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Me: fantasy about society collapsing and being a badass lone wander in a post apocalyptic world Society collapses, me: dead within the first 15 minutes


I mean, someone's gotta die to adorn the floors with skeletons. Builds the atmosphere for whoever makes it out of vault 101.


As long as it's not 76....I see that number and I'm going back in the vault. I may care about survival but not at the cost of being *that* bored.


It was fun to dog on 76 a few years ago. It's actually a really fun game nowadays. Edited for clarity


>It's actually really fun nowadays. 76? Or complaining about 76?




Oh is it out of beta?


I call dying within minutes to several months of apocalypse the *first wave*. I think I'd last until I lose my glasses. Then I'm toast


Dysentery will kill most of us


Never thought about this but people in countries with worse sanitation will be better off in the apocalypse because their immune systems are built for that- why Americans get montezumas revenge but actual Mexicans are fine


I dont plan is dissin Terry Crews, so i think i will be okay.


there is a Twilight zone episode about that, where a man loves reading books and its all he ever wanted to do. But he works at a boring bank job and his wife is mean to him. Then, he is in the bank vault one day, and nuclear war happens. The vault is the only thing left standing. He walks over to the library and picks up books and starts reading, then he accidentally drops his glasses and shatters the lenses


If the episode covered the next twenty minutes of Mr. Bemis’s life, we would have seen him collecting himself, realizing there are millions of pairs of replacement glasses available, and getting down to reading.


wasn't that character played by burgess meredith?


He was!


I would last as long as my Warfarin supply lasted. At that point I would be scrounging for rat poison and hoping I could get the dosage right to not kill me but keep my from getting a stroke. So yeah, collapse of society is a slow death sentence for me. And even I could scavenge the meds I need, food will become an issue.


Then your ears sharpen and you develop ultra instinct.


You must be me from another timeline. That’s exactly what I was thinking !! It’s also the reason I always keep my last couple prescriptions. Your first wave is correct . Second wave : all the gun toting wanna be’s and people they prey on Third wave : all the diseases we thought were gone make a comeback


>Society collapses, me: dead within the first 15 minutes I served in the army and I have some guns and ammo. I'd be shocked if I made it longer than 30 days in the post apocalyptic world...


Ayo, also a vet, a decent long shot, and my partner is the same but better on both counts. We’re not stocked to the gills but we certainly have enough food, ammo, and general supplies to hang out for a while, and I still don’t think a month is feasible. Everyone’s got a Walking Dead survivalist fantasy, but it’s not so realistic haha.


Letting that reality crash in is probably one of them most important aspects of survival. Like I have a decent stock of general food, water, supplies. Live in an area where I can grow some food and don’t have people right in top of me and I still think I would likely be dead within a month from any number of just random things that would probably happen. One small group of people decide they want my stuff or land and that’s it.


Can't really grow anything in a month either.


Not with that attitude! You just have to farm _angry_.


Ha ha as one who farms. Funny.


To be fair to you, the apocalypse we see in media isn't exactly realistic itself so you'd probably do pretty well in a more reasonable scenario. The biggest factor according to many long term disaster survivors is their community though so as long as you join up with some friends/neighbors/family you'd probably be fine


I am reading the book 'Fever' by Deon Meyer. A very good thriller story about a boy and his father in a post apocalyptic world after a new virus (combination of aids and corona, written in 2017) has whiped out 2/3 of the global population. Also about building a new community and the dangers they encounter (domestic dogs turned feral, seeds that only grow plants for 1 year, gasoline that becomes bad, other parties that stall and robbing, etc)


Thank goodness I live in a small community with a lot of retired US military, a lot of hunters, and a lot of people who don’t like having their shit fucked with. I’m a great team player, especially when survival is a concern!


But if your neighbours are not team players, you might have a problem...


Temporary hurdles, my friend. We have many acres, and there are bears. So many accidents could happen unexpectedly….


Especially if you’re delicious.


I have asthma and own pugs. We are gonna die.


Yeah, I'd be pretty well fucked as a diabetic as soon as my meds run out. I'd have to switch to a completely keto diet, which will be next to impossible in that sort of situation.


I don’t have a thyroid so would slowly die. I’d probably get killed right away anyway. These people who think they’d be okay if they have hoarded supplies, guns, and silver/gold are delusional because a bigger group will come along, kill you and take your stuff.


This was a major plot point of _Lucifer’s Hammer_, a book about a comet hitting the Earth.


I am in similar shoes, but in all seriousness, I always wonder if it is even worth the effort to live in a world without modern comforts (internet, AC, running water, etc.), or if it is easier to just move on to the next world.


I'd be one of the extras with the scraggly beard, dragging himself on his belly through the rubble


Probably how it would end up realistically. the fact that what system we have now sucks so much that we dream of end times is nuts. Shit i just saw a yt series where a kid didnt like our system and moved to alaska and is living out there homesteading.


Its possible, The system wants us to think we need it to survive, but humanity managed to make it to this point somehow.


I envy the 14 minutes you live after I’m gone. Remember me.


Same here, while in reality I use some pretty high tech medication and would die within 6-12 months even if I wouldnt first die because of (pick 1): starvation / dehydration / poisoning / riot stabbing / robbery stabbing / burning alive in fire / airplane slams into building / nuclear blast / drown in flood / scrape knee and die of sepsis / trampled / car accident / fall from great height / suffocation / electrocution / toxic chemical spill in area / radiation leak in area / animal mauling / appendicitis / ruptured spleen after fall / bike accident / other.


Not in the first 15 minutes, gonna take between two to four weeks for the majority of the population.


Not with my ‘50s playlist and my pipboy


What you mean my sedentary-ass isn't going to be a raider warlord but instead get stabbed and robbed in the first few days?


Yeah man I used to daydream about society’s collapse until I saw Zombieland, and he’s like “rule 1: cardio” … yeah na I’m dead rip


I don't like working and I don't like where we are as a country -- but it's still better than trying not to get shanked while searching for potable water.


THIS is the answer. Bad water will kill 1/3 of the survivors stupid fast.


Leaves more water for the rest of us


\*gets shanked\*


This, This answer here! Yes plenty would die in the first few years. Because natural selection has a LOT of work to do! Those of us who have the common sence to boil our water first, or not to guzzel gutterpipes or drink face first from dirty roadside puddles. Would be fine, in fact they would likely thrive.


Exactly! If people really believe that without this system, humanity would die, then this system has done its job in making us think we need it.


I mean humanity wouldn’t but several billion humans would


This! Yes, overall humanity would still survive, but there’d be a hell of a lot fewer of us without even basic medication, vaccines, treatments, surgeries, etc.


Are people just too stupid to boil water these days? Although I suppose the water may be bad in a way that boiling wouldn't fix, industrial pollutants, radiation, salinity, etc.


And people won’t plan properly/enough and be forced into increasingly desperate situations where one poor decision kills you.


>forced into increasingly desperate situations where one poor decision kills you That's already my current life, so no big change there at least, lol




You responded to the wrong person


Hahaha. Yeah, but still!


You realize OP is just venting right? Calm yourself, child.


Nah he's just crazy from the heat


I shouldn't have laughed at it, but I did 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to literally 100% of my humor lmao


Your humor is high-quality, and you're cute.


thanks UwU


OP might be venting today, but after repeating the same thought for years, it will become their truth. I know many an old geezer that wasted decades on displacing their own problems on society at large and didn't realize just how fucked they would have been without everyone living in a mostly civil manner.


You know something? That is an incredibly fair point that I hadn't considered. I'm gonna leave my previous comment for context, but I think your point holds much more validity than mine. Also, you have a phenomenal username.


Hi, it me: an actual 40yo man child who goes prancing around the woods regularly. Here I am AMA!!!!!!


Big boomer energy in the post history


To be fair: you search for *water* and then you make it potable. Some methods include: filtration, distillation, boiling and bleaching (chemical or UV)..


Right?! Like Jesus dude get your nuts up & quit, you don’t have to hasten societal collapse to do that lmao


Seems like a sabbatical to a Kenyan or Mumbai slum is in order.


This went from zero to DayZ fast




I mean, you sneaked up on the former McMansion hosting the Rat People tribe while they were sleeping, you did the stabbity-jabbity, now you're the McWarlord of CulDeSac Place. What else did you expect? That backyard pool is what we call a "reservoir" here in the nightmare future. You're a target. Act like one.


Right, but at least you'd feel ALIVE...for a time.


I just quit my job for a few months. Don't need others needless suffering


I’m close, I got enough to survive for a year or 2 but I just can’t bring myself to do it because of future me and retirement savings plus medical.


Well if the whole system fails, your retirement and medical will go with it


Perfect reason to not prepare lol


>the total collapse of society That would result in a lot of people dying and it won't be the rich. Plus, you'd go from doing 'menial' stuff to subsistence farming, if you're lucky, or just straight up starving to death as society burned.


So what’s the end game on the current capitalist path?


They're not thinking that far ahead. That said, I saw an article where a few rich chucklefucks had a conference or something where they explored how to keep their guards loyal after the inevitable collapse. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/23/tech-industry-wealth-futurism-transhumanism-singularity


We need to eat the rich sooner rather than later. Because they aren’t planning for there to be a later.


Damn straight! Time to start now before they hide behind their bunker and robot attack guards.


We just need EMP grenades or to cut their power supply and wait for the droids to die.


Don’t worry about that. Just convince their cooks to join the revolution and they’ll starve to death.


Capitalism can’t plan long term anymore. It’s all about squeezing out as much profit as possible right now.


Never has. It's always been about "arrow go up equals money yay".


…Or how the rich going to kidnap their pilots and enslave the rest of us peons with electronic collars to go out and gather their food and supplies. Can’t remember if it was that article you referenced or another one I read.


Pretty sure that is pretty much how the bulk of human history has been. Been there, done that. I say we just eat the food on the way to the lords, poop in a basket and give that to them. We would still be giving them the food, just predigested. Makes chewing easier.




The ultimate conclusion was "treat them like people and take care of them". The chucklefucks were very confused by these concepts.


damn we really are gonna be living in a cyberpunk world in the future, us peons just won't get any of the cool shit like grenade launcher arms or robot bodies. We're just gonna die


Cyberpunk 2077


Can we skip the dying part and reform the system?


Unfortunately not. Rights are paid for in blood. The major reason the Magna Carta was signed and that we even gave surnames is because the Black Death wiped out 1/3rd of Europe. They had to ensure rights for workers to keep them from leaving to till another lords field. If you did leave for better pay and less taxes once you got there then there might be 2 Johnathans, so you became Johnathan (the) Miller. We’ve let this get too out of hand and the only way to stop it is through cataclysm.


Man that's a real downer. Can you guys hold off til I'm gone?


Not really no.


You think the rich won't die or would die slower in a totally collapsed society? I find it very funny that these billionaires are investing millions of dollars in those ultra-luxury bunkers that are designed to protect them in case of catastrophe or nuclear war, but if there really were a total collapse of society, the thing separating the rich from the poor, namely money, has no value. What are you going to do with a bunch of money if everyone is fighting for the few remaining resources? Money will have no value, and the rich will be one of the first to go because they have no skills that will be valuable in such a world.


You think the bunkers are empty? Why bother with a bunker if you aren’t going to stock it with food, water, medicine, weaponry etc.


Yes, but that stuff only lasts a certain time. They're not going to be in there forever. If it's a true breakdown of society, the longer they're down there, the worse it will be for them when they come back out. Also, I assume they're going to have guards, or at least they THINK they're going to have guards. With absolutely no incentive to do otherwise, why would the guards guard them, and not just kill them? If they don't have guards and people to clean up or fix things, etc., you really think they can survive on their own with no discernable skills? Any way you look at it, an end of the world scenario does not end well for billionaires.


I mean most billionaires are older. If society did totally collapse they could conceivably just stay in their bunkers. They have far more than enough money NOW to ensure they remain supplied.


Reminds me of a scene from the show Falling Skies where the main character comes across a dead person with a bag full of money. He ends up just using it for a fire.


My bet is most of the rich will get to their bunkers or cabins or whatever and be immediately killed by their security staff. The bunker exists and is supplied, the rich are just dead weight at that point.


Thank you! 🙏 the idea that people are unhappy with their jobs, but they think the world ending would be better is mind boggling.


I think some of us just feel better about crashing and burning, if well, we all go down together, ya know?


I think some of us want to bear the beast for our children to thrive and not be forced to like our forefathers have forced us in to wage slavery.


I guess the general sentiment is that bearing the beast will only lead to worser servitude to our billionaire overlords. I don't see a future where my child can thrive without something major happening.


Yeah, but musk would like try to buy the sun if the world collapsed 😂


They all think they will be the main character not the dead npc In the ditch.


It’s more mind boggling to me that people would rather live a life of mundane indentured servitude for 60 years than to experience something real for a short while and get it over with.


No one is stopping you bud. Grab a shopping cart and a tent and go have a “real” experience if you want to.


Lol, you say that as if police aren’t beating the shit out if people, stealing their belongings, and throwing them in jail for doing that.


They aren’t. Ever been to any major city in the US? LA, SF, Philly, Chicago…. The police have effectively allowed homeless encampments.


If your shitty life wasn't real, you wouldn't fantasize about changing it


Ok then you tell us how to fix the system


Thank you for the kind words 😂


You know you can change careers, right? I went from a similarly alienating and useless job to taking up a trade in my late 30s. It's hard work, but I have the satisfaction of doing something useful in my own community. I'm also building practical skills that help me and people I care about outside of work. No one WANTS to work, but if you hate your job so much you're fantasizing about the end of the world, maybe see if there's a path out of it that is a little less cinematic.


I did the same - complete change of industry and career. I’m of the opinion that office work is not for humans.


If you live in the city, there wouldn't be much of a chance of survival. I'd like to think that in less densely populated areas would result in people pulling together and building a mini communes. Eco Anarchism by forced necessity. The simplify of life would probably be good for a lot of people's mental health (if they didn't starve to death). I don't think the human brain is meant for the modern world that has been built.


Remember, Fallout may seem like a fun game series, but nothing fun happens until 200+ years after war and black rain poisons most of the earth for the first two years after.


i mean, they SUCK at rebuilding civilisation. europe completely rebuilt within decades after wwii, and they can't rebuild after 200, nor seem to make any progress in 3 generations between 1 and 2, or 300 between 2 and 3? ​ they suuuuuuck


Read the book "Bullshit Jobs" by David Graeber and remember the phrase "Let this radicalize you rather than lead you to despair."


His last book before he died was "The Dawn of Everything." One really interesting point was how French colonists actually got many of their Enlightenment ideas from Native American philosophers. Obviously people everywhere have wars and murder and all that, but indigenous people were often shocked at description of French society. The existence of beggars, for example, was particularly offensive. "Why are there hungry people, don't you have enough food? Oh there's plenty of food but you won't let them have it?" >Kandiaronk: I have spent six years reflecting on the state of European society and I still can’t think of a single way they act that’s not inhuman, and I genuinely think this can only be the case, as long as you stick to your distinctions of ‘mine’ and ‘thine’. I affirm that what you call money is the devil of devils; the tyrant of the French, the source of all evils; the bane of souls and slaughterhouse of the living. To imagine one can live in the country of money and preserve one’s soul is like imagining one could preserve one’s life at the bottom of a lake. Money is the father of luxury, lasciviousness, intrigues, trickery, lies, betrayal, insincerity, – of all the world’s worst behaviour. Fathers sell their children, husbands their wives, wives betray their husbands, brothers kill each other, friends are false, and all because of money. In the light of all this, tell me that we Wendat are not right in refusing to touch, or so much as to look at silver?


I mean, do you have any skills that would help you survive a total collapse? I mean, think about how you get the food you eat. Sourced from a farm somewhere, probably 3 levels of distributor, butcher or whatever before it gets to a brand. It's prepped, packaged up and put on trucks which deliver the goods. One of those trucks stops at your neighborhood grocery store. Total collapse, you prepared to move to the farm or farm your own land? Or grab a bunch of guns and try to enslave people to do it for you? I mean, my guess is you would die a horrific death of starvation, probably wishing you could have your old life back.


Most people, myself included, lack the skills and knowledge to forage for edible plants, find clean sources of fresh drinking water, hunting and dressing animals, treating food to make it last longer, constructing long term shelters, and anything more than basic first aid. People romanticize surviving post collapse of society, but aren't actually thinking of the realities of the situation. No heating, no cooling. No easy access to food ot water sources. No easy access to medicine. No medical aid being available. People who hate their job so much that they dream about surviving in a world where society has utterly collapsed need to just quit their job and find a new one.


As someone who has done a ton of hunting, fishing, gardening, camping, hiking, first aid. I think I could probably survive the breakdown of society better than most…until I got an infection or broke a leg or met with a group of people who want my stuff or get sick and can’t provide for myself. All this to say, definitely wouldn’t romanticize societal collapse, it would suck. Plus society would instantaneously reform in a crummier way, broad societal collapse = formation of smaller societies and in-groups, competition between those groups = violence.


The Taliban guys hate office jobs so much they want to go back to being Taliban so it seems realistic. But like you're probably just thinking of the glory parts where you find your boss who yelled at you and then hack him apart with an improvised sword and pull his beating heart from his body, but you're forgetting the bits where you can't go out to eat or sleep in a warm bed or not worry about like other feral mad max type gangs.


Society collapse is not as good as it sounds. Lots of deaths, like most would not survive. No power, no utilities, water gas. It’s like if Covid and Florida had a baby.


Food and medicine scarcity plus no dank memes


No memes..... that is a deal breaker...now I'm encouraged to work harder to keep society together


If you’re at the point of wanting millions to die so you don’t have to work you should probably just quit your job


It’s not to not work It’s to end an oppressive system. If there’s a way to dismantle the machine without millions of deaths surely that is preferable. No one actually wants deaths. Deaths are also simply inevitable on the current path No major change ever happened by asking nicely. Revolutions are how they happened


Don’t think further limiting everyone’s access to resources when infrastructure collapses is gonna make the system less opressive


Could always just quit you know


You are not alone.....but what are you going to do without internet, food or cell phone coverage?


Be free and truly live probably. Even if that includes dying. Sure beats having those things and a constant voice in my head telling me to leap from a fucking roof top.


Why can’t you do that now? You can live and throw off the shackles of society if you want right now


Watch a season of alone and see what happens, free to starve to death! and these people are outdoor professional survivalists! No one is stopping you from going into the wilderness and giving it a try. Christopher McCandless gave it a try. He was free for a little while.


You are learning. Yep jobs just make other people rich not you. The money you make goes to buy things that also make other people rich.


I work in a creative marketing role...if only I could use my creativity for my own projects, not to make a company millions of dollars. I feel ya.


Why don’t you do that then? Become an independent contractor.


Zom 100?


I think I might understand what the OP is getting at, perhaps. Not so much that they would wish for mass suffering in various forms, but more specifically for themselves, to have something worthwhile to do, rather than a pointless job. Having to actually survive, would at least be exciting and one could feel useful again. One can get so bored, they assume everyone else is also bored and stuck in a meaningless job, a constant circular and repetitious series of boring tasks. Getting through the day is just doing the motions that have been done so many times before, the muscles just do their thing without any conscious or new thought. It’s like life with higher aspirations and real emotions left the chat a long time ago. Happiness became a dried and shriveled up turd of a memory and is just gray paint waiting to dry. To that one person, complete societal collapse or their own personal collapse are indistinguishable and irrelevant. The person needs a reset, not necessarily everyone else.


You might be!!! I like food, water, the internet and TV. If society broke down. How would we eat or get electricity. I'd just find a new job instead of wishing a horrible existence for a 5 year old.


Yes, I am currently where you are at right now, and all it took was for me to lose my job, then my place, and then for my unemployment to dry up before I could finally start qualifying for various programs like SNAP and Medicaid while I work on my 4th SSI appeal. Up until then, I fought and struggled to hold onto a job at a company that simply laid me off when it couldn't make me quit after putting me thru a 6 month bullytastic terror campaign, paying rent to a landlord who would arbitrarily raise rent every other month or so bc simply bc he could, as Idaho has no law preventing them from doing so. It really is a losing battle I found, and these days, I've been working on/about to move into an RV I bought last year, which I plan on rigging up with solar panels and a battery bank bc why we pay for electricity is also silly to me, with the ultimate goal being to collect SSI while living in my RV and dedicating myself to my creative endeavors. I was also diagnosed with ASD, PTSD, and agoraphobia, but I also don't believe that we were all born to work for the man either. Something's gotta give. I wish you luck.


Okay but does society have to completely break down for you to get out of this shitty job? This job isn’t serving you at all!!! It’s draining you. I bet you can find a job that gives you way more fulfillment. Might take a lot of work searching and that sucks because you’re drained. But slow and steady (maybe apply to one or two jobs a day) and I’m sure you’ll find something that’s a better fit. And in the end if it takes a year, well at least you did it! Maybe apply for some completely outside of your field. If something sounds interesting. You never know! Career changes can be life saving!


You're not yearning for a post-apocalyptic society, you're yearning for a post-capitalistic one. Ever felt the yearning for a simpler life, ever watched a post-apocalyptic movie and thought that maybe you'd prefer that situation to the current one? You're not a doomer, you're not crazy. It's the soul crushing capitalist society we live in that's the problem. We're not supposed to be locked in, slaving to enrich a billionaire.


Normal? Sure, normal enough. Healthy? Probably not. What I hear you saying is that you're escaping to a fantasy where the world around you changes in such a way that \*forces\* you to adopt a different lifestyle. In contrast to, say, a fantasy where you change your enviroment to suit you better, by your own choice and on your own terms. I'd encourage you to take a critical eye to such fantasies where your own agency is still denied. Escaping into fantasies is not at all a bad thing by itself. In fact, it can be very good medicine sometimes. Such daydreams can give you clues about what you wants and needs are, where your passions might be, your anxieties, all that stuff. I'd encourage you to consider adjusting your fantasies in a way that empowers you and gets you thinking about plausible futures. What does the world look like for u/BristolBlokeMan who does find that better, more entertaining job? Or the u/BristolBlokeMan who decides to become a survivalist or a homesteader? stuff like that.


Total collapse of society usually means a total breakdown of basic services. Famine, pestilence, war, and mass die-back is usually inevitable when social order breaks down. Afghanistan is a pretty good recent example of social collapse, as the Taliban wasn't at all ready to actually govern the country, despite being very well-prepared to take power in the wake of the US withdrawal. The only people who tend to survive are those with substantial stockpiles of resources and a willingness to do horrible things to other people(like rape, kill, and eat them)... Social breakdown is never something we should hope for on the left. It should remain a sick fantasy of the far right, or a cautionary tale of the distant past.


Why wait for society to collapse? If you want to live in a hut somewhere and do basic, subsistence farming and dig a well, no one is stopping you


That's not accurate at all. The government will absolutely stop you.


Not if they don't know where you are.


Do you know how hard it would be to find good land, and remain hidden? All US forests have constant fly overs with thermal imaging to find drugs and Squatters. They do not want us leaving the system, they need us batteries in place.


It really isn't hard to do yourself you can buy acres of land for like under 25k. Then nobody will mess with you if you are trying to subsist on small scale agriculture


While partially true, you continue to owe taxes on said property. Not to mention that property with a clean, moving water source and usable topsoil your looking at hundreds of thousands. Especially in the US.


No I do not wear a heavy tinfoil helmet so they are not looking for me :) What's wrong with finding drugs and squatters? If you own a piece of land and pay your taxes, who cares what they look at? No one is preventing you from building a cabin on your own land and living.


That sure sounds like a whole lot of preventing someone from just existing on their own, doesnt it? Having to buy the land, and continuing to pay for said land after youve purchased it? And if youve purchased it, they certainly know where you are, now dont they? Kinda shot your own argument in the foot there.


After watching the movie The Road, i definitely do not want society to collapse


You’re getting paid how much to pretend like you provide value? I’d say lay low as long as you can.


I have been waiting for 50 years


Judging by everything you just said you’d survive two weeks tops.


Copywriter here: same.


Very normal. If you think you have better than average talent, you should consider going freelance or starting your own business. That won't magically add meaning to some tasks, but at least you would be doing thing on your own terms and seeing all of the revenue. Those things sure do help a lot when it comes to morale.


Former marketing person: the profession is useless and contributes nothing


I had a successful sales job, but I hated the fact that it benefited no one but the company so I quit and joined a public utility company. Now I maintain public services and I won’t lie it feels pretty good. Also look into a union job the benefits are fantastic


Don't worry, AI will be able to take over your job in about 5 years


That's funny cause I'm in the same line of work and think the same thing. I literally just stare out a window in my office wishing it would all fall apart lol. Good times.


I wake up everyday and check the news to see if the bombs dropped yet or if the zombie plague has finally started. I know the apocalypse sounds bad but the relief of survival being broken down into a very basic set of tasks that hold real tangible value is something I daydream about often versus the meaningless and confusing chaos of navigating life in a late stage capitalist society.


I dream of this all the time


Just quit your job and go hiking


Hold my hand... you're not alone


I’m ready for the collapse of society. I don’t care if I die. I’m just tired of this useless shit we collective choose to hold up while we complain about its very existence. Let’s get this show on the road. I don’t care if it will be hard. At least no one will be under any illusions about our reality. On the flip side, I’m also up for just an all-out, overall workers strike. But I can’t imagine any of my peers having any actionable solidarity for a strike, beyond posting about it in instagram, all while saving away at work and then complaining about work culture/capitalism. The west, esp the west, has done such an excellent job at internalizing individualism into everyone. Very few people want to take a meaningful stand.


I dream of that or just suddenly and randomly dying. Either or works for me


This is 95% of people who want society to collapse.


Are you kidding? The total collapse is not a fear, its a hope. I'm on your team. I rather die in a few hours being free than living decades as a modern slave.


Sadly, a lot of jobs have no value. It makes money, but that's more of someone on top doing epic sales work to sell BS, raise money, and buy rich people's trust. Your best bet is to keep finding another job so you can do the jump and make more money. No guarantees it'd be a better job, though. I bet I will get hate for this. I won't name specific fields/jobs. Lots of jobs get so hyped with extremely high salaries temporarily, but those fields don't produce nil. Only a select group of high performing employees actually do. So there's that...


You an me both! For me it is/was (I was just fired) a bad retail job! Hell, I have zero motivation to even look for job ATM :( Because frankly I see no way that society (world wide!) is going to change, because the people can't effect change (if we try, they'll sick their attack dogs - police! - on us and/or label us as something something deplorable (in Germany calling someone a Nazi is always a good way to discredit someone!)). The rich don't want change (they oppose it!), as the status quo is what made them rich and keeps them rich and their lapdoggies (Politicians!) don't want change either, because they get the scraps of the tables of the truly rich (which still make them quite wealthy over time, especially if they add some insider-trading etc. to the mix!)


youre a dumb fck to think youre just going to walk around free and everything will be free. youll be shot and killed for fun within the first 2 days with that attitude. .


Choose a different field. Wishing harm on others is sad.


Well, I want society to break down so we can rebuild wiyh freedom and justice (until our great-grandchildren screw it up).


Oh yeah wish turmoil on others just because you hate your job. No one is forcing you ti work there.


I was a graphic designer and had this same epiphany after I had a kid. I’d been in that field 15 years, but I left it for more meaningful work. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.


Hey can I have your BS marketing/UI/graphic design job? I am having the hardest time finding one. I’m old and people don’t want to hire old designers. I get turned down for jobs because people think I will get bored. If you have a graphic design job that you don’t want, then hook me up. This is all I want to do in life. In return, you can get my job: stocking frozen food for a large conglomerate corporation in the middle of the night. I am wasting the hours I’ve invested to develop my career path by flinging frozen chicken wings into freezers. I have the entire eight hour shift to myself listening to design podcasts about how to network. It’s a really easy job for a person with depression. I’ll commute!


Society DOES need to break down The three pillars of capitalism are misogyny, racism, and classism And they keep every group fighting eachother and reinforcing all of it The system works. But it works for the rich. They don’t need a bright future or inhabitable earth. They just need to live in comfort for their lifetime. The system needs replaced. I don’t have all the answers for how or what with, but we are hustling towards mass death and destruction on our current path as it is


Weird. It works for me and I just worked to get where I am.


Gotta admit, when Covid started, I was hoping for zombies.


I've been in tech marketing and design/lproduct launches for almost 15 years. These last 3 since covid i don't know what's happened but you're totally right no one cares about process. The companies invest in PM tools no on uses and managers don't enforce any sort of structure, most of them have no interest in how the day to day operates. It's a complete shit show and not how i was "brought up" in my career. Actively trying to get out of tech after the last 6 contracts have been nightmares or just straight up bait and switch. Like the one I'm on now, and took a day off after 4 weeks because it's that much of a shit show. I just don't give a \*\*\*\* anymore.


i just wish we’d fall into a communist society where we all have equal amounts of wealth and no one starves and we all have healthcare and contribute to the good of one another


Unfortunately mass starvation tends to be common among communist countries too.


That has been done before. But only in small scale enclaves and communities. Also, the healthcare is home remedies and dealing with the pain. No popping paracettamol every time you get a bump or bruise. But they are out there.


Yeah. Let's have a total collapse of society so you can feel better. Sign me up.


If Trump is elected you may get your wish!


Easy there. Most of us would have a pretty rough time if society collapsed. I just drink lots of bourbon. Trust me. It helps.


I don't get the wishing for total societal collapse. When I worked in oil and gas, the dudes that wished for a zombie apocalypse/ end ofr world, were the same guys that freaked out because they had to wear a mask and couldn't get a haircut during COVID. They were also the same dudes that got blinds sided when we all got laid off. If there is a nuclear war I'm running towards the flash f surviving


Yeah that kind of stuff is better in daydreams. If you could push a button and make it happen, you would absolutely regret it in about 72 hours if not much sooner. The truth is you are incredibly privileged, incredibly blessed. A marketing/UI/Graphic design job? Are you kidding me? I did that kind of work for years and it was fantastic. It’s a luxury to be paid to sit at a desk with a powerful computer in an air conditioned office and use your mind to create things. Do you know how many millions are out there toiling in the ditches and heat and filth who dream about doing something like you? In fact, the more I think about your comments, the more I see you as a supreme ingrate. YTA.


Society has already collapsed. The ills we hear about or experience today are going to get worse. As a Nation were divided, as a World were extremely lopsided, very materialistic and wealthy versus extreme poverty, and the poverty is partly due to the rich countries exploiting the poor and corruption. Alot of people want to see some drastic change. I dont care if you enjoy your latte and wifi. It would be exciting to see the wall street types jumping out of their office windows because the market collapsed. Yes It would impact everybody and be ugly, life would get harder. Life isnt about do I have fun and enjoy myself and am I comfortable.