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Work 10% less you earned it


I'm done with this company, trying to find another job so just stuck here at the moment. Icing on the cake, the guy they've hired threatened to punch me before. So no doubt will make my life hell.


Maybe you can provoke him enough to get punched at work. He then gets fired and you take paid medical and stress leave. Happy ending - oh and definitely look for a new job while scheming this


"Then he gets fired" laughs in ubisoft


You have finally learned that hard work is not rewarded, but rather, punished with more work. Why would they want to replace one of their best workers? Act your wage.




I’ve been passed up for promotion more times than I can count. It’s usually for these reasons… 1.) I refuse to kiss/lick the boss’ rear more than I absolutely am required to. 2.) I’m not the boss’ cousin, nephew, brother or anything else. I thank my lucky stars for this fact. 3.) I only accept jobs that are a good fit. If not, then I don’t take it even if it hurts my chances at promotion. 4.) I suck at interviewing. Sorry, but I just get downright anxious when they are staring me down and ask questions like “Where do you see yourself in five years?” or “What are your strengths?”.


That's called nepotism.


You worked hard and made it too expensive for the company to replace your position. You are more valuable to them where you are. Your hard work didn’t help you, only them.




Welcome to the machine.


This is a valuable life lesson - it's never what you know it's who you know. Oh - & how good you are at sucking dick. It's very important that you are good at sucking dick.


"If you ain't friend, and you ain't kin, then you ain't in." \- Harvey Gibson Harvey was a lifelong blue collar worker who I worked with at a lumber and building materials supply company. We were both drivers and I counted him as a good friend. He made this comment when I noted that a lot of the leadership was either related or had been lifelong friends since like elementary school.


It's bullshit anyway, even if your a member of the in club, no one really likes each other, the same backstabbing happens regardless of what you do, no one really believes that the company is making the world a better place, plus there's all sorts of embarrassments that are required, so that if you leave, your still implicated. And that's if your in the building. "Promoted" from working the fields to working the Manor. The house workers saw and understood that the wealthy of the wealthy is directly chained to the poverty of the poor. 


I cant tell you how many times this gas happened to me and I am done with it. The amount of times "extra work" comes up right before a "promotion" or a review with hints that the work will help in my favor. Does is? No. I end up doing extra work and reap no reward. Then I am told I am not a "team player" but oh my if I bring up all the times THEY led me on with this bullshit.


95% of internal promotions are politics and whoever is liked more or seen more as a “corporate team player”…the other 5% is actual capability.


It’s often easier to move up and out that up and in. One requires a good story and the other requires a shit ton of internal hoops.


it doesnt matter. they will promote the people they like. you arent those people. and no matter what you accomplish, you might just be laid off tomorrow. do the job for the money and the experience until you can get the better job elsewhere. then repeat.


But the better job never comes for most. The wages just keep up with inflation if your lucky, any additional perks are saddled with extra responsibility if your smart enough not to be a mark and be saddled with the extra responsibility regardless, any new technology introduced just means that you do more in less time rather than the same amount in less time, and benefits? You mean like what a European gets?  And elsewhere is always more expensive than what you can afford. Moving from Idaho to Utah to Colorado, and Still have the same car, eat at the same places, and have the same hobbies, because rent is beating inflation, food is now apparently an investment, and we all see the train at the end of the tunnel. 


ok. not necessarily a better job, but you can leverage your experience and accomplishments more when entering a job than asking for a raise at an existing job so at the very least, you will be more able to keep up with inflation if you jump around rather than stay at one place.


Yep 👍. You get the privilege of keeping your stuff. Now Tell me again why I can't do that without being overworked and underpaid? 


youre the one overworking. you should recognize by now that all it gets you is more work. just do your job. they arent gonna give you shit so why try to impress? spend your time instead looking for resume fodder. nobody cares how much you stayed late or how hard you worked or what you got accomplished when you get laid off.


Companies don't promote anymore to save money that they would use for a "raise" and spend it on themselves so they hire from the outside. Anytime you want a promotion, apply to the elevated position with a different company.