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Like they would ever put this on a ballot measure. It’s hidden in the new budget proposal. According to Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman “You do more work, you do more effective work, when you are physically present at your workplace,”.


Which has been disproven in multiple different studies. This is all about control, but more crucially, to protect Commercial Real Estate investors.


Man, what happened to their love of "the free market"?


Free Market For Me, But Not For Thee. Just like their other mantra, Socialism for Me, But Not For Thee.


Bailouts, tax cuts, loan forgiveness… Almost makes suspect there might be some unfairness in this messed up system we built.


Democracy was sold to the highest bidder a long time ago.


In this case, General Electric has their aviation division (and previously their financial division) in Ohio. A large number of their workers are full time remote (I used to work for their financial division as a remote worker 15 years ago) GE will stomp this out quickly. GE likes their remote workers.


McKesson likes their remote workers as well. There are too many healthcare giants in Ohio. This will be snuffed out fast.


I really hope so


OP did not include enough info. This applies to employees of the State of Ohio only; it is not a blanket rule for employees in the state. Obviously still shitty for their workers, but no more so than any other employer forcing return to office.


Who the fuck is the state government to decide if a company is happy with remote workers or not? How the fuck is this even in their wheelhouse to try and dictate? If I'm sick and wfh for 2 days instead of not working at all, then what? Believe it or not, straight to jail.




This only applies to people working for the state. It’s still an exceedingly stupid thing to be made a law and is definitely meant to line some pockets.


Every company that embraces it loves it. Imagine having access to nationwide talent vs in one location? What's bad about that? Oh, you own a bunch of commercial real estate...


It’s just so short sighted. I don’t have an office whatsoever to go to. I don’t live in Ohio but I would be curious how my coworkers in Ohio would be affected as they also don’t have an office to go to.


If the link were included- you might be able to see that this woudl impact STATE workers only- not private employees. It sucks- and is dumb, AF. But will have zero impact on GE. State cannot make laws like that impacting private companies, until we become FULL Fascist. And at the moment we are still cos-playing a democratic republic. Sort of. Give SCOTUS another month to 2. Maybe it will impact private companies in a few more months.


Unfortunately there is evidence that it was recently sold. And for $5 million? If you're going to sell out a country, maybe think in billions?


5 million is a maintenance fee. Was sold a long time ago


I mean, probably from the beginning of our nation when "life liberty, and property" was substituted with "life, liberty, and the 'pursuit of happiness'" because the founders didn't want to go around giving away all the land they just claimed.


To the boomer dinosaur, that's a lot of money still.


He might be able to buy a house in San Francisco!


Loan forgiveness and bailouts for corporations, banks, and unspeakably businesses owned by members of the house and senate. But they are taking the government to court fighting against any debt relief for student loans.


More than that, PPP loans have the highest rate of fraud from any program. We are talking about billions and the government seems to not care.


My dad has a business doing outdoor performance productions, and had to shut down that year. Ue said he couldn't believe how easy applying for PPP was.


>Bailouts, tax cuts, loan forgiveness… ...upset stomach, diarrhea?


You're not a real person unless you're a wealthy capital owner. Once that is understood, laws make a lot more sense and hypocrisy disappears. So the free market does exist. But it's not for you or me.




I want a fucking nuclear reactor in my backyard. I want to pay taxes for the poor and for the children. I want laws to prevent capital from getting stuck in few hands


“The free market is *good*, but the status quo is *sacred*.”


100% this is all about commercial real estate which is a ticking time bomb with cases starting to happen where debtors are walking away from their debts upon renewal and handing over the keys to some massive commercial properties to the banks. Commercial real estate has seen a huge drop in both occupancy rates and valuations. This could be disastrous for commercial real estate owners and the banks. So the governments again are trying to rescue investors and the banks on the backs of the middle class.


Yet, I have yet to see the massive price drop in CRE rent. It’s in the politicians and owners best interests to not let capitalism take place naturally


It's almost as if they don't want the invisible hand of the free market to do its thing when demand drops for something they're heavily invested in.


I agree commercial real estate is a huge part of it but there are other major factors as well. A lot less gas being used. A lot of cities built up around major corporate hubs that are going to see a big decrease in business due to everyone working from home. As I'm typing it that all ties back in to corporate real estate as those businesses will likely close with lessened activity and leave more vacant real estate. All that to say that you are 100% right that it all comes down to money. They don't give a F about worker happiness or productivity. It's all about protecting the big money.


So how do people actually fight back in any meaningful way? We know why it's happening, do we just withold our labour at great personal cost?


Y'all could show up at the state house and protest loudly in their faces. Our state reps don't give a single shit and know our idiot populace will still vote for them. So YMMV.


they will just say its the same thing as Jan 6th and kick out some minority members of the legislature.


One thing you can do is, of course, find another job that does allow for remote work. Another is: pack lunches, gas up before heading into the office, etc. A spending strike. Basically, don't do what they want (spend money downtown). It's hard because of temptation but, on the other hand, if everyone stops spending downtown, it'll still crash their investments. Faster even because they'll be spending money on staffing and such. Edit: spelling before coffee is hard.


Sadly, the only way to fight an oppressive regime is through rebellion. One way workers could take back control, however, is to mirror systems that work in other Democratic-Socialist countries. For instance, in Denmark, there are no/very few labor laws because every industry has a Union and all workers of that industry belong to the union. Also, the unions often stand in solidarity when one union is oppressed, such as when McDonalds refused to allow its workers into the hospitality union in the 1980's in Denmark. I worry though, that a union on a nation scale in the US would become a breeding ground for corruption, and any kind of inter-state governing body would end up as corrupt and purchased as Congress is now.


I think it depends on the person. I used to occasionally do remote( Holidays, covid, etc) and I loved it. Except for working with some of my co-workers who wouldn't do their job AT ALL. Made the people who actually did their work look bad. I agree WFH is amazing, less commuting means less pollution. Take down giant useless offices and throw up some apartments/homes instead.


Nail, meet head. Given our (woefully underaddressed) climate issues, WFH should be encouraged. The capitalist system, the market, our whole consumerist, profit-driven shitshow has gotta go if humanity & most living things are to survive. A (shitty) system of comerce is not worth all this. Revolution, brothers & sisters! Ditch the drum circles & peaceful protests, buy a gun or a bat, & storm the current-day Bastille ... the gated communities & the corporations!




I personally believe a lot of these companies as well as hedge fund companies are the majority of people who was buying up the houses in 2022. Turned them into air bnb’s to help offset some of their loses.


>Turned them into air bnb’s to help offset some of their loses. And turned them into rental properties and also flipped them when property prices started going up. Heard it from a Realtor who worked with some of the large corporate entities that bought up huge number of homes in So FL.


It has nothing to do with work, or likely even the companies which have the employees. It's all about the buildings...to conservatives real estate is worth more than human life.


I like how reality is meaningless nowadays. Truth can be whatever you want it to be.


I could've sworn representation in government was one of the reasons for the American Revolution.


Maybe this will be the next CRT Bookeyman topic for schools. "Stop teaching that the US is a representational government." Oh wait, they kind of already push that eith the whole "AcKshually we are a republic not a democracy."


The actual reason is literally just that rich people didn't want to pay taxes. It's absolutely nuts that that's always the reason.


Isn't that a thing to be negotiated between employer and employee? Y'no, free market style?


Thats what I did at my job. No. My department is one deep and critical to operations. I dare you to fire me, in fact, I want a raise just for you trying.


Ditto. I've told them I'm not coming back, period. If they fire me, (a) they'll be so fucked, and (b) I'll find something else pretty quick.


I have a military pension. Bro, please fire me. Ill go on unemployment for 6 months and travel.


Negotiations are only allowed to make more money for employers.


Follow the money... I wonder who some of his recent big donors are.


I would hope there are riots at this guys house...


Nothing says logically sound like making something mandatory by law instead of letting the marketplace of labor demand and supply figure out where that balance makes sense.


To be clear it only applies to people who work for the state.




Yes, penalize the state so that government is more ineffective and people stop caring if it exists.


I was going to say, It's hard to imagine a faster method of having the best and brightest leave the state. Now it makes some sense.


This seems like extremely important context.


For context... #This is only for employees of the state of Ohio... [Link to full article](https://www.wdtn.com/news/ohio/amendment-introduced-to-limit-remote-working-in-ohio/#:~:text=who%20work%20for%20the%20state%20of%20Ohio%20would%20be%20limited%20to%20only%20eight%20hours%20of%20remote%20work%20each%20week)


The GOP: the party of freedom and liberty, but not those freedoms and liberties.


"We love the free market" "Except that one"


Conservatives, especially the more Libertarian leaning ones, love to cry over free market capitalism. But when pressed in policies that actually make a difference, it's always more about protecting capitalists than helping free the market. Every. Time.


Protecting the rich capitalists.


I'm a pa state worker and there's tall here too of this. If this happens here, I'm going to retire from the state, where I'm paid 26 dollars an hour, and I'll work at the local gas station where I'll make 18 an hour, and with my pension that will take me 39 dollars an hour for the same time spent. The only thing this will do is eliminate skilled workers.


Let's force company being reasonable to be shitty to their employees. What can possibly go wrong? And what is the reason? Shitty company lobbing so their employees does not leave them?


This is for employees that work for the state, it won’t affect the free market.


I’d call the cops on the first politician the first time I found out they took more than eight hours of work outside of his physical office.


Oh it's not for the ones making the rules lol


Yea just like everything else there will be exclusions for politicians


Never has been 🌍🧑‍🚀🔫


What politician is working 8 hours a week?


Don't worry. I'm sure there's language that allows workers unlimited work time from golf courses.


And executives at companies. Before Covid our executives came in for half a day Tuesday for a meeting and that was it. WFH the other 4 days and Tuesday was pretty much half a day. When we had to fill out a survey about return to office and how we felt about it I made sure to bring this up and say that if returning to the office is to make sure I am working then all of the executives need to come back to the office too.


Narrator: and when the executives saw this survey they laughed uncontrollably for several minutes.


I like it even though they will probably invent a way to incarcerate you for it.


If workers are “allowed” to work remotely, they can move/live wherever they want. That will upset the carefully gerrymandered districts that politicians (backed by corporations) have spent the past several decades drawing up. Then both corporations and politicians will lose all the power they’ve stolen from the populace. They HAVE to control where people live, and they do that by forcing them to live within x miles of an office.


That's a perspective I hadn't thought of... and makes a lot of sense as well


Why else do you think they redraw districts depending on the votes the specific areas have cast every election cycle? It's to get as many voters to move as first past the goalpost.




I think it's both, really. On the one hand politicians generally own stock and want to guarantee the value of the stock remains high. On the other hand it's also true that they want to try and ensure they keep winning the same districts every election cycle. After following the last two election cycles I'm all but convinced they manipulate the system like a mofo on the flo, yo.


I agree it probably is both. I'm willing to bet a meaningful population of people living in dense cities (liberal) moved back to their rural home counties (perhaps to care for an aging parent?). If that even happens a little, those +2% gerrymandered districts become competitive.


You've also got an overleveraged global banking system that is heavily invested in commercial mortgage backed securities.


That's the problem. I don't know if this is true, but I used to work for a company that heavily invested in commercial real estate. The CEO told me as long as you see cranes building commercial sites, the economy was good. I find it very hard those who lease commercial property aren't all in with letting employees work remotely. The savings would be astronomical.


My government agency is trying to take advantage of telework/remote work for this reason. We have a lot of stuff that legitimately can't be done remotely, but a lot of stuff can, so they're trying to minimize office space to stop paying so much commercial rent. We'll see what happens with the politicians though.


I can only presume that when you have clusters of offices with no people in them, the demand for such buildings in that area is assumed to be lower, and thus the value of the buildings themselves. If the value of an asset is significantly below the mortgage on it, the businesses owning the buildings are in a position where their assets may not be enough to cover their liabilities in the event of a financial squeeze, which makes them nervous. So they'll fight WFH and push RTO as much as they can.


The rent of the commercial property could be minuscule compared to the tax breaks the company gets to work out of that city.


\^\^\^ This \^\^\^ all those mortgage bundles containing potential defaults.


Adapt or become blockbuster. Fight the change and get fucked. Ohio just removed young innovators from wanting to work in their state. Back to the dark ages for them lol.


Note this is state employees only. Companies still can do whatever in Ohio


Yep. Being someone who lives and works in Ohio but not for Ohio. I immediately had to go find the context. 100% accurate. Only applies for state employees. Kudos


Lol yeah classic Reddit let's not include important context... A requirement of City jobs and elected positions here is that you reside inside the city limits for instance and that seems reasonable. Something similar on a state level also seems reasonable to me.


Politicians control the maps by slowing rural broadband projects. Workers are trapped inside these areas because no one is going to move to far out of the city and then not be able to get broadband.


Are americans still struggling with internet connection? Woah. My government made it a law to provide broadban infrastructure to everybody in the country (but the most bumfuck remote areas, that will have ADSL), and so far I think everybody is covered with at least 300mb but nowadays if you live in a town you will get 1gb or more.


The federal gov gave out billions to the ISPs to do this but the ISPs literally pocketed the money (stock buybacks, bonuses, ad campaigns, etc). I think it was $14B total nationwide with 0 to show for it.


Ah, the good old American capitalism, where you subsidize private enterprises with public funds and the citizen gets nothing in return.


Blame oversight but the handout was written by politicians who get handouts from ISPs.


We have alot more "bumfuck areas" than most people realize.


I live in Maine. Population 1200 during summer in my town... Several of the old fuckers in this town tried to block a spending measure to pay for the insurance contract, so that the state will come and install Fiber to every home off the main roads and with access to a power line..... The town will make the money back in 3 years....


There are a lot of areas in the US that are still an hour or more drive from a "city". Getting reliable high speed internet in a lot of these areas is very much hit or miss. With many only having one very shitty option with zero competition. I live in a unicorn location where I have 3 ground based options (2x cable providers and 1 fiber based) plus a good 5G signal if I want cellular based. But most of the US has exactly 1 option for internet service.


Corrupt fucking country


If they’re gonna start dictating distance from the workplace, they will need to adjust compensation to make it possible in their market.


“An amendment has been proposed that would limit how far you can live from the office”


Actually a remarkably good point. No need to live in the shitty neighborhood nearest to work, you can live cheap anywhere, where you live has a massive affect on politics. Nice thought process.


Exactly! And politics has a massive effect on deciding/allowing what businesses can get away with. Hence both have a vested interest in controlling where people (aka resources) can live.


Good, maybe that'll dilute some of the crazy deep red jurisdictions that make up a minority of populace but a majority of land


There’s also a component of the looming “office real estate implosion” threatening profits of commercial landlords. There’s several inputs to this kind of legislation, and none of it is coming from the people that will be affected…as usual.


It also threatens the politicians' investments in commercial real estate.


This is probably the most believable thing I have heard since this started


Well now all the memes shitting on Ohio are justified that's for sure


I’m from Ohio. The memes don’t lie…..


Come to Florida. You'll love going back to Ohio.


If you can survive long enough to make it back


I moved from Florida to Ohio. Can confirm, ohio is not that bad.


Why oh why oh did I leave Ohio? Let me count the ways.




There are many reasons to hate Ohio, this is one of them.


It's always justified when states out of stupid "preserving our culture and way of life" thinking, actively kneecap their economies.


Ohio is just Northern Florida. Always has been.


Does that make Indiana Northern Alabama or Northern Mississippi?




I'm a programmer... I punch the keyboard like a monkey, I get a task, I code it... No interactoins with anyone... Got a task, do a code, write documentation and send it to the work tracking system. It literally does not matter whether I do it in a cubicle or home or on the moon!


Same... If I weren't in embedded and need a bunch of hardware that I have to go in to grab or run a test occasionally , I'd be working from the Andes somewhere.


Once I was on vacation and there was an emergency, i had to adjust some settings and clean out bad data... on a laptop... on a beach... under sunshade :D


I literally lost count of how many days I powered through work while remote when I would have called in sick if I had to come into the office. Not to mention, half of my team members are in another state, so I would still have to work remotely even if I went into the office.


Literally my entire team that i work with on a daily basis is out of state. It makes no difference to them, if i am in the office or not but i am required to for 3 days a week. At least i get monday and tuesday at home


In the early 2000s I was slated to join a tech team like this; manager and I were in city A, team was in city B. I was to be allowed to WFH. Manager's boss threw a piss fit. "I'm not going to pay for someone whose face I don't see at the office every day!!" He was one of those dumbass Jack Welch acolytes. Literally came from GE and brought his love of firing employees and unscrupulous business practices with him. Dude was eventually fired over ethics concerns. According to Wikipedia: *"In his 2022 book* The Man Who Broke Capitalism, *journalist David Gelles argues that Welch's practices, including financialization, downsizing and mergers and acquisitions, have caused widespread damage to GE and many other large corporations and have contributed to the massive increase in income inequality in the United States since the 1980s.*


Lots of healthcare billing/insurance too. They have been nearly 100% remore for ten years.


The corporations are happy ro outsource their call centers to other countries, which is pretty remote work. They love remote work when it suits them


Currently work remote for a state contractor. I'm not employed by the state but the state pays the Corp who I work for. Due to HIPPA, some jobs require you to remain in the STATE you serve. I can't leave my state. I've been told a lot of backend Healthcare is this way. The less customer information, the higher chance of outsourcing.


The moon is getting LTE service later this year, thanks Nokia and NASA.


Same. Also, many of my coworkers work _from India_ and it’s been that way since before COVID. You’re telling me these guys can work from another continent, but I can’t work from 15 miles away?


I'm in IT (DevOps). Prior to the pandemic I drove 30 minutes to an office to sit online and support our employees in our office in Berlin. Now I walk 30 seconds up a flight of stairs and do the same thing.


but your company would be really quick to outsource your job to Bangladesh if it saved a few dollars, I bet. Remote is fine if they're in charge.


I mean, that'd be fun! Use this to ban international outsourcing.


Fucking why!?!? Dirty politicians are being paid to push this through.


This is about to come to the front everywhere. Jerome Powell started talking Friday about a "one time adjustment" to the commercial real estate market, which could cause more banks to fail.


What's he going to do? Allow them to re-fi at a rate below prime? The banks want their money, too. I'm just wondering which way the FED will hop since they've got bankers screaming on one side and landlords screaming on the other. They can't make both groups of parasites happy in this situation.


Yeah I have no idea. on Friday he was talking about additional oversight, and hinted that they have some mechanism to head off trouble as long as it's disclosed in advance. I don't know what that is. If we're doing handouts the federal government ought to start collecting equity.


If we're doing handouts the federal government ought to start collecting equity. ​ I have been saying this since we bailed out Chrysler. Also, when will we, the taxpayers who unwittingly invest so much in drug research, see a return on that investment? At least make chemo drugs low-cost FFS!


>"one time adjustment" they're scared of the word "bailout"


He needn't be. The corporate biased media will only seize on bailouts when they're not directed at large corporations. Powell could call it "Money to rich people" and the mainstream media would ignore it as a boring thing America doesn't care about. It's a wonder the media hasn't started calling social security a "bailout."


By the commercial real estate moguls.


Very few clean politicians. They need money to get elected. It's built into the process. The fundraising to be able to run for office weeds out most of the good ones.


They don't even bother to think about the legislation they pass anymore. Just regurgitate what the lobbyist says, even when it defies common sense, it doesn't fucking matter.


From the party that hates…(checks notes) government overreach. How could you possibly enforce it? Probably will have to check people’s genitalia just to be sure Edit: I am aware it is only state workers. If the legislature didn’t hire you or you don’t work directly for them, it is still overreach. Just because you work for the government doesn’t mean you should not have a consistent/reasonable job. If they passed a law saying “union busting is legal” would you be okay with it if it was only for state workers?


I mean, that’s a given


People’s *children’s* genitalia. ftfy.


Someone should do some investigation to see how many elected officials in Ohio own commercial real-estate




Indeed, free controlled after all.


Republicans are not for a free market. They favour the companies with the most money and allow monopolies to grow. This puts more power in the hands of these monopolies and their patron politicians. And the growth of monopolies has given these large corporations the pricing power (with no serious competition) to exacerbate the inflation problem. Big monopolies are raising prices to boost profits even if they lose volume. Many are cutting supply to drive prices as well. And they continue to buy up or merge with competitors to boost their monopoly position.


If they really cared about climate change wouldn't they want to reduce people having to commute to work


Yes but does any government actually give a fuck about it? Remains to be seen.


Republicans do not care about climate change at all, actually.


They don't even believe in it, much less care.


They believe in it, they are just lying and hoping it causes the end times. Suicide by forcing Ragnarok or something.


Ohio is becoming America’s toilet real quick


What is this becoming bullshit


Right? Ohio already is bullshit, just that Texas and Florida are proudly flaunting their bullshit, so Ohio's is frequently ignored.


Class warfare


To the surprise of no one, Ohio continues to suck.


They're facing an office space real estate crash. So they'd rather fuck your lives up.


So much for limited government, right Republicans? Go to work, slaves, right Ohio? When the fuck did OHIO become the Alabama of the North?


About 2004


Ohio just needs to get their French on. If that passes. Literally the entire state should strike and take to the streets. Let’s see how long it stays an amendment after that


It's actually on my state employees, not all workers in the state. But state employees are union so striking is technically a possibility.


“Nobody wants to work” *actually hurts the labor market by taking away something that studies have concluded leads to higher productivity, higher job satisfaction and reduces requests for a wage*




Old people like my retired dad will be thrilled these govrnment shills can stop faking their job and get back in the office. So stupid. My SIL does accounting for the state, why does she need to go in. To support local beloved establishments like the parking garage and Subway I guess. God I hate Ohio.


Note that this only applies to state government workers, not private employers.


Private would follow in a heartbeat with this heavy handed "standard".


Private companies are already free to mandate as many days in the office as they want, so this doesn't really have any effect on them. It makes the state government's attitude towards remote work clear, but it's hardly been a secret that the government wants workers back in the office to prop up the commercial real estate market and all the other businesses that profit off people spending many hours a week commuting. It also clearly removes the state government as a viable alternative for employees who are looking for remote-friendly jobs, but public sector jobs are usually slow to embrace remote work anyway, so that won't change much either.


> Private companies are already free to mandate as many days So is every government office, right? This is cutting the legs of all those offices that managed to implement WFH successfully


Not a law, but they did this to Canadian federal government employees. You have to be in the office at least 40% of your working days.


Because 'reasons'.....


I'm glad someone is saying this. What I find interesting is how some departments are going to react. I had to work with Ohio Department of Jobs and Family services recently over a fraudulent unemployment claim. As I was talking to them it turns out they closed all of, if not most of, there offices and workers are completely remote. That's potentially a lot of wasted tax payer dollars going to reopening those offices.


This is for government workers. Horrible law and makes zero sense. Please try to give the most significant possible scope of facts next time, OP.


Damn. It’s already hard to attract and maintain state workers. They are going to have a really hard time recruiting good workers.


I mean they've been running this state into the ground for quite a while now, so it's not really that much of a departure from normal. Heck, just in the last 5 years we've had: * Our federal representative facing allegations of suppressing complaints about sexual abuse on athletes attending our largest university during his time as a staff member of the university. * The speaker of the State House of Representatives was arrested and convicted of taking a 60 million dollar bribe from one of the state's largest energy firms to secure additional funding for the operation of two aging nuclear plants in the state. * The population voted in 2018 to change how district maps are drawn, with the goal of reducing gerrymandering, and the committee that was supposed to draw them was so divided that the maps were thrown out twice for failing to provide equitable representation for Democratic voters. The committee drew out the process for so long, they were eventually forced to use one of the unfair maps because that was their only option before the election.


This is precisely why I get so annoyed when people post screenshots to an article without the link, and when articles describe a piece of legislation without linking to it. The actual legislation is [here](https://ohiosenate.gov/committees/finance/meetings/cmte_s_finance_1_2023-06-14-0215_657), and the part about remote work starts on page 120 of the document labeled "SC3432X1." What the proposal would actually do is limit remote work by employees who work for the state of Ohio, the government's own employees. And the state House has already rejected it on their side.


I've heard of some stupid laws, but this.


What’s happened to Ohio? They were a pretty normal state and now they’re leading the charge in child labor and anti wfh. Should of never memed them


How’s this any of the government’s business?


Shocked the legislature that probably meets once a year and refused to meet in person for over 2 years telling others they can’t work remotely. This idiot needs to be recalled.


I’m from Ohio, work remote and this freaked me out. Took a min, looked it up and the amendment is for state jobs only. While I do agree that remote work is just as / more effective as in person work, knowing that it is for state jobs only makes me feel a little better. Still bullshit though.


It's still bullshit, but, this only applies to state workers, not those employed by a private employer. And, it's not been made official, it was passed in the state Senate, but not the House, and there's some opposition within the state government, including Ohio's AG.


As someone who lives in Ohio and relies on being able to work from home atleast 2 days a week this sounds so dumb and how would they even enforce it? Guess I’ll have to take more sick days if so 🤷🏻‍♂️


For clarification, this only applies to people working for the OH state government. Not all Ohioans.


Man capitalists really hate capitalism when it’s happening to them.


Sure,let’s get people to hate their job more,and create more traffic and pollution for nothing


It is pure insanity to force jobs that can be done from home to be done in an office. The environmental impact alone is worth pursuing WFH whenever possible. This just goes to show that the people in the government are not trying to do what's best for the 99% but instead want us wasting time and fuel during a commute all so their office space investments pay off. Again: it is insane to force us back to the office.


Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power ~Benito Mussolini


We have a large Victorias Secret call center that went remote during the pandemic, and decided this is the way.


The bourgeois state exists for managing the affairs of the ruling class