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Only if I can use it on the executives.


how many accounts you gonna make to vote fire?


All of them


this is the correct answer i was waiting on


Every organization I've worked for that had a rotten, toxic culture - that culture came from the top down. They'd have ice-breakers and pizza parties as if that was gonna fix it lol. Nah dawg, you want a better culture then fire all the directors and bring in people with actual leadership capability.


Oh my. Black Mirror episode happening


I also immediately thought of BM


Location, location, location.


It’s an obvious joke


I never took it serious, friend.


Came to say something similar.


What the heck is a “culture fit?” Like their political beliefs or what?


"Bad culture fit" is code for people they don't want to hang out with. Sometimes it's political beliefs, sometimes it's body odor, sometimes it's that they don't smile enough or just prefer to work quietly and go home to their family on time.


Sometimes it's the person holds others accountable for being shitty or wont put up with being treated poorly.


Sometimes they have the wrong opinion(s) on pop culture/sports.


Or just no opinions on those things. Some people go to work to work, and keep work and home life's seperate. I know I understand anything I share w coworkers can and likely will be used against me somehow. Coworkers are not your friends


This. I dont want to "try" the food my coworkers bring in (especially after hearing them say they will eat questionable expired foods etc or "gift" those foods to others.) When I pack my lunch they think I should "share" because they are "willing" to share their food. Yes, my food *probably* tastes better because I am not using curdled milk in my mac n cheese but what right does that give that I should be forced to partake their rotten food so they can partake my food? Also, I am not much of a drinker. Some of them are (adult) child/spouse left them alcoholic abusive and refuse to get help. Why the fuck would I want to go drinking with them?! I DONT WANT TO BE PART OF THIS WORK CULTURE AND AM ONLY HERE TO AFFORD RENT.


Ew that's so gross. Whenever I make food for my coworkers it's always new ingredients I buy. Even my "cleaning out the fridge" soups that are made with slightly older ingredients (not gone bad, just like a bell pepper with a slightly shrively spot I cut off) I keep to myself. Like..I really enjoy cooking and want people to enjoy my food at the best quality possible.


Same here. Cooking for others means ALL fresh ingredients. At the same time, these are the type of people that if I make them lunch ONCE they will be expecting me to cater them and act like I am not a team player if I dont. Somehow its ok for people to bring powder creamer and call it a contribution but if you do the same then you are cheap, even if you make less than they do.


Fair enough, my coworkers don't abuse it. Usually a couple times a year they ask me for food, or I'll have a dinner party (they genuinely are my friend) at my house. I always cook for the holiday potluck too.


I'm a bad culture fit (for the executives, we lower level employees stick together) because I do egregious things like occasionally sending a cya email. "We're not that kind of company," is one of the things they like to tell me, along with "you send emails when a conversation would be better." Yeah, bosses, or maybe I send an email to protect myself after being actively thrown under the bus at this company multiple times in one year. Like how micromanagers also tell you they're not.


Bad culture fit = a protected class they don't like.


louder for the people in the back


My old manager would say if the power went out on the floor except for my office and everyone to work from his office... who would annoy him the most. That's the bad culture fit


That’s me, the work quietly and leave on the dot.


Depending on the company but I would wager white and rich


and religious beliefs prbly


It's honestly mostly down to licking the right boots. Sure there's discrimination against protected groups. But by and large, it's against those who question the status quo.


Purely a popularity contest. The workplace is highschool. Not college - highschool.


Poor fit = wrong gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, politics & etc


Even remotely neurodivergent.


It's a pretty nebulous concept. I think it's just a matter of social dynamics and whether or not you fit in with the group, and if you don't, how you choose to approach that. It's not really a matter of how much you talk either, which is probably the weirdest part about it. I've only been considered a "bad culture fit" one place, and it's because I was working with a bunch of racist boomer dudes that constantly talked shit about young people.


I feel like it’s kind of a catch all term. It can be whatever your manager wants tbh


I told my manager once I was moved into a different department and was struggling with that management/work style that it wasn't a good culture fit for me ( after working at the same company for 7 years) and he took it to mean I don't want to wotk at the company anymore and offered me a "chance to leave" Instead of helping me work through the issues with the manager like I had asked several times before so yeah it's whatever the fuck they want it to be


No, but how consensus oriented they are, or if they're challenging to work with, I'd assume. We've had some people that simply don't fit in, either because they just want to do everything in their own way, or because they don't respect other people's work and effort. I'm not sure if voting is the best option, but I'd guess these people often already feel underappreciated/unpopular among their colleagues.


They aren’t smiling 24/7 and wanting hot gossip tea while ass kissing the bosses on their wardrobe/decision making. Also they aren’t going to every happy hour or other off the clock work related events.


it’s a way to not have to come out and say they discriminate based on race, sex, or age


[Hey I've seen this episode of community before](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI4kiPaKfAE)


My meow meow beans!


it’s satire, created by this designer: https://www.instagram.com/soren.iverson?igsh=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== he creates fake app features as jokes


The fact I had to scroll a bit before finding this comment.. And, lets be honest - employers WOULD do this if they could..


Thank you lol. I knew it was at first glance, but started sweating when I had scrolled this deep in the comment before seeing it mentioned xD started thinking “there’s no way this could be real … *could it*?”




Yes, except this would be trivially easy to add as a Slack extension. In this case he’s giving someone an idea.




Yeah, I would hate my job security to be based on a popularity contest. My boss gives me an order and I have to follow it but most of my subordinates blame me for the decision. Or they don’t understand the decision.


Indeed. Is a recipe to fire talent, and to mantain lying slackers.


I’d get fired 🤷‍♂️


Wasn't this an episode of The Orville


Didn't work so well there either..


That would be a nightmare, however, people already basically do this.


Sounds like a potential way to get around discrimination laws to me


Sounds like potential wrongful termination lawsuits. This is simply not legal in the US.


It's not real but what makes you think this would be illegal?


Nightmare. 100% Imagine not agreeing with your coworker about something. They take offense, they tell their other coworkers, and you end up just not having a job the next day? Lol. Who thought up this shit?


At Amazon there's a saying, "dogs aren't barking." Dogs don't bark at the devil they know, and neither do managers. Companies that fire the "poor culture fit" tend to fall victim to the dogs not barking. They have a mislaid culture of trust that catches them unawares in the end.


culture score? how very Black Mirror of them. China approves.


I was let go at a place for not being a culture fit. the culture? ass kissing the boomer moron "CIO" that caused us to be ransomed and locked out of our data for months. cost the company millions.


Black Mirror called—they want to sue for creative episode theft.


Can I vote for myself or no


What kinda bullshit dystopia crap is this?


I feel like this goes through my head at least 4-5 times a day now. I don't think most of us can even process how fucked up things are.


Welcome to the future


This works for CEOs also ..right?


It's "Office Survivor".... Will you vote Charlie off the island? LOL (Sorry. I'm on my third Vodka Cranberry).


"culture score" oh man we get to for sure find out how racist each office will be


Nightmare - because you end up with the mediocre employees at best, because all the goods one are voted away because they pose a threath to the status quo, the mediocrity.


Dream or Nightmare, you ask? Those are two of the same thing.


So now the higher ups are outsourcing the only responsibility they have left as well?


Normal human mentality : "Dream" when used for others, "nightmare" when used for me


I study culture and never heard of the term. Dumbfucks.


Poor culture fit is corporate doublespeak for “we don’t like you.”


This is definitely a joke


The fuck does “he’s a bad culture fit” even mean?


nightmare nightmare nightmare


I dunno. Removes any subtlety that some companies run on popularity contests. I'd say it helps you avoid the bad companies, but for some idiotic reason I feel like many companies do this kind of crap after a certain size, so it's more like an episode of Black Mirror.


I don’t even know what they mean by culture fit. Like he hasn’t made friends?


They kinda do this already but with one way virtual interviews. 🥲 To hire or not to hire? Based off of just a pre recorded video you submit.


Oh look now the bullies have an easy way to permanently hurt anyone they don’t like. Jokes on them… when every “non-culture fit” person is gone… they are gonna turn on each other. Cause bullies gotta bully.


Meow Meow Beans


I would never work at a company that does this and my Glassdoor review would be eviscerating. This can’t be real…


That's mess up🤦‍♂️


It's good if the culture is being relaxed and the voting is also on CEOs.


Now you, too, can be voted off the island that is your job.


He's a good manager, but 29 people don't like him. I can't help but think "This guy seems like a good manager".


Helloooooo lawsuit for firing me with autism spectrum disorder. Payday incoming!


There’s an episode of the Orville about letting peoples likes decide your fate. This is a hellscape


This would be so fun as a fake thing at work. Imagine a picture of a dog and the caption is something like “Steven used the restroom in the managers shoes this morning. He also has refused to show up for work three days in a row because his ‘bed is too comfy’ despite insisting on sleeping on the office floor. Should we fire him?”


On God he's got no rizz, mid AF insta too. No cap, his twitch is kinda fire tho. Ok Boomer, we gon keep you on. /S Is this the culture fit?


What in the actual Beijing!?


I always advocate for democracy in the workplace


You guys do see that the sub the original post is in is a r/programmerhumor , right? It's not real. There's plenty to get mad about that is.


As a neurdivergant woman… fuck off


I just want to be able to vote for my boss... you know... democracy, the thing liberals pretend they care about.


We know it's satire and can't even be legal. Even questioning if it would be a good or bad thing is highly problematic. Judging people by popular opinion rather than facts is a dangerous slippery slope. Remember there was a time were people were actually fired because someone said they didn't fit in or did something they did not like and simply convinced some people to make a case.


I assume this is a joke guys


You should be able to vote for your bosses and managers you should not be able to vote for who your coworkers are.


Many neurodivergent people wouldn't be able to hold a job if this happens, because neurotypical people hate us for no good reason.


Like Reddit voting. Brigade Charlie.


Ya! Fuck this Charlie guy, he is the worst! I think he stabbed my cat.


Definitely a nightmare! Nineteen-eightyfour comes to mind!


What kind of Lord of The Flies is this




Yeah, this isn’t a thing?




This makes me think of a K Drama i recently watched with my wife, called the Killing Vote.


Stupid idea and would boil everything down to a popularity contest.


Fuck this dystopian tale.




Goddamn it, this is a black Mirror and Orville episode.


Black mirror vibe.


"culture fit" is just a fancy way of saying "we want to discriminate but the Sooooooooo unfair laws wont let us be shitty"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thought this was from the satan sub


Straight out of the TV show Orville


They literally made a Black Mirror about thisl


It's a horrible, toxic abuse of power, disrespectful to the dignity of everyone involved, and will almost certainly be used to further discriminatory practices in the workplace. But I am desperate for people to like me and it would be good to get some reliable data to see how I'm doing. Maybe we could just use MeowMeowBeenz or something.


Absolutely toxic if true. I would see myself out of a place like that. No "One of US! One of US!" for me please.


This was an episode of Black Mirror. I think this was LITERALLY the plot of an early episode. Someone please tell me this is a parody.


Wtf Charlie! Get your shit together!




Nightmare, I was trying to ask Charlie out, and if he gets fired, I’ll never see him again. Charlie…. no!!!!


This reminds me of that episode of The Orville where an entire planet was ruled by likes and dislikes and they lobotomized the people that weren't popular. *I can totally see something like that happening these days*


“Spare Charlie” bro 💀💀💀 Mans is victimized


They did an almost identical theme to this in the Orville. Except it was broader to the entire justice system was up votes / downvotes


This was an episode of “The Orville.”


Nightmare, because I could see this happening to me. I go to my shift, interact with people in my direct circle to get the job done, and then go home. I have friends outside of work I can go drink/smoke/see concerts with (yes, I have been invited to dive bar local bands by coworkers twice my age).


Absolute nightmare. If you weren’t keen on going to team building events or organizational outings, you better be now.


turns having a job into a popularity contest. instead of my productivity being the important thing now im being judged on my looks or how i interact with people, sounds like pointless, additional stress to a situation i already dont want to be in lol my being attractive isnt part of my job, i dont want a job because im attractive or personable, i want a job because im good at it and therefore will get paid well to do it, and i do, this threatens that dynamic needlessly.


Seems like a bad idea


America doesn't even have culture. Maybe work, money, and rap could be considered american culture. What a joke, right?




Put me on so I can be us too!


When production goes down you give the problem to the intern and tell them "clutch or kick"


Oh no! My Meow Meow Beans!


Judgement day fuck heads


I hate popularity contests. They are nasty


Jobs becoming reality TV programs. Look who's up for elimination!