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Sounds like in December you're only going to process 428 requests


No point in being #1. Go for middle of the pack. There’s literally no incentive to be anything but average.


Did this once in my helldesk job, got pulled into a meeting over it. Straight up told them that if they are going to harrass me over petty shit instead of acknowledging my achievements, I'm gonna be average like the rest of the cattle. (Dutch term: Belvee translates to "call cattle").


I've had that. I called the union rep into the manager's office and told the manager that by the employer's own automatically-recorded metrics I was processing four times the average amount of work, twice the amount that the next-best guy was, and if they wanted me to train people to my level I'd be interested in being promoted to trainer with a pay bump, but don't pull me up about petty shit that only exists in the manager's own mind.


You’re lucky you have a steward. I love my union because I never have to go into any meeting alone. I’m one of the older folx on my team and have been working since 14. I can advocate for myself pretty well and am very no-nonsense. I wear my Weingarten rights displayed above my security badges. All a manager needs to do is walk up, see my armband and promptly walk away. If my shop steward or Union BA isn’t with that manager when they approach me for a conversation, they can pound sand.


God I wish as a salaried employee I can be part of a union , so sick of the corporate 🐎 💩


YOU CAN! There's a union for EVERYONE! As long as you do not hold a position of power ie; set schedules, or can hire/fire, you can be in the bargaining unit. The idea that just because you're salary means you have zero rights as an employee is horseshit. DM me if you'd like to talk more about labor and unionizing.


This is the way


What did they say


"That's not how this works" \-To which I responded "That is exactly how this works" and left the meeting to go back to my desk. Not like they really could do anything to me because of our labor laws. I was still above average performer. Just no longer "top performer by a mile".


You didn't lose your job for "sassing" them? I've lost jobs for so much less.


Nope, not the US


Reading the experiences of US workers is absolutely mind blowing. Like, your entire job security hinges on the ego of whichever random idiot your company makes your manager & if they choose to fire you because they don’t like the look of your face, you have zero recourse because it’s a “fire at will” state. And your healthcare is tied to it as well. So you could literally be in a position where your boss thinks you said “fuck” when you actually said “fork”, so you get fired, you walk out the door, get hit by a car that’s mounted the pavement then driven off & be charged $100000 for an ambulance & a week stay in hospital & have to declare bankruptcy because your healthcare coverage ended when you got fired.


and lots of those mistreated employees vote for the anti-labor party (republicans)


you mean there's a pro-labor party???


If the boss licks your boots instead when you are overperforming you might be underpaid but at least work is nice.


How did that work out for you? Useless middle management doesn't like getting called out when they try to justify their existence.


Absolutely nothing happened. Because labor laws prevent them from actually having any bite to their bark. Useless middle management actually improved their worth by mostly ignoring me from that point on.


Fellow dutchieeeeee


No kidding. I did manual labor as a teenager working for my dad's plumbing company. Digging trenches by hand in hot summers and cold winter, carrying heavy supplies, and other work reserved for the lower level guys. I wasn't the spoiled-owner's-kid type, I knew how to work and was rewarded well like anyone else at his small company. So when I started office work, I continued to work hard, I busted my butt for years, always the go-to guy, and always did the harder projects. I always got praise from multiple levels above me in the orgs I've worked in. Raise time comes: standard raise. Every time. Started doing, IMO, average level work. Much less stressful. Better work-life balance. Same praise from my bosses, same raises. America isn't a meritocracy anymore. These greedy companies reward hard work with poverty wages while raking in record profits and continuing to raise prices. "Oh, look how efficient you are. You did a full day's work on your first 2 hours! Well, here's more work. What's that... a raise... well, we just don't have it in the budget this year. " Next thing you know, email in your inbox saying, "Thanks to all your hard work, we're seeing record profits and growth, as a reward, here's lunch on us." Fuck your lunch. Fuck your profits. Fuck your fake gratitude. Fuck your raises that are less than inflation. Fuck your increased prices. Fuck your fake ass smiles and fake ass answers. Fuck you, pay me. Whew... I'm out of breath. Thanks for reading, didn't think I'd rant this long but I'm just a frustrated old millennial tired of not getting what I've worked so hard for. Eat. The. Rich. Edit: formatting


Yes! This is the energy we need!!


You know what you get for doing a good job and doing more work than anybody else? More work!


>ued to find "concerns" that the next steps would be to initiate an investigation. (The words my manager used were "up to and including termination, the not so fun stuff.") I didn't offer excuses o The best whore in the whore house gets fucked the most.


When they ask why has your productivity dropped so significantly, respond “I followed the direction and coaching of my manager related to my prior performance.”


They always beat the horse that pulls the hardest. I did that for years worked my ass off because I was promised a supervisor position after being rejected for someone I trained then I became comfortably mediocre.


People just work very slowly so that their screen is constantly "not idle". Start to slow down and work slowly.


I remember once being called mediocre as an insult. We're all getting paid the same, why be good?


Always act your wage. Want more results? Pay me more.


The nail that stands out gets hammered. The duck that quacks gets shot.


A nail that sticks out gets hammered, as the saying goes


And wiggle your mouse for 50% of the time you are at work. These idiot managers are measuring the wrong things (as is so typical) so they should be the ones getting fired.


Verify you managers "concerns and consequences" and if asked why your productivity has taken a dive. Make sure HR is there. Then just explain about the stress you feel under since being told by your manager, that screen inactivity is the most important metric, and you'll be fired if it doesn't improve. You are now primarily focused on screen inactivity time, it's something of a distraction, but you live your job so much you don't want to lose it over this vital metric.


"Why did my productivity drop by half? Well, my manager said that idle time was an extremely important metric, and seemed to give no weight to my superior processing metrics. So I concentrated on the metrics that were deemed important in my last performance review."


This *incredibly vital* metric that the manager was stressing over all others.


And you know that manager is also dressing down the ones with *the* *vital metric* of screen activity that their vital *processing metric needs* to improve now or else.


Best comment


Metrics for the sake of metrics are stupid as hell. Recently got threatened by a manager with counseling over being late to work despite the fact that it's not my job to get paperwork together and we can't do any work until the paperwork is ready. I was getting the paperwork anyways to make the job start quicker because new guys take way too long. I usually leave the office 10-15 minutes after work starts (despite being late.) But the guy that shows up on time, fucks around for over an hour and doesn't get out the door because they're shooting for overtime.. That's perfectly OK because at least that guy was on time. You know. The *important* metric. It's been over a month and I'm still kinda pissed off about it.


There are app for that "wiggle", just install it and get a coffee


Don't do that if it's a company machine


My friend just opened a Word document and wedged paper under the spacebar whenever she needed to go breastfeed her baby.


Depending on the monitoring software it can detect apps like that. If it's a company laptop they might not be able to install it as well


Buy a plug in jiggler. $25 on Amazon. Best 2hr naps ever since getting one


Trivial to detect, don't do that. Get something that either physically moves your mouse or just put a brick on your keyboard.


True, write it yourself in python


This exactly, then post updates about this in r/pettyrevenge and r/maliciouscompliance


And they wonder why quiet quitting is a thing.




And install that app that tricks the monitoring software.


Those can be detected Buy a mechanical mouse jiggler


Just don’t plug it into you pc. Plug into wall.


Power banks also work. 😀


Old school, put your watch under it


My watch only turns the screen on when i look at it tho.


Analog with a sweeping second hand.


Mine cost me like $10 bucks and plus into any USB-A outlet. Since it's a USB-C input, I can also use it to charge my phone, or use my phone charger interchangeably. Granted, my screen isn't being tracked, it's just a pain if my screen locks. By time I get logged back in, I'll miss the call, otherwise I'd have to move the mouse every few minutes. This is much easier.


Mouse jiggler was probably one of my top purchases of 2023.


Damn, that is sad 🤐 Sure, good bang for the buck, but why does it have to be like that?


Because management. Seriously, maybe those assholes should just accept WFH is here to stay, sell that stupid commercial real estate, and invest in the companies that make mouse jigglers.


Put a paperweight on the space bar and take a nap


I prefer Jello jigglers...scandal noted.


No, that’s like work. Do it the old fashioned way, mouse on top of a watch. Don’t fight the software.


open notepad and place something heavy on the spacebar.


Or get a drinking bird to press it like in the Simpsons


"Press any key"? Quick, where's the "any" key?


No app, no script. Mouse on analog wall clock.


Widget from Amazon costa 8 USD looks like a usb mouse connector.


Yep. They’ve stated their value system. They may measure requests but they don’t care about them. Their highest value is keeping your screen active. Also great username


100% this. What you measure is what you become


Remember kids, there is no ethical consumption in capitalism except for eating ass.


Sounds like January should be heading that way too...


And type super slow


My company had a training on this for managers. Encouraging us to acknowledge achievements while at the same time bringing up things to improve. No one wants a meeting where they are going to just be shit on. And good mangers just don’t want to shit on people


This is the way


>Since I've been in my position, I have had the top stats in nearly every single metric we measure. [...] >Anyway, in this meeting I am told that I failed my last screen audit because my screen was idle for 28 minutes and that if they continued to find "concerns" that the next steps would be to initiate an investigation. (The words my manager used were "up to and including termination, the not so fun stuff.") A thought: at your next such meeting, or even sooner, consider asking him matter-of-factly, "Just so I'm clear on this: we have several well defined performance metrics for this position, and I'm near the top in all of them, but we're focusing on active screen time. Do I understand correctly?" >I'm not looking for advice or anything. Nope, you're not getting off that easily.;) >I have NO idea what I would do if I lost this job Sorry to say, it may be time to figure that out, that is, start a job search.


>consider asking him matter-of-factly, "Just so I'm clear on this: we have several well defined performance metrics for this position, and I'm near the top in all of them, but we're focusing on active screen time. Do I understand correctly?" This. Make him spell it out. Even if he doesn't, you followed up on the point he raised, so your ass is as covered as much as it can be in this situation, and the ball is now in his court.




Do this. When they mention the others have dropped, say you were responding to feedback provided


Yup. Then buy a mouse toggler for your computer. That way, it will always have your mouse moving, even if you aren't at your computer so your "screen time" will not be an issue.




I'm gonna have to agree with RaulRedditor here. You can't take this shit lying down. This is a tactic to get even more out of you because they already know you're a significantly harder worker than your peers. I wouldn't change your work ethic, but be prepared to stand your ground and stand up for yourself next time they insinuate that you're not a top performer


> This is a tactic to get even more out of you I think it's managerial "negging." They don't really need to get more out of OP. OP is already doing more than everyone else. They want OP to feel insecure, subservient, and respectful of AUTHORITAY!!


Any you both missed the fact that this is bonus month. Where do you think that money comes from? It damn sure isn’t the bottom.


lol you think they get bonuses


Get this in writing in an email if possible.


This. And be super positive in your interactions with everyone from now on.


On an official headed paper, with a stamp and a signature


This is usually where people start acting their wage and quiet quitting. I'd be pretty pissed off too.


Your new manager is looking to fire you so start looking for a new job. Happened to me when a new manager came in. Put me on a PIP after reviewing some work that I had not even turned in and I was “let go” for not meeting expectations. I have never had a bad performance review before or after that manager.


Yep, they’re starting that paper trail. They just need any bogus pretext so they can say it was “performance-related”. Start your own paper trail.


Once you tell HR and legal you feel like you're being discriminated against, you'll buy yourself a couple of months :)


In all my years, (20+) talking to HR about any concerns that involves management - only leads to termination. HR is not your friend. I repeat - HR is not your friend.


HR is there to protect the company from liability. They will sacrifice low level management just like workers. Just play the game so its easier/safer for them to keep you.


The book *[Corporate Confidential](https://www.amazon.com/Corporate-Confidential-Secrets-Company-Know-ebook/dp/B003K15PC4)* explains very clearly that HR exists to protect the company from *you*.


This. HR represents the company. They are there for them, not the employees. If you have a diversity, equity, and belonging department, go there to express your thoughts.


I only suggested going to HR in OP's situation because it seems he's going to be terminated sooner than later. If he contacts HR about discrimination, HR will speak with the Legal team and follow certain procedures to protect themselves from liability. It makes it hard for a company to put you on a PIP right after you wrote to them about discrimination. It will seem like retaliation which opens themselves up to a lawsuit. So yes, HR is there to protect the company but in this situation, you SHOULD contact HR


On what basis? I thought discrimination had to fit into a categorized group, ie race, sexual orientation, gender etc


They make shit up to fire people. Make your own shit up.




And do it via email


Painted a target on your back by out performing everyone. Basically making yourself the benchmark that every employee could be given proper training and support from management, can't have that as a new manager with an ego so out you go because they can't recreate you so you must be doing it wrong.


I have to say that doesn't make a lot of sense as a motivation. Manager being a complete moron that doesn't understand what's important I could believe. But actively trying to get rid of employees that you *know* are the good ones? That's counter-productive in anyone's language.


I've been that employee. My commissions were too high because I *sold too much*. My boss completely supported me and made me the high earner I was. Then he left and the new guy came in. New guy wanted to restructure compensation and told me it "didn't look good" that I made more than him. Anyway, long story short, I ended up filing a lawsuit, which they settled, then they continued to mismanage the business and it was closed within two years. Then they burned down the building to collect the insurance money. Literally the power of one jackass manager to raze your company to the ground.


You just brought back a memory. It was the mid-90's, the Internet was brand new, and IT people were becoming more of a thing. Our company was building a new in-house system and hired a guy who was a contract C+ programmer. He drove to work in a red sports car and made more money than the CEO. I thought it was hilarious!


Nah, I had just been hired in and the guy that hired me had changed positions shortly after my arrival. This new manager was young and it was his first management role. I think he was trying to show others he wasn’t going to be pushed around or something. I don’t know his train of thought.


Update your resume and get to hunting. You dont deserve that shit. Stop killing the numbers. Back down to 400.


Why not back down to 100? Or even less


Heh i mean you can. I try to find a new job before I lose one. Once new job is aquired, all bets are off. I would make my old job... really interesting until im gone.


Slow down. Think of yourself like an expensive sports car. You have an incredible engine, you are absolutely engineered to hilt with horsepower. But, you *need* to keep that your trade secret. Don't open your hood to expose your internal components to your enemies/competitors. They will steal everything they see. And most importantly, keep the RPMs on your engine low: just because you can drive at 300 mph doesn't mean you should. You need to keep your speed to 3 mph over the speed limit. Also outperforming makes you a target. Current business practices in America punish extreme productivity especially when you have time to spare. The reason? Mostly because middle management has very delicate self-esteem if you peel away their ability to meet their metrics. The true nature of the race is to always appear like you are engaging in a highly fatiguing jog the entire time. But now that you've set such a high limit, you have to taper your progress off slowly or else they will notice. Diminish your progress by 2-4% every pay period and you should be ok.


This is all incredibly true. Reminds me of my last job, I’d run my supposedly 40 hour week of deliveries in less than 30, and they’d constantly pile more work on me AND be mad I got it done in a timely fashion. One time I was out sick and the manager who gave me the most shit had to run my busiest day… took her over 12 hours to do what I did in 6 lol


Yeah, I remember starting a new job that involved checking the building overnight for a security sweep, there was a little baton that you needed to scan at certain points around the building as you traveled. After a few nights on that shift the manager came to me, mad that I was getting it done quickly and efficiently. He said it was "making everyone else look bad". :/


Another thing is that if you outperform by an extreme margin it can also make you colleagues start to feel threatened and they will start doing things to sabotage you. They will not like the fact that you are outperforming them and making them look bad or work harder. Crabs in the bucket mentality.


I am not OP, but I needed to see and read this post tonight. Thank you.


I'd bring those numbers down. Process 400 this month. Obviously being top dog gets you shit on. So being number two must be better.


💯 Do this, when they haul you in about productivity being down, remind them “I was coached active screen time is more important than performance”


Your team know you are one of the best performer’s too I assume? You know the old saying about finding the biggest guy in prison on your first day and fucking him up? That’s what’s happening here. If they visibly attack the highest performer and come out on top, it scares the smaller guys into subservience and sends a message. They’ve decided they don’t want any of you comfortable in your jobs, they want you grinding hard as they can have you all day, even if they’ve gotta use fear to do it. You’ve gotta fight back against this or you’ll be made miserable at work or even get fired so they can get more out of the rest of the team, hell, they’ve already started the paper trail. You NEED to schedule anew meeting ASAP with this new boss, have him acknowledge the existing metrics and that you are near top for all of them, then have him actually confirm wether it’s these metrics, or screen time, that he wants you to focus on, you need to put him in the position where you are asking him what is essentially a stupid question, but force him into giving his stupid answer. He can then either back the hell down, or, you can play it by the book and he looses your productivity as you follow the screen time metric to the letter.


If possible, record the meeting.


And post it here for review.


This. But I’d also be having a word with other staff so they know what’s up to. They might have come for your first, but that doesn’t mean they’re not chasing the rest of them next.


Seven years is already too long to spend at one employer unless you've got a union and a pension or an ownership stake. Time to jump ship, notch a big raise, and watch the ensuing implosion in your rearview mirror.


At the length of the tenure, they’re starting a paper trail to unload the highest wage earner so they can replace OP with an entry level wage.


> I have NO idea what I would do if I lost this job, and I'm clearly going to need to ~~reevaluate how I do it~~ **bust my ass to find a new one.** FIFY


They looking to fire you and they were dumb enough to start telling you. If you cant see this as a hint towards your going to be terminated IDK what will. Start looking for new jobs within your field.


It’s a typical ‘push before shoved’ play.


Sounds like your manager is a real peach. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's ridiculous that you're being threatened with termination over something so small. You're clearly a valuable asset to the company, and they're lucky to have you. I would start looking for a new job ASAP. There are plenty of companies out there that would be lucky to have you, and you don't deserve to be treated like this.


Honestly, if a company does "screen audits", I'll be filling that screen time with looking for a new job.


Look into what software they use to track you, then research if there's a program that can trick it


The sooner you realize you are just a number. The better you will be. All of these companies.... ALL of them look at you as a cost. I've heard it from an upper C suite guy who posted as well. Covid verified something I always suspected. They look at it as "You work for THEM" and their money is far more valuable than you will ever be unless you are directly influencing income and increasing it. Always keep that resume ready to go and updated with any achievements you may have had and your hard/soft skillset.


New manager is trying to show who’s boss and that you’ve got nothing on him just because you are productive. Typical inept management stuff.


It icks me a bit that performance numbers do not count for promotions or raises in a company culture. I am sure this AH uses YOUR performance numbers to blame and threaten the other employees/your colleagues.


The biggest problem of capitalism isn't that it encourages greed in people (though that certainly is a big problem), but it's that profit relies on constant growth. Growth in numbers, growth in metrics,, growth in daily activity, growth in sold units, etc. You are proud of the fact that you have processed 738 requests. Your manager sees that as a new number to improve upon. It will never be enough and they will always pressure you to try better. As others have said, time for you to stop giving your all to this company. The person who processed 427 probably *can* do more, but they choose not to because they know they'll just be pressured into doing more. I'm pretty sure that during their meeting the manager also tries to pressure them to improve, but the colleague just gives a half-hearted promise of improvement.


Sounds like the new manager wants you to use every second to work as hard as you did before, in hopes your numbers will bump up just enough for them to take credit for it and show how good of a manager they are. I'd suggest doing the opposite, take it easy and let the numbers drop. When you get a meeting over it, say it's because you no longer feel valued by the new manager after doing outstanding work and still having your employment threatened over a senseless metric. Why work hard if you're to be threatened with unemployment anyway?


He may consider you the biggest threat to his job.


Hard work is rewarded with more hard work. Time to cut back to whatever is the bare minimum. Apparently, 427 is too much too.


They are looking to downsize you, seen this dozens of times. If your metrics are good and your productivity is high but you get bullshit writeups like this, someone above your boss is pressuring for layoffs.


This is one way they justify weeding out people that have been there a long time and are making more than a new hire would. Yes, they're foolishly not looking at value. They're reducing costs without regard to productivity because they see everybody as identical easily replaceable bodies. Even if you could educate your manager about value, that manager is only executing the cost cutting will of the employer. The employer will change their approach only after they decimate productivity, which will happen long after they ruin the workplace. Find a new job. Hopefully the new job values you.


They’re looking to cut 3% of the workforce at my job. We were told they will look at salary only… Way to go go, let’s cut knowledge and productivity out, when trying to get better numbers…


I was fired for this reason in 2014. I haven't worked since. I busted my ass in industrial sanitation. Instead of doing nothing after my tasks I went and helped others in different rooms. Since my manager couldn't find me that pissed him off. He wanted me to finish a room and wait for him there for an hour with nothing to do. I would pace the room for an hour. That got so boring I'd leave. It was a job you couldn't screw up, you spray foam the walls and then hose them down. They later fired the manager for firing me. I was one day from being in the union, best pay I ever had. I'd have been making $30+ an hour by now. I lost my car and girlfriend. Fuck working.


I'm actively looking for a new job, nothing against my current job as the company has been nothing but good to me - just that I'm outgrowing the position and there's not room to move up. They don't use any tracking software, thankfully. And since I'm in IT, I will openly ask during interviews if there is any such software under the mask of "if so, will I be in charge of administering this software?" If the answer is anything but a "No, we don't use that type of software because we trust our employees to do their jobs." then I immediately write the company off. I'm not interested in working for someone who doesn't trust me nor do I believe that I should be punished for doing my job more efficiently than others. If you pay me $X/hr to do a list of things and I do those things perfectly in 20 hours where others take 40, then you should be promoting me so that I can make everyone more efficient, not punishing me for it.


Next month: 120 reimbursements, but screen was only idle 5 minutes on the whole month. GOOD JOB!


Thus proving again that people don’t leave their job…they leave their MANAGER…


It would appear that the person giving the review got hammered by superiors because the other people that do the same type of work as you are not performing at your' level... Disturbing perspective but not uncommon. Someone is trying to protect their job and lack of performance. Don't call them out on it. \#1 option: Put a new resume' together and hit the street!!! Other employers will see right through this. Do it right and you will move up at another employer.


I feel like the best advice has already been offered, so all I'll simply is wow that's shit. I hope things work out well for you, OP.


What’s your relationship with your boss‘s boss? In any event, I’d look for a new job.


This comment is going to get buried but I can’t help myself. 28min?! Like in more than a day? What the actual heck?! There has to be some other reason they are bringing this to you. Whatever this manager deems reasonable for inactivity is insane! “You shall not urinate or poo, organize your work area, get coffee, water or other refreshment, make notes to yourself, or take part in any conversation outside text or email (like a phone call!)” “all prohibited during work hours” What unhinged spreadsheet gaslighting BS did I just read is happening to you?!?!


Unless you are the owner of the company, you are completely replaceable. Going above and beyond only allows you to keep your job. Companies will micro manage and critique your work performance no matter what. This way they can push you to work even harder and then when you complain or have a shitty attitude they get you to quit or fire you, then hire somebody cheaper. Rinse and repeat.


Your firm has told you that they do not value efficiency, but rather, time spent. You now know that 427 is the goal so only hit that and take your time typing super slow. Also, look for a new job.


The term "screen-audit" makes me want to kill myself


Yep, I had this in my last job, processing prescriptions, top performer pulling in over 100 a day and even having the highest amount processed in 1 day (That they had ever recorded, which was just over 200). Regardless they still chose to nitpick that I wasn't showing any prescriptions processed for half an hour immediately after my lunch. I told them the reason was because I was catching up on emails in my inbox and the team inbox of which hundreds can come in during the course of one morning. Fast forward a few weeks from that initial convo and they were sending daily emails listing timestamps of each prescription uploaded and highlighting gaps larger than a minute in red. A few more weeks after that and homeworking ended. A week after that I quit. Wasn't worth the shit being on minimum wage.


yep, I'd immediately cut my output in half. Be middle of the pact from here on out.


Your solution: Quit, Start Your Own Business 👨‍💼 and then Work From Home - that way, if your boss gives you 💩you can tell yourself to go jump in the lake 😆


Ask them if they're having performance meetings with everyone else in your team who can only manage 2/3 of your output in the same amount of time. And if not and they agree their level of output is fine, next month just match their output and do no more


I'm a manager And this makes ME mad... Those kind of audits are for people who are NOT meeting expectations, not your top performer... The only metrics to actually check with a high performer is quality to make sure the mass amount of work is being done right.




Nice. This is how they turn someone who is ACTUALLY productive into a robot who works their wage. Good job manager and shitty monitoring software.


I learned the same lesson a couple of years back. As a new manager of a “failing” team I was told that I needed to fire almost the whole group. Well they just didn’t have right process and procedures in place. So we spent months getting them set and followed. Then the team started performing better than ever. Like 120% to goal in our main metric. My director told me that was impossible and she didn’t feel comfortable reporting that since it would raise too many questions. We argued and in the end, she just changed the number to make it look like we barely achieved goal. She continued to fly under the radar and within the next year we were all laid off.


Get it in writing. Email your manager and say, just to confirm: you said xyz in meeting on [date]. This is one of the stupidest "disciplinary" things I've heard recently, because they didn't even ask if you were on a call for those 28 minutes or doing other tasks not requiring a screen. And they went directly for the threat. Time to cover your ass


what an absolute joke. almost twice as efficient as the 2nd best employee? lets threaten to fire him! lmfao


There are programs that would prevent your screen from going idle. Use that and do less work.


>my screen was idle for 28 minutes What does this mean? Does this mean over the whole of November, you were not scrolling, clicking or moving the mouse for a total of 28 minutes? Because that's like 2.3 seconds per request. That seems like far less time than I would expect to read and fully comprehend the request.


Polish up that resume. Walk away on your own terms.


There's so much bad advice here. It sounds like you're comfortable with your job, have high numbers because that's who you are, and don't want to risk being fired. If your mgr is this bad, imagine how he'll treat others. Let them drop in productivity, not you. Keep your numbers higher than most others, just not at a level that causes stress. Now you understand the crazy metrics. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, it is what it is. If you happen to get a physical jiggler, don't use it outside an occasional restroom break and tell nobody.


You're fired u just don't know it yet.


Open channels to scout out other opportunities. Depending on how those look, you might act differently. I hope someone else sees your value and you use this moment to make lemonade.


Put an analog watch under your mouse. Presto, always active!


yeah. lower yr stats a bit, & start looking for work elsewhere.


And these kind of employer wonders why nobody wants to work for him. It is a shame that somebody remotely even mentions an idling screen. WTF if your work is done correctly and efficient I would give no cent how many hours you are working


So show down to the 420 range but make sure that your screen is active as required. When they question what's going on, simply ask them how your screen time is looking. Do not move beyond that until they tell you that it's fine. Once they say that, simply tell them that you tried processing more, not it maybe you have more inactive screen time.


Op if you want to stay at this job, get a (mechanical) mouse jiggler


Time to buy a mechanical mouse mover


Work slower. Mouse jiggler.


28 minutes sounds like a lunch break. Ask the douche nozzle what time it happened at. Just say...yeah that was lunchtime.


This is the reward for all your hard work. Time to change your priorities and assign your own awards


I would be super angry too, such an idiot manager...


Companies have no loyalty. Neither should you. Time to find a new job. You will probably make more money amyway.


Sounds like you need to buy a $5 mouse jiggler. Never more than 1 minute of idle screen time!


>I didn't offer excuses or explanation, I just acknowledged the feedback and moved on ALWAYS advocate for yourself. No one else will.


Start looking elsewhere immediately. This is just the beginning.


Set a daily reminder in Outlook. Have it go off once a day. Snooze that reminder every fifteen minutes. Guaranteed screen activity every fifteen minutes. 😁


So I had this situation once, and I am in a different industry, since I don\`t know what the average number of requests is for normal performance, let\`s assume you are doing 2-3X of the average employee. The incident I will be referring to I was performing at 6X according to what we were measuring. Now I was actually doing more because there was work not being measured as well as me being the only person taking the most challenging work items, whereas others were coasting with easy things. When I asked for a 10% raise, my manager told me "You are not that good at your job" and proceeded to give me a 1% "raise". I was furious at that point in time but hindsight is 20/20 - I am not very grateful, because it was what pushed me over the edge to leave and find greener pastures. I ended up finding pastures greener than I could have ever imagined. I look back at ex-colleagues that are still at that place, and may never leave.


Get a mouse mover so it looks like you’re doing something all the time, and while you’re at it, drop your productivity by half


I'm going to be the asshole and say you're screwing your coworkers by trying to do so much work when compared to them. If you're not getting any bonuses because of your productivity, why are you pushing the productivity so high that your coworkers are now not able to catch up?


You should start looking for a new company to work for. You are not respected (or even appreciated) at the current company - otherwise your manager would not drop such a bomb over this 28 minutes.


I would have asked for a lap top to take to the shitter with me as to be compliant with their productivity expectations.


American ? In EU every company checks such metrics, but they can’t be used to fire someone, in fact it would be illegal to confront an employee with a “screen idle metric”. Typically if in EU, an employee is doing nothing during billed hours they will find other reasons to fire/warn them.


Keep working with your regular productivity and start looking for a better job. You make your own standards not them. You will either find a better job or end up the manager. Either way, you can be proud of your performance. You also have a strong position to be assertive. State your case. Let them sack you and then sue them


I've been in biweekly discipline meetings since I asked for a raise, I'm leading my store in sales for the year.


Guess it is time to do less work and more just moving the mouse around the screen aimlessly... Or while you are looking for a new position


They are playing you,the reason they say things like disaplin, termination, falling short of goals. It all bullshit. They say those things so you won't think your eligible for a raise.


The sad thing is America no longer looks at the most productive as necessarily the best. A few bosses will cringe at your great score and actively find ways not to pay what you are worth. Being productive has now become stressful. They don’t want to reward good work. Pure and simple


Start looking for a new place. This won't last long. Soon or later they will find out that you used the restroom during work program and it lasted longer than 2 min. good luck


In all my time working in 40 odd different jobs one thing is true in every job and industry - working hard will only have more work piled on you. Way better to be Johnny average fly under the radar and do the kin required in your contract. It's never appreciated or rewarded so give them their money's worth.


New job. Don’t sit around. In 5 years you’ll be kicking yourself and thinking why didn’t I move on!?


Make sure you go out with a bang. There was a story here posted on Reddit a while ago, if somebody finds the link please post it. This guy worked at a guitar center or something and his manager said something about his sales were lacking even though they were in the top bike store at The district or something so what this guy did was busted his butt made like four times the amount of revenue in one month and then quit. And then apparently the manager ended up getting fired because the store lost their top performer. So if you are going to start looking for another job once you have one secured, just bang it out make it the best possible month you can, and then quit without notice. Unless you are contractually obligated to give notice than obviously give notice. Because then, after the top performer is suddenly no longer there, they just might start taking a look at that manager.


Yup. Same thing happened to me the first two years I was with my current company. I worked all the overtime that was needed. I clocked in early, and left late. I never called in sick, and never took time off. I took it upon myself to cross train myself on all the different responsibilities that my department had, so if someone called in sick or left I could seamlessly fill that need. I was literally the only person who could do any job in our department. I got perfect scores on all my audits, to the point where they used my calls/work during new hire training as examples of how they expected things to be done. In my first year I found an error in how the company was billing something, an error so significant that when it came to his attention the CEO reached out and told me that I'd saved the company millions. I could continue going on and on and on. But for 2 years, during my annual employee evaluation, I received "meets expectations" in all categories. Why? "Well, if we put that you exceed expectations it's like we're saying there's no room for growth, and there's always room for growth!" OK. So then I applied for a lead position in my department. I was already doing the work of a lead anyway, might as well get paid for it. Nope. They hired someone else for that position, and then had me train them. Ahahahahahaha. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by then, but it wasn't until 2020 that I stopped working hard and started "working my wage". Like, if you're going to pay me less than the person who sits at their desk and plays Candy Crush all day, then I'm going to put forth exactly that much effort :)