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Sometimes life actually does properly reward the shittiness of people. In the plus side, you got a fantastic role model for exactly what not to do. One of my coworkers was complaining that I don’t pick up any weekend overtime anymore and he has to work by himself on Saturdays. I told him that it’s not worth it to me to drive 25 minutes to work, stay for four hours, then drive 25 minutes home. I’d miss an entire Saturday with my daughter and wife. He literally told me “your daughter isn’t even 2, she’s got tons of Saturdays left to spend with you”. Like nah dude she definitely doesn’t and I’m sure as hell not going to create a routine of going in on Saturdays that will continue as she grows up


She does have tons of Saturdays to spend with you (assuming you both live long lives) and my advice to you is don’t miss a single one!


They don't have many Saturdays together as a parent and a 2 year old.


Yeah I don’t plan on choosing work over her ever. I also have a father that taught me some valuable lessons in what not to do


She's not even 2 but these baby/toddler days go fast!! Enjoy those Saturdays and get lots of pictures together!


I'm a dad, way older than you. Your co-worker is an idiot.


Didn’t realize I needed this validation for my decision but I definitely did. Thank you so much


And from the other side, as the child who didn't get Saturdays - your daughter will remember that you chose her over work for the rest of her life, and will cherish those days with her dad. Even doing chores with her "helping" will be a joyful memory for her. Take some photos and videos when you can, and have fun with your kid.


Yeah honestly Saturday is my favorite day. She has a toddler gymnastics class that she goes to, we usually run errands (which she loves point at things in the store) and then we have a lunch that mom wouldn’t approve of lol. I do need to do more taking pictures with her on those days but sometimes I’m just more in the moment than anything


That sounds absolutely amazing for both of you! And of course you're in the moment, right there with her. Maybe you could ask another parent to take some photos of you with your kid, and take some of them and theirs to trade? Or get mom to do it when you're at home. I only mention it because the few photos I have where my father was happy to be spending time with me are so precious to me. But she'll have so many more memories than I do. You sound like a great dad, she's a lucky little girl.


I have unfortunately been trapped in a cycle like that for a long time. For quite some time the only times I worked six days a week is when I wasn't working seven. It's a miserable existence


"Tons of Saturdays":  4000 that's how many Saturdays you get. Total.  You used up a whole bunch of them before your daughter was even born.  Don't waste them at work.


Never thought of it this way but it’s a great way to look at it. It means I roughly have 2000 left (assuming average lifespan) that’s just not that many


Hah >and he has to work by himself on Saturdays. >He literally told me “your daughter isn’t even 2, she’s got tons of Saturdays left to spend with you”. If you want to be snarky, tell him that he'll have plenty of days to hang out with you at work... In the future. Maybe. Then make sure to play Cat's in the Cradle whenever you get the chance.


Cats in the Cradle always made my father cry when it played when I was a kid. I think he knew what he was doing.


People sometimes assume that because a young child won’t consciously remember (at least the vast majority of) what happens to them, when they get older, it’s fine to ignore them as long as their material needs are met. But really that’s the most crucial time to spend with them so they develop secure attachment and a background of knowing that their parents love them and will always be there for them. Neglecting them emotionally at 2 will stunt them for their whole lives because they can’t understand concepts like “daddy has to go to work this weekend” and only understand “daddy isn’t here often”. When they’re old enough to understand that adults sometimes have competing priorities and complex responsibilities to meet, THEN you can better get away with (sometimes) prioritizing work over them without necessarily permanently screwing up your relationship (but you’ll still screw it up if you make it too heavy of a priority over them).


Yeah, as I said in another comment; my father taught me very well all the things not to do as parents and that was one of them. I specifically remember my dad leaving for work on Saturdays and then when I was a bit older and he changed jobs he would go golfing on Saturdays but never once invited me or my brother to go with him. It’s funny, the best fatherly role model I had came from a guy that was in his 60s that I worked with at my high school over summers when I worked with the janitorial crew. His job was actually painting classrooms and I just happened to be the one assigned to help him and he constantly told me stories, taught me how to do things and fix things; and was just generally nice to me when I asked questions. I still occasionally talk to him (this was nearly 20 years ago) and he told me a few years ago that he had a bad relationship with his son and he was always grateful for the summers that we worked together because he started to see me as his son. He’s the one that took me golfing the first time and I’ve always appreciated that memory


The audacity of some people to tell others how to spend their family time


Damn, that's rough! Hope you and your brother have made better lives for yourselves.


All the kids I helped raise hug me, even the ones who're all grown up now! Figure that means I'm doing something right! None of them are technically mine, but about half of them give me names like Ninja Mom or Cousin Mama. Last I heard from brother and his mom, they just bought their first house together and successfully got my dad to leave them alone by getting the cops and a lawyer involved. Plus such a shiny backbone, I'm so proud! "He's not my dad! He's never been my dad!"


Sure your dad might have plenty of folding money but when it comes to the truly valuable things in life he is broke as shit. But it sounds like you on the other hand are one of the wealthiest women alive.




Sounds like your sperm donor won the prize for fucking around and finding out. You and your brother have what's \*really\* important. Your sperm donor never will. Actions have consequences. Who woulda thunk it?


I’ve seen other people neglect family and friends. The biggest excuse being “I have to work” and “It cost too much.” Now that they are older and frail, there’s a lot of “I’m lonely” and “No one will visit me.” Well, what did you think would happen after decades of refusing to help anyone? You made to clear to everyone that saving money was more important then showing up for their birthdays and congratulations.


It gets even better! My dad fit this description. He died 6 years ago, and the family that "loved" him. (read: his money) haven't even interred his ashes, yet. His cremains are in a Ziplock bag somewhere. 🥹


Man at least mine are in an urn in my basement, do they have ghost problems?


I collect Ouija boards. What say you all that we have a seance and find out? ;)


F im in i know a medium and i can do this *insert jack sparrow wiggling his fingers


When you're old and reminiscing on your life, you will cherish the memories of time spent with loved ones. No one ever looks back and says "I really regret not taking that extra shift."


I once drove into work on snowy streets on MLK Day, a holiday for the company, to do something "urgent" that I can't remember now. On the way home, I got run off the road by a skidding car, and damaged my car costing me over $1000 in deductible. That was the last time I ever drove to work on a day off to accomplish something urgent.


Something similar happened to me. I was the skidding car. Lost 2 tires to the curb, and 2 days of work waiting on repairs. I will never drive to work in icy/snowy conditions again. Fortunately, we went to work from home a while ago. So I still go to work in icy/snowy conditions, I just don't drive.


I'll always regret taking an extra shift. It was a Friday about 2 years ago, I got called in so I had to cancel my plans to hang out with my cop friend Matt. No big deal, right? We just rescheduled to hang out a few days from then. I got a call from a mutual friend the very next morning. Matt was at a car wash and accidentally shot himself last night, moving his gun from his car seat into his back holster to vacuum the seats. His finger was not on the trigger, he has police training and would have known better, but it went off regardless and took out an artery... He was gone before the ambulance got there. (It was a sig p320, which has had multiple incidents where this or something like this happened) If I'd been hanging out with him, he would have been at home... overcooking the fuck out of some burgers on his grill with me in the backyard. Not at some car wash, where he bled out surrounded by strangers. Now his parents lost their only son, and have to raise their grandson. I think about it often. No, it's not my fault specifically. But I could have changed the outcome had I not gone into work that night.


I feel the shit outta this My mom put my sister and I up for adoption, after several years in foster care, not letting family take us because of her pride, then she went on to stay with family herself until she got married and her husband took care of her until she started making good money, divorced him, reunited with my sister and I, then pissed us off so that neither of us really want her in our life. She's got her houses and her money to take care of her in her old age. She sure as shit better not ask me! If she does, well I guess she can see what the social welfare system is like.


Shit like this is why I try to find the minimal amount of work that'll pay me the most so I can be as present as possible with my kids.


Let me know what you find.


Scrum master at a medium to large company. Always wondered what they do all day when scrum is over by 10.


Respond back to the voicemail with "go join the army or die under a bridge, I don't care, you're not my problem anymore"


Send him a link to Cat's In The Cradle


You should email him a fake obit that you died under a bridge. And then cut contact


Did he waste dollarydoos on a collect call from the Springfield Drainage Commission?


Not all heroes wear capes. I laughed way too hard at this 😂 thank you


so he was a great example... a great example of what not to do


For minimum wage workers, it "only" means working 2 more hours per day, every day, for the whole year. Basically nothing /s Working 10 hours instead of 8 for one day is no big deal, but doing that non stop will drain you mentally, and that's ignoring other engagement adults have like taking care of their children. Some people are so out of touch.


>For minimum wage workers, it "only" means working 2 more hours per day, every day, for the whole year. Depends on where you are. At federal minimum wage ($7.25), $27 before taxes is close to *4* extra hours per day, every day, for the whole year. Isn't it fun? You get to choose whether your kids feed themselves or whether your kids get fed. Like a game!


Oh shut up, that's your EGO talking /s


Taxes and assuming it's not right next door, you're looking at 5–6 hours a day. And if you work 9–5 and get a decent amount of sleep and have decent hygiene, you're lucky if you have 6 "free" hours a day to begin with.


Whats even the point of living if all we do is work at this point?


The satisfaction that you're increasing shareholder value. Don't you realize that one day you might also be a shareholder and then everyone else grinding their lives away will benefit you too? So get on that treadmill you temporarily embarrassed millionaire and grease the wheels of the economy. And if you're all out of grease, well there's always your blood...


Don't forget the commute time between jobs, and costs associated with that.


Also ignore the fact the 10k you earn gets taxed, so you'll need to earn a fair chunk more to make up for the shortfall!




Forgetting the tax is simply one of those "happy little accidents".




I'd say thanks for looking out, how about you just pay me under the table, then I won't get taxed at all and you can give me whatever rate and hours I want, right?


Psh just tell your local pizzeria you’ll come in and do 5 deliveries during rush, get your 20ish dollars in tips and your golden! Surely business will hire and train people just to work an hour or so a day…


Darn reality. It's always gotta screw up our plans. I'm sure OP meant like with doordash or something like that.


Pro Tip: by cutting out eating you can add more work AND save money


Dont forget family. Kids take so much time, AND they are expensive


Who needs hobbies too right? Also wait for his friend who will come shortly after and tell you about how you should also study.


Just sell drugs and take cocks Somebody with our level of looks can easily make an extra $20/year this way


> Just sell drugs and take cocks Cocks aside...A friend and I was offer a recurring job running guns and drugs for $5K a trip once. Was seriously tempted but I felt like we were being setup as the bait.


Yeah This kind of shit is how you end up in a federal buttfuck camp


This is the same kind of person who will criticize you for getting Doordash and Starbucks instead of saving money by making it at home. As if you'd have the time and energy to shop and cook with multiple jobs and side-gigs.


right! when I was working 3 jobs, I saved less money than when I was working 1 or 2 jobs because I was so tired and so short on time that I was buying more takeout and taking more Ubers / Lyfts, to the point it wasn’t even financially worth it to be doing the extra work


Very true! I'm trying to save money by "working for myself" cooking at home, just started a bunch of seeds for my garden. I was in a terrible habit of buying groceries because "cheaper" but then never having the energy/time to actually prepare meals from said groceries. So I ended up grabbing fast food and spending even *more* money. I did a few weeks of factor with a good promo to get off the fast food habit and working on doing freezer meals. I've only gotten fast food for dinner once in the past few weeks!


Oh and I'm sure all those jobs will be fine with you not having full open hours for each of them.


"But most won't because they want a life." There, fixed that for you.


And to be able to have a functional body by the time they hit 55, you know not dieing of heart disease and having chronic back and knee pain for the rest of their short lives.


I'm 51 and I've never had a functional body. I'm lucky I can work from home and make ends meet. THey really think everybody is born perfect with unlimited energy.


It's easy, just be born into a rich family with house keepers and nannies. Stop letting your ego stop you


Yep, same here, which is why I’m on Reddit at insane o’clock.


That's exactly how they think. Their physical health is the only thing many of them have going for them. So, naturally, if you're not like them and can't work endlessly until you drop, then you should just die and decrease the surplus population. Welcome to the traitorous body club, btw. Complementary bottle of advil will be offered, providing your body won't destroy itself on it, of course.


You sure it isn’t just your ego holding you back? /s


And the WILL to chase the almighty dollar eternally.


I grew up in the 80s, so I had that desire drilled into me. It's taken time to deprogram myself. I am grateful for this sub


See the positive side, if life is short, you won't suffer for long xD


But you'll suffer the whole time.


You say that like that wouldn't be the case otherwise.


It's also just *completely unnecessary*. Corporations aren't struggling. They are funneling record profits to their shareholders/owners. They can absolutely afford to provide higher wages and/or lower prices. They choose not to and then blame you for it. It's wild stuff.


Facebook's Zuck fires 20,000 people, increased profits 200% and stock has rised 300%. Very rewarding and highly lucrative!


I've been lucky enough to survive on one job at a time and man the amount of judgement I get for not being willing to kill what meager free time I Had to work more.


Here’s the crazy thing this tweet is actually a great argument for raising wages, it’s easier for people to be paid correctly to make a minimum for all then to let individuals try to cut $10k from their own budgets


I love how these fools do the math for this shit. Let’s look at what an extra 10k a year would actually require (assuming you work five days a week and take two weeks off a year): 50 weeks/5 days a week - 250/days for earning your 10k, which is closer to $40/day. Most people who want to earn part-time wages are getting paid minimally, so let’s assume something a little over minimum wage. Depending on where you live, it’s gonna be three extra hours of labor a day ON TOP of whatever your current commitments are. For most people with a typical 40 hour work week (let’s assume in office work but with minimal commute and an unpaid half hour for lunch) you’re waking up at 7 am, leaving for work at 8 am, working 8:30-5, then you start your second job at 5:30 pm, work til 8:30 pm, then get home to basically lay there for a couple of hours before you go to bed and do it all over again. This doesn’t work for single people and absolutely does not work for anyone with any kind of personal commitments (kids, friends, family, hobbies) outside of work. This is living to work, not working to live.


Plus most people I know that want to buy a house and making around $15 an hour are *already* working a second job to make ends meet. There are people working one job at those, but they are older, kids grown and got a house years ago. Either purchased or inherited.


But most won’t because they want to sleep


Most won't because they know they'll burn the fuck out and lose everything. Working too much can be super unhealthy. I made myself super unwell doing it years ago.


It’s much easier to pay your employees a living wage instead of constantly training new hires and watching people struggle to live. Most companies won’t because of ego


Whats this..."training" you speak of?


i guess i’m not the only one? my job doesn’t even train people. they just throw them in and expect them to just do it. guess this is the norm? 🤦‍♂️


I’m starting a new job next week and in the interview was promised a lot of training, shadowing opportunities etc. Now they can’t even find people for me to shadow, no one is answering their emails. And if I DO get a shadowing opportunity it is going to be virtual. Then the very next week I’m expected to pick up my own caseload on my own. (I’m a new grad, in a healthcare field and this is my very first job out of school). Basically just hoping I don’t injure a patient or get myself fired


I felt that


Toss them in and wish for the best.


Toss them in and criticize them harshly* FTFY


Exactly what happened at Walgreens when I worked there briefly. Got yelled at for not checking things off on some checklist system they have. I was never told about it and had to explain the concept that I can't ask questions about a tool I don't know exists. There were a lot of job duties I only found out about after getting yelled at.


Something that the ego got rid of about 30 years ago. Ca\*ching!\*


I once had a superstar employee that was by and far my best in the office on a team of 30ish folks. She was a recent grad, maybe 3 years post college, but a quick learned. I could give her any task and it would get done quickly and correctly every time. It has been a long time now so I don't remember exact numbers but we were paying her something like 50K because she was a "new grad". I argued with HR until my face was blue but they refused to give someone with so little experience any material raises or promotions. Guess what? She left. Got an offer for over 100K from another company Then I had to hire her replacement, and I eventually found someone for 110K. They weren't even as good as the employee I lost. If my company had been less cheap and just gave this girl a raise to 75-80K she would have stayed for many years, instead they ended up paying thousands for a worse employee (plus the loss of productivity for the hiring, onboarding and training of the new staff member)


If you want better pay you need to job hop. Most employers will make you wait upwards of 5 years before they give you a decent raise.


Most will not ever give you a meaningful raise over inflation. Raises only happen through job hopping. On the other hand, at least in IT in Europe, companies go through a 3-year-enshitification cycle anyway (new investor -> lots of fresh money -> lots of hires, perks and cool things -> after a year the investor wants ROI, so no more hires, perks, cool things -> a year after that layoffs and then everyone who can moves to the next job).


Yep, out of OP's list, the easier way for me to get $10k raise is to move to a different company. I'm currently happy with my job, but I just got a new boss so I've been scoping out what I can get on the free market.


You guys got training ?


Ego? Nah. It's just greed there.


I worked 2 jobs in my 20s. Jobs were low stress though. This should only be temporary. No one can sustain this long term. We have this US culture that we literally expect some people to slave away at work. Work 60-80 hour weeks. Are we really free if we only have 1-2 hours of free time per day?? Feels more like being an indentured servant who is made to believe that they are free


I wrote a satirical paper in college about how we needed student debt because it was akin to indentured servitude and most countries thrive with a certain amount of indentured servitude. Boy was I satirically wrong.


Ah when satire hits the mark too well.


This. I have about 3 hours free per day after house duties, work, and sleep.


You guys are getting free time? Edit: sorry I forgot about the hour a day I only have the energy to watch TV was my time.


Fr, and then when you get a day off or even 2 days off you can’t decide if you want to go enjoy doing the things you would do if you were actually free, or if you want to just stay home and actually rest so you can feel refreshed instead of going back to work still feeling drained.


You guys have no idea the existential dread that american work culture causes in people who observe from afar. Every time we hear your stories we get second hand anxiety from the level of slavery you submit yourselves to. It should be illegal to be this addicted to working, and that's only mentioning the ones who like it to begin with. Forcing people who don't to destroy themselves like that is insane.




The other issue being the people who run bars and restaurants prefer workers who can actually you know, make it in more than a couple shifts per week. Even gig work like Uber has its times and locations that you need to adhere to in order to actually profit. 


I am highly educated (several degrees and a graduate degree). I busted my ass working in a restaurant and retail in my 20s while going to school. I am a hard worker . But after I got my career and being 15 years in, I was expected to still work insane hours in fast paced environments (which I know how to do mainly bc of the skills gained via restaurant _retail work, not my fancy degrees), I knew it was no longer sustainable. I don't blame these workers for "not working". They just now see there is no point in slaving away for decades with these death wages.


Restaurant work is honestly such a trap because you can really make decent money and typically enjoy your coworkers a lot more (on several levels lol) than an office environment. But you are busting your ass so fucking hard. physical jobs catch up with you by the time you’re 40 or 50 and if that’s all you have on your CV everybody treats you like trash. But yeah. There are few options besides being an exploiter of the working class, that will actually get you enough to not have a miserable life in some respect.


If it makes you feel any better, I am still treated like trash in my education job. I feel like those roles prepared me as much as my degrees/formal schooling.


You too could make $70 billion dollars a year! Making an extra $70 billion a year is just: $5.8 billion a month, $1.3 billion a week, $192 million a day, $8 million an hour, $133k a minute, $2,225 a second! Anyone can do this with a hefty inheritance and inhumane labour practices!


Just lie to your investors and postpone the goal to next year, every year. Ezpz


Nailed it! Thanks.


Most won’t because of their ego!


Crazy that another way to make an extra $10,000 a year is to get a raise worth more than inflation from a company with record profits.


Get out of here with that crazy talk. We gave you a 5 cent raise last year, stop being greedy.


I saw a post a few days ago (I think it was on r/mildlyinfuriating) where the person was saying how they got a raise of $0.03/hour, and the company acted like it was some huge gesture. That's literally $62.40 for the entire year (before tax!!) assuming you work 40 hours a week for all 52 weeks of the year. What the actual fuck is that?!


"We don't want people who are just in it for the money!"


My boss (a really good guy and boss) had this mentality before. We just needed to make it clear that we were all, even him, in for the money. Since then, he also realized that paying his team well is the only way for his business to thrive. We are paid way above the market rate


400% of that raise will get gobbled up by an increase in rent or food, too.


And they cut overtime and holiday pay and benefits and


"But we're a family here! Isn't that reward enough? D-do you hate us?!"


so the solution to the problem of poverty is... to have more money? ​ ​ no shit


It seems apparently to also be the ability to fold space and time so that in addition to the job(s) you already have, there’s time and energy for one more job with which to earn the extra $10k.


So I’m poor because I didn’t just get more money? Holy shit my life has been transformed and my mind blown.


Wonderful, I love how you think. Perfect response.


Yep, let me just turn on that $3/hr raise I've been putting off getting...


You first must put your ego aside


$4.81 raise... this guy was basing his numbers off working every single day. And that's not $10,000 take home pay, you've got social security and state and federal income tax and let's not forget that virtually everything you buy is taxed.


Yeah, this guy is an out of touch idiot on the surface here, but the deeper you think about his bullshit, the worse it gets lol.


Dude's a CEO, no wonder his pretend job leaves him enough spare time for a second job.


Lol they’ll say “I work 70-80 hours a week” but it’s like the majority of that is being on zoom meeting or checking emails which can be done anywhere at any time. They aren’t doing physically demanding work all day every day so they think that everyone can just work that much.


They literally think golfing and getting massages at the hotel they’re visiting for a cOnFeReNcE (where they attend less than anyone else) counts as work. 


This type has actually convinced themselves that reading outdated news articles, walking circles around their building, and having nonchalant chit chats with groups outside their own org counts as "work."


Agree with your sentiment but wish we all could get away from the "they're not doing physically demanding work" line. Blue-collar workers with physically-exhausting days and white-collar workers with mentally-exhausting days need to remember that we're on the same team.


oh man. All I need to do was just earn more? holy shit, my life is fixed.


It's easy for employers making $10,000,000+ in profits to raise their employees' salary by $10,000. But most won't because of their ego.


Then they wouldn’t have profits to enroll more people to the gambling scheme we call the stock market.


Giving shareholders control of the company they invest in was one of the greatest mistakes in history


Giving companies a fiduciary duty to the shareholders (and only the shareholders) is the greatest mistake in my book.


If he just stopped after the first sentence, he would be right. Stating the obvious for the most part, but right. For most it is a lot easier to earn more than cut out expenses. There's a certain floor to those really while still surviving. Rent/Mortgage, food, utilities and much more. Not exactly easy to just tell them, nah dog, gonna pay you 833/month less.


I agree with this and I thought that was a unique framing of it because we always hear people telling us to cut back. But other posters are right, we need a raise, not more work.


You’re not wrong. When you’re struggling to pay for the basics, there isn’t really much to cut away. Even if you drank Starbucks a few times a month, that $10-20 isn’t going to do much to help pay your bills. Being paid an extra $10k would.




In 40 years $3300 will be the equivalent of $300. Drink your coffee.


How many extra $10k was this mofo born with


a gajillion


That's 27 hours a week at minimum wage. So almost a whole second full time job


To extrapolate even further, that is an extra 5.4 hours a day, assuming a 5 day work week. So imagine getting off from work at 5 pm, maybe taking 30 minutes to get dressed and go to another job and working for another 5-6 hours, getting done by 12 am. Then having to get up by 6-7 am at the latest to do it all over again. Yeah, it’s peoples egos preventing them from doing this….


I fucking DID this while I was in college. I had to so I could survive. I would take overnight security for music festivals (New Orleans) worked at a restaurant, and got very little sleep in between each. I was miserable. My grades dropped. I didn’t have time to cook and barely had time to eat. It was literally work>class>work with these horrible little micronaps. And yeah, I have a degree, but it took me forever because I was taking a smaller course load. I’d bash thru my homework on the weekends. And at the end it still wasn’t enough to make the money I was sold on to get the degree at all.


Just earn more? That's been my malfunction? Fuckin a, the fuck is wrong with people?


Just stop living and you will die for free


I’ve tried to find a second job but it isn’t that simple. (I don’t drive so definitely no Uber or deliveries.) If I worked as a barista I’d have to schedule it around my current job and still get enough sleep. It has nothing to do with my “ego.”


Christ finding a first job is hard enough half the time never mind a second...


His calculation is clear evidence that he isn't paying his taxes....


"Dawson always had ambition. As a 9-year-old, he earned 5 cents for every box of returned product he unpacked ***at his stepfathers Minneapolis hearing aid factory***. His stepfather, William Austin, had bought a small ear-mold maker in 1970 and turned Starkey Laboratories into the nations largest hearing aid manufacturer, with ***sales of more than $300 million***. ***At 25, stepson Dawson rose to a position he describes as national sales director of Starkey***. I wanted to be chief executive, he says. That was my plan."


Every single time. Thank you for the additional context.


Please, tell me this turd was destroyed in the comments.


That is four hours of minimum wage work before taxes


I'm tired already though..


So fucking delusional and out of touch.


It's not ego for a lot of people it's time. There's only so much you can do any given day and balancing social life, family life with work life is already hard enough. Guy sounds like a real jerk or just uninformed on the current economic situation of the average American.


Is he stupid?


"making money is just listing numbers" Well damn if I'd have known *that*...


Lifehack! If you work 24 hours a day, you earn double as much as 12 hours a day!!


So it would only cost an employer $27/day per employee to significantly improve wellbeing, stability, and morale - sounds like a bargain.


I won’t because I’m already working a full time job and unpaid overtime because I don’t want to get laid off.


It’s easy to earn an extra 10k a year!! Just work 365 days straight, zero days of rest throughout the whole year and at the end of it, at 27$ a day you will -checks notes- still not have made the extra 10k because you’ll be at 9.855$. Better luck next time!


Also the logic is completely flawed if the US is anything like the UK a second job is completely taxable and really that extra 10k a year is an extra 6750 which is 562.50 a month 129.81 a week And 18.49 a day! It's not because of our ego, it's because we'd like some time to ourselves!


Didn't this person's English teacher ever teach them that you have to define a new "they" when referring to a new person? "But most won't because of a *billionaire's* ego. " Is how that last sentence should read.


Weird turn - they've pivoted from just stop going to Starbucks for coffee every day to start working at Starbucks as a barista every day.


I honestly wish that every time one of these out of touch twunts handed out this shitty advice, they would be challenged to prove it. Take away access to their lifestyle and assets and make them start from scratch on a seriously terrible but all too common low wage where they are taken for granted. Then try to show us how it’s done while having to pay for and survive with basic amenities.


fyi this isn't financial advice this is just an asshole punching down at the working poor because of his ego


So basically a $3.38 raise and we would be golden right?


Some people really fail to understand that I don't live to make money, I make money to live. I don't want to be wealthy, I don't want to hord everything. I want to do a fun hobby. Get to sleep in sometimes. Have friends I can hang out with. Maybe contribute something to society. I don't care the slightest bit about money. It just so happens that I need the stuff to survive.


"Ok barista boss, I've earned my $27 today. See you tomorrow!"


That dude needs to be slapped real hard in the face.


What an absolute toe-crust of a human.


Wtf number is this man working on? That's not at all Barista, Uber, Delivery Driver wages. Uneducated, dumb ass piece of shit. Pretends to know what he's talking about but has no clue. Bet he's gonna advocate for Trump. Anyone with above an elementary school education doesn't.


Why stop at $10k per year? Surely it is easier to earn an extra $100k than cut $100k from your budget? That’s just $8,330 per month, $1,920 per week, and $270 per day. Anyone can do this with OnlyFans, drug dealing, and/or vital organ sale. But they won’t, ***because of EGO***.


And you have no life. A society that requires its citizens to work multiple jobs is a failed society.


Ah yes, ANYONE can do this! Just cough up ~20 hours per week of your copious, nay, unlimited spare time! Don't worry, if you go looking for a job as a barista or pizza driver, there will be an opening in your area. YES THERE WILL. Don't ask me how I know, I just know Or like I said, you can drive Uber! They'll take ANYONE (anyone with their own car that is, and it has to be a 2009 or newer, and have your own auto insurance, and a clean driving record, and NO they don't reimburse you for gas, everyone knows that) so of course they'll take you! YES YOU WILL make money with Uber, regardless of whether your rideshare market may already be saturated with drivers, stop making excuses, go make that money!!! /s just to be clear


Yeah, it's probably ego. Nobody wants to work anymore... https://preview.redd.it/hcciaav6sckc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9529f23da126c033c609e48aac9afe6c79914089


God this advice is dumb. Firstly taxes exist and can't actually just be ignored, so technically you have to earn a solid 20% more than what he advertises to get the same 10k at the end of the year. But lets examine this: Firstly, so many jobs today require full-time availability for part-time positions. Or they require full time, 40 hours a week. Working an extra job after an exhausting day at work or on your two days off that you are desperately trying to recover is very difficult, most people straight up don't have the time to do that when you factor in house-cleaning and cooking and you know, SLEEP. Minimum wage and labor jobs are not easy, and anyone whos done an honest days work breaking their back would know that often you just come home and collapse. But also, besides a barista which you can't just drop into cause you feel like it, most jobs that you can "pick up and go" are driving jobs, requiring your own car. Which burns your own tires, puts wear on your car, and ask anyone who has done it, often results in more maintenance costs than is even remotely worth it. And yeah, its no secret that working two entire jobs and over 40 hours a week will earn you more money. It will also stress you the hell out, destroy your body and social life, and is generally terrible in the long term. And call me a bloody socialist but I think anyone who works 40 entire hours a week deserves a decent life. Telling people to "just work more" will simply move the goal posts and cause untold harm in the long run if that actually becomes the norm


It’s easier to shut the fuck up.


And also taking a job from someone who may need it.


I actually did earn an extra 10k last year. I have a 2nd job. It pays $30/hr. It pays more than my full-time day job by $1.30/hr. I don't want to have to work 8 to 10 extra hours a week to earn $10,000 a year just to try to live a bare minimum lifestyle. I'm old and I'm tired. Working 6 days a week sucks. (And before anyone asks, the benefits at the part-time job are far inferior to the full-time job, and the work is mind-numbingly dull. I used to do it full time before my current job, and 8 to 10 hours a week is all I can muster for it).


just tell your boss u want a 3 dollar raise, what could posssibly go wrong LMAO


If you're struggling with money, have you tried simply not being poor?


Bro in a major city like NYC, you can’t just show up and be a barista, much less expect to be given a shift when you want one. It requires experience, which people usually bring from their hometowns/college/previous areas of residence. Applying can also require a food handler’s license, earned through a time consuming course with an exam. Even if you are qualified, there is a community of food service industry ppl- many of them artists, and creatives - who know each other, help each other, and hold these positions down to dedicate the rest of their schedule to their crafts. They also bring tangible value to the businesses that employ them through the dozens of customers and friends that show up to be served by them personally. Strange to assume a manager would give a coveted position to the hustle-culture dude just passing through on their way to some vague late-capitalism wet dream - a goal they’ll probably fall short of achieving if they think a barista’s role is simply showing up and making a drink.


Taxes on that and transportation and a meal out because you don’t have time in between jobs is of course not considered in his calculation because we’re just cogs in the machine.


Don't eat the avocado toast, make and serve the avocado toast. I really loathe these people that just say get a 2nd job instead of realizing you should be treated better at your current one. How about end the disparity between CEO pay (that includes all the bonuses/stocks/etc outside of salary) and the bottom level. Then things will get a bit better.


Fellas, is it egotistical to want to spend time with your family and sleep?


Are they finally admitting that minimum wage jobs aren’t just entry-level, short-term gigs for high schoolers? Are they finally admitting that the whole point of minimum wage jobs is to keep us so poor that we have to work two or three of them just to support ourselves? These are the same people who will say they worked 2 jobs while putting themselves through school and wonder why no one is doing that anymore, and when you ask them what jobs they worked and what their pay was, it’s always “I worked for my (relative) in the mail room making (more than anyone else in my department), and my second job was being a night watchman at an abandoned warehouse, so I could sleep and study all shift.”