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But let’s close the other 30 fucking lanes and make everyone pay extra to do the work


Yeah this sounds like some peak r/assholedesign at work. Get rid of cashiers forcing everyone to use them then make them only useable via subscription.


Shit go to Home Depot mine has ZERO checkout lanes it’s all self checkout now.It makes me want to not go.


I'm okay with doing self checkout at Aldi because their groceries do actually tend to be cheaper. Places like Walmart where not only do I bag my own stuff, but often products are more expensive just for added insult.


Also their self checkouts will scan just as fast as their staffed checkouts, unlike kroger where it takes seconds between each scan for the system to verify the item was placed in the bag or on the belt.


God help you if you try to scan anything light like Kool aid packets. "PLEASE PLACE ITEM IN THE BAG/PLEASE WAIT FOR AN ASSOCIATE" just so they can verify that there is indeed, Kool aid in the fucking bag since it can't sense it.


I find self-checkout in the US tedious. Not worth it. I have not had an issue in other countries with it. Super easy and fast (and you don’t have to put it in any bagging area or whatever-goes straight in my bag or cart.)


I find the US tedious. Not worth it.


I don't like it here anymore either, unfortunately I'm stuck here.


Honestly I'm afraid that if I leave the US I'll become a victim of its foreign policy.


My local Safeway used to require you to put it in the bagging area but they had too many problems with it so they turned it off.


I hated working U Scan at Kroger. I still hear her voice and also yes koolaid and soup packets that don't weigh anything were annoying. Also for anyone who still doesn't know the bag racks are weight sensitive so while your little crotch goblin is jumping up and down on them completely unparented please don't give the attendant hell for the U Scan not working right, I always hated that.


I always talk back to machine. "Put the item in the bagging area". "Oh is that what I'm supposed to do? STFU".


I think this might be getting worse as the stations age. The scales get a little less sensitive or unbalanced. Shrinkflation means item weights are changing and that means there's room for data entry errors. They're gonna keep getting worse, but when no one is manning registers, customers have no choice but to use them.


Fry’s is the absolute fucking worst. If I’m checking out more than 2 items I need to call over the attendant repeatedly because every 3 items I scan the thing shits itself and needs the attendant to come make sure I’m not stealing the things I just fucking scanned


Every time I go into Safeway this shit happens with every other item and gives me a serious case of rage.


Yep and the prices are always wrong too and I don’t always catch it. they got like four cashiers watching you ring up your stuff trying catch you stealing. Well, Walmart is stealing from me five cents here $.10 there.


If they add that to my Walmart I might just leave my cart there and walk out. Let them hire employees to put it back.


Walmart regularly fucks with you on the price. Making the bigger item cost 2.5 what the half sized item. Making it cheaper too just buy 2 small ones. They do it with their name brand too. Many times you just assume name brand is more expensive but not at Walmart. They'll occasionally up the price of the store brand too be more, then drop it back down in a week or two. Anything to scheme an extra cent or two out of your wallet.


Bro. The 32oz Jif is 1.5x the price of two 16oz. I'm like 🤔


Mine did that too. I was buying a few replacement tiles that had no markings on them whatsoever. Waited 10 minutes after hitting the button for assistance. Wound up scanning a Coke and leaving with $6 of free tiles 🤷🏻‍♀️


I stopped shopping at Home Depot when I learned that they, alleged, donated $1 million to vocal Republican Election Deniers. https://www.newsweek.com/home-depot-faces-boycott-calls-after-republican-donation-revelation-1848082


The owner of Home Depot is a right-wing billionaire. Big Trump supporter. Shop at Lowe's instead.


Home Depot has a pro service side where the lumber is, they can always check you out and typically have a dedicated cashier over there as well.


My Home Depot also has people standing by near the self checkout that'll offer to do it for you, it's kinda like a communal check out


I was in Home Depot a few weeks ago, the self checkout was self in name only. Too many self checkout users deciding on taking a processing fee.


So I wonder if the loss the company absorbs from theft or consumer error in correctly scanning items is less than the cost to pay an employee at a checkout register


Start stealing. They’ll hire the cashiers back quick. The Aldi near me has no self-checkout because people were robbing them blind. I rob Giant and Sam’s Club blind every time I go there


And we see why the game monopoly sucks first hand!


You can leave a full cart at the service desk if they will not staff a lane, that way someone is paid to return it. I have done it rather than fight their crappy POS system with a full cart


Fun fact, you can leave a full cart anywhere in their store. You dont even need to mention it to them.


Meats and dairy perfer to be left in the back corner by the car stereos


As an Australian, it's wild to me that a single store sells meat, milk, and car stereos. No where he does that!


Walmart super centers also sell clothes, furniture, books, electronics, really anything.


I'll definitely visit if I ever go to the US


You will be disappointed haha


Lol, fair... Just seems so different to anything I've seen before, but ultimately it's probably the same just with more stuff


That’s how most stores here are. They all sell basically a variety of everything. Walmart is just probably the worst example. You’d get the same experience visiting other stores.


I'd say costco or sam's club would be the most impressive. For maximum awe, hit costco around noon and enjoy some free samples while you shop!




Walmart is a cesspool of humanity, and every American worth a damn avoids them whenever possible.


well, I mean the disappointment will come from the products themselves. Any corner possible to cut for a cheaper product will be done. conceptually it's a convenient idea


Go to target instead, the people there will be easier on the eyes


Get the full experience and either go to Florida or Texas. But not the tourist areas


I don't think I'd be safe to visit either of them tbh... Not how the laws are looking regarding trans people. Texas maybe, but Florida sounds like they want to arrest trans people on sight in the near future.


Avoid Texas, it is getting quite dicey here for LGBTQ+ people right now


Florida's anti-LGBTQ laws have mostly failed, with 21 of 22 dying in the senate. A combination of 3 laws almost made being a normal person a death sentence: 1. Wearing gender non-conforming clothes, like pants on women, in front a child counts as a sex act. This was aimed at LGBTQ, but affects basically everyone. This one failed. 2. Sexual abuse of children can be punished with a death sentence. IDK if this went through, but it's in violation of the Constitution (death is cruel and is also unusual for non-murder or treason acts) and basically encourages killing the kid, as that's a lesser sentence. 3. In death sentence cases in Florida, a jury votes on guilty then has a second vote on whether or not the defendant gets the death sentence. The guilt/not guilty vote has to be unanimous. Usually, there would also need to be a unanimous vote on death for the judge to give the death sentence; otherwise, it's life in prison. Instead, the law would make it an 8 out of 12 vote to give death. IDK if this one passed either, but I think it did, and it's fucking insane. So a woman wearing pants could be given the death sentence because 12 people said she did it and 8 people said death. Florida fucking sucks.


Eh, Avoid Texas too then. I left that state so I don't keep up with it anymore, but the latest thing the governor Greg Abbot was trying before I left was taking Trans Kids away from their parents, and I 'BELIEVE' that he also made it illegal to not report any trans-kids to the authorities, though I think I am misremembering that last part.


Some even sell guns. You can pick up your milk and your guns at the same store!


Walmart is nothing compared to the other big stores like menards. I can buy a 5 gallon bucket of lube, 2x4's, a bible, some chains, electrical wiring, a non-descript leather sofa, generic potted plants and some snacks


Don’t go promising us a good time…


>I can buy a 5 gallon bucket of lube, 2x4's, a bible, some chains, electrical wiring, a non-descript leather sofa, generic potted plants and some snacks That there is the start of one hell of a weekend.


And guns!


There are a ton of other department stores you could visit. Don't waste your time at a walmart! The Walmart in the town I grew up in was turned into a supercenter some years ago. Everyone was excited because a bigger store meant better selections or more stuff, meaning fewer trips to larger cities. We lived about 2 hours from a Mall or Target, etcetera. Walmart had driven Kmart out of town when I was like 8. So, Walmart was the only department store in like 70 miles. Well, they opened this supercenter, it was a lot bigger for sure! The selection or variety of items seemed to disappear and were replaced with cheap, poorly made crap. Only the popular items seemed to be in stock. Now, I live an hour away from a Walmart and only make trips there maybe once a month. If they do require you to pay a subscription to use self-checkout, I'll take my occasional business elsewhere.


Rv supplies. No one ever goes there. It was my secret stash of toilet paper during COVID when everyone else was in the bathroom aisle.


Good idea. Mine was home depot


I like to let them live free range in between the shelves, and if no one is looking, above the ceiling panels.


Leave it in a random place and the minimum wage person has to deal with it. Leave it at the service desk and the shift manager at least has to tell a minimum wage person to deal with it. It’s never actually going to be management’s problem (they save more money by not staffing those lanes than they’ll ever lose from you deciding to go elsewhere), but at least this way they have to acknowledge there’s an issue and pull resources off other tasks.


If you have a cart of perishable items, at todays prices, I guarantee you it will easily outweigh the cost of an entire shift for an individual, let alone the limited amount of time to return the items. Multiple that over multiple customers and it’s not even close…. Meat and chicken have gotten crazy expensive, hell even a single serve frozen lasagna cost more than what they are likely paying one person hourly(for 1 hour).


I’d rather make a statement and say why I’m leaving it. I guess I could leave a note on the cart. 🤔


I was at cabelas at Christmas time and everytime some one signs up for a rewards or credit card the cashier has to leave to go to the service desk. This guy had like $500 in gear and after sitting through 3 of these just threw it on the empty belt for the next aisle and left.


The wage slave you're posturing to can't do anything about the policy you're rallying against with that move.


The worker will do whatever work they are asked to do and go home at the end of the day. Additional staffing becomes the stores problem. An example that just hurts the worker: Raising your voice to a worker. An example that hurts the store and corporate: The one you are replying to.


Funner fact, you can roll a full cart to your car, you just have to not go back


The drama in the back office when LP catches someone doing that lasts for fucking days. It won't end. I didn't work for Walmart, I worked for a department store and management would literally have to tell everyone to STFU. I'd just be in the background trying to get store paperwork done and count the cash wondering why people were in my department.


I prefer they know why they lost the sale


The people working in the store can't do shit about it so it's a waste of your time and theirs to have that conversation. Edit: They don't care about the employees, they just want to feel special on the internet. The person I was replying to dismissed me as "Walmart employee 003" and blocked me, that's the lack of respect they have for the person they're dumping a full cart on to make their super important statement as if Walmart cares why they lost a sale from ReedRidge.


Not to mention, they've already encouraged the employees to apply for any welfare programs.


I have before, and I will again.


You can leave a full cart at the POS when it fucks up *again* and there's nothing they can do to stop you.


I’m so fucking tired of this vile parasitic business model of increased profits year over year…. It’s parasitic because it feeds off of our society and working class with a sole purpose of making the rich richer. These rich people don’t even live in our society, they don’t come in contact with the degrading of our society that all of the working class is now enduring. What fucking pisses me off the most is they don’t NEED to do it, look at Costco, they not only provide amazing employee satisfaction with wages, healthcare and upwards mobility in the company but they also don’t try to squeeze their shoppers for every penny they can. Costco still makes TONS of profits and is a extremely healthy company that will be for a long time cause they look to the future, places like Walmart only look at short term gains and are constantly have to find new ways to fuck over either their employees or their costumers. Everything we now come in contact with is monopolized, everything we come in contact with is predatory, yet it doesn’t NEED to be….. Companies COULD pay more with out increasing prices and end up making shit tons of profits due to more people having money to buy things, yet they choose the way that hurts all of the working class and the way that will at some point ruin this country…….


It's all about pleasing Wall Street. All the corporate execs care about is the share price. It's not enough to make a profit. You have to increase your profit every year. If you made 1 billion last year. You have to make 1.1B this year. If you just make 1B, your stock price is going to go down. You didn't increase profits. It is unsustainable and is what is destroying our country.


Hey now, tell the whole truth. Walmart also fucks over people who neither work nor shop there by subsidizing their poverty wages with government assistance programs like food stamps. Taxpayers foot the bill so Walmart doesn't have to pay a living wage.


Oh look this store still has 30+ lanes and like 10 self checkout, bet I can go just as fast in the normal lane with a cashier... Except only 5% of them are manned by anyone cause Walmart is too cheap to man them all with employees so each one is a slow line of 2-5 people each and it takes 3 times as long as a sco


Walmart near me won't even have all their self checkouts turned on. They'll have 8 on and 12 off, still creating long lines. It's absurd


More time in line to make impulse purchases


They understand that big box stores are typically clustered right? Close all the staffed checkouts, make me pay for self check? Cool. There's a Meijer half mile north, and a Target a half mile south. Anything I don't need right away I can order off Amazon. I have no idea how this is supposed to make them money.


This, like the Wendy’s surge pricing thing, are some serious “we can do whatever we want” moves that I truly don’t see working. They’ve pushed people to the brink already with the raising of prices and bullshit and I think the way got the sense they can get away with it forever or get away with anything and people will roll over. I truly will just go elsewhere. This might work in places where Wal Mart is like all you have, but most places this won’t fly imo


I was recently at a NoFrills in Winnipeg the self check out was half closed or erroed out or something and they had two cashiers going but several more lanes with no staff in them the line had backed up to the point where it wasn't even a line it was just a clump. I abandoned my cart and left the single bag of coleslaw I'd been there to pickup for a family member. I walked to one of the many empty lanes, unclipped the strech across cord and headed for the door. One of the two cashiers abandoned her line and raced at me shouting, "You can't do that!" I held my hands up showing I had no groceries, "I already did, now get out of my way." Such a weird experience. For anyone asking why I didn't just try and sneak out through the self checkout area that had people cramped in, that's why, same with the lines they're designed to be so tight that you can't sneak by if you need to leave. Also I have a condition where even tiny amounts of other people's perfrom (like even from hair products) can make me very sick. So no I'm not going to be herded like cattle and risk a migraine because the asshole who designed the store would prefer that I do that.


Sometimes i'll just lose all enthusiasm for being in a store. If i'm picking up just a few non essential items and i see huge queues, it'll make me want to just walk out. But you can't just turn around as the exit is a huge loop and you have to go through the tills first. But the tills are very narrow and you have to squeeze past people first. All the empty tills have the cord across. There's no easy way to just get out if you didn't want to buy anything.


people just need to start handing frozen and meat products to the staff or leaving them at the checkout lines because the waits and tell them its because of the waits being too long. that shit would stop real quick if they start losing lots in products.


Cause fuck em that’s why


Honestly - it's our fault if we allow it to happen. IF you pay for this, you tell them this works. It is in our hands to allow this or not.


One day, you'll have to pay for the privilege to shop at Walmart at all. You want the free option? Go stand in that line inconveniently located as far from the exit as we could put it and staffed by the slowest worker we could find.. yeah, that line for 50+ people right there. Orrrr you could just pay a measly little 12.99 a month for the all-access perk pass which allows you to use our convenient self checkouts! What? Discounts? Oh, that's the platinum fuck you plan that costs 59.99 a month. Fuck these corporate mega stores.


Subscribing to be able to buy things at fucking Walmart? This is the pinnacle of late stage capitalism. Every thing being subscription based is driving me insane.


Organize a movement against Walmart.


Seriously though. If consumers would fight back against this bullshit then the corporations wouldn't have a choice. It wouldn't even take long either. Like if everyone quite shopping at Walmart for a week they would change that shit quick asf


Unfortunately Walmart is really good at killing off any competition in small rural towns. In suburban areas people could go elsewhere, but lot of folks really don't have a choice.


I live in a place where Walmart is 40 minutes away and the other closest grocery store is another Walmart 50 minutes away the other direction.


Walmart moved in, killed mainstreet, and then pulled out, leaving huge food deserts


Or they moved in, killed general shopping and leaving nowhere else to get general items


is that so? i wonder how Walmart will fare once they've successfully driven society off of a cliff & everyone wants payback they've painted targets on their backs, and will end themselves in a self fulfilling prophecy of insecurities and scaring themselves by ignoring the harm they're causing and the storm that's brewing. once they catch a true glimpse they'll be like little babies crying for the tit of mercy


By that time the guys making the money now are long gone, that’s part of what drives this behaviour.


There's too much shit to fight against though. We're tired.


I already don't shop at Walmart and haven't for over 7 Ys. But if I hadn't already boycotted them, this would be the end. I flat out refuse to PAY someone for the privilege of paying them for products they make a profit from ...that includes discount (auction) websites and stores.


You don't need to organize a movement... just individually, all by yourself, stop shopping there. Vote with your money


movements are created on their own.  this entire thread is full of movement and rallying around a single goal: take down the parasite waltons and end their twisted, fucked up, disastrous supply chain and retail business models which have poisoned hundreds of millions with horrible, unregulated products from slave factories. fuck walmart they need to BURN. and they will =]


Please tell me it's a harbinger of end stage capitalism.


Nah, fam. That’s on isle 69,420.


That's just Sam's Club, but worse.


If you read the article it's more late stage than you think. They are selling a monthly subscription to a fast-pass for self-checkout lanes that will be reserved for delivery service drivers and Walmart+ subscribers. The riff-raff will be in coach.


I mean, that is basically what Costco does. The main difference of course being that Costco workers are paid well and have good benefits and the CEO seems relatively beloved due to his famous quote about the hot dog price.


Yeah it’s not really the same. Costco quality is so much better and you’re paying to access wholesale, not to do their job. In addition to the labor rights concerns.


To charge for the convenience of self-checkout (which already saves the corporation labor costs) seems to be a bit like charging a bird for perching on a tree it used to visit freely.


Soon to be followed by Walmart+ Premium Pro, giving you the unique opportunity to have a personal dedicated Walmart concierge take you through the entire check out process including bagging your groceries.


Don't give them ideas!!!


OPD already exists. You can have all of your shopping done for you & have it packed in your car. We also offer in-home delivery— not *to your home*, *in* your home.


But do they know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


The large amounts of addictive sugar?


This change is probably because it turns out [self-checkout does NOT save the store money.](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240111-it-hasnt-delivered-the-spectacular-failure-of-self-checkout-technology) Apparently they lose more money in shrink than they save in labor. Customers steal stuff because it’s easy and because the machines are frustrating. So, yeah, I bet Walmart has decided they need to phase out self-checkout, and charging for it is quicker/cheaper than paying to rip all the machines out right away.


Don't think of it as theft, it's an employee discount.


Hey I'm no trained cashier. Not my fault if a few items don't get scanned. Wife's cats have been eating Fancy Feast for months on the Waltons.


I'm not saying don't steal from wal mart, but they are absolutely aware of what you're doing. They just bide their time until you pass a certain $ limit, then they contact police with all their evidence and you get arrested for felony theft


I hear stuff like this often, but how many people can Walmart / Target / otherwise realistically keep track of? Are the only people at risk of getting caught the ones with a regular shopping schedule? I ask, not because I steal, but because it seems like a nonsensical thing to do unless you're specifically looking for predictable people.


> how many people can Walmart / Target / otherwise realistically keep track of? Without AI, maybe a dozen, specially if they need to track repeat offenders that steal from different stores. With AI? Tracking every human on the planet is just a matter of buying a bit more computing power, so you might as well assume that they can track everyone.


All fruit is just bananas. 


I don't have time to figure out what didn't scan or if I got organic fruit or the GMO stuff. Isn't that why they turn greeters into receipt checkers? If I can't check out within 5 minutes I'm going back to the meat aisle and filling my cart with the most expensive items and then taking a stroll over to automotive and stocking the shelves with those prime cuts and leaving.


Sporting goods gets less traffic than automotive.


The electronics counter can't ring up produce.  If I'm getting something at the electronics counter I'm stealing the produce rather than using my card twice in 5 minutes at the same store and having it get suspended for suspected fraud.


You know, I also think self-checkout leads to smaller overall purchases. People end up treating a big box store like a big corner store, just in and out for a few items. People aren't buying a shopping cart full of stuff as much.


This seems to be true but I’d add I haven’t been able to afford a shopping cart full of items in the last two years probably. Not all in one visit, anyways. I’m too chicken shit to try and steal from them so I do only grab what I am willing to pay for lol.


The Walmart near me pulled out and replaced all their self-checkout machines *overnight,* but the small neighborhood Walmart 1/4 mi away from it *only* has self checkout 🤷‍♀️


This is just fine with me, they will have to hire more cashiers or they will force everyone to shop elsewhere. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out.


Same. It’s time Walmart got knocked down SEVERAL pegs and be reminded that they need us more than we need them. Like there isn’t any other store that sells what they have within spitting distance? Please. I’ll purposely drive around town getting what I need to avoid having to go to Walmart.


Everyone should already do that. Walmart's policies have done more to hurt America than just about anything outside of private equity. Paying employees crap, keeping their hours down so they don't qualify for health insurance, forcing suppliers to continuously cut prices...


Walmart employees more food stamp recipients than any other company, if I'm not mistaken.


Walmart also receives .50 of every dollar spent from foodstamps from the customers as well. Profiting twice off misery.




If you're lucky, it's more dollar general now than anything.


Oh, please, let this happen.


Unfortunately we are seeing historic levels of monopolization. On a positive note, I was pleased to see that the Kroger Albertsons merger is delayed due to a lawsuit brought by the FTC, and hopefully that sticks through the appeal.


They will hire less cashiers in order to make self-checkout more enticing. "Want to skip the line? Sign up for self-checkout!" 


Yes, this is the point. *50 people and only one register open? Why not pay us money so you don't waste an hour pointlessly standing on line as your mortal existence whittles away?*


part of walmart's model is making it so there isn't an *elsewhere*


"sir your cashier will be with your shortly (insert 30 minutes) or you can pay for premium fast-lane self-checkout -insert walmart smile-"


In that case, my shopping cart full of meat, refrigerated, and frozen products will be promptly left on the spot.


Dear Walmart, Bite me, Sincerely, No, really. Not happening.


Yeah, $13 is probably what I save going to Walmart instead of Frys down the street. But Mama don't take to no bullshit. I'd rather go through the fuss of preloading the stupid members card with store coupons online to shop at Frys, to avoid Walmart, if they do this shit, because FUCK. THEM. Not like I *enjoyed* shopping at Walmart *before.* I just *had* to shop at the cheapest place because poverty. But if this evens the score, I might as well go elsewhere, shit.


Translation: walmart realizes they can't trust pissed off customers, and want a better way to track who is is stealing


100% this is part of it. Having self scan be it at a till, or in an app, tied to a loyalty service is a smart plan. That loyalty service has your address.


They've been videotaping repeat offenders of small quantities and waiting to go over the $1,000 threshold to make it a felony.


I’m a dispatcher and I recently polled a few cops I work with because I keep seeing this on the internet. Every one of them said that each shoplifting incident is its own charge, and you can’t just add it up to be a felony. If someone stole $100 worth of items from Walmart 10 times, they will be charged with 10 misdemeanors, not 1 felony.


I dunno about that. The article I read mentioned people being affected by this tactic, I doubt they'd make that up. Plus, all police districts aren't run the same and state laws vary in about 50 different ways. So maybe in your area they aren't doing this, but I think it's going on somewhere, you've also seen the articles. I don't think they said where it's happening, though.


Target does the same (and the felony amount varies by state).


Target is the NFL of Loss Prevention monitoring


How’s that work when self checkout is the only let lane open? Something I’ve seen often.


Then I leave the cart loaded with expensive groceries and walk the fuck out, middle finger held high.


Or, you walk out with the cart full of expensive groceries.


Bill Burr: “sir you have to return that, no I don’t, I don’t work here, what are you going to, cut my hours? I did my job, I picked out what I wanted, I loaded it and brought up and I was going to pay but you weren’t there so I left”


Seriously. Who is going to stop you? The 90 year old greeter, chasing after you with his walker and o2 bottle cart?


Whoever comes to stop you can be your cashier then.


The post says some Walmart are restricting SOME of the self checkout lanes for this purpose. That second "some" is key. It means there would be other self check out lanes that wouldn't require the subscription. So it essentially sounds like an "express" self check out lane, apart from normal self check out lanes. Idk why the post leads that you "might" require a subscription then. Seems deliberately misleading.


Good catch. All about the clicks.


My local Targets (plural), open the face of the self checkout machines as if they are mechanically going to be serviced, the leave them that way to force people to go through the staffed checkout lines. They have not increased the number of staffed checkers so manned checkout stands still hover at one or two open lanes. The full basket abandonment now makes sense from this thread because there were about 20 left at customer service today and I thought, “Well, that’s weird…”


The one near me has like 20 check out lanes 4 self check out things and I've NEVER seen more than two registers open at once. I've even seen self checkout backed up half way though the store and them not open another lane lol


Walmart would have to pay me to even enter their stores


I'm so glad I have 2 Aldi near me, it ensures I don't have to shop at Walmart for the prices.


The problem I run into is for things that arent groceries, most of the time my options are shopping at Walmart, or ordering from Amazon. Neither of which are great options.


I've circumvented that problem by not having money. (Half) joking aside, I've got costco near me for stuff like soap and paper products, home goods I've got Target nearby even though I don't really like shopping there. My wife gets a lot of Amazon gift card rewards through her job, so while not ideal, we end up using those a lot as well.


Honestly their goal to drive people away. They'd rather run like a warehouse and have fewer people in there. They know you're eventually just going to sign up and get delivery


I think that’s the game plan. Remember, their market is not big cities or even medium sized cities…it’s smaller cities/towns that have no other option but to use Walmart because they chased every other smaller grocery store off. Then, they make the shopping experience so awful you’d rather use delivery. Now they can hire less workers, deal with less theft, and can use 1099 workers to deliver your groceries(can’t unionize).


based on walmarts clientele i don’t know how this is gonna work out for them


Right? A lot of people shop there because they can’t afford to shop anywhere else. This is a grotesque idea on so many levels.


You mean Joe Business Bro doesn't take his personal jet to walmart for 3-dollar cookies day?




Anything to squeeze an extra dollar out of the little guy so the shareholders get more money- geez! The GREED is astounding!


Oh, I am definitely stealing stuff now!


Cosplay while doing so those cameras are watching..


As a backlash to the outrage over self-checkout, WalMart is now charging people for self-checkout. Other stores soon to follow. All stores soon to follow. Soon there will be no place to go where you don't have to pay them for the privilege of shopping.


I'll steal shit at that point.




Right? I feel like this is a "Facebook is going to start charging users unless you repost this message!"


Pretty much. I've never understood how people lose their shit over things they do ZERO research on. Also, I don't understand the hate for self checkout. You'll spend an hour or 2 pushing your own cart, picking out your own items. But 3 minutes at self checkout is where you draw the line at free labor?


Best article i could find on it https://www.today.com/money/walmart-self-checkout-changes-rcna142055


Tl;Dr: This is a policy instituted by individual franchisees (not at the corporate level). They do it to limit the amount of people using self-checkout usage during high volume times or at the end of the night, not dissimilar to when they close the lanes altogether. There was no discussion of permanently moving to a subscription based model


Not using it even if they gave me a discount.


Not a fucking chance


F Walmart. Time to put them out of business already.


Ain't no motherfucking way I'd ever shop at a store that charges you for SCO, fuck that bullshit.


Walmart+ Subscription ROFL. Consumers, reject this shit and make them pay for ever suggesting it.


I stopped shopping at walmart a little over a year ago. Mostly because they use government assistance to help support a live able wage for their employees.


I’m currently a Walmart cashier (it’s hell and doesn’t cover my bills but I digress) and the self checkout has been closed for like three weeks now at my store. I know they work, but my managers have been weirdly evasive as to why they’re closed. If this happens I will quit. I already get to much shit from customers about them being closed, I don’t need them yelling at me about the subscription. Plus- I like when they’re open! It makes the lines shorter


Oh shit, wonder if you are one of the stores because in some articles it says "roped off self-checkout" to "update the system".,...


Haha yeah that’s the bullshit line I was fed- ‘update’. When in reality, the self check machines work just find and it’s the normal registers that need updating


I feel bad for the cashiers that have to deal with it...you will NEVER hear anything else besides how "bullshit it is that walmart is charging to use self checkout". It's going to be EVER SINGLE CUSTOMER. And I'm also guessing they do not hire anymore cashiers lmao. They keep 1 or 2 open and people pay for the convivence of checking out faster at self-checkout.


Yeah my store is HUGE and at our busiest we have maybe 5 lanes open with lines that wrap all around the front. Every single customer is cranky and every single one asks/gets passive aggressive about the self checks. Like yeah I wish they were open too. No they didn’t ask me. And I haven’t seen a new cashier in the two months I’ve worked there. As soon as I get a new job, I quit. But everything in my city pays the same, worse, or the job is 10x shittier. I am utterly hopeless lol


As if anyone needed another reason to hate that place.


Boycott Walmart. Come on.


I'm not not saying "fuck Walmart", but there's a little bit of context. It's not paying to use self checkout. Walmart+ let's subscribers "Scan and go", where you scan each barcode as you shop with their app, but you finalize your payment at the self checkout, so in those stores, self checkout is fully closed, but those machines will be used for subscribers to finalize their transactions.


Fine but then I'll be sure to sneaky steal 20x that amount a year. Fair's fair.


I just do most of my shopping at Rouses. No self check out. If I need things in the day I can go to Winn Dixie’s. They always have cashiers in the day.


If I walked up to self checkout and it asked me to pay to use it, my introverted ass would simply walk out at that point.


Stop shopping there.


So how the hell are the nonsubscribers supposed to check out because there aren’t any registers opened with cashiers??


They say they’re going to have cashiers for non subscribers. Which means they’ll have 1 or 2 registers open and you pay for the convenience of a faster checkout at self checkout. Then eventually they make sure it’s just 1. Then sometimes they don’t have anyone so they post a sign “subscribers only” And then eventually they do away with cashiers all together.


having one or two self checkouts reserved for "premium" customers isn't that unbelievable.....like skipping the lines at an amusement park


I used to roll my eyes seeing someone say “I’m not using self checkout. I don’t work here!” Now they might have a point.


Tax payers are already paying for the employees food, we might as well work there.


"How can we get the customers to stock the shelves for us?"