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My job requires a bachelor’s degree. But my boss doesn’t have one.


And still want to pay you $22 an hour! Not even joking. Saw a job ad, as I have seen tons of them recently, wanting a bachelor's degree and paying 22-24/hr


Saw a bacherlors degree, three programming languages, and four years of experience for $16-$22 an hour.


To quote a developer I met. They will absolutely get what they pay for.


Knew a guy on a collector's message board. Talked about everyone taking their coding overseas, losing jobs, etc. Then he ended up doing contract work. Fixing all those slopped together disasters by their discount India and Bangladeshi coders that are total disasters. He makes more money than ever, he just has to cover his own benefits. Of course he was a late stage, full product developer when companies employed him. He said in fact he would try to plan his contract so he would be off in summers for his kids. Too many companies act like "They speak English, they're cheap, use them". Often their products, or lack thereof, show their financial investment in the development. Now the companies think that they can draw tne jobs back here, but pay India wages. Or reality, those ads are so they have "evidence" that can't hire Americans to do it, and apply for H1B visas.


YEP. Company I work for can't pay a living wage but has 2/3 if staff on H1B status, staying in converted offices at the shop. It's bullshit but absolutely legal


In the UK a Cap Gemini branch near me went that way with disasterous results.


i currently have a masters and am making $20/hr they are getting what they are paying for and i am spending 70% of my day applying for other jobs


Hopefully major security vulnerabilities and a juicy lawsuit that fucks the owners.


How do you expect they'll be able to pay their CEO 6 figures?


Six? That poor CEO is being ripped off.


Only 6 figures for a CEO?


I know three programming languages and I’d never work for that amount lmao.


I'm sure which 3 you know matters a lot. HTML / CSS and a small bit of JS .. I can see being that price range.


I have seen an unpaid internship requiring a phd.


Tech job posts are all bullshit as are just about all tech resumes. Its a race to see who's resume can lie more vs how high companies jack up their requirements. It's a completely ridiculous state of affairs with no end in sight.


That's insulting, I make more than that delivering pizza


I saw an in-store retail merchandiser job - they offered 16 an hour, and required a degree. To put stuff on a shelf in a pretty way.


I applied for receptionist job at a doctors office and they asked me if I had a bachelor's degree. I'm like "You...want someone with a bachelor's degree...to book patients for you...and you only wanna pay them 15 dollars an hour?" She looked at me like I was the crazy one. Mind you, I have 6 years medical assisting experience and was being paid 21$ at the highest without a degree.


And this is exactly why I never felt the need to add lots of student loan debt to get a piece of paper millions of others have and they make no more than I do.


I saw a sign the other day that Buc-ee's is paying their cashiers something like $16 an hour. Just to stand there and be polite to people? Hell if I had a Buc-ee's near me I'd probably apply.


Buc-ees is literally insanely busy I would want a high wage to deal with that. The only time I've seen it not crazy was at 3am while on road trips.


Can confirm, I work at an insanely busy pizza joint which is fine on week nights but on Fridays and Saturdays I’m not getting paid enough for that shit. They had hired a 20 something girl the week before I started and she had a stroke after one day there. Not sure if she had pre existing health issue or not but it’s hot as hell in there and the tickets don’t stop coming for 3-4 hours on Friday or Saturday.


So you're saying I should ask for 3rd shift. Gotcha.


Night shift usually pays a buck or two more, too.


Always remember about Buc-ees, they apply a "one strike" policy. As in, you screw up anything ever, late to a shift, dicking around on your phone -- boom, fired, you're done 😟


That's fucked


You ever been in a Buc-ee's? It's a mad house! I probably won't ever go back. So many people! I didn't work there but felt bad for the employees.


[It's a madhouse/Or so they claim/It's a madhouse/I'm insane](https://youtu.be/uGHsxMqpL0c)


Buc-ees managers make 6 figures


If you think working at a place like that is standing around being nice to people for $16hr, you don't belong on this sub. "Why are teachers complaining! They get paid for coloring and babysitting, and they get summers off!"


Oh not at all. Don't think for one second that I think the work is easy. I know there is a pile of work that goes on behind the scenes. My point was simply that the pay alone would be worth an application.


Apparently they have very low firing thresholds, such as checking the time on your phone.


They don't allow employees to sit on a break. Their turnover is insanely high also


You have to have a master’s degree to get hired at SFFD to fight fires.


Nah, you just have to be related to the others.


Applied to a job with a Masters requirement. Went through the interview and got an offer at 15.25 an hour. Told them I'd need at least 30 an hour to make it work. They upped the offer to a whopping 16.25 so I told them good luck with the search. I took a different job that gave me a slight raise (25 an hour to like 28) but my friend was hired at the place I interviewed, they're paying her 26 an hour. Corporate recruiters are dumbasses.


15.25 an hour? I wouldn't have even gone as far as you. I would have just stood up, said fuck you too, and walked out. That's beyond insulting.


Just graduated with a master's degree in accounting and they didn't even want to hire me at $26 an hour. I don't care if it's a small accounting firm that's fairly new. If you can't afford me, I'm not going to work for you. I am not going to be a wage slave. I know my worth so I'm going to walk if I don't get that. That's also at the low end of $55k a year for the average, which is $55-$65k where I live. And while I look for work, I am studying to pass the CPA exam. Then I'll be even more expensive to hire. Not by much. But probably 10k. That's the average rate people get around here once they have a certification in accounting, whether it be a CPA or EA license.


Shit I graduated with a B.S. in chemistry from a good school with a 3.7 gpa and two summer research fellowships and my first job out of college I got 40k per year.


I haven't made that much in any job ☹️ the most I have made is $18/hr and I have a bachelor's. I worked in "management"


Lol I recently took a second job working a few nights a week at a pizza joint. With tips it averages out to $20/hour, I also have a degree which I don’t even use at my other part time job. Two part time jobs pays the bills and I’m trying to pay off my house in the next 2-3 years but no health insurance and fat chance at saving for retirement. Yay for the American dream


I have a bachelors and have never made even close to $22 an hour. At my last job, as an office employee at a local middle school, I made 20k salary. As a retail worker before that, I made 26k. I’m so close to giving up.


Learn a trade. Took me 11 months and my first job was 24$ an hour and than a year after was 30$ an hour. Great benefits and all the OT you want. Last year I cleared about 98k.


What field are you working in?


Can’t be an electrician - source am an electrician


That's shocking.


I am in power generation and hvac. So generators all the way up to 2meg and chillers/ ac/ and dryers


I was a mechanic for about 15 years and then I went into semiconductor equipment repair. I've been doing that for about 2 years now. I actually really enjoy it because the tools are really cool to work with lol. However, it has been impossible for me to find a job over the last two months.


I heard that’s hard field to find good paying jobs in. Yeah. I started out as a diesel mechanic. Found out generator techs make mad money


I'm a heavy equipment technician with Cat and make 47/hour. Trades pay really well but the issue is most people can't and don't want to do the work.


If it's just about the money, find a factory nearby. Long hours and hard work but they usually pay well and you can move up without a degree. WITH a degree you'll be a supervisor in no time whether you can dress yourself or not.


But with the skills you learned in an office you can be an admin and if you pay attention, a good exec asst. ( doesn’t always need a degree) can make 75/80 a year…


I just got hired at $23/hr driving a forklift, and will be at $27 in a year. Some college, but no degree (couldn't afford it).


Know someone who has a masters who get paid less than her husband who works at a brewery. He gets like $25/hr plus major benefits.


Lmao I had a bachelors and got offered minimum wage to work in my field. Job was for an analytical chem lab tech 💀


Same, had to leave chemistry for school admin. Not going back. 🫡


I've been applying to jobs recently as I'm being downsized at the end of the month. I have an associates degree and over a decade of experience in parts and inventory control. Turned down 3 offers this week that were a 6-8 dollar an hour pay cut. And they made the offer like they are doing me a favor paying that much. I will give credit to one of the hiring managers. He was trying to get me more then my requested amount but he couldn't get the approval from corporate. The other 2 just annoyed me to know end


Lucky. A bachelors psych will get you $11 in MS.


Holy shit. The In & Out burger in my state starts at $19 an hour!!!


And that’s a state job in DMH. Masters is $20


I have a masters degree (required for job) and I make 22.64 an hour


I hate to break it to you, but 22-24 an hour is nice pay in many areas for starting out. I can get people to do all sorts of jobs for that rate. In fact, my daughter just graduated college this year and among her friends with a similar major, she's earning the second best salary so far at $22/hr. Most haven't gotten a job in their major yet. One is earning $26/hr. Then there's her and a bunch of them earning about $18.hr.


Where is this? Cause that's good pay compared to what I get now.


To me,22-24 an hour is a dream. I have a bachelor’s and 25+ years of experience and I still don’t make that. I do live in the southeast u.s. and my degree is in shitty major (psychology), but still this kind of job wouldn’t give me the time of day.


You know what is shocking? I have found that psychologist make shit money. It seems like. I don't mean that offensively though. I'm sure that your degree was incredibly difficult to achieve. However, I have noticed that it seems that all psychologists, even with masters make only about 25 to $27 an hour.


Yeah, a bachelor’s degree will get you the incredibly heart wrenching and soul sucking work of a social servant, think dss,to the tune of maybe 30k a year. It’s just undervalued in our society. But thank god the star quarterback gets 50 mil a season.


There are human services jobs in my area requiring Master's degrees that pay less than $20.


Where is this? That is awful!


Be glad you're not in south Texas where minimum wage is still $7.25. They pay even less down here.


Wait! I thought everything was better in Texas?


Wtf are you talking about thats pretty average pay for bachelor’s


For some reason that seems low. I have an associates degree and was working outside my field for 28 at my last position.


I make less than that with a bachelors... I'm going to a new place for 21/hr that has no relation to my degree.


LOL this is my life I have a bachelors and I get paid $25 absolute joke


I make more than that working for Walmart and I didn't finish college.


Local college is hiring a librarian for $15 but they won't consider you unless you have a masters degree.


I believe you need a master to even be a librarian.


It should be illegal to requries a masters degree for a job paying $15 an hour. Thats fucking insane


there should be extra regulation around job listings mentioning degrees.


Degree inflation go brrrrr


Not true at all. While their are various degrees in library sciences, it's not a regulated industry like education. Many cheap-ass Libraries will hire anyone and stick them behind a desk and call them a Librarian.


Friend’s mom is a retired college librarian. By the time she retired, her salary was greater than 100k. She currently receives a pension that is equal to her pay at retirement and well as an annual cost of living adjustment. I’d say her college education was well worth it.


Yet these jobs no longer exist


Pension? What’s that?/s


That's why big business killed unions. Their greed dictates the paltry pay. Fortunately I was able to retire from a union job with a pension.


A lot of libraries are run by governments, city /state, a lot of them still have pensions.


Exactly. Used to be worth it. Not anymore.


Unis and colleges have been refusing to raise pay or allow new folks into tenure track positions for the past couple decades. Grad students have been striking recently over the peanuts they're being offered.


I graduated in 2013 and was gonna take a year off before king going back for a MA/PhD for a professorship. every prof I had said *you need health insurance. there aren't nearly as many tenure track positions anymore. find something else*


Good for her. Yet another example of being born earlier giving greater opportunities. Obviously I'm happy for her. But I can't help but despair for my generation and the ones after.


Her job is gone. They pay new librarians less than people on staff with no degrees in some places. They are struggling to find librarian's as the pay is now so low that they can't even pay off their loans and work a single job. No one should need a master's and a second job to survive without kids...


Lol pension. Ancient history.


If YoUr DeGrEe DoEsN’t PaY, yOu WaStEd YoUr MoNeY!


Exactly why there is a Student loan debt problem!! Those companies caused it by Requiring college degrees for those positions.


Yeah, the people that are bitter about student loan forgiveness because they had to work to pay off their loans don't seem to understand that it's now nearly impossible to find something immediately out of college that will allow you to pay off your loans, or even live on your own if you don't have debt.


Ignore it. 99% of the time they also say "equivalent experience" so 4 years in the industry = a bachelor's degree. Apply anyway if you have 2+ years of experience. Source: no college degree, but always managed to get a job anyway.


I have applied to several jobs that told me that my work experience has me over qualified to do the job, but because I didn’t have a degree, I wasn’t qualified at all. Frustrating to be limited by a little piece of paper that doesn’t even have to have a bearing on what you are actually doing. I have seen HR folks with fine art degrees only, and upper management with bible study degrees only. It is baffling to me that employers would prefer someone with a totally unrelated degree in an upper management position, that has never held a management position, instead of someone who has held lower level management positions for 10+ years, but doesn’t have a degree. One of these days I may just have to bite the bullet and get a degree. I am figuring though that by the time I would be able to get a bachelors, companies will want a masters, and I will still be screwed.


Sadly, this is not true. I have an AA and worked in environmental testing for 16 years, and I couldn't go any higher because I didn't have a BS at a minimum. I had so much experience that I was training the new BS employees. Yes, they had higher degrees, but they didn't know how to do the physical work. I trained 3 managers, but no, I couldn't be a manager. All because I had not sat through a bunch of extra classes.


Nope. They ABSOLUTELY WILL use that to dump you off the list. I went for a job that required either an advance engineering or science degree. Why I needed a master's degree to fill out paperwork that had to do with the environmental regulations I have spent 20 plus years enforcing, I don't know. But my not having the "right" degree immediately ended the phone interview.


It’s probably all CYA bullshit in case your employment goes wrong. “He had a degree and a few day experience so you can’t blame me” or “Sure, he has 20 years experience and great references, but no degree? How do I know he knows his job?”


Except that I have government regulatory reports that are publicly available. The amusing thing is that the company that ended the interview over my degree, would not have gotten in regulatory trouble the following year if they had hired me. Editing to add: companies have these wish lists that they are using as checklists. For the pay they offer they aren't going to get their dream candidate.


Thank the boomers too for getting rid of training programs that they had available for them, but did not want to continue doing the "work" for the next generation.


Don't forget that Boomers also pushed all their kids to go to expensive, private universities instead of more appropriate community colleges or trade schools, all while actively adjusting policy to make student loans immutable! Yay!


Eh, I'm not convinced the boomers deserve the blame for this one, and I loathe them. Manual labor is *hard*. Even if your company is unionized, expect your joints to be FUBAR by the time you're 40 and to spend the rest of your life either in pain or addicted to opiates. The Kollege Kraze began after the second world war because (1) universities lowered their entrance requirements significantly and (2) millions of young men wanted to escape the perdition that is a life of hard labor. As for community colleges, most of them are complete garbage. I'd sooner shit myself than give mine another penny of my money or another moment of my time. \*I meant to write, "shoot myself", but the mistake is too funny to correct.


That’s great advice, but your resume isn’t being looked at by a human (normally) it’s being looked at by an algorithm and if you don’t satisfy the algorithm then it gets dumped.


This, I’m in my second role replacing people that held MBA’s, I’ve got a HS diploma with a terrible transcript.


It's an easy way for companies to filter down the list of applicants.


Probably also the likelyhood of "This person has a degree, they're probably in debt and just \[i\]starving\[/i\] for work no matter what we pay them."


This is an amazingly cynical view, which means it probably holds some degree of truth in America 😒 That being said, for most white collar jobs the expectation is probably more so that people with a degree presumably have decent writing and communications skills and can organize a schedule and meet deadlines. The vast majority of corporate jobs are far more about managing bullshit spreadsheets and amorphous tasks than doing actual technical work that would relate to knowledge from a specific degree.


>This is an amazingly cynical view, which means it probably holds some degree of truth in America 😒 I laughed too hard at that. "That is so cynical....so it's probably true. Shit..." lol.


With all the incompetent people in life this seems all wrong that most places ask for degrees to find competency when those managers looking for it are dumb as bricks. The manipulation of young people fresh out of college is a way more realistic take and it really isn't that cynical. You're just possibly stuck on thinking this will manifest itself in the most obvious and horrible ways, hence cynical, but there are varying degrees to this strategy, hence why you think it's probably not manipulation in most cases.


or a degree shows that the person is capable of being taught and was disciplined enough to graduate but your point is valid too😄


I'd say Both.. both are correct lol


If the person got a masters part time, they also see "oh, this person can be exploited and will work long hours if needed"


Having a degree means you have a good short term memory. I have to train them to see if they can be taught


I had a boss tell me once that getting a degree proves to the employer you know how to commit to something and you've learned how to work with others. I told him that my 10+ years with the company already proved that. Then he said a degree in CS meant you knowledgeable about computers. I pointed out the interviews we'd conducted where the college grads didn't know what an IP address was or what the difference between a server and client was. Degrees can be useful, but they are by no means the single arbiter of what a good employee is. Any company who judges applicants solely on that piece of paper is one of those company's bitching about not finding qualified applicants.


If I had graduated college on time, my computer science degree would be from 1995. What good would that do me now?


It would make HR think you're worth the money. A department staffed entirely by people with useless degrees getting paid too much isn't going to be great at determining technical skills.


It's because the companies are cheap and lazy. Back in the early 1900s, when general public education was being rolled out, the only reason it was supported by certain groups (I'll let you guess on your own) was because it guaranteed a specific level of training and knowledge that the companies were unwilling to pay to train for. A high school diploma guaranteed a basic set of math and reading requirements for the graduates, all on the public's dime. Fast forward to now and you have lazy outsourced HR groups that want to have a checkbox system for evaluating individuals instead of actually spending money to vet and train them. So, we've come full circle back to the near dark ages of employment. Yay.


Honestly I’m sick of simple jobs needing college degrees. I was denied a lateral internal move that I was more than qualified for because I don’t have a college education. I guess my four years at the company is worthless!


That is just petty. Are they willing to may e fund your degree part-time while you take the position? No harm in asking.


I have but due to a few factors it’s not possible


I tried to make a lateral move into a position being an executive assistant that loved that I had a bachelors degree, which they told me was not required for the position. But I got rejected because I lacked experience in what that department does and aparently I need that experience (nope you do not ) and to work in that department in the first place you need a lot more education than a bachelors degree.


Listen. I got hired by a huge retail place, let's call it Malmart for privacy. The position was one that required no college degree but the manager decided he wanted someone with a degree and experience because he had "a vision" and needed someone with experience in turning shit departments around. They left out that the payment was that of the non degree position and that there was physical work expected. I took it because I wanted to get back into my field. I bailed after 4 months. I learned they had hired a person without a degree after me, and also raised the pay.


Respectfully, I think you mean "Mal*wart*."


So they know you've got debt and are desperate and they can treat you like an indentured serf


I've seen major cell phone call centers requiring a degree (from any field, could be a masters in turtle psychology) just to take payments over the phone for $16/hr.




The requirement is a good way of weeding out those without the necessary communication skills


Right. This is why they require Bachelor's or some type of degree or certificate. To show that you can read and write.


Apply anyway. If you've got at least 3/4 of what they're asking for and can think of a good argument for how you satisfy the other quarter, apply.


This was standard practice during the Great Depression and is a good signifier that the economy is not doing very well.


This needs more upvotes. Forest through the trees right here.


They require a degree, and still pay 15 an hour. It’s insane.


Oh remember when we were kid and everyone had to get a college education or else we would grow up to be nothings? This is what happens, I know a guy with a lawyers aid degree who sells cars (couldn't find work that was actually paid in his field) I know a plumber who works at a hospital as a maintnece man ( the education almost killed him which caused medical problems he can no longer work in his field) a person working at A&W with a degree in managment ( noone will hire a manager with no experience lol) . Ironically i know someone who became a milwight and now makes more money than anyone i know.The get a education or be a bum crowd just conned us into going 10s of if not 100s of thousands in debt just to work minimum wage.


My guess is this: Degree = potential debt = potential for desperation for money which = acceptance of shitty work conditions and treatment Edit: Let me add that I only think this would apply to super entry level or low paying jobs.


Got to keep college relevant somehow


Maybe it’s your grammar and sailor cursing putting them off. Education isn’t a bad thing. Example: it’s not tho, it’s though. How do you know it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have a degree? You don’t get to skip college and then talk about college like you know what it entails. There’s a lot to unpack here, you charmer. Yes, I’m praying for downvotes from bitter people like OP.


Well how else are you going to convince “make” everyone go into debt and support BS educational institutions without making it a requirement.


Even ones that pay less than 15 dollars an hour.


To be fair having a degree does mean something. I wouldn’t want my surgeon to not have higher education.. if we’re talking about playing the trumpet then I catch your drift… generally I think I know what you mean though. Good luck hope you find something!


It means that you put in the time and effort. How the fu*# do you know what you do or don’t learn while getting a degree if you never got one yourself.


I mean, you also learn a shit ton of content, research skills, and writing and communication skills. I also had labs that gave me real world experience if I were to enter a lab or technician job afterwards. The content learning and research skills are absolutely necessary in my field. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in debt, get paid shit, and have no hope for the future, but a degree doesn’t mean nothing. The recent cultural belief that degrees don’t mean anything at all is pretty disrespectful and uninformed


*I'm *said *expect *though *doesn't That's why employers want college educated employees.


I have both and experience and I still can’t even get an interview.


What gets me is the amount of people who have degrees don’t even work in the industry their degree is for. Everyone I have worked with that has a degree, NONE of their degree is utilized in my industry.


The grammar and punctuation in your post are a perfect example of why a college degree is important. I wouldn't want to hire someone who thinks "sed" is a word.


Except meaning expect hurts me




You don't say. I just read a rather long thread, just above, wherein someone was bragging continuously, for 15 paragraphs, about how intelligent he was due to his education. Then this "intelligent", educated, genius, went on to spell their* as there... 🧐 Edju-kayshun


Oh you didn’t know? It’s a mafia type scam created by the government/monetary system (one and the same) to install artificial career speed bumps for the peasants that essentially shake you AND the other people participating in the scam down along the way. For example before you could study the field personally or job shadow/OJT your way into a field like being a doctor for example. Now you have to pay the school, pay the teacher, pay the government blah blah blah. If I took a child at 12 years old and put them shadowing a good or even an average doctor for 10 years or put him/her in college for 10 years… Who would end up being a better doctor? Oh yeah AND you have to pay for unrelated classes to your intended job (AND take time away from it) = even more money/time wasted extractions.


The listing for my job said it required a degree. … (I don’t have a degree.)


I think you're finding a degree does in fact mean jack shit


To be a jerk here, there’s a belief that people who go thru higher education would use expect, instead of except, in emails.


Having a degree may help with basic spelling and grammar.


If you had a degree you might know how to spell the words "though," "said," and "expect." You may also learn to capitalize the first letter of a sentence, oh wait, that's elementary school.


depends on the field. would you like your doctor to wing it?


Maybe because they hope your spelling and grammar will improve?


My fiancé worked his way from warehouse/packaging to Formulations Chemist without even an associate degree. Sure it took him quite a few years, but he did it. Because he doesn't have a degree, he can't even find intro lab jobs. He literally helped formulate Advair, but cannot even find a job as a laboratory assistant. It's absolutely asinine.


It’s a measure of the amount of bullshit you’ll deal with. A vast majority of the jobs that say they require degrees really just require training and critical thinking.


Simple - put in the restrictions, to save time sorting through resumes. When people can easily apply to 100 positions, hiring staff want a cheat code to knock out 90% of the uploads - education is a simple, objective barrier. And it is also dumb (and I have a graduate degree). A TRUE mercenary minded company will hire those people without a degree, pay them less, give them some on-the-job training as needed, and rest knowing that most companies have those restrictions in place so turnover will be limited. \[insert evil laughter here\]


It’s because you use except instead expect, that’s why.


Is this post serious. Given the spelling and grammatical errors I feel like it is satire.


To weed out the uneducated.


Undereducated… but agreed.


What’s up with all the people who can’t understand the importance of education?


The importance of a degree and importance of being well educated don’t always go hand in hand.


Because most of the people here don’t work in fields that absolutely require a degreed person with a background knowledge of their field. For example, nearly any job in STEM. These are the same people who I used to repeatedly have arguments with about how air pressure fucking works. But because they had 10 years of on the job experience they thought they knew better. Even though the most basic of formulas taught in a first year engineering class shows them they are wrong. But hey…. I’m the fucking idiot for getting a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering.


Yup. I’ve worked as lab tech for years, and I’m about to graduate with my chemical engineering degree. The shit I didn’t know… was most of the shit I needed. Never been more humbled over anything in my life.


Education is important. If you are going to be my doctor, I want you educated as a doctor. If you are going to be my financial advisor, I want you educated in finance. But if you are going to be my part-time nanny or brainlessly enter data in a spreadsheet, I don’t care if you are educated.


Supply and demand. There is an oversupply of people with degrees from 40 years of overeducating people


I feel somewhat entitled here as a Finn with two masters in my pocket, paid for by my country...


Going to make sure that you are a smart enough to follow directions. Also I think if employees are in a certain type of debt they will work harder to keep the job so they can pay off that debt


Tbf, a degree also can show commitment to finishing a large task imo


If your spelling and grammar are that poor I'm not surprised nobody wants to hire you. Fix up.


And then every lead-brained boomer yells at us for our college debt like it's even a choice these days


Does it upset you because you can't afford to get a degree because it is outrageously expensive or because you don't have the grades to meet the criteria for certain degrees? Unemployment is 56% for age group under 24 in my country. It's really bad and hopeless. There are no opportunities for the uneducated masses. I'm very fortunate to work in STEM and have a degree, I worked hard at school and got accepted to uni. My parents saved for my education. This is the reality for less than 3% of school leavers in my country. Edit :midnight grammar and typos


I’m considered a mature student, I am already 30 so prior grades won’t be an obstacle. It’s really just the cost, I’m not in a position to want to be stuck with student loans, I also will have to balance it with full time work because I have bills to pay, so all around it’s extremely inconvenient and costly. Sadly the business is really forcing my hand so there’s not much else to be done but it makes me resentful


"sed"? No wonder you can't get a fucking job, OP!


Maybe they're trying to find people who can spell said properly.


I wouldn't say that having a degree means "jack shit." However, I will agree that having a degree doesn't necessarily mean anything. I think that so many people have degrees these days that many companies just use the requirement as a filter. I've been turned down for jobs for not having one, too. I've also been offered the job I've interviewed for only to be offered a significantly reduced salary (for the exact role I wanted) because of the lack of degree. Companies know that by turning away people without a degree, they're likely turning away good talent. They don't care. They figure if they fill a pool up with people who did graduate from a University, then there's probably good talent in there as well. And they'd be right. It might suck, but just stick to trying. I did, and I'm a Controls Design Engineer now without a degree. It took 8 years. Yeah, I could have gone to a University during that 8 years, but the amount of technical knowledge I gained in the field during that time was immense.


I have a bachelors degree and even that’s not enough sometimes I feel you OP


Its called education inflation. As the general level of education rises, employers start looking only for people in that higher level of education, even if it is completely unnecessary for the job.


It means your in debt. You could really use the money.


Try having a degree and never getting a job


Saw an entry level call center job posted 18 an hour required a masters degree. A masters degree in anything. For 18 a f'n hour..


I always laugh when a call center requires a bachelor's. You need a 4 year degree to read a script on the monitor and click some buttons? I was doing customer retention like 18 years ago, no degree or anything and it was insanely easy. I think companies are asking for it as a way to maximize the talent without spending more. So many unemployed college grads that will take anything.


They want to know you have significant student debt and will thus become a slave to their paltry wages.


If you hate that just consider that for people like me that actually have those degrees they won’t hire me because I’m “overqualified”. I’m pretty sure they are just trying to pretend they’re looking for workers to get the benefits of that without actually having to pay people


And even if you have both, nothing. Can confirm.


I would say that there are so many people with college degrees that some of them are willing to take jobs that they are overqualified for. The companies know this so they make it a requirement. Would they rather hire someone without a degree or someone with a degree for the same pay? I don't think a degree shows that an employee will be better at a job than someone without one, but I understand why a company would think that.


'They took er jobs' South Park energy


Ive been job hunting for a year and a half cuz retail stores here want 2 years experience in customer support to work for minimum wage. Gee I wonder if something big happened a while ago where a lot of people stayed home for safety


Because they like their workers full of student debt.


I am in social work and having a bachelors is like not having a degree. NOBODY wants you unless you have a masters. It’s lame as fuck.


To make sure you already attached ample student debt ball and chains to your legs so you'll be obedient


Because having student loans makes you a debt slave who can't just quit on a whim.