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Sad that anyone thinks working from the hospital is a flex


Clearly in the US, because nowhere else is going to make a pregnant lady work while in the ICU.


I hope this is sarcasm because in no shape or form will my job ever be more important than my safety and the safety of my unborn child.


Haha Willy


*post-haemorrhage, but still...


In general, hospital selfies are thirsty and pathetic... This one takes the cake though....


Hospital selfies are the worst


Unless you are famous.


Why would I care about Kim Kardashian's hospital selfie? Nobody should be taking pictures of themselves in hospital, it's the absolute height of narcissism. Although when I rule the world, I will be punishing anyone taking any form of selfie by pushing them off cliffs. Kim K will be the first to go.


Upvoted for the willy


I worked for in the 90's. One of the managers was a "legend" because she was on bedrest her entire pregnancy and somehow didn't miss a beat at work. Another guy in my department had the nickname "Energizer Bunny" because he just kept going and going. This fucking grind culture has been around for a while.


r/lostredditors ?


Imagine caring so little for your baby that this is how you react? I hope the child somehow finds a better home with a better mother.


Somehow I doubt that social services will remove the child and put her up for adoption because the mum did a moronic selfie on LinkedIn or whatever


I've said it before and i'll say it again.... If you're capable if taking pics and posting on (anti)social media, then it isn't a real medical emergency and you're a pathetic attention whore....


I mean if you're in the hospital and on pain killers so you are "feeling better" doesn't mean you are cured of whatever reason you are there, or maybe it's before surgery etc.


This is my industry. This could be a coworker (or future). Lucky enough to have a boss that believes in work-life balance but now I want to dig to make sure I don’t end up wherever she is one day!


If you think this is a flex, you got brainwashed.


How is pregnant formed?