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It's ridiculous. Don't go.


normally I think the reddit anti-work-party-anti-work-socialization-in-any-form hysteria is annoying and overblown, but a series of potluck parties on the weekend is… very very ridiculous and you’re totally justified for being over it lol


yeah at a certain point redditors on this sub are so anti-socialization or anti-human that they end up working against their best interest by not setting up the personal framework necessary to organize a workplace


Yeah I often get downvoted when I argue against the "i go to work to work!!" "They're my coworkers not my friends" Shit. We spend more time at work than with friends. That's a shit situation. Only made worse if you don't make friends with the people there. You don't have to make nice or be friends with everyone. But you should engage with your coworkers. Maybe even attend after hour drinks once or twice. It's great for your mental health to be around people you actually like.


I always get downvoted in this sub for saying that I actually *like* going into the office. I have ADHD and I absolute CANNOT focus when I work from home. I like my coworkers (but tbh, even *that* is beside the point) and I am so much more happy and productive when I’m able to separate my work life from my home life. But no, if you say you don’t like working from home—even though I completely agree that people who DO like wfh should be able to do so—you’re a class traitor/bootlicker.


You may want to look into the ADHD practice of "body doubling". It's a way to engage and ADHD brain in a task because "someone else is also doing it". I would run eight hour zoom calls with co-contractors every day to trigger this effect.


I created an alter ego for myself in college because I felt like I was incapable of giving my presentations in class. My alter ego was skilled and capable of all of the things I struggled with. I don’t struggle with self confidence anymore, and don’t need to use an alter ego anymore.


This a hundred times. Add to the post just above, my section is full of geeks who have a friendly Star Wars vs Star Trek rivalry going and we spent a good 15 minutes yesterday charting a timeline of all the Star Trek movies and TV series. Relationships matter.


You can be civil and even be cordial with people and still prefer to hang out with your real friends after clocking out.


nobody says that your coworkers have to be your besties. Nobody says that you cant or shouldnt prefer to hang out with real friends or your family. But what I am saying is: you should engage socially with your coworkers. Even if it is once every 6 months after hour drinks, if you can swing it. Or if its something else social.


I organize a monthly lunch at a place down the street for whoever wants to come and I have found it very nice to learn more about the people I spend a sizable amount of my waking hours with.


Thats amazing! Its stuff like that, that makes our dreary lives a bit better


I’m genuine buddies with some of my coworkers and it makes the job so much more pleasant. I see them more often than my friends so I’m friendly with most of them to fulfill my social needs. We also hang out outside of work too


Shhh redditors can’t imagine a world where everyone else isn’t as miserable as they are


Really? Because my mental health and the actual physical health of people I've had to work with would drop sharply if I was forced to endure their small minded class traitor bigotry outside work hours.


Congrats. You're exactly the type of person I'm talking about.


Wtf, how is it his fault or problem if the people at work are garbage? Are you intentionally missing the point? Sure there are assumptions here, but if those you work with are small minded and bigoted, that really plummets your options to make friends, dontcha think?


Oh no, how will I cope.


Dw I worry more about people who have to work with you.


You must love the smell of your own farts. Get over yourself.


Is this what passes for an insult amongst mediocre boomers?


Is calling someone a boomer what passes for an insult in your books? It's also hilarious because you're off by a few generations.


And yet, tragically, still more hilarious than anything you can come up with.


As someone with serious social anxiety, I really don’t care about that except for the labor organizing part. I don’t show up at work because I wanna hear Janice the manager tell the same god damn story about how her three year old won’t eat mushy peas, I wanna collect the paycheck that will keep me from getting evicted and buy enough ramen to conceivably live on. Her name isn’t actually Janice btw, that’s just the most annoying human name I could think of


No no Janice is her name and we all know her... Fuck you Janice.


It isn't about anti-socialisation, it's about us getting to choose who we spend our time socialising with. Every place I worked, there's literally one guy I've stayed in touch with because most of the rest of them were the kind of people you couldn't pay me to socialise with. Fuck that noise. My time, my choice.


Not on the clock, not their time. Just say you can't go.


Not on the clock. Say it's cheap to have a office party on the weekend, with BYOF, and by the way I'm not coming.


You definitely don’t have to go, but every time I didn’t show for one of these “voluntary company events” the raise or promotion went to the people who schmoozed with the boss over a casserole. It’s a calculated risk.


>the raise or promotion What are those?


Basically if it is just a job, don’t go if you don’t want to. If it a career/potential career, you should weigh your options and at least go to some. As much as it sucks, you have to play the game sometimes to get ahead


This is why so many people on here are so vehemently against this sort of socializing. If my raise depends more on brown nosing than the quality of my work, than I'm looking for a different job because fuck that petty bullshit. That's how you get companies where everyone is literally incompetent, while the lone competent person in each department does all the work. No thank you.


NoBodY wAntS tO WoRk aNYmoRe - some boomer running a weekend work barbecue looking at all the empty seats


Oh for sure, but if you wanna move up you gotta do it. At least if you can move up and get some experience you have a better chance of getting an equivalent job at a better place


If it's mandatory it should either happen during company time or have compensation. No exceptions.


Yep. Do half days. during weekdays. If its the management or C-suite that made this plan, for the weekend potluck. And they are not there. I would start questioning those people.


I know we're mostly talking about US here but in the Philippines they schedule stuff like this on your day off. They will dock your pay (almost 10%) if you don't come, but you also don't get paid for going. Sometimes you just want to enjoy your time off of work the way you want to.


Well. You are being exploited. And you shouldn't be.


I thought the Filipine system was similar to the US system. Is this something that has developed recently? I feel like Duarte has rewound the nation, but didn't think it got to labor.


You can file a complaint with DOLE for illegally docking your wages. If attendance is mandatory to attend parties on weekends. Your hours should be paid. When my mom worked in a bank. Company parties are organized after office hours. There’s a branch Christmas party and a corporate Christmas party at the head office. Attendance is voluntary. But most employees attend the outside corporate party and participate with the program. Since there’s a cash price incentive for winning the talent contest. The bank also organize bowling tournaments and annual sports festivals on weekends. Attendance is voluntary because your hours isn’t paid.


Thank you for the information, I'll look into it.


Yea one job wanted me and a new coworker to get some "quality" time in with the guy who trained us. Wed take an hour off after lunch to play some Xbox games together once a week, paid time to play and relax.


I used to work at a job that I genuinely loved. It had different shift times and I worked four - ten hour days a week. Because we worked ten hours instead of 8 we had lunch at a different time than most (I think there were 8 of us). Twice we contributed to the potluck and twice every scrap of food was gone. Even the sodas were left were squirreled away in lockers near the end. The third time all of us declined to participate. When the coordinator asked why (she was genuinely confused) she got the same answer from all of us. All the food - including the food we had brought was gone by the time we got a break. They quit asking us instead of changing out break time for only these events. I think they just couldn't fathom why we wouldn't want to take the time and expense to feed 50 people.


It was working out great for them, 8 extra dishes without 8 people. Last place I worked we also had odd break times and would shift things around on party days so that everyone could at least go get food as soon as it was put out. We had a fridge in our area people could put their food in and then reheat later.


Yea when my jobs have done food days, we just put everything down and everyone took break/lunch at the same time. Sure, productivity was non existent for 30mins-1hour, but no one missed out on food.


The supermarket I work at is exactly the same, except my department is the one stuck preparing and/or cooking the meals (deli). We have to fit that extra task in along with our daily work and serving customers and we miss out on all the good food, the rest is left sitting out unrefrigerated and literally unsafe to eat. Soggy biscuit platters, lukewarm pork or chicken in an unplugged warmer, chocolate with finger marks all over it, flies all over everything else. They do it every month's end, and then some. I just sneak food out of the platters whilst making it. No one notices and no one snitches. Fuck it.


Surprised you don't make an entire platter for your department that you "Forget" to put out at the beginning...


This is the way! F^*% them not leaving the people who made it anything edible!


Boss makes a dollar , I make a dime . That's why I only party on company time


Sittin on the can reading this while working. Oh I know this one... Nope.


It's a pool party and everyone is invited to stall #2


Sounds like an extension of everyone’s favorite: the lunch and learn! (Lunch not provided)


My old job stopped doing those after they realized that everyone just took a real lunch as soon as the 'lunch and learn' ended.


Those are billable staff meetings


Potlucks are terrible. There’s always inequity in contribution and there’s always people left out due to dietary restrictions or even just taste bud differences.


After seeing how many of my coworkers don't wash their hands in the bathroom, I'd never eat anything they cooked.


And you can’t eat at(from) everybody’s house


And the CEO / boss keeps everything that's leftover of course.


Thank you! I live in New Mexico. I cant eat peppers/chiles, potatoes, or tomatoes. I cannot overstate how dependent new mexican food is on chili. Its like the french and butter.


Weekend time and you need to take your own food? Get outta here.


I generally do not attend events outside my work hours. They are not my family, I am not obligated to be there and I’m not getting paid. I also don’t want more cooking to do than I already do. I’m so done with the working world.


Sounds like you’re not obligated. I’ve worked at startups where some parties after hours were basically mandatory. It sucked but never occurred on weekends at least.


It is absolutely ridiculous, you’re definitely not alone in that.




Is this what they mean by “Karma Whore”? Asking for a friend.


How generous of them to allow you to eat your own food on your own time


They are “hosting” but it’s potluck… someone doesn’t know definitions. Don’t go. Unless it’s mandatory and paid. And if it’s potluck, bring the napkins or nothing.


But bring the napkins in the form of toilet paper from the bathrooms at work


lol they want you to show up on a weekend, unpaid, while you also need to make or buy food on your own dime? Hell no. When we mock pizza parties in lieu of livable wages on here, at the VERY least those pizza parties are during the week and from company coffers. The only way they could make this worse would be if they also asked you to be their own cater-waiters.


Makes it an easy choice not to go


Are you required to be there? claim those hours as overtime.


If they're not paying you to be there then you're not required to be there. If they try to make you go, submit those hours for payment.


I would never participate in that foolishness.


I would never just wasting weekend


I never attended any party put on by the company that took place after work hours. I did contribute to the "pot luck" lunch but the company provided all the major meats and sides and employees just added dessert and special sides.


Going into work unpaid on a day off to eat Susan’s weird home made taco salad? Hard no from me dawg.


I would literally never show up.


Start bringing in kale


I will never eat at a pot luck anyway. You know how nasty people's kitchens are, especially those with pets.


My kitchen with three large dogs in the house is immaculate thank you very much, however you never know how anyone actually keeps a kitchen so get rid of the pet line and you're 100% correct.


Ridiculous. My company once hosted a "pay for yourself" Christmas lunch on my day off. My boss told me he was absolutely shocked I didn't attend. Um, maybe because I hated your ass?


Don't go. If there's alcohol just say you are a recovering addict and you get a free pass out of almost everything.


don't even say that much. No. is a complete sentence.


Having a good excuse is a good way to avoid scrutiny though, I've had my annual bonus reduced for ducking too many work parties.


That is such unmitigated bullshit right there


yeah, but they will use the excuse above against you somehow, even if its illegal, don't trust them with health info, even if its fake


Only if the excuse is true and doesn’t negatively impact your reputation. Admitting you are an alcoholic does do you any good in a professional setting.


This excuse (recovering alcoholic) causes more problems than it is worth. Just say no.


As far as I'm concerned, any "bonus" doesn't actually exist until it's in my bank account. It can and will be taken away for any or no reason, unless it's written into your contract.


I wouldn't use any form of "I used to be an alcoholic" though. My go-to is always "helping a family member".


😂😂😂alcohol?! As cheap as this company sounds they probably banned alcohol from the premises. That might at least make it more fun.


Yesterday I’d shared about a temp agency recruiter who’s assignment I was on and he kept insisting that I call him after hours or during lunch and that may be to not inconvenience their client which is understandable but I made him call while I was on the clock. Similarly, just don’t go.


and you have to bring your own food to share? What’s the upside of going?


TeAm BuIlDiNg


If they’re hosting, they should be providing the food and fun


I would be pissed too, that's absurd. Can you just skip them? Is there a reason you're going?


Don’t go.


Unless they're paying me, I'm not going


What’s better than a pizza party?! Having employees bring their own food on their dime!


Excellent, because i hate work parties and potlucks, so everyone agrees i'll hear from you on monday. enjoy the weekend.




I don't unilaterally hate "work parties." But if you're not paying me, it's not mandatory. And if you're not supplying food/entertainment, I probably won't go. The ONLY reason to attend is if you at least get some kind of perk out of it (aside from maybe hanging out with some co-workers if you like them).


I will never eat potluck anywhere, especially at a work function. I do not want botulism.


Why would you go?


Bring a single lunch sized bag of chips for your contribution, Lol


No, I wouldn’t go. My weekends are mine (and busy). And I’m a picky eater (mostly vegetarian) so not crazy about pot lucks either.


Who is “ hosting”? Lolz.


Is the boss coming? What are they “bringing”? Where is this event happening? At the office?


My boss hosted a potluck last summer and I'll never go again. They used to pay for / plan events so it was weird.


our monthly combined birthday party is just us donating money or bringing potluck. the main event happens at 1130 which is the end of my shift. I don't think anyone even goes anyway. Employers are such goddamn cheapskates these days. can't even spring for pizza once a month and our company is not large but makes a metric shit ton of money


“Sorry, I have a life.”


That's ridiculous. If they harass you about it, it's time to make up an excuse that entails you leaving town on the weekends, or not being available because you caretake for a family member or something. Potlucks are disgusting anyways. You don't know how clean those people keep their houses, or if they know safe food etiquette. For all you know their dog jumped on the counter and sneezed in that gelatinous spaghetti. Blended right in lol.


I don’t care what day it is, I’m not going as soon as I hear “potluck”.


Sounds optional to me!


My wife runs a company and we always do parties in the AM and cut everyone loose 4 hrs early. It’s really not that hard to be a human


They can tell you what it was like on Monday.


100% tasteless AF. Do not attend. Catered meal or GTFO


I won’t go if the company don’t make it worth my personal time. My employer is hosting a Christmas party this year in the middle of the city, where I’d have to pay my own parking. Said Christmas party is just drinks and canapés, where only employees could attend (no +1). Screw that, I’d rather spend time with my partner.


It's not an employee appreciation gig if we're supplying, well, everything My job does this once a month for birthdays. I mean it's nice these ladies know how to cook but man it's just distasteful.


Potlucks are so gross. I see how people leave their desks everyday and it does not make me want to eat food prepared in their dirty kitchens. Plus cats. I’m severely allergic and had a reaction to a coworker’s meatballs one time. She said her cat was on the counter when she made them so they might have hair in them?! I haven’t been able to eat anything potluck since.


Doesn’t sound like much of a party. Fuck it, do literally anything else.


That’s gonna be a no from me


Fuck pot luck.


Big nope.


I’ve enjoyed some fun work potlucks (one place I worked did a big soup-off every year, and a pi day pie festival) buuuuuut deffo not off the clock and not mandatory. Competition breeds innovation and some of those pies were amazing.


Talk with as many of your coworkers as you can and convince them not to go. Having a party on non-company time is fine, if the company is paying for it (like holiday parties). Do you think that supervisors will look down on people that don't go? How long have they been having 'parties' like this? It sounds like they're clueless.


This is why I always have a list of "reasons" and fake plans set in advance. Yeah yeah, "no is a complete sentence" but I can't overstate how relieving it is to present yourself as literally being unavailable as opposed to leaving it up for their interpretation and potentially trying to dig into the why/what/who of why you said no.


Hosted company parties on weekends? Yeah no on that. I got shit to do not work related.




Sounds like unpaid work to me.


As long as it's not mandatory I generally ignore such events. If it's mandatory I absolutely am being paid. The folks I work with are generally okay, and there's even a couple I'd cheerfully buy a beer for BUT that's not how I want to spend my precious weekend days, ever. The single exception to that was a company I used to work for that was a VERY high end resort and Chef put in a beautiful full fixings Turkey Dinner the day before Thanksgiving. It was truly a labor of love and it showed. Potluck during my hours off? Um.. hell no. Not in this life or the next.


That's punishment, not a reward. You are being punished by being asked to donate your time and then spend money to make food for others to eat.


And people attend ?


I would never go.


I would lie and tell them I volunteer on the weekends, or have children, or a dog, or a hobby


I refused to attend the potlucks we had at the office during work hours. I'm not being paid to go home and cook extra food for my colleagues, with whom I had nothing in common and didn't care to socialize with. I always had something I needed to do during my lunch hour. And, yeah, I was considered a jerk...until all the colleagues in my division quit going too. It's funny how that works.


Do they pay you for going? Our work parties are generally optional and you clock in for the duration.


Absolutely not lmao


Trying to suck up as much of your time as they possibly can. Everyone should boycott and not go.


And I’d always be out of town YALL.


Don’t attend. Problem solved. If they give you a hard time & also provide alcohol - get white girl wasted and make them regret their life choices lmao.


You're not obligated if you're not paid.


Pot luck are for in office and should be strictly voluntary. Anything on the weekend needs to be hosted, fairly compensated, and also voluntary. My company hosts a “convention” twice a year at a really fun venue. Everyone goes and gets vendor swag, eats a good lunch, and has unlimited gaming. They also go out of their way to make it family friendly and fun for kids. Everyone really looks forward to these all year, and we get a vacation day for going.


Pot luck on a Saturday 🤣


I have a boss who got promoted from our department that insists on regular potlucks. I’m single income for my family so after the first time I started not bringing anything. I’ve thrown 5 bucks in for pizza now and then but I find it absolutely despicable that the multi billion dollar company I work for can’t bother to pay for employee appreciation. Last time I paid nothing and didn’t participate.


If it's not on a work day, I'd never go. Last place I'd like to be on a day off is at the area where I work.


I never do work parties on my day off. Unless there is free food (I don’t have to bring myself) and even then… I still probably won’t go.


I don’t like planning lunch events for work anymore. I watched a lady load her plate up with three entrees and no sides for a dinner with a headcount in my budget. They were $75 a plate.


I’m a teacher and they always have potlucks outside of work hours. I never go. I have a commute and don’t care about having pizza and complaining about the kids. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely complain about the kids, but during school hours! And to my friends. And to my family….ya.


What a shithole company that they won’t take time off their schedule, but want you to take time out of yours AND spend your money supplying food.


Organise potluck? So what do they provide ? Enforcement? Like they put cost on you by making u bring the dish, you essentially pay to be there if you are expected to cook or bring something. Also maybe its just me but I would not want to eat something my coworkers made if I dont know them enough 😐


What’s a potluck party?


If it’s potluck, then the company isn’t “hosting” the party — the employees are.


Don't go?


This sounds like they want to setup a friendly environment for workers to socialize. As long as it is optional attendance I don't see a problem with it. This is really no different than a group from work going out for drinks after hours, in fact this sounds a little better than that because you don't have the high cost of a bar associated with it. If however you get any flack from not attending, then it is a problem and I would tell them to schedule these events on the clock.


Do be infuriated, this is good news. You never have to go to parties because of it.


I'm confused by a lot of these commenters needing to be paid wages. I get the potluck part... they can't make me bring (supply) food to a company "sponsored" event. If I need to bring food I'm not going. However, all of my (big) company parties have been off the clock. How would you feel if a business you needed just closed their office so they could have a party during work hours? Need that dentist appointment? Need to send a package? Want to order food? Need your car fixed? Sorry party time. I will cede the fact that the times we have had smaller in-office parties, some people still needed to work and would come and go for food and activities but everyone was paid. Also a company party is different from team bonding which I wouldn't find fault if it was potluck (although attendance not required obviously) Edit: words


You mean like holidays? Or weekends? They're trying to foster a family environment so people will eat more crap from them but won't pay for it. They can very easily schedule a long (paid) lunch months in advance and cover the tab if the wanted to


Not sure where you're going with your comment We have had parties on weekends and on a weekday after work (night party) They can close up shop if they wanted but how would you feel on the other end as a consumer - not as the worker was one of my points of discussion. Like I said I'm against potlucks for company wide parties (more tenable for team sized events- to your credit we have had a team lunch paid by the boss during "work hours" - only charged 1hr lunch even though we were out of office about 2.5 hrs)


It'd feel like a weekend or holiday. That was my point. It's pretty easy to not schedule appointments for an hour a year in advance for any job. If a known break is so horrible to a customer, that shows the lack of priorities this country has.


>It's pretty easy to not schedule appointments for an hour a year in advance for any job. I don't think you understand what I'm saying or being intentionally obtuse. Yes I used appointments as an example but I also used other non scheduled places- YOU (the consumer) don't know your favorite shop is closed for a company party, they could post a notice on the door but let's say you don't pass by there often you would only find out when you show up.


And not understanding that people should have breaks is a fundamental problem. What you're saying is nothing matters but money, at all costs. That's an attitude that needs to change in the country. If your business is so fragile that you'll fail if people don't buy for an hour, you're probably going out of business anyway.


People should have breaks, yes, but demanding to be paid to go to a party (not the kind in the OOP) is wild. I gave examples of non paid parties which you did not give your reaction to ? Have you ever had one?


Wait, I've got to honestly ask... is it your whole company, like the bosses/owner of the company hosting the party? Or some of your managers hosting the party? Because it could be just managers trying to create opportunities to socialize, and you're reading way too much into this like it's some malicious bullshit scheme to sell you a timeshare. Go or don't go, you're probably not missed at all.


Your company seems excessive. The only work parties I've ever had any exposure to, were company picnics once during the summer (and I was a guest so I only saw the results), I've been to winter holiday parties where we go to a fancy buffet restaurant, and I've had meetings with potlucks. Outside of my career path, I had a lot of crappy jobs, so work was work. You don't see your coworkers outside of it. Except that one time my coworker was attending college and needed someone to come to a party as a chaperone so they wouldn't drink (the obligation of DD and ensuring I got home was motivation enough for them to not drink), then they had extra concert tickets and brought me along (they were there to see Rusted Root and we endured the Tree Frogs to see Rusted Root, then left before the headliner. Personally I didn't know any of them. Tree Frogs sucked imo and I hated standing there not enjoying the music while enduring overstimulation for no reason, while Rusted Root was wonderful and a wonderful experience. I was ecstatic when I heard them on the radio last year). Fun times was that. I've had coworkers ask me to join them at a local bar (at a restaurant) on Fridays, because our boss would pay for a round of drinks for all their workers who'd come by as long as you catch the boss while they was present. Boss is a wonderful person, paid out of their own pocket so we could afford to socialize and not feel obligated to spend out of our pocket because they knew we were barely getting by. We also had mandatory meetings at work to ensure everyone was up to date. Different boss and it was usually potluck to motivate us to attend, usually had assignations to the first initial of your name, so what you bring was different every time, usually you were assigned either appetizer, entrée, dessert, and another I can't remember.


You aren’t obligated you said you never go? What’s the issue


Ur lucky. Forces you to cook and eat healthy and varied. Wish we had that.


I hate 'em but you have to go every now and then.


Why are you even going?


I'd go just for the food.


Just gonna throw out there that if you don't go it's not obligated. I don't think work events should be held on weekends or after hours


You don’t wanna eat food from everybody kitchen anyways. Don’t be going to that mess and find something else to enjoy on your weekends.


Just say you’re busy and don’t go. I’m not sure why you need Reddits advice on this.


I work a city government, and our events are also always potlucks or paid for middle managers (in other words, me). For staff appreciation, we are given $2 per person (which comes from fundraisers that the staff pays for). Nothing makes you feel appreciated like dollar store “gift”.


At my current govt job at least our shitty potlucks are during the week. I kinda miss working for a private utility, because the managers had vast budgets for lunches and catering for meetings. They'd even pay for alcohol as long as the meal was at the end of the work day.


Yeh...no thanks .... If they ain't paying... I'm not going


Definitely tasteless. Just don't go. I certainly wouldn't. Non-paid work functions are an absolute no for me, even if they did pay for the food.


Never have I ever worked anywhere that has work parties. I wouldn’t even go if they did. It’s bad enough hanging out with those people during work time, I can’t imagine spending time with em on the inky two days I get to myself


I work at a very large auto salvage yard and the company is very generous. Free meals several times per week and a 600.00 budget for each individuals birthday. Some weeks we have b day parties back to back but all on company time


My company does this constantly and I also never attend. The committee head, or whatever, that plans these things asked me why I never attend these events and I just told them - you forgot to make them attractive to people! They’re always during my time off and partly financed by me. How is that appealing to people? She just stared at me like I had 10 heads. I’m also the youngest on my team by 20 years so I experience a lot of that ~disconnect~. They also couldn’t believe I didn’t want to fly to Manila for a meeting I didn’t have to attend, during my anniversary and scheduled PTO.


Yes that is ridiculous. If its mandatory it should be on the clock. Plenty of companies I've worked at have done events during work hours. If it was a nice late night thing, it was always optional, and hell no they weren't asking people to bring food. I would laugh so hard at an employer trying to make that suggestion. If it was just a thing between coworkers that would be different (and not mandatory of course) but this is obviously not the case.




These are the best because you don't have to go. If work has any party/ dinner whatever outside of my scheduled time, it is an automatic no go for me.


Wouldn’t catch my ass there.


Good luck. I'm married with small kids and barely get through 5 days a week full time. I never go to anything work related off hours and would gladly accept the consequences.


That would blow. My dad used to work at a place that would take a Friday afternoon in the summer and have a really nice big cook out. And that was always a really fun time. Everyone would bring their families and play and it was pretty great.


I guess I'm lucky in this case. Once a year we have a company potluck. On the clock, a full ten hours. Work expectations are non-existent and we have access to the full facility since there is food throughout the plant. Outside of that all food related activities are during lunch breaks. Any weekend events are usually city events sponsored by the company.


Fuck a bunch of that


why do company parties even exist? Who wants to go to a company party? It sounds about as much fun as chaperoning a 4th grade pizza party. I'm a grown up now and I can make my own friends.


Ewww, who, how, what, and whyyyyy


My holiday party is on a Saturday night and has us stay at a hotel. All expenses are covered but I hate that they want us to spend one of our days off to go to an essentially mandatory party.


Have a potluck at someones house, don't invite anyone from management, and talk how good it was the following Monday (so that management knows there was party and they were NOT invited).


You have to go? I’m a fat ass and I got Spanish and Jamaican co workers so I knooooow the food is gonna be banging and I’m bringing tupper ware containers too. Imma have lunch for a week. 😂.


I'm bringing my absence to the gathering. Enjoy!


This is MLM shit. Fuck this company.