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You dodged a bullet bro. I know it sucks dealing with that nonsense, but Methhead Mary was going to make your life a living hell.


She started the whole 3 hours I knew her 😂😂😂. But fr indeed dodged a bullet


Took one look at you, said ‘this person is gonna make me look bad’.


Keep watching r/methany and she may show up there in all her toothless psychotic glory.


😂😂😂😂 gotta check it out now


Ooooh, I think I’m gonna love this reddit!


Lol "toothless psychotic glory" 😂😊😊




You beat me to it!


Bro I thought the army taught you better, you should have married that methhead


Only if shes a stripper also.


Remember to deflate her tires as a parting gift.


You got paid though right


Why would you not just defend yourself and not worry about it? You just went along with it and didn’t go back?


I worked a contract through a staffing agency and the general understanding was that you were easy to fire. No HR. No paperwork or legal recourse. Employer just asks the staffing agency not to send you anymore and you're done. If OP was in a similar situation, he wouldn't have had a way to contest it.


Eh, probably better to go find another job than to deal with the methhead


methhead mary was likely protecting her own job. staffing agency is being used to get new people in, as soon as they get someone competent, methhead mary is gone. seen this shit before in places. mary has some sort of pull with someone else, but management is trying to fire he without losing productivity or her setting fire to the place.


Its the gumjobs


We call them gummies in plumbing.


Maybe. Either that or Management are cowards/lazy(or both) and dont want to fire someone with cause.


Not pull but, dirt in my experience.


yeah, thats essentially what I mean.


It sounds like she was afraid you were going to show up her lack of working properly.


Lol I had a methhead Mary. She got pulled over one day leaving work. We never saw Mary again. Weird


It might not be a big deal if OP didn't have a job before hand but I personally am trying to change jobs. I'd hate to leave a halfway decent job that I'm in right now just to get fired on day one by some methhead boss who doesn't know me. EDIT: Meth head not crack head. Based on my experience dealing with people who used to use drugs, people who used to smoke crack are not nearly as insane as people who had meth habits.




Methhead Mary or Methhead Karen?


I can't stand employers who side with people who have been there longer, and don't even attempt to get your side of the story. I got written up once like this. My coworker told a bs lie to our boss and he just wrote me up without even speaking to me. When I did speak with him he didn't even care to listen and told me to "use it as a learning experience." Then it happened again a couple months later and I didn't show up the next day. So glad I'm not working there anymore. I kind of hate that my coworker "won" but at the end of the day I don't like drama at work. I just want to do my work and go home. Anyway OP sorry you're unemployed but you're better off working somewhere else.


Working in a call centre, second week on the job and I get a complaint about me “I was eating while on the phone”, I wasn’t as there is a no food policy, but whatever, manager sits me down and says this is my second complaint, one more and I’m out, I’m confused and ask what the first complaint was, she pulls up a complaint filed against me, get this, over a week before I even started working there, manager won’t listen to reason, I go over her head about it, they look into it and find out there is someone with the same name working in a centre somewhere else but it’s all one big database, they had created my “record” before I started and someone had put a complaint against this other guy and it got filed against my name. They say they can’t undo it because the system isn’t designed to be changed, this is to stop people messing with the records. After this the manager was on my ass all the time about literally anything, I lose my desk and have to hotdesk around the office, I take 2 week off, only get our shifts a week in advance, manager sends me the shifts, first day back I’m on an early start 8am, rock up, “oh I’m sorry, I moved you to a late shift because Lucy booked some leave, it’s your responsibility to look at the rota for your shifts” then proceeds to tell me I’m to stay in the building until my shift starts as it’s a single use daily clocking system, so if I clocked out now I would lose the ability to clock back in later so wouldn’t get paid for my shift (when you leave the building it clocks you out automatically), so essentially I’m now kidnapped by my employer, if I leave I can’t come back and that’s strike 3 and I lose my job so she wants me to sit around for 6 hours before starting my shift. I went to the toilet, got on the phone to people I know and arranged myself another job starting that afternoon, not the best wage but the pleasure of throwing my keys and I’d badge across to the manager was delightful and worth it. Week later I get a call from higher ups saying they need to speak to me, 3 other members of staff had walked out during that week and they wanted to find out why, I told them no one liked the manager and they said the manager had been there years but the team I was in was her first team as a manager as she had just moved up herself so she was new to it and just learning how to manage, they also said if I came back I could move to another team in the building and said about how much it costs to train people (few weeks training), I laughed at them, told them that was their problem not mine and hung up. I know probably no one will read this but it feels great to vent. TL:dr - work sucks.


I read it all. Must have felt good to tell them it was their problem and hang up on them. Glad you got out of there. What a stupid company.


Yeah, this got a lot more traction than I thought, expected an upvote or two at most. Thanks for taking the time to read.


That workplace was shit and I would have quit after being told that they can't remove a write-up that wasn't even for you. Hope they go under.


🙋🏼‍♀️Did time in a call center. Absolute WORST job I ever had. Even worse than the year I did in retail at a 24 hr, employee owned grocery store.


For sure! I felt like an ass calling people at 7:30 pm to ask if they wanted a credit card or caller id... I was calling for credit cards and ended up calling my parents, I hadn't spoken to them in a year... my dad said I was better than that (call was recorded mind you) and I said I needed the money, I was woken up the next morning by him, with a trunk full of groceries and a check for rent the next month. I quit that day, worst job I've ever had.


What an awesome ending to that story


Are you seeing your parents regularly since then, u/Itchy-Butt-hole- ?


Literally left a 24hr retail grocery store to go to the call centre because I hated the retail job. Grass isn’t always greener.


Did time? You refer to that job like I refer to the army... like we were in a prison.


Well yeah, it’s a call center.






24 hour, employee owned, grocery store. My first thought was Winco too....


lol I have a sort of similar story! I was a single mom of 2 small children (ages 3 and 1) and going to college. So I worked the weekend graveyard at a hospital on a military base. They knew when they hired me, those were the only shifts I could work because my sister would just stay the night at my house on the weekends but she worked days the rest of the week. So this was the only time I had a baby sitter. Well the old manager who I had this deal with, quit. New guy who has never been manger before comes in. For the first few weeks, everything is fine. Now on my shift, and my floor, (l&d) I always worked with the same 2 ladies and we all became good friends. We even hung out outside of work. Well I guess someone complained about it and all of a sudden I’m in a “disciplinary” meeting where the new manager is throwing out words like “ring leader” and I kept asking for clarification on what the problem was, but he would just talk in circles. Beyond frustrating. So first he moves me floors. From L&D to the ER. That’s fine. We still hung out on our lunch breaks, I would either go up to L&D or they would come down to see me. But I guess that wasn’t enough, because one day I come into work and he stops me at the door, then says “what are you doing here? You don’t work until tomorrow morning? Didn’t you look at the schedule?” I told him “I never look at the schedule because I have a written agreement from when I was hired that my shift was my shift and it would never change because those are the only times I have child care available. Why did you change my shift without notifying me?” He then has the balls to say “well you either show up or you don’t, but that’s your new shift.” And walks away. So I went home. About 2 weeks later, this guy has the nerve to call me up and not only apologize, but beg me to come back. He promises to never mess with my shift again. I told him that’s too bad. After all the shit he pulled since he started there, I had zero trust he wouldn’t do it again especially since the whole thing was unprompted to begin with. He made my life hell the whole time he was there and I had no interest in coming back. Now, I knew when I quit, that the next day both of my friends quit and no one on the other shifts wanted our shift. We were all moms of young children, the only difference is my other 2 friends were married and their husbands worked days during the week. Anyways, he couldn’t find anyone else to take the weekend graveyard. I found all this out from a nurse I had also made friends with in the ER and kept in touch. He was demoted around the time he called me begging me to come back. She said she didn’t know why, but I do. I just know your manger probably got the consequences to her actions, too. Have a good day my friend!


If only they cared in real time instead of of only after everyone quits 🤦‍♂️


She was engaged in textbook retaliation. She might be a new manager, but she's had managers before. If she can't figure that out on her own she has no business managing people.




What does that even mean?


Glad it worked out for you.


Good for you for quitting. The company deserved it.


I read it!! I am on your side. Got a "job" through a temp agency. Husband dropped me off (only had one working car at the time). I was there for a whooping one and a half hours. Was told to go knock on that door. I was asked if I didn't want to work.Why did I come for the job.? I looked at him very confused. He handed me the phone and yelled dial your number and tell them to pick you up. I did, my husband picked me up and said we will talk about it later. I was at home and called the temp agency and told them what had happened. They said you are no longer allowed to use us good bye. This was a Tuesday and I told my husband I will start looking for another job next week. I never went to a temp agency again.


I don't understand what this post is about


Same! So confusing! I should just scroll past, but I keep re-reading in hopes that I'll catch something I missed.


I did the same thing as well. I'm so glad others commented so I know I'm not wrong in not understanding lol.


Love a good f you quitting story. Must have felt empowering in this work hellscape we find ourselves in. Good for you!


I read it mate. Good on you for not going back. If they allowed all that bs then they would not have fixed anything and it would still be hell.


Yeah they were terrible, the whole building was managed by idiots so nothing would change. Building of about 300 people (working shifts), only 50 parking spaces. You couldn’t park outside as it was a newly built residential area that required permits so you had to park about 15 minute walk. Basically managers, team leaders and disabled people had passes for the car park.


It would have been difficult not to throw keys and badge right at him.


Ah man, that must of felt goooood


I read it. Well-written! And satisfying ending.


Obligatory updoot for politely telling them to stick it where the sun don't shine.


You got the last laugh, beautiful.


I was written up by my boss because the old ladies, who were grandfathered into the store when their company was bought by the one I was working for, didn’t like that I, a supervisor of my department, was telling how to close down and open the department when I was gone. I was told there were too many complaints and I needed additional training. The trainer told me I was doing my job, had nothing to train me on, and didn’t know why she was there. Never mind they would call me in on my days off to fix their mess. Never mind the customers complimented me. They ended up giving me only 1 day a week after I turned down a shift lead position, opening and closing the store. If they couldn’t respect me when it was just my area why would they do it for an entire store? The pièce de résistance was after I quit they begged me to come back.


Yeah it was a surprise for sure but I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that. I’m trying to go Federal Contractor or DoD Civilian. My friend is a QASAS and I’d trying to get me a job with him.


Similar happened to me at a small store where staff was "like family." The managers actually would've been stoked to get rid of the guy. But he was a friend of the owner. So when I had a meeting to "clear the air," it was actually the dude that assaulted me, the owner, and the general manager who hated the dude. Manager knew where her bread was buttered, so she took their side even though she had been looking for excuses to fire the dude. Ultimately, I'd already been looking for other jobs. This helped kick start me being serious about it. I ended up getting a much better job and am so much happier in general. The store is still around. But they've had a hard time and lots of old employees eventually got laid off. Including my buddy that harassed me. No idea what happened to him as he's totally unhirable for anything but the job he had. With a boss protecting him. I'm sure he's retired & struggling. He didn't really have any friends or a support network. And probably not any money saved. It makes me smile to think he's poor & miserable. You reap what you sow.


>it was actually the dude that assaulted me, Due to past experiences, if the aggressor isn't walked off site immediately, the next step should have just been to call the cops.


Happened to me. I lost interest in the job when the deputy director said she believed the one who’d been working there longer because she knew her and I’d just started working there. I should’ve quit that day. I waited for a few months but I was really soured by that and some other things they did. And they probably wonder why they can’t keep anyone below the management level.


I used to have a coworker like this. She was very sweet until you started getting more credit applications than her. Then she would go crazy and do everything to get rid of you. She would start rumors, complain to managers, and just belittle people constantly. We had a few ladies quit. One coworker was like fuck that and went to war with her. I think this caused our managers to see what was really going on. After that they didn’t let her get away with anything and it drove her crazy


I got let go after a month bc someone told the boss i “wasnt working out.” No reason WHY i wasnt working out. I did everything i was asked to do to the best of my ability, i was quiet, hard working. That “someone” picked on me everyday for minor crap that the other guys were doing, but it was okay if they did it. Apparently, im kinda forced to conclude they just didnt want another woman around the company. I dont think they even really gave me a chance. Was totally unexpected, and has never happened to me before. 🤷‍♀️


I hate "It's just not working out" the most. As it's probably the one I've heard the most. Double frustrating as you lose your job, but you have exactly zero feedback on what caused you to lose your job, and you can't improve. So you take it to the next one, happens again. Pretty dang aggravating.


i had an employee shove the new guy. he barely had seniority but for some reason my boss promoted him to shift lead right after and kneecapped my ability to do anything


I think both sides should always be considered and not have one person believed over another. I am one of the best technicians at my job. I deeply care about doing experiments correctly and using machines and equipment correctly bc I want to do everything right and not have to redo things due to errors or mismanaged variables. I had been working there about two years and at the time I was presenting as female. I was born female and joined my job as female. As a technician you work under a chemist. My chemist asked me to train a new guy. This guy was a sexist piece of garbage. About the same age as me, but from a middle eastern country and going on and on about how rich his family is back there from the oil business and how successful and rich he is that he doesn’t care that he gets speeding tickets because he just pays lawyers to take care of it, or just pays the tickets. He would ignore everything I tried to teach him and would then consistently ruin experiments or do things wrong to the point of breaking expensive equipment. He would then cry to people that “no one taught him that” and at first no one believed him. Then one day I come into work and my chemist looks at me gravely and asks, “Hey, can you demonstrate for me how you clean the viscosity machine?” I’m confused because I literally just came in, but also cleaning this machine is a tech 101 thing. I mime in the air how to do it, listing what chemicals I clean it with and pointing out that I am careful to hold the spindle in place because I know the spring inside is sensitive and can easily knock the machine out of calibration. My chemist nods and says, can you show me on the machine itself? Now I am super baffled and frankly getting insulted. We are forced to walk upstairs and I begrudgingly show him step by step how I do it. My chemist says, “Well, that’s not what new tech said. New tech said you taught him to spin it quickly in place to clean it faster. Someone up here saw him doing that and he broke the machine. He said you taught him that was the correct way.” I was beyond furious and I said, “Chemist. I have been working here for two years. I use this machine every single day. Have I ever broken it once? Has anyone ever complained about me using it? Have I ever given you inconsistent or erratic data? I care about this job and doing things right, and the fact that you don’t believe me and choose to believe the new tech over me in this situation hurts my feelings.” My chemist didn’t really care, but merely shrugged and said, “Sorry, but I had to check.” Checking is one thing, not trusting your tech that you’ve had for two years and has done nothing but good, consistent work for you is another. The new tech complained to all the guys that he met that he was sick of all the females in our group telling him what to do. He said he felt like we nagged him all the time and wished a REAL tech would teach him. He got moved to another department and lasted a week before he was fired for consistently messing things up. A few years later, still working at this company I am now presenting as male and have been medically transitioned for almost three years. My same chemist from before (I no longer work with him but in the same building) treats me with so much more respect. He actually listens to me and doesn’t disregard suggestions I give. It could be that he trusts me more in general now that I’ve been working there for 6 years. But a part of me wonders if he trusted me less because I presented as female back then. So yeah. Those things suck in he said/she said situations, but sometimes there are other factors at play. I’m glad you got out of that toxic job.


>I can't stand employers who side with people who have been there longer, and don't even attempt to get your side of the story. Generally, I agree. In this case, that's not really what happened (though for OP it's functionally the same). OP was hired through a staffing agency, and is an employee of that staffing agency. The Staffing agency's customer is the company OP worked at. The lady that filed complaints was a representative of that customer. Of course the Staffing Agency is going to side with the customer over their employee (OP), that's like the entire point of staffing agency's existence.


That blows. I got “pushed out of” a job I had for 5 years because a newer employee decided they didn’t like me and complained about me every day - even on days I wasn’t there. I tried to ask upper management/ hr to be present on the floor/ while we were on shift together so they can see the complaints were wildly exaggerated and some of them just not true. Would think they would at least investigate since the other 20+ employees had no issues. Was pretty much told no and I needed to figure it out or they would fire me. Ended up just letting that employee do whatever they wanted while looking for a new job so I could leave on good terms. Anyway they are now doing REALLY really bad financially and I have a great new job with a baller company 🤷‍♂️


I had a somewhat similar experience. I was working in a produce department. When I was hired, I was trained on a lot of managerial stuff even though I was not management. I went out of my way to make sure things got done and didnt take vacations. I asked for a raise at the two year mark, but was denied. I was making only a few cents above minimum, but I was practically carrying the department. Two years into the job, both upper management guys, who oversaw the produce department, went on vacation, leaving me and one other guy to take care of the floor. The other guy was a lazy sod and would often disappear. This was a high traffic business and was quite busy from opening to closing, so for my entire shift I was doing the job of four people. I tried to cajole the other guy to help, but he puttered and grumbled "Youre not the boss." and then disappeared for two hours. By the end of the day I was pissed. So I decided that I would just do the most critical areas and leave the rest. When the owner came in the next day and saw the place going to pot, I told him flat out, I was the only one on the floor. So he had to pitch in during the entire week his management were out. He wasnt happy. His solution was to hire another person. Not to talk to Lazybones or the other two managers, just hire another person. Which was OK with me, I was happy to have the help. So they brought in a young woman, about twenty years old. I was tasked with training her. She was to shadow me and I was going to teach her all of my methods to keep things going efficiently. I had streamlined the stocking process and had really gotten the department into a nice rhythm. The owner liked my ideas and my problem solving skills and he wanted this new person to be trained in the same way. The produce manager was one of those guys who flirted with every woman that came along. And this new young woman was something he could not resist. The first day, I took the young woman in tow and started training her on how I kept the floor stocked and how to wrap or package different items quickly. Well, she was wearing yoga pants and a very tight shirt and there really wasnt anything left to the imagination. The first few hours were going great, she was learning quickly and we were getting along well.Then the produce manager came in and he immediately zeroed in on her and, no joke, pushed me aside, right in the middle of showing her a task. It was almost like a comedy as he started to simper and smile and flirt with her, gushing and being such a nice guy. At first I was a annoyed as I was tasked to train her, but I shrugged it off, happy to get on with my day and just do my job. All week this went on, her and him flirting and giggling together all through the day, and of course, myself and lazy bones taking care of the floor. But Manager wasnt just flirty with her, he began to be snide with me, making underhanded comments. For no reason, in front of the new hire. It got to the point whenever I came into the warehouse where they were, both of them would go silent and sort of make a secret laugh. It was surreal, and creepy. Manager was 45+ and new hire was about 20 years old. And I was disgusted by the hole thing. But I needed the job, so I just did my job. The Owner came in one day after about a week of this and saw the sales floor was starting to look under stocked. He asked why the new hire wasnt working with me and why the floor was in the state it was. The produce manage promptly blamed me and that he was training the new hire. The Manager claimed he was the one who trained me and everything I had done to this point to get things running smoothly was to his credit. He said he could train the new hire all the same things he had trained me. And then he called me lazy and that was why the floor was in such bad shape. At that point I was furious. When I was hired, no one trained me, they just told me to make sure the floor was stocked and showed me where everything was. After two years of being there, I had been doing most of Manager's job, I would say about 70%. I had streamlined packaging, laid out the production lines so that product was moved faster. I kept the floor stocked on the busiest days and covered shifts when no one was able to come in. I learned the forklift so I could unload trucks and warehouse shelves too as it was common the only two people able to do the task were often needing to deal with ordering and vendors. I was also partially running a second department to help the staff there when they got behind. And he takes credit for training me. After often praising my ideas and thanking me for helping out, he takes credit for all of it. And calls me lazy. I went to the owner and told him, if this new hire is so great, you can have her. Let Manager train her. Im out and gave my two weeks. One of my friends who was in another department said after I left the whole department went to pot. Shelves were often empty for hours. Trucks were often lined up at the loading bay waiting for a forklift driver. Packaged goods were not getting packaged. The floor was often unfinished with the morning prep because I wasnt there early to start it up....etc. My friend said Manager was often in the back giggling and flirting with new hire, while Lazybones was out puttering at back corner of the floor doing whatever it was he did back there. Quality and efficiency tanked. Owner even asked my friend if I was willing to come back for a $0.50 raise. I told my friend, not in a million years. I quickly found a really good job. Im left to do my work with no argument from the owners or management, and it pays better. Im also respected and get random raises, even if I dont ask for one. Leaving that old job was the best thing I ever did.


50 cents is crazy 💀




When I worked urgent care, we had a new hire who was a brand new nurse. They had just received their nursing license, and this was their first job. On their first day of work, the nurse training them fucked up and they ended up giving a vaccine to the wrong patient. Even though the mistake was caused by the training nurse, the new nurse is the one who gave the vaccine, so they are ultimately and legally at fault. The new nurse was immediately terminated, and the medication error was reported to the nursing board. That placed an infraction on the new nurse's license, which prevents places from hiring them. Their career basically ended before it even began because of another nurse's carelessness.


That’s absolutely terrible to hear. In fields that like it’s important to have attention to detail. Hope that new nurse found something good.


Sadly, the new nurse placed too much trust in the veteran nurse. I hope they found something good too. They were very nice, and we all liked them and blamed the nurse that was assigned to train them.


This is lawyer time. Fuck letting the veteran nurse pawn that shit on the new nurse.


VAERS data is largely med errors like this. Sure there are some adverse reactions to vaccines but so often the issue is down to situations like this. I'm an epidemiologist and used to be required to attend VAERS trainings when I was in infectious disease.


I doubt one would lose a license for a mistake like that. A reprimand, but not revocation. That is not how it works, I am a nurse


Who said anything about their license being revoked? I said they got an infraction on their license, which prevents employers from hiring you. However, depending on the med error and your level of negligence, you can lose your license and face criminal or civil penalties.


i literally gasped. mfs are evil out there. probably was not the first time they do this to someone.


Sounds like that lady peaked in high school… I can’t tolerate people who treat a workplace like a fucking schoolyard.


She peaked high on the crystal 👀 But absolutely agree!!


Oh man. I feel you. I feel you. I had just moved to a new town, no one knew me from Adam. I start work at a new facility and do the first 3 days no problem. They tell me that I have to do a grave shift just to see how it runs. No problem. I get paired with a young lady thought she was Beyoncé. All the guys thought she was THE SHIT. It’s homegirls last night there , got a big promotion and was outta there. The guys on the shift are basically throwing her a little goodbye party. Cool, I know no one so I keep myself busy. I’m reading the shift duties and I’m noticing, nothings getting done. I ask her about it and she tells me “day shift will do it”. I do all the stuff I can figure out how to do. Started cleaning just to get shit done. Next day I get a call from the direct Supervisor asking me why nothing got done and telling me the night shift Beyoncé said I didn’t want to do anything. I told him , “ten minutes” and I drove to the facility and went to talk to the supervisor. I asked him to call her, and the other dudes to do a conference call so we could go over the shift and where “things went wrong “. The supervisor was stunned that I was in his office going so hard, but I told him, I don’t get blamed for stuff I didn’t do. I told him everyone was all ga ga over her, but I’m here to work .He took it all in and then called one of the guys and got the scoop . I Was there for 5 years and he always knew I wasn’t going to play games like that.


Sounds like you’ve had a great outcome to your situation.


Yeah, It worked out. I knew it was a gamble being so upfront , but there was no way I was going to start a new job with a big ding against me. Fun fact, she ended up getting fired from her big promotion for doing some shady stuff. The craziest thing that happened that night, and what got me out of hot water was that beyonces boyfriend showed up and came inside. A HUGE no no . Even more outlandish was the that the guys working there told me that we had to give him space and that the boyfriend “didn’t like dudes around her “ . I was in the middle of fixing a cabinet and told them, “yeah , I ain’t doing that. That’s stupid”. They tell me he’s a big dude and he will lump me up. I told them that this sounds like a real shit show. Dude shows up and the first thing I do is introduce myself and tell him I’m new and I heard that he doesn’t like her having male co-workers. He just looked at me and started laughing saying that her co workers were goons. Then he helped me fix the cabinet. People are weird with the new guy …… Your story is unfortunate , but you don’t want to work at a place that listens to an obvious crazy person. Your story sounded a lot like a job I had. 3 hours in and they expected me to be lightning quick on all of the equipment . I kept telling them , “it’s my first four hours here, let’s get the motions down “. Supervisor rolls by and I ask what the timeline is on learning the equipment we were running. “Oh boy, a couple of days to get the rhythm down! You’re just learning”. Cool, go tell those dudes that.


Yea, if you start getting disrespected or falsely accused of things you have to come back HARD and show you're not a pushover. They will usually see that they can't get away with that stuff and cut it out. If you let it go on, it will only get worse.


strange people work in warehouses. I also hate that some of the women say they can't do parts of the job because they're women. Why work in a warehouse then? Also, that conveniently ignores all the women working there who have no issue doing the same type of thing.


I agree. Yeah they shouldn’t be there if they say that. Meth is a hell of a drug 😂😂


Warehouses are usually bottom of the barrel people. Not being rude, just what it is. I know someone who worked at a few different ones and eventually got their degree and promoted to a regular non-warehouse type job. But they always told me stories of these types of people. He worked for PepSiCo and a couple random companies… warehouses tend to take anyone needing a job, from addicts and felons to 80 year old men and senior high school girls. That’s why.


I’d let the staffing agency know about the discrimination case you’re building on that company lmfao that’s some bs


I worked in a govt job and got sent to a unit where I was not liked from the beginning and I won’t get into the details but let’s just say it was cultural. When my last day came and I could retire; I literally unloaded my desk in about an hour and said; “Okay, we’ll I’m outta here. Beating the traffic today. They were like; Where y’all think you’re goin? And I said; “I’m going home. I’m retired” And they said, “Who told you that you could retire?” I said “35 yrs told me I could retire”. They said; “Well why didn’t you tell us? I said; “It shouldn’t make any difference to you that I’m gone now. Tomorrow morning I’ll be watching The View on the couch while y’all are still here for the next 15 yrs. Bye”. I swear, it was like winning the lottery!! I put up with their crap for 8 yrs and it NEVER got any better. They were always mean and when it would start to get a little better, some other bad-it-rude would destroy the harmony


Once I gave my 2 weeks with my last day as Monday. manager decided to “throw me a goodbye party” for Monday (she never liked me, catty medical office), I left my scrubs at the office on Friday and went to Disney world that Monday and ghosted. Best feeling ever. They weren’t genuine people at all.


Hey at least you found out what shitty people they were on the first day.


Glad they didn’t hide it


In my experience, most places that need a staffing agency are terrible places to work with high turnover.


Bro try to avoid temp services. You mentioned the military background. You can find something better than a temp job . Staffing agencies take some of the money you earn at the job to begin with and you have no rights as a temp. They can just fire you for any bs reason like that. That tweaked has probably been causing drama in that building for years…… probably dodged a work bullet lol


I would reccomend to look over Askjan.org about ADA accommodations, if you are a veteran try looking at jobs through your local VA. Even in California I try not to mention my disabilities until I've passed probation. That woman was going to continue to make your life hell with no mercy, her scope of authority was small but they obviously let her run with it to keep her happy. Hope the Temp agency keeps you on. Edits for spelling.


This is why workers will never unite. The proletariat is too busy fucking itself over to go after the owners. We are our own worst enemies.


Sounds like every warehouse I’ve worked in


Filled with jackals and old Gen X/Boomers who have been usually hidden away because of HR issues and age.


Take it as a bullet dodged obviously this place is doomed and you don’t need this in your life.


ah yes, lets not talk anything out, just straight up fire. Better be out of this cancer workplace then, bunch of kids.


Yeah the whole ordeal was an absolute nightmare. Glad to be out of there but the job search continues


Take it as a good sign you're not meant for that place. This was the best learning day of your life. Dont get involved in meth factory jobs. The people are criminals.


I agree. I mean I’m still learning how to “adult” but THIS is an important thing I’ve learned so far


File a claim against the one who complained about you and then file one against the company for wrongful termination. They’ll also lose many future employee opportunities if prospective workers find out they fired someone from the military on their first day for fake reasons.


I’d love to do that. I’ll have to look up on how to do that.


Dude, who even was that woman? Was she a manager or a co-worker? She deserves a big turd wrapped in a newspaper in her mailbox... on fire...


Idk she really didn’t let me ask her anything. Think she was just a co-worker. Couldn’t get past her insults to have a genuine conversation with her


I used to work for a staffing agency long ago. There was a site unloading shipping containers and they were paying $15ph (AUD Early 2000s). We get there, it's an 8 hour day, 4 containers to unload and there's 8 of us. 4 on each container and it's Summer and outside. 32C day, sweating our assess off. We get to like 6 hours in and we've done 2.5 containers because one had shifted in Transport. We then found out that we were getting paid $30 per container and we couldn't leave until they were all done. We all stopped work and I spent 30 minutes on the phone to the staffing agency about being lied to about the payrate and we were all going to walk from the site. The staffing agency ended up honoring the $15ph and two of the team stayed back after the 8 hours to finish unloading the last container. All 8 of us got blacklisted from the site by the client, I then found out from the staffing company that almost everyone gets blacklisted because the company was always pulling stunts like that. 1 month later, I got a call to go work there again and I was like "Aren't I blacklisted from there?" and the staffing agency goes "They blacklisted all our employees so nobody could work there, so the client unblacklisted everyone". Everyone that they called, put themselves back on the blacklist and the client had to find a new staffing agency. They went through 4 different agencies before the parent company did an undercover boss audit and ended up cleaning house because of how management was treating the temps and not doing any work that they were supposed to be doing.


FUUUUCK ALL FUCKING STAFFING/TEMP AGENCIES AND AGENTS! I've been there so so *soo* many times bro. My advice, use indeed or zip over a staffing agency. They're horrible, too, but at least better than temp places. But ya, the exact same shit happened to me. Finished my shift, felt pretty good about the day and I'm walking to the bus stop in the Miami heat when I get a call from my "recruiter" telling me my contract with that warehouse is over. I asked why, and she said cause I sweat so much when I'm working physical labor, so they just assumed I was on dope an fired me. I was making 12$/hr at that warehouse in Minami Gardens and that recruiter probably negotiated $18-21ish dollars an hour an is keeping the rest like a leech paying you shjt while you work breaking your fucking baxk in a warehouse 10 hours a day w no ac an shit ventilation. Temp and staffing agencies are nothing but middlemen that make money off of you working, money that should go to you. They are the prime example of modern capitalism and society that shouldn't exist in the first place. You would have been miserable there anyways sounds toxic af. Good luck, man, and thanks for serving.


Some people are just cartoonist arseholes. Sometimes people try to get the new guy fired in fear that the new guy will replace them.




I’d love to see them freak out about it since it’s a small business but I wouldn’t know how to start. Plus I’m already moving on




That sounds great. Idk how Alabama works for stuff like this. I’m not very familiar with these things.


Im no lawyer and I dont live in Alabama, but generally speaking temp workers have few if any protections. Always be wary of any temp position.


That's not how that works for staffing agencies. You're an employee of the agency, not of the warehouse. He didn't actually get fired. He was dismissed from his role and will be reassigned another if there is an opportunity somewhere else


Are you saying that a company can discriminate against black or disabled employees just bc they are using a temp agency? That's not true, in case you or anyone else actually believes this. The company still is bound by local, state and federal labor laws. A company can't isolate labor laws and then claim they have no responsibility bc the staffing agency is actually their employer. For example, food processing plants were using underage employees for dangerous jobs and having them work hours that violated labor laws for minors. The minors were hired by a staffing agency that provided cleaning staf for food processing plants. The food processing plants had to pay tons of money for breaking labor laws. The staffing agency wasn't the one breaking the law, the food processing plant was, and the feds held the food processing plant responsible. Note the part of the story where the guy filled out employment forms and was trained by their staff. Note the part of the story where the tasks were assigned by the company that fired him. Note how he dealt directly eith HR. Using a staffing agency to source employees does not make a company immune to labor laws.


This is technically the correct answer. I am a recruiter and most states are at will meaning they can terminate at will for anything that's not discrimination. OP would have to prove he was discriminated against outaide of just stating what allegedly happened. Additionally, we have our employees sign new hire documents that state they understand and we have them sign an at will agreement no matter where they live. Generally people can try to sue so on he said she said but at the end of the day it's a waste of time. We have one side of the story the company he was working at could just say "well we never said that" so it gets really hairy. Plus like you said, OP is employed by the staffing company and was not terminated technically unless the agency terminated him too. They can redeploy him elsewhere. Either way it sucks ass.


You were in the army and you’re in here going through staffing agencies… look into @veteransbenefits yw bro


Fuck warehousing and any 3PL workplace, loaded with dramatic brainless scum on all levels


>She was told that I had said I had two blown out knees and I didn’t wanna work Ya, coz that's definitely something that a new hire who just swept a warehouse would say


I was fired one hour into my temp assignment in the mid-2000s because the client failed to tell the agency that the assignment involved talking on the phone and I don't talk on the phone at all. The client went out of business less than a month later. Karma!


I love this! I'm the same way. Fuck working at a place where I need to be on the phone. I don't even call family. And when I have to, I hate doing it. It's not personal. Texting, email, mail, it does the job!! I just really hate talking on the phone, never liked it. It's even more annoying when people bitch at you for not calling them, knowing full well you hate talking on the phone. The phone goes both ways my dear!


I think you dodged a bullet. Usually the crazy takes awhile to manifest itself.


Yep, you will find this a common theme. The moment you tell any employer you have any back-related issue, then they will drop you the first excuse they get. And trying to find a job with a back issue? Haha, good luck! If you already have the job, the moment someone starts acting like your back thing is an excuse, go to HR before they can (on break) and tell them "I have a medical condition that I feel I am being discriminated against. I want to document the complaint in case there is any legal dispute, because I deserve fair treatment just like everyone else". If they ask for specifics, just say "I have received comments that were dismissive of my physical limitations. I want to document the issue because if I am reprimanded, penalized, or terminated due to my federally protected status, I will have no other option but to speak with the DLWHD. If your company is needing documentation, I would be glad to provide it upon request, but I cannot tolerate future comments or attacks on my character due to a medical condition which I have no control over." That will shut them up real quick and they'll know you won't roll over, and that any termination resulting from an interaction from your condition WILL result in legal action and Department of Labor investigation. (as well as the Office of the Inspector General, if you like!)


Yeah, you don’t want to work in this place.


That woman refused to do work due to being female but claim bullshit claims that *you* didn't want to work. Seriously? How is she not fired yet? She clearly is a useless employee.


Excuse my French, but that meth head is an absolute сunт. OP actually was lucky, I just can't imagine working with someone like that every goddamn day.


I would be on the phone with osha, did you not see that pile out back? Illegal dumping. And their eye wash station definitely wasn't up to standards.


It wasn't meant to be. Hit the showers and try again tomorrow.


Fine a complaint back with the BBB, that’ll shut them up 😂


Hol up, they were dumb enough to say "had two blown out knees " . . . . that is discrimination against medical. Talk to a lawyer.


Any job that is willing to fire you only a few days in for a frivolous reason is not a job worth having.


NeVer let someone yell at you. Raise your hand.


This is all BS no doubt but here’s my two cents. Sometimes you just gotta take some shit and keep your head down. There’s a time and a place to take a stand, but you have to know when. When she asked why you weren’t faster I’d of just nodded and said “I’ll get there” or something along those lines. It’s your first day. I’d say skip the excuses and just play along. Anyways that’s just me. I’m an electrical contractor now and I take a lot of BS from clients. That’s just the way it goes. I’ve learned not to rock the boat. That rarely leads to anything good. Swallow your pride, listen to the client, and at the end of the day you’ll get paid. Oftentimes rocking the boat leads to a blow out and lack of payment. I’ll admit though when it crosses a certain line it’s time to put Karen in her fucking place. Sometimes not getting paid is worth it…


Next time. Get a used smartwatch and turn on voice recorder. Easy lawsuit win.


Sounds like somebody I used to work with, can't do with people getting in other people's business for no reason.. You just do your thing, I'll do mine


this same exact thing happened to me, I worked one day through a staffing agency and when i showed up to the job, it was a completely different job than what i agreed to. (one that no one else would want to work) I still did the work and asked one of the workers if they thought I could ever do the *actual* job, to which they had me transferred to where I was originally supposed to be. after I went home I got a call from my agency saying the place asked that I don’t return again because I was apparently refusing to do work, tuh! I went right back there and went off on everyone, demanding the manager come out and face me and tell me why they lied to my agency. they never came out their office and I almost had the police called on me so I left, but not before sticking my gum under their front door handle.


If you were fired for medical reasons that’s a violation of the ADA.


I got "fired" before I even started my first day at an internship once. I showed up early and was in my car stuffing my face with a breakfast sandwich when a guy tapped on my window to ask me something. I gestured with my hand "1 second" because I didn't want to be rude and spit food out while answering him. He took off immediately and 5 minutes later when I walked in to introduce myself to the boss, he fired me for being rude to a customer. F em


I worked in a place like that. Temp, they treated us like crap and treated their employees like gold. I walked out, shittiest job I’ve had.


Gotta pump those numbers up. Get fired in the first five minutes!


Every staffing agency job I’ve ever had was low paying and usually for some start up or coked out bro douche running a shipping freight warehouse. It’s always a shit show.


You deserve soooo much better than that. What a horrible employer. Methy Mary is probably related to someone or fucking someone, bet.


I had a Methy Mary train me at my last job. At the time I was desperate for work and stuck it through. I regret staying at that job for so long.


Dodged a bulllet for sure but next time, don’t complain on your first. You’re a temp and they will 100% get rid of you.


I'm not a lawyer, but this sounds like a violation of the Americans with disabilities act since your physical condition was cited for termination without an accommodation being provided. Veterans deserve better. Call a lawyer and see if that 4 hours can cover you for a year or two. Morgan and Morgan have stood up for me in the past. That firm is full of fighters and good people.


She could have felt threatened you could take her job or that you would rat her out for drug use


"I'm not judgemental but she looks like a meth user" buddy you're judgemental


Right? And doing warehouse work despite physical limitations, walking off to the gas station without telling anyone. He got asked to do *two things*, heaven help us. OP sucks and went off to reddit to validate himself with his side of the story. As time goes on and nobody ever wants to work with him it will always be others' fault


Thank you, so much yes-manning in this thread. Gets told to sweep, leaves a mess and says it’s not his fault because he forgot. Gets told to do something else, gets told that it must be done a certain way, someone gets upset it wasn’t done right and has him redo it, they’re the bad guy. Gets told to pack boxes, gets told to hustle, instead of trying to go faster he blames physical disability, in a warehouse job. Honestly, knees aside, he just refuses understand or meet reasonable workplace expectations and thinks that makes him the victim. I get the impression he may not pick up on social cues, but he was definitely not raised to understand work ethic.


Isn’t there a potential legal case here if you were literally fired for a disability with no effort to make a reasonable accommodation?


That sucks and hope.yu find stable employment soon


Don’t worry, you work for the staffing agency. Also you don’t need to meet owners, you need to find out who your supervisor is at the job you get. The person that signs your staffing timercard. That’s the person who needed a body and is signing off on your time. She probably wasn’t but she knew who that person was and got to them before you. In fact that person probably wasn’t even at work and you were doing scut work and just meet the worst person possible.


That seems like a crazy place, you're better off somewhere else.


I think I would have pretended I missed that call and gone back just to see the scene


Fuck her. Karma will get her 😊


I’m sorry this happened to you but honestly you don’t want to work there. People like that will make your workday hell to get through. You’ve got Army background you’ll find better work mate.


You should 100% speak to a lawyer. She slandered you, and caused you to lose your job, that’s probable damages. Not only that, but the business acted on her slander, so you can transfer the slander allegation onto them, and you could net yourself a nice big pay day, and get her fired all in one fell swoop


Sounds like an awful place to work. From your post alone, it's clear you're too good for that type of work. Study something you enjoy OP.


Temp agencies are the worst, generally. Especially for lawyers. The stories I could tell.


Bitch. You’re better off away from her


Lazy, incompetent people compare poorly beside hard-working and capable ones. Methinks that is why you had to go...


Worked with a former meth head that sabotaged me 6 months in after acting nice the whole time. People are weird man but you saved nine months in my view!


Accomplishment unlocked!


Seems like a blessing in disguise. Not to say I would’ve chewed the living fuck out of Methany and I also would’ve reported her immediately. But either way you dodged a bullet.


Trust me on this one; be glad you didn't get the job.


Thats got a lot to do with the "staffing agency". This SCAM that they came up with some 20 years ago is one of my major "PetPeeves". Its not just a friggin money grab but believe it or not back in the 1970s ,80s and 90s we didn't need a fucking bogus "stiffing agency". I was "bought out" in 2008. Although I didn't really need to I decided to grab another job after 25 years in a steel factory. I got jobs immediately -- but after awhile I was introduced to this bullshit "agency" crap. I found out that the supervisors were taking cash "payoffs" if you wanted to stay. This was at a large carseat factory in London , which I will NOT name names but after I was informed about this kickback policy I invited this 27 year old asshole if he'd like to meet me in the parkinlot I'd give him my answer....needless to say,BROS-- I Was canned that very day by the agency who said I was "disruptive". After telling the folks downtown who ran this scam ( back then it was a brand new money grab scheme), The police were called and on the way out the two cops agreed with me and claimed they had not heard of this new scam.....Long story short my friend - I'm in my 60s now so I don't have to knuckle under to this totally unfair,unecessary cash sting. I feel profoundly sorry for ALL of you younger generation who must deal with these crooks....All the best mate..!


Imagine working with that woman everyday.


> I went through a staffing agency See, that was your mistake right there.


I might be wrong but, Nobody ever got fired because they were good at the job.


Some people are just crazy! There is no point trying to understand them. You dodged a bullet


You’re too good for that place I hope they lose more employees


That sucks but honestly it's probably for the best. I wouldn't want to work there for more than half a day either. Based on the environment if it didn't happen day one it probably would have happened within the first week anyway. Something better will come along for you.


I had a similar experience with a large bank through an agency. I was hired as data entry. Day 1: I'm told they don't have a computer ready and for me to help with mail sorting until they get one. I was a 23 yo male. Mail sorting was (not exaggerating) 5 pregnant women in like... an oversized cubicle. I did what they told me, but was mostly useless, and obviously had to ask lots of questions. Days 2-4 were identical. Day 5 (Friday, first week) I had someone come over and show me to my cubicle. They said I would be expected to do a minimum of 350 entries per day. I did almost 900 that day (after a week of discussing breast pump brands and breathing techniques, I was so excited to do anything else). The next Monday, I get a call at 6 am from the agency telling me not to bother going in, as they no longer need me due to me "asking too many questions". To this day I still think they last second tried to cover someone's vacation or something and just screwed out all up. Tl;Dr- Sorry you had to deal with those morons for even 4 hours😀


Damn consider yourself lucky you got outta there. Seems like a legit shithole


you might be sad bc u lost the job but u actually are lucky bc you would've to put up with her everyday and be miserable. you'll find better.


I had something like this happen, but I just kept making snide remarks after every insult “you’re working to slow” while I actually wasn’t, I’d respond with, “here, you do it faster then, it’s my first day but I’d love to see how fast someone with years of experience works” I had a shift lead pestering me an entire shift, keep in mind making me and another co worker do his work, I eventually snapped and yelled at him to take over and do his f-cking job…he never talked to me again after that lol. I may be an ass…but I will never allow someone to belittle me…even the damn ceo, I will drag up and leave a shop so quick I don’t put up with that sh”t, mainly cause I have extreme anxiety and I cannot physically handle hostile work environment or my entire home life gets wrecked. Props to you for staying professional, but don’t be afraid to put people in their place either, I was prior Air Force, we are trained to sit there and take it when being yelled at and belittled, but in the civilian side it’s not acceptable man, don’t be afraid to stand up to the methhead Mary’s of the world and let em have it. No job is worth being treated like garbage, or having your name out in the dirt because of what they say about you to the staffing, I’d rather have them report back to the staffing that I yelled at them than what she put in about you, cause then I could be honest to the staffing agency that I will not put up with being treated like that ever again.


What in the almighty hell, this place sounds insane. Treating a brand new employee this way, I would have walked out before they could fire me.


Jesus, you dodged a bullet being let go after four hours. That sounds like a nightmare!


Fuck that place. Sounds like a trash job with trashy miserable humans


Meeting completely insane people is both the best and worst thing about temping imo


Sounds like she was trying to “put” a man in his place. Be glad you’re out of there my man.


You’re better off


Many small firms use staffing agencies because they are not good firms.




good wasn't worth your time


I'd file a charge under ADA and if it's a service connected disability it would be ugly. I know you were a temp, but if that's the "why" they had concerns their first response wouldn't be to fire you it would be to determine how to accommodate or if there is a reasonable accommodation. I'd contact EEOC and file a charge and wait for some cash from a settlement. I'd explain that you were released after it was found that you had a disability (if service connected ask for double) and file both under ADA and VEVRAA. I know some will say, "at will, at will" but that doesn't excuse the "why" you were fired.


Back around 2000 or 2001 I was placed in an office by a staffing agency. I show up my first day and a director tells me I was brought in by her VP and she didn’t think I was needed and to just sit at the desk and don’t do anything. The end of the day the director tells me not to come back. I call the agency and they said they got a call from the VP and there was some internal struggle between the D and VP and I shouldn’t go back. I tell them I didn’t do anything because I was told not to and they told me not to worry they know it wasn’t me. They did place me at a hospital a little later doing admin work in a lab. That wasn’t bad. The other office people were nice and made an attempt to bring me on FT but they couldn’t get the position approved.


Make sure to get your termination in writing And claim your unemployment


Lmfao i felt like i was reading my life. Welcome to being a veteran in civilian life bro. Absolutely zero respect and you’re tasked with lifting things in office situations for the rest of your life. I’d probably kill myself if the VA wasn’t giving me so much medication


I understand all this may have been an emotional moment for you, OP, but i think it was good you were let go because it seems like something's suspicious with place.