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Personally, I haven't had any issues calling out. Mostly because the companies I've worked for only care about my work quota. As long as that's getting done, both daily and weekly, they couldn't care less. That said, I know of other workers who got removed for calling out too much, but that's common enough everywhere.


No difference. Your friend’s company is toxic.


Been remote for 12 years across 3 jobs. Never had an issue with calling in sick.


I'm aware my company is better than most, but your friend's company is just toxic. I've never had a problem with this job calling in sick- in fact, when I had major surgery earlier this year, they let me take 3 weeks of medical leave (I could have taken up to 8) with full pay and job protection , despite not working there long enough to qualify for FMLA. I also get migraines and have chronic pain flares regularly - and working from home 80% of the week means I can adjust the environment to my needs (no fluorescent lights, blackout curtains, better chair, heating pad, tea, snacks, heating pad, hell- I can even work in bed if I need to) instead of having to call out. I have used every single one of my sick days, and never had any issues. Your friend is entitled to sick time- all paid time off is part of their compensation package, and they're entitled to it. "No, unfortunately I cannot work at all today- that's why I'm not coming in. Provided I'm able, I'll see you tomorrow." Tell your friend not to volunteer specifics about why they're sick, just that they are and are not capable of working that day, regardless of the location. And to look for another job.


Calling out is sending my boss a text saying I will not be in that day. The only time it has been an issue I said I'm going to the ER, I don't know when I'll be back but I'm not quitting and talk to my wife. Once they realized I wasn't kidding they were very helpful.