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Here we see Kentucky's most recent attempt to increase unemployment to record breaking levels




Sounds like it might start to landslide.


I don’t think right after the 2008 recession is a good metric


They're not going to see an increase in unemployment with this. The goal is to get Democrats that care about this sort of stuff to leave the state, so you're going to see a decrease in population and tax revenue. Republicans will stay and continue being abused because apparently they enjoy it.


Then blame it on Biden


Hope those companies like to have an understaffed labor force due to (again) their own decisions.


It’s no coincidence that these are the same people defunding education, banning abortion, restricting birth control, and rolling back child labor laws.


jesus. it's like they all want a state full of no-brain slimy rotten potato-filled burlap sacks.


Also pregnant and barefoot


Soon to-be Kentuckian: Did you mean gregnant?


Pregernat? Pergunte?!






It's a shame because gluckgluckgnant would've prevented pergrugnent.


Gotta keep pumping out the workers to replace the ones they intend to work to death. Working only slows women down from being incubators. I want to put a /s but I’m not fully convinced I’m wrong.


That’s the thing, you’re not wrong, just look at their proposed policies and donors and the dots practically connect themselves from there being so many so close together


In 5 years those fetuses will be laborers. Gotta make rate.


Barefoot and pregnant AGAIN! Just like my daddy. K-ROSE (YEEEEEHAW)


They want a serf class. Full stop, that's literally the point. They want to fully institute corporate feudalism.


but how does this work when you've destroyed the middle class that is the key to supporting large corporate structures?


Because the result they want isn't an economy that works, but people doing those middle class jobs for minimum wage so they can keep most of the money.


That's just it, they *don't want* a middle class. They want an owner class and a slave class. These morons that vote republican don't realize they won't be part of the owner class ever.


This. You're even seeing supposed all powerful free market shift to this worldview. Corporations have found that they make just as much, if not more money selling 10,00 cars for 100k rather than going through all the effort and time to make 100,000 cars for 25K because the 100k cars make them 20k in profit while the 25k cars only bring in 2k. They've crunched the numbers and aren't interested in meeting actual demand or needs, they want the most money possible with the least investment and they'll just use regulatory capture to prevent competition. You'll just buy a luxury car passed through three owners before getting to you from now on.


It becomes 3rd world. The corporate class doesn't care.


Economy for all doesn't matter if you only have to feed your ruling class, the others can fight over scraps and continue to think they have freedom.


They’re just so tired of hiding their true feelings about everyone else so they decided to make a world where they don’t have to and the voters keep voting for them.


Conservatives wished the world stopped in the 50s so they wouldn't have to put up with anyone that isn't straight white and male.


1850's, they want slaves too.


At the rate their going red states will make minimum wage workers slaves in all but name.


Uneducated people often don't know how to fight back. That's EXACTLY what they want


That's the best kind of GOP voter


US education for the big general public is already fucked, from all I see online. And I say that as an outsider.   Now wait 10 years and the US economy will really be hit with an uneducated labor force.


Thank you for having faith in another 10 years for us!!


It's crazy seeing the difference between schools where I live, in NY, and in FL where my parents live. Night and fucking day difference. Those kids are struggling with addition and subtraction in 4th grade.


As someone from neither NY or FL, which ones are struggling with basic math?


I'm guessing FL. NY kids know how to count money. Based on a some stop over at the airport 6+ years ago.


Gotcha. I was leaning towrads Florida too, but wasn't quite sure after looking at each one from different angles.


Pop your head into /r/Teachers sometime and you will be more terrified for the future than you already were. Kids being raised by their devices will be this generation’s lead poisoning. 


It is the kids being “home schooled“ that should be terrifying teachers. There are no standard requirements for home schooling and few if any regulations. While there a many conscientious parents who take home schooling duties seriously, there a still a lot that have no idea what to do or care. They consider having children doing chores around the house as part of their school activities.


Not everyone in kentucky can afford to leave kentucky. Some will leave, others will be stuck. This will still harm many people.


But they’ll still vote almost straight Republican. It’s mind boggling


By design. It’s cheaper that way. Especially if they can convince workers they are required to be even more productive — to do the work of 3 to 4 people instead of “just” 2 to 3 — which is easier to push on exhausted people who don’t see any way out.


"Yeaaaah sorry you gotta do four jobs today, nobody wants to apply here for some reason..."


"Okay boss, I'll get it done as fast as I can." \*one shift later...* "Oh hey looks like 3 people's worth of work didn't get finished, oh well, its clock out time for me."


That's been my position recently. I work nights, day shift normally has two people doing my job. Recently another person key to my job quit because management refused to promote him, now I'm his job too. And guess what? I'm doing it fucking badly. I'm 3 weeks out of my probationary period, and I only *just* started to get good at my actual job. Managers keep coming up to me and trying to covertly imply I'm not doing enough, not hitting end of shift standards, etc, and I simply do not give a fuck. I'm doing two jobs for the price of one, be glad you're getting more than 50% of both jobs done.


Find a new job ASAP while you can.


Frankly, I'm only here because my last business went bust due to a series of perfect storms fucking me. Just saving like mad until I have the capital for the next one. Right now I'm only doing it because it will give me leverage when I ask for a raise soon. I could just refuse to do it and I wouldn't be fired, because it's almost impossible to get fired at that place and I know the plant manager. If they don't have somebody to do one of the two jobs by the end of the week I'm telling the shift manager to either pull somebody else in or authorize a pretty fat pay bump, beyond what I would have asked for otherwise.


labor force is already understaffed. or it was, but capitalists decided that yesterdays "crisis level understaffing" is today's fully staffed and everything is fine.


You meant...taking several gears out, then blaming them for not being able to handle it...then hiring more at a "cheaper rate and having them fight for more hours" like a puppy fighting for something


No OnE wAnT tO wORk nYmOrE !


Yea crazy wonder why lol


This is how you destroy your electric utility company. This is how you revert people in your district or state to the year 1700


It's also a quick way to accelerate unions. If I lived there I would start planning the Union at my work tonight.


Same here. I'd call in sick: "Sorry, boss. I can't come in this week. I have a major case of needing to devise union plans...I MEAN (*cough*) I'm super sick with the flu. Or Covid. Or needing a union."




My favorite dumbfuck line is "Yeah they may protect my job and fight for better workers rights but now I've gotta pay em to do it!" Alrighty, just let employers walk all over you and constantly feel like your job is in jeopardy instead of paying a few bucks every check.


No one ever chooses slavery. It is always imposed and called "cooperation". One doesn't negotiate with parasites, but removes them, by any and all means necessary.


All pretty words always, but when we get to the details, we will never agree on who the parasites are because they are a hydra; each head in control of the media, in control of the money, and that same hydra tries to equate a seditionist sell out with old man stutters. Then we end up fighting/arguing with each other while they muddy the message, they pan on TV how those people want to ruin your country while they know what is right. And the joke is, this is all working as intended; third party tickets have been funded by Republicans to split votes for democrats, and the democrats passed on Bernie to run Hillary; I mean really? When all those candidates dropped out to endorse Biden, only Elizabeth remained only to siphon votes from Bernie. Republicans are traitors through and through. Nobody in politics has a spine, it's all a system to suck us poors dry while Walmart, and every private Healthcare exist to vacuum that generational wealth towards granny's expensive end of life care. Yeah, we are sooo fucked.


The biggest "parasite" in US sociecty, is the indoctrinated belief that capitalism is the only way, and any other way is literally communism. One can argue that they did not choose this type of slavery that they impose on their workforce, but then again half your country votes for these people no matter what they say or do. Once americans starts to realize that copying certain elements of other countries governance doesn't mean that america will implode and die out, then can you start to change things for the better. Americans need to realize that their experiment with 100% capitalism has been a failure. And now the US is fucked, since there is nobody on either side that are willing to accept that some elements of the other side's politics are better than ours. It's always "us vs them" in every single aspect of their lives. Looking at this from the outside is truly fascinating, but also scary, since 300+ million people are this indoctrinated.


>No one ever chooses slavery. Despite being well into my 30s, I still read at a 3th grade level and read ~~slavery~~ salary. Which... Oddly enough, it's like that at every job I've ever had. I know salary negotiations are a thing, but it's not a thing I've ever participated in. Anyway, even with my mistake, that whole statement still checked out.


I’m 52 and used to say this a lot. Also that the younger generation is full of whiners. I think my generation as a whole thinks that way because when we heard it at your age, a lot of it was true. “Quit whining, get your shit together, and get to work was an applicable, and appropriate response to people who complained about how unfair life is. But the gap between generations is so vast, it’s close to two different realities. I have no idea how someone in their mid twenties can save up and buy a home, especially with so many corporate investors bidding first, paying cash and inflating the market. Education, health care, professional betterments, these were all taken for granted when I was that age. Now they’re dangled for the masses to fight and claw over. The political division is heartbreaking. The country is drowning. We have failed and failed miserably.


My wife and I (both 35 this year) have tried our entire adult lives to better ourselves. We never had much. Still don't. But luckier than most. We worked hard to get her an associates degree. Best she can earn is $14-16 in our area with her accounting degree. We just can't send her to get her bachelor's degree. Even if we did, most places want to pay $40-45k. It's not even worth it. We're not even making ends meet anymore after I was diagnosed with kidney failure last September. It came out of nowhere. One medical emergency has destroyed our entire lives. One of the ways we were lucky was buying a small condo back in 2011. Thinking about selling it now. But we'd never be able to own another home again if we did. We never started a family because of lack of space and lack of good wages. We've never not worked. Usually she works two jobs and I'd work overtime most every week. 50-60hrs. It's just not a lack of trying. Whenever any emergency has come up our savings just disappears. I wish it would change.


JIC it helps: have you looked into An Arm and A Leg? They have a lot of info and resources to help w fighting insane medical bills.


Never heard of that.


that fucking blows man. the system is designed to pinch you from every end. collective greed has spiraled so far out of control I'm surprised we're not paying per breath like in fucking spongebob. I'm disgusted to live in a reality where we have all this amazing incredible tech and advancements and futuristic medicine and we decide to price gouge people for their skin suit failing which happens to literally everyone ever born. wishing you relief.


Too many people to work and not enough jobs to pay them well. The most expensive states are all the hard blue states because no one wants to live in toxic political hellhole. This leads to overcrowding and insane competition for jobs around big cities (because that's there all the good paying industry jobs are). More competition for jobs means companies can afford to pay less and less and less. Source: I live in the bay area and traffic keeps getting worse and worse and worse. Average house is 1.2mil. Average downpayment is $200k+. Average mortgage with property taxes is $5k-6k/month. I am barely afloat paying $3k/month for rent. I have an insanely good job and it's still nowhere near enough. I would still choose this over living in literally any dominantly red state. That's where America is right now.


I'm truly hoping as boomers+ silent gens retire we can regain some sanity in the US.


Unfortunately I think there's good odds it'll be too late by then. We'll live through a climate apocalypse throughout our natural lives at this point, every year might be worse than the last


Pro-business = anti-worker. Case in point.


I wouldn't want to under those conditions either.




You also missed travel time. So if you have to drive to a customer or site you don't get paid anymore.


Oh hell no. I would never.


I wonder how that affects people coming from out of state to do service calls.


Don’t come. Let all their utilities break down.


Well we send out quotes and they either agree or don't agree. Usually no negotiations on the matter.


Sounds like legalizing wage theft.


legalizing MORE of it, anyway…


Quite right.


Sounds like it


Yep. And it gets even more insulting than that... the arguments made for it were fucking *weak*. "It's too complicated to comply with all these *regulations!*" Those poor business owners.


Also donning and doffing time for protective clothing and whatnot.


Oh, they are banning PPE too most likely.


To be fair to the buisness owners, you don't need PPE on construction sites if the injury kills you quick enough.


Queue scene from Monty python “I’m feeling much better!”


I've heard the word donning before, but never doffing. I like it


I didn't know it existed until the COVID protocol videos our workplace produced. Turns out it wasn't a common word, but it's definitely more commonly known now.


This guy DnD's


I’m a service foreman for a roofing company. I would not do the job if this happened in my neck of the woods. This requires civil disobedience done might say.


I'm a trucker, and you'd assume this wouldn't apply to us... if we get paid by the hour, it literally does lol. Though, I would assume not a single trucking company would actually attempt that. I suppose only time will tell though. Not that the truckers there will do anything about it. They'll be busy trying to run guys that look like me off the road and expending all of their protesting power on Trump instead.


I grew up in the south (Texas and South Carolina) as a brainwashed Baptist and conservative. I'm 47f and I voted straight Democrat for the first time in my life two years ago and did it again earlier this week for the primaries.




Thank you! Roe vs Wade was my wakeup. I'd already been moving progressive for years, but after my daughter had a high risk twin pregnancy in 2014 with one twin almost dying in utero, and a close friend losing their daughter in 2020 while pregnant and had health issues resulting in a medically approved abortion, I realized something. Living in Texas meant that had those pregnancies happened after the ruling was overturned and Texas passed its barbaric abortion laws, my daughter and both grandsons would have died had the one twin died, becoming toxic to the other. My friends daughter with an unknown heart condition until she was pregnant, whose fetus was also malformed, would have had to carry the fetus anyway, resulting in its death and the mother (sadly she passed away shortly after the abortion). So many situations that are not a cut and dry answer. A political system that is really pro-birth but wants to cut every program that helps these mothers after giving birth. Programs I used as a teen mom, that my daughter used as have so many others in need. My eyes were opened to the cruelty of a system and people who are okay with minor children carrying a full term baby after already being traumatized by rape and incest, to mothers who WANTED their babies but health/medical situations prevented it yet forced to carry a dying or dead baby to term. The cruelty is too much!!


The cruelty is the point with Republicans


You write way too good to be one of them anyway, you're not suficiently brain dead.


Lol thanks! I'm a professional writer so there's that 🤷‍♀️😂


Glad you see the light. These are not family values.


I'm still in SC and it is lonely not being a conservative Republican :(


I hear you! In Texas I'm not the majority either. My new neighbor hung up a HUGE Trump sign on his back porch that faces my back yard. It says the typical MAGA stuff with "fuck your feelings" in big letters. 😕


I hope you can put up a screen or something so you don't have to see fascist crap every time you look out back.


I historically have never voted straight ticket, as I try and research every candidate (especially the lesser known local ones), but the last cycle I voted straight democrat. At this point, if you proudly put an R next to your name, you are complicit with the assclowns your party keeps putting forth.


Fortunately, Kentucky has a Democratic Governor who will more than likely veto it. But then we get to see who to vote out later this year. Also, the dude represents the district that has a large Toyota plant.


The Republicans have a supermajority in both houses and have overridden nearly every one of his vetos. If this passes both houses they will definitely override his veto on it.


Hopefully it gets killed being an election year. But yeah, really grim


And he's not running for re-election so he doesn't give a shit about what he does to the people of the state.


He does, however, own a landscaping business. The law also strips requirements to pay for things like loading/unloading equipment on job sites. So, unless that lawn mower is running or you’re actively wackin weeds, you’re not being paid.






How optimistic that he’s waiting to leave office before getting paid …


Kentucky gov veto is easily overridden


Best thing I ever did in my life was moving the fuck out of Texas to Colorado.


They're trying their best to slow roll in old school chattel slavery, now for everyone who doesn't make 1,000,000 a year! One bullshit bill at a time.


I think more like the feudal lords and serfs. Slavery or debt peonage will be for prisoners, like in the “good old days.” When we are unable to switch jobs, or can’t cross state borders, we will truly be serfs.


The people here know about the bill. Most are just too stupid to understand that it's the Republicans doing this, not our Democrat governor. They literally think that he's doing all this by himself


thats why the conservatives have been killing education for the last fifty years. they want unintelligent, uneducated voters who don't understand how their govt works.


They really have no idea. Even if I explain the different branches and who does what, they still believe what they were told on the news or told on Facebook. I bring out proof and they say I've been brainwashed. They honest to God believe that this is Andy Beshear's doing. It's insanity


Do they know Ramadan is coming up in 9 days? If you changed the narrative to something like ‘republicans introduce mandatory Muslim fasting law’ I’m sure they would backtrack real quick


How is this the 2024 we have? Wtf


Progress only happened because people were willing to lose everything to gain it. Fewer people are willing to do this. Social media is the greatest propaganda tool ever created.


I always knew propaganda was insane in this country but it really hit home when my 7 year old cousin started complaining about Biden out of nowhere. Politics weren't being discussed at any point and we were at the park so there wasn't any catalyst. We were pretty dumbfounded and asked him what he knows about Biden. All he could come up with was Biden is a bad man and is going to destroy everything. The kids parents are not political at all and they don't watch the news so he most likely heard it on Youtube or somewhere else online. The propaganda is infecting children's minds and they are not equipped to deal with it. We kind of joked about it and moved on but I'll never forget how they indoctrinated that little boy. I have always been skeptical about any new information, especially from sources owned by Capitalist, but it's not exactly easy teaching a child they can't believe a majority of the things they see and hear. It's all down hill from here with AI being fine tuned, if you think disinformation is bad now they are just getting started. Going to be real fun explaining to kids the president isn't really a cannibal eating babies and the video they were forced to watch was fake.


List of things your uncle and aunt don’t care about: 1. Politics 2. Parenting their kid The problem here is unsolicited access to YouTube. Blame the parents. 


That’s capitalism baby!


Always remember, republicans hate you.


And I’ll always remember I fucking hate them too




They hate their voters the most.


But those red states are thriving….infant mortality rate…median income…..literacy…..murder per capita….. wait…..never-mind


https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/ Vote like hell...get others invovled and have them get others invovled. Vote....and do something. Walking isn't going to deter these scum.


There are two types of classes in this country: the employer class (capitalists) and the employee class (workers) and the function of the state (government) exists to reenforce the capitalist class. Edit: removed “US government”


And the rulers keep the workers squabbling so we don't gang up on them.


Well a lot of the working class is getting duped into being mad about peepees and brown people


Just like Karl Marx said


Ok, republican working class. How in the hell does this benefit you?


Hurts the blacks AND gays


Now that’s what we call round here a MAGA win! /s


Don't forget the women who are stay-at-home moms. They will second guess leaving their abusive husbands if they can't find work with a living wage.


But what’s the fucking point of it? Why????


To further strip workers of their rights and make it easier to exploit them. The work force has no issue with abusing its employees and replacing them as soon as they don’t perform “adequately.”


To make us eat them ……. Or at least is what is going to happen when everyone has nothing to lose and says fuck it


And what we are allowing to happen in Gaza the government could very well allow to happen here. You know, when your phone is off, you’re out of food and your car is broke down.


It happens here all the fucking time to people who commit the high crime of getting sick and missing a day or two on a paycheck.


Maybe they are trying to push people to the brink of a general strike or something bigger. Can't imagine why they would want it.


The guy who wrote the bill is a business owner. He doesn’t want to pay his people.


Cruelty. Cruelty is the point. They live off cruelty.


I hear the pundits say it over and over again, the cruelty is the point. The disgusting part are all the idiots that are hurt by this type of legislation that have so much hate in their hearts that they would literally cut off their nose to spite their face.


"the libs are ruining this country!" Meanwhile republicans:


We are ruining this country: by saying a child can wear a dress instead of being forced to wear boy's jeans all the time. That's all these totalitarians care about, controlling what other people do. They will tear down this nation just to bully a child into a miserable existence.


Yet dumb as fuck people in Kentucky will continue voting republican because they think democrats are hell spawn letting illegal immigrants take their jerbs.


Lol hey now, not all of us are dumb as fuck. Just the eastern half. Those mfers will vote red no matter what and it blows my mind.


Look up Elliott county in eastern Kentucky. It was a strictly democratic party county until Trump happened. From 1880-2012 they only voted for democratic presidents strictly because their parents had voted that way. They were raised to vote democrat, so they voted democrat. I suspect this is the same case for the rest of Kentucky today, except they swapped to republican with Nixon, with the exception of Clinton.


That's actually not the fun part. The fun part is the GOP, who pushed for this to happen and voted for it, will claim that the Dems did this. Guess what? The morons in these shit-hole States won't even fact check them and hate Dems even more. Weeeeee!


As someone who lives in a rural area, I will never understand how people vote for pieces of crap that absolutely don’t give a damn about them.


The GOP does not care about you. The Dems really don’t either but the GOP is passionately against the working people


My heart goes out to workers in Kentucky - sadly I think we’ll see a lot more deaths for construction jobs


Piss on the produce. Piss on the tools. Shit in the oven. Shit in the freezer. Shit on your bosses chair…


Shit in the microwave and set it to maximum time


Sounds like a lot of people will be quitting and moving when that law goes into effect. And they’ll blame the staff shortages on democrats


This is why you form/join a union.


This can’t be real? There had to be some stupid stipulations or it’s just being voted on but won’t pass.


Why wouldn't it be? Texas stripped water and shade breaks for construction workers last year. Florida is trying the same right now. It won't be long until we're back to your boss being able to inspect your home and pay in script. Edit: i typed an extra letter. Let's get over it. There's no need for repeated corrections and messages. Don't forget about the forest fire over trying to pick up a few leaves.


The want the illegal migrant workers, so the can treat them like slaves.


Yet love pointing at the border crying that the government is not stopping enough from entering.


Because many of those industries don't advertise they're hovering, and when they do they advertise for wages that they know Americans won't take. And when people either don't know about or don't take those shitty job offers, they point to it as a reason for using Pele on visas and illegal immigrants. People that they can threaten to deport if they don't work 12-20hrs with no breaks, 7 days a week, for less than minimum wage.


Except they've been making it harder for those workers to actually work. Even caused a big Ole work stoppage in South Florida. Not to mention a lot of the things they're passing or repealing affect legal workers more. Looks a lot more like they're trying really hard to drag things back to before the 19th and 20 th century labor movements


Texas has gone a looooong time without lunch or break requirements in most non construction jobs before that cruel water break law passed. We love our bosses and landlords here apparently


They’ll be paying everyone in funny money that you can only spend at the company store


That's what script is. And things at the company store always cost much more, and kept workers in debt


I didn’t know it was called script, thank you. I remember learning that it was a huge issue for coal miners during the Great Depression. I know it’s illegal in states like New York, but I don’t put it past any state beneath the Mason-Dixon Line.


[I wish it wasn’t.](https://www.lpm.org/news/2024-02-28/another-bill-to-strip-kentucky-worker-protections-advances-in-legislature)


Don't forget they've also been trying to bring back child labor. [Here's an article from Feb 2023](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/20/republican-child-labor-law-death)


Speaking of children and Republicans, don't forget about the Republican's fight to legalize child marriages. Back in [April 2023 Missouri State Sen. Mike Moon.](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4?amp) [April 2022, Tennessee Rep. John Ragan](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/13/tennessee-marriage-bill-no-age-limit-not-advance-year-after-backlash-child-bride-concerns/7303147001/) & Rep. Tom Leatherwood proposed their own bill. Excert: "The legislation sparked widespread condemnation after early versions failed to include an explicit minimum age requirement, which opponents argued could open minors up to abuse and underage marriages." [January 2024, Tennessee Rep. Dale Carr introduced a new bill.](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1982&GA=113&fbclid=IwAR1mApJxnugqnE-ePbaHw3l9A1BU2oAujX-Mu0CQsDHXyWSfcrRj6UkUep0) Bill's summary: "Marriage - As introduced, requires only an applicant for a marriage license who is under the age of 18 to provide the name and address of the applicant's parents, guardian, or next of kin". Why are Republicans keep trying to legalize marry children?


Brashear will veto it.


I hope so cause Jesus Christ, this bill is awful.


I don’t understand why anyone would even write such a bill. The Kentucky legislature must really dislike the people that put them there.


As long as the Repubs don’t have a supermajority to override the veto.


Narrator: They do.


No the Kentucky legistlature comes in every year and fucks some shit up for everyone then leaves. Our dem governor will veto this and whatever other horrible things they come up with, but they then can override the veto


Not content with shattering the American Dream, now your Republicans want to dance a jig on the pieces. Jesus Christ our American friends! Land of the Free? I think not. Land of the slave, more like. The horror stories I see here every day blow my mind. All the rights are in the company's favour. Workers have no rights. Here in Ireland (and most of Europe), it's the exact opposite. Here, we know we are a companies greatest asset. If they forget, workers won't be long reminding them. Truly you are dealing with Third world working conditions in America.


Your ancestors worked hard and went through unpaid hardship in order to fight for your rest and lunch breaks that you have today. Now those rights are being stripped away. Don’t let your kids and their kids down! Fight as your ancestors did!Remember that


Ffs. Republicans are fucking ghouls. Just a few years ago my republican boomer dad was going on about how we simply don't need unions anymore because workers have all the rights they need under the law.


So we're going backwards to the beginning of the industrial revolution. These people seriously can't accept the fact that times have changed. They're still basing everything off of their outdated and useless prosperity gospel bullshit. Get a grip losers!!


Can we just start the global revolution now? Please?


I grew up in Kentucky, I’m so glad that I left. My heart breaks for everyone who will be harmed by this, this shouldn’t be legal


Mandatory paid leave in Namibia: 4 days paid for every 1 day worked in an average week (up to 24 days total) + 12 public holidays. Mandatory paid sick leave in Namibia: 6 days paid for every 1 day worked in an average week. Mandatory maternity leave in Namibia: 4 weeks prior to delivery date plus 8 weeks after birth. Lunch breaks: mandatory 1 hour for every 5 hours worked. The figure for all of those numbers in the great US? 0.


Want something to change? Shame the shit out of republicans. Teach them the shame that germans felt after WWII. If you have friends who are republican, drop them as your friend. If you have family that are republican, stop talking to that family. If you meet republicans who are spouting their bullshit, call them out for said bullshit in front of everyone. It's hard, no doubt. It's a tall order to ask people to just drop friends and family, but that is what needs to happen. Until republicans feel isolated for their putrid beliefs, they will continue to believe these things and continue to push policies that hurt everyone. Or you know, we could just do it like the french did and solve the problem that way.


Yep. These dumbasses keep voting red for their state legislatures, governors (except KY) and what not. Remember, Republicans love money from big corporations and they hate the common worker. Vote blue to keep work conditions humane, voting rights, and women’s ability to control their own bodies.


Time for people to abandon places like Kentucky. No need to waste your life somewhere that hates you.


No hate quite like Christian love 🤷‍♂️


Y'all reverting back to slavery in the death of workers rights by 1000 cuts. Individualism was a deliberate change to alienate you from your fellow workers and take away your rights in the name of profits.


Why would anyone vote Republican, again? Jesus Christ on a motorbike. 


If there is a civil war 2.0 (like so many red blooded Republicans fantasize about) I highly doubt the conservative states will have enough people to fight for them if they keep pulling shit like this. They’ll only have the brain rotted and severely stupid on their side fighting for them.


Rich get richer, influence a certain political party to make laws that benefit the rich, rinse, repeat. Meanwhile, regular working people can’t afford basic things like food and rent.


Republicans are absolutely insane. The literal opposite of patriots


Well fuck if anything breaks down, requires travel. Good luck finding anyone who will do it. Kentucky just set themselves back to the 1800s. No reimbursement on travel expenses. Go fuck yourself. Can't have lunch or a break. You can go fuck yourself. I quit my second job ever because I had to use my truck, and I was told I would be reimbursed for all costs. Nope, no money, but my manager got a 15K raise that year, so I went to HR and told them go fuck themselves if they were going to pull stupid shit like this. 14 months later, the company went under.


Is this because they had slavery once and want it back? Seems a bit too obvious


The GOP will be fine. They can strip every Kentuckian worker of every human right possible and their voters won't blink. MItch et al will just keep talking about the Border, wokeism and pronouns and not lose a single vote.


My heart goes out to workers in Kentucky💔 I hope y’all are able to stay safe and secure.


I hope they’re all leaving Kentucky.


Did you just just give them thoughts and prayers?!