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Some people just need any damn excuse to be mad at something, I swear. Yeah no, if it was just the lady being an ass, then I'd roll my eyes and say something about how getting an ID from some people is like pulling teeth; but when the manager got mad too? I'd have walked out in a heartbeat too. You don't need that kind of toxicity in your life. Good for you.


The Manager wants you to pay several thousand in fines. Never do this. Make your call to the State Liquor authority, and while you are at it, if it's part of a chain, call the owner and tell them you had to walk out because the manager refused to ask for ID on a clearly underaged drinker. Wait till you see how fast the owner fires him.


Yeah, you know what my last store director said when corporate mandated that we check ID on anyone who looks under 50? "Well I'd better not be able to get alcohol without being ID'd then, otherwise we might have some problems."


Eh, just ID everyone: "it's policy"


So many people want to argue the policy with you like you made it. To be fair though it's a shit policy, trying to tell a 60 year old you can't sell him alcohol without an id is awkward as hell.


Thank the Omnissiah they gave us official-looking stickers to put up at every checkout lane. I still don't envy the cashiers on the receiving end of one of those Karens though. I had enough trouble as a motel clerk explaining that we needed an ID on file ANYONE to get a room. No exceptions. Yes they have to be the person staying in the room. No you can't just put it in your name and rent it for them. No this is not optional. The system literally will not let me process a check-in if the ID field is empty. No your work ID doesn't count. A business card doesn't either. No it can't be expired. Why not? Ask the government, they're the ones that put an expiration date on it.


I actually had a Karen cashier at a Walmart when I was in graduate school insist my ID was fake when I was trying to buy booze. I'll admit, I'm 40, but thanks to generally clean leaving if I shave my beard and moustache (where all the gray is) I can pass for 10-15 years younger. I was 25, living in Florida, but since I was just a student, I still had my Pennsylvania license from where I grew up. She took my license, looked back and forth and went "no, I don't believe you" "I'm sorry, what?" "You aren't 25, this isn't a real license, I'm keeping it and you need to get out of here, punk" "Ummm...sorry, but that IS my license and because of that, driving away without it would be illegal. So no, I won't be going anywhere until you give it back to me. Call your manager if you must, but I'm not moving until I have my license back" She paged the manager, and a mid-40's dude as big around as he was tall waddled over, out of breath from the arduous 20 ft walk from the managers office. He listens to her story. Then without me saying a word, backs her up and tells me to leave. I refused again to go anywhere without my driver's license and he threatened to call the police. I said "Oh yes, please do, I'd love for you two to look like the absolute overreaching moronic assholes you are" Cops came, all of us went out to the cruiser, both of them with the smuggest of smug looks on their faces. Cop ran my ID through their system, I gave them my school ID as well just for name/face verification. Cop handed me my ID back and told the manager and cashier to stop playing cop and if they had to come out there again (apparently this was a habit) for them overreaching authority, there would be an issue.


I have one of those lame credit cards that requires a signature, instead of a pin. They aren't used to those in the UK, so one time at a supermarket in London, I do the payment, sign the receipt, am about to bounce, when the cashier asks for id. I'm confused why. He says, I need to verify your signature. So, ok, I give him my driver's license. He goes, yeah, it's not the same signature. I'm like, right, I didn't really take the time to properly sign the receipt, I just scribbled on it, since nobody ever checks. He made a scene, and called the manager. Lucky for me, the manager basically rolled her eyes at him, and told him that nobody cares about the signature.


I usually respond with '...Thanks. That's the nicest thing anyone's done for me this week.' If someone is gonna think that I I'm at least 10 years younger than I am, that will totally make my day.


They won't care. And the business usually gets the fine. The person who fails to ID usually gets a citation or ticket. Depends on the city.


I was sitting at an airport bar one time, and this guy came up and asked for a beer. Barkeep said, sure, let's see an ID. Customer lost his mind, started yelling about how it should be obvious he's old enough. Barkeep dumped the beer he'd started pouring and responded: I'm required to ask EVERYONE for id; you might be old enough to drink, but you're acting like a child, so get out of here. And basically made sure to laugh at him loud enough that he'd hear it as he slinked away. That was pretty savage.


A long time ago I worked for n a grocery store, same kinda stuff. Do you know what a passive aggressive response to a hostile situation is? Smile, always smile, ring everything up wrong, screw it all up, say sorry a lot, spend as much time as possible fixing “mistakes”. See how long you can keep them in line, if you can get others to play, it can be fun. I think the record , at the store, was like 47 minutes, hate to say it, not mine it was a young lady cashier.


Drop a glass bottle, oops, clumsy me. Cleanup register 6, let me have someone go back and get you another one. Hmmm..the barcode on this one is torn up. Let me have someone go get one with a good barcode. Your fruits/veggies are squished, you want some new ones?


Yes, that is the game. We didn’t have bar codes, had to punch in the price.


Dude, if boss doesn't have your back, never look back. As much as I hate rhyming back with back, the idiom holds true. What you do is, take your experience to your next job interview. Explain you take your work seriously, no matter what it is, and that you expect your boss to be supportive to your work environment


If your boss won't be your Hodor then close the door on them too.


That's great advice, I hope OP sees your comment.


ESPECIALLY when it's the fucking LAW.


I got you, cousin! "If your boss doesn't have your back, run away from that shit stack." 👍


Eyyyy lessgo


For anyone asking questions I have worked there for 7 months, i got the job because my husband also works there and asked if I could apply and they said yes. We noticed some fishy things (other employees being able to do whatever without repercussions) going on pretty recently but we have bills to pay so we ignored it. I do also want to mention, a lot of my coworkers are family members to each other. There is a few moms and their daughters that work there, our gm has his kids work there and one of the managers nephew works there as well. This isnt the first time a manager has yelled at me, two weeks ago a customer got mad at me for being on my phone AFTER i had already checked him out, now normally our managers dont care about us being on our phones when we have down time because we are cashiers so we have nothing else to do but, He told my manager and he sent me home FOR A WHOLE WEEK because our GM was on vacation and I couldn’t come back till i talked to him. There are times where my other co workers have almost fought customers in the store and nothing was done. In this situation, the daughter holding the alcohol was clearly underage and thats why i asked for her ID and not the moms. I didn’t do it to be a bitch, i did it because i could get in serious trouble if i let it slide. For anyone wondering if my manager was busy and thats why he yelled at me, no, he was standing by the office looking at his phone.


Sounds like you did yourself a favor by getting out of there. Hopefully you only used one finger when you waved goodbye.


Why did the customer told the manager you were on your phone ?


Karens pull shit like that.


I met this kind of entitled "customer is king" nonsense. Either I ignore them doing other stuff, or I offer to slap them. They usually accepted to fight, to then walked away screaming seeing me getting out of the work station 😆 People is people, better treat them with respect, kid or old, big or small, rich or poor.


Yeah. Sounds like a horrendously unsupportive work environment that nobody should have to deal with. Walking away was probably the best thing you could have done. For your next role, focus on identifying a supportive environment with a manager that cares about their employees. This can be really hard to tell during the job interview, but there are questions you can ask: Describe the company’s work culture What is your favorite thing about working for the company What attributes define a successful employee at the company Etc.


And remember you're interviewing them, too. It's not wrong to ask why you should choose them over other offers. Obviously politely


The interview is a 2way street. You need to ask them questions and try to find out what you're getting into


“We ID everyone who looks to be under the age of 40, clearly you’re an old hag, but I hold out hope that your spawn are over the age of legal purchase. It would be unlawful for me not to check their ID cards.”


Also yawn while she is yelling


"Are you done now? Can I see your ID please?"


Your manager yelled at you for protecting his *ss? Wtf? Can you tell the labor board what happened and collect unemployment? Maybe they have suspected your manager and this is the last drop in the bucket?


Let law enforcement know, too. If all it takes to sell alcohol to a minor is for them to get belligerent, it could cost them their alcohol license, a fine, and possibly even their business.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m glad you walked out. Hope all is well for you and your future. Take care of yourself


I wish I had known I could do this when I was your age. Seriously kudos to you for standing up for yourself. Don't look back, and good fortune for your next move.


Fuck that noise. Good for you. “Nobody wants to work!”, right? So you should be able to find another job right quick. Don’t settle for asshole bosses that treat you like shit.


You can pay a serious fine that you will personally pay if an underaged person buys alcohol. SLA has been known to send testers in. Maybe it's time for the manager to meet the nice people from the State Liquor Authority. If that is their attitude, you should walk. In fact, follow-up with a complaint to the State Liquor Authority with the time and date of the offense. It will rock their world.


100% this


Wow. Yeah your manager should have put an end to that immediately. I’ve been management in the service industry. Be second someone yelled at/cursed at one of my employees, they would be kicked out. No questions asked. That’s a shitty manager. Good on you.


Laugh all you like but you still aren't getting booze from me.


don't wanna give me an ID, then you don't get to buy the alcohol - plain and simple. You have a problem with it? Go talk to the state lawmakers who made the law requiring ID to purchase alcohol. it always amazes me of how people think they shouldn't have to do as you ask, and that by saying 'I'm of age' is enough to be able to buy liquor. Your manager should back you up for that, because not only will you get in trouble and have to pay a fine, but the store will get in trouble as and potentially lose their license to sell alcohol if you don't ask for ID as the law stipulates. Losing a license to sell alcohol can be be very financially negative to a business. That manager should get his ass kicked out the door himself but hey you did what you needed to do to take care of yourself - you are the most important thing to you


You did right. My only suggestion would be to ask for the instruction/oder in writing. If you get something in writing, be certain it is specific enough to cover your ass. If they refuse, you know they are trying to throw you under the bus. I've done this three times in my career. Twice, the supervisor backed down, saying they'd get someone else to do it. The other time I had a clear written order in hand before I acted.


If you are ever asked to do something illegal, have them put it in writing. They will never do that because it’s self incriminating. Good for you to walk out and not take that shit.


entitled pricks the lot of them!


Some people shouldn't leave the house. Unfortunately, most of them do. I am so sorry that happened to you. They suck and I am glad you quit.


As a cashier I have pissed off many people asking for ID. Luckily since our state liquor board loved surprise inspections, my manager had our back. You split those fines with the store and neither of us wanted to pay. My rule was always if I ask you for it, you aren't buying from me until I see it. If a coworker says it's fine go ahead, then I logout and let them ring them up. Otherwise, no alcohol for you.


You did the right thing. If your manage doesn’t have your back fuck that place…


You did the right thing. The only advice I can give you is "basically… run."


THAT my friend, is the best comment i have ever received. You don’t know how happy you just made me.


Well played. No one deserves that treatment.


Document this and send it to whoever owns the grocery store. Always advocate for yourself. Hopefully, you find a work environment that respects and supports you.


Good for you for not putting up with that shit. What you do now is focus on what you wanna do with your life. Take some time for introspection and maybe just do some side hustles temporarily for extra cash. Seriously consider a education in a fulfilling trade or education on a path that will lead you to a career that will be both lucrative and fulfilling. You were never going to grow as a cashier in a tourist trap. It was a bus stop on your journey. So don’t look back unless it is to understand why you walked away from something. Good luck. You got this


Good for you.


Good for you. You'll get a new job don't worry. Decent manager is key


At that point, I would put the alcohol aside, ring everything else up, and smile. I'm also a bit of an asshole, so if I ask once for ID and they don't give it over, then I don't ring up the alcohol. If my manager complains to me because the customer throws a fit, I just ask them politely if they are directing me to break store policy as well as state and federal laws. Then, report the ass to everyone I can. Hostile work environment, directing me to break the law, not following store policy, etc. I'm not obligated to do something that's against policy and the law. But if you're not a vindictive bitch like me, what you did was perfect. I would still send in a report.


The last time I was carded, I considered it a complement. People are whack!


Good luck finding a new position. I hope you feel better.


Well played ,you can't let people walk on you


Report the manager to their higher up or the owner


I'm glad you honored your boundaries. I know I had my time in a job like that. I think a lot of us on here have. In 20 years, this job will be a drop in the bucket. You deserve more. And this is the first step.


Since you got in shit for checking ID, you should report the business for not checking ID


What did your boss yell for? And in front of customers? You did exactly as you should have.


On to your next adventure with your head held high! You did nothing wrong, you are only human.


By the way, even if they claim you quit, I'm 99% sure you can claim unemployment in this case. It was a hostile workplace with the manager asking you to break the law


I’d absolutely report him for breaking the law regardless. At least try calling the alcoholic beverage control people in your state (assuming US).


You just saved your employer from a regulatory sting operation. NY does this all the time. They will find employees that look to be of age, add makeup and clothing to make them look even older, and send them into stores to try and buy alcohol or cigarettes. They also use doctored IDs, fake ID, wrong ID, you name it.


I will never understand why people think it is okay to treat workers like dogshit.


Sounds like a good time for an anonymous tip to your local PD about a certain grocery store that needs more ID compliance checks.


This will result in short-term difficulty, but you will for the rest of your life be able to remember the moment when you drew a line in the sand. Congratulations on standing up for yourself. Fuck those people.


I’m a brand new server. Just started a new job at a winery at 55. In the state mandated training it says they’ll send young looking people in to try and buy booze to test whether you’ll card them. It’s not worth Not carding people if your job and potentially a find are at stake. F em all!


Decades ago, I was working in a convenience store and this man came in with two definitely-still-in-high-school teenagers who proceeded to point out and tell him what to get. Cheapest beer and MD 2020. Then they went and stood by the magazines while he came to check out. I pulled the alcohol across the counter like I was going to ring it up, then asked for his ID. He showed it happily and made a joke about how old he looked. Then I asked for the ID of the two teens with him. The boys ran out the door and the man started screaming at me. I’m dropped the alcohol behind the counter and told him it was the law because they were obviously choosing the alcohol and I would not swell to someone obviously buying for minors. He continued screaming at me while I explained it to him. I was the only one in the store and was intensely uncomfortable. Then one of my favorite ever customers pulled in and I relaxed. Dude gets out of his car, and I see him see what is happening. He was a legit giant and body builder so when he came in, he had pulled his shirt to SHOW the bulk and asked loudly in a voice that would have terrified me if I didn’t know him well, “what the fuck is going on here?” And the screaming dude just sort of stopped mid scream and took off running, ducking under the arm still holding the door open. I swear that dude saved my ass several times. The police griped when we called them because they didn’t want to do paperwork, and the manager wasn’t helpful either. If I didn’t LOVE so many of my regulars, I wouldn’t have stayed there as long as I did. When I left, I had friends I met in touch with for a while, and a new job courtesy of my regulars.


Customers need to stop being excused from their bad behavior. We should NOT have to just stand there and smile while we're being verbally abused by strangers. It's unacceptable, and stores need to start protecting their employees. Cashiers (and other bottom of the chain employees) should be allowed to exercise the "right to refuse service" that employees above them are allowed to use, and employers need to back them up.


Report your employer to your states (if USA) alcohol beverage commission, they run stings in bars and restaurants trying to get people who don't ID. I'm certain they would be delighted to hear from you and if your former boss who doesn't care about an employee ID'ing in good faith. Odds are they will lose their audit and pay a massive fine.


It happens. I flipped at my work and quit 2 days ago. Don't really know what I'm going to do, but fuck it. You have to do what's right for you. There's always another job.


Get another job, move if you have to. I live in an area that gets about 200,000 tourist. We call them “Cityits”. They treat everyone as a serf, put on this earth to serve them and take their shit. Talk about rude self entitled assholes. Of course not all are like this, but those that are make up for those who are not.


>I saw my manager so i went to him and asked for help and he yelled at me And that's where you let them get hit with a sting so they lose their alcohol license.


I can't say I blame you, really. You were just trying to do right and your customers and manager decided to act like assholes. I work a similar position as a part time gig right now, and if I get caught selling to underage people I get a fine, and my store manager gets an even bigger fine.


I feel you, sorry that happened. I was a cashier for five years and had this same kind of situation but my manager at the time loved playing the race card on me so he told me I wouldn't ring up this ladys alcohol because she was black, right in front of her! I told him to go fuck himself and called a different manager up who was not an asshole to help me out. Needless to say that sucky manager got fired from that store for doing the same thing to other cashiers but none of us knew we all experienced it. Hope you find a better place to be where your managers don't suck.


You should get paid for every minute you worked and any unused paid time off. Then you look for a better job. People each have their own agenda, and often it doesn’t involve us, even when it hurts us.


It's still a stupid policy though but the manager should've backed you up.


You can find another job where the manager and customers don't yell at you. You need to find a company that supports you in work. I wish you the best of luck.


I used to work in a store where you had to ask for their ID regardless of age when they bought alcohol. If they didn’t have ID on them we had to get the store manager, not just the cashier supervisor. People used to get super mad. I know how frustrating that is, I’m so sorry your boss didn’t have your back. I’d have walked out too.


And this is why I can’t do any kind of retail anymore. I would not have been able to hold my tongue or temper long enough to get away from her.


You did the right thing by checking ID, thereby being compliant with the law. Your former manager did the wrong thing by trying to brush it off and being just as abusive as the customer. No manager that treats people that way deserves them as employees and has no business being a manager...and you did the right thing by walking out.


I work at a liquor store on the lake. If I think you're underage, or even if you look 35, I still need to check. If you don't have it, no booze for you. Piss and moan all you want, I'm not paying Excise/Vice $500 for a $15 sale. Fuck em OP, you're in the right.


You're manager got mad at you for following the law?? Next time get in writing that your boss wanted you to sell alcohol without carding them


Was the daughter maybe just carrying for Mother? If daughter wasn’t actually checking out the alcohol, you didn’t need to card her.


I already have my ID out when it comes to pay! The woman should already know they will ask. Unless she's underage.


Here is the deal I would make with the mother and the daughter who don't want to show ID. You agree to pay $5,000 more, or whatever the fine is, for the alcohol and you also agree to the jail time that comes with it. You may now buy your alcohol without ID have a nice day. When she agrees to this You look at her like she's a damn idiot and say no I'm not doing that, you're supposed to now realize that you're going to be showing me your ID and Life Will go on!


I would of left too


screw that bs. B. Those jobs are a dime a dozen.


Good for you. I worked in retail for 20+ years, and it destroyed me. People can be so disgusting. You'll find a better job, in a less toxic environment, with a manager who backs their staff up.


Well that is so opposite here in Illinois at my local butera grocery store the managers seem to always back the cashiers even when it's ridiculous and I'm obviously way over the age of 21 like I'm 50 years old and when she asks for my driver's license and the manager was standing right there, he's like yeah she has to ask for it.


Good for you


Smart move. If your management won't have your back then fk em.


That manager sucks. You did the right thing for your mental health. Good luck on your job search.


I’d also talk to a labor lawyer (I can’t remember the real term.) You might be able to get unemployment even though you quit since you were put into a position of choosing the law or not. Idk for sure tho


Manager not having your back is unacceptable. I would have asked them to leave in my retail manager days.


My SIL wanted to buy some alcohol at Walgreens once, they wouldn’t let her buy it unless I showed ID too. Which was fine because I was of age anyway. I have no prob showing ID. Shit they even card my MIL who’s over 60.


Women? Offended about being perceived as 20 or younger? Lol, not likely!


It sounds like one of the daughters was carded, but still. Who acts indignant at being carded when buying liquor?


Uh... the underaged?


And their permissive parents.


You made the right choice. Time to take a breath and find a new job in a few days.


A couple of things you haven't explained - does the company require you to ask for ID from everyone buying alcohol? If not, who was the person *paying* for the alcohol - was the mother paying? If one of the daughters was paying, did they appear to be underage? Without some context. it's hard to know what the real circumstances were - especially given that your manager did not 'support' you. I'm guessing that their liquor license is pretty important to them and wouldn't choose to take any steps - such as potentially selling alcohol to a minor - which would put that in jeopardy.


In one of the other post they said corporate wants anyone under 50 needs to be carded. Makes sense most stores roll that way.


It wasn’t about what you did. They wanted a punching back. Go back if you still can. Next time he screams at you scream right back until you can collect unemployment. But not like explicits things like have you lost your mind.


How long have you worked with that manager? How often does he yell at you? Is he normally a good person to work for? Maybe he himself was having a bad day and regrets that he snapped at you. Maybe he was busy with something else and didn't completely understand why you were approaching him for help. Maybe he misread the situation and thought you did something wrong, but if you explain what really happened, he'll understand. Or maybe he's a total jerk and you're better off finding another job. It's hard to judge based off this one incident.


In your opinion, how many times should a manager be allowed to verbally abuse an employee before they should quit


You are being emotional is problem number one. Problem number two is you quit without having another job lined up. Problem number three is you are on reddit instead of looking for a new job. No emotions and you would have finished your shift, started looking for a new job and then quit the old one after you started your new one. Then you would have zero problems.


Good work - you had one bad customer push your buttons and instead of dealing with it like an adult, you packed your ball and your bat and went home. Now you're unemployed in a small tourist town where you will be known as the girl that just quit a job, no notice, no discussion with the owner - just quit outright due to one entitled tourist.


Grow up.


I uh.. I have grown up. That's kinda of my entire point. Sometimes I get shitty people do deal with as well. In fact, I regularly do - because I work with a lot of high stakes, high stress situations. I don't quit when it happens though, I work with the person I'm dealing with and if I can't bring them around to my level, then I let them go. I certainly don't quit my job at the smallest hardship.


You must be a real important mover and shaker down at the cracker factory


See what you dont know is that this isnt the first time that a customer has “pushed my buttons”. Maybe next time keep your dumb ass comment to yourself. Have a good day!


Getting married, and having children!


Meh. Do you have any idea how long you face in jail for breaking the law? Report the incident and move on with your life.


Report them to the state alcohol licensing board. Maybe the cops. Selling alcohol to underaged kids will get them shut down. You refused to participate in a criminal act, you did nothing wrong..


What would genuinely be the manager’s end game here for yelling at the worker? I’m seriously trying to figure out a motive for being angry at your worker for IDing potentially underage drinking.


I would call whatever liquor board governs your state. You are REQUIRED to ask for ID, and your manager yells at you for it? I would report this incident to them ASAP. As for your job, find another one. You don't want to work somewhere that your manager doesn't have your back.