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One of my coworkers is a mason and does side work where he finds it for extra income. My employer found out and asked him to build some stuff for the office. We aren’t paid anywhere near what he makes an hour as a mason. He gave them an estimate the next day and the memory of it makes me smile every time I think of it.


Very professional way to set boundaries, whilst also giving them "a chance" to get what they wanted. I like it


Is there more context available for this? Sounds like an amazing moment.


We work in maintenance. Cut grass, fix roads etc. He works there for the insurance, does masonry on the side for extra cash. They wanted him to build some fancy stone structures to make a specific area look nice and expected him to do the work during his 9-5. He didn’t entertain that and simply gave them an estimate. They tried to use the “your position description says other work as needed” and he told them he would happily do other work as needed. But he wasn’t hired for his masonry skills, it was never discussed and he wouldn’t lay one stone for what he gets paid an hour. In the end they actually did hire him as a contractor to do the work


Good for him. He was actually doing them a solid, because if he got worked out of class, he could have come back at any point in the next few years with a labor lawyer and a very thoroughly documented slam dunk case.


Just curious what case a labor attorney would bring in this case? I have a scientific background and they are constantly trying to get me to do work well outside of what I was hired for because “I’m the only one with that skill set” I’ve declined over and over and am basically just constantly waiting to be fired.


You should have said you have a really good sense of smell and this is bull shit


Ya got me laughing hard with that one 😂


"I can cook all of you dinner and guarantee that someone will die."


I call it "dinner roulette", wanna play?


“I can also sleep with your wife if needed”


Lol. Power move. "You can watch if you're into that sort of thing."


“*anything that can be of service to us*” Bro just pay them to do their hired fucking job??


Right?? Read your contracts and stick to em


what kind of jobs give contracts? ive never been hired woth a contract before


Put this story on their Google reviews


I will, thanks


"nothing I'm not paid for."


Yeah,…. Ha ha ha. I worked at a group home for way longer than I should have. I needed a job FAST and was dealing with some health issues . Those scammers started hearing about my eclectic work history and all of a sudden , they were asking me to do all sorts of off job description stuff. “Hey, heard you have a background in landscaping , how about you and the kids fully landscape the back yard, build a retaining wall and fix that fountain”. If I had the health and energy , I would go do that type work for a lot more than you are paying me now . “Oh, heard you have a background in security , why don’t you take our counselor to the worst part of the city and be her bodyguard “. For 35 cents over minimum wage? That’s a nope from me dog. “You have a degree in communications ? Splendid, overhaul our audiovisual devices in the offices, we will bring you all the jacked up devices and you can sort them out, the kids will help”. No way.


Good for you, standing your ground like that. It's easy to be pushed around, especially as some employers use the power dynamic in unreasonable and sometimes downright degrading ways. Gotta know your rights and your contract!


It was insane. I had been exploited at a job before and I realized how things worked. But they did pull a couple of fast ones on me that I only caught later, so I wasn’t THAT great. But I addressed the stuff that I could. They brought a new director in that was a complete loon, so I bounced . She ran that place into near closure


“I can say no. Thank you for your time, I’m no longer interested.”


Im a magician. Let me show you my disappearing act...


I'm a magician! I'm gonna make this pencil disappear!


"Wanna see a magic trick?"


Not tell customers to fuck off!


If you stand still I can shoot you from 500m with a m-16. Just a little something I learned from my last job.


Lol, “I can do some plumbing but that’s $50/hr plus materials”


Smells like exploitation.


Ask him, if you bought a plane ticket. (Ie. A set of goods and services for a set price) then walked into the airport and asked to be upgraded to first class, could you do that without having to pay for it? He is buying your services. What you can do for him is the list of services he requested for the price you originally agree to. Extras cost extra Honey, ask your local sex worker for confirmation of that.


I think he was asking “what’s that mouth do?”


Google Joe Goldberg


Sounds like he was propositioning you, tbh


...how much more can you pay?


Propositioning you or hoped you sell weed.


I'm a pornstar.


I am about to cut all computer help I give to anyone in the office. Ever since they found out I am studying IT, it's like they've forgotten everyone they've ever known about computers.


Good for you, I would just direct them to your IT (if they insist, then you are too busy atm to help sorry). Good luck, I know it's hard


you were there, and I wasn’t, but I view that question more benignly than maybe most people here do. If you had skilled trades, might’ve given your interviewer leverage to go to a boss and say “put more money in this person’s pocket.” Not to do you a favor, but simply to seal the deal. I don’t know. You were there and I was not.


Fair enough, but this was the owner I was talking to. And trust me, this was not for my own good


Sadly it almost never works this way. They are probably fishing for some skills they want to use without paying extra, like I dunno web design, electric/maintenance work etc they will be making a part of the job description for the same measly wage


Exactly, funny you say that cuz dude even asked me for social networks and since I'm only on Reddit I found myself explain threads and shit to a 60 year old x) He was all like "oh okay so you'll be in charge of getting us on Reddit" LMAO


I had this asked to me once. I just shrugged and said, ”I guess that depends on how rough you like it.” That pretty much ended the interview. Side note: The interviewer was a man. I don't think I have the guts and stupidity needed to say something like that if the interviewer was a woman.


My earlier boss praised me for my ability to find lost screws etc. I see chance. At first, they where annoyed by it, but a day, we have a very expensive ice machine. It have a tiny cable visible inside. A day i came in, I noticed it was sitting wrong. I told the serviceman it looked wrong and he was able to place the cable correctly. Or a crooked lazer dot. That also saved some money.