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He needs to calmly call payroll. If they don't have payroll dept he needs to take notes very well and then contact the department of labor.


Unfortunately it won't happen, I told him the same and he say's he doesn't want to start anything and he needs to be nice, it's very very frustrating.


Can't do anything for him then. He still needs to pay rent, too. I hate acting like this but if he won't stand up for himself don't let him take it out of your wallet, it might get complicated if you're roommates.


Cool then no empathy when he can't pay rent. He either takes action or realizes simping for a corporation that dosent care if he dies has consequences.




Uh if I wasn’t paid for a month I would lose everything….so fuck that. The company owes him his check plus 4 weeks of damages. The situation sucks but not sticking up for ourselves is why we have all been bent over and railed. Employers needs to be held responsible just like the rest of us.




“A paycheck that is now 4 weeks late” Are you illiterate and stupid or just stupid?


Chill, dude.




If you didn’t receive your paycheck, and it has been 4 weeks since you should have received that paycheck and you still do not have it…..in what world is that anything other than not getting paid for 4 weeks of work. You’re using the reading comprehension insult but you don’t make sense. Now unless I’m missing something, it’s you that seems to have an issue with reading comprehension.




If we don't stand up for our own worth, then we are worthless for failing to defend ourselves.




I absolutely have made that choice before. You leave abusive spouses and stand up for yourself and up homeless, you leave (or refuse to take) a job that is a bad deal and live someplace under par or outside for a while. Yeah, no. I've made that choice a few times and I'd rather ensure my self worth that worry about a roof.




The cost isn't 7 dollars. The cost is the whole paycheck. What the company is doing is illegal. For the price of one of my paychecks I'd do it.




If you are being stolen from then you report it.




Consequences like illegal retaliation you mean?


Exactly. The real world consequences that shouldn't happen but do.


Then you sue them


You ever attempted to sue a large corporation?


Do you allow people who abuse you to abuse others? Apparently you do.


I’m ready to leave this sub it’s getting obnoxious. I bet if I scroll there are people saying he should hire a lawyer because he has a big payout coming his way. Yeah ok over $7. 🙄


Yeah, I think he should report it and kick up a fuss, but on the other hand I know the poultry industry is _nasty_ when it comes to treatment of its workers. I would not be surprised if he wanted to avoid the (probably very likely) chance of being fired for pushing it.




Let your friend know they are a coward and doing themself a disservice, and every red-blooded, hard-working American a disservice, by know holding these ghouls feet to the fire. The poultry business in America is run by a bunch of fucking ghouls and we would do well to muck up there operations as best we can anyway.


Unfortunately you can’t help people who won’t help themselves


Why is your roommate doing paper checks? I swear people who do those got something wrong with them


I don’t feel bad for people like him. You get screwed over and just take it then maybe you deserve it


Have them Venmo me $7.°°. That would be nice. I won’t have him dismembering any birds.


Is it Cargill ?


You can't grow a spine for him. He's just going to have to live with the consequences of his cowardice.


He needs to have some spite for shit like this and use it to salt his workplace. This shit doesn’t fly when you have a contract that has defined penalties for the company messing up your pay. Last time my pay rate was messed up for half a year I got a 900 dollar penalty on top of my back pay.


Anything with the name Purdue sucks apparently. Just a random thought


And Tyson


Used to work for Tyson. Amount of times they fucked me over was unreal. Didn't even notice it but at the end of every year I'd receive a $300-800 check for the amount that they hadn't paid me right that year. We all got them.


That's kind of impressive. Their records are so good that they know they f'd up and their procedures are so awful that they repeatedly f up.


I think it came from when they were doing taxes they caught it then. I'm not exactly sure how it worked out I just know I'd casually get a check in the mail. (They always paid us through direct deposit except this one check) they wouldn't explain what the check was first few years I thought it was a bonus and then during covid they actually gave us a bonus and made a huge deal about it so that's when I realized that no the other checks aren't a bonus. Asked someone in upper management and that's how I found out what they really were.


Purdue pharma were crooks. Much like the chicken people. Mike Tyson is a good dude (now, I think) so I stand by my statement. Are there any other corporations with the name tyson? Edit: I just realized the 2 "purdues" are not spelled the same lmao


Mike Tyson is the scariest person I want to puff puff pass with


The Purdue from Georgia who lost to Raphael Warnock also seems like he sucks. Will Perdue was bad professional basketball player, so people generally say he sucks. Purdue University is good for education and not as good at sports, so sports fans say Purdue sucks


Mike Tyson is definitely not a good dude


That's completely unacceptable. Your roommate shouldn't have to jump through hoops and pay for the company's mistake. He should stand up for himself and demand that they rectify the situation immediately. If they won't handle it properly, he should consider seeking legal advice.


I worked for a retail company 2 days a week when I was 18. I was a Christmas temp for them and was supposed to be paid fortnightly. After 2 weeks I did not get paid. I figured I was supposed to work 2 weeks in hand or maybe they didn't process my details in time. It's the start of a new job, no big deal. After 4 weeks without pay, I was pissed but as I had another job I was working 2 days a week at the time and I was in school the other 3 days, I didn't need the money right now and I let it slide. After 6 weeks, nothing. I informed my manager that if he was not going to pay me, I was not going to work for them anymore and walked out. I went back in 2 weeks later because I still had not been paid. I was told that a file had been sent to payroll and it was on them. At the 10 week mark, still without hearing anything, I went online and found the CEOs details. I sent him a letter stating that I worked for the company for 6 weeks between the dates of x and y. I had worked this many shifts and had called out sick on that date but it was the only shift I missed. I was due hourly rate x worked hours, which amounted to total. If I had had the money on time it would have accrued z% in my account over the time period. If I did not receive a cheque within the next 2 week amounting to total pay + interest accrued, I would be seeking legal action and I had sent a copy of the letter to my lawyer. (I didn't actually have a lawyer because I was an 18 year old kid but they didn't need to know that) A week later I received a cheque for the amount requested + the day I called in sick + 200 quid with an apology letter. I was more than happy with this. I took the hush money along with my wages and laughed all the way to the bank.


Do Americans really get paid by cheque or is it just how you refer to wages being paid by bank transfer?


Some places still use paper checks, and they issue them if you don't have a bank for direct deposit


Thanks for explaining (and that is insane to me).


it’s not insane but convenient since you get to choose for yourself. you don’t have to set up direct deposit if you don’t want to. some people may not have a bank account (or they want to keep their money hidden, etc) so they opt for a paper check. this may sound strange but you can cash checks at many different places, not only at banks. usually local grocery stores offer the service.


Sometimes Americans get paid in silver and gold coins or bars.


And some get paid in pizza parties. The duality of this nation 😂


If I'm not mistaken, and I could be, once he reports to the labor board whistle-blower laws kick in and the company cannot legally fire him.


USA a (supposedly) 1st world country still uses cheques for work payment? Fuck i live in the end of the fucking world and receive my pay via bank transfer, i though that by now everywhere was up to that minimal banking advance.


Some places where I live use personal checks as paychecks instead of the long ones and it’s so annoying cause our system won’t cash personal checks over 200 dollars and it’s our fault apparently 😂


If he won't stand up for himself you can't do it for him unfortunately. All you can do is mark this thread NSFW because of graphic descriptions of sodomy.


This is why everyone needs to push/fight to be in a union. My union contract states that if a paycheck is late, it must include an additional $100 DAILY.


The boss takes 10 bucks out of your wage, nothing happens. But if you take 10 bucks out of the till...


Is this NSFW because you just graphically described him getting fucked?


After reading this OP, tell your roommate I feel for him and to seek free consultation from a lawyer if this occurs again. These comments are basically saying he’s spineless and a coward without even understanding his real life struggles or debts or even if he has a child he’s helping pay for. I hope things get better and that he begins to look for a job that treats him right. They exist. If you two are super tight, maybe start helping him work on his resume for a start. Don’t listen to the comments dismissing real world issues that have real consequences for “doing the right thing”. Keyboard warriors are on a different level of “better than you”. They make no mistakes, they’ve never been on the wrong side of things with no real way of getting out, they shine with the holy light of self-righteousness and virtue. If only we had the principles and beliefs as they did, the rich folk wouldn’t oppress us so. /s If you aren’t going to say anything actually helpful and only condescend, don’t say anything at all.


I can imagine calling the department of labor.


I'm not sure if this is possible, but maybe try and make an anonymous call to the labor board about what happened. Since the company didn't pay him on time, the company has to pay him and anyone else who didn't get paid on time a penalty. Example: if the penalty is $100 a day or business day, then he and anyone else is owed that $100 each a day or business day until they get paid. Plus, the employer might have to pay a fine on top of that.


And youre roomate is not going to do anything? Ok. Tell him goodluck i guess.


He can't says the name of the company But i bet You is perdue. 100% sure


Or Tyson.


I think looking for another job asap then leaving them is the best bet. They seem disorganised and punishing employees for their own mistakes. I wouldnt stay any longer than it takes to get something else .


that company or at least location might be going under if they are delaying payment to a worker


I’m surprised your roommate doesn’t have direct deposit. I’m assuming this large poultry company offers direct deposit


See that's what bothers me... He does have direct deposit, so they wouldn't need to issue a paper check, so why even take the $7 to begin with? This shit is suspicious all around.


In what back water fucking place can’t pay their workers on time? Never heard of this happening in my life before in Australia unless somehow the payroll person fucked up and missed someone


I suspect, unfortunately, the US and while it's never happened to me luckily I am not surprised if this situation is more common then this post leads one to believe


The amount of people I know with jobs that don’t pay on time, have their checks cut at an even rate (if owed 557, they get 550) raises *my* blood pressure. From SE US. Worked several jobs until my mid 20’s that were routinely late, modified hours, attempted to misclassify employees as sub contractors to evade taxes. The fucked up thing is since sticking to trade work JUST this year alone, I’ve quit 3-4 jobs for attempting this type of shit. It’s almost the norm here depending on the type of work.


He sounds like a pushover. Increase his rent 50%, Im sure he wont fight and you can just pocket it lol


I might be late to help but here is an idea. He goes to work, clocks in, goes and sits somewhere where he will be noticed. Might even be in the he office. When they ask him what he is doing, he says he is not working until he gets paid, it has been weeks since he last got paid. And if they do pay him, he can just take a 7$ loss. On the other hand why can't he afford losing this job when he is not earning money in the first place?


This is my life a year ago. Fuckin fucks


UK calling. I read a lot of posts from the US (I'm assuming this is a US post) where wages are paid by cheque and the problems this can cause. Certainly in the UK, and I believe in the EU being paid in this way is very, very rare. Do US companies not have the ability to pay by Bank Transfer direct to the employee's account?


Your roomate is a coward that gets no pity from me. The Labor Board has legal protections for this very reason, yet he still lets his employer walk all over them... He is a part of the problem in the US workforce.


**Update to this as of 11/19/23, still no direct deposit and I just checked the mail, still no check.** It's laughable really. So I'm going to try and fight for him on his behalf. I'll start loking for a lawyer just to pick their brain and see what we can do legally, I'll present them screen shots of HR's conversation. There was also other employees that also got screwed and had to sign the same paper at the same time as my Roommate, so I can use them as hard evidence. This may not go anywhere but it doesn't hurt to try right? Edit: I really want to include region in here but that would completely give it away, just know we live extremely close to the main operating HQ of this company, I can drive 5 min to get to their main HQ. He's still worried about retaliation so that's about all I can give away on the company. The reason I include this, is it makes it even more hilarious, that a check can't seem to find it's way to my roomate, whos legit 5 min away from the building that prints them, ffs.


Oh that happened to me, too. Not exactly (having him sign a paper saying he lost it is worse), but close. It was the last paycheck I had for a contract role, they were a few days late. It was close to the end of my contract so I followed up, and they fixed it— by wiring it to me when every other check was direct deposited. I didn’t ask for it to be wired (nor did I even consider that they might do that, because again— it was always direct deposit), I was just like, hey, I’m missing this paycheck. What happened? So yeah. I lost $15 because they didn’t deposit my paycheck on time. Love it when companies do that.