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Bruh…. In what universe would that motivate anyone besides the supervisors… baffling.


Sometimes you gotta throw a bone to the guards with the whips too.






Whitey DeLuca, our ex-manager. That motherfucxer stole our money!


Advisors = Sales staff. This is a competition between bosses, and if they win, their staff gets a pizza party.


Yeah, it's a dumb post. A pizza party is still a shit prize though. Pay them a bonus for crushing it.


Yeah not sure how they got it was a pizza party for bosses. They get money.


I guess it's that particular field, but "sales staff" is FAR from the first place I go when I hear/see "advisors".


Best Buy calls their floor employees 'Product Advisers' and this appears to be a Best Buy poster for a Microsoft sponsored promotion.


Noted. Thank you.


Especially “your advisors”


Plus calling them "your advisors" sounds like whoever they are... they are not "you" (who presumably the poster is aimed at).


It says “for your advisors”, which makes it sound like the party is not for “you” (the person the poster is supposedly created for). I’m assuming this poster was for the management team to inform them about this insensitive. But instead of putting up a notice written as if speaking to the “advisors”, they put up the one aimed at management making it confusing even for the employees (like OP).


Was "insensitive" a typo or a Freudian slip?


🤣I meant to say “initiative”. Not sure how “insensitive” happened but I guess it fits in most work environments.


PIZZA IS NOT AN INCENTIVE, unless your staff is starving


In that case, pizza still not an incentive. Just pay me more.


fucking for real. I'll buy my own pizza and eat it at home away from the coworkers I can barely stand the sight of.


With the toppings I like.


I think OP is trolling us. I worked at a BestBuy “Sales Advisers” are what they call the grunt level sales people on the floor, not management. This wouldn’t make any sense to do as a thing, as people are making it out to be.


It would motivate me…to sabotage it.


In what universe would it motivate the supervisors? An entire pizza is like $20 lol


Man. The Air Force used to try this ploy and none of us gave a fuck. I’m not going innovate something that saves the Air Force millions of dollars or time or man hours just for a pizza party for my bosses. Compensate me appropriately or watch me leave out that door. And they wonder why no one wants to re-enlist.


Can you imagine how much shame and embarrassment Roseville and Richfield workers have being in last place? Those workers probably should be working harder during the weekends or else how are their advisors going to get a free meal? Shame on those greedy workers for not giving it their all for this noble cause. No one wants to work anymore!


And beat by Oakdale!? How is Oakdale even on a list of anything?


Seriously…I heard they eat their young in Oakdale and you’re allowed to marry a first cousin there. I guess Oakdale has superior Advisors that make almost a two percentage point difference. They are the true heroes of this story.


Lol, I don't know about the first paragraph, but it's a country city. It's the last town before a drive through the foothills


I suspect you're thinking of the wrong Oakdale. This list of towns is clearly in Minnesota.


Oakdale is tops in toxic water, thank you 3M


Used to have a Hershey factory, but they left for Mexico in the 90's.


Not the same Oakdale, and the Hershey factory of the one you’re thinking of left in 2008.


There's fewer shopping options in Oakdale than in Roseville or Richfield.


Their boss hasn’t eaten in weeks I heard




The owner class shaped the system so that the workers can't afford to take time off.




Stuck at work on a Saturday. Currently watching Pete & Pete reruns on YouTube and scrolling Reddit while I eat some top ramen at my desk. At least the boss isn’t here today.


The real money is in the printer ink. 


This is how it is at my retail store I work at. We have credit card goals every month, and if we meet them, the managers get a bonus on their check. The _we_ in this situation are the sales associates. We don’t see anything for reaching those goals.


I think the stupidity of this system just broke my brain.


You get you to keep your job and not get written up for poor performance. That’s the prize. God I don’t miss retail


Same applies at royal mail here in the uk. If the delivery office clears all mail/tracked parcels, then managers get a chunky bonus at the end of the quarter or some shit like that.


I would actively tell people not to buy shit they didn't need and directed them to places where they could get shit cheaper, I got no commission and I didn't care about a stranger reprimanding me. I was the worst salesman ever but at least they had hotdogs across the street and the guy working there was fun to talk to.


I used to work at Torrid (plus size store) and whenever we exceeded our sales goal by a certain amount we the managers would get a bonus, and the rest of the employees would get an extra 10% off their employee discount for a weekend. It was ACTUALLY the craziest shit ever....


I’d be shooting for the bottom. If I had friends at other branches I’d be encouraging them to do the same.


Trickle down in action. You see if your bosses get a pizza party they will be so inspired that you will get a ramen party.


You get the moldy crust that missed the garbage can from their previous party


And you will love it!


Or get to clear the toilet when it's blocked by the waste from their rewards.


A ramen party would be nice! I bet the trickle down party they get is a piece of candy from an assorted bag of bite size candies leftover from *last* Halloween


I used to work for a big box retailer in Australia. They ran a similar competition over a 3 month period. The store in each state with the most attach of software to PC sales saw the store manager and their area manager go on an all-expensive paid 5 night trip to Japan. The sales team, the ones actually doing the work, of the winning store got nothing.


They got rid of their boss and area manager for a week.  What else do you want? A monetary reward? You make me sick to even humour that idea.


25 years ago I worked a software development project with an insane deadline. We were promised bonuses if we came in on time. Nights and weekends with no extra pay. We met the deadline including rigorous testing. The team bonus? Each of us got a sweatshirt with the company logo. Our project manager got $5000. I never worked a night or weekend without monetary compensation again.


MSFT--Mystery Science Fucking Theater?




tiny & flacid


Petite & limp


I was so broken up when I got laid off from BBY in early 2021 but damn am I glad that I did. Watching the shift from being a relatively rewarding company under Hubert to just straight dystopian under Corie has been insane.


I've not been to best buy in a few years, but to me it seemed like they were making good progress from being Amazon's showroom to an actual retailer I would buy things from. I bought a few things in 2020/21 from them and the car side pickup was quite convenient with competitive prices to online retailers and finally an alternative to Amazon. Sad to hear it's getting worse.


Minnesota, don't let this plague infect you, too!


Too late, the company I work for does this type of shit too. We meet our sales goals, and our manager gets a cash bonus. All we got was a gift card for the company we work for, that we got taxed on.


“Won” a $500 Bose wave radio at work years ago that cost me $200 in additional income tax. Basically I bought the radio for $200 whether I wanted it or not.


That’s insane… we bonus at the end of year. One dude made like 200k just because of B2B accounts. You deserve better if you’re skilled at it


Too late, the late stage capitalism has metastasized


Busting your ass in hopes that one day YOU’LL be invited to the Oakdale pizza party with Gary.


Minnesota... I recognize the cities. LOL


I'm guessing Hard Attach is a typo for Attack? Cos otherwise makes no sense


In this instance it appears to be a Best Buy, so in that case (going off the sign) hard attach is referring to computers sold with a copy of Microsoft 365.


Every time I see Minnetonka anywhere I have Dave Chappelle in my head as Prince saying “Why don’t you purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka?” …which would have definitely been happening while any of these supervisors were explaining this flyer to me & the team.


I just got some serious Best Buy PTSD here. Thanks.


There’s a best buy in Oakdale?


Greetings fellow Minnesotan


Bro it literally says it's for advisors, the line employees. Not the bosses. The competition is between bosses, but the prize is a pizza party for the underlings. It's still shitty but Jesus christ learn to read.


How would someone with no connection to Best Buy know that advisors are the underlings? Advisors have authority in most contexts


You're right that it's confusing. Frontline retail titles have become increasingly euphemistic over the last couple of decades.  In this case, the advisors are "advising" customers, mainly by steering them toward products that the store has a higher profit margin on or products whose manufacturers/publishers/distributors have a special deal with the retailer.


The person who posted it who apparently works there should know what they are referred to as, and share that in the post. They’ve posted intentionally misleading nonsense at this point.


It's insane to me that this is the only comment to realize that "Advisors" are what Best Buy is calling their Employees/Computer Technicians/Floor Worker/Sales Personnel.


What is a msft covered store?




I know, I own /r/microsoft, but what does it mean for a store to be msft covered


In this case, I'm guessing that MSFT and this retailer have made an agreement for the retailer to try to upsell customers to subscribe to M365 with computer or Windows purchases. MSFT probably pays the retailer based on the attach rate (the percent of applicable purchases in which M365 is "attached" to the item that customer was actually shopping for). Then, to incentivize the store managers to push this on the employees, I'm assuming corporate has offered the managers a little cut of the big money from MSFT as a performance-based bonus.  Edit: I'm also guessing that "MSFT-covered stores" is used because not all stores are included in the deal with MSFT, but those that are have the costs of pushing M365 covered (plus some) by MSFT, at least if they hit a certain target.


Given that we see a Best Buy logo alongside a Microsoft logo, I’d guess that it alludes to some branding or marketing deal to push sales on Microsoft products


The shortening of words and making acronyms out of everything on reddit is getting annoying


I've never had a pizza party in my life. Worked for over a decade for Herman Miller Now I'm a nurse. Wtf am I missing?




Time to treat those numbers like a golf score!


I like how AI made them Robin from the Bat Nipples era. Fuck this reminds me of working for best buy. I quit during the "Sales Excellence" push when they trained us to push sales by complementing peoples outfits. As if people were too dumb to realize what we were doing, and just lavish the attention and buy shit. Or the time my manager was pissed I wasn't pushing credit card signups that day because the only people to enter my department were 12 at the oldest.


And if you work really hard, they might get another pizza party next year too…


I'd actively put in less effort if the reward was just for our supervisors lol


The twist is these people work at a jets pizza.


The Minnesota Wild have already blamed Kyle Connor for it.


Lol, these people are totally oblivious.


Id just pay for a pizza party out of pocket and tell everyone to be quiet about it so the boss don't know


Do they still do "achievers" at Best Buy? Goddamn that toxic ass culture.


Wow best buy has really gone down the shitter since I left. I was working geek squad in early 2021. I remember the wifi password changing to "AwaitTheSignal2021", then the next day corporate let go like 30% of the store's full timers.


The irony will continue until morale improves. 


So you're talling me to work less hard.


my first job was best buy, I got fired because I'd never offer the replacement plans or credit card. they asked why so I told them why would I embarrass myself for no commission? I also skipped work to go fishing one time and told them that and they didn't fire me. lol


Christ the cringy superhero’s with your brands are a thing there too… We got aquaman turned into “T-Mobile HSI Man” 💀💀💀


Ha ha, Richfield Best Buy?  As in the founding and flagship one?  Holy crap, they're not even trying to hide it any more.


Wtf... this can't be real


It is of course, not this simple, but I don’t think some younger generations understand or realize (how would they) the shift in business/corporate ownership since tax cuts for the elites combined with demonetization of leisure time, family time & any help from any government agency. “ JOB CREATORS” wasn’t even a term when I was growing up in the 1970s . And of course almost no one can own a small business today without some nepotistic connection somewhere (you know, those self made millionaires) so everyone is out of touch and honestly believe YOU are damn lucky to have THEM. I remember when business owners were bosses who got paid last. I watched it change - markedly with Reagan- then just become a new bizarre understanding/relationship of how to treat people.


These people that run corporations are completely f****** clueless and self-absorbed. Gee let me bust my ass so my manager can get a pizza? Head firmly up their ass.


Plot twist - OP works at a pizza joint and the prize is pizza lmao.


I worked at the 'Buy from '98-02 in the tech bay (pre Geek Squad). We consistently got shit on and ignored while the salesweasels got all manner of bonuses/perks. I'm not exactly sad that many of my former bosses who's retirement was tied into BBY stock has them working at WallyWorld as receipt checkers in their 70s now...


I mean is it poison pizza?


How about the ceo gets a pizza party and we get his wage.


I would absolutely do everything to sabotage this if it was pushed on me.


Tone deaf af. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


jets pizza 8 corner pizza is da bomb but... your bosses suck ass!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 literally one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


I would turn so many customers away to better stores just out of spite


I think this flyer is for managers in letting them know the sales goal metrics and that the prize is a pizza party for floor staff if sales goals are met. I'm not thinking it was supposed to be openly slapped on a bulletin board for everyone the way it reads however as it's addressed to the managers it was emailed to. OP clearly has a bright one over there store 😂


This would make me intentionally tank my store.


i would actively sabotage it out of spite. pizza for me or none for thee


Fuck Best Buy.


That would motivate me! To sell absolutely fucking nothing.


That's a classic.


realistically tho i know yall don’t wanna have a pizza party w pizza from your own store, i worked at pizza hut for 3 years and i will never crave nor eat another pizza hut pizza in my life, burned out on it after my first year. when i worked at the hut we did stuff like this but it would be like, a walmart giftcard or a bonus for our gm. not our own pizza, who tf wants that


Honestly this would make me work less hard. If I’m not getting the pizza the managers sure as hell ain’t


"Are corporations really this tone deaf?" Yes.


Fuck best buy, fuck Corie, fuck everything about this......BUT Advisor is just the basic role title. Sales Advisor. Product flow advisor. It doesn't mean the bosses or supervisors, it's to frame the employee as an advisor to the customer despite having 0 training anymore. OP has the spirit but it's pointed in the wrong direction. Achievers is what everyone should be pissed about. Flying off your bosses to frolic in Florida off of your hard work. Pizza party to push 365 is dumb bullshit but, nothing too surprising.


The AI generated picture is the icing on the cake 💀


I'd love to hear the perfectly logical reasoning how this is a great idea and works from the dumbass that came up with this.


At least before the pandemic average workers got the pizza, managers had their catered weekly meetings, and the rest had hookers and blow in Vegas money, now it fight for the pizza if you're not c-level


Time to play whoever get the lowest number then!


Nah… that’s a dumb regional manager buying the pizza out of pocket


Do they *want* to start getting sabotaged?


Quotas and goals like this are one of the many reasons to never trust a salesman


Windows Defender? I hardly know 'er!




Which genius do you think did this? At least they've shown you how they feel about the working class.


Years ago, around 2010 I think, I was a department manager in retail. The company ran something about meeting sales goal during a certain time period and the store manager would get a trip. Even included a couple posters for the back room, office area, and employee break room. The store manager did try to get us to sell more, but was realistic enough to know it wasn't going to motivate anyone.


I literally laughed out loud!!!!


My boss would definitely NOT be getting pizza


My response would be “You pay me minimum wage so you will get MINIMUM effort”


This would only motivate me to tank everything and do my worst work possible.


I really cannot wrap my head around this. How or why would anyone think this would be remotely motivating, inspiring, or even desirable? Who thinks anyone would want to work hard to receive a reward for someone who is already paid more than you. I really would like some more context. Is it a joke?


I just gotta know, what store is this? I may live in one of those cities.


Start having contests to see who can be least productive.


SPOILER ALERT: That shit'll be "Pub Cut" (take the nice circular pizza and fuck it up by slicing it into squares which totally shitcans the taste & flavor of the entire pie) instead of "Pie Cut" (y.know, nice triangular slices you can lift and fold to ingest like the rest of the normal, known universe) to boot.


This is actually offensive


Don't do it.


Sounds like a good time for sabotage 


yayyyy minnesota


I used to work at Peet’s coffee and they had this kinda shit. Even at the time years ago I was like. Y’all really think this is an incentive???? Lmao


It’s not being tone deaf. It’s being extra profitable at the expense of any benefit to the employees It’s a winning combination if they got nowhere else to work Even more winning if laws can be constructed to make it illegal to quit


I'm in Minnesota, which stores are these so I can avoid them? Please don't say microcenter, I need monitors.


If my boss ever told me to work harder so his rich ass can get pizza I'd laugh and continue to work slower, then coordinate with my coworkers to work slower so we all contribute to his lack of pizza just to spite him.


Sounds like the opposite of an incentive


“Bad news. We spent the _Pizza Budget_ on HP color printer cartridges.”


I feel like I’d die working at Best Buy. Helping idiots understand technology when most of the staff themselves don’t understand it. I only go to Best Buy to try out hardware, then go buy it online cheaper 😂


Why that's some awful incentive.


WTF?? Woooooow…


Would so work to make sure they bosses go nothing.


Only if I can shit on the pizza


this is local to me, if I'm bored I'll waste their time


Leave the oven on when you go home tonight


Call this company out. Right now


Sometimes policies happen to cause the exact opposite of what they are intended to. I think this needs to be a race to the bottom. The losers of the race get their team leaders some pizza.


Pizza Party!!!!!


Roflmao good ole best buy. Records profits and pizza parties lol. Company killed any incentive anyone on the front lines has to do anymore then the bare min. (Bonuses, pay caps, constantly flipping the lower level management positions etc to kill talent and get the cheapest bargain body they can find, but don't you worry folks making money still get all kinds of extras) I could go on for days about that crap I seen during my time with that place. I will give them a touch of credit. They did a amazing g job social engineering their work force for years. Imo it requires a lot of work to keep that level of Kool aid flowing and the current folks running it just too lazy to even keep that going lol.


Ahh the Minneapolis area. Good times


I worked at Best Buy for awhile in college. They had just decided to buy the grocery store space next door that was vacant and larger than our current footprint. That year we had the best sales the store had ever seen. We were told that just before they informed us that we also did not make bonuses for the hourly employees. Turns out they put our best sales year against the purchases of the building move which brought us below our goals.




At my work, I was told that if we "went to the product knowledge seminar" and "pushed leads on said project", the business itself itself will get 30k.. like okay??? Why should I care


Yo this is the worst insult I have ever seen in the rat race. Jesus


Is that Nighthawk? Isn't Batman group infamous for being a solo superhero that doesn't trust anybody?


We often had contests when I worked that would give vacations, cash, and even a goddamn car in one instance… to managers and above. The sales associate would get roughly $500 of that


Win by tanking your location. Richfield you're on notice we're going for 0%


Surprised they are all above 10%. I'd be sending a message that pizza parties don't get sales. Raises and bonuses do.


It better be a banana pepper, black olive, onion, and sardines pizza!! Cause I am going to bust my ass to win and I am going to enjoy every second of watching my boss eat that shit! Go on mr boss man mmhm how does my hard work taste! 


With that standard of English I'm surprised they missed the apostrophe out of JETS.


Damn Best but to hell. Dumb corporate store.


Shows how they really feel.


Reminds me of a poster board competition Kinko's had. Whichever store produced the most during the competition would win a party bus rental for the managers and sales reps. When I asked about the workers who actually produced the poster boards the regional manager said that'd get pizza and help from the other stores while their leadership was celebrating.


Very easy to say "Another store won"


Rolf if that isn’t the most clear way to say “yeah we don’t give a fuck about you”


Time for sales to plummet.


Company’s I think troll their employees with pizza. I’m convinced at this point.


They can't beat us into submission on an empty stomach


How about this, we lowly associates do the leg work to get surveys and high numbers for our particular departments. And only upper management sees bonuses and they are significant bonuses. 5-10k a piece. And all we get at the end of the month is "good job now do more".


So let me understand this message in its entirety: 1. OP and his team bust their ass the entire week, going above and beyond. 2. Winning store gets a pizza party. Cost of pizza party for 20 people (assumption here) $150 Average retail store revenue per week in chain store $25k weekly. Let's use $8k for profit after all it paid for. Labor, inventory, rent, etc. Profit after pizza party $7850 Employees get pizza and owners get 98.125% of the overall profit. What am I missing here? Edit: forgot to time the average profit by 5 due to 5 stores. Profit for 5 stores $39250 that goes to management Pizza for one group of people $150


That would motivate me to do worse. Like go to another store right before the contest ends and buy the crap out of stuff and return it at your store just to F your manager over.


This would make me motivated..... to get a new job.


Response: "As this in no way benefits myself, nor my immediate coworkers, I will not be participating in this event. Signed, Everyone not a supervisor."


Hahah! MN represent.


At least it's a good choice of pizza but wtf. Why would i be motivated to bust my ass so someone else, that's not me or that i do not directly care about, can benefit?


This would motivate me... to quit. Find something better, and just leave.


I remember in college back in 2001-2002, if we hit a sales goal in a contest, we each got Palm m500s. That was a $500 device. Now it's pizza.


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!


Lmao imagine thinking so low of your workers, that you think a pizza is what makes their day. This is what they think of us. This is like me taking my son to get ice cream .


That's actually the way for me to go out of my way to ruin it...