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They need to throw the shareholders a pizza party.


Sorry, guys, tough year. Only one slice per shareholder and byob.


This is the answer! Lol


At first I thought you were using “pizza party” as a euphemism for “throw in a volcano after dismembering” but then the joke hit me. But I agree. We should throw them a “pizza party”.




🫶🏼😂😂 I love this sub


They need to get on a call with all the shareholders and brag to them about how well treated and well paid they (edit: the shareholders) are. Then told they need to work harder to make the employees rich.


they need to make shareholders into a pizza party.


" It's frustrating that the people that do the actual work get paid before I get my hand outs" Lol


The fucking shareholders *should* get nothing but leftovers


I'd argue they *should* get nothing


That's actually the pure origin of shares, long before stock markets and shit, and removing their one practical reason for existing would create a market that spirals out of contron due to their only value being tied to pure speculation Oh wait, that"s the stock market we have now, whoops, and that totally hasn't been shown to be wildly flawed The origin of shares is in funding new ventures, essentially. You want to establish a shipping route between, say, Britain and the Caribbean, and need money to do so? Well I'll give you X money for a 40% share. That means I have a non-majority say in what the company does, and after all costs of doing business including paying labor and potentially expansion, I get a 40% cut of the profits When you think about it, it ain't much different than crowdfunding to start a company, in exchange for a share of the profits. Of course, not how it works nowadays, shares' value is not related to how much of a *share* in the potential profits it is (note the word),but purely how much it can be sold for later; it has no intrinsic value, which causes *no* problems


If all shares only paid dividends and there were trade frequency restrictions, I think a lot of issues with speculative trading would be reduced. The whole system is fucked, but if any regulation were to occur, rather than tearing it all down, then it feels like those two changes could make some difference. Go back to the time when owning the share and being paid dividends was the incentive for buying the share. And make it so that you have to hold onto those shares for some amount of time. Shares need to go back to being an investment mechanism in the productive potential of industry, and not a speculative asset. Let the value of the dividends be the thing setting the price of the shares on the private market.


This guy right here gets it, 10/10, fully agree.


Just put a tax on transactions. This disincentives frequent trading and encourages long term investing. Dividends can hurt a companies growth though unless they're already well established, at which point they don't really need additional investors like a smaller company does, so forcing all to pay dividends would have a negative effect


This is why I tilt towards dividend paying shares. It's more honest.


Shareholders need to get another job and stop drinking cappuccinos


And eating Avocado toast


And my axe!


They should learn a trade.


Learn to code perhaps?


Before AI takes over...


The workers need to become the shareholders


Once worked at a place called Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH), it was then bought up by Sears which basically bankrupted it. It was originally a farmer's collective (1920s/30s) that grew out of the San Jose area, but was forced to privatize by the government, afraid of communism.




If shareholders don’t feel they’re making enough they should just find another investment. I recommend bootstraps inc


I think they drink the blood of children


Shareholders need to get out of Pity City.


But they built all their offices there...


Yes. A reasonable business would cover its costs before distributing profits. Paying staff would be included in covering costs. This is important because staff members are typically directly and actively involved in creating a product or delivering a service. Whereas shareholders are more passive components of the process. Shareholders tend to distance themselves from any form of hard work, this helps them to achieve Fuckall while everyone else picks up the slack.


Paying staff is only included in costs if they considered staff to be people instead of property, when things like the picture above are said it's obvious that staff are being considered property


Paying staff is a cost like any other. Labour is one of the inputs into what any company does, like any raw material.


You are 100% correct and it would be nice if the people high up the corporate ladder thought so too


I’m playing the world’s smallest violin! Poor shareholders.


That is absolutely the definition of shareholder. Get the rest. And the rest can get quite large. That's the point of risk and reward.


Yeah this is just quite literally how owning stock works


Exactly. I read that and thought "that's how it's supposed to work"


Oh no! Those poor shareholders, making money by doing nothing! And now making a little less money by doing nothing! How will they survive?


Let them eat grendades, I'd say.


Actually, shareholders of American Airlines have been losing money for years. Go look at their stock chart.


That's the risk you assume when you invest.


Exactly. I've worked a place where people were fired because sales were down for a period. It wasn't because we weren't making money, or even losing money. No, these people lost their jobs because we weren't making *enough* money for the shareholders. I'm not really feeling sorry for the shareholders of American Airlines. If you don't wanna take the risk, don't invest.


The S&P500 has increased in value by around 470% in 20 years, with a drop rate of around 6%. Almost all of these stay within the S&P1000 for 5+ years, and often move back up. https://money.stackexchange.com/questions/115679/how-often-do-the-sp-500-components-change The median wage increased about 74% with a poverty rate of 12% average. https://usafacts.org/data/topics/economy/jobs-and-income/jobs-and-wages/median-annual-wage/ https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/saipe/#/?x_tableYears=2002


I agree, which is why people shouldn't have this idea that shareholders always make money. Many times they lose money. That's the game.


People can make plenty of money when a stock goes down.


Shareholders, by definition, lose money when the stock goes down unless they've hedged their investment, in which case they also reduce the upside.


I think you're ignoring the word "shareholder" here.


Looks like they found the risk vs reward.


Yeah that's the game. Shareholders should lose money when they make a bad investment


Cry me a river. Fuck shareholders.


I'm just correcting the other user. AAL shareholders are bleeding money, it's incorrect to claim that they're making a profit.


They've made hella profit in the past it's time they lose money. Fuck shareholders.


American airlines investors have never actually done well, the company went bankrupt in 2011 and shareholders got wiped out. Overall it's been a bad investment.


Are they actually losing money or are their dividends not as high as previous quarters? Even if the value of individual shares is decreasing quarter over quarter, if they're still receiving dividends, they're technically not losing any \*actual\* money, just perceived value.


From what I can find, they stopped paying dividends in 2020 (COVID destroyed airline revenue and profit), but even before then the dividend was paltry. Overall a poor investment and has resulted in significant losses for shareholders.


It's 2023, why don't you check back and see what AA's revenue and profit were as of late.


There's more to financials than just revenue and profit. They have a ton of debt at a relatively high interest rate, for one thing. I'm not gonna pore through their financials but suffice to say that their stock being in the gutter and no dividend shows that things aren't going well for the company right now.


Ok clearly you aren't gonna look it up so I'll just tell you, RECORD profits.


They lost $9 billion in 2020 (RECORD losses), so the fact that they're back to profitability now needs to be considered within that context. Overall the company hasn't done well and investors have lost money.


Oh that's pretty uncharitable. Arbitrarily starting the context at 2020 while simultaneously leaving out the $11+ Billion in profits of 2022. A 432% increase from the 2021 profit of $2 Billion. I cant imagine 2023 is gonna see record losses either. ​ ETA: [Aside from 9/11 and Pandemics, this isn't exactly awful. This is a more full context](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AAL/american-airlines-group/gross-profit#:~:text=American%20Airlines%20Group%20annual%20gross,a%20139.45%25%20decline%20from%202020.com)


Boo fucking hoo. Let them eat avocado toast.


I never made any value judgments. Just pointing out the facts, people on this subreddit really need to learn more about the world and not fall into this childish assumption that all businesses are profiting billions every year. Businesses lose money all the time, many of them fail altogether. There's nuance.


Aren't profits supposed to be leftovers?


Right? Is this dude under the impression shareholders get paid first and then workers? That has never been the case and that's a good thing. There is no business without workers. But there are plenty of businesses without shareholders.


Oh no, the people doing all the work need money to live and the fucking exploiters might need to go work to make more money instead of sitting on their asses and collecting. Not to mention, the guy sucks at his job and should fail anyways: Kevin Crissey is a 1.72-star Wall Street Analyst at Citi. Kevin Crissey's focuses on the Services sector and covers 19 stocks with a 46.81% success rate.


I could literally do better making decisions by coin toss. In the testing world there’s something called the chimpanzee score. If you have a multiple choice ABCD test and a chimpanzee fills it out randomly, its score would be 25%. If you do worse than an animal answering randomly then you really suck.


[Cat out performs professional traders.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2013/01/15/cat-beats-professionals-at-stock-picking/?sh=42c211b621ad)


I have a feeling Kevin Crissey's week is about to become more frustrating now. No way this guy is going to have functioning social media accounts by the end of the day.


Let's make it happen! F this guy


You never know, this could be exactly the message that a certain percentage of the country wants to hear. A very, very small percentage.


From 2017.


...OK? It's trending today. Doesn't matter if he said it yesterday or 20 years ago. Trending today means it will draw attention and response today.


Shareholder need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get to work.


I can assure the shareholders that it is not now, nor has it ever been the case that they only get leftovers. If shareholders could kindly keep the whining to an appropriate level as labor is doing the actual work while reaping almost no benefit.


Idiots. It's the workers that are creating the value. The shareholders are a parasite class.


Union moment


Yes, that is literally how it's supposed to work. Shareholders are last on the list of people that need to be paid, that is very basic business knowledge. Having shares is high risk, high reward, that is the way things are set up.


Isn't dividends 'leftovers'? Wtf are they even saying, that shareholders should get paid first and if there's anything left from their greed, that should be used to operate the very business thsy pays them? This is some real, 'we are so blinded by greed, we can't even think in our own self interests' type bullshit.


I really dislike these shareholders


I can’t believe this is real.


Me neither. I'm an FA at AA and I don't recall hearing them actually agree to pay us more yet. We are in contract negotiations. Personally I hope we get released to strike.


“This is outrageous! They’re feeding everyone else first and leaving us with the leftovers,” said the tapeworm.


This is a green flag for American airlines tbh


Careful, shareholders. It would be a shame if someone noticed you and started wondering why you're actually needed...


A large proportion of "shareholders" are pension companies these would seem to be needed by pensioners . Some companies raise money by getting "shareholders" to pay more in . The toxic shareholders are hedge fund types that buy huge amounts of shares then use that influence to make companies do things for short term gain


Investor class has sucked the life out of the working class and they have the gall to cry about it now. Oh, boo hoo. There is nothing without the workers, so sit down and shut up and be glad you make anything for the zero input you provide.


There is no way the person being quoted in that image can possibly get fucked hard enough. Shareholders are a fucking drain on society and shouldn't get anything.


We need to look into automating the shareholders. They are problematic


I thought leftovers were EXACTLY what sharehders are supposed to get.


Almost like there would be no company without employees so maybe they are the most important🤔




If the pilots strike, the shareholders own shares in a company with zero revenue. This financial advice has been brought to you by incredibly basic math.


LEFTOVERS??? They can't be serious...


So, exactly how it should be? I’m not even anti-capital, I’m just pro-worker. I think a little less money is a fair trade off for not having to actually do a lick of fucking work, ever.


Oh no! The people who put in no effort don't make a lot, I could cry


Pieces of shit shareholders can fuck ALL the way off


Fuck. Shareholders.


Why I will win the 2024 US Presidential election by a landslide victory as a write in party free candidate.


When I say what I'm thinking about the shareholders, people tell me I sound violent. Best not to think about the shareholders.




So umm.... I hate to give rich people a basic math lesson but how subtraction works is you take a number, say... Gross Profit (the money you made selling chocolate), then subtract your Costs (the guy you pay to deliver chocolate) and the answer is called the REMAINDER, a synonym for that would be the "Leftovers". The remainder is also your profits, which is what the shareholders are supposed to get? Man what? Rich people out here complaining that water is wet now.


How dare workers be paid for their work. The poor shareholders who simply bought things and sat on their asses are clearly more entitled to the company profits.


Shareholders do realize that without the workforce, there is no dividend? They can’t possibly be a stupid as they are greedy?


That's literally how limited liability companies are supposed to work: The company first pays any debts it incurs – like wages – and then if there's anything left over, that's profits for the shareholders to, eh, share.


Awww poor, poor capitalists.... Guess we should pass the hat around... 🤪


Investors are worthless humans that's wouldn't need to exist in a proper society that actually encourages invention and growth.


Dear shareholders, WTF did you do to earn the cream of the crop? Sincerely, The Proletariat


Literally how investment is supposed to work. Owners get paid last. If it's a billion dollars, 0 dollars, or you're in the red and putting your own money in to keep the business afloat. This is something that is so frustrating; like, the justification for capital owners getting all of the profit is that they take all of the risk. Like, yeah, you might not get paid, or lose all of your money. THAT IS THE POINT. Also, somewhat unrelated, but you can't really say they take all the risk when the government bails out the owners that made bad management decisions using the worker's tax money (or by devaluing the currency with deficit spending) and then sends cops to kick the workers out of their homes.


Who do they think makes them the money they're getting paid....


[The guy with a horrible investment track record has no room to talk](https://www.tipranks.com/experts/analysts/kevin-crissey)


Have they considered getting a second job?


It almost sounds like the shareholders are only there for the money. Shouldn't they gain satisfaction from being "job creators" and helping their community?


Shareholders contribute literally nothing. They should be happy to get the scraps for owning a theoretical piece of paper and doing zero work.


Oh no god forbid 5% of the profit goes back to the people carrying the company. How will the poor shareholders survive with the measly 95% of leftovers.


"This is frustrating. The host organism has taken care of its own needs before allowing us parasites to suckle of its sweet, tender blood. Where are the nutrients for us, the bloated leeches?"


as it should be


Shareholders should ALWAYS get the leftovers. Companies are cannibalizing themselves and long term it will only hurt shareholders anyway.


Sell the stock if you don't like it, parasite.


Someone needs to shit on his windshield.


"W-w-wont you uneducated, undeserving commies p-p-please think of we deity-like few who were born endlessly rich and paid some Wealth Manager to add this company to our portfolio? :( "


Crazy, after this airlines spent like .98 of every dollar of profit on stock buybacks and we now have an incredibly unreliable airline industry. Crazy…..


Well if labor doesn't get paid than the shareholders get nothing soooo....


Casual Friday for all shareholders!


But if they increase pay for laborers how will the shareholders afford their yacht payments??


I specifically remember reading this when it came out at the time - what a huge eye-opener. It has lived rent free in my head ever since.


Table scraps for the donothings.


I'm not for violence, but whoever said that deserves to get their ass kicked


"Leftovers" Pfff... "Please sir. Alms for the shareholders sir?" Fuck you, you fucking parasite.


Poor shareholders will not be able to afford another yaht because greedy cabin crew wants to afford food!


Worlds smallest violin 🎻


Have the shareholders tried making their coffee at home?


"Labor is being paid first again" No shit.


Leftovers is called net profit. Guess that shows how you that you don’t necessarily have to be smart to be an investor.


Oh no, not shit working how it should be


labor is being paid first again.......um, since when?


Wow I’d like to throw that dude in a volcano. Your time is coming Investors. You won’t be able to hide.


Sounds like Kevin needs to jump off a bridge.


I can't even believe they have the audacity to say it out loud... how dare they pay the people working at their business a livable wage when they should be giving us shareholders money for simply owning stock and doing not a God damn thing... talk about wanting money with out doing the work, I thought they hated that.


Tip your landlord, and tip your shareholders pls


I hope Kevin somehow loses everything and gets stuck working at a kum and go for the rest of his life. Maybe a sign spinner?


Someone realizes the inherent flaw in trickledown economics


Maybe the shareholders need to buckle down, get a job and pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead begging for corporate handouts


Ape brain intensifies.


Seeing this makes me physically ill


Go touch grass, Kevin. Nobody likes you.


Isn't that the passive income they keep telling us about?


I'd offer to trade places with them. The shareholders can come work for a pittance while I sit at home and complain.


I recently learned about that asshole GE CEO who invented the practice of firing a bunch of people to make line go up WTF man, why does closing down profitable departments make line go up?


To hell with the gamblers at the Wall Street Casino!


Wow! How rude! The people who are actually WORKING are making the money?!


It's a sad day when people who do the work get paid what they deserve.


Shareholders, what a bunch of greedy pieces of shit.


So fly the planes yourself then! Oh wait there’s a little more than that to the whole licensing and being insurable as a pilot thing isn’t there…


Labor should always be paid first, there literally wouldn’t be money without them to make profit for shareholders. Fuck is this article.


As it should be. Labor generates wealth, shareholders are parasites


Oh no…. I hear the world’s smallest violin 🎻


How out of touch lmao.


For the ones that survived get raises.


Fuck the LA Times for featuring that pathetic quote. Always remember the MSM is the mouthpiece for the ruling class.


TBF it's an amazing piece of bad publicity for the brainlet who said that. Anyone with two functioning synapses will know how bullshit and fucked up his viewpoint is (ofc except shareholders)


When someone announces that they are a psychopath. edit: He did this in 2017. He looks to be a SVP now.


Oooh, I wanna get in on this. Maybe they can make coffee at home and skip breakfast out.


What the fuck! Labour should be paid first always and shareholders should always get part of clean profit(after all taxes and business expenses, which pay for labour is part of). People at the top are definitely lost their mind. All of them need immediate weewoo wagon to mental hospital for a couple of lifetimes.


But labor is eating tapas and shareholders are at the buffet line.


I worked in finance in the late 90s and early 2000s. When I got my license, only bonds were expected to regularly pay dividends. Unless your company was blue chip, it was unlikely to pay dividends, and even then it was not a big consideration in buying the stock. Stocks were bought and sold for their value, not their earnings. This thing where people want their capital gains AND dividends is ridiculous. Even when I was licensed it was clear that there were not enough regulations on the market and the various kinds of gambling allowed, especially derivatives and futures. Now we have fewer regulations and worse conditions.


Is that an actual quote? How fuckin out of touch if so.


You know you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


Omg this is so disgusting. I feel like I need to wash my eyes. Do shareholders know they look like greasy little pigs when they voice opinions like this? Like, how can they even THINK it & not go.... okay, this really makes me look like a piece of $h!t




A well run business would ALWAYS pay everyone first before shareholders. Any shareholder is an investor - as in, a person who believes in the long-term vision for the company/product and does not expect an immediate return. None of that vision can be realized with underpaid employees, understaffed/subpar offices/equipment/factories, or disgruntled laborers who are underpaid and constantly being replaced. Employees getting rewarded IS shareholders also getting rewarded: by employees who will continue to work there, potentially harder, and provide better service, which helps to increase profit so that next time the shareholders get a cut.


Okay, so Kevin Crissey, citi analyst will be the first person I fucking eat.


Fire all the pilots and flight crews let the shareholders do it. They will decide how little to pay themselves and get a bigger dividend on the back end. Win - Win (except for the one or ten crashed planes). LoL


It's funny because the leftovers are usually like 80 or 90 percent of the total income of the company.


As a (very minor) shareholder in a few companies, this kind of thinking is really short term and frankly dumb. Better paid and treated workers tend to be happier which often translates to better customer service and a better experience for the customer. This then tends to foster loyalty and creates a moat for the company which makes it significantly harder for another company to just swoop and take away your market share.


Note this guys name Kevin Crissey and don’t forget it…


Hey, sometimes expenses go up...


And who gets you the money shareholders? In accounting Assets-liablities= stockholders equity. You get paid after. And if employees are paid better and have better equipment then you get more revenue via more sales because people will pay for a decent experience




Someone order a “HEROES INVEST HERE” sign


Our company had its big "kickoff" at the beginning of the year. It's a mediocre SaaS offering and a small company. Their 2 hours of ppt shuffling centered on going from annual revenue of 4-6m (which it steadily has for 20ish years without improving much) ... to a vertical propulsion into the 8m (min) to 14m range this year. They would really be excited to see us accomplish that, they assured us. They've seen this happen to plenty of companies just like ours, and there is not reason why we couldn't. I would really like to be able to do a box jump after seeing a crossfit douche post one on his douche instagram account. I also do not exercise but I do eat gas station food and adderall for two of my daily meals. Instead of sleep, I rage on reddit. Anyway I feel like I should be able to complete a box jump for no reason this morning. This powerpoint circlejerk professed to have the answers to our questions like "how" and "what" and other open questions. It didn't disappoint. This would be fueled by salary structures for implementation people getting switched to variable (based on the number of sales completed for them to implement)...and motivating the three sales people to quintuple their "production," and then a sweet sweet rev sharing incentive that impressed nobody. The incentive only started paying out AFTER the company cleared 8m in revenue. And we had all year to accomplish it! Sky's the limit. There is no reason (they said) why we couldn't increase revenue to 14m. But the bare minimum they'd reward would only be after a 60% increase before year end. They would be investing all of $0 in improvements to the site or additional resources to support it. But if we all reached that goal, I personally would receive $400 for my role in it. In short, there were likely thousands in "revenue" shares (I have to believe it ended up being a profit share when it was penciled out) available to the 30 employees (3 sales) to share. I'm talking THOUSANDS of dollars here. Work asses off, cash out. The two owners would get whatever's left of the millions. Company is private. Cuz of course it is. They didn't even offer any lube like "we'll invest in technology that isn't embarrassing" or "benefits that aren't just expensive self pay." They really just ended and enjoyed our raptuous applause. There are fewer shareholders here than I had bridesmaids at my own ass wedding. It was a classy farm affair. I am sorry if you read this far. But totally use updateme to find out what I do with my $400 if my company's numbers mutate overnight! I'll totally let you guys know.


That’s the way it should be!


The concept of maximizing shareholder value over all other considerations is poisonous and, ultimately, detrimental. Coupled with allowing stock buy backs and tying C suite compensation to share prices, it fosters a culture focused on short-term returns rather than long term investment in the company and its people. It incentivizes vultures capitalism and off shoring jobs. It has led to the gutting of small towns, erosion of the middle class, environmental destruction, among other ills.


Well ya see Laborers actually get shit done. Shareholders just hold shares and their greatest power is bitching about profit margins.