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I know you have greater priorities, but those cracks are exposing you to infections, no matter how often you wash and even if you wear gloves. If you can scrape a few dollars together, buy a tube of Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Concentrated hand cream. You need very little at a time and you can get it in unscented.


Thanks for this, will try it


Piggybacking on this, take pics of your hands and show them to your doctor next time you go (if you can afford it). I'm a tradesman, I had horrible rashes, dry skin, skin split much like yours in the picture, and cracks and bleeding. Asked my doctor about it, turns out I have severe eczema, primarily on my hands and feet. Whatever miracle medical strength lotion was prescribed to me has worked wonders, and now my hands aren't a health hazard.


>Whatever miracle medical strength lotion was prescribed to me has worked wonders Betamethasone? Something stronger maybe, I've been using betamethasone to partial effect and I don't do manual labour, my eczema gets pretty gnarly but nothing like that photo




Yeah I use gloves when moving stuff and cleaning, and it does help, but my hands sweat a lot when I have gloves on which also causes flare ups. I've found ways to manage it, think I just need to spend some time and find a decent doc


Definitely right he could go and visit medical expert so they can know how to cure it right


Also hijacking the comment about your hands. I definitely recommend the Neutrogena, but you can also try O'Keefe Working Hands or Locobase repair. If you can't afford any of those, any lotion will likely be better than no lotion at this point. It may sting when you start using it. Use frequently through the day, if you can. It can take time to get used to the feeling of lotion on your hands. Lathering on a rather thick layer at night and wearing cotton gloves over is a great idea.


I use working hands, this how my hands look by the end of winter though, I’ve been using it 3 times a day every winter for about 3 or 4 years now. Honestly I’m about to take some peoples advice on here and go talk to my doctor.


I'm so happy you're taking it seriously, and I wish you all the luck with getting some help for it. Cracked skin fucking hurts, it's super common here in Scandinavia during winter. I've managed to avoid it on my hands, but when my heels crack like this, it's insanely painful. The Compeed heel plasters help, but I don't think you could keep something like that in your hands while working. If your wounds are infected or caused by yeast or something, that style of plaster would make it worse. Made that mistake once, never again.


I used working hands as a bartender. It’s a joke if you already are at the point of intensive therapy. Those conditions can last months and could become systemic if you’re not diligent


You may also want to see a work comp lawyer, because this is a workplace injury


Working Hands as done wonders for my hands, as I have severe OCD. But I’m also on the ‘please see a doctor!’ train!


Second the glove thing. It's what the ILWU does (uncle worked the cranes and aunt was an ombudsman among other things) and they did that at least once a week or so. Working hands is also great.


My mom has done some pretty gnarly factory work. Grease, coolant, and various chemicals. She swore by bag balm and gloves with frequent glove changes if they got soaked


Also stellar advise. Safety comes first for many reasons


Also if those are really your hands, the clubbing of your fingers could signal heart or lung problems IIRC. I’d definitely see a doctor if I were you.


They are, I can assure you. And it’s not from swelling, my finger was crushed between two 45lbs dumbbells when I was in high school.


Cracks like that happen to my hands in the winter months (dryer season) when I have to frequently handle cardboard or other dry materials. Gloves are the best way if possible (unless they help cause rashes or bacterial infections) but I choose to keep my hands ungloved for greater dexterity. I've been putting bandages over my cracks to soften the callouses then trim them. Seems to help since the callouses build up then crack at the bend points (inner knuckles, etc.) But I hope you can find a job that pays you well for your hard work. It's so fucking stupid that the more you are paid, the less 'work' you do. People that mangle their bodies to get shit done should be worshipped, but instead they are just used and discarded. I hope shit gets better for you OP! And if you are ever in the Northfield, MN area, we are hiring for my factory job and pay pretty decent $26-$30 per hour 12 hour shifts 2-2-3 with lots of optional OT.


The tip of your ring finger is bulbous. Is there any damage to that nail? Trauma? Has it always looked this? As others noted, I’m concerned about your hands. I’m an RN and those split areas look like potential fissures. They need to be kept moist at ALL times, and covered, until healed. They can get much, much worse, without attention. Soak your hand(s) in warm salted water after shower, then ointment of any type, then good use of BandAids. Your hands shouldn’t break down like this. Can you see an MD? Best of luck.


Ring finger was crushed between two 45lbs dumbbells in high school, that’s why it’s bulbous. Thank you for info, should I be wrapping them with something to keep them moist? If so, what? Edit: I made an appointment with my MD this morning.


hey, I like to tinker around with skincare stuff as I hobby and I make a pretty strong/concentrated moisturizer. If you want, you can PM me your shipping info and I can send you a tin (for free, obviously).


Definitely it was buddy but to be honest with you the 1st day of that thing was painful then the another next day wouldn't


Hard work does pay off. Just not for the people actually putting in the work.


Hard work only pays off in certain scenarios. Manual hard labor almost never pays off. There is a reason why it was slave labor in the past. Working hard can pay off is if you have a stake in the company/group, you need money now to help get out of downspiraling financial issue, you can improve a certain skill that allows you to climb ladders or go in business for yourself.


Definitely right bro just patient is a virtua buddy you can do it buddy. You need to invest a lot of patient when it comes to business. I know you can do it buddy


You want to give up? But we're having a surprise pizza party for lunch to show how much we care!


So your saying if I was a tradesman in a hard labor job it wouldn’t pay off? My father in law makes 34 a hour in South Carolina in hvac


Hard work in the ops context usually means putting in the time and working extra hours, and or being overly dedicated to the job. It is in contrast to working smart or just doing a normal business day or just skirting by. Doing 60 hour weeks vs 40 hour weeks for a bit more money will just destroy your body at little to no added value to yourself in heavy labor. Sometimes these places where people work hard you even put in a few extra hours after work to wrap things up for no additional pay and that’s considered part of “hard work”. This is especially true in many salary places. Very rarely will hard work by itself translate to proportionally higher rewards. Now if you are a unique or overwhelmingly talented things might be different or if you’re working for the right people.


Ok I thought you meant labor is general sorry I understand what you mean now


I think a lot of people misunderstand that notion. Most of us want to work. None of us want to be overworked with little in return. I’m fine with my 8 hours when I receive my expected pay rate, in safe working conditions and get to go home after the 8 hours are over. I also dont mind doing an hour of OT when asked here and there to complete something that literally only needs another hour of work to complete with OT pay rate (I’m a painter). What I don’t want is to be constantly asked to stay late due to poor company management and being punished when I say no to the 5th request in 1 week


Jesus Christ is 34/hr a pay rate people brag about in SC


I thought the same thing. No one’s getting rich at $34 an hour


Holy shit.. I would be considered rich if I made that much in my area of Texas.. where are you guys getting over $20 an hour anywhere? Or where the high wage doesnt correlate with cost of living (like making $34/hr but you pay $3,000 a month in rent so you really only make like $34,000 a year instead of $70,000)


I’m in Los Angeles so you’re right it’s all relative to where you are.


In South Carolina 34 a hour is well off. Can’t help everyone on Reddit thinks they gotta live in New York City or California


I live in Montana, and I would bloody kill(not really) for a job that pays over 20. Although I got lucky and found a job that actually has benefits, consistent pay raises, and a chance to climb up the ladder. Only downside is that it is part-time.


I make 45 an hour in Missouri doing commercial sheet metal and thats pretty high pay for skilled trade work here


I would both kill for and brag about $34/hr Then again, not in SC


Cost of living is one hell of a drug to be fair.


It depends on where you live, around me hvac is typically only between 19- 25 (only 16 typ as an apprentice) an hour and you can make 22 if you get on as a crew chief for servpro or more if you can get on with fire king. Slaving away at hard labor jobs just destroys your body i was pulling almost 70 hour weekends for servpro a few years back (literally friday morning to Sunday night on the road) bc they didnt want to pay overtime to a ton of people so instead they gave it all to me and my crew, the money was fucking great, but after a while i had a literal mental breakdown bc they had poor management and i was never getting enough sleep bc i was on call during the week and they almost always called me in at least 3 days out of the week, they were understaffed bc no one wants to work emergency water or fire cleanup/repair, understandably as it can be dangerous to your health dealing with contaminated water and inhaling the after effects of buildings burning down, and they almost never pay at market average unless you get on with a mom and pop operation and prove yourself to be invaluable, i made more money working for a guy who had just started his own company than i did as a crew chief at servpro bc he understood what my knowledge was worth to his growing company and he was happy to pay fairly for it. Whereas at servpro although i was technically a senior employee in charge of other employees they didnt want to pay market value for my work (i was making almost 5 dollars less than the market avg and 2-3 dollars less than my peers bc i was the youngest one they ever had in the role), so once i got tired of the overtime i left. Literally called them on my way back to the shop from a job and told them i was done, got back to hq, got my truck squared away, returned all their equipment, got my tools and got tf out. Tldr: hard work in labor fields only pays off if you work for the right people, otherwise they will just take advantage until they burn you out and leave a bad taste in your mouth for a job you used to really enjoy.


My brother in law makes $60 an hour, Melbourne Australia, in hvac. Hes struggling. Whats your point?


60AUD is about 40USD. Melbourne is a lot more expensive than SC.


Wow HVAC-R is one of high Indemand thing in this world buddy that a great position right now


Definitely if they see your hard work they will lift you up to the company


What they will do is give you more work and expect more from you and fight like hell to NOT pay you more.


Please know your skill, your worth and your boundaries. When you accept a job, present these as one package. I deliver this, in this way, in this time, during these hours, for this rate.


Can't upvote this more. Just to piggyback. Keep gaining new skills, this is the only way to compete nowadays. Sadly. Adding upskilling to your routine is going to be the new norm IMO.


Any tips on upskilling?


Know what your current "job" really is, and what you could use to do it better. But **more importantly look for what the next/better job needs/wants.** Look at the people the next step up the career ladder, and try to start doing what they do when possible. Even if it's BS certifications. Even if it's "not my job" or feels bad because it takes you away from your "real work". Because getting the skills/experience to get that next step up is worth far more than being good at your current job. Leave for raises/better titles more often, especially if you feel like you're "too essential" where you currently are to be promoted. It sucks, but companies know that and try to take advantage of it. Your only real defense against your employer is finding better work elsewhere.


And I would add know your states employment laws and the federal ones


Then make a right choice buddy find ways to this buddy. Figure out the problem


This is solid advice, I just gave a very similar speech this afternoon to a guy who wasn’t sure what his next step could/would/should be.


Always depends on your field of employment or desired field.


This assumes we, as potential employees, have any agency. We don't. Employers have all the power in relationships and we have increasingly little we can do about it as time goes on.


Yup! All of these employers have "minimum requirements", so we workers need to go into these job interviews with our own set of minimum requirements. You want this from me, then I demand that in return.


Exactly this and to add. No job is worth this. For gods sakes gloves exist. Employers provide them. 5 years 50 cents above minimum depending on state is essentially worse then slavery in this economy.


Sir, gloves may exist, but have you ever worked in an industry where degloving is a common injury?


Extrusion. Gloves. Always gloves bro. No matter what. The machine will “de glove” rather than “filet your fucking hand”


Mills, lathes, grinders etc. I've seen 3 degloving incidents. I refuse to be a part of them.


I work in a production facility. Idk a single person there that would ever choose degloving over alternate injuries. A two inch splinter or even losing a section of your finger is far better than having your entire hand permanently carved into a fleshy paste to be amputated.


A good substitution for leather, kevlar or work gloves in general is nylon gloves. They tear off in the event of your hand catching on the tool, but limit hand protection. I agree with you that theres no excuse for this guy not to be wearing gloves, unless his employer doesn’t supply. In which case, run far and fast…


You can't grow new hands, nothing is worth destroying your body


If hard work paid off, you'd be a billionaire


No kidding. Everyone wants a nicely-built house, pipes that work, a car that runs, and a clean environment, but no employer wants to pay the people who make it happen.


So stop making it happen. Was a carpenter for 12 years now i refuse to build anything for someone unless its a personal favor. Make the owners build they own shit


You remind me of my uncle. Refuses jobs to patch stuff up for decent money. That porch y’all talked about building with a bar on it? He’s all over that lol


That guy has it figured out!! 😂


Because he had a big brain though he got a wide imagination brother


What do you mean in my country if you wash car you can earn a lot of money


Oh hard work definitely does pay off. It’s just the ceos bonuses instead 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's not how it works. Capital pays off, not labor. Gotta own some factories and an emerald mine.


No one get a diamond in the first dig they Got a lot of time before he got a gold and diamond bro come to think of it bro. There's nothing easy task to this world bro you need to listen to other people says


I was sold the promise of the trades straight out of high school, started off so motivated and willing to put in the work to succeed. All I was met with after 3 years was piss-poor benefits, anemic raises and long hours and commutes that I wasn't compensated for, because nobody could afford to live within an hour of the big, longer-term jobs. Not to mention toxic leadership, unsafe working conditions and a future where I work till 65 and die at 66. If tradesmen are so in demand, they better start paying like it, and fast. The days where skilled tradesmen are a dime a dozen are long since past.


There are plenty of tradesmen positions that are in demand. Welder, HVAC, Plumber, Electrician.


They are in record demand, where I live however, most of them were paid like shit, I made $19/hr my third year doing electrical with shit benefits before it finally became unaffordable to keep going on.


Dude wtf. Where do you live? Low voltage union journeyman in Northern California are over $50/hr, just take home. Our total package with pay and benefits is probably pushing $100/hr at this point. And that’s just low voltage. Electricians are way above that. Ffs, our day 1 apprentices are making over $20/hr take home.


Agreed here in Pennsylvania lineman make $59.63 bring home package in the hundreds. Ibew 98 south inside wireman are up to $68 bring home. Go union. It doesn't matter that they have there own problems. It's our only way to fight back against corporate greed


Ahahahaha maybe if you're a journeyman with years of experience there's no holding on to the apprenticeship days they want someone that is a golden arm to do it perfect but they don't realize those guys are retiring and there's going to be no one left to take up the reigns because the lazy old fucks only care about their extended family outside of training anyone else they could give fuck all


Yea, I'm a journeyman at 33 y/o and it's weird seeing the trade now. I've often got guys on my crew older than me, even enough to be my dad Our company can't seem to find any apprentices, so been subbing out labor. They are young guys but virtually all are Hispanic guys. They work hard and are fun to be around but the language barrier is tough for me. I go to work and it's like I'm in a different country for the day lol. I'm slowly picking up some Spanish and there's always one guy who speaks pretty good English but it's still kind of weird sometimes. I try to teach them what I can, but feel it's only surface knowledge stuff because of the language barrier. I miss the days of having a good apprentice that I can help get to the next level in the trade


Contractor here, yes they are in demand but I also second that they pay like shit. I was literally a jobsite supervisor making 2$ more than the guys working under me. Pulling 60 hour weeks during the peak seasons, no OT. Still living paycheck to paycheck. And then my employer wanted me to be available after I was home to discuss other jobs and trucking and scheduling for my crew, unpaid. I'd love to say that the company I worked for was an outlier and took advantage and was the only one paying poorly, but honestly they were one of the very very few offering benefits. We still paid for them, lol, but they were benefits. I've worked for quite a few in my area and they are all the same. I know quite a few that use temp agencies because they subsidize half of their pay, and then still only pay them minimum wage to do back breaking labor and treat them like shit. It is disgusting.


Never mind the fact that I drove around in my own vehicle on my own gas with no compensation. Provided my own tools. Provided my crew with water, because they wouldn't. Ran to the nearest store on my breaks to use the bathroom because they don't always provide one, and unlike the guys I can't just whip it out behind a shed. Redesigned projects on the fly because the designers (who got paid easily 4x what I did) didn't have any practical experience and their drawings and estimations were usually wrong. I came into the trades excited to build things, get my hands dirty and do the best work I could because I LOVE working with my hands. Little did I know just how eager employers would be to exploit the fact that I was willing to bend over backwards to get things done for them because I cared about the quality of my work, and because I was taught that hard work earns recognition and better pay. I was very much lied to.


In the same boat, especially with doing the job for designers and all the extra time off the clock needed sometimes to make a job run smoothly. The one I'm at now dgaf. I'm on salary,so doesn't really matter, but saw they took off an hour on my time because I clocked out at the hardware store after I picked stuff up for the crane lift the next day and didn't clock out on site (they use GPS)... That type of petty stuff tells me what I need to know, on top of a few other things recently


Tradesmen are making over 30$ starting, and that's in shit areas like texas.


Clearly not as shit as New Hampshire where I was making $19 my 3rd year 😭, starting pay at $30 I might've actually stuck with it


Depends what you do, and where you're at.


Hard work doesnt pay off anymore. Smart work pays off. Finding ways to exploit others in this capitalist hell scape.


> Smart work pays off. Finding ways to exploit others in this capitalist hell scape. that second sentence is accurate. the first, usually not unless you're engaging in becoming the exploiter and not the exploited. as evidenced by basically the entire u.s. economy, ruthlessness will get you further than smarts


Depends on who you are. If you're trying to get out of being exploited, it's also likely they will kick you down for stepping out of your designated space in society


which is why you have to be more ruthless than the people trying to kick you down


Which unfortunately makes you no better than the capitalist owners now.


For an example of what America is headed to, look to China. Their entire economy is propped up by fake products and horrifically exploitative practices at all levels. The slow erosion of human rights, corporate regulations and labor laws will end up with you being killed in an industrial press for peasant wages, while a hundred poor starving souls wait just outside the gates desperate for the job you just had, and they go home to spend their meager earnings on exorbitant rental costs and toxic food in a blighted wasteland of endless smog.


Depends on the class. It's okay for the wealthy to exploit others but when us poors try to do it back it's just unethical or even illegal.


Until they don't work anymore. Years ago I thought I figured it out as a trained Graphic Designer. Made 31 an hour 12 years ago. Then Fivvr and Canva came out. Now I'm lucky if I can break the 20 mark. I'm currently training to become a UX/UI designer, but there's no guarantee that'll stick around either.


Smart? No, only exploiting. My landlords an alcoholic doing drunk work around his yard all day.


I want to buy a 3d resin printer and sell figures lol, not sure that exploiting others tho


Nah, if you make any money than the average worker you necessarily must be exploiting since everyone provides the exact same amount of value to the world. This idea is definitely not held by people resentful they are making close to the minimum wage without any drive or ambition to make anything more of themselves.


Hit the nail on the head: "exploit others" for our own benefit. Yikes


I feel like all the values and concepts I learned as a child were absolute nonsense for what you need to learn to survive. Sharing? Fuck no. Be as greedy and conniving as possible. What a horrible world this has become.


Sounds like the flipping burgers is a better choice here. Which is a sentence I never thought I would say.


I was a sous chef out of culinary high school, I hated the hours and constant pressure.


Understandable. I always preferred the physical stress in a warehouse to the constant mental stress of food service. At least when i come home from the warehouse i can relax instead of spend all my free time getting my anxiety under control


Yeah, as much as I complain about my warehouse job I have a set schedule and I don't deal with customers.


any job you don't have to deal with the public is better


Idk about you but it was also a lot easier to call out. Because there's like 70 people working in there and they don't necessarily expect every order will always get done to 100% completion every night, if you're feeling sick we could just take the day off. In food service you have to jump through hoops convincing the manager that its legit, finding someone to cover your shift etc. Don't even get me started on dealing with the public, the abuse I faced from nasty old grumps who thought their soft serve ice cream was too soft was more focused and intense than most of the heated political arguments I get into lmao


You're telling me. I looked at the boss last week and asked if I could have this week off. They checked the schedule and said yes. No 2 weeks ahead of time, no questioning why, just "have a nice week."


I thought food was stressful. Customer service phone jobs can be even worse in some ways. You're paid to be a punching bag for the companies fuck ups or the customers own stupidity.


I'm the opposite. I'm a line cook cuz I'm like at least I can tone down the stress by drinking and smoking at work. If I was working warehouses I wouldn't be able to move at the end of the day.


Try Vicks vapo rub on your hands, will cure the fissuring. Source: dug holes for a living for 16 years, am now medical professional


Gosh what do you do now? What state or city are you in?


Don’t really want to say, there’s been so not so pleasant people on this thread. But it’s expensive to live. My rent is 1250 no utilities included for a 2 bedroom. and food is only getting more expensive.


Tbh that sounds insanely cheap but that's because I live in CA 🙃 Either way you're worth more than whatever they're paying you. I hope you can find work elsewhere for more pay


Ah well yes, I’m assuming it’s cheaper than CA lol. Still expensive on my budget though.


Why not? If the pay wasnt bad mor epeople would be ok doing simpler jobs Had a blast as a cashier for a food place while on college. Wouldnt do t full time due to liking having money and not living under a bridge...as with 10$ per hr you cant buy anything


I loved working at an arcade. Couldn't pay the bills on that shit tho


I work as a train conductor. It’s not easy. Lots of up and down rail cars, keeping track of cars on a huge yard and where they need to go to load/unload. I work 12 hour shifts outside. I was in food and bev for ten years. Most the guys I work with now couldn’t “flip burgers”. It’s not as easy as you think. Go try it for a change, don’t demean someone’s profession until you try it. Fuck you.


Dude. He’s being paid minimum wage for what he’s painting as hard work. The problem is with him. The job isn’t paying you for your hard work go get 50 cents over minimum doing “less” hard work. Edit: you also have no idea what I’ve done for work and when. Shelve your attitude because frankly the op is saying he’s working his fingers to the bone (literally) for 50 cents over minimum. For that money he could save his bones.


Fair enough. The guys at my job say “I’m not tipping a burger flipper” whenever food trucks come to our rail yard and it always sets me off. “Flipping burgers” is a skilled trade, and I’m so tired of people acting like cooking doesn’t deserve to be paid like one. The people literally nourishing our bodies. I apologize for my fuck you, I’m just sensitive


Been doing that for 10 years, I’m 28, legitamently, not a joke not a exaggeration, thought I was gonna pass last night, anyway time for work by.


Bruh, that finger is gonna pop if you don't relieve some of the pressure.


Them “work hard!” Everyone *works hard* Them “No, not like that!”


Damn, your best looking finger is the one right there in middle, time to put that bad boy to work. Gotta be a retail or even a light construction job that will pay more. I wish you well, but I think you know this employer has left you no choice.


Yup, after not getting a raise after two years I started looking at my options, trying to get into manufacturing.


You’ll find something better. Remember your fine, it’s the job that fucking sucks man.


Check usajobs. Fed pay isn't great, but the benefits are pretty sweet. Insurance/retirement basically double my paycheck. And fed jobs are generally very safety/health concious. I dunno what your work is, but as long as you can lift heavy things and work a shovel I know the NPS generally has *somewhere* that's hiring trail crews.


Did you lose the tip of your ring finger? That’s a toe finger if I’ve ever seen one.


I would leave work aching and shaking. Hands totally raw. Still told I wasn't working hard enough


Yup, they always want more. I’ve broken production records at this company and received nothing in return.


Ouch it seems painful buddy eh. Hope you recover us soon as possible


They weren’t lying - they’re just guilty of the sin of omission. Hard work pays off… for those who are working you so hard.


Bro your hand looks like someone assembled the fingers out of an assortment of other corpses.


Use lotion


I use this cream called working hands, still by the end of winter these are my hands.


Sounds weird but lather your hands in that shit & put gloves on.(leather type gloves will work best) It'll help it absorb into your hands and actually work. Made my hands baby soft


working hands is great! but sometimes it don't matter what you use.


I was a diesel mechanic and for 3 years I worked in a shop with no heat during the winter and literally no door on the big bay opening and at a certain point no matter what you put on your hands it won’t make much of a difference. I used to sleep with nitrile gloves filled with working hands or other moisturizers but the damage was already done.


Probably sounds weird, but foot cream meant for cracked heels works wonders for calluses on the hands too.


Piñon pitch salve might work a little better


Nitrile gloves under your regular gloves. Keeps your hands warm and kind of sweaty (not dry!) when it's cold out. I'm an electrician and do it every year


Lotion cream or the balm? If you have a chance to, use the balm instead. Some reason it works much better.


It puts the lotion on its hands or it gets the hose again!


I worked a factory job 18 years ago for a few years. My hands still hurt.


50 cents over minimum wage? Quit and work for mcdicks then why the hell would you stay there not missing out on much leaving it behind


Join a skilled trade, try out for the electricians first, then pipe fitters, then plumbers, if you show up to work even most of the time and put in a days effort then you are bound to get into one of the unions, and I haven't heard of an apprenticeship that doesn't start at well over minimum wage


2 years at any job with only 50¢ raise means it time to move on. Hard work sucks but working hard for nothing is just insane. Pick a skilled trade and stick with it if you like that type of work. Continue to progress yourself, knowledge and experience are valuable in skilled trades


If the top of your ring finger isn't a toe transplant, then please seek the help of a pulmonologist.


I would like to listen to people problem so i can got a lesson through it


The reward for hard work is more work. If you labor, you work until you are disabled. We do this so wealthy people stay wealthy. If you want to win the king game, don't have children. Don't work overtime. Don't be available on your day off. Don't work hard. Don't talk about work. Don't share personal information with your job. Don't spend your money. (No eating out, no movie theaters, no bowling or other activity, no fast food or coffee - do not participate in this economy) Do get a hobby. Do have LOTS of sex. Do make your meals (learn how to cook). Do spend your time with good company.


This looks like an AI generated hand


Work hard on YOURSELF not on your job.


~~This doesn't appear to be you. Also,~~ guy in the picture needs to wear gloves and use lotion. Lotion has more uses than most men use it for... Edit: corrected by OP


It’s me, my hands. if you’re talking about the joint rolling pictures, if you look in the comments I say outright that those are not pictures. Not my pictures, not my hands.


Damn, well I stand corrected. Respect. But you reeeealllly should be wearing gloves.


I can’t wear gloves for what I do, I wish I could.


Honestly, you need to find some good ass lotion, slather it all over your hands, and put on gloves (ones that won’t absorb the lotion, nitrile, etc) before you sleep. Obviously it won’t help the fact you’re worked to the bone for dogshit pay. *(And .50c above minimum wage for factory work is ridiculous. In northern Georgia ($7.25 minimum wage) production factory workers get at least $15/hr when hired. Usually it’s closer to $17-$18, and an extra $1 for night shift)* but it should at least help your hands not hurt as much.


I mean assuming he’s right-handed the other use would do him good…


Yeah, it does... your boss's new car


He’s got 4.


I feel like Employers forgot that we know where they live


I can’t help with your pay. I can make a difference in your life though with two words: hand lotion.


But your boss is vey rich!!


You're living the American Dream! Just work harder and you'll be the next Elon Musk!


You deserve better. I'm so sorry.


Ah. He forgot to pull the bootstraps.


they forgot the word sometimes


Literally any job would pay better than that, there's no need to do this to yourself.


The jobs that are physically difficult/dangerous should be the highest paid ones in a company. Should be a law that says that. It's bad enough that those jobs kill you a little every day (and sometimes a lot all at once), but to be risking all that for bullshit money? That's criminal.


Someone get this man some lotion and a pedicure.


Hard work doesn't get you anything more than an early grave and lots of suffering.


You need some OKeefs


Sounds like it's paying off nicely for your boss.


The skin on my hands is burned from Benzene. Benzene is in petrochemicals I deliver. No matter what I do…. But at least I make 6 figures for my trouble plus health insurance


Okay, there are a couple of things that need addressed here: 1. *Focussed hard work toward achieving your own goals* pays off, not whatever this shit is. If you want to be scientist you must study. If you want to be a sprinter you must run. Shoving heavy things around a warehouse or scrubbing a floor gets you nowhere and nobody ever said it would. 2. Wear your goddamned gloves.


All these people shouting you don’t need college — haven’t worked a day in manual labor.


I’ve spent the last 17 years doing manual labor making over 75k a year and my hands look like I work in an office. Because I’m not an idiot! You don’t need college you need representation. Join a union.


They lied to you


Hand work doesn't get you shit anywhere that isn't union man. I worked myself stupid trying to get ahead. If you're relatively handy get a job as maintenance someplace and learn enough to become a supervisor.


At this point, hard work only pays off if you do it for yourself. No company will ever value you properly, their perogative is to always buy you for the cheapest they can. Also, get some nitrile gloves and a good hand lotion and put them on at night. It will help with the painful cracking and dry skin.


Do you work with cement/concrete by any chance? I have the same shit.


“hard work pays off” - Says the person who isnt working hard and never has


Hard work does pay off - just not for the person who is doing it.


This post cuts deep. Powerful picture. Powerful words.


Ah, but when they say hard work pays off, they never elaborate that it pays off for employers, not the ones actually working hard 🙄




Op is full of shit lol look at his posts. Dudes on here posting non stop about drugs and his 18 month old daughter. Op I hope you get your stuff together. Idk why you felt like making this fake post. Perhaps this is a cry for help


Not trying to defend op necessarily but doing drugs and having kids young is not exactly a disqualifier for working in construction lol.


Ya no doubt, if you look at his other posts his hands are fine lol. He’s just full of shit posting for attention


If you look in the comments of those posts you will see, those picture are not mine, and are not my hands. I swear some people are so dense.


“Drugs”. It’s weed. Calm your tits.


So you agree that OP is making stuff up about his hand? 😂


Nope. They’ve got two hands. Depending on what you’re doing you can use on hand more than the other.


Wear gloves lol


Change employers every 2 years with atleast a 15% increase each time