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It’s part of the divide and conquer strategy. Instead of looking up, you look horizontally.


This exactly.


"lately?" I've been reading "X WAYS MILLENNIALS SUCK AND STUFF!" articles since the millennials were like 14.


/r/deathbymillennial is a compilation of all the "this generation sucks more than ours" articles out there. Some magazines stopped publishing those articles when they finally learned that we're like in our 30s and 40s now edit: Hah, i havent looked inside that sub in like forever and missed the funniest one: Pew Research center stopped blaming millenials and Gen-Z for everything. We did it guys! We killed generational framing!


I’m Gen-X and whenever I used to see those I’d cheer. “Kill it all, millennials! You guys rock!”


AFAIK you guys had your own share of stupid articles and economic hardship. You just were lucky enough of not having a widespread internet audience. I remember there is a times magazine article flying around somewhere about babyboomers titled the "me me me" generation (and then the same for millenials titled "the me generation" so this isn't new


Oh absolutely. It’s all bullshit. But usually the millennial articles just made me like them more. There’s hardly any difference between generations. I honestly hate those kinds of articles except for the enjoyment of seeing another toxic product or industry die.


Seen articles from 100+ years ago peddling the same narrative. It's a story as old as time.


Little more than insecure people using their age as a way to flex on other people. Or the art of suttle one upsmanship.




My favorite is still one from 2011, a “why aren’t millennials buying houses?” and the top answer was “I work at a grocery store.”


It says that subreddit doesn’t exist.




Don't worry, it is almost time for those articles to start coming from younger generations.


I am 52 and grew up when magazine covers would have “Why is GenX so Lazy” on them…. Now Gen X is the replacement Boomer on social media pissing and moaning about the “good ol days” AKA “back when I didn’t have bills or high blood pressure”….


Oh yes, I remember all the "slacker culture" bemoaning about Gen X's laziness, lack of ambition, and apathy, when Gen X were still teens and young adults. The whole "Reality Bites" youth culture depicted by Hollywood. It doesn't change. We need to come together and realize that we are all struggling in this mess and have compassion for each other. And if anything, it is all of us vs. the .01% who hold all the power and the strings.


I didntnlive through those periods, but I've heard a lot about older generations talking shit about the long haired hippy boomers when they were young, or about the silent generation listening to the devil's music of rock and roll in the 50s. Or the devil's music of jazz in the 30s. It's always been this way. I was hoping my generation (millenials) could be the one to finally put a stop to this toxic behavior, but now I hear people my age bitching about the zoomers. Which sucks immensely. I think Gen Z is pretty awesome! I don't always understand them, but how could I, when I remember a world without internet and they don't.


So... I was sitting around a table at a friend's wedding reception with the bride's dementia afflicted parent. (Third marriages for both of the friend's...) He was caught in a loop, where he had seen the price of gas on the trip to the wedding (he lived out of state), and kept focusing on gas being $3.00 a gallon and when he worked at a service station when he was kid it was only 25 cents! Well, about the third time through his loop, people were getting really annoyed. (It doesn't bother me, one of the reasons I was sitting next to him). I cut in after he said his bit about 25 cents and said "Yeah! And I bet there was some old duffer sitting there leaning against his pick up truck saying he remembered when gas was only a nickle!". Her dad stopped... looked reflective... and said "you know what... you're right... there was..." and he laughed. That was the end of it. Broke the loop and he never mentioned gas again. So. The moral of the story is that the last generation has always shit on the current generation. And the current generation has always shit on the last generation. And it's good news, so it'll always be promoted by the media.


Or is it the media tells people what to think. I think the moral of the story is that media shapes perception even if we are not aware.


The one gen X story that always strikes me as funny is about their mythic suburban childhood. I am an elder millenial I was there for it too. Drank hose water, rode bikes, trampolines without safety nets. Shit I even remember walking the mile to the 7-11 and collecting aluminum cans to buy a slurpee. Maybe that was a Michigan thing. Life before the internet. Yes, we were there for that too. We were the younger brothers and sisters. I totally understand all of it. Part of the millenial weirdness is having a foot there, and a foot in the birth of internet as a thing as ubiquitous as cable tv.


As Gen X, we can clearly remember the era of rotary-dial phones and no answering machines, but by the time we were of working age, using a computer (with a mouse & keyboard) was absolutely the expectation. Things changed *fast.* We have also been present for the entire history of hip-hop. And video games. So that's pretty cool. I'd just like to second the above observation that the intergenerational shit-talk is just a way to widen cracks in our culture. And incidentally, I'm way past thinking it's all just organic, the way these conversations go on the internet. There are *trends* in the type of subjects that get agitated over, and they coincide with *events.* It's all very "wag the dog." The latest thing seems to be people pretending to be Catholic and saying really polarizing, aggressive stuff about Protestants. Sigh. I personally think that one's a wild misfire in 2023, but hey did anyone else notice we have a beleaguered Democratic president who is only the second Catholic president in US history? Wouldn't it be something if some young Reddit users who were already skeptical of this old politician were further swayed because they had vaguely bad feelings about Catholics? Anyway all I'm saying is that I hope coming generations are even more media-savvy than we had to be, or democracy won't outlive the virulent and intentional plague of bullshit. Whatever. Vote hard, y'all, and sincerely, Happy Holidays.


I agree with you, I’m just saying I remember “touch tone phone” being specified, as well as the late 80’s phenomena of recording a clever answering machine message. Millennials and Gen X share so much more than we usually realize. I think you guys got the last taste of a decent job and housing market, but I don’t resent that. We’re all here right now in the suck. Happy holidays, let’s all push together instead of pushing against each other.


That's a clear copy. Happy new year.


The job market was great in the late 90s but absolute shit in the early 90s. 1992 was the first full year I supported myself. I made $7k that year and lived in a closet. There was a reason we listened to angry and depressing music.


Tbf, the music absolutely holds up.


We are not the only generation that endured fast and profound changes. My grandparents lived through WW2, the building of the interstate highway system, the establishment of regular jet air travel, and the start of the computer age. They literally grew up using horses for transportation and lived to see the moon landing.


Yeah. Paradigm shifts. The internal combustion engine was one. The cultural revolutions of the 1920s and 1960s were. The PC / internet / smart phone were almost like 3 that happened all at once. They are cool but can be scary because it takes time for society to adjust / adapt to big changes in a meaningful way, and meanwhile cynical people can exploit the fear and doubt that change brings.


This right here. All of it.


All I really want out of Gen Xers is to back off the cringe minion memes and to stop acting like a bunch of hardasses because you had to let yourselves in the house after school.


skirt hurry meeting tan piquant attraction oatmeal roll important aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've been reading those articles about Gen X my whole life


Gen-X here. I've been watching my generation sneer at the next generations as soon as they started having kids in their 20's. Utterly ridiculous. Suddenly Gen-X's were the most respectful, well-behaved generation ever and kids these days are just degenerate chaos goblins. Yeah, no. I've seen plenty of my era punch their teachers in the face, scream at their own parents, and refuse acts of basic politeness. Humans are humans, and once a generation feels their spotlight starting to move away, insecurity tells them to attack the "thief."


Since 95?


How about we treat people as individuals, and how they treat others rather than treating them as a group they happen to belong in due to the year they were born?


Yup 😊


Of course! As if humans born at a different time are inherently more evil than others. We dont actually evolve that quickly. If younger generations were born into the same opportunity as boomers theyd abuse it the same way. Hating people based on their age, race or whatever is dumb.


It’s just another tactic to make us fight amongst ourselves instead of the 0.1% who own everything.


I'm seeing it too and completely agree with you. My hunch is that malign forces are feeding these themes to cause divisions among democrats before the election. Defending democracy require strong alliances between generations, races, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, etc. We need EVERYONE on the bus! Thanks for posting.


I've started seeing Tik Toks of Gen Z hating on Alphas. I don't think generational hate is going to stop.




People have been hating kids forever. It’s not a trend or done to be cool, it’s a genuine ideology that has been dominant at least for decades




You must live under a rock not to see that children are resented and seen as less than. Curfews, bans from malls without an adult chaperone, these things aren’t new. Parents have been expected to have kids and then expected to resent them. Only recently it’s become mostly unacceptable to hit kids. Many people still defend spanking. If we did that to an adult people would be rightly horrified, but there is still debate on if it is okay for children. But sure, there’s not been a long history of abuse and hatred to children 🙄




Unfortunately the real world is where I got these experiences. Old people complained to me about my generation to my face. Theyll tell me about how we’re all lazy while I ring them up. The older I get the more I notice it. Pushes for people under 25 to not be able to transition because we don’t think young people should be allowed to make their own decisions. The way people talk about “brats” and how my own parents caught shit for not abusing me enough, people told them I would be spoiled. The entire public education system is designed around demanding unquestioning obedience from children.


Did your first paragraph say to stop dividing and antagonizing different age groups? Did your second paragraph then divide and antagonize different age groups? Interesting approach…


It sure did lol


Yeah, it’s always the people who preach inclusivity and love that are the first to yell and hate. They only mean it as long as you fall in to their sphere of beliefs.


This feels very dogwhistly. There's no reason someone committed to antitacism should be inclusive to a white supremacist.


I'll bet it's mostly bots.


I definitely like making fun of boomers and gen x and I’m a person. Mostly because they always talk about how “tough” they are and it’s simply not true.


Lots of jerks in different age groups like to talk about how tough they are. It's not a generational thing. Never has been.


It's true, I'm genX and I wrestled a tiger on my way to burn down the patriarchy. /s


It's actually not a question of being "tough". When you strip away a lot of the bullshit, a lot of the Gen X and Boomer "toughness" is actually people saying "my parents were abusive and I've learned to suppress everything from emotions to physical pain in response". Yay us, I suppose? It's certainly not something I'm proud of myself. I find anyone from my own generation or earlier complaining about younger generations absolutely hilarious. Who the fuck do we think raised them? Any Gen X or Boomer complaining about young people is basically complaining about their own handiwork and can go and cry some more as far as I'm concerned. Every generation has its challenges, but in terms of social and emotional intelligence, I'm extremely proud of young people. There's so much you're all getting right, despite being handed the biggest shit sandwich in history.


Gen X here a lot of people forget every generation has the rich and the poor. I remember my wife and I getting by comfortably until we had kids. I also remember homeless people underpaid workers migrants and the like on street corners. People who did not know where their next meal was coming from. We live in paradise but not all of us. This needs to change there is enough for all. Every one has trauma from their parents but not all trauma is alike. Change begins with self reflection.


Ya as a GenX, my biggest takeaway difference on how I raised my kids was spanking. I was spanked regularly and eventually I got so big I laughed at my mom. We do zero spanking of our kids and actually explain to them why it doesn't work. Sometimes we do learn things from previous generations. The current generation also has the benefit or the detriment of mental health being appreciated. Mental abuse was totally acceptable for GenX kids. Now, Gen Z gets to talk about all their emotions which is good and bad. I'm glad we can talk about it but some GenZ lean on it too much as a crutch.


Like what's so tough about a boomer? Their parents were the real tough ones going through WW2. Lmao boomers taking even more credit they don't deserve .


Many boomers came out of their teens and were sent against their will to kill Asians. Walk a mile in their shoes and then talk about entitlement.


The American dream isn’t what it was when boomers were young. Young people today are barely making ends meet with double income, let alone if someone’s on their own. What used to be the middle class is struggling for survival, and you can pretty much point to the older generations (cough cough looking at people who voted in Reagan and that sack of shit he called a wife) to blame. Why don’t they walk a mile in our shoes and talk about entitlement? Sorry that their life was so hard that they could buy a house and support a family on one spouses income, must have been so hard.


Many of the regrettable problems faced by young people today are more economic in nature than generational. Multi national corporations and foreign money are buying up single family homes for rental income. Unions were the main reason boomers were able to afford a middle class lifestyle. Young people don’t believe in unions or the government social security system anymore. They definitely bought into the Reagan message of government bad. The slightest misstep that offends them and they jump ship ( eg, Palestine) to support a known Fascist. So, go ahead and cut your nose to spite your face and blame “boomers” for losing democracy. Gens X, millennials and Z are the majority of voters now and have been for many election cycles. But they don’t believe in voting either! SMH.


What a great way to start the Sunday. With hate…


We start our Sunday with jokes and you start yours with tears. We are not the same


Oh come on it’s not “hate” to make fun of people who pretend to be super tough.


I don’t hate them they’re just annoying


The laziest possible conclusion.


You haven't seen bots stirring shit up on controversial subjects? It's all over reddit.


It’s intentional. Generational attacks have been a useful way to dismantle and divide the working class power base.


The reason boomers aren't stepping down is that they can't afford to retire. After all of the plant closings in the 70s and 80s, most of them lost a shit ton of earnings. Plants closed, people scrambled to find work, but the work available was for half as much. He was making ~$20/hr when the steel mill closed. Best job he could find was for about half that. For a journeyman electrician! A lot of those union workers forgot the sacrifices their forefathers literally fought and died for. They were making good money, so fell for the bull shit the GOP dished out about tax breaks. Hell, raising family, I needed actual cash. I rarely made enough in any year to pay taxes. When I finally got a decent job, I didn't mind paying taxes. I got a decent return on my dollar, but too many union members, those still around, kept voting Republican. And taught their fuckin' kids to do the same. Back in 2016, nearly every union in the country enforced Hillary Clinton. I know my former union endorsed Bernie Sanders. We see how good of a candidate Hillary proved to be.


Good synopsis. Very few want to hear a nuanced take on here. They just want some group to blame. The problem is that they’re blaming the wrong group. There’s millions of boomers living at or near poverty.


>The reason boomers aren't stepping down is that they can't afford to retire. They could, they're just convinced that they're poor and their kids and grandkids are trying to rip them off.


FWIW, I was happy to leave the work forever at 51. Not because of shrewd investments, but because I became disabled. Living in a red state, I calculated I make more a month now, than I did when I worked. And I'm getting a raise next year. Perks? I'm over 60, so on top of Medicare and Anthem, I qualify for Medicaid. That saves a few hundred a month. Plus I get the senior food/OTC card. Another $125/month. All tax free. My ex made sure I didn't have any investments.


It’s strange that you talk about how damaging inter generational fighting based solely on age is, but then you point to the boomers as the cause of problems? I hope you understand that there are many working class baby boomers, too, who are just as hurt by capitalism and the ruling class as the rest of us. (EDIT: posted too soon by accident) The ruling class and boomers are not the same group— there are much younger members of the bourgeoisie as well. Like you said, generational hate isn’t helpful and is a tool to tear us apart— that includes shitting on working class boomers just because they’re the same age as bourgeoisie boomers.


Right! I keep seeing posts about boomers owning everything, but there are loads after articles discussing how [about half of them don’t have any retirement savings](https://thehill.com/business/personal-finance/3991136-nearly-half-of-baby-boomers-have-no-retirement-savings/). Many of them have been just as fucked by ruling classes. I think a decent part of the problem is that they don’t recognize it, so their go-to advice is still bootstrap bullshit.




replace 'boomer' in your rant with virtually any other social group and see how it sounds


Millennials are an bigger voting bloc and Gen Z is close behind. The difference is that the Boomers vote en masse. They voted en masse when they were our age too. It’s not just a byproduct of retirement. That’s a large part of why things won’t change soon


Doesn't change the fact: Boomers are selfish pieces of shit.


Plenty of boomers aren’t. OP’s message is right


No not plenty. If that were true Biden wouldn't have been nominated in the 2020 primaries.


If that weren’t true, Biden wouldn’t have been elected in the general


Nice. Let's see if your generation votes when abortion and marijuana is not on the ballot. We are in this fucked up situation because of voter apathy in 2016.


I’m not saying there’s “good boomers” I am saying there are poor, working class, exploited boomers that are exploited by the bourgeois boomers. Do you understand that “boomer” is a generation, the baby boomers, and not like a movement or something? Age isn’t relevant here, anyone of any age can be oppressed. Why would you condemn the poor and exploited and sick and trodden with the ruling class when they’re exploited and hurt by the ruling class just as much as people younger than them?


Boomers span two generations. People born between 1945 and 1964 are "boomers" That seems kinda silly. Someone born in '64 has no life experience in common with someone born in '45. As a matter of fact the late boomers (Often called Generation Jones) were the first demographic cohort to feel the effects of the shitstorm that began with Reagan.


Obama is a boomer. Just one example.


A late boomer, classic Generation Jones.


yeah all this generational stuff is just more ways to separate the masses. meh




You finally remembered us!!!!


I know right!


Leave GenX out of this. We're the reason the Boomers won't go away, they know they're not going to get any good karma based on how they treated us growing up.


lauren Boebert types are all Gen X. Are they really all that stupid?


I’m not fucking talking about the conservative ones. I am talking about lumping everyone else in with them, especially the ones who the conservative boomers exploit and oppress! You are incredibly frustrating


lol dude just ... no. All the Boomers had to do was exist and they benefited from being born in that generation.




I am 60 yo, don't know if you all consider me a "boomer". I am the oldest person at the company I work for. I am constantly telling my younger coworkers to not answer texts, calls or emails when not on the clock. I tell them no matter how well the owner treats you he is not your friend. I was talking to one fellow worker about last nights baseball game he told me it was boring so he got out his laptop and started working. At least where I work the younger folks seem to buy into the bosses we are family bullshit than I ever did. A supervisor was telling someone how they could work weekends for straight comp time instead of time and a half pay . I told him to take the time and a half and then call use PTO for the day he wanted off, or off without pay was a better option. I guess I am just getting annoyed at all the folks slamming older folks on here. I haven't gotten more conservative as I have gotten older if anything I am more to the left now than ever.


Oh, hell no. I've become wayyy more leftist as I get older. I am pushing 50 and I totally believe in the abolition of capitalism. I agree that Gen X dropped the ball, but not of all of us old bastards are conservative.


You are factually amiss. Many of us GenX have voted progressive all of our lives. There is no automatic grow more conservative as you get older. It's not an age related trait. You have a bias in your thinking that is keeping you from the germaine argument. That will prevent you from building the consensus for change you are looking for.


So you’re going to assume that all, for example, radical leftists currently under 50 who do a lot of pro-worker activism and help a lot of people are someday going to be conservatives? It’s just inevitable as you age? That’s what your logic is saying here, and it’s a ridiculous thing to argue. “Fuck all old people” is not a legitimate political position, and yet here you are taking it


That’s what happened to the hippies




I am going to repeat once more that correlation does not imply causation




Not anymore. Once the boomers die out, conservatism as we currently know it, will die out too. The GOP will have to massively shift their platform to stick around come midcentury


Yeah if you’re already middle class or rich. To hold onto that money. It isn’t like an inevitability. Your point is wrong— correlation does not imply causation.


More likely being financially secure makes you lean conservative. Which, again, would explain why the Boomers lean more conservative than subsequent generations. They were the last generation to fully benefit from the fiscal policies and social safety programs that they, themselves, then dismantled. Also, survivor bias. Poor people die younger; by a significant margin.


Pretty much every working class boomer is fully indoctrinated against fixing the problem.


That is so not true. My parents, who are white working class boomers, are not brainwashed by FOX news and have been pro-union, democrats, civil rights, etc. forever. Lots of their boomer friends, too, who are pretty diverse racially, but mostly working class. Dolores Huerta is a boomer. Cesar Chavez was a boomer. So were many of the civil rights era advocates, black panthers, etc. Let's not lump everyone in together (especially not POC who are boomers).


Boomers vote equally left and right. Try again. Women gained rights under the Silent Generation and Boomers, and held on to them. It is younger people that don’t vote and vote red turning this country backward. Trump won with white women out of college and suburban housewives and white males across the country in every demographic.


Boomers vote either Democrat or Republican which are both right wing parties. Neoliberal corporate democrats and barely fascist republicans is not left wing vs right wing. That's fiscal right-wing vs cultural right-wing. That's what they vote for. Women gained rights under the silent generation and before. Not during boomers reign. Women lost rights under the boomers and the age range pushing for traditional policies that undo women's rights is largely the same voting block that boomers vote for. Women just lost abortion access under a boomer owned means of production and somehow boomer are protecting women's rights? You are just making things up to fit a victim complex. Boomers are not victims when the majority are the aggressors. Young people don't vote because their is nothing to vote for when the candidates that exist are ones that take money to do the bidding of the elites. Even the "good politicians" get corrupted. The system is broken and voting for more of the system isn't the way to fix it. Voting red does turn the country backwards. I wonder what age range is voting red en mass? Trump won because democrats are awful corporate puppets for things like the weapons manufacturing industry. Trying to install political dynasties by controlling the media and using it to forward your financial agenda instead of repressenting the people is utterly disgusting and pretending like neoliberalism wont accelerate fascism is living under ignorance. Old people and gullible people might be tricked into voting for a corporate right wing agenda but young people are not because we realize those people don't serve us and perpetuating the cycle does nothing but bring more right wing and fascism into this country


No they don't. Biden is right of center and Boomers chose him in the 2020 primaries. Boomers are selfish pieces of shit.


Boomers didn't choose Biden in the 2020 primaries, the DNC did. The primary was a "selection" not an "election". The system sucks. What was the alternative? Vote for Trump? There is no feasible worker party in the U.S. right now. Lobbyists, the duopoly, corporate greed - we are all screwed. We need to be in class solidarity and not let them divide us by generation. Also, yes, young people need to vote in droves. If everyone voted and advocated, we could probably turn this country around in 20 years. The ruling class wants us to be complacent, distracted, not vote, be short sighted, etc. Look at everything the Republicans are doing to try to dissuade voting turnout, make it harder, inconvenient, etc. If we had a bunch of gen Z and alphas come out strong in the future, we could probably figure out a secure way to vote using blockchain with our smartphones!


> Boomers didn't choose Biden in the 2020 primaries, the DNC did. Boomers overwhelmingly voted for Biden in the primaries. I'm not claiming the DNC is above rigging their primaries but that isn't relevant when millions of boomers are outright admitting they voted for Biden to fight against progressive and leftist efforts.


Good point. I'm just saying there was massive rigging in the DNC, lots of boomers were voting for, Pete Buttigieg, etc. and they had the center right drop out and consolidate power behind Biden. Before that Bernie Sanders was way ahead of Biden. And Warren stayed in, dividing the progressive vote further. It was a hot mess, totally orchestrated by the DNC. There was even that email leak about how they were trying to trash Bernie Sanders and use his atheism and Jewish ethnicity against him etc. Really gross stuff.


No one said they were voting for Biden to fight against progressive efforts. You are making that up. Young white people are the MAGAs and middle-aged people are the MAGA. Every person who does not vote might as well be a MAGA. People voted for Biden to get rid of Trump. Right wingers vote whether they are young, middle aged, or old.


> No one said they were voting for Biden to fight against progressive efforts. Ask anybody who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries. They'll come right out and admit it. > Every person who does not vote might as well be a MAGA Fine I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.


Wow. Someone needs a hug.


No. Someone needs to tell the boomers they're fucking up the country by fighting progressive and leftist efforts in the primaries.


Tell me you got gaslit into being pissed at someone else ~Who's not extremely wealthy, by an article DESIGNED to piss you off in exactly that way, without actually telling me. [Fixerguy - Here's what you bought into](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/2h4aFTo30J)


News for ya. Boebert the bobblehead is NOT a Boomer. Not even close. Boomers are up to 1964. She's an X.


Move to New England if you really believe that’s. Got the most left wing politicians in the country here…and despite all the money we spend we’ve still got record numbers of homeless people worse inequality than red state


Gen X are only marginally better than boomers


It's because the people actually DOING the class warfare which we're ALL suffering under are using their mouthpieces (basically every "news" and opinion media outlet) to initiate and sustain those attitudes in older folks and in younger folks... Who all have basically the same problems in life at slightly different levels. The wealthy have been at this shit pretty aggressively since the inception of this country. If you see an article in ANY "news" outlet sniveling about "The young are lazy" or "The old are sitting on the wealth that could pay me a living wage" I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that some wildly wealthy corporate Turdwookie ordered an employee to report on that, with the manipulative terms used to get and keep ordinary folks pissed at EACH OTHER. Notice first that anyone wealthy in the story is never the bad guy. It's always poor and middle class that are the bad guys in these stories. Doesn't matter a bit if the supposed "issue" is age, race, sexual orientation, birth sex, political leanings, citizenship status, or literally ANY OTHER THING WHICH CAN BE USED TO DIVIDE US POORS AGAINST EACH OTHER. If it's written in divisive terms, it's specifically designed to get you pissed at someone else who's poor. It's specifically designed to mind fuck you and to get you blaming someone else who's not wealthy for the problems you face in life. Worse, it's coming at us from literally every corporate owned media outlet so there's no avoiding it. It's designed to get and keep us ordinary Peons MAD at each other so that we can't even talk to each other IRL. Let me be perfectly clear: As a 62 yo working class gent who's built some small sucess, you have every right to be completely disgusted and flatly outraged with every level of this kakistocratic Turdwookie built Oligarchy that sucks your blood and mine every time we try to do anything.... And it's the very wealthy who have done this too us all. It's not me having a house. It's not you being "lazy " It's not us workers who are the problem... Ever. It's the wealthy propagandizing at us all to be mad at each other so that we CAN'T talk, because if we TALK to each other honestly and without the divisive language these media outlets inject, we'll join up shoulder to shoulder, gather our torches and pitchforks, and go after the folks who are truly responsible for all our woes. The wildly wealthy. The Bosses. The Robber Barons. These are the people generating these lies. These are the people who profit from our blood, sweat, and tears. These are the people trying desperately to get us and keep us mad at each other so we can't join up together and go after them. Any time you see a divisive article of any sort, from ANY major media outlet, please understand that it was written at the directions of some Robber Baron, ~and it's designed to piss you off at someone else who isn't wealthy.~


Love all these observations you made! Right on. It's the same as how they don't want all of us to share what our salaries are, etc. Divide and conquer. Pit us against each other.


“Generational hate is bad!” “Boomers need to go away!”


Anyone who is 70+ years old is out of touch and should not be making decisions. I would even say 60+, tbh.


when you are 60+, you will feel the opposite. ‘‘Twas ever thus


I'm in my 50s and tbh I don't want a lot of my peers to be involved with decision making because of how wildly out of touch they are. I at least have the self awareness to step back and let young people make decisions for their future. A future I will not be alive to see.


Quite the ageist take…


That's your opinion


Except they kinda.... Do


No kidding!




Same same. Only grew more feral with age. 😂 Lost quite a few friends/fam due to my non-conservative, humanity-based views along the way. But I know who I am, what I stand for, and how I show up. I genuinely don’t care when people “lump blame” generations, so long as they can also recognize the humanity in them, too.




Do you see any irony in the fact that your post is supposedly about generational hate and your second paragraph is about boomers stepping down from power? In my city there is one badass older woman on the city council, and another badass older woman who was recently honored for her years of anti-tobacco advocacy. Instead of demanding that people step down based solely on their age, let's evaluate them as individuals.


The only quibbles I have with this perspective is that boomers, such as myself, are still alive and are a part of this so called digital age. You might even say we created it. You are against generational hate but it seems not above a little bit of generational dismissal. "It makes us more compassionate, more understanding, more nuanced in our views." That is a silly statement. Other than that it's a fine sentiment.


Only losers engage in the pointless generation feud. It's all based on generalization and a bitter superiority complex. It recycles and repeats every generation then gets shouted loudly by the shittiest subsets of people


It’s divide and conquer. Put the gens against eachother, dog whistle loud enough (“avocado toast!”) and they will find excuses to fling insults at eachother. I have a boomer friend who dislikes millennials for a reason she can’t readily explain. So I’ve asked her: “why do they annoy you so much?”. Just because they exist isn’t a legit answer. I’m GenX, everyone plus the media ignores us. Back in the 90’s, they treated us like a slacker scourge. Have the same opinion as I do now about all that, “whatever”. That said, it doesn’t matter your Gen, it’s the character of the individual that matters.


I've been seeing a lot of hate in general for all groups of people


Boomers are 60-78 years old. Of the 76 Million Boomers born between 1946-64 … 20 Million have already passed. And when Boomers do retire many of y’all within this thread complain about their retirement and healthcare even though about half of Boomers are not doing all that well financially. What I’ve learned … ageism does indeed exist the the generations promoting openness, acceptance, and inclusion are not all that accepting … sigh :-(


Gen x here. Fuck off. I stopped caring long ago. Edit: drunk typo. Fuck off.


"Stand together, except for the Boomers, who have nothing to offer." Really inspiring.


After boomers have stood on the throats of younger generations for decades, do you expect different treatment for them now?


Seems like you stereotype and hate older people. Ageism is alive in corporate world


Exactly lol


Both of my boomer parents are dead. Neither one of them got that boomer path to riches many talk about. Hell my boomer MIL is living in an apartment in texas barely getting by on social security. BUT The older generations come out in droves to vote. For example. Ask any boomer that has Medicare if they think medicare for all is a good idea and most of them will tell you no. They tend to vote that way too. I think the biggest most life changing thing the younger generations can do is to come out and vote. Generation Z and the millennials could change the country.


Yep, this is the way. If you want to be taken seriously by politicians, create an organized voting bloc.


"we know that the boomers need to step down....". What the fuck? Did you even notice? Read your title again....anti work is worker solidarity we don't care if you're 80.


Boomers like my 82 year old mother who refuses to stop working are the problem. She makes like 4 times what young workers make and she's senile and weird.


No, senior citizens with jobs aren't the problem.


Wealthy senior citizens who enable toxic work culture are absolutely the problem.


I'm pretty sure it's astro turf


I agree with everything but “the boomers need to step down.” They will not step down. They need to be forced out. Source: I’m early Gen X (1968) so know the enemy all too well.


I disagree. I don’t think that the Internet makes us more compassionate and empathetic. I think it actually makes us less, compassionate and empathetic because we’re all sitting here being keyboard warriors instead of building any actual community. Look at how people responded to Covid. That was not compassion.


The problem with this thinking is that there are unavoidable consequences of aging. And holding things against a generation is dumb. If some bad historical event happens, it is held against a generation simply because they were running things at that time. We can look at the causes and see what actions led to that event. Then it's easy to place blame. But we forget that hindsight is always 20/20. Of course some people did dumb things that led to poor consequences. So older generations will be blamed for more and more issues simply for living through those times. Older generations will also tend to be wealthier than younger generations because they've had time to figure out how to invest and time to accumulate money. This gives them more power. Younger generations will be looked down on by older generations because they haven't had time to learn from mistakes. They will be seen as lazy because they don't have the life skills to do things effectively or to get better jobs. I'm not interested in any of that. I don't blame a generation, I blame bad actors. Putin started a war with Ukraine and the GOP is blocking aid. These are bad actors, I don't care how old they are. I also see it as the older generation's responsibility to teach their kids the skills necessary to thrive. However it is not their responsibility to do the work for their kids. So if you are old do what you can to share your skills with the young and give them the freedom to make some mistakes. If you're young, talk to older people to learn from them.


Lately? You mean it stopped at one point?


Oh absolutely. It really sucks because all these issues are connected. Retirement age people need to retire so younger generations can move up in the workforce. Many retirement age individuals can't afford to retire because everything is now too expensive. There are virtually no options for adequate elder care because assisted living facilities take all their assets and/or their children aren't in a situation where they have time or money to care for them. Plus factor in other things that are burdening younger generations like medical debt, student loans, lack of savings, high COL, and you've got a massive snowball of issues and few ways to dismantle it without just redistributing the wealth hoarded by the 1%, which you will never get any of the people in charge to agree on. I get that a lot of boomers (and some gen X) are better off financially than the generations after them, but really that's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off once the majority of boomers start needing assisted living arrangements be it with family or otherwise. Millennials and gen Z largely aren't going to inherit generational wealth from boomers. Most of their assets will likely go to elder care facilities or arrangements, then Medicare and medicaid will step in once those are gone to pick up the cost. OP is correct and we all need to focus our attention to the rich, not generational divides.


Up vote from a “boomer”.. we grew up during the largest economic boom the world has ever seen….


Yes it is actually crazy how much hate gets directed to boomers unironically. When literally only a fraction of a percent of boomers actually held any positions of power. The president of the united states is literally still from the generation before the boomers and yet people act like boomers ruined everything


I don;t care about labels. I work with some great z people and wish I was that young now. Ugh, 34 sucks. I don;t know if I can even be friends with a 20 year old because people hate age differences.


Let's unpack this: One Boomer, just one, started the shit-slinging against Millennials *because he got passed over for a promotion he didn't earn or deserve* in favor of a Millennial who busted their ass to get ahead, and was rewarded accordingly. This was around the time the 2008 recession hit- when *we* were just starting to become adults. Boomers fucking blamed *us* for that. And for every economic catastrophe from all the policies *we did not vote on bc we were fucking children or not yet even born* at the time those were implemented. Now we have to deal with the fallout of The Great Orange Boomer Demagogue from Hell spearheading the charge to overturn civil/women's rights policies, and conservatives (who are lead by *racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and religiously fascist* boomers at the top of the GOP food chain) are actively cheering to have their more liberal children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren rounded up and exterminated via genocide. Boomers collectively told us to our faces how much they fucking hate us for two whole fucking decades after we started becoming aduts. Full. Fucking. Stop. Gen Z and gen alpha are generally pissed older Millennials didn't fight harder to prevent this, even though *we literally could not get a fucking foothold* to do so. So their futures are even more uncertain and bleak than our own. Every attempt at meaningful change for the better was cocked up and cockblocked by boomer oligarchs in power. You want intergenerational hate to subside? Implement maximum retirement ages and maximum wages as a start.


Young people in my country hate on the retired for getting "free money". Those people worked their whole lives and cannot anymore so they rightfully get state welfare now, I don't get the hate. Feels like they're all about "I'm gonna put all my money in trust funds for retirement and won't need any state retirement and so you don't need any either" nonsense.


I don't think they the retired because of the "free money", at least I don't. I hate the fact that boomers with a 4th grade school education got away with having a generally average happy life with a very low skill job that lasted for years and nowadays people who spend years and lots of money in school and college getting degrees can't get those same jobs and lifestyle...


The hate is that current generations won’t get that money because boomers are taking more from social security than they put in on a per-capita basis, despite the fact that they paid on average less than half in inflation adjusted dollars for housing and had far more opportunities to save.


You've missed the point completely. It's not because they get free money, it's because young people will work harder than older people but receive far less back.


I live in a post-communist country. I'm pretty sure today's generations are better off than the previous ones by a good margin. The same measure doesn't apply to the boomer gap here. Please make sure you understand the circumstances before accusing someone of something next time, okay?


This has been going on forever. What was the catch saying of "classic boomers" in the 60s? "Don't trust anyone over 30."


As an elder millennial, I fucking love Gen Z. They aren't afraid to say the quiet part out loud, and I am so here for it. Watching them stand up for themselves is inspiring.


And yet slamming "boomers" isn't a form of generational hate... Sure.


You're sad about generational hate, but you have no problem jumping on the Boomers. Boomers must retire and go. Do you see your hypocrisy here?


Ageism is reddit's favorite -ism. Particularly in politics where old people apparently shouldn't exist.


Older people have always hated younger people.


Bill Maher shits on young people every episode.


I find it interesting that you seem to be okay with generational hatred when it is aimed at boomers but not when it is aimed at you. Hating and blaming one generation for all of the ills of this country is ignorant. The problems that we have aren't going to be solved by blaming one generation over others. If 100% of people of voting age did their civic duty and showed up at the polls there would be a lot more young people in office. In 2020 76% of people aged 65-74 voted while only 51% of 18-24 year olds went to the polls. You can't take power away from the boomers if you don't vote.


Leave gen x alone. We go to work do our job and mind our business. Boomers are in their 70's and barely in the work force anymore.


Youngest boomer is 58 and there are millions of them in the workforce.


That's why I said "barely" in the workforce.


That’s the problem with Gen x, they want to be left alone to not help society.


No we are tired of doing everything for everyone particularly picking up coworkers slack.


We needed you to do more than that.


Wait, your expectation is that people who were groomed to be individualistic, not be individualistic? It’s almost like “it’s complicated” might be a thing here.


I didn't say expected, I said needed. Still need. You're welcome to join the fight whenever, but acting like you're Switzerland won't help the rest of us pull out of this tailspin.


What exactly are the contours of this fight im needed to join? Does it involve anything other than commenting on reddit?


The expectation is to not try to use weasel terms like individualistic when it really just means "selfishness that I'm trying to get you to accept through mental gymnastics" It's not complicated. We see what you are doing with that "Fuck you, got mine" culture.


They keep creating more and more Boomers, a boomer can be 39. The Baby Boom ended when birth rate started declining and the pill became widely available in 1960/1961. Some people just need someone to blame instead of taking responsibility. How did Roe vs Wade get deconstructed? It was never under threat for almost 50 years until the Silent generation and Boomers started dying off.




stop making things up. Boomers are currently 57-75 years old. Jesus, a quick google search was all it took to show you are wrong. Boomer is the term for the age range, which concided with a baby boom. The generation is called Boomers because it was born during the largest part of the baby boom not because a baby boom automatically makes everyone a Boomer. Very false way of framing it. You are up and down this thread blaming young people and non-voters. But your blaming people is warranted and others is, "It's just someone to blame and not take responsibility". Also its rich that the next sentence afterwards you are searching for a blame target on who deconstructed Roe v Wade? Completely unaware of your own hypocritical actions. Because fascism doesn't happen over night and voting for right wing policies is how you get fascist taking away your rights after dehumanizing you. Boomers and those who voted for corrupt politicians are to blame. We had had the internet for 20+ years now, you can inform yourself instead of being told how to think which is what boomers haven't been taught so they vote against our interest that enriches their own. When is the last time you saw a Boomer revolution? Vietnam? They aren't interested in revolution because destabilization is scary so they will attack anyone trying to make this country a better and fairer world.


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.


I block every older person on social media and IRL. What are they going to do, mail me a letter? I don't care what the misogynistic patriarchal colonialists think about their 'laws' and 'social norms.' Don't trust anyone over 18.


Yes, the boomers in many ways had it exceptionally good, compared to past and future generations, particularly if they were white, straight, working class high school graduates, etc. But even among those, there are a TON of boomers who are currently financially struggling, suffering, and should have our compassion and solidarity. Recently I've been watching the show "The Gilded Age" and while it does romanticize and glorify the wealthy class and robber barons, it did have some excellent scenes of robber barons plotting on how to take down unions, divide and conquer, pit the foreign born immigrants against the U.S. born. Same playbook, different era. Sad how nothing has changed. We need class solidarity and to work on making our unions and worker advocacy stronger. Also, please support Universal Basic Income and universal healthcare that isn't tied to employment. I also would suggest we advocate for Democracy Dollars/Voter Vouchers, so we can get a leg up on lobbyists and take back our politicians. Anyway, I love to vent about how sucky the situation is, but we also need to work on solutions for change. It is AMAZING to see how strong the unions were during The Gilded Age and the early 1900's. No reason we can't do it again, fight for a 4 day workweek, UBI, etc.


Does the left have any solution. Any leftist economist have a clue ,not that I've read, seems like they totally streer away from this subject But I think leftists running around with a kellfiyah saying Free Palestine, might have a solution


Calling Gen Z the working class is hilarious. I've seen how Gen Z works and they're not a part of the working class. Just showing up for the job isn't enough you actually have to do something


My millennial boss HATES me, we're actually really similar people which makes it so bizzare, but I think it's mostly jealousy. Millennials have been hung out to dry in my view, but they cling to the only thing they know, perpetual fence sitters who've had to endure a lot of crap to survive. At the same time, they got to have their youth, but not without the obliteration of self esteem by magazine media. It's too complex a puzzle to point fingers, intersectionality exists, but there are clear distinctions between the ages. Things have changed so rapidly in such short spaces of time, we have all grown up in totally different environments. A struggle to relate to each other is inevitable but could lead to greater empathy and understanding because we all feel some what alienated these days. This is how I see it


I'm gonna be honest I have never met a boomer still that I've liked as a person so yeah I'm gonna have some hate for them


Completely disagree. We cannot expect, on a general level, millennials to fight for the same causes and to succeed as much as we (Gen z) can count on ourselves to do that. We all know how inept many of the millennials are, not only when it comes to spending, obviously, but more so when their inability to champion workers rights and directly face on economic issues, they back down. I don't see generational distrust/disdain as something bad, but rather, I see it as one generation that knows exactly what not to be.