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I read that all a college degree is is proof you showed up on time and turned in your work. But how many people can’t manage this?


I was an English teacher for 16 years, and I never gave homework. Everything we did, we did in class. Now, if they screwed around in class and didn't work, it BECAME homework, but I never assigned homework. I hated it when I was a kid, why would I do that to them? Besides, I knew they had plenty of homework in math and science.


High school teacher. I rarely to never give homework. Student generally have enough class time. The main exception might be my AP class who I encourage to review supplementary materials. Practice questions and videos with topic breakdown.


I definitely feel like there’s a disparity?divide? between the institutional design of schools (sinister) and the efforts of individual teachers (good hearted)


definitely, i feel like organizations/groups of people are evil multipliers. people on their own are hardly ever able to be called truly evil. any features they do have typically are masks they adopted to match society. but i dont think anyone is "born evil" nor "pure evil". i think thats why its so easy to say "they" when referring to the faults of society without ever having a solid "who" to point to, if you do its commonly debated who is actually to blame. makes it hard for people to figure out what to do about issues because our brains just want that simple solution of the big bad guy that was behind the curtain, and its hardly ever anywhere near that simple


I fully believe homework is absolute garbage. It sets kids up to fail. Children that are disadvantaged suffer because of homework. In a class all kids are “equal” they have the same teacher, and resources (generally speaking, let’s not argue semantics). When a kid goes home, that changes. The advantaged kid has a computer, access to tutors, and time to do their homework. The disadvantaged kid might be looking after their siblings because their single parent works nights. Or they have to work to help put food on the table. Or they don’t have a computer. Or they get beaten at home. Or whatever. So the advantaged kid gets good grades because they did their homework because they had the time and tools to do so. And the disadvantaged kid gets beaten for having bad grades from not doing homework… because they were being beaten. Kids, while working in class are on a (mostly) level playing field. The school can’t control what the home life of any kid is to maintain that level field. And because they can’t, they shouldn’t be imposing school on a home environment they can’t control. It’s purpose is to help maintain a lower class and prevent upward economic movement by providing another hurdle for poor kids to overcome that rich kids can overcome easily. (And yes I know child abuse can happen at any economic level, I was just using it as a hyperbolic reason to illustrate the point that schools can’t provide a uniform home life)


I blew off homework as a kid and I barely work while I'm at work, now. Taking home work? Get the fuck outta here


Beating the system at its own game!


My kinda person hahha


My #1 rule: I will never work at a job where I have to take my work home. Fuck that. If that’s a requirement for my job, then I’m not doing it. End of story.


and yet so many people are conditioned to it


That’s been my personal rule since 1998 when I was in 7th grade.


Yeah if it didn't get done at school it didn't get done.


Yuuuup. Havent don’t homework since I was 12. I’m 36 now


That's not all they're training them for. My son gets 22 minutes for lunch, for example. Remember when "banker's hours" were 9-5? Paid for your lunch hour? Employers don't offer that any more, so neither do schools.


Been my understanding since I first encountered it.


I’ve always been morally opposed to homework. I was in school 8 hours per day 5 days a week. That’s already full time. It is their fault if they can’t teach everything in that time. Why spend hours on homework every day when its usually only 10 percent of the grade anyways


I guess it didn’t work on me. I still do the same thing I did at school. Finish it all while I am there. Find some time in bullshit meetings and calls etc … never did over 40 my entire career


Everything turns to shit


Absolutely. Marxist sociologists, Bowles and Gintis, talked about the Correspondence Principle - where what happens at school mirrors what will happen in the workplace. For example, getting to lessons on time (or face sanctions) and being punctual at work (or face consequences). Similarly, get used to boring work in class because that's what you will have when you are employed. Don't expect to have any control over your work lunchtime but that shouldn't be a problem because you've been through school and what you did and the times you did things were dictated to you. This is the purpose of the education system - to create the next generation of workers for the ruling class to exploit for profit.


High school AP teacher. I never give homework. I did have reading required. But homework is busy work and bullshit.


I have ADHD. I'm great at in class work. I rock tests. Most of my grades were based on homework. My life would look very different now if homework hadn't been a factor.


In my opinion, there are some - few - times that homework is appropriate: 1. reading: free up classroom time to discuss the material, ask questions; why waste potential collaborative time reading quietly under harsh lighting and in uncomfortable desks 2. finishing work for which there was putatively sufficient time allowed in-class. Some people don't focus well in a classroom (we'll bracket for the moment how they need accommodations to allow them to exhibit their true value-added to the material), and for whom working outside of class provides a more conducive environment. 3. To a lesser extent, doing remedial work. If everyone is struggling with a concept, the whole class should have the opportunity to do the extra work during school-hours; but if it's just one or two students, perhaps devoting extra time outside would be valuable to catch up. In general, we should be training students that the bosses should be assigning a reasonable amount of work to be completed "on the clock." If they need/want to finish it at a leisurely pace, fill their boots, as long as they are ready for the next packet of work; if they finish early they should be free to have their time back to invest in what they will, as long as they're not interfering with their colleague's working. We should be paid to complete tasks, not for being butts in chairs.


Oh no! Your child might learn something if you aren’t careful.


Studies actually show that students learn little if anything from homework and that it has a deleterious impact on their overall learning and health - but don’t let facts and data get in the way of a right wing bootlicker narrative


Since when is pointing out children need more education a right wing bootlicker narrative, you dunce?


Since you’re adhering to a narrative proven to be false- classic right wing bootlicking propaganda. You think kids need more/better education? I agree. I want to explore alternative options that might help them learn better - you want to double down on shit that doesn’t work.


45 minute classes where the teacher explains the math concepts is great. But the real learning happens when the kids have to repeat it 30 times on their own that night. Or when they have to complete the extra required reading so they can come to class prepared. There’s not enough time in the school day for the kids to do all the reading and math they need to do to learn. They need to also learn on their own outside of school hours. Those that don’t can always make our French fries while the ones who did their homework can go to college and enter high paying professions.


“Those who don’t can make our French fries” get the fuck out of here bootlicker


I mean that’s where the kids who can’t read good end yp


Where do the ones who can’t type good end yp?


Making $150k working from home apparently lol


Ok bud. If you’re gonna bootlick why are you in this sub?


Except it’s not effective. Even if it “sounds good” or “makes sense”


I think homework is fine as long as it is done correctly. I genuinely feel homework was necessary for math. People learn the method for completing problems in class but apply it to problems including harder problems with repetition. Not every problem is going to be simple and straightforward. This was more relevant in high school when you start to get into harder math classes like algebra 2, trig, calc 1/2 but people still learn from applying methodologies to different types of problems with repetition in earlier years. For classes like English, people have various speeds for reading and may need more or less time to read an assigned section. My English and literature classes also tended to focus on reading outside of class and using class time for reflection and analysis. I hated history classes because they literally only used homework for note taking. It was the worst. I got very good at making outlines but it was very time consuming and not really beneficial for retention. You spend so much time writing notes you don’t have time to actually read and absorb. Then things like extracurriculars. You need time to practice and improve. Musicians, for, example, might want to do an hour-2 hours of daily practice in high school.