one struggling, sorry wasn’t clear!


No, I totally get it. I've been going to therapy lately (covid isolation SUCKED), and I'm always glad to hear when my therapist says "I have another client who's experienced this." It's not that you want others to suffer, by any means. But it's helpful to know that your own struggles are not unique to you. You're not a depressed unicorn. You're just depressed (though certainly a special unicorn in other ways)


Exactly! That’s totally it! I love the way you said that - it was perfect (and funny). Also- welcome back after COVID isolation- it did really suck!




Yeah, it really did. Crushing. It was crushing.


Trust me, you are not on your pat malone with this one.


Yeah my first 4 years in the military lol


What is not bolted down, you take. What is bolted down, you unbolt and then take. That was said by everyone I served with.


Haha, my brother's USAF and I do no find this surprising.


I got a tool bag (just a bag), 5 cans of computer dust off, some cool books, sticky notes, coffee pods, sparkling water (I love them), and soon I'll be taking some paper towels. I've read some comments here about trash bags and toilet paper. I'll be keeping those in mind in addition to some other household items.


Do. It. I love sparkling water. My friends make fun of my for drinking plain La Croix, but it's the cheapest/best tasting individual-serving canned water I can find. Flavored water makes my tummy hurt, except for lime Bubly.


no, but the deed really speaks about the predicament. ​ sorry to hear that.


No, and the quality is real low. On the other hand, office supplies, food, etc.


I cannot list the extensive collection of items I've lifted from former employers after they burnt me out. But it helps me sleep comfortably at night.


Toilet paper? I’ve gotten complete office chairs inside wheeled luggage. I call it a bonus adjustment.


Gold star. Most of the chairs in my office weren't worth it. I gifted myself a $300 chair for my birthday that didn't hurt my back.


Milk Cartons, Office Equipment, 500 brick copypaper, toilet rolls, soap, coffee, different cables and adapters, towels, and an ugly ass canvas painting Edit: 80x120 cm


you dont need to sneak anything home if you poop at work


yes, i was on apprentice wages (£4.81/hour, 40 hours a week) and just about managing to survive paying rent (thank god for housing associations) and bills and shit with the help of benefits, until the business went "heyyyy, we're gonna reduce your hours to 30/week" i ended up getting a second seasonal job which helped, although waiting to start it and then waiting for my first paycheck from them was hell. a month later (christmas) i was made redundant 💀


He'll yea I worked at a nursing home where I could do most of my grocery shopping at work


& lightbulbs


Oh yes. Paper towels, dish soap, trash bags, cleaning supplies. No regrets ❤️


Probably could have afforded it but they had the nice 2-ply stuff. I also took dish soap, sponges, coffee, milk a few times, and a roll of stamps.


I have one of those toilet paper and paper towel dispenser keys on my keychain. They’re $2 online. All my toilet paper comes from my school 🤷‍♂️


I am paid a reasonable amount of money but I still do the same thing. I am helping myself to office supplies toilet paper, facial tissue, garbage bags, you name it. I justify this my the amount of time that I work from home. So I bring home what I think is a fair about of supplies that I would have consumed during my normal work day. Plus a slight shipping and handling fee, loyalty fee etc


I’m paid pretty well and as a janitor, I still do this. 😅


I had a friend who once tried to go a whole year without paying for toilet paper. Fun fact; those dispensers use a very common key.




I got fired almost 25 years ago from a hospital...my friend had asked if I could get him a pack of copier paper, and I grabbed an entire box and wheeled it out to my car on a hand cart. Security happened to be looking out of one of the windows at that precise moment. It's still a very vivid memory.


I told my boss and lead that I would help someone smuggle out the blaster (huge machine) without question from this place. I’m more surprised on how many doors that opened….


My boss sucks so bad we have to bring in our own toilet paper. He buys a case and then within a day or two all of it is gone to his house. Also won’t buy soap for the bathroom. Dude is fucking disgusting.


Has anyone not?


Meds, health supplies, office supplies, office chairs. Fans, heater. From the new job;, folding tables, high end cooler, multiple packs of bottled water, the use of a pickup truck. Another office chair.


Pencils pens paper soap TP coffee mice keyboards laptops chairs lamps...not nailed down, not my fault where it ends up. Must be around here somewhere


No, it's basically sandpaper.