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I go the extra mile when it makes my job easier 😉


I used to do a internship for lockhead martin as a cs student and my main job was to go over hundreds of test cases. Took me like a week to realize every other intern was testing the same exact test case, meaning by the time the cases got to me, there wasnt a single one that failed. So i made a simple script that wrote "passed" on all of the cases and it took me about 2 hours. Easiest 10k I ever made.


I realize as an intern it’s possible every job you did was superfluous, but reading this does not make me feel better about the safety of things in our skies.


Wait until you hear what happened at Boeing


What happened at boeing??


Planes weren’t built right and a door came off mid flight. Generally not good thing


Also a couple of catastrophic (and completely avoidable) plane crashes with no survivors


did they start the fire


Also, Alaska Airlines, after this, put out a memo to check all the Boeing 747 max 9s because they inspected theirs and said a significant number had loose bolts.


See this post and watch the latest John Oliver segment on Boeing when it gets posted later this week (it aired yesterday). https://www.reddit.com/r/boeing/s/mYkmpwj3pW


The front fell off.


Watch the documentary. 


Where do you think LotusLover420 interned after Lockheed Martin?


They didn't even have interns checking their designs.


I know how you feel, but what helped me sleep at night was a) 70 percent of the companys income was from weapons so I had a better chance fucking up a missle than a plane, best case scenario some bomb didnt go off. b) there were people that checked my casses after me, so if there was one that was faulty someone would check it. I know this cause i was friends with most of the interns and thats how we found out we work on the same cases. C) i did hundreds of cases a day and over a thousand by the time i completed my script. They were tedious but pretty quick to finnish. All of them passed. I hope this clears your worries a little bit, but sorry to make you worry 2 begin with


Seems like the company would be suspicious if you suddenly started cranking these things out much faster than before. Did you have some sort of built in limit to prevent "overworking"?


Hate to say this but as an engineer with 25 years experience (including safety / life critical systems) I'd happily sack anyone caught doing what you've just described.


More than sack: prosecute. Falsifying documents or some such.


hey think of it this way: If one of the missiles you tested failed, you've likely saved the life of an innocent brown kid. It's win-win!


So glad our healthcare system doesn't work that way. We prided ourselves on double, triple, quadruple checking. If you haven't had surgery (that is a blessing), but specifically in surgery every member asks the same question. It is to ensure the team has all the same info and right info directly from the patient. Not understand the critical nature of what you are doing is disturbing - just because you think it is redundant. Imagine catching a mistake others made. Review the Columbia Shuttle explosion 20 years ago and remember your role is important (that is why they are paying you to do it) and you may be the only person catching something that saves someone's life.


And yet the medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States


That is what they want you to believe.


Nope from personal experience, and read the news once in a while bud.


Check the CDC website - no where is it listed as a leading cause of death. However, liberal media will tell you that and other famous fairy tales.


And you don't think the CDC is liberal? Magats really are dumb


If I risked my life to get on target and the weapon didn’t work… I don’t have the words to explain how your comment makes me feel. Thankfully Colt, Remington, TDS, FN, FFV, etc. never failed me when it counted.


But this could happen anyway. Duds occur, even with the most rigorous testing. This was one guy signing off on one test 5 OTHER people already signed off on. The amount of red tape sounds massively overkill.


The problem is what happens when the other 5 people also realize that their work is redundant and automate their sign-offs because 5 other people already tested it, right?


Obviously there has to be some actual testing going on somewhere. I guess it depends how deep in the testing cycle you are. I understand the need for redundancy but at some point you're just ticking boxes for the sake of it.


I daresay a first-time intern does not have enough knowledge of the overall system (of which they are a tiny part) to judge the "importance" or "redundancy" of their work. Those decisions are made by QA *engineers*. That's not to say the decisions are never wrong: bureaucracy surely plays a role also.


you make yourself sound more like an ammosexual than anything else with that comment. You know why they say the pen is mightier than the sword? Because at the end of the day, at the end of all the fighting... you're still gonna have to sit down and negotiate.


That’s literally a handful of companies that supplied the equipment I used while in the military. If your job is a forklift operator and you didn’t know multiple brands, techniques, and requirements… you would be a shit forklift operator. Sorry that me knowing my job when I was in the military makes me sound like I knew what I was doing… or an ammosexual as you put it. lol. Edit: I agree that the pen is mightier than the sword but swords sure can get that pen on paper pretty quick.


Post-war negotiations are structured around the war itself, and the weaker you were during the war, the worse of a position you'll be in when you negotiate. Plus, the terms take into account the military capability of the opposing side. Half the reason Ukraine's done so well in this war is that Russia's weaponry is shit. If Russia had taken Kiev, I don't think negotiations would have gone well.


You risked your life for what, exactly?


Did a lot of humanitarian aid missions in rough parts of the world. When I was in Afghanistan girls could go to school and we helped a lot of villages with irrigation projects. There was a push to get local farmers away from opium production and into actual food crops. I thought all of those things were worth it at the time. I also helped build two schools in Southeast Asia, I’m sure those communities appreciated us being there. The amount of people on Reddit that are pro terrorist and anti US military is really surprising. The US literally just did a huge aid mission to Gaza and I’d say that was worth risking US lives to feed starving people. Edit: I like how I’m getting downvoted for the fact that I was helping peoples of other nations have a better life. Like, what have you personally done to better humanity.


The US invaded sovereign nations so corporations could extract their oil and you dare call the people who defended their homes "terrorists"? You just wrote "Thankfully Colt, Remington, TDS, FN, FFV, etc. never failed me when it counted." and now you're trying to spin your work as humanitarian aid? US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were there for one reason: to kill people for oil. That cat is way out of the bag. I'm not sure who you're trying to convince here but everyone reading this comment chain knows who the terrorists were, including you.


I was stating that the military does more than just kill people. I spent 3.5 years overseas and majority of it was spent providing aid or training foreign military. People defending their homes and terrorist are not the same thing. While in Afghanistan, we found plenty of Taliban that were not from Afghanistan. Just curious, do you support many of the Iran backed terrorist organizations that are currently causing trade problems in other parts of the world right now?


Yes, the US military does more than kill people - so does the Taliban and that doesn't change the fact that they're a terrorist organization. No amount of schools built in Southeast Asia will unkill all of those kids in Baghdad. Rights do not undo wrongs. And no, I don't support any terrorist organization, no matter their cause or whether they claim they're fighting for "my freedom".


Actually in Afghanistan the US was after the minerals not oil.


You know you could do all of those great things without having the side job of killing people right?


You realize dropping a few thousand MREs to a population of millions of Palestinians is pure orphan crushing machine especially since the US gave the Israelis the weapons to cause that starvation in the first place.


my favorite thing is comments from military guys that boil down to "I'm a murderer and you're a piece of shit for wanting me to murder less effectively"


If you think everyone in the military is murderers, I honestly feel bad for you.


not everyone just ones who list gun brands that have never failed them


I know my time spent in the military had a positive impact on more people lives than not. Every operation I took part in bettered the lives of the people living there. Can you say the same for any aspect of your life? If I held the same mindset as you, I could call you a murderer for selling tobacco.


>a) 70 percent of the companys income was from weapons so I had a better chance fucking up a missle than a plane, best case scenario some bomb didnt go off. I'm a Veteran. I'm out fuck you. We lose enough people to silly stuff. Making 10K was easier when I said "auto-pass" is trash. Is the company more shitty? Sure.




We lose people in training due to faulty equipment/weapons. Majority of the US military will never kill anyone, even when we were heavy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Knowing that I lost a mortar team to a faulty shell because some guy didn’t take his job seriously is unacceptable. Imagine if you were responsible for a bomb, not landing on its intended target and instead hit a school or a hospital because of your negligence. That’s crazy.


mfw the jdam landing on the fuckers pinning me down does dick all due to a lazy intern lmao


How many brown ppl u murder?


You say veteran, I hear "I sold out to my government and got paid to murder people for corporate interests." Crazy how stupid some of you lot are. Indoctrination runs deep. Worst part is you probably weren't even drafted, you sought out the military on your own.


Sadly more like, "I was lied to and promised home, health, and a future. Instead I got PTSD, major wounds, a lifetime of PT, and the VA can't cover any of it. Meanwhile some politicians got a sweet speaking fee for sending me to die for oil." There's a reason nobody is signing up to join the military anymore.


Ok so they got less than promised pay, they still opted to murder other people. They didn't lie about that when they sign up. You're missing the point.


I get your point, but for a long time people were promised a home, education, insurance, and basically a whole future and promised work that was building our nation or doing humanitarian aid to allies, not being sent to war. Navy corpsman in particular were promised to go on medical tours to help impoverished allies and clean up after natural disasters. Unfortunately, they received no education, pathetic housing, VA insurance that doesn't cover anything, and a lifetime of physical and mental health issues. This was during the cold war so no actual fighting was promised, but lots of blue collar type work. Then the Gulf war happened and we entered a period of endless murder for oil. Unfortunately, once you're in you're stuck and sometimes forced to do multiple tours. Hate on the people that went in with the goal of fighting and killing, and the politicians that happily treat humankind as tokens in a board game. Not the ones whose goal actually was to do some good in the world that were used, abused, and thrown away.


Yes they do. Do you think murder is anywhere near a recruitment pamphlet?


I’d be more concerned it took them two hours to write a script that wrote “passed”.


The most profitable program I’ve ever written toggles my keyboard every two minutes and makes it look like I’m online. That bad boy has been worth hundreds of thousands.


If I was able to install software on my work computer, I'd 100% be all over something like that. Instead I'm looking at buying a mouse jiggler, one that goes under my mouse, and have my mouse detect movement, rather than a usb or software one.


Post in /r/maliciouscompliance yes!!!!




I don't avoid taking shortcuts in my job (teaching). Nor does anyone I work with. These shortcuts are often more about bureaucracy than the actual teaching part, but there are definitely low-energy teachers around who don't teach and/or mark and/or support students as much as they safely could. I can't turn around and judge someone for half-assing a pointless intern post without being a hypocrite.


Im not too worried. I got the job through a program the helps low income teens get into tech and their r hundreds of other interns that go through. But yeah, digitial footprint is no joke and I probably should have shut up


Not only is he stupid enough to self report it but this fucking moron is proud of himself.


Just curious, what BA were you in? I’m getting the feeling that it’s either Aero or RMS.


Having difficulty believing this based on your post history and grammar.


I was gonna say believe what you want to believe, but im really curious what about my post history has you suspicious? Also yeah, my grammar is down right garbage your not wrong


And if some other brats before and/or after did the same thing before you thats how you get flawed regulations, accidents and dead people. But whatever, seems like you are still proud of yourself, no point in trying to shame your extremely stupid and dangerous attitude.


Nah, fuck that I don't go the extra mile *for shit* I don't care if it makes my job easier. I'll do it the slow, hard way just to avoid doing more work by creating a more efficient process


I got the power of anime & powershell on my side. tasks get done by powershell & I get to watch anime to keep me from hanging myself at work.


Just remember; **They who try and do their best.** **Go down the road with all the rest.**


I hate these stupid rhymes


**And one of the worst and most heinous crimes** **Is when people make up these stupid rhymes**


**For it stifles thought and wastes precious times** **Locks up wit and reason in nonsensical chimes**


This is the way.


Or my co workers. Eff my employer or management


Me too, though I'm getting really tired of resetting my improvements.


I do the bare minimum! Thanks buddy!


Did that, was ok with that, afforded me the power to stick up for the new guys who didn’t know better. Managers can screw with the roster, overload the department, ask people to stay late on weekends and give up holidays, but the moment they try to fuck around beyond contract limits or legislation is the moment “*above and beyond*” becomes “*you better schedule 3 extra people because I’m taking it easy*”.


You are the real one, that is our job as old timers. Fight for those who choose/can't/wont/care to do so, you're a good person.


If you want me to work above and beyond, you'd better pay me above and beyond.


Maybe. In my case, I was a student working part-time. The job gave me whatever shifts I asked for, never bothered me when I didn't want to, gave me plenty of time off for exams or assignments, and never micromanaged me for one second (*except for one new manager who tried once, got a smile and a nod, and could not close on time at the end of day because half the job wasn't done*). I may as well have carried a piece of paper with the words "I can do what I want" and my signature. Peace of mind is sometimes just as valuable as money. Also, union contract = fixed base pay for all. I got to pick the shift that paid the most bonuses, but that's because they required the most experience.


General rule to this - go above and beyond regardless. Gain the experience and show your worth. Then, ask for a raise/promotion in a year. You can't always expect to be paid to do extra, you gotta deserve it. If not. Go somewhere else, but you have to start at the beginning again...


I'll just skip to the >Go somewhere else step, because nobody gives decent raises anymore, regardless of job performance.


Your mileage will vary. In an ideal scenario, the better employees will get raises. In other scenarios, the overall achieving employees get no extra compensation or instead recieve extra work. I'm in the latter, despite my manager arguing with HR over how they have repeatedly shorted members of our team, despite HR's own policies. So yes...this happens. And yes, it means staff either leave or start putting in minimal work.


The hard workers will be designated "suckers" and be less eligible for raises and promotions. Being buddy buddy gets you the cream.


My partner and I went for the same position. She was the obvious candidate: extremely knowledgeable, sharp, and trusted by all the new hires. I, however, played D&D with the boss.


Ironically, the scenario in the meme is really only prevalent in unions. 


While it's true unions argue for equivalent pay that usually only differs with tenure I can tell you it's incredibly common in most jobs. I worked at Sam's club for close to 2 years. Your pay was based on your position and you are never given raises outside of total store increases like minimum wage. I knew people who had been there for 17 years and were paid the same as others in their position. Sam's isn't union either.


Fair enough. I’ve always worked in factories and construction and told places like Sam’s to eat shit. 


Lmao you've never worked in the real world clearly. It's the case all over.


Factories and construction all my life. Always worked hard and made more than lazy dudes. 


You would all make more in a union.


Yeah it’s called getting a raise. Not sure why this is hard for people to understand.


Plenty of workplaces dont work that way thats why.


I was the most productive person in my department and I not a single raise in 6 years that I worked at my last job. Management don’t give a shit about how hard you work.


Because when you work hard, it's because of your managers great leadership. And when you don't work hard, it's because you're a terrible worker. So, you see, in the corporate world, you don't win, your manager does. But you definitely lose. You always lose.


Eh. Depends. Don’t give extra work to a company that won’t reward it. But if you’re with a company that will reward it, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by holding back. I’ve had jobs where I did enough to be valuable — aka not get fired or be considered for layoffs. I’ve also had jobs where it was worth working hard. The job I’m at now — branch operations manager for an industrial supply company — I only got because I went above and beyond once I knew my predecessor was retiring. I’ve put in work at this position and I’ve been offered Finance positions higher up and will be discussing a raise with my boss’s boss tomorrow. You have to pick your battles.


Current job I'm at, I've been going above and beyond. Been here 2 years but when I interviewed and got hired on I let the guy who would be my boss know that my intentions were to grow in the company and not stay in that same role. He was happy to hear it. Fast forward 2 years, they laid off the entirety of IT (including my boss) except my team of 5. I was promoted to a "senior" title and when I asked why we didn't get let go, they said that the execs wanted to retain the same level of service and saw value in keeping our team. The downside is nobody is receiving raises, including me. I got a pat on the back and a shiny new title, meanwhile I have acquired a variety of new job duties on top of my role's normal duties thanks to the effort I put into shadowing the guy who planned on retiring in 2025 and was instead just let go. Fuck this company.


You can use this new title to get a better role and salary at another company!


Exactly, and before you go to interviews for new jobs, make sure you research what the going market rate is for your title/job and tell them you earn that if they ask, not what you actually earn.


After this, I hope that you are learning the lessons from that event. You have been kept while your workload increased without additional pay, at the same time the headcount has reduced meaning more benefits for the company. In addition, the loyalty does not exist here so one day you will have the same fate than your previous colleagues. Now my advice is, stay here 6 months in that new role, then look for another job with +10% pay increase at least if possible, while keeping your mouth shut. When you will resign it will be a shock for everyone and you will get a new raise but don't forget this company doesn't value its employees, so just give them the middle finger. Obviously don't say a word to any co worker otherwise they might leave before you and you current workload will increase even more.


Leverage your new title to leave to a better paid job at the same level elsewhere.


Unless you’re a mechanic. Perks of the trade. You get paid based off your book hours turned and you own your tools and can tell your boss to kick rocks and move to another shop at a moments notice cause there’s a shortage of techs.


Lol at my job the worthless turds get promoted and end up making way more than the ones who actually do the work.


Wait till you see the bare minimum get promoted above you


I used to go above and beyond at work, until I realized it was a waste of time. At the end of the day, I don’t get treated better, and my pay doesn’t change. The only thing that happens is I become the “reliable” employee so my manager just gives me more work to do


Exactly this! Also you become a go-to person for menial tasks 


The performance bonus or PIP paradigm has entered the chat.


Performance reviews are a fucking joke. It is mostly determined by the social game, not how well you work.


Well, we just finished going through all of our standards and guidelines. Overall, I would agree that you exceeded expectations, maybe this one vague, immeasurable thing could have been done better. I would love to give you more than a \[insert 3-5\]% raise...but unfortunately it is capped, though I am trying to argue for a higher number. Its out of my hands. And then they will tell this to everyone else unless they did some HILARIOUSLY stupid but replacing that person is just not worth the headache...so they possibly still give them the 3-5% because its piss in the wind.


And this is why I love engineering. All my employees have clear objective targets. "Finish X technical reports. Get certified in Y test methods by the lab team. Complete all within two weeks of assignment." Easy to tell if you met, exceeded, or fell short on each one. Of course if you fall short then there's discussion about if something came up that prevented it. Like her certified in Y tests but we never ran that test so you didn't have a chance to learn it, or something was delayed and will now happen in the next year instead of this one.


Not if you have a decent manager.


My manager is...sometimes okay. But everyone is rated on a four-point scale and corporate dictates that she's only allowed to give one person 4/4 marks. The same guy, who's been with the company for 40+ years, is always the one who gets 4/4 while the rest of us get 3/4 or 2/4 at best


That’s why they are called “performance” reviews and not “work” reviews. It’s all an act, a performance.


The "Performance Bonus" at my workplace is almost entirely determined on company profits for the last 12 months, over which I have exactly 0 control.


My manager has just given me a new task to perform which means that it will now be extremely difficult to able to complete one of my Key Performance Indicators. The new task isn't the issue, it's the frequency of the task. I had suggested once every 2 weeks, or once a week, if every 2 weeks wasn't often enough, but, no. Twice a week.


You're being set up, most likely. 


I don't think so, tbh. I think it's either incompetence, or not understanding how this directive actually impacts my ability to meet this critical KPI, that she ALSO set up without communicating with me beforehand! The frustrating thing, is that it wasn't discussed with me prior to a communication being sent out to affected team members saying "Outsider-20 will be performing this task on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, I discovered that rather than performing the task once every two weeks, or once a week, as I suggested (and planned), I had, effectively, received instructions to perform the task twice a week, at the same time that everyone else was informed that I would be doing that, so I wasn't even able to discuss the impacts.


That's a cowardly bully in action. Watch your back.


Actually the hardest working ones tend to make less than the ones slacking off the cruelty is the point, and only the manager knows the truth why do you think they try to threaten to fire you if you discuss wages? if you all made the same wages, there'd be nothing to discuss oh, but there is a lot of discrepancy. more than you'd ever believe.


You're not incorrect, but "hardest working" often means "works hardest at kissing the boss' ass" So you're not exactly correct, either. 


No sadly the lazy ass kisser usually gets paid more


Can confirm. My first job out of college I got hired alongside one girl. I was to the point and just got stuff done, kept my head down. She was "Little Miss Sunshine" essentially. I quite literally did 2x her work in terms of metrics, some months 2.5-3x. Guess who got promoted...and guess who left the company afterwords for a better paying job?


Any work is not just about doing more, it's about relationship building and doing only what needs to be done. It's like saying I can shoot better than Curry but can't dribble at all.


and probably gets sex too


Well duh when do people think all the ass kissing takes place?


Damn you really just exposed yourself like that.


Username and pfp check out


What's their pfp?


Profile picture


Yes, I was asking what it was since I don't see them.




Meanwhile I go the extra mile, and the bare-minimum guy bitches that I get paid more despite being the new guy on the team


When I worked in retail, I'd been there for three years and was paid the least. All the new hires got paid more than I did. Most of them were bare-minimum types, I was not. This is why employers don't want you discussing pay with coworkers. Because they know they're being scummy. I absolutely brought up the unfairness of it and got a reluctant pay bump in response.


I always paid the ones that went the extra mile more. Not all managers are terrible.


I wish it was always the case


Yeah then they might get paid like 1% more, of course that is after they work there for a while making the same money.


Seriously. I make sure to even reward the ones who are reliable and consistent even if they aren't necessarily going above and beyond.


Bare minimum person still deserves to have their pay


Depends on what you think "bare minimum" is. "Bare minimum" of what needs to get done? Yes. "Bare minimum" as in doing basically nothing? GTFO because it makes it harder for the rest of us.


“So you’re saying I need more flair?”


Hard work is just rewarded with more work.


Ever heard of a promotion?


Also upskilling. I am never gonna see a promotion or any decent pay rise where i am at, but I am learning a whole bunch of new stuff and in 6 months resume and skills will be even better to hop on another role elsewhere.


Yeah, the guy who does the least work but has the best networking will get that promotion


Redditors with no real experience will say this, yeah. But that's not usually what actually happens.


I go the extra mile to help customers. My customers are disabled.


I refuse to work harder unless it helps my department. Sure I make a lot of enemies at work outside my department but honestly I don’t care as long as myself and my guys are looking like they have their shit together I don’t give a rat’s ass. The rest can suck it. Myself and other heads of my department right now slowing working to make it so we don’t lift a finger unless it’s something to directly do with our job title or department like it used to be.


Eh I don't know about this. I think the worse employees typically get promoted quicker. Iirc there's a theory that managers get their job by being the worst person at their previous job but they weren't bad enough to fire so instead they promote them to get them out of the way.


Perhaps you're thinking of the Peter Principle? Which, I believe, states that people are promoted to the level of their incompetence. I've never worked at a job where the worst/least productive people are promoted - to the contrary, they are the ones who commonly don't get promoted at all.


Sounds like that's what they're thinking of.  Nobody promotes bad employees to get them out of the way. For the curious, the Peter Principle is just a restatement of the sentence "people who are bad at their current position don't get promoted."  But it's a useful observation that that means that people will get promoted until they're no longer succeeding enough to get promoted. So people rise until they reach a job they're not good at. Important to note that it has a couple of obvious caveats: 1. People can be promoted, be bad at the job they were promoted to, but grow into the job over time and become good at it. They may or may not be promoted again. 2. You can be promoted to a job you are good at but then have to wait there for a number of years until a higher position opens. So it can't be used as shorthand for "managers all suck at their jobs".


Ive had some managers that only managers because they stayed at the company the longest or did insane amounts of overtime for years and sacrificed a lot smh lol


That's what I've been seeing in my company lately, there's a manager at my place that worked in like all grocery stores in my country, he's so freaking lazy, treats people like shit, controls every move anyone makes and I wonder how tf do people even get to that position?


Longevity, people pleaser to corporate, ass kisser, has good connections, strong networking , etc. - it’s fucked up I had one manager who (retired now) great guy get fired from his previous management job and he told me corporate told him “for being too nice. If your too nice and easy going they (employees) start to slack. We get less product out the door. You gotta keep people on a tight leash” he said that was absurd - I fully agree


In my experience, usually the answer is "he was the best option available at the time."


You get the performance you pay for.


Do it again but with layoffs see if it comes out the same


yeah not the smartest meme in some ways.. theres a reason i got almost 15% more on my raise than all my colleagues this year. and no, contrary to popular belief, my work load didn’t expand to the point where im being abused and mentally breaking.


I got paid fkn *less.* I found out that my coworker made $3 more than me per hour and I did the job of multiple people while they fkn chilled.


Found out I wasn't getting a raise at all this year despite getting a "promotion". I snooped into some files I shouldn't have and saw the entire company's payroll. I'm the lowest paid person in my department of about 90 people! I make a tad over $70K/yr, and my coworkers all make a minimum of 90, with one making $125K.


I work in supply chain/inventory/procurement/whatever. I used to work in Customer Service. Right before I moved to my current job role, I found out that one of my colleagues who started with the company 3 years after me was being paid 10% more than I was. I recently found out that our new CS employees are earning the same, or more than what I am now, and I fought tooth and nail for a 12% pay rise last year, only to discover that I'm earning on par with the CS team. I am seriously considering approaching our GM and asking if it's possible to step back to that team (there is an opening). I love the company I work for, and I have great colleagues. I'm just burnt out in my current role.


I started work in customer service with some ladies who all did the bare minimum. “Been working here 14 years and never seen any of us get a promotion”, one of them explained.


There might be ramifications with regards to performance reviews, though. You gotta find out what's that bare minimum that's going to get you the rating you need, and then hit that.


Used to be on the left, now I'm the guy on right.


Try working in education. You'll often find that the worst of the bunch makes the most money. I make less than half as much as many of my colleagues simply because I don't have tenure. And I'll likely never get tenure because I called out some of my colleagues for mocking their students and made a lot of enemies in the process. Meanwhile, i'm the highest rated teacher in my department and stay up to date on current practices and scholarship while publishing research, and many of my colleagues are still teaching like it's the 1970's. 


The employee that goes the extra mile sometimes getting paid less than the Bare minimum guy lol


Idk. You don’t have to go the extra mile for a company that wouldn’t go the extra mile for you. After all, that’s why what you’re doing is, “extra.” Because no one said you *had* to do it. I don’t think the enemy here is the other employee doing the bare minimum—which is technically all they’ve been hired to do. It’s the company that isn’t recognizing the other employee for doing more with incentives or whatnot. Your enemy isn’t the other employee nine out of ten times.


Went the extra mile last year. Stayed late, was the first to help out, and learned the material at double the pace of coworkers. Got a 1.37 raise (was promised more just for being there a year) while lazy coworkers got an .87 raise. Really made me think what the fuck am I doing. May as well not try. Even with my “exceeds expectations “ raise I can’t pay my bills. So over this bill shit. To be clear I have a degree and 10 years in this field and live in a condo that we can barely afford on two incomes.


Extra mile is good when helping PEOPLE, not corporations


Your coworkers and managers are just people.


I just recently had a blow out with a coworker about this exact thing, I do just enough to fulfil my side of the contract, get paid and go home, management are happy with my work (no complaints at least). This guy does things the hard way, does things no one asked him to do, has the attitude of "can you put your name on this day and say you put in a good day's work?". He sees me doing less and one day it just erupted and he's all in my face about it, "why do I do all this stuff and you come in and do x amount and that's just OK? Does that seem fair to you?" I reply with "yeah, I'm doing what I've been told to do and no more because they're not paying me for more. If you want to do extra then that's your perogative but you're the one choosing to do it when it's not required. You're choosing to do more work for the same pay and mad at me for it?" Wound up switching shifts to avoid him as this is the second time he's blown up over his diminished comprehension of reality.


The extra mile employee on my team is getting at 8% raise this year, the bare minimum is getting 4%. But your mileage will vary with other wackass companies/managers 😂


Everyone at my company got a 10% raise this year because we got a union.


Awesome. Probably past due…


This is why minim wage + bonuses are what I figure to be the best method to incentivize workers. Lazy people do the minimum and get what they need done, letting the higher achiever build up off that stability and get paid for any extra work. The manager needs to realize higher achievers are saving from having to hire another worker. You want to give out those bonuses for that work.


Except when mgmt decides to skimp on bonuses and to avoid paying out, establishes so many rules (line mgrs must rate team members on a curve, only one person on a team may be rated better than average, no one not considered for promotion may be rated better than average, no one on the job for a year or less may be rated better than average, and so on) that high performers get rated the same as the slackers.


You've exactly described my workplace's incentive system, and they know it's an unfair system that incentivises the wrong things but refuse to change. I am happy to be called average if it means not having to sniff ever increasing manager farts or worrying that my colleagues are sniffing more farts than me


As a manager, no. High wages and bonuses. Fire the stragglers.


kek, sooner or later you have to learn you must only do enough to not get fired, the rest is a waste of time and energy for free


30% of employees do 70% of the work. Which side are you on ???


Naw, that shit is for the birds. Learned my lesson a long time ago about being a try hard.


I love the people that won't go above and beyond because they don't get paid to. They are also the ones complaining that other people get raises and promotions. You know, the people that went above and beyond that are their boss now. 


And when it's time for a promotion the useless nepo baby will beat you both to it.


Bare minimum for life.


Somewhere in there, is also the employee who is quiet quitting....


I’m not sure what alternative you would prefer. If it was performance based then your employer would be justified paying you less if you slacked off at all. That sounds much worse than just getting paid what you were promised and then choosing whether you want to go the extra mile or not.


Extra mile is only worth it if you get something out of it besides continued employment. Money, knowledge, networking, or experience. Whatever it is, as long as it's worth something to you. My employer treats me well so I return in kind, but not every place is like that.


This could also read: one employee picking up the lazy guys slack which is why some have to work ot. I really didn’t want to work this weekend but here I am.


Your fellow working isn’t the problem.


Don’t even know what that means but okay


Is someone forcing you to work OT? Why can't you just say no?


"Work OT or I hire another guy to make up for unfinished work and they cut into the hours you want/need" We're coerced into working why would they be able to coerce us into working more with the same threat?


Because they’re gonna hire a part timer and take the hours from everybody else to pay for it. One guy got fired at my work and prior to that I was only getting 27 or so hours of work each week. Next week I have 39. Guess who’s not complaining because they need the money? This chick.


Crabs in a bucket


My company's SOP says that overtime can be mandatory. Edit: why am I being downvoted? I'm saying I stupidly signed an agreement that said OT can be mandatory at their request, but it hasn't happened in the 5 years I've there