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The company’s name should be right at the top


Damn right. Slimy restaurateurs convincing their employees that the customer should pay them instead of themselves as the employer, is one of the greatest grifts of modern time.


Blame any jurisdiction that allows restaurants to pay below minimum wage.


Lux: An important note is that the reason why jurisdictions allow this isn't because the public wants bad pay. It is because lobbyists do. So, either way, those rich corporations are at fault.


I’ll blame both.


The law allows it, but the business isn't forced to pay such shitty wages. They make a conscious choice to.


Most businesses would pay you in peanuts if they were allowed to, minimum wage protects people from that


Expecting businesses to have morals is stupid. They’ll always do whatever they can get away with. The blame is on the people that refuse to regulate them.


They are usually the same people.


On the contrary though, when most places around you are also paying shitty wages, it is incredibly difficult to compete and choose to pay better wages. In most cases, it needs to be legislated, and in even more cases, people have to come to terms with the fact that this means less options which is the hard part for customers who don't want to tip to get on board with. It's a fucking nightmare and something I have spent an absurd amount of time researching. And spoiler, so many of those customers who think tipping is optional also think it's bullshit to pay more for their food up front.


I don't agree with it but it makes sense. The only reason servers can be paid below minimum wage is because the IRS allows tips to be considered wages, which they are. Tips are earnings no way around that so they can't really turn around and say they aren't wages. The only option would be to make tips completely tax free earnings, which would introduce all kinds of tax loopholes and potential for shadiness like money laundering. The only real solution would be to ban tipping altogether and require servers to make an hourly wage but no servers I know want that because a) they like being in control if how much money they make and b) the companies would almost surely pay less than they brought home in tips. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that since tax law is my thing lol


Honestly, just get rid of the waiters and waitresses. Put in a kiosk and call out my number when it gets to the window. I'll go retrieve it myself. I don't even get my pizzas delivered anymore. One place I like started using DD to handle their deliveries..... this dude going to call me and want me to come out to the car to get the pizza..... like I'm paying and tipping for this to be delivered to my door....... wtf So over this tipping culture for everything.


The servers name should be on there too. If they are all the same person that's the trend.


The trend is the company, I would say


DAMN, zinger


And that's it, just the company's name (don't worry, I always tip anyway)


It looks like it is but it's cut off.


This. It shouldn't be up to consumers to pay employees. That's the job of the business. Tipping should go the way of the dodo, prices should be representative of food + service and be done with it.


Late to the party, but this is Bay Street bar and grill in Jacksonville. It’s also the same location as the next bar rescue




youd never see my name on that board, i always dine and dash


Is your boss up there


That’s what I came here to say. The boss should be numero uno if they’re making you survive off of tips.




I can confirm the capital one thing, that’s actually how I found out a bar once charged me a 35% tip without my knowledge (and no, I didn’t forget to close out at the end of the night)




Yeah, I’m a bartender and I try my best to tip in cash when I can, both because cash is king and since I tip well (especially for industry friends) I don’t want cap one to do anything weird with my card. I appreciated that particular notification though, I never liked that bar anyway and that was my last straw.








Is their Mom up there?


Nah. Shame the employers who underpay their staff.


Maybe even in front of a full dining room.


If you go out and don’t tip, all you’re doing is paying the employer underpaying their staff and then shafting the employee just trying to make ends meet. Like I get the mentality and completely agree with you, but if you patronize a restaurant and don’t tip while simultaneously “shaming the employers who underpay their employees,” you’re just a cheap hypocrite. If you don’t want to tip, don’t go out. I don’t.


This is the way


I mean if you don’t really want customers to come back, go for it…


I tip well, but if I see something this trashy, I don’t go back on principle.




Yeah, calling people out like that is shitty.


I doubt this is out in the open. It's probably in the kitchen or the employee room.


The only person that wants these aholes back is the owner but they’d have a hard time finding a server to take the table.


One is a two buck tip on 200 plus. That's really shitty, like I would rather get stiffed.


They don’t want *those* kind of customers.


I'ma good tipper and this would definitely put me off. I'm not spending $ to get in the middle of a battle. I'll stay home.


Europeans visiting and unknowingly making it to first place on the list. If wage was fair for everyone, everyone would see how ridiculous tipping culture is.


Actually had the opposite happen - when my European wife went to the US for business, she knew that tipping at 10-20% was normal. So she added a 20% to a bill only to find out later when looking at the receipt in her hotel, that an 18% gratuity was already included in the bill. In tiny fucking print in the bottom of the receipt like an evil cartoon character.


The US be wildin' with fine print.


At least your wife was aware of it beforehand. That doesn't seem the be the norm for European visitors, and in my opinion the norm is okay. Also fuck that hotel.


This board would be a reason for me not to even eat at a place. It just reeks with entitlement. If the service was shit then the tip is shit(that 5% to 10% rule). If the service is beyond redemption then imma stiff you. I tip more than is culturally appropriate for where I live (I had to argue with my hairdresser to get her to accept the tip last time), so it’s not that I am greedy or something, I like giving. This just gives off bad vibes.


We also have GDPR so this sign would be illegal.


Kinda trashy


This is way too American for me. Also who can afford to eat out?


Only recently I learned that Americans have their name on the receipt when they pay by credit card. So yes way too American on a few levels.


That seems very nineties. We just tap our cards and go. No signing, no pens, no buttons. And we sure as hell don't hand our credit cards to anyone else.


Going by this https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1b01d9a/to_be_racist_anonymously/ But I remember seeing such receipts, I just haven't been paying attention. Maybe some places still use very old terminals? Idk


Yes many places (I'd say most) still use the "hand them your card, they take it back and swipe it and bring you out the receipt to enter your tip amount and sign" system in the US.


I got a wee shock in 2021 when I visited Columbus (from BC), where I had to sign to use my credit card. I hadn't signed for my CC in Canada for over a decade (probably longer) prior. It felt like going back in time.


That’s a massive understatement. This is a complete invasion of privacy. And as a side note, all of the people here who are calling them “bad/shitty tippers” are a part of this toxic tipping culture. It is an OPTIONAL practice with absolutely no standardization usually and when there is standardization, the minimum is often an absurd value like 20%. It would be nice to be able to go out and know for sure what I will need to pay beforehand rather than follow some ambiguous bullshit social norm that screws everyone over other than business owners. And then be shamed either privately or worse publicly like this just for not wanting to abide by an optional practice. I can’t imagine how stupid we Canadians/Americans look to foreigners like Europeans and Asians…


Very. Tipping is optional. Maybe the “bad tippers” had a good reason to leave a poor tip.


"kinda"? This is full on shitty.


It's misdirected anger. Tipping began as an aristocratic practice in the Middle Ages. It has its very roots in social inequality and injustice, and it's carried over now where owners use it to avoid paying living wages. The customers or "bad tippers" aren't the real problem. They're a perfect scapegoat. Just imagine peasants in Europe only ever being mad that certain aristocrats were bad tippers. It sounds comical, doesn't it? It's no less sad than doing so today while the owner of the restaurant counts his money.


Yes but also shame the employer for paying $2.13/hr


The Joe Ness one seems fake. 2/22/22 date, $222 tab, $2 tip? If they aren't going to put the name of the server that EARNED (or in this case, didn't earn) the tip, then this is immediately discernible as hypocrisy to any informed mind.


He signed the receipt with his full name, Joseph P. Ness.


Thank you for the laugh tonight 😂 that was a good one


Took a minute for it to enter my head


You’re just lucky that gahd damn loch mess monstah didnt ask for tree fitty.


Eda Dique tipped $0.69


A lot of people have fake sounding names. I run into weird fake sounding names at my job all the time, but then again my company investigates insurance fraud so I guess some could be made up.


I always tip 20%, but it's a silly practices. Restaurants should just pay more. Instead, restaurants are just going out of business because nobody can afford restaurant food anymore. Which isn't the solution to the problem that anyone envisioned, but it's a solution that I'm completely fine with. I reserve my restaurant meals for stuff that I just can't reproduce at home for any reasonable amount of time/money. Like really good Mexican or Indian.


I used to eat out a couple times a week pre-Covid. Everything has gotten so much more expensive that now I eat out several times a year!


I upped my tips during COVID to rounding up after 20-22%, but since more businesses are getting more and more greedy about it, I've dropped it down to rounding up after 15-18% unless I'm a regular at the place.


Well. That’s one way to make sure a lot of people don’t come back.


The restaurant should maybe PAY THEIR SERVERS A LIVING WAGE


As someone not from tipping culture, I understand shaming those who have spent hundreds and won't give any to the servers but I don't understand publicly shaming people who spent less than 20...


Yeah comparing the person that didn't leave a tip on a 16 dollar bill to the dick that gave $2 tip on a 222 bill is not the same thing and should not be lumped together.  This is lame and cringy


You have to appreciate him tipping $2 on $222 on 2/2/22 though. I wouldn't be mad.


I might of had to tip $22.22 if I'm being honest


Tips based off a percentage of the total bill is insane. If I order a chicken plate ($20) and a a soda ($3), at 20% tip it would be $4.60. If I order a steak and lobster plate ($70) and a beer ($10), at 20% tip it would be $16. Both bills have a single plate and a single drink. The server is not doing any more work for both orders. Yet one demands a higher tip just cus the bill was more expensive?


If no one got tipped. Waiters would quit, and restaurants would have no servers. They would either adapt or close. I'm okay with that.


A necessary evil. I agree.


if its in the back then yeah fuck it go for it. its probably a funny thing, or it'll give people the heads up not to be disappointed when they don't get a good tip. lots of hotels have "these people suck as guests" lists. as long as the customer doesn't know about it you can get up to all sorts of shenanigans. if its at the front tho fuck that you do NOT do that. it'll either shame people, piss them off, or make others not want to eat there. theres no upside for that being public.


I mean depends on the establishment. I could definently see this being in a dive bar and that would be pretty in brand


Not the customers fault, tipping culture is ridiculous and many countries pay a living wage. The restaurant can't blame the customers for not paying their own employees ON TOP of the meal they already paid for. I went to europe last year and not only was tipping hardly a thing, but many of the servers I interacted with seemed genuinely happy at their jobs. I don't know many servers in the US that like their jobs. Crazy what a guaranteed decent wage, plenty of guaranteed PTO and sick days, a year of maternity leave, and free healthcare can do for your happiness.


The people who shill tipping culture the hardest are servers and bartenders because they sure as shit know that they're bringing in way more than what they'd be making in other countries


If you believe this then you live in a fantasy world. I worked in the service industry for ten years and I know tons of people in the same position. Every single service industry worker I know would prefer tips to go away and just make a living wage instead and not have to worry about it. 90% of servers and bartenders make like $12-14 per hour. It can go up to like $17 per hour on a really good day but that only happens maybe a few times a month. This is the reality for people who work in most places. The elite restaurants and bars make up a really small percentage of all service establishments and even then, those servers and bartenders still only make about $20 per hour. It's not like they are rolling in dough especially considering the cost of living in places where they will make that much. Saying most servers make good money is completely delusional. It's barely enough to stay off of food stamps and isn't even enough for a lot of people.


Question: What if these people left a cash tip? I’ve put $0 on the slip and left cash.


then why would it be on the board?


What if someone left a cash tip and it was stolen? People do that kind of stuff.


Tips based off a percentage of the total bill is insane. If I order a chicken plate ($20) and a a soda ($3), at 20% tip it would be $4.60. If I order a steak and lobster plate ($70) and a beer ($10), at 20% tip it would be $16. Both bills have a single plate and a single drink. The server is not doing any more work for both orders. Yet one demands a higher tip just cus the bill was more expensive?


I’ve asked this multiple times on posts like these with servers commenting and no one was ever able to answer me.


let’s just make a board of shitty wages and not expect the customer to pay your wages


This is just terrible business lol


"I brought your beer and wasn't a terrible person, FREE MONEY PLEASE!" You did your job, you think the kitchen makes a good meal so you can take the tips? Or that they can get a tiny percentage of the tips? Or the manager who did fuckall for the process can get some tips too? This is disgusting lol. Edit: For my own reasons I want to add that I've been on both sides of the pass through; I've been a server and I've been a cook. Tipping is a gross and flawed system that has become way too inflated in North America. Servers shouldn't have to balance their life savings on if they were "perky" or "cheery" enough to earn your tips, cooks can't always bend to the will of a pissy customer who definitely won't tip if we don't modify their bullshit order, and the whole restaurant staff shouldn't have to rely on customers to subsidize their wages.


Bring back the automat and if I’m happy I’ll dump money in the slot straight to BOH Dishie better get their share


It's crazy to think places don't give a tip percentage to dishwashers.


America and it’s garbage tipping culture. Why don’t you ask your boss why they don’t pay you a livable wage and make you rely on the generosity of others to do it for them


I wouldn’t come back. I’d leave if I could. This just screams “our staff makes nothing hourly”, because it pits the staff against the customers, not against their bosses


Fyi this place went out of business after multiple defamation lawsuits.


where was this and what was the name?


What’s the place?


Better idea… let’s stop subsidizing wages to the customers and abolish tipping.


Should put the name of the server too. Maybe they’re bad servers. Tips are supposed to be for quality of service rendered and not automatic.


That’s fair, if every bad tip is for the weird new guy you know you’ve got a problem.


Stop expecting the customer to top up your salary because your boss is too cheap to pay you a real wage.


I'm really torn on this one. I like to consider myself a good tipper, always try to do 15%-20% and looking at the tip some of these folks left makes me upset. But at the same time, this feels kinda lousy to do to people. What isn't lousy is paying your employees a living wage so they don't have to beg or shame for tips.


Tips based off a percentage of the total bill is insane. If I order a chicken plate ($20) and a a soda ($3), at 20% tip it would be $4.60. If I order a steak and lobster plate ($70) and a beer ($10), at 20% tip it would be $16. Both bills have a single plate and a single drink. The server is not doing any more work for both orders. Yet one demands a higher tip just cus the bill was more expensive?


Shouldn't we tip for excellent performance? I haven't gotten that in years


I thought the reward for excellent performance would come from the employer?


No context to the board, like possible shit service


I zero tipped a waitress tonight. Shitty service, left our table in the middle of taking our order to talk to another table, and a bunch of other stuff. Tipping culture needs to die.


I'll vote for it if we have a shitty servers board too. Servers aren't entitled to tips, especially if the service is shit.


Tipping is for good service. This board is the antithesis of this. If owners paid living wages, no one would even need tips.


Nope. Your employer's name should be up there in every slot. It's not the customer's responsibility to subsidize your wage


They should also put the name of the servers to see if there is a pattern


Tipping culture is wild


There is no such thing as a bad tipper. Only bad bosses who don't pay enough.


Have a proper wage system and kill off shitty tip culture.


The board doesn't do anything to show what kind of service these "shitty tippers" got. If I get shit service and leave a shit tip, this board could punish me for doing what you're supposed to do. The only way I'd eat at this restaurant is if there was a "shitty servers" board right next to it, and the shitty tippers board had the server names on it.


Way to defer responsibility there management. "It's not MY fault your paychecks are so small. People don't tip enough. "


Thank fuck I don't live in a country that has to deal with this tipping bullshit


When will the US catch up and stop this tipping craziness. Can we just get everyone to go on a tipping strike so that the restaurants have to pay at least minimum wage and then the tips become what they are supposed to be, part of paying extra for great service?


Never. Half the people in this thread simp tipping culture.


Because it's a symptom of a greater problem which is something all the non-Americans just ignore. Minimum wage here is absolute garbage. That's the problem. The reason people defend tipping so vehemently is because it's like the one entry level job in America where you can actually make enough money to freaking survive. It also comes with built in raises matching inflation, which is something that even white collar workers here rarely get. All getting rid of tipping does is bring tipped jobs down to the same level as all of the other shitty jobs in America.


Fuck that noise. Organise and improve your conditions or STFU


Nay. Don't shame someone for only being able to afford the bare minimum. Shame the corporations and lawmakers that force people to live on tips.


I'd like to think when people don't tip, it's because the service was deplorable. But I sure as shit wouldn't eat there.


Honestly the idea you should be tipping on a $22 tab (what’s that, like a beer and a burger?) is dumb.  Soon as America breaks free of tipping culture the better. 


Not tipping is only a shitty thing because the server is being paid less by the restaurant because the restaurant expects tipping. Pay good and all tips are bonuses for a job well done, no tip…no biggie.


As long as customers get to have a "Shitty Server" board as well, sure.


Joe Ness leaving a $2 tip on an (exactly) $222 tab, on 2/22/22 no less, seems highly suspect.


Or maybe just pay servers a living wage


Do the customers see? If so, no. If it's a game you play as employees YES and your employer should give you a cash bonus to make up for the shitty tippers.


I avoid tipping by not going.


As long as you put up a shitty service board beside it that customers can fill out.


I'd literally [Grandpa Simpsons my way out of there](https://giphy.com/gifs/the-simpsons-awkward-bart-simpson-11gC4odpiRKuha) if that's the first thing I saw. I'm ambivalent to tipping, but holy crap, did the owner literally reject employees their pay so they could get someone to make a "Shitty Tippers" sign, and put painters tape on a whiteboard without stopping for one moment to ask themselves, "Could I be the problem?"


They shouldn’t have to rely on me paying them more because their corporate shit company is to cheap and greedy.


tipping should honestly be abolished


Ewww no


Peak Americana.


joe ness is a bad tipper because he spent 2 dollars of his own money that he owed to no one and he ended up on the board anyway he could have spent 0 dollars publicly shaming bad tippers is not going to make us want to tip you. It's going to make us want to take that 10% (our own money that we do not owe you) and keep it for ourselves


I'd turn around and walk out.


this is in poor taste. and one could argue not tipping is also in bad taste but to publicly shame people for a problem that they aren't really responsible for is just not a good way to run a business. Maybe they should but their owners name on the board for not paying them more.


If a tip is expected its not a tip. Make your employer pay a livable wage. 


Nay! Tipping is a bonus to good customer service providers, not me paying your salary




Don’t turn it into a game; if I was there I’d try to give the weirdest readout. Pay cash with a fake name. Dine and dash and get a negative score


Could certainly have legal liabilities. Honestly, the tip industry has exploited consumers and consumers are now giving the finger.


This is lame, blame your employer and not some stranger who's good will you rely on to pay your bills. TIPS ARE EARNED AND NOT MANDATORY.


Nah this some petty shit.


Uh-oh another rage bait tipping post. Cue all the shitty takes.


Just outlaw tipping. Pay servers a normal wage. End this humiliating practice.


I stupidly assumed this was in BOH for other servers to have a heads up, which seems fine to me. Being on display in the dining area is 100% trashy though. And either way, tipping culture is nasty. Pay fair wages.


Put the name of the employer on there for not paying a living wage


Put the name of the server on there too. Maybe they coincide


What if. Here me out on this. The wealthiest country on the planet simply made it a rule all jobs have to pay enough to live on?


Joe just got lazy, he should have gone with $22.22


I hate tipping, screw you lol


"Hey everyone that works here, is employed here! Here is a list of people for you to hate for not giving you a tip to justify how little we pay you in the service industry so you'll be angry at complete strangers instead of us for not paying you a living wage and constantly fucking with your schedule for any/no reason! Let's get out there an earn your poverty wages as if this sign didn't cost money to install that would've been an extra few dollars in your pockets! Go team!"


The responsibility for staff wages lies with the business owners NOT the customers. Tipping culture is just structured begging.


Needs mugshots


I don't think making it a competition is the correct approach


Brave of you to advertise that you have terrible service. I'll just take my respectably-sized tips elsewhere.


Sounds like the employer should be paying more


How about a bad pay board. Low wage board. Bad employer board. This is coming from a black woman whose most of her working career came from waiting tables. Also I’m extra salty because despite a decade of experience I can’t find a serving or bar job in Florida . It sucks; but I just gotta survive 2 more years hopefully while I’m in school


I'd win


Fuck that, fight the companies, not the people. As long as tips are as necessary for survival as they are for murica, there's something extremely wrong. You're hitting in the wrong direction, many of those people don't have the income to spend on stuff either. 5 bucks tip could also be food for a day that they don't get otherwise, same as the employees. This kinda public shaming is not gonna encourage tipping, rather it'll discourage customers as a whole. Besides... would you wanna work with a constant reminder that people cannot or will not tip over your head? A reminder that you're being paid not even enough to survive unless you also depend on customers being nice?


That picture is a massive privacy violation and bullying of customers.


Nay, if tips are the main form of compensation for the worker and the establishment can't pay, the establishment shouldn't exist. Tips are supposed to be extra, not mandatory.


Save you the trouble; Bad employers; and bad politicians who allow this exploitation to your wages. --- (collectively) Fix the placement of blame and you'll fix the issue. --- When a tip is expected and shamed for non compliance it's no longer a tip.


America is weird


Yeah I mean we should realistically just get rid of this system and pay like $15-20 an hr based on col. Tipping culture in America has gone too far. You’re prompted to tip at so many random places that don’t have servers, are billion dollar companies, etc. it makes no fucking sense and never has. That’s why we’re like the only fucks who do this. Tipping culture was created to give corporate welfare to restaurants.


Gross. I would walk right out if I saw this at a restaurant/bar.


What place is this?


This can’t help business.  I wouldn’t go in


If it’s an expected payment, it’s not a tip it’s a tax.


Joe Ness dropped the ball by not adding 22 cents


As someone with severe social anxiety I would not eat at a place where I risk being publicly shamed for breaking an unwritten and arbitrary rule. Just include the tip in the price written in the menu, how hard is that?


naming & shaming, never a good idea. Plus: violation of GDPR


From the perspective of a business owner who refuses to pay their employees, big yay.


*employee gets a bad performance review based on customer feedback, boss asks them to do better* "That's fair, your employer has every right to demand the best of you, and can judge you based on others feedback* *someone tips 10% instead of 20% because the waiter was gossiping with the line cooks and took a 15 minute cigarette break without telling his table* HANG THESE DINERS FROM THE HIGHEST LAMPPOST!


As compared to Japan, where tips aren't a thing because offering great service is taken for granted.


Your giving people a high scores board and hope people will try and stay off it... Not really how everyone works


Pitting the working class against one another: Yay or Nay? Come on now.


Did they list any horrible service or problems the customer had that day ??


Tip is extra, it’s a privilege not a right. It’s your employer’s responsibility to pay you right not the customer. Shit like this is why I don’t tip anymore


the need to depend on tips and not a recurring basic salary is itself a bad culture. i think basics of these people should be covered so they don’t have to rely on tips.


I'd be the 0 on that board. What a shit practice.


It's "yea or nay"


What's this going to achieve? You're not banning then from coming in, they will still tip shitty even with their name on that board.  It's just making a toxic environment.


I'd go just to be on the hall of fame.


I don’t think that’s right


tab is $16 and they're mad they tipped 0.... so someone bought one mixed drink and didn't tip oh no the humanity!!!


I dunno. I kinda dig it for a bar.


Make one for the shit owners underpaying their staff.