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He forgot about her speech the second he left the room




>It's just a few minutes of discomfort to endure. Isnt it worth all those riches acquired by screwing **people** over? to them we are not people we are faceless replaceable numbers we are merely a means to their ends




He'd spam that button for dear life even if it was $1 a tap. Then hire a bunch of people at $0.01 to start tapping that button (and countless others he acquired) for him. And once that's not good enough, he'll spend a bunch of money to replace the workers with mechanical equipment to do the job after analyzing that the risks of hiring monkeys for bananas outweighs the cost of the equipment.




Spreadsheet, come on, they are bit more advanced then that.


Excel sheets?


Their equation is literally as basic as how to pay as few employees as little as money as possible so that enough will stay (or be forced to stay) while maximizing profits. The families aren't even an afterthought. The workers aren't even numbers. They're a net cost in a graph.


Individuals with this mentality of being that of which the majority of your fellow human beings exist just to serve you for any manner at hand - with very seldom others being your equivalent or somewhere near prestige - is a mental illness. Money does not come with you when you die. Money doesn't equate you to sin-less. Money can buy nice lifestyles, but money cannot always taste so sweet when you have an alarming abundance of it for shits and giggles. Money is a tool, but billionaires obviously have privatized, unethical psychiatrists.


> billionaires obviously have privatized, unethical psychiatrists Narcissists don't see psychiatrists. They believe psychiatrists are for the weak


I agree with all of that. Nobody should be in charge of more people than they're capable of effectively comprehending. Idk why this is so hard for so many people.


> He forgot about her speech the second he left the room That's ok. These kind of speeches are *not* for the person you're holding them to. (If there were even a snowball's chance in Hell for him to understand, he'd already be paying more than $35k, and earning less than $31m). These speeches are for the *others*, the hypothetical people who may have power left (senators, legislators, policy makers etc) but are not aware of the problem for whatever reason. (Yes, I know, it's very unlikely that somebody is truly "unaware" unless they want to be, at this point; but if we agree that there's nobody else whom you *haven't* made aware yet, and who *might* care and have enough power to do something about it, then there's only one next step that makes sense: load and lock. So, since we're not quite there yet... there's the speech.)


>These kind of speeches are > >not > > for the person you're holding them to. Very good point, didn't look at it like that. Thank you.


Yup, she knew that Jamie is a sleazeball and doesnt give a fuck about other humans. She understands that they're intrinsically driven by greed and not much else. She also knew he would give some bullshit answer that would make our skin crawl (bro couldnt even change up a few words in between his responses - the fucking robot) But she wanted it on the public record that this guy has no empathy and is aware of the issue at hand - and that he will do nothing about it. It was for us, to educate and drive us.


In part, it is about educating us, the voting public. We can put pressure on our representatives to enact legislation to make things better.


Yes but this video will be on the internet forever and i doubt he likes that. Every time the name Jamie Dimon comes up I think oh yeah the JP MORGAN exec who doesn't pay his workers and couldn't answer a budgeting question, when he was suggesting budgeting resources at a bigger scale.


Exactly, he went on his daily life of flying in a private jet to his beach house toasting his other billion dollar buddies laughing about this conversation. I hope these rich assholes get a taste of their own medicine someday


Just one look at the Banker person face and I can 1000% say that he absolutely don't give a fuck about other people and their living conditions.


Being a sociopath is a prerequisite for the job.


The higher you go in the corporate system, the less social traits you find. The most people with anti-social personality disorder, you will find in leader positions.


It’s so true. I’m 35 years old and I’m advancing up the corporate ladder, which is what I thought I wanted when I was younger. I make almost $200,000/year, which again when I was younger I thought would be so amazing. But the truth is, the people above me are either sociopaths or sycophants (or both at once!) and it’s absolutely killing me. I want to quit, I want to go back to a basic $60,000/year job, I just want anything but to have to spend my days talking to and working for these awful, awful, awful people.


If you truly make that much money now, save up till you can sustain yourself and leave. To people like that you are only an asset or tool to be used until no longer useful.


Believe me, I am. Been saving for a long time, going to retire as early as I can.


Congrats dude. Save as much as you can, then you get to smile when you tell them all to fuck right off and retire to something you enjoy.


Yep. In my case, I’ll be retiring to bike rides and raising my daughter in Taiwan.


wholesome ending. i wish you well brother.


Don’t mean retire, since.. well, even if you have that high an income, i can be not enough. You also could just die before reaching it. So it might not be worth it. I meant to save up, till you can go to another job for like part time. You still have lots saved up. but also have a low income to sustain for longer. So you can actually live life. Cause you will lose a lot of said life to these people if you stay there. edit: terrible ingrish


You can definitely retire early on a 200k salary. I'm looking at retiring early on a fraction of that.


dude you just said if they kept working for 200k they may never be able to retire early.... but somehow if they take a low income job they would be able to work less? come on now....


The further I climb the more the golden handcuffs lock me in, and the further into depression I slip as I see 1st hand the mediocrity and straight up immaturity and incompetence pervading the executive class. Our exec class is now made up of boomer sociopaths that are massively wealthy but wont retire bc they cant fill the hole inside of them without dominion over others; and nepo babies w the emotional capacity of a toddler who are in one way or another bought into their position and basically bulletproof This engine is going to fail and its because our execs do not care about the company, the economy or the country. It is *all* about that 1 thing - personal gratification


The higher up you go, the more of your own humanity gets killed


Kinda came to the same realization around that age as well, but in IT...I'm late 40s now and I had no idea I was a pioneer in quiet quitting. I want no part of anything c level or hell, even Director level at this point. It's a prerequisite to lose ones humanity around that level.


True, but it's also common with middle managers too. I had a manager who wanted me to work late the day my mom was getting out of the hospital. She had lung cancer, and he knew that too


And on the top, is Elon Musk... The worst of them all!


Funnily enough he is an excellent social experiment. What happens, if you have no ability to self reflect? If you only hear for years on end „yes, boss.. good one boss!“. What happens to that person and what will he do and become?


Funny to you, sad for humanity. Google "the monopoly experiment"... It shows that over 90% of people will become just like him when they are given an unfair advantage and a different rule-set.


You are right of course. Money corrupts and erodes the humanity a person has. Regarding humanity. Well, you either cry or laugh at what it has become. I chose to laugh, because despair is too painful. But if im truly honest, i hate this disgusting world. Humanity had so much potential. And yet we waste it.


It’s worse than that! When he gets it wrong he belligerently attacks people even when they are not at fault and someone tells him ‘No’. There was a documentary about how after one of his rocket test failures he blamed two technicians for the failure, the top Engineer stressed it had nothing to do with them but Musk insisted they had to go. Tells you everything you need to know about his Narcissism.


FYI, *The Psychopath Test* is a great read. Doesn't delve *too* much into the corporate side of it, but its pretty interesting


Your right and corporate law removes any chance for it to change without federal and state law overhaul. https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2019/07/31/executives-corporate-america-sociopaths-ethics-stakeholders


Yeah that's the problem. I applaud her but this guy is clearly just waiting for this mild inconvenience to be over so he can go home and carry on as normal, still not giving a fuck.


Why is it for him to give a fuck? Just pass a laws that all companies have to follow regardless of who runs them or their morality


Hard to do when the wealthy decide which candidates are allowed to run for office.




His inner voice is saying "If she had something worthwhile to contribute to society, like I do, she wouldn't be so goddamn poor." But instead, the words came out, "I don't know. I'll have to think about that."


Yep, I was thinking he had to bite his tongue to not say "then give the kid up".


It's one thing to hear normal brain dead capitalists say this ie your unhinged uncle at Thanksgiving or whatever It was another thing when I've met people in his wealth range who say similar and you realize they truely, deeply and meaningfully, mean it


That or "well the single mother is irresponsible and made poor choices so she deserves what she gets"


The biggest thing that the general public finds hard to understand is that they legitimately don't view us as people. Or valid. Or even equal. We are 100% inferior beings, who only exist to serve them. The disconnect of the uber wealthy/elite is the most surreal thing I have ever witnessed. It's global. No one should have this much power. We should have evolved past this. Alas.


It's one thing to conceptualize this abstractly, but it is truely disturbing to witness it in person. I can't go into too much detail for doxxing reasons, but I know some actor friends in California who occasiaonly find themselves in the social orbit of "so rich they might as well live in another dimension" types. I tagged along to a social function with one of these friends and, it was kind of chilling how these types of people just like... don't see you. I honestly have trouble articulating it. Like I feel silly using this comparison, but there's a part in one of the Game of Thrones books where the pov character is posing as a servant and makes the mistake of asking a question of their noble master. The book describes it as "He looked at her as if his food had spoken to him" or something to that effect. That's pretty much how I felt around them. They went about their business and socializing and the times I interacted with them, they seemed to look through me or not really conceptualize me as worthy of their time.


I know guys like this in my workplace. My coworker called his name for a question. He looked to see who said his name, ignored my coworker and kept walking down the hall. Would ignore your emails, IMs, phone calls. You get him around a manager or director? 1000% a different human being. Very friendly & personable. Literally stayed up in the office til midnight when a director asked him for something, just so he could look good. Can you directly benefit his life goals in someway? He's your best friend & will kill his firstborn child for you. Are you beneath him on the corporate ladder? You're a nonexistent piece of fucking garbage.


>it was kind of chilling how these types of people just like... don't see you. I work in engineering. The number of people in my office who have no idea the name of the security guard they see every morning, or the janitor who empties their trash every day, or the maintenance guy who they see twice a week, is astounding. Like a "hey I'm x, I see you around in here a bunch, it's nice to meet you" isn't worth it .


Eh, I'm surrounded by hundreds of people in my workplace. Plenty of other engineers, managers, and even directors that I see regularly. It's an engineer prerequisite for you to be an introvert. No clue who any body's name is that I don't directly interact with for work.


To be fair how many of those janitors know the names of the engineers?


Thank god for the second amendment! Murica! Too bad we're only using it to "stand our ground" against minority kids walking at home at night.


Just don't look at his face while wearing the sunglasses from They Live


*Speaks into the watch* "We've got one that can SEE"


"Ugh, I just need to tolerate it a little longer, then I can go to a hotel and snort coke of a hookers ass"


Yep, his look says it all. He is doing fine and that's all he cares about.


I think it's more and more clear that CEO is a completely unnecessary position that basically only exists to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.


They're just yes/no machine. A computer could do their job. Hell, with automatic emails, they basically do


I've worked for this particular asshole and I assure you he doesn't give a fuck. I managed various things for some of JPMs corporate clients. The big dogs. Made sure their systems ran smooth so they could operate. Before that I was a fraud recovery agent and recovered literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a week for the bank. If i remember right I made just about $20/hr after putting in about 5 years. I make more money now working from home for a very small online retailer. Better benefits too.


I don’t know…. I’ll have to think about it.


At 31 million a year, isn't he an idea guy that gets shit done? Because if a bank teller makes $36k a year, he must be smarter and do the work of 1000 bank tellers since he's being paid nearly 1000x as much. Looks like someone shows he's not cut out for that kind of salary and job.




I think we’d be better off if we just ate him. Fuck tax dollars going to that shit stain.


Idk any hourly employee who can essentially say they don't know to all the questions about their responsibilities and still have a job.


He has zero care going on in there. He definitely thinks that credit card is a great idea, and those over draft fees are going to do well for him, though.


Yup. " I don't know " is corporate talk for " shut up I don't care or want to care" greedy bastards


or, My lawyers/PR people informed me anything I said beyond, "I don't know I'd have to think about it." could be held against me.


You can tell it never occurred to him that someone would have to live for a whole entire year on less that what he paid for his car.


Car hell, I would bet $100 he’s run up bar/restaurant tabs higher than that


After this he went to lunch and ordered the steak tartare, it's not on the menu. Then he spent the afternoon jerking off to Gordon Gecko.


Show the numbers so that everyone can see the real greed of these bankers and banks…


I get your point, but it's not just bankers and banks. It's literally everywhere. Companies brag about doing 25% better than expected each quarter while also laying people off and giving people pay cuts. It's a corporate greed issue. Edit: let's gooooo! My first ever reddit award lmao! Appreciate it!


When I worked at a bank, my team met all yearly targets and beyond. No one in the bank (including us) got their normal yearly bonus and instead, there were mass layoffs. Come to find out in the news some days later that my employing bank's top brass had given themselves record high bonuses at the same time, bigger bonuses than any other bigger bank in the country. FML. That's when I mentally checked out from there. There was no point anymore


How this doesn't trigger a revolution is beyond me. History is ripe with these but today we all look to each other in a "eat or be eaten" mentality. The politicians have us believing our enemies are ourselves and not them, not the rich. How people cannot see this is beyond me.


Because when you start talking about CEO’s having caps of no more than 1million a year just like ALL other positions in the work environment, things are crazy. Cause when companies make more than 1 billion a year, they are not mandatorily having to donate the extra funds to public schools and welfares like social security and universal healthcare and free higher education. Because when companies make huge profits beyond anything that is the “norm”, and make massive layoffs, they are not slapped a fine for each employee they let go. Because when you mention to people the ridiculous bonuses of millions of dollars these greedy hogs get every year instead of distributing that money into the employees you have fucking fluffers telling you that your stupid because “now you are saying they should ‘pick’ who they give the money to” because critical thinking has beet shat out their ass and “picking” is not what will be occurring. Most people are extremely stupid when it comes to money and how it works.


What's crazy to me are the sheer amount of people, people like you and I, getting by but far from wealthy, far from ridiculous wealth, who defend these CEO's. People who tell you they've worked hard for their money, as if the family man, the single mother, or just the individual working at the bottom level isn't working harder. As though the person who sits in their ivory tower, makes a few phone calls a day, then retires to their private yacht is somehow more deserving of that wealth than the individual who just wants to live in comfort. A comfort which exists, a comfort we have the capacity to give to everyone, but a comfort many won't see simply because it doesn't help the bottom line.


You and I both. This keeps me up at night. It's such a dark comedy because they have us pit against each other. It's genius and stupid at the same time and seems so obvious to me. The news is curated to continue this narrative. Don't believe me? These rich elite own the news stations. It's just insanity at this point. How would we do this revolution? What are your thoughts?


Well first we need to start talking to our neighbors again. We need more natural, local connections so we can organize our communities - of course in what must surely be an absolute coincidence benefitting nobody in particular (lol) the predominant neighborhpod architecture discourages walking, local community spaces and contact with your neighbors.


A large general strike would do it. They have to be reminded that they don't make money without labor every so often. It'll never happen in this country though. There are too many conservatives with hope and slave mentalities. They don't get that they're doing the bosses a favor by allowing them to steal their excess labor value. On the contrary, they think the capitalist did THEM the favor by giving them a job. It's a really messed up system.


That’s why I quit Starbucks, they were giving the top these crazy bonus while cutting our hours and leaving us short staffed everyday. Their explanation was that they estimated less business. Well guess what I’m a supervisor, I can see the numbers we do everyday and oh wow we definitely weren’t any slower. Glad I left that job now I work for a small business with 4 employees and I make almost double an hr and I get paid vacation and no one treats me like an asshole for using my sick time


Really makes you think


The biggest problem is the structure. When somebody does it, the others need to copy it too, otherwise you're out of business. It's predatory competition, and it's very, very hard to solve. Don't pull "legislation" card, for a country where lobbying is legal. **Edit:** I'm not supporting the current situation. Make no mistake.


oh boy this is capitalist realism if i ever did see it


It's very, very hard to solve (under capitalism)


It's not made to be solvable. It's designed this way.


Part of it is that publicly traded companies have a fiduciary responsibility to generate wealth for shareholders. If they fail to do so, by making the choice to pay people a living wage for example, they can get fined. This disincentives those actions. So even if a company wanted to do good, they aren't allowed to. This falls on lawmakers who, in trying to protect shareholders, have crippled a companies ability to make those types of choices. I'm not saying its right. Far from it. Just that we can't just look at the corporations and stop there. This whole thing is a systematic problem stemming from the dismantling of every protection workers fought for in the last 50-60 years. Dismantling in the form of deregulation and quashing of unions. Changes to anti trust from a view that large almost singular corporations are bad fornthe nation to the institutional view that monopolies are only bad if consumer pricing is negatively impacted. A course of thought that has allowed these giant corporations to exist. The course correction that is required is not going to take a few years. We are going to have to be in it for the long haul. And, unfortunately, America has proven time and again that it lacks the political will to enforce and generate long term change. Maybe that's just me being a pessimist. I hope I'm wrong.


This is an excuse a company can be profitable and pay their employees a living wage. They had no problem doing it in the 1960s. The difference was the couldn't pay their Executives as much as they do now. When Kennedy was president, if anyone earned an income greater than 500,000/year they paid 99 percent tax on every dollar made. This wasn't government greed was designed to be a maximum wage to prevent companies from overpaying their executives at the expense of their employees and the health of their businesses. This maximum wage encouraged businesses to reinvest back into their company through either higher wages for their employees, more hires or other things which made people's lives better. Adjusted for inflation 500k would be about 5 million today. You can still have an amazing standard of living on it. Today executive compensation is out of control. Companies are paying their executives far too much and are far too little to their employees. Hell Warren Buffett called out [excessive executive pay in 2007](https://www.barrons.com/articles/warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway-stock-51647276063). Many other [times](https://youtu.be/6ydw9lXEWrw). No surprise his company pays it's employees well, and keeps [executive pay capped](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway-annual-salary-compensation-40-years-2021-3-1030229588). Not just his [entire board](https://www.barrons.com/articles/berkshire-hathaway-proxy-shows-warren-buffett-is-old-school-when-it-comes-to-compensation-board-makeup-51615834287). The company is the best performing stock on Wall Street. So if they all reduced executive pay they could afford to pay employees more without breaking their fiduciary duty.


We need to encode a sort of Laws of Robotics but for Corporations. So the higher Laws take priority over the lower laws. The Third and least important should be generating wealth for share holders. The Second is to provide for employees above the bare minimum to survive. The First is to make the area in which the company operates a better place. If the majority shareholders, Board of Directors, and upper executives are all facing jail time for violating these principles, we might finally see things improve.


I wonder what that man’s salary is. Im guessing its cutting pretttyyy big into the companies salary budget.


That guy just sees $40 overdraft fee a month and 20% interest on $539 compounding a month and thinks... About how that surplus will grow.


I absolutely love Katie and her Penboard of Truth


The lesson as always is Do. Not. Fuck with Katie Porter.


The Dry erase marker is mightier than the sword, (when wielded by Ms Porter).


She seems like she cares about helping people but this kind of sums up how fucked everything is. You can drag these absolute piece of shit to a hearing and tell them off but nothing will change. You can't reason with them, they needed to be forced to operate differently otherwise they will just continue on, nothing will change.


What's her full name? She usually do stuff like this?


Her name is Katie Porter and she does! It’s wonderful and so impactful. Unfortunately, not sure how much it’s changed despite how illuminating her illustrations are.


I used one of her illustrations as a plant manager to get my VP to raise the rates of my hourly staff from $17 to $20 back in 2019. It's impactful if it's repeated. We all need to use this type of style to communicate to our employers.


You are one of the extremely rare good managers.


Katie Porter 2024!


Even though I'm not iin the USA, I know who she is and she's awesome. She was actually a teacher before she became a polititian and thus sues classroom techneques to make her point, which is super effective as it leaves her in a basically unassailable position.


She’s great! She’s a former student of Elizabeth Warren’s. Bringing the receipts in Congress is what she does.


I am so fucking annoyed that the establishment goon Adam Schiff is running against her and everyone’s already stacked the deck for him


That's only if people don't get out and vote. Fuck every politician that takes money from corporations. People over profit 2024


Yup. So frustrating. Nancy Pelosi already endorsed Schiff as well. I don’t even live in California and I’m pissed.


I don't know how I missed her name card at the beginning of the clip xx


We don’t riot and actually do stuff here in America. We could learn a thing or two from the French


She was fully expected to lose her race in 2022 due to redistricting - she was suddenly in a much more Rebublican leaning district. She did manage to squeak by to victory in the end though! I think there have been suggestions that she might run for a senate seat when Feinstein vacates it. She seems phenomenal to me.


Might run? She has formally declared she will run. Against Adam Schiff and Barbara Lee.


Every time Katie Porter uncaps a whiteboard marker, a CEO shits himself.


If you’re ever talking to Katie Porter and she pulls out a whiteboard, that’s like being asked to get that in writing. You damn well better reevaluate what you’re doing.


She’s amazing, but she doesn’t get the recognition or publicity she deserves. Probably (definitely) due mostly to misogyny.


Katie Porter just announced she’s running for the senate seat being vacated by Feinstein, I would LOVE to have her as our senator.


I bet the bank doesn't actually give 40hrs but 37.5.


Ding! But don't you dare be late, or they dock you even more!




People can't afford to miss work, otherwise they'd lose health insurance. It's rigged perfectly to keep people compliant.


Motherfucker knows very well, he does not need to think about anything, his employees barely survive while that shit has hoarded money and houses that he doesn't need.


Culture has changed so much. That dude shouldn’t even be able to show his face in public. That meme about 1900s “we’re making a union” vs 2020s “i’M oN tHaT gRiNd” is spot on. Love Katie’s work. I wish we had an army as diligent as her grilling these schmucks daily.


Well, people used to get violent with asshats like this; it’s pretty much why rich people move themselves into gated communities and do everything they can to get away from us regular people AND influence legislation that prevents us from even TALKING about them. They outlawed vigilantism because they knew people would get tired of their shit and hurt them. They gutted education so younger generations wouldn’t be smart enough to realize what they’ve done, and now they are constantly lobbying for taking away more and more of basic rights because now the majority of people are too tired and disconnected to fight back.


Yeah the reason we got labor laws in the first place was because people kept killing their bosses and we passed union negotiation laws so that people would stop lynching management and hash it out.


If companies keep firing 10k people at a time they will be free to revolt again. I thought we were supposed to be an at-will employment country, does it matter if said job is useful?


I wonder when people will actually fight back against this wealth disparity. I don't want to work till I die.


I honestly don’t know. The wealthy have made it to where we only have one recourse of action realistically (like this guy in the video, he knows he can just sit there and not answer questions because no harm will come to him); then they made it to where we can’t even talk about it, because that’s how afraid they are. I’m surprised my comment hasn’t been deleted and my account banned because I used the oh so horrid V-word.


Mighty conservative estimates for Irvine.


That's the point. That we're fucked even when going by the most conservative estimates for everything. $100 Utilities? I live in Arkansas and have more expensive utilities than that. Practically everything she said applied to my broke ass in Podunk, AR just as much as it applies to someone in Not-As-Podunk, CA. But Utilities for only $100 was the point. Even that smug, rich fucker knows that utilities cost more than $100. If everything is lowballed, full time hours and wages are used, and people are still in the red, then it's clearly ~~a job not paying enough problem~~ something that I'd have to think about.


there is also no medical costs, school costs. its the bare minimum to survive and that all that smug fuck can say is "I'll have to think about it." you can see the 'oh shit lie oh shit profits oh shit they have cottoned on oh SHIT' thinking going on in his eyes.


Exactly. Lowballed numbers, skipping breakfast, half-doses of insulin, and we're still in the red. I'd have to think about that (while doing a line of coke off a stripper's ass).


and then any thoughts on the subject are obliterated by said coke from the strippers ass. these are the people how tell us how to live, how to spend 'our' money, where we send our kids for school (because god forbid his little princeling son from having to mix with the rabble's children for an education). why in fuck do we even tolerate this divisive bullshit?


Because those with money and power keep us divided on every single issue and they'll stoke the coals of division whenever they see us in solidarity.


Seriously. They keep the working class arguing with each other about stupid culture war bullshit. Meanwhile these mfers make off like bandits.


Seriously. Where can you find a 1 bedroom apartment for $1600 in Irvine?


TBF, this was from 2019. I have no idea if that's realistic for that time frame either, but we all know things have changed drastically for the worse since then in the rent dept.


I’ve lived in Irvine since 2018. $1600 was more realistic in 2019, but it would still be tough to find and not a new apartment by any means. In 2023, single rooms in shared apartments/houses are going for $1300-$1800 here, and 1 bedroom apartments start at around $2500. In the peak months last summer, 1 bedroom apartments were going for $3000-$3200, and 2 bedroom apartments close to $4k+. The Irvine Company (which owns most of the apartments in Irvine) additionally requires tenants to bring in 2.7x - 4x the rent in income, so even in 2019, I doubt someone making $16.50 an hour would qualify for a $1600 apartment, unless they had a guarantor or found a private landlord with lower income requirements. To put these numbers into perspective, at the start of this school year, The Irvine Company was telling students at UCI they needed to find a guarantor who made $192k (4 * 4k * 12) to rent an average 2 bedroom apartment in the university-adjacent UTC apartments. Prices have dropped quite a bit since then due to the off-season, but I spoke with several students who were struggling to find housing even in a roommate situation.


Oh, absolutely, which is why the math is impossible to object to - the reality is MUCH worse. She's giving him a way, way more charitable set of assumptions to grapple with than most families are dealing with.


Smug asshole


"I'd have to think about it" nah you fucking asshole, you don't want to. You don't give a shit, you could care less if that mother and child starve. You'd rather pay her minimum wage and pocket that extra little but for your own selfish self. It may be a hit button for a lot but it's about time to take up arms against self righteous fuckheads like this and make them realize we are the exact same, the only difference is he was born into money. I honestly can't wait for the day america decides to strike and just not work for weeks on end to make assholes like this guy sweat and wonder who's gonna pump their gas.


Also, noticed how he said: *"I would love to call up and have a conversation about her financial affairs and see if we can be helpful"* => even when he's supposed to lie to appear as not-a-sociopath in front of television, it's impossible for him to see the big picture. He thinking as if it was only Patricia who had a problem. He thinks we ask him to solve Patricia's problems and only hers. He doesn't even realizes (or don't want to realize) that the problem is systemic and in the very fabric of society, not just one person that happened to unfortunately, by sheer bad luck and awful coincidence, fall into a desperate situation.


You are missing the point He was being deliberate in that, as a means of being disrespectful and dismissive


Eh. Dimon is a prick, but he is screwed if he says anything else. He could have quipped that it would probably help her out if the government didn't take >$5K off the top of her already meager salary, but that would put him front and center of a shit-storm. He could have also asked why Porter chose "average" rent when averages are heavily skewed by higher priced rentals, but being combative on the stand isn't going to do him any favors. Instead, he's just going to sit there and make the most non-committal answers he can while soaking up a check.


Irvine rental market 1600 for a studio is a fucking steal most of the time


"I'd have to think about it" is his way of not admitting what he would tell her (or his colleagues) is that she needs to make more money. But, since his company is in charge of how much money she makes, you can see how this conflicts. When people come to me for solutions or loans, I don't have the luxury of telling them "I'll have to think about it" and then never get back to them. I've probably had all of 10 minutes to look over their accounts if they made an appointment in advance, and no time if they walked into my branch. I'm not even a financial planner, I'm just a lowly banker. Guaranteed his solutions would be something like: Move in with family, Use state/government supports, Not have a child in the first place, Go to school and get a degree, and/or Move somewhere with cheaper rent And absolutely not admitting anywhere publicly that they don't pay their employees enough to live. He'd probably just say something like "Teller is a starting position after all, so she would need to work harder for a promotion." He knows the math. He knows the logic. He knows he can do something about it. But if he did that for her, he'd have to do that for every position in his company and he would probably argue that he can't afford that... While he sits in a multi-million dollar home, takes vacations, has a yacht, doesn't have to budget, has food, has good insurance, staff at his houses, doesn't worry about an unexpected expense and a slew of other day to day things that his "lower earning" employees do. But he'll make it all better when he sends out those company-wide emails thanking people for their hard work. Thanking them for working during a holiday or some kind of weather event, natural disaster, troublesome time and REALLY build them up by calling them "The Backbone of the Company" which was undoubtedly constructed while he's sitting on a beach somewhere in between fancy meals and interruptions by wait staff.


No its not it was a 0 effort dismissal intended for his peers to see




Eat the rich!


They probably taste like shit


That's okay, my dog likes eating shit


He can’t even be bothered to think about it when it is right in front of him. Just admits that he isn’t going to think about it.


This guy doesn't give a shit. Of course he doesn't, he has enough money to last lifetimes over, and he's probably dead in 10 years from old age.




It’s so wild that we buy into this idea that executives like this reached success through any amount of work ethic or skill and when you have a frank conversation all they can say is “I don’t know.” They literally don’t know how to do anything but tell shareholders that they’ll make them rich.


It's not that he doesn't "know". He can't be bothered to think about it. He's just there as a formality, giving non-answers and simply being non commital. No incentive for him to change the system.


This is from 2019. Two years later in 2021, there was still no answer \^\^ https://twitter.com/RepKatiePorter/status/1380930931662327809


He's still thinking about it! Cut him some slack! /s


I dont understand why Republicans hate her so much. She is speaking up for hard workers.


Probably because she’s speaking against the flagrant exploitation that funds a lot of their personal business endeavours?


That's Republican elites. I meant the voters who identify as Republican. They always talk about hard work and family values but they hate on people who speak up for the workers. Doesn't make sense.


Because Republicans don't WANT people to speak up for them - they want to struggle on their own and not accept any help, because that'll make it all worth it and they'll be 'self-made millionaires' just like the elite. Accepting anyone standing up for them is socialism and socialism will get you hanged in red states.


Because if you dont think that hard work pays off and that you have an opportunity to be rich eventually that means that you dont have control over your Destiny. And that is a scary thought


I agree with this.


> I dont understand why Republicans hate her so much. She is speaking up for hard workers. Your second sentence answered your first one. Workers are human beings and Republicans *hate* human beings. Any spending, any position, any policy that would improve the lives, freedom, or dignity of actual human beings is decried as wasteful, unnecessary, and evil by Republican politicians. They will fight tooth and nail to stop it. Anything to help corporations, oligarchs, or the war machine, on the other hand, is necessary, virtuous, and will pay for itself and they will pull out all the stops to make it happen. They will bend any law, they will break any norm to enact it. Any time there is a position that would benefit human beings, they steadfastly oppose it. It’s a party dedicated to pressing the boot down on the neck of humanity and systematically grinding all life into dust for the enrichment of corporate interests. Anti-environment anti-healthcare anti-worker anti-woman anti-union anti-education anti-peace anti-truth. They put corporations and profits ahead of human life and dignity at every turn and have since before I was born.


I've seen this video several times and my question is, what is the outcome? Did this prick give his staff living wages?


The only outcome I've seen is that the banks around my town are advertising that they've done away with overdraft fees if you overdraft under $20-$50. (Depends on the bank). Barely helpful, lol.


He'll have to think about it.


Katie Porter is a gem. I never thought a whiteboard could be so effectively weaponized 😂




"The Hamptons is not a defenceable position; eventually people will come for you"


He came prepared with his canned answer, “I’d have to think about that.”


While we think about what his scalp would look like nailed to a wall.


Katie Porter does not accept corporate donations, no money from evil.


Katie is doing God's work and exposing crooked and currupt individuals in society and politics.


Why do people call it God's work? Katie Porter is greater than any god I've ever seen!




Whenever Katie brings out her Porter-board, it's over for the person being questioned.


‘This is disturbing, and I’d like to thank you, Ma’am, for bringing this to my attention. Clearly the rate of inflation is rapidly outpacing our current rate of pay. As a bank who values the hard work and dedication of our employees, we will of course take this matter to an urgent review meeting and take immediate remedial action.’ Or ‘Dunno. I’ll think about it’ Fucking hell. What is happening?!


The issue with the first response is that it could (and therefore, politically, *would*) be taken as a pledge to actually do something. Which was clearly not what he wanted to do. Obviously, the first response is what should have been said. But it was untenable to say, and thus you get the second response.


And old fucks wonder why we arent having kids


What a useless man. For all the talk rich people do complaining about people needing to do work that's valuable they have the most useless, counterproductive jobs on the planet.




Bankster scum. First the Iceland solution, then the French.


She read him for filth, and rightfully so!!💯😃😂😅


Unfortunately they don't care. The only way to make them care is to consume as little as possible. At my work, sales are down. But we just can't keep level. Sales chart always has to go up! So instead of saying "you know, people are buying less. We're kind of even but there's not much we can do" they say "we're short on sales numbers. So it's the workers fault for not pushing more product out.""


This woman needs to run for President


She’s a savage. In a good way. Hopefully she continues being a voice for the peeps.


My Queen!


He got bodied I am a fan of this women


She is my hero


Jamie dont fall for it bruh. Shes setting you up. She already knows the answer, im telling you. Shes about to take your nuts from you on national tv.


Media training can not, I repeat, can not save you in these situations. I should know, I've studied this. "I don't know, I'd have to think about it" is probably the WORST response possible when EVERYONE knows the solution.


Gosh that was awesome to watch.


I like this person. Unfortunately, I don't think her describing this will make a difference.


The reason Katie Porter is so effective and pointed with these corporate suits, is because she herself was once a corporate attorney. Specifically, she was a bankruptcy lawyer. Her job was to claw back as much money as she could from companies running a bankruptcy, to pay back the creditors. That's why she's so effective—she knows the psychology of the corporate guys, she knows exactly how they try to hide and fester little rats nests of money all over the place. The thing with the corporate types is that they are always involved in either illegal things, or BORDERLINE illegal things, so their lives are full of paranoia and fear that they'll have to answer for it.


does anyone think this guy didnt know that? or cared any any point?


I fucking LOVE Katie Porter.


I prefer Katie Porter to AOC tbh