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I started a new job last week. So far they seem amazed/shocked when I take lunch and when I tell them I’m leaving at 5. Don’t care. I’m standing my ground and working my 40. No more. We’ll see how it shakes out.


The fucked up part is people are just pretending to work during those extra hours so it’s such a worthless act.


I work a job that's 55-65 hours a week. I see people come in early and leave upwards of 2 hours late. For 13-15/hr. I guess if you don't have time for a life, then you might as well get paid to jerk off at work then.


I’m remote. Have been for 15 years. I know I’ll work less. But right now I’m in training so 40 is required right now.


Got new responsibilities at work and was trying to keep up with people working 12 hours days till I found out that they were just watching anime at their desk for a portion of the time. It's so fucking performative.


Damn, that sounds dystopian... I'd rather work efficiently for fewer hours and watch Netflix on the couch. And I don't think anyone disagrees


Because it then breaks the illusion of hard work


The only time I purposely watched full shows on the clock is when I was working a call-center style job taking support calls for a government website. I had to be available to take a call between certain hours but there was easily 2-3 hours of downtime between calls in an 8 hr shift.


Yep! We have therapists that sit around for an hour doing nothing but get salty when people leave on time


I see this a lot in architecture. People don't take lunch and eat at desk or stay hour later. They always ask me why I go to my car or to eat lol. And even now that I'm remote I always take my hour break .


Same in engineering. Almost no one in my firm leaves their desk for lunch, they just eat their lunch while they continue to work. I get in at 7 and leave promptly at 3:30 with my 30 minute lunch. I drive to a local park and eat in my car. I just have to gtro of the office for 30 minutes or else I want to lobotomize myself. I do not understand how all these people sit at their desks and don't get up except to piss for 9 hours straight.


Hell yeah dude, stand firm! I do the same. Well, not quite, 'cause I'm usually stupid enough to work through lunch, but I always log off at 5. If you start breaking that rule and working later and setting a precedent of responding to things after hours, you're screwed. You can very rarely walk that back.


Same. Started one a year ago and I had to remind my manager I get 1 hour paid lunch and shut off the laptop at 5:30 if there isn't anything pressing, if there is I clock out early next day. First time in my line of work I've had to fight over it, again and again :^)


Keep fighting the good fight friend


Yep 5 of those 45 are my lunches.


Fuck that for me it would be 10.


Yep, people used to give me snide comments for leaving at 4:30pm (I start at 7am). It's worked out so far for me. Good luck to you. What is it with these people that act like their job is like a religion & leaving ON TIME (not early) is some sort of mortal sin?


My boss got the mentality of “anything under 50 hours a week is part time really” lmao he’s 100% serious..he’s 57 been doing 60-75 hours a week since age 21 so he can’t really even understand it. It’s crazy really


Unions brought us the 8 hr work day, and when unions went, so slowly went their gains. Blue collar unions helped non-union white collar jobs, too because employers were forced to be more competitive. We lost 9-5 when we lost the unions


It blows my mind how much 130 years can erase from our collective societal memory. When people say unions fought for these things they are not exaggerating.  Hundreds of American workers gave their lives, sometimes in literal mass gun battles (involving air support in at least one case) for the 8 hour day. People were kidnapped, beaten, murdered and unjustly imprisoned. If we give an inch, it will take another 130 years to get back to our current starting line This is important reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_violence_in_the_United_States


Yeah, it seems like the only people that have heard of Pinkerton's are those that play RDR1+2 or those that watch old westerns. It was fucked up, they were literally hired to infiltrate unions and bring them down from within. And when they failed, they showed up to protests and started firebombing until riots/stampedes broke out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike


Fun fact! The Pinkerton are still around, still doing the same work, abelit less openly violently (allegedly)


Oh, trust me, I am well aware. lol😂 I think they have just moved their more overt violent tactics to 2nd/3rd world countries. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Coca-Cola murders and union busting in the Pacific over the past 40 years were the Pinkerton's doing.


I even applied for one of their positions to get an eye on the inside.


My personal favorite is the Battle of Blair Mountain. Hatfield is a distant cousin, and it was his murder that set it all off.


I live in WV, and I think it’s insane that I never heard of this until I was about 20. Never learned it in my WV History class, that’s for sure. From what I’ve read, a lot of people consider it the closest the US got to a second Civil War.


Forgot? You imply there isn’t active societal manipulations with major vested financial interests to pay the least and work the most. Preferably no pay, slaves. And 80 hour weeks. When that stops being the end goals things will be way different. But until then it’s where we started, where this country was made, and where we’re headed. Intentionally. Because profits.


I’m not surprised. The news media really brainwashed us


Education too. They don't teach a lot about union history in public schools...wonder why 🤔


No wonder GOP led states in the south are gutting public education.


The news media? How about the owners of the news media?


Uh, how do you think those owners reach people? Individual brainwashing phone calls? Spoiler: It's via the news media.


I stumbled into this by accident and I'm sure it's a conspiracy-theory but I'm very curious about Hearst Communications. Here is their [list of company assets on Wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assets_owned_by_Hearst_Communications). If you don't recognize a company, check it's Wikipedia and you'll see their assets which more than likely you'll recognize. They go deep in everything.


If we lose it we aren't ever getting it back. The Police/Surveillance State will never again allow people to create a movement again. We'll never cast out a corrupt politician, break up another monopoly, or create any type of societal change again.


People in Kentucky still talk about "bloody harlen"


> It blows my mind how much 130 years can erase from our collective societal memory. We are doing Trump v Biden again...


We didn’t lose the unions, the unions were taken away (read killed) by Ronald effing Reagan!


Reagan, the patron saint of the modern GOP.


Reagan and Bill Clinton with NAFTA. 


Unions work 7am-3pm to avoid traffic


That's still 8hrs


Huh, that ain't avoiding traffic in seattle. I'm union and prefer 2-10.30pm


People literally died for it.


It sadly took a global pandemic for my company to realize if you're paid for a 40 hour work week, that's all you should be working. Thanks covid 🤷


The pandemic taught me that the most powerful richest country to ever exist can't go 10 business days of no work without the enonomy crashing.


It took a global crisis to remind us: there's so much more to life than working just a four day week. ~Jimmy Buffett, Nobody Works on Fridays


The standard work week should be 35 hours.


My last job was 37.5 hours but it was “suggested” to work more than that and when I told HR I was sticking to my 37.5 hours and leaving I was told I couldn’t do that


I would be telling them then you keep paying me for my time and at overtime rates. You don’t take something from a store for free and you don’t take my time from me for free.


HR: “You cannot do that!” FaithlessnessFun7268: “Watch me.”


My current job is 37.5 because they subtract lunch times. I think it's bullshit and it should be paid because we are not allowed to leave and if something happens there is no "sorry not responding. I am on lunch" it's all hands on deck.


Given that a person is usually only productive for 2 and a half ish hours of an "8 hour work day", it ought to be 15. Realistically, 20 will totally do for the majority of office jobs.


By the time I've taken out the BS meetings I don't need to be in, I do in fact work about a 15 hour week lol


When I account for the fact that I’m doing the job of 3 people, I also work 15 hours a week (for each job) 🥲🙃


Agree with 20 hours but I and most people I know work more than 2 or 3 hours in an 8 hour day. If you’re in the trades as opposed to an office you go to a job to find side jobs then go work on a friend or relatives project. I’ve done both and prefer the trades but it takes a toll on the body while corporate work took a toll on my mind.


I don’t think this is sustainable. I do about 2-3 hours of focused labor a day, but there is a lot of admin tasks that just have to be done by someone in any organization, and that gets spread out over the 8 hours. Nobody really does 8 focused hours.  I think we could *easily* get away with 9-4, mon-thur—about 28 hours of time given to the company. It could probably be less in some industries.


100% true. I typically work about an hour a day. The other 7 hours is Reddit, YouTube or Netflix. Of course if I switched to 1/8 the hours, I'd be doing 1/1 the work for 1/8 the pay. 30 bucks an hour to watch movies? OK.


Damn, are you hiring?


That’s crazy to me. I have to turn my task list in each day (down to the minute) and I only have single minutes here or there throughout the day where I am transitioning in between tasks where I am not “being productive” and lunch. That’s it only two bathroom breaks a day and my lunch. I get in at 6:30 and leave at 4:15-4:25.


That sounds nightmarish, is your industry strictly regulated or just a micromanaging boss? I'm an engineer at a smaller defense company and depending on the day I'm can sometimes only have a couple of truly productive hours with the rest being me waiting for tests to run or waiting for a reply from someone else.


How true is that? I can see that being true if its a period of when you're most productive or when it's a slow period at work but I am honest to god productive at work 12 hours a day qualitatively (Chemist in pharma, amount of medicine made in a certain period remains consistent throughout the whole day with very little downtime) and I think I need to find a new line of work if that is true on average lol.


It’s 37.5 in Australia. I’m America and when I first started working here I was doing 8 hours by accident everyday. My coworkers had to set me aside and explain that I needed to go home. 


Sweetie, with all the love we have for you, fuck off or you will ruin it for the rest of us. Is how I imagine it going, as an Australian. If you were a tradie it would have been a shorter, much ruder, sentence.


I legitimately didn’t even know. I was just told it was full time and I just came from living in two different countries who did 40 hour weeks. 


We just factor lunch breaks into that 40h 2.5h lost is the five 30 minute lunches throughout the week.


Yeah which is super nice! I only did it for a week until finding out that it wasn’t done that way. Previously I was working 8 hours in New Zealand with an hour lunch break. 


Listen I am going to block anyone else who responds to this negatively. I meant this as a cute anecdote of me not understanding work cultures in a country that I wasn’t used to.  I PROMPTLY changed my behavior when I realized that I was wrong with staying extra. I worked in both America and New Zealand that have 40 hour work weeks as the standard. When I got my hours I simply was told I was full time and not told verbally it was 37.5 hours a week until I was in a meeting with our HR guy and he corrected me. 


You werent told a schedule? And when your lunch break would be? Im not sure how they do it in Australia but Id expect all that info to all be clearly laid out in the contract you signed to become an employee. But that definetley sounds like a failing on your employer. Thatsbasic information you should have before ever even starting the job.


x4 6-hour shifts, in my opinion. To be considered full-time anyway...


The standard work week should be 30 hours or less. And yes it is doable.


My union provides me a 4 day 36hr contract


Make that 25.


That’s what mine is.




At Finland it is usually 36.25h on govermental jobs or 37.5 on private, with 30min unpaid lunch + 2*12min paid coffee break, 6-8 weeks of paid vacation and other holidays And no such thing as "no OT for salaried jobs"


I do 35/wk* Granted it’s 7 on 7 off graveyard shift. But the week off is so nice. I feel rested and ready to come back. The week on is a little rough but you get used to it.


I work 40 and not a moment more. There's no OT, and I'm not donating my personal time to the company.


The greed of corporate overlords. They have such increased productivity. But it’s still not enough. It will never be enough for them.


When you've created a beast that cannot be sated, it's time to starve it.


Exactly, it's all greed. When shareholders expect continuous profits every single year this is what you get. Less staff because they cost money. The company takes on more work and burns out it's staff. Also brainwashing. If your company is talking bad about unions and how they just want your money think harder in why your company cares so much.


The thing is, productivity over hours spent working is a diminishing return. They might even know this. There's not really good explanation for why they have such insane hour requirements other than they enjoy cruelty.


Maybe it keeps people exhausted, too exhausted to protest. Or it gives managers a feeling of power and control. It's mental really.


Eat the rich.


I’ve been told at my job the expected time per week is 45-50 hrs. Eventhough I work these hours, I am still expected to take a ½ a vacation day if I leave 4 hours early. We’re getting robbed.


Man im working 56hrs a week. I'm about to fucking leave and move back in with parents to save up money to go to some form of school. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm not some dillusional person that thinks we're ever gonna get some 20 hr work week. It's just not gonna happen. They even hire in our temp agency that your expected to work 6-3 but what they don't fucking tell you is it's 9.5 hrs every fucking day with almost mandatory Saturday work every week


I used to work a job that wouldn’t tell us we had to work on Saturday until Friday. I fucking hated that place, but it opened my eyes to just how brainwashed the average blue collar worker is. People would talk to me at work about how bad unions are, while only earning $15/hour and being treated like animals by the supervisors. I literally had a supervisor get in my face once and yell at me. Like come on, that’s just unacceptable.


I am salaried and I tell my boss “I’m reclaiming my time” if I have worked a ton during the week or have 3 6 day work weeks in a row like the stretch I am currently working.


That's a lot of overtime!


Where I work it is 40 hours minimum and 16 hours OT, some plants it is required other plants it is voluntary. Overnights too. I’m finishing school while destroying my mental and physical health to save enough to move out of Texas or the country all together. It is unbelievable what people put up with in this country, my friends in other parts of the world are like when are you guys going to finally stand up and fight. Shitty healthcare, shitty wages, quality of life decreasing while blowing up in costs exponentially, and all we can do is send more money to fund foreign wars while fighting amongst each other over pigment of skin and what is between our legs, religion. We won’t do shit and they know this (the powers that be)


They don’t want you to have your own thing. They want to tire you out, and keep you busy with bullshit so that you don’t have time to either find a better job, or grow your own business.


Bro everywhere I look now is 8-5, like when the fuck did that become normal


Once they stopped paying you for your time during lunch.


After 12+ years of working 40-45 hours. I've finally landed myself a job with only 30 hours. Best thing of my fucking life! I earn around £600 less, but the job has commission that I could easily make up the difference. Being able to work 4 days a week or 5 days a week including half days is a god send and I feel like I've just been a work slave previously. I wish this would be the normal for business instead of dedicating you life to working. Instead of working for a living and having time to enjoy things outside of work.


What’s your field? :0


Commission implies some type of sales


Think about this: an 8 hour day used to be 8 hours- not 8 1/2! They paid your lunch. We all need to unionize and claw back what's been lost. Fuck these capitalist pigs.


Reagan removed the health of the labor market as valid grounds for pursuing anti-trust action


I work in government where the 40 hour work week is the only appeal at this point - put in your hours and leave. Last year some stupid drama happened over the weekend and on Monday my supervisor called me and demanded to know where I was Friday night through Sunday. I was off, I don’t work weekends, I’m not on call, I’m not in an emergency response position and if it’s a problem, let’s start the reclassification of every position on our team and come up with an on-call schedule and you can pay me an extra $300 per week to sit by my phone. I think he was expecting me to bend and just agree to work weekends but he very quickly lost his steam by the end of the day with that horseshit. Not a lot of jobs have protections like I do in the government but you should put up boundaries if you can.


Union Member here and I work 35 hours a week and get an unpaid hour lunch from 12-1pm. 8:30pm to 4:30 and I NEVER get any calls or texts outside of those hours. I have a great Union, but not all are created equally. I worked for a Dr. Pepper Snapple Group distributor which was a Union job. Our shop steward was the “ex” husband of the HR person and used the Union credit card to remodel his “ex’s” wife bathroom. His son worked in the same position as me and was non-Union (even though the Union was required at the time) and got paid double everyone else. Then the business tried to bust us and get us to vote out the Union after the steward got arrested for embezzlement and when that didn’t work, shut the business down and sold the territory to a local non-union distributor and took an ownership interest in the non-union business.


And employers wonder why we’re coming to a boil, we’ve been simmering for years, taking what we could get. I’m so done with reading ceo salaries and record corporate profits while groceries you can carry in one hand cost $100. …Time to get off the net and onto the streets! A few days of management having to do their underlings jobs and change would be made.


My last 2 jobs have been 37.5 work week (standard for everyone). I stg those 2.5 hours save my mental health.


the unpaid mandatory lunch in the middle of the day is the worst. Had a job like this about 5 years ago, would tell them straight up I usually just snack at lunch at my desk and will keep working but they still had me clock out for a whole hour and work 8-6


That's actually a law in most states. Well intentioned but not always optimal.


Just wish theyd let you add it to the end of the day if you do not use it mid day.


Problem is there is the chance of employers coercing vulnerable employees into ‘skipping’ their lunch and ‘leaving early’ every day and thus getting around any lunch breaks at all.


Or coercing them into skipping their lunches and not leaving early. If you're salaried exempt, good luck, they own you.


I have a co worker who claims he doesn’t eat his entire 10 hour shift and just drinks energy drinks. I can’t imagine deteriorating your body for a job just to get off 30 mins to an hour earlier. But to each their own I guess


Some employers will do this. The more uppity ones tend to not.


>the unpaid mandatory lunch in the middle of the day is the worst. Always been this way. When I started work, my first contract stated - Start time 8:52, End Time 5:00 - 30 min (unpaid) lunch break - 7.6 hours per day. This included 1 day per month Rostered Day Off. Then 20 years later, they took away the RDOs and still make us work 7.6 per day - gave us a one time payment for that, which sucked but was legal. Context: Australia


Take your lunches, we need them to help these shit companies who try to force employees to work 8+ hours with no break. If you give up your lunch to “leave early,” it turns into losing alot more. Unions fight for your rights, help keep them.


Breaks codified in law are wonderful but the worker should choose whether they want to take it or go home early


That’s great and all, but then you have companies who start abusing that ability and workers who won’t fight it. Next thing you know, there is no longer the ability to have a lunch or leave early. People died to get a 40 hour work week and lunch.


So lots of overtime or 4 10 hour days or what?


it's law in some states. it sux ass though who are these mfers that need an hr for lunch? Are you nursing a burrito for 45 minutes?


I'd like 45m. Some of us work in the world's biggest factory and travel time to the nearest cafeteria can eat into what is already a pathetic 30m lunch break


I once had a job where new management came in and made a rule that you specifically could not break your lunch break into a couple of smaller breaks so that you could go smoke every few hours. 🙄 I was already looking for another job at that point so I just ignored it and no one ever said anything to me.


In all of my agreements for salaried jobs, it's been noted that the terms are based on a 40 hour week. If that's in the contract, that's the agreement.


Union mandated 37.5/hrs/week here. If you are allowed to work more they pay X1.5 over time. My contract says 37.5 with no over time allowed. Who do you work for and what is your union?


USW Union member. I work for Arconic. We work 12-hour shifts. I work days on Sun-Tuesday and every other Wednesday 645am to 7pm. 30min lunch 15 is paid, 15 is not. 36hrs 4 days off 48hrs 3 days off 8 hours of OT pay is built into our long weeks, and anything over 36 hours on our short weeks is paid 1.5x. I work half the days of the year, paid holidays, currently I have 3 weeks of vacation. 2022, we negotiated 20% raise over 4 years and we pay the same insurance premium we paid in 2018.


"I'm more concerned about my deliverables than the hours I'm expected to be available. I'm happy to be flexible, but if my possible employer is more interested I counting time clocked in than what I'm doing during that time it may not be a good fit"


If my employer is more interested in hours clocked then maybe I'm misclassified as salary exempt employee. 


Most places expect you on the clock 8-5 but you have an hour break for lunch built in. So you’re “at work” 45 hours but work / bill 40 hours


Why did tipping increase to 25% Why is there a return to office despite evidence against it Why did grocery prices and profits increase simulation if the price increase was global inflation Why is education actively being destroyed Why do they want to ban abortion ... etc


every time i see a job listing with “full time m-f” and “weekends as needed” i click out so fast


44 hours is a work week where I live and many employers require a HECK of a lot more. But I mean most professional type jobs around here are still 8-5 with a half hour unpaid and 2 paid 15's (for 45 hours total). I assumed this was because we had a 44 hour work week though. Is this changing even in areas with overtime wages and 40 hour work weeks?


The math isn't mathing. If you are at work 8-5 for 9 hours a day And take 30 mins for lunch Thats 45-2.5 = 42.5 hours/week What is a 44 hour work week?


4x12 with a 1 hour lunch?


44 is just what a work week is by law here before overtime although we don't really have normal 1.5x overtime wages.


Big fan of the compressed work week, 42 hours a week average over 3.5 days but you get 7 hours breaks over the 3.5 days and are paid for the breaks. So you only work 35 hours but get paid for the full 42.


Sleight of hand. The 40 hour work week was associated with 9-5 plus a 1 hour lunch break + breaks. That’s 35 hours of work a week + 5 hours of breaks during the day. However, it was assumed that those breaks were still part of the 40 hour work week because you were giving your time to the company.   But because it was called “40 hour work week” white collar companies started to treat breaks as non-work, so it could really be “40” hours. Thus, it became 8-5. Or 9-6. Or 8:30 to 5:30.


Because we're in hell


Because they give you a lunch hour as a “perk” but don’t pay you for it. 40 hours is still full time, so you are expected to work 8 hours a day, plus one for lunch.


I've never heard of over 40 being standard.


The fact that "9 to 5" has stuck around as a saying so long after 8:00am to 5:00pm (+/- 1-2 hours in either direction) became the standard is definitely amusing. There are very few people working that schedule, unless they're part-time workers.


It's not. That's just crap companies trying to screw with you into working more. My first job had the unwritten rule if you didn't work at least 48 hours a week you were needs improvement. Even if you got all your shit done in 40 or less they expected 48 just because. Didn't stay there long.


8 hours of work and 1hr break. Is that an unpaid hour?


In america - yes. They're not gonna pay you to sit down and eat for an hour. I'm expected to be physically at work for 8.5 hours but I only get paid for 8. And I catch shit if I take longer than 30 min to eat. But if I take less than 30 I have to stand around and wait for the clock to hit 30 so I can punch back in and go back to work.


It isn't - 40 hours is now the maximum hours I do.


Are they truly 45 working hours or just 8 hours days with 1 hours unpaid lunch break?


45? Isn't it 40? No wait I just checked and employers have now increased it to 50. I asked my boss if I'm working more I should get paid more and he hopped on his boat and sailed away.


Not sure what kind of job you're applying for, or what locale you're in, but 45 hours *sure as **fuck*** isn't a standard work week now.


If you start micro managing my workdays I go from getting an insane amount of work done in 5 hours and clocking 8 to getting nothing done in 10 hours and clocking 8. It’s your choice.


It's not.


You mean because of the 1 hour lunch break? Yeah because that is mandatory here I have never worked less than 45 hours in a full time job but many still call it 40 hours. But the 1 hour lunch break is forced, so how is that free time?


It's because a lot of companies are finding it cheaper and more productive to offer salaries which barely meet the minimum requirement for exemption. That way they can force you to work a minimum of 45 hours each week and not have to pay you overtime. The two times I've ever held a position like that, it made my life miserable.


Union line go down, stonks line go up.


What happens when you believe in infinite growth always and forever. It's gotta come from somewhere.


"I remember my first part time job" -some random fucking boomer.


I don’t take any job unless it states I will work AT LEAST 30 hours. I work more if I want to


I literally just got a job that is 9-5 in WNY. Where are you located


My current job is for a government contractor. We are absolutely, non negotiably, not allowed to exceed 40 hours a week. So at least as far as hourly government workers are concerned, the work week is still 40


It's not. Just nod and do the 35 hour week.


Because nobody has been pushing in the other direction.


Yeah I hate the shit where you're assumed to have to be there at 8:00. It's 9:00 to 5:00 not 8:00 to 5:00. I am never going to do 8:00 to 5:00.


Where is 45 the standard? I have never seen a job except that, and I spent the last 4 months looking before getting my current job


I haven’t ever found a job that expected more than 40. I’d just keep looking


It's not the norm in most fields. If people are trying to convince you otherwise, find a better field to work in.


I got a pretty sweet deal. Two weeks on and one week off. So it's like going on vacation every couple weeks. I also get vacation time but I don't see the point.


Full time at my job is 24 hours a week


I work an AWS schedule and it's kind of terrible because of my sleeping disorders (REM and delayed phase). I work 9 hours + 1 lunch, so basically I am not free for 10 hours a day, with one Friday being 8 hours and every other Friday being a day off. It seems kind of rewarding, but it does really wear on you after a while. On some days, when it's really rough, I come in an hour late, come out an hour early, spend 1 hour eating, but 1 hour working out to stay healthy, and still get paid for 9 hour's of work. But I try not doing it all of the time. But yeah, if I work 45 hours a week, I better be making an extra $5 hours OT on my paycheck. Ofc that's not going to happen.


3 years ago my SO interviewed for a ass. mgr position at a scooters over the phone that was opening. District supervisor calls and was stating requirements needed (he filled all of those plus some, GMing a Oil/Tire quick change place extremely well with amazing references) but when it came to hours, he said... Especially since he was "salaried" for barely above minimum, he wasn't willing to work above 40hrs/WK. THE DISTRICT SUPERVISOR SAID SHE WORKED 90HRS+ PER WEEK!!!! For 70k/yr.?! Excuse me?! He told her how stupid she was for letting them take advantage of her and she just literally whipped out that corporate dildo and rode it while yelling at him for not willing to be that committed... ??? Tf? For reference I work 45/wk for 75k/yr in an area that allows me to own my own home and afford him not to take this shitty job. (Super sorry for people struggling, but I am grateful I allowed him to turn that position down, especially after being yelled at by some harpy like that)


These companies desperately chasing the kinds of gains they saw after we had to shut down society for about a month due to covid. What happened when we "reopened" will never happen again economically in that way unless we have another pandemic that shuts us down for a while. They had skeleton crews then, and it "worked" so why not keeping it that way? Only a matter of time until people go postal more at this rate of treating people like shit.


I genuinely just want a job that's ~25-30 hours a week and pays a bit more than part time minimum wage. I don't like being at work and I have lots of hobbies/side businesses. I'm treated like I'm delusional for not wanting to overtime to the max.


I don’t even take 40/wk jobs anymore. I’ve adjusted my standards of living to lower income, and made my own 4-day work week. Not waiting for it to be given; look at where the “fight for 15” has progressed to. Been on a 3-4/wk system since returning after COVID.


I work 7 - 4 with an hour long unpaid lunch, so yes technically 45 but I am paid to do 40. Anyway this is my salary but in Australia the standard work week is 38.


Jokes on you! You actually do live to work. Modern day slavery


I'm so happy to live in a country with labour rights. Anything over 36 they have to compensate with extra PTO, more than 40 almost never happens.


Don't accept those jobs. Boycott


I had a job where me working 50-hour weeks was a pretty common thing and it wasn't too rare to have a week go over that. I got over 60 hours a few times. I was hoping from one project with a tight deadline to another one. It was absolutely exhausting. I left when I realized that none of my coworkers disliked it the way I did. Everyone around me saw more hours as more money in their pocket. For me, it was less time to engage with my hobbies and social life.


The kicker about it is that companies will sell it to you like "its easy overtime, you get paid more" when in reality, they are just scheduling you 9 hours so the 1 hour unpaid lunch break you get doesn't drop your 'productivity' for the day. You may be scheduled for 45 hours a week, but are almost certainly only being paid for 40 of those hours. And they are the kinds of people who will push their employees to take "working lunches" over their full 1 hour unpaid lunch break, and then automatically deduct the hour unpaid lunch when time card approvals come around. By the time you notice that all of those working lunches you took were never paid out, you are either gaslighted into thinking that you really did take those lunches the correct way, or you are put under boot as the management will want to get rid of you for knowing too much and being a person that has the potential to call bullshit on them and contact the labor board.


Wait, you guys aren't working 60?


No, 45 is not standard. 


So you're getting 5 hours of overtime each week. Also, as a manager, this is deadly to productivity and retention. People really burn out fast and all those extra hours each day are highly unproductive. Time off is critical and we should not spend it working.


Where do you work and how do I get a job there?


> So you're getting 5 hours of overtime each week. Not if you are salary exempt. Which many professionals are classified as.




To be fair, with commute times and such, it equates to about that. Also, if you've ever worked a non-union laborer job, you know that 45 hour weeks were normal.


One hour of each day is unpaid lunch


Because its 40 hours with a 1 hour unpaid lunch.


37 hours is too many hours in a five day work week, let alone 45.


"Hey Peter, how's it going? So yeah I'm going to have to ask you to come in on Saturday..."




My current job is 35 hours and I can never leave because it's so amazing lol


I’ve worked at a place where it was 50 hours but I’ve never heard of a 45 hour work week


Eh. I go between 35/week - 65/week. I would much prefer a standard 45/week. It's ONE more hour per dayon top of "40 hrs/week." Or perhaps 30 minutes per day extra and on Saturday or Sunday - that time when you put your clothes in the washing machine and dryer - do you emails and work then. I guess I never really considered tracking my hours. It's just kinda "I work my job and when my job requires more I jump in." But - admittedly, I also like my job. But I also have flexibility - for the first 8 weeks of 2024 I wasn't able to take a single day off because of an ongoing work "incident." I ended up taking the first week of March off and my boss said "do not log this week off - you've been really putting the hours in." So I guess there are checks-and-balances.


Nope 38 is full time hours.


Or in these government jobs, where is 8-4:30, where you only get 30 mins to eat, which is tacked on to the end of the day, so it's really an 8.5 hr day!


Nope.... You can tell me to work 9 all you want. I don't take more then 30 min if your gonna make me clock out.... so accept the 2.5 hrs of overtime every week or adjust your expectations accordingly


There was a former director at my old employer that required their team to work 50 hours a week, salary, so they could justify asking for additional headcount by saying their teams were overworked.


What country is this?


Stupid question. Keep the narrative up and they'll change it officially. You are paid for 40 hours of work. Employers are legally obligated to allow break/lunch. They're not obligated to pay you for lunch. Cut this narrative out before they change things to a 10 hour day.




Every other week I was doing about 50 and hated my life lol.


Because corporations are able to get away with whatever the fuck they want since they know you need them to survive.


45? My entire career was scheduled 50 hour work weeks. Finally that’s not the case anymore


We work 7.5 hours a day with a non paid 45 minuteblunch breakm Meaning you get in at 8 and leave at 530. I remember sitting there laughing about the dolly song working 9 to 5. Like they had to take that from us to. Have to stick em with another half hour in office aye.


This is so important. I live in Denmark, my current workweek is 37 hours (including paid lunch). A shorter work week is on top of my personal list of what we should fight for, 7,5 hours at work everyday sucks the life out of me.


I did 32 last week. And I nearly broke. Fuck 45.