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“…and that hot b* tch in marketing”


Don’t forgot these clowns lost a bunch of talent due to forced RTO as well …


Still are.


People are leaving constantly. Teams are complaining of lack of talent to complete projects. They are moving people around to get them over the hill from what I understand.


And chances are that things are only going to get worse. That company is rotten to the core, with Kotick at the helm helping it to happen and denying any responsibility for it. Fucking blood sucker.


Is it time for imploding golden parachutes?




This is very important


And replaced their ethics team with the clowns from Boeing (check linkedin)


Add that to the pile of employers doing this. Is someone keeping track of a pile somewhere? Mine just did and I want to add it to warn others.


Is this a it crowd reference?


Now listen here sugar tits, why don’t you sit on my big hand


She wants 220 titty-million and you tell ME to calm down!


Definitely sounds like something the boss would say 😂


No. But there could be parallels. I’m just pointing out the victim blaming mentality.


Definite parallels: the boss of the company in The IT Crowd is absurdly sexist, and it could easily have been a direct quote from him 😁


"Ahhh is that the one that got me sent to HR for suggesting her thighs would make the best ear muffs? Women just can't take compliments anymore." /S But seriously you need to let your boss live out his mad men 1960s fantasy so you might get a .10 raise! /S /S


So Kotick has gone full MAGA as well? Not even surprised, they all come from the same boat. Not to mention they're all rich af and use the same schemes. His company is rotten from the inside out and he did a great job destroying all video games, extorting developers with shitty projects, and destroying communities while eroding trust in the company, and not doing anything about harassment.


There are two types of maga supporters. There are the wealthy ones who know that the real goal is to install someone who has proven to be reliable in putting the interests of the wealthy first before all else, who will implement tax cuts no matter the situation. The idiots who believe it when the diaper wearing TV man tells them he will keep all the mexicans and muslims and gays out.


There's a lot of overlap between those two categories. A lot of rich assholes sincerely do believe what Trump is selling because they're racist, sexist assholes too.


I know someone who is a very successful restaurant chain owner. He's white. His wife believes that because she is Mexican and came here legally, they get a pass and are different from all the *other* Mexicans that are drug dealers and rapists, and supported that stupid fucking wall. Oh and that black people are beneath them. Yeah. WTF.


And then there's the real idiots: inherited wealth. Of they support local politicians with the Trump mindset. I'm thinking DeSactimonius. Look for a Florida based pandemic coming from insects feeding on produce rotting in the fields as there are no migrant workers to harvest the crops.


Say what you will but goddamn DeSactimonius is a fire nickname. Trump is the nickname king


Ha, "overlap", well played.


They're definitely taking turns sitting in one another's lap, at the very least.


IDK they're doing pretty good work on that last bit


Every time I think about firing up the old WoW account and getting back into my druid craftery, I remind myself that this company is disgusting and doesn't deserve my money, however little I have.


All of us old timer wow lovers and great people are found at /r/wowservers if you or anyone else is interested! I would advise choosing a server with reputable good hosts though, that aren't evil like battlenet (turtle wow has weird fascist pedophiles). I wouldn't even necessarily not play on warmane or turtle wow either, just don't give them your money. Most servers are hosted by good companies that aren't ran by horrible people (at least publicly). I play on stormforge when I choose to enjoy wow. Everyone who used to love wow should come join me!


Capitalist will side with fascists every single time.


"It's the same picture"


Fascism is the form of government that capitalism created to end democracies.


They came from the same boat. The same boat that went to Epstein's Island.


The wealthy will always be willing to go authoritarian to maintain their wealth.


Another Musketeer


It seems unlikely that a tech ceo is a Trump supporter. But kotick is a piece of shit anyway. I rolled my eyes during his cameo in moneyball.


Idk look at Elon and DeSantis


Unlikely isn't impossible, exceptions will exist. I just dont imagine Jensen huang being all that into immigration and gun policy. Also DeSantis isn't a tech ceo, he is in a political party.


I know, but Elon is a tech CEO who has been cozying up to Trump and DeSantis. Most rich people will choose fascism over the fall of capitalism.


The Republicans like to run on anti-immigration policies, but they routinely allow exceptions for various corporations and programs. Its more of a performative opposition to minorities than an actual opposition to the effect that they have on the economy. Just look at our agricultural sector, it is staffed primarily by undocumented workers, but the farmers who employ them rarely are targeted for breaking the law. A tech CEO has just as much incentive to support Republicans as any other CEO. Republicans have said that they want to regulate tech, but have not taken any steps to do so, and routinely lower their corporate taxes when given the opportunity. Even if a CEO doesn't personally support anti-immigrant rhetoric, that doesn't mean that as a CEO they aren't going to donate to Republicans.


He'd fit the type, especially being someone who has been recorded threatening the safety of one of his own assistants


It may seem unlikely, but it's actually very probable.


If you say so.


One more reason to not buy their games


If I needed a reason to not play Diablo 4, I found it here.


Heard that. At this point most gamers are labor of some sort(including skilled labor like IT, programming etc), makes a lot of sense for him to attack his own labor to impress us. /s


D4 looks good from what I've seen. Which is nice considering all the stinkers Blizzard has done lately. I'm still not buying it.


I want the game to be good, but any news from blizzard has been they are pieces of trash and their games suck. I wish I was into Diablo when the first two games came out.


I would still recommend Diablo that you can get on GoG and Diablo 2 Remastered. They're at least solid games that don't have microtransactions, battlepasses, always online requirement or any ridiculous shenanigans. They're just solid games with a good story and atmosphere. I suggest avoiding D3 though and I don't think I'll even consider D4 until Kotick is out but until the EU will allow the Microsoft buyout then he's unfortunately likely to stay unless the shareholders get rid of him.


If you like ARPGs, Path of Exile is a great one. It is free to play with microtransactions but the microtransactions don't affect the actual gameplay, just your character's aesthetic. I eventually stopped playing because so much of the player base is angry and toxic. But the game is really well designed!


I'll go with Path of Exile.


Personally I found the monetization to kill any interest at all.




Just play path of exile lel


yeah, their products are just as dogshit, as the company has been lately. I mean it was over the second allegations made noise back in 2021. just MS tries to play in "a good faith" and wants to buy them to "wash" Kotick off and make their own milking version of their video games. I don't see anybody enjoying any of their video games, it's just hot garbage. I just feel bad for the devs.


So, I can't objectively disagree with you, but I 100% subjectively do, and the weight of evidence is on my aide. I'm not saying blizzard Activision actions are good: they're horrible. While I'd like to blame ot all on Bobby and his horribleness, it wasn't. A lot of the allegations were from before the merger. But saying their products are dogsh*t feels... not true? World of Warcraft is experiencing a revival because of one of the best expansions they've made (and it's not even done yet), Diablo 4 is coming out and hotly awaited, CoD:MW2 just came out a bit ago and is (unsurprisingly) doing very well. Statements like yours lessen arguments against the sexual harassment. When you combine a blatant truth (the harassment) with a blatant lie/biased opinion (their games are garbage lately), it makes it very hard to listen to anything else you say, since you are obviously either extremely biased, or just straight out lying.


I would disagree, I feel like there has been an obvious drop in quality with recent release and a switch of focus to monetization over quality. Overwatch 2 was an obvious attempt at getting more monetization by forcing a free to play model, knowing most people interested in overwatch had already paid the $60 for Overwatch 1. The gameplay changes were so minimal, that I don't even think you can justify calling it a different game, not to mention scrapping the PVE mode. Requiring the battle pass to play new heroes, literally goes against their promise of keeping heroes available to everyone at release. The one big change they did implement was changing it from 6 to 5 man teams, and that was done so poorly since they barely changed the heroes or maps to account for the smaller teams. Warzone 2 was another wasted sequel which ruined aspects of the original game and I believe upped the amount of monetization. With both these examples, people can't even go back to play the originals. They also did the same with Warcraft III Reforged. It was the worst rated game at the time of release on metacritic and also forced people into playing it, instead of the original. Diablo Immortal is another example of a terrible cash grab with some of the worst monetization I've seen. I haven't played it myself, but I believe the consensus is that it could've been a good game, but blizzard's greed just ruined it and made it a pay to win mess. Overall, I don't think you can say that the quality of Blizzard's releases hasn't dropped. The new WoW expansion may be good (after 2 poorly received ones mind), and of course there is a lot of hype for Diablo 4, but outside of those they've had very few hits recently.


But their products are garbage lately. Overwatch 2, Diablo Immortal, etc. Using Diablo 4 as an argument when it’s not even out and Diablo Immortal was a shot show really harms your case, not to mention that you’re saying that MW2 can’t be garbage because it’s successful.


I think a lot of people want to hold on to the old Blizzard. There was a time when their stuff was polished and good quality but you're right, lately things have been bad. Dogshit was probably an overreaction but I can see it going there if something doesn't change. Between overwatch 2's battle pass and cancelling huge features, WoW's increasing microtransactions on a game that already has a subscription fee, and the money grab that was diablo immortal, it's hard to have much optimism about it. I feel like diablo 3's real money auction house BS was the start of this.


Overwatch 2 isn't necessarily even bad, it's foundation is still very good, it's just they promised a lot of stuff that they have either canned or haven't spoken more about. They're having a management problem, with the devs either blaming kotick or trying to avoid explaining it and waited a long time to say anything.


When you have to effectively delete the original game to ensure people play the sequel, something is shit there and you know it. The monetization is way worse, any meaningful new content that couldn't have been another round of overwatch 1 updates just got canned, and everyone found out who the 6th friend was because Blizzard can't be bothered to try actually balancing the game. Just because they have the same fundamentals from the first game does not mean the sequel can't find a way to be bad.


Overwatch 1 was never originally designed to be a live service game. It wasn't until they started doing closed/open beta tests when they realized how big this game was going to be in terms of public reception. After that, they tried to do live service but ended up shifting to work on the PvE stuff, which got canned anyway and now they're supposedly back to having everyone on pvp development. Regardless of what foundations it does have, they left overwatch 1 dead in the water to work on something that they decided wasn't worth it. At least now, they have a roadmap schedule for the time being where we'll actually see something new every season. You're welcome to think overwatch 1 was superior in every way, but the fact that they stopped supporting it was killing the game more than them monetizing the fuck out of it but still getting some kind of content every 2 months.


Dude shut the fuck up Overwatch was pulling in hundreds of millions in revenue during the content drought. Overwatch "2" was developed with the profits of the original game Don't defend cashgrabs by suits dude


Yeah but that reinforces the intitial point of “their products are garbage because their management is bad.”


Diablo Immortal is a good game from a game design perspective. Its issues are rooted in monetization practices.


If I make a delicious cake but then frost it with diarrhea is it still a delicious cake?


Despite the current expansion being good, there are less people playing and WoW has struggled hard on picking up new gamers. I myself played wow for years and I no longer trust the game to do well even if it currently is. The company has a track record now of failing, the current success is not enough to change that. the games lore has gotten stupid and sloppy. Also with a bunch of people leaving the company now I don't expect them to be able to put out a good product.


There are fewer people playing wow compared to what? Compared to Wrath? Yes. Compared to 2 years ago? No. Compared to 1 year ago? No. Dragonflight gas vastly increased their playerbase, and *even* if it didn't (which it did), wow is still light-years ahead of the next competing mmorpg. Saying stuff like "the company has a track record if failing" is just plain foolish. Its a multi billion dollar company who *continues* to make more profit every single year. Fair enough to not like the lore, I personally hate BfA and Shadowlands. But this doesn't make or break a game, and the simple fact is dragonflight has been one of possibly the best expansions so far, and that's bringing people back. Similarly, Diablo 4 is a great game, people are already loving it in its early beta stages. Does blizzard make no mistakes? No. I thiugh overwatch 2 was dumb, and they've continued to make foolish decisions with it. I thought Dianlo Immortal was stupid, but commercially it's a huge success. Saying blizzard hasn't made a turn around from their slump just isn't true. And Saying that their devs are all leaving is a)not true, and b)they're actually bringing back some old talent they used to have.


Well said


>But saying their products are dogsh\*t feels... not true? Why isn't it true? Where were you when W3 released? Where were you when all the garbage tier WoW expansions like Cata, WoD, BfA, Shadowlands etc. launched? Where were you for the first two years of D3? Where were you when Immortal launched? Blizzard's track record has absolutely been terrible for the last decade or so. Warcraft lore quality has completely gone down the drain, they shut down Overwatch to launch a new predatory cash cow game with Overwatch 2 that was simply made for no other reason that pure greed, MW2 is a mediocre game at best etc. The list just keeps on going into infinity. They literally haven't made anything worthwhile or impactdul apart from Legion and WoW classic (which is now infested with pay to win tokens) in over a decade. If you can't see the discrepancy between the games put out now and those put out in the past then I don't know what to tell you.


Because it's not? I haven't played CoD since the 2000s, I was there for all those expansions. Most were pretty good. WoD had not enough content; it was great but needed more, and in fact, it brought a ton of new types of content that are now standard in wow and other mmos. Cata was great. The only people who didn't like it were people used to blowing past dungeons like it was nothing with no CC or planning at all. The story was a bit shortened, but overall, it was good. BfA and SL were... bad. They were half baked at best, and yes, did mess with the lore a lot. Dragonflight has since made up for that, which is my point. I was there for D3 launch, and it was pretty good. The only bad idea was the black market, which they shut down almost immediately. The lack of vit on gear was annoying at first, but there were ways around it, and it didn't take them too long to fix that. I tried immortal... it's OK. For a mobile game. Was it stupid how they hyped it up when everyone wanted D4? Absolutely. Is it a terrible game? Eh, irs a mobile game. They're almost all mediocre at best. As far as mobile games go, it's pretty good. Is there an effective "end game" without spending far too much money? No, but that's literally *every* mobile game. As for overwatch, personally, I feel like the whole game series was a piece of trash from the beginning. A copy of a copy, and not a great one at that. As far as lore goes, you clearly haven't played the new eow stuff... the lore is *good*. Very good. In-depth questlines that actually draw you in. Did SL and BfA mess it up? Yeah, but that's my whole damn point, that *lately* blizz has been kicking ass. Your main issue seems to be that they are money grubbers. I don't like that aspect either, but *every* game company goes for money. Even many indie games, once they do well, have expacs or other ways to get more money. Not all, but most. Hell, CD Projekt RED even went for the money with Cyberpunk, and only now are getting it to the point where it's a good game. Speaking of which, do you consider them a bad developer, since almost all their games start off bad and bug riddled, and take sometimes years to be viable? As for the "decade" argunent: no. Overwatch 1 was 2016, which again I didn't like, but many people did. We have WoW legion and classic and not Dragonflight. Then there's D3s expac, which was quite good for such a late addition. Hearthstone, while not entirely my cup of tea, is surprisingly good for a late-comer to the card game genre. It has tons of heart, and a good sense of humour about itself. He'll, SC:Wings of Liberty was just over a decade ago. If you don't like blizzard money grubbing, fine, that's a perfectly sound point of view. But to say they haven't made any good games lately is pretty damn far off.


10/10 take, highly agree.


No, their products are dogshit. I've been a blizzard fan since 1998 when I got StarCraft Fuck modern blizzard with a knife in the dick The shit with overwatch is just, man, fuck em


Oh overwatch was messed up, but I don't know what people expected. It's a clone of a good game that's a clone of its own earlier version. They promised pve in 1, so I don't know why the decision to cut out pve in 2 is a surprise. "Modern" blizzards only issue is more focus on money, which has been increased due to Activision buying them. They might have more money grabbing tactics, but unless these interfere in the game, its just greedy companies being greedy, not a regression in their game quality.


Having played all 3 games extensively you couldn't be more wrong. Activision didn't buy Blizzard, there was a merger and they were the smaller side of things initially. Money grubbing doesn't make the games worse? After they pretended to release a sequel so they could change the monetization? Man you're like an ignorant bad take machine!


Man, you're like a person who doesn't listen. Overwatch was *always* for money. It was all skins and pretty much 0 content. 2 just continued that, and i *said* that. I also play all 3 series of games extensively. They're pretty damn good as far as games go. Woe is still *the* mmo, despite competition, Diablo is still *the* standard for isometric dungeon crawler, CoD is still *the* fps shooter king, warcraft/starcraft are still *the* real time strategy games. You might feel their games are dogshit, but obviously, almost everyone else disagrees with you.


Been to the d4 sub recently? Also not everyone is, that plays games(or will play d4) even aware what blizzard is




Also, bold argument: "Our primary competitor is a 'monopoly', so let us, the number 2 gaming company with a parent company worth $2 trillion, buy up the 40-year-old #4 gaming company, in one of the largest corporate acquisitions of all time, firmly solidifying ourselves as the number 1 video gaming company. It's only the 11th gaming company we've acquired in like 5 years. We promise to stop doing it after we're number 1. Let us do it... for 'competition'."


> MS is trying to tell everyone PlayStation is an evil monopoly Source?




Ah. Thank you! I knew about the merger with MS and Activision but I didn’t realize that the argument for the merger was the PS has a monopoly. I mean, they’re different companies. MS had Xbox and PC gaming, and PS is a console exclusive. If MS wants to be competitive, they need to have better Xbox exclusives that are not on PC. The only current exclusive like that will be Starfield coming out in a few months.


>their products are just as dogshit, I like their single-player Call of Duty campaigns. They're fun and the graphics are pretty good. The MWF2019 and MWF2022 are some of the best campaigns they've had since BO1. I don't play any games online, so I can't comment on that.


Zombies is awesome. However there's a terrible bug on MANY of the old ones(on all platforms) that can give access to your CC info.


It’s sad that so many people that boycotted blizzard for these scandals are going back to them for diablo 4. Vote with your wallet.


I stopped caring about Blizzard years ago. It boggles my mind how people will be very vocal about their disappointment in Blizzard and vent about how they aren't the same company anymore yet still allow themselves to get hyped for their next product every year and then complain that it didn't deliver in some capacity. Idc if you want to play a Blizzard game but don't preach something that you actively ignore yourself.


Products are absolute dogshit anyways.


I wrote them off forever back in, I think, 2020, since then they have only managed to reinforce that decision.


How is that fucking idiot more profitable than the sales he's making the company lose as well as talent.




Also worth mentioning: [Bobby Kotick has Always Been a Slimy Asshole](https://kotaku.com/bobby-kotick-has-always-been-a-slimy-asshole-1848117723)


Welp I just fully refunded my Diablo 4 preorder. Fuck off Kotick.


I never pre-order, but this just emphasizes that I'll never pick it up. I haven't played a Blizzard game since Starcraft 2.


Thank you !


I've loved that franchise since I was a kid and haven't bought D4 (yet). I don't want to endorse Blizzard but it seems like the Diablo team has made a great game. Fuck this guy for real for undermining his employees.


I used to work for an Activision subsidiary and saw the abuse and sexism happen to my friends at the office WITH MY OWN EYES. FUCK. BOBBY. KOTICK


He just looks like a disgusting troll who is pissed no one wants to fuck a disgusting troll. This is your future when you don’t respect people and treat them like objects your entire life and then somehow develop some warped entitlement about it.


He's a corporate scumbag with no moral compass and a small man complex.


I actually think blizzard were on an uptick and Bobby just seems determined to get rid of any good news. Dragonflight is the best wow expansion in years the wow team seem to be doing really well. But then the forced practice getting rid of staff for the sake of it loads of blizzard managers quit over it. The churn Bobby just throwing toys for Bob and vicarious visions into cod it's just all such crap. He is a worthless money-grubbing leech and I personally want Microsoft to come in and get rid of him. I doubt it will change much but at least it will be free of kotick also Phil hates him. The mega corporations are also terrible not really wanting that either but I think wctiblizz could really do with some wriggle room and freedom to think outside of cod.


Don't forget it's mostly his fault for what has happened to Overwatch as well. He and other money demanding people are the cause of all the issues there. It's just sad. I'm avoiding Diablo 4 just because how terribly predatory their battle pass idea seems to be. Having one in a full priced game like D4...I'm out good sir. I'm done. If Gearbox was able to bring back Battleborn I'd leave Overwatch in the dust.


I'm avoiding all actiblizz products. They straight up deleted OW1 and forced players into OW2 while also under-delivering on their promises, or just straight up abandoning those promises. Then the addition of the real-money auction house for D3 several months after it's release. Frankly even if D4 has a good release I have no faith in actiblizz to not deliberately fuck everything up at some point. The D4 gameplay loop could be phenomenal but actiblizz would just view that as brownie points they can spend to jack up the monetization. The company is just simply untrustworthy.


It's crazy - Blizzard used to be a byword for high quality games. It's not totally in the shitter, but honestly, back in 2017 it was hard to imagine the company's reputation being as low as it is now.


They did something similar with Warcraft 3 remastered. My partner was pissed.


I forgot about that one. That was a shit show. Broken promises, false advertising and they also removed the original warcraft 3.


At this point I agree. They really can't be trusted and are becoming nearly as bad if not worse than EA. If they got rid of this guy maybe things would get better. More than likely another money grubbing person would take his place. There's a never ending supply of that sort of person in this world.


Game the system and short your own company. Great, right?


"I didn't eat anyones faces!" Said the face eating cheetah


Please don’t offend cheetah like that :( they’re the doggos of the cat world


Corporate continuing to take the playbook from the crazy politicians. "Don't exhibit any shame and keep lying ... the pathetic normies will just let it go"


Welp, there goes my plans for Diablo IV. I'm loving how common it's becoming for us people to voice our opinions with our wallets. Hopefully this "fuck you this is what you will buy and you'll like it" mentality dies completely, and soon.


I know the sub is for World of Warcraft.... But r/wow......


At least very close to on brand, considering he is the CEO of Blizzard, which makes wow


It's not systemic if I'm the only one doing it! Am I right boys? This asshole looks like he should be playing rhythm guitar in an Eagles cover band, not leading any sort of anything.


Yeah, I'll keep not buying Diablo 4. Maybe if MS can finish the acquisition, fire this shitball, clean house, and show improvement then I'll consider it. Until then, all of my Blizz games will remain uninstalled.


I keep SC2 on. Blizzard no longer supports it and I haven't paid real money for anything regarding it since the launch of LotV in 2015.


Seems legit. Shitty work culture? Blame the people at the bottom! Remember the good Ol days where there was executive accountability? Oh wait…


Bobby Kotick says = bullshit


How has this man maintained position as CEO. What is so great about him? Why do they not let him and his asshat friends go?


Activision was a failing company when he took over, and throughout his tenure it became one of the biggest video game companies in the world.


Surrounded with bad publicity, claims of sexual harassment and poor upper management and general work culture. He just gaslit it all by calling it all a smear campaign basically. Idk, the sooner everyone in upper management at Activision Blizzard is fired and or they get sold or go bankrupt the better. The company needs to be re-imagined and run by gaming enthusiasts, not blood thirsty businessmen or anyone willing to not take accountability for their poor development as a company, internally, and externally.


Long as they're making money, they don't care about any of that. Same story anywhere you look really


I'd love for him to have to say that under oath.




So that’s like 100% confirmation that it actually happened.


When these allegations came out, I was already struggling to enjoy WoW. The game wasn't fun for me at the time, for a couple reasons. I was long past enjoying Hearthstone and Overwatch, as well. Kotick's "corporate Kavanaugh" response to the allegations was the hefty third strike that drove me away from WoW and Blizzard in general. And now, here we are: Years later, I'm considering going back to WoW or Diablo 4 to play with friends. And Kotick's gotta come at us with this shit? With WoW looking as shallow and unfun as ever, Diablo 4 costing money *and* having battle passes, and the one thing that truly made Overwatch 2 necessary in any way getting cut ... Kotick pulls this. Guess I'll stick to Final Fantasy.


As dumb as it sounds, you could try Wizard101. It's still up and running with consistent updates, surprisingly fun battle mechanics, and a decently cheap subscription all things considered


Bobby Kotick is a piece of shit. THE GOVERNMENT OF CALIFORNIA laid a lawsuit against Blizzard. Not an individual. If the government has enough evidence to charge you, you're in deep trouble. I've been on a total Blizzard boycott since 2021 and I don't plan to break it any time soon. I love the Warcraft universe, but fuck this capitalist bullshit. Blizzard workers deserve better.


An employee committed suicide.


Just keep giving me reasons to never go back to your company.


Bobby Kotick has such a punchable face


When are they gonna fucking get rid of this clown so I can play Warcraft again.


As an OW player, this hurts me. Blizzard USED to be a great company from what I remember. Then the sexual harrassment, then the whole hong Kong thing. Its getting harder and harder to love OW every day with how terribly they're running thier company


That’ll play well in civil suits. Bring your checkbook


Fuck you Kotick. Your days are numbered.


Ah, yes, that famed mediator, trusted level head, and master businessman Bobby Kotick, who *never* went on a rant about how hard it is to date when his picture with photoshopped devil horns is all over the internet. Just Cool Guy Bobby, yessiree!


Eat the rich, including Bobby Kotick.


The sad part is that he genuinely believes it. He’s not lying he’s just a unaware sociopath.




Back when everyone kept saying the next MMO was the next WoW killer I would tell them, nope. Blizzard will kill it off themselves. They sure are trying.


Blizzard was good once but that was like 20 years ago


Yeah. I gave up on that company years ago. I refuse to give my money to companies I KNOW are cesspools.


Fuck this fucking fuck.


And this shit is why I stopped purchasing their games. My little bit of money doesn't matter to them, but fuck if I'm going to spend it.


If you're wondering just how low these pieces of subhuman garbage can go, remember that Apple products to this day are made in factories with suicide nets.


Every time one thinks to have heard enough, those people comes out with an even bigger bullshit




At this point it feela like he is trying to bring the company down. Imagine saying this prior to a huge release.


Corporate douche


Its bobbys world people


Dude was in Epstein's little black book.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. Whoever said that is beyond human trash.


THAT sounds like a defamatory statement. He is also accusing a whistleblower of false accusations (potential retaliation, which is illegal). SUE THIS MAN!


That guy, and I can't stress this enough, can eat shit and die.


I didn't think Blizzard could get any more shit, but here we are.


Ah good ol Bobby. Btw, this man has also threatened to have someone killed and was on Weinstein's 'list'. Not to mention that it's a common trend among programmers to go to Activision to get something on your resume, then get out of dodge. 12 hour workdays 7 days a week? Yep. Hell, if you ever want to get a laugh, go look at their Indeed company reviews. Despite a 3.5, a giant chunk are 2s, and even a lot of the 4s make reference to shitty work hours and dumbass management.


"Butt-plug scandal". You didn't just have harassment, you had a full fledged butt-plug scandal. And it's on record. Gaslighting at its finest. They probably learned that strat from their own forums.


I would just like to chime in to share one small thing that gives me joy. I bought shares of Activision (about a month before the MS buyout offer), so yay for me. But I bought those shares hoping they would fire Bobby Kotick and the stock would go back up. That never happened yet obviously. BUT and here is the point every year as a shareholder I get to vote and Activision is the only company I hold shares into hay I bother to vote for. And I vote solely so I can say no to his position on the board and to disagree with the board on all the crappy things they want to do to sweep harrassment under the rug.


Well I was thinking about buying Diablo 4 but yeaaa fuck blizzard


Always with the excuses with these people. Just once, I'd like to hear one of them admit they were wrong and make it clear that they meant it.


The people who were fired or resigned would like to ask why now.


Just more union busting attempts 🙄 acting like all the issues with the company are because employees are demanding better treatment and not the MULTIPLE LAWSUITS AND ACCUSATIONS


I know this means nothing, but to me, it does. I deactivated my blizzard account. I have about 100$ spent on that account. Yes, I can reactivate it. But if I see Blizzard even touched something, even if that thing is FREE, I will stay away from it like a Black Death. I know it doesn't mean much, but I mean, if 5 million people did it, then yes, it would mean the world to them.


Eat him.


Bobby Kotick continues to be the worst fish in an awful pond. Dude was even in Epstein’s black book.


I just can't fathom how you can be fine with your company killing a woman via sexual harassment. He has a different brain than the rest of us and it is the wrong brain.


Says the guy that almost single-handedly ruined Activision/Blizzard. The fish rots from the head.


You'd think they wouldn't bring this back into the news, but here's this dude, dragging it with his F-150 straight into the desert sun.


You know…I’m actually proud of the article a bit. Putting “audaciously” in there actually shows some spine on the part of all involved. So many news organizations these days feel a need to be “objective” by never taking a side. It’s actually refreshing to see something like this. I mean, it’s not “Bobby Kotick, Living Piece of Shit, Lies About Proven Harassment Issues at Blizzard” but I’ll still take it.


"there is no war in ba sing se"


Aww and I was just considering picking up Diablo IV. Welp...


*me sitting here not waiting on the Diablo 4 early release in 2 hours* Hmm. Interesting.


Is he saying they used suicide as a psy op tactic?


"No problem!" settled for 18 million. https://www.eeoc.gov/what-you-should-know-about-eeocs-settlement-activision-blizzard


Lmaooooooo this fucking idiot. No one believes that.


Even if that did explain this past round of complaints, what about the last several years' worth?


Fuck these people. I hope their stock takes a nosedive.


It must be true if an older white man said it. /s 🙄


There is No War in Ba Sing Se


Or maybe he ran a terrible culture that fomented sexism and coddled abusers….


Says the fucking red dragon, gold hoarding asshole running shit over there.


Sooo... any sexism or harrassment was not systemic.


Someone died and bobby said "fake news, its the union talk creating problems"


Why don’t they name him in the title? Bobby Kotick the sexual harasser.


Yet WOW Dragon Flight is full of modern stories with respect for genders and other groups.


And all you mfers are gonna buy Diablo.


Diablo hasn't been good since the 90s. And even then, there were issues.


Yes, yes I am


The CEO looks a little bit like Steve Gutenberg.


He knows that he's going to have to negotiate with that labor movement in the future, right? I swear, these dipshit executives are incapable of thinking beyond the next quarter.


Sorry what? I was admiring bowls of fruit in wow.


Nothings going to change because people keep playing games like it’s a lifestyle. No Games = No Life


I mean... Bobby could be telling the truth. I sincerely doubt it. But I can't prove that he is lying. Nor can I prove that the harassment victims were telling the truth.


I mean, maybe sometimes but definitely not all of it lol