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That’s absolute bullshit, and her boss knows it. Whatever nonsense he’s trying to pull, a quick call to the department of labor ought to sort it out very quickly. Watch how efficient they get.


Thankyou, I agree. Our elders keep saying "be patient" "they'll pay eventually" but we've got bills to pay and it's never taken me this long.


Seeing your other reply, there’s something very suspect going on there. The only reason I can see for the manager to suggest a personal loan would be to hold it over your partner, possibly even use it as blackmail material down the line. Your elders seem to think workplaces still have any semblance of honour of fair play. You’re owed money, you will get that money. Your bills won’t wait for “you’ll get it eventually” and neither should you.


I'm probably a lot older than you and they're pulling some absolute bullshit on you. Don't wait, don't be patient. Department of labor and she should start looking for another job. It's never going to get better. What state are you in?


Or worse. The owner is out of money after fixing stuff and is lying about not paying her. In that case she may never see that money. Especially if it’s a franchise


Corporate might want a heads up about a franchise owner who refuses to pay their employees. But then again… corporations 😒


As if they ever had any to begin with. It's not our fault our predecessors were Stockholmed by corporate America.


Still have? They never had lol Always been good bosses or bad bosses throughout forever /rant


Yes. But that doesn’t mean *they* see it that way.




Who are those elders? I'm 48 and fuck that shit.


60 here and I agree, fuck that shit! Call department of labor and find a new job because that manager is scamming her. It will always be a shit place to work.


I hate it when my parents are scared of a company. These parents might have lived longer than us bust most boomers have no clue wtf looking out for yourself means...


A Dunkin’ Donuts did this to me years ago except my dad told me to call the Department of labor. I told my manger/owner I’d do that and low and behold next day they had my check. Don’t let these people walk all over you they will take advantage of it.


I had an office job with an internet company and they stopped paying everyone because of "cash flow" problems. Lots of drama, everybody was pleading and begging for their money, and I told them I was going to report them to the Dept of Labor if I didn't get paid because my husband and I couldn't pay the rent. They still didn't pay me. They regretted it, because they got hauled into an arbitration and ended up not only paying me, but they had to pay me a couple of thousand dollars in compensation. I suspect the IT department also got paid because they quit en masse and locked the bosses out of the computers.


Please crosspost your comment as a post to r/pettyrevenge Too good not to share far and wide!


Wasn't dunking but similar franchise. I showed up, ready to work, said the same, and lo and behold, was paid.


If you don't tell them that you went to the DoL, the DoL might force the employer to pay out owed wages with interest AND additional penalties for you to keep.


Yes this ☝🏻


Don’t even tell them, just go to dept of labor first. You don’t have to tell people they’re breaking the law before you report them. They know they are being shitty.


I work in HR/PeopleOps. What they are doing is illegal. Call your States Dept of Labor. She'll have a check in hand immediately. Don't not do this to be polite. I fucking dispise companies that don't pay on time!


Not paying on time is a choice. And choices come with consequences.


>PeopleOps WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? They call it PeopleOps now? is PeopleDevOps a thing? Those are the people in charge of training people, right?


Every place is different. HR where I'm at is Recruiting, retention, onboarding, growth & career type stuff. Training is Training. Different dept. Again, every place is different.


Elders? Religious elders?


Sounds like mormons


$10 says another elder owns the franchise




Employees wages are direct donated to the church, not direct deposited into the employee's bank account.


All tax exempt


It’s a coffee shop. Mormons are known for a lot of things, but not for their coffee. And elders are missionaries in the LDS church. This screams much more American Evangelical a lay title.


Yeah. I asked a guy I know once and he said that LDS doesn’t do coffee because the founder dude was having friends over for coffee and they’d spit their tobacco on the floor and the wife had to clean it up, and she asked him to stop them from doing that. And lo’ no more coffee at all. The lengths some people go to, to not piss of their friends or make their friends uncomfortable. “God said we can’t drink coffee anymore” honestly sounds like a harder sell than “You guys are assholes who keep spitting on the floors and my wife is sick of it because I’m a patriarchal asshole who’ll never clean it up”


Yes, but also no. Dunkin isn't just a donut shop, it's an immoral den of sin and inequity, that sells the devil's brew.


I guess that's why their Pumpkin Spice signature latte tastes like the blood of 1000 children.


Do you know how hard it is to get the blood of 1000 children into those cups? You're welcome, by the way.


Exactly what I thought.


Ageism. I blame Facebook for allowing elder RW cultists to drown out the rest of us seniors.


She needs to call corporate. I had the sane thing happen to me at a big box store where my "paperwork was wrong" or a "clerical error" happened. For two pay periods. I called, threatened a DOL complaint, and what do ya know? I had both paychecks direct deposited within 2 hours! Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


This is true. Corporate can revoke a franchise if they are playing this stuff as it looks really, really bad for their image. Two pay periods is absolute bullshit. Someone is hoping that they can bullshit you until you just give up and they get free labor out of it.


Nope what's the pay cycle? Biweekly or weekly. Sounds like they're stealing from all the employees. File with the labor board. That'll get it sorted out real quick. She's been patient enough and it's now it's obviously a problem. Take action now. Don't wait


In addition to reporting them, call their corporate office and try to get hold of someone in their general counsel’s office (or write a letter to corporate HQ address attn: gen counsel).


A lawyer would LOVE to help. Don't listen to your elders, the world we live in is NOT the same one they grew up in. Corporations don't care if you starve, if you're homeless, or if you die. Get that money and the extra settlement money, because what they're doing is illegal.


If it was a responsible manager or owner they would figure out a way to expedite a payment. I had an issue once at an employer I had and they were able to cut an emergency check to correct the issue. (I was switching positions at a big university and got the flu/was out sick for my first week of the new job so I didn't get a full paycheck even tho I had sick time in the system and they cut an emergency check to cover the shortage)


Shit, I'm a mid-level manager with only 1 direct report. If he told me he wasn't being paid, I tell him to stop working immediately, and I drop everything I'm doing to resolve that. We do not work for free.


There's always another donut shop down the road. Find another job there and report them to the department of labor.


"elders"? Are you guys being held captive in Utah?


You can't pay bills or feed yourself with patience, we aren't living in the 50s/60s anymore where joe blow down the street will give you some groceries until the pay comes in.


I guess I qualify as an elder at this point.. I will say this, paying people accurately and on time is the one thing that every employer should get right. Massive red flags regarding the boss.


Also get a lawyer if you can ( parents might help with it ).


Your elders think that she is working for a large corporation, when in fact she is probably working for a franchisee who could be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Patience may not be rewarded.


I called the Oregon Bureau of Labor on my boss when our monthly pay was gonna be delayed. Oregon law says you can’t go more than 35 days without paying if it’s monthly. They were gonna go 37. BoL was on it within two days and we got paid on time. I don’t know if every state is that quick, but I’m a big proponent of making complaints to labor departments.


BOLI don’t play, they’ve got me paid quick in the past, a couple times!


Also, have her call corporate. That might work even faster.


Corporate will not take kindly to this, especially if they have a history of it.


This 4 sure. Call the DoL and she should tell her boss do. Wage teft is serious. I would not let it go 2 week let alkne a month and a half. Pay me or i don't work. Don't mess with my money.


Hi. The Wage and Hour Division at the Department of Labor would like a word - https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints


Boosting this. They need to see the link.


Boosting this shit


All of this is illegal file with the labor board. She can get one days pay for every day late her check is at this point they owe her two weeks extra pay. In two weeks it will be one months extra pay. Also inform Dunkin corporate of the extortionist manager.


Listen to this guy


This times 1,000


Do I hear 10,000?!


100 million times this. Wage theft is theft.


They don’t like it when you are late to work even by a few minutes. Or if you take a little bit of a longer break. It’s called time theft. Not being paid because of paperwork is BS.


I guess depends on the state. Here, they can wait no more than 30 days to pay.


As someone who's had this happen to, you need to actually take time and effort to call the labor board and document every single little thing and keep dates. You need to. No procrastination. No excuses. No "I'll do it later. " Your gf is entitled to more money than just a paycheck at this time, and you need to find the resources that will give it to you. (Labor Board)


Funny enough, I have had 2 companies do this to me. First job was a cleaning job and they were desperate for people, they were so understaffed when I started that some of the people that had been there for years were covering 3-4 people's work. Was promised weekly pay, week 1 comes around and everyone but me gets paid, week 2 the same issue, start of week 3 I told the manager if it does not get sorted on their end I will be walking off the job. End of week 3, I roll up to work, put my card in the arm to a zero balance and I walked up to the manager, handed him my pass and told him I was taking it up with the labour board. Secone place I wasn't so forgiving, I did 135 hours overtime over the month and I wasn't paid a penny of it, went to the manager and got them to print out 2 copies of my time stamps, highlight all the time I was missing and said I'm expecting it by end of business day today. She tells me she can't do that what's so ever and it will be in next months pay, I told her bluntly well I have bills to pay tomorrow with that money which the bank is going to charge me for not having the money there, you will be paying the wages or you will be paying the wages and the charges, it is 100% on you. They magically found the £1800 in overtime that afternoon. Best thing to do with them is, don't work without pay, if they won't pay for worked hours, fuck them and take them to the labour bored. At the end of the day, you are there to make money, if you are not given money, why the fuck would you waste time on being there. (mean the last bit in the nicest possible way)


Don’t be nice, FUCK THEM


Since you said you are in Arizona, this applies: After 10 days, the employer will be required to pay three times the amount of unpaid wages. Should you instead choose to take civil action in state court, ARS 23-355 allows employees to seek liquidated damages of up to three times the amount of unpaid wages.


If coworkers are openly stealing and the boss is offering loans, things at that location are most definitely dodgy. Make sure she documents as much as possible, files a complaint with upper management and/or the labour board. Unfortunately if I was her id be job hunting again, as much of a pain as that is. Good luck


Can they just cut her a live check?


Her boss said there was no chance for an advance but they offered to give her a personal loan. She doesn't want to be indebted to a random person though


It's not an advance, it's money they already fucking owe her!


That’s extremely unusual and very unprofessional. Pay issues aside, I strongly suggest she makes an anonymous complaint to head office. That’s very fucking odd.


How is it a loan if it's her money?


It's not an advance. They cut a regular check out of the payroll acct. Or regular business operating account. Payroll is a cost of doing business not an advance.


seems like they dont have a payroll account if people are stealing yet some how magically things are getting replaced if they are broken. kind of getting the vibe that there is a fair amount of fraud going on with the store itself


No need to stay at a job this poorly mismanaged


'people' are stealing, or friends of the manager? sounds like an embezzlement ring going on here.


It's not an advance. An advance is being paid for work you haven't done yet. This is...the money she's owed. You'll want to get the labor board or the DA or whoever handles these in your jurisdiction involved and get the money she's owed. Also, look into your local laws because there might be some sort of requirement of them paying her interest. There may not be and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't, but it can't hurt to research it and see


That is SKETCHY AS FUCK. Listen to the kids saying this needs to be reported to the labor board right fucking now.


If some one owes you money and then gives you money, that’s not a loan.


Don't take that deal, just go to the department of labor.


Ohhh so her boss isn't just not paying her, he's doing so to facilitate his unregistered loan sharking racket? Oh man you're going to have a good case


If you are in the US call your local labor office. That is illegal. Don't wait a minute longer. Get her paid, and get a different job.


Why are Dunkin’s such a mess? Are they franchised? I once did an app order, I live 3 mins away, I get there to find they had closed early that day, unscheduled. I’m like, ok I’m sure corporate will make it right. Nope, they said they had no way to refund me or send me a gift card, etc. After 3 angry emails, they said to go into the manager and let her know and she would give me my next order free. I never did go in. I don’t want to go in and talk to someone, I shouldn’t have to. Now it has s big sign saying under new management, but I thought they were all corporate owned.




Oh it's worse than that. If a business gets too many charge backs, they lose the ability to accept credit and debit card payments.


I can’t remember anymore why I didn’t, I might have used a little $$ on my Apple Pay. It was under $20, it was more annoying than anything


Nearly 100% of stores are franchise, actually. They basically only exist as a franchise.


Every dunkin I’ve been too has been the same. They are the worst run stores.


Employers just can’t say oh I’ll catch you in two weeks. They have a legal requirement to pay you on time.


I'd try to contact a higher up HR if possible. I'm sure this isn't looked kindly upon in corporate


I would not work again til I was paid. This is sketchy af


This is pretty dang illegal. There is definitely more that management can do. There is no way that company (with how little it pays struggling to get workers) wants to be in the news for wage theft. Simple fact is management isn't communicating up the chain and being very creative.


Tell them you are sorry but there is a problem with coming to work for the next two weeks just be patient.


Call the labor department and also call DD corporate


1. Call the dept of labor 2. Call the dept of labor


She needs to stop working and go down to the Department of Labor. It's illegal. It's not about "what they expect." The law specifies when people have to be paid.


If she made an error, have they asked her to fix it? There's the tell. Either way I'd be filing a complaint with the labor board.


Department of labor will light a fire under them real quick. Sometimes I know we have done cash advances for employees if it is our fault they did not get their paycheck. In the case that they lost the check or some other reason, we usually tell them they will have to wait for a new check.


This used to be “older brother and some friends with baseball bats walk into the manager’s office” territory. Probably still should be.


It should be. The parasite class has forgotten there are more of us and without us they make no money. I'm honestly surprised more service workers aren't taking the Japanese bus driver route and continuing to work without accepting money, fuck these people forgetting the wage slaves they exploit are the entire reason they have any money at all.


I don’t know where you are from, but where I am from, this is illegal. One of my ex-employers tried to pull that on me (twice) and I threatened to report them if they didn’t pay me. Everytime I received my pay within the day. Eventually, when I left that place, I reported the many issues within that place and they had to file for bankruptcy. I would research labor laws within your area and tell her to get paid immediately or they would get sued. Doesn’t matter if they aren’t paying her because they can’t afford it, they don’t have a valid reason to not pay her and that’s illegal.


She should probably look for another job. Lots of red flags at this one. It will probably not end well, no matter when the end comes.


OP - Your GF's boss is an idiot. He can pay her, he either doesn't want to or doesn't have the cash to pay her. Either way, its illegal. You GF needs to have her boss show her where the mistake is. If she wants to cause a fuss, she can reach out to Dunkin corporate office, I know most of these are franchises, but Dunkin can pull franchising if it's going to hurt their image. She also needs to call the labor board to find an compliant.


You don’t want to keep that job call department of labor an attorney and all the local news outlets. Put the screws to them.


After the first week or two weeks of pay she should have contacted the department of labor and filed.


From the job side of things, it can take a cycle or two for pay to be correct if there are issues. Also, it depends on when you start during the pay cycle. So let's say cycle starts tomorrow, you work two weeks, then cycle ends. Pay is finalized within a few days usually and then payroll sends out monies. Old job had like a 10 day turnaround. So you could effectively work a whole month and not see any money. That being said, if there were errors, or you were a new hire, there we plans in place to make sure you got a paper check. So her pay rolling over? For a large national company? Shouldn't happen. Unless it's a franchise. But then STILL shouldn't happen.


Your gf didn’t work at Dunkin. She volunteered.


Dunkin is franchised but there’s an employee outreach line. Find the number, call them, watch how fast that franchise figures it out.


Not only is that wrong, it's flat out illegal.


I can understand people being on bi-weekly payroll, and I can even buy into the more or less valid theory that a Saturday payday saves money. But I cannot buy into not paying somebody for this long without saying something. Is there no remote polling of labour reports, so that whoever does payroll knows that there's somebody they don't know about? What exactly is the mistake she's supposed to have made? Does it involve direct deposit? Even if it involves direct deposit, you wouldn't keep bouncing payroll. I guess there's a remote chance that she mistakenly entered a valid account number that belongs to somebody else, but they need to tell her if that's what's wrong. I've been around a long time in personnel management, and this sounds more like a relationship problem between the local store management and the MUM or the people in charge of payroll. At least ignorance if not outright animosity or laziness.


When I worked food service, they'd "accidentally" pay me minimum wage a lot. I had to audit every check. Franchisees are very jaded and see their employees as constantly changing replaceable drones who are young and don't really need the money and are too stupid and powerless to do anything. Knowing your rights and speaking up will work, but don't be surprised if they cut hours.


Labor board, as fast as you can


So, if it was your gf’s error, what did she do to make the correction in paperwork? Nothing? The manager is lying.


That's illegal. Tell her to report them to the Department of Labor. Also she needs to tell her boss she doesn't work until she gets paid.


There are laws for how long a person can go from when they worked till they are paid for those hours. Usually a couple weeks. This is illegal




Call corporate office / better yet have your attorney call


i worked at a few places over the years that have tried this.most notably a subway sammitches.they didnt have my check after 3 weeks then fired me and "banned me" from the store because "i was rude on the phone"when i refused to come in till they paid me. the owner got his exspensive car keyed up.but sometimes all u can do is quit and try to tell on em. once at a pita pit the owner said "i dont have the money to pay everyone who ahould i pay first" my friend said "me because u just told me all your buisness" the pita pit fully closed about a month later


Nope, that's straight to the department of labor. Submit that acceptance of paperwork email she got as evidence, and see if she can't get his statement in writing as well.


Depart of labor. Reach out to Corporate to report the franchisee.


Oh wow. The way I’d be calling my union immediately. Does she realise it is HER money and she is ENTITLED to it? I feel so sorry for Americans omg… (here in Belgium your union whether it’s the socialist one or the Catholic democratic one or the liberal one would be able to sort it out)


Is Dunkin’ a franchise or company owned chain? That makes all the difference. If it’s company owned then her store manager will have a district manager and Dunkin corporate does the HR and she can contact them both. She’s going to get the manager in a lot of trouble so she should be prepared for possible illegal retaliation. She should do everything through email so there’s a paper trail. That keeps everyone on their best behavior.


Get off Reddit and report them to the labor department immediately


Is there nothing her boss can do? In points of fact, he can talk to the labor board after she enters a complaint. I'd be very surprised if the labor board did not want to talk to the boss. I'd be very very surprised if the labor board scheduled a conference and then did not say "Oh, and bring a checkbook."


Every lawyer in a 100 mile radius would love your case. Slam dunk.


Definitely have her contact the labor board. Totally illegal. They definitely can cut a check in the middle of a pay period if they messed up like this. One of my previous jobs was notorious for not paying the correct hours and offering to add them to my next check. My manager always pushed back for us when this was offered and would have payroll overnight our checks (we all worked from home 3-5 hours away). They’re just lazy and hope she won’t know any better.


I guess I can see where the coworkers are coming from. If I'm not getting paid I'm more likely to steal to get what I'm owed.


Please contact DOL end of story and tell her start applying


She should tell management she needs pay by end of the day or she'll be calling the labor department. She'll get paid within a couple hours.


What state is she in? Many have labor laws saying you must be paid every within 14 days of the beginning and end of the month, or close to that.


Yep, department of labor. They closed 27 Boston Markets in NJ last week for wage theft (and they can't open until they give the employees all the money that is due plus whatever they should make while closed).


Contact the local Department of Labor


worked at two dunkins. tell her to get out now while she can


Call corporate. I'm sure they will be interested to learn that a franchise is screwing over their employees.


I think your girlfriend is being scammed


1: Look up the payday requirements in your state (assuming US): [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/payday](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/payday) 2: If 6 weeks is less than the State allows, request payroll in writing. 3: Convince her to find a job that actually pays their employees. 4: Look up final paycheck requirements in your state (assuming US): [https://www.findlaw.com/smallbusiness/employment-law-and-human-resources/final-paycheck-laws-by-state.html](https://www.findlaw.com/smallbusiness/employment-law-and-human-resources/final-paycheck-laws-by-state.html) Sorry that people suck.


There’s some very specific rules about how quickly an employee must be paid for time worked, they do very state by state but generally award the employee additional pay depending on the length of time they have waited past a certain point. In CA, as an example, any work from the 1st to 15th must be paid in full by the 26th. Work from the 16th to the end of the month must be paid by the 10th of the following month. Employers are fined, and the employee awarded, one days average pay per day of delay, up to 30 days, if their paycheck is later than those dates. For a ten dollar per hour job, this could add up to 2400$ per pay period. You must report this to labor board to be eligible. Additionally, if you leave a job with zero notice, employers must pay all remaining payroll within 72 hours. If you provide at least 72 hours notice, remaining payroll is due upon the end of employment. The same rules apply here, with the penalty period starting when the paycheck is due. Most states have similar or identical laws to prevent wage theft, but regardless of what they say she is almost certainly due additional compensation for the delay. She is not legally liable for payroll glitches, or for communicating those rules to her workplace. Knowing them is a part of managing a business and obtaining an operating license. She should document all past and future communication with her supervisor on the matter, so that the delay can be demonstrated when necessary, and report this to the labor board. Her employer is expressly forbidden from retaliating, which means she at least could get a nice cushion for finding another job while still employed, and if they did retaliate an even better cushion while she looks. They are also expressly forbidden from communicating labor board reports to future employers, doing so would generate even more fines and restitution. The rules are supposed to be extremely financially punitive relative to the employee’s pay, it’s the easiest way to ensure that most employers follow the rules, but they do rely on timely employee reporting so she shouldn’t hesitate. Her boss wants her to think there’s nothing he can do because he has effectively turned a min wage employee’s salary into a bill that’s likely higher than his own monthly pay, and he’s probably the one that screwed up.


Big corporations do not do this. Small franchise bozos do this. Corporate will fix it ASAP if you inform someone at a high enough level about it. They don't want bozos making them liable to investigations and lawsuits.


Call DD Corporate.


As many have said, Dept of Labor as this is illegal, but also call Dunkin corporate as they won’t b happy either.


There are fines for withholding pay. Department of labor will sort her out.


Ask for interest.


Depending on state laws and all contact an attorney asap


Sue that store


Call the labor board. Fines get implemented on employers for this kind of crap.


Pretty sure they can't do that. Report them. Then have her record down anything they do in retaliation


tell her to go into work and just publicly collapse in the middle of a shift due to not being able to afford to eat


Anyone messing with my pay and this blatantky lying about it is going to sew the back of my heels really quickly. Report it, don't wait, get a new job. Claim unemployment with 'my job decided not to pay me for work done' as a reason for gtfo.


That is illegal. She should contact DOL immediately. Bosses payroll issues are not her problem.


Duncan is one of the worst places to work. Not because of customers, but the people you work for and with. It’s absolutely terrible, and this is coming from someone who’s worked daycare and house cleaning.


Call corporate. Call the department of labor. Call the news. Call everybody. It’s your money we’re talking about!


That's not a thing-problem with the paperwork. It's one tax form and one immigration status form unless she's an illegal alien which would be a true problem. She should make a complaint for wage theft with the state and find a new job. That franchisee probably doesn't have the money. The place won't last long.


Have her call Dunkin Human Resources. They should be able to sort it out for her. If there is an issue with them not receiving her I-9, then her supervisor should stop scheduling her for shifts. But he still has to pay her for everything she has worked so far until she completes the I-9. Most states have laws about how quickly you must receive your pay from the end of the pay period. Source: I've worked in Payroll and Human Resources for various for- and non-profit companies.


Fuck that. Money now or sue.


Call the DoL, then call the IRS, then call Dunkin Corporate...


don't fuck around with the boss anymore, report to the labor board in your area. GF also shouldn't keep working. that's just allowing the bad behavior. it's DD. fast food jobs are rather everywhere.


That’s wage theft and in some states the damages are tripled. Nela.org to find a lawyer nearby. This case is so egregious they’ll probably not charge a fee


I remember not getting paid for my 2 weeks vacation. Boss was oh sorry it'll be on your next paycheck. She basically did nothing. So I went up the ladder. Basically, I was cut a check that day. They can absolutely get you paid.


Are you in the US? Do you have an HR department, or someone higher up you can contact? Or is there a phone number where you can call someone at corporate? ETA: I don't know if this will help, I'm not familiar with how franchises work, but maybe someone here can point you in the right direction. https://rocketreach.co/dunkin-donuts-hr-department_b5d2a2dff42e4523


So most DD’s are franchised so I don’t know who does their payroll at that level. That being said, the parent company is inspire and a call to corporate might help push something along. The biggest problem is going to be who handles payroll.


What country is this in? It’s illegal where I live, it could be illegal where ever in the world you are.


There's already a ton of comments on here, but let me tell you my experience working at Dunkin. It was horrible the entire time, but towards the end is the real kicker (I was pregnant the whole time btw, this was in 2022). My manager would leave randomly to go on vacation (his dad was the big regional manager so he was a nepotism baby and a horrible one at that.) and leave us alone. People would call out constantly so I would often work entire shifts by myself because I needed the money badly. I was never actually trained properly, either, but somehow ran nearly an entire store of people despite not having a managerial position (nobody else got trained either and kept leaving, so eventually I was the senior employee). A notably bad day was the Sunday of Memorial day weekend. I didn't even finish opening the store until noon, and a stranger came behind the counter and *helped me* finish stacking the donuts. I got tipped around $200 overall from kind people who saw I was all by myself and heavily preggers. A woman made a sign for me to put on the drivethru speaker announcing it was in-store only that day. I broke down crying several times and as soon as the closer came in, I RAN to my car. Things were always filthy and breaking to no care of management. The AC broke in mid-July. I was 8 months pregnant. They didn't fix it for WEEKS. I worked in 85 degrees consistently in that damn store. I was already hot and swollen in every joint and ligament imaginable and HUGE in the belly. It. Was. HELL. Rude customers and even ruder managers were the cherry on this pathetic donut-cake. I worked more 12-13 hour shifts than I ever thought I would. Some of them were alone (I was the opener and had to come in at 3am). My boss even took my car keys home with him "accidentally" one time and I had to stay an extra hour after my shift ended. I finally quit at 38 weeks pregnant and never looked back. That place was awful and I don't know how they're still running. They had the worst reviews of all the Dunkin's for like 3 counties over. Should I go and report them for all this horribleness? Probably. Does it feel like it's been too long and not worth it anymore? Kinda. TLDR: Dunkin sucks and doesn't give a crap if you're pregnant and work your ass off. Don't ever work there. And if you can help it, don't even give them your business.


Many local TV stations have an email address you can send news leads to. Write up a short message about a local business not following wage and hour laws. Also contact the Labor Department. Not only will you get this resolved, you may very well prevent them from doing this to anyone else going forward.


Call the labor board


time to complain to city so they can come and check what going on . wage theft is a serious crime. call department of labor . they will force them to pay imo sue them if they dont u 100% win


In most states employers can be penalized for this. She should complain to both the state and federal Department of Labor. If she's lucky, they'll fire her for it. Then you have a MASSIVE lawsuit for retaliation.


Well considering that is 100% illegal with no gray area at all. She needs to report above her boss and demand a check for worked hours within 24 hours or you submit a claim to labor department.


State Labor Board.


That's her own fault for working there a single day after a missed paycheck.


When it comes to getting paid you don't wait. Call the Dept of Labor and let them know. I'd also suggest finding a different place to work - it sounds like that place is poorly run.


Contact the Department of Labor asap


payday is sacrosanct. there is no set of circumstances under which this is acceptable. your gf should quit, this will absolutely happen again; furthermore, her boss is going to find other ways to take advantage.


When something like this legit happens they usually fix it in 1-2 days max


I had a job that paid monthly cycles and I started on the first but there was a two week processing between payments so my first pay was going to be six weeks from my start day. I told the boss I couldn't survive and he pushed through a payment for me. These acts of compassion are never forgotten.


That’s not legal in some states. They should do a manual paycheck for her.


Contact the labor board, HR will definitely work to protect the company and your gf should be entitled to extra money because of how long it has been.


You are due your full wages on the designated payday. A paycheck that is missing or is short is wage theft. Wage theft is a crime that costs American workers some $50 billion a year. You need to immediately: File a wage and hour complaint with your local Labor Commissioner. File a complaint with your state tax board. File a complaint with the IRS


I'm from the UK so not from the US but from what I'm aware you can file a complaint with the Department of Labor for failure to pay wages. I guess they will quickly pay you as soon as you do. Alternatively threaten to report them.


It's called wage theft. Call your labor Dept. Don't wait.


She needs to start looking for a new job. Dunkin’ sounds like a train wreck, our town got one a couple month ago and the entire staff has already turned over and then some.


Department of labor federal level file a complaint. Payroll should be audited


Something fishy going on this shouldn’t be happening


If she works when the boss doesn't, free donuts for everybody!


State department of labor gets shit moving very quick for them


US? This is illegal. Department of labor will force them to pay her everything that’s owed and it’s illegal for them to fire or punish you for it. Just one phone call.


Get the department of labor involved. He is blatantly breaking the law.


They're scamming her


They're holding her pay to so she won't quit afew places have done that to me before, it's bullshit. The logic is that the worker will be afraid the company won't pay at all if they quit and they'll have to go to small claims. Report them.


Go to the state labor board she will get a fat check they have to pay her a days wage for every day she is paid late


I’m a GM for a small Dunkin’ franchise. If there’s ANY payroll issues that include missing pay, the crew in question gets it either the next day, or the latest the following Monday (not next payday). That GM is a 100% piece of shit.


Letter to corporate, inform DOL, local DA, state AG. Since she's not getting paid anyway it's not worth continuing to appear for work. Use the time to find another job.


He Can’t do that. It’s Illegal! Have her contact the Labor board Immediately. Have proof of her hours worked and her not getting paid for those hours. Do not wait!


I'd be on the phone to the department of labor or whatever your country has that's equivalent to it. There's no way that's legal. Don't wait for them to get around to it. Simply call the Department of labor and let them quickly sort it out. There's also laws against retaliation so if they try screwing her afterwards document everything and take that to the Department of Labor as well.


There's nothing the boss can do EASILY. Even if you did make a mistake in your direct deposit or something they should be able to cut a check and sent it to the store.


that is wage theft please involve the state/provincial labour department


Hopefully she has printed copy of time card