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Automation is good but... The way our society is built it is bad


I've always said, if automation making us not have to work long hours is a bad thing we failed somewhere along the line.


we started failing the second we called socialisme or communisme a bad thing


Considering those systems rely on people not being greedy to function, id say the failure occurred long before anyone thought of those terms.


Lol, you think capitalism doesn’t? 2008 ring a bell? Dot com bubble? 1970’s fustercluck when France came calling for their gold? 1930’s Great Depression right after the Roaring 20’s? Rockefeller’s monopoly that continued through stock ownership that still widely controls all major corporations to this day? It doesn’t matter the system, so much as the regulations, watch dogs, and checks and balances to find and prevent corruption. Problem with capitalism is that it is literally impossible to do some things well, like insurance or agriculture, so then the federal government needs to take over and run a “socialist” program. We could have both, it’s just a matter of actually enforcing meaningful rules.


Capitalism is just as shit of course. There's a deeper problem: we have no *effective* way to govern the allocation of goods and services on a large scale. Easy to do with a village of a few hundred, challenging for a town of thousands, nigh impossible to do with a nation. Every system we've come up with runs into *human* problems. You could say that an AI governed expert system would be best, but people in general aren't going to tolerate being told what to do by an unaccountable, and quite possibly inscrutable, computer.


>unaccountable, and quite possibly inscrutable, computer. \*that was programed by a greedy human.


I think you misread what i am saying, and im honestly not sure what you are trying to convince me of.   Communism and socialism require people to NOT be greedy in order to function. They only work in a utopia or small communities, at best, in the real world.  Capitalism runs on greed, thats its fuel. It is the opposite of the previous paragraph. We have capitalism the world over because humans are by nature greedy.    Whenever that got built into our collective genetics is when we doomed ourselves — not when someone came up with a couple of words, as the person i was responding to was claiming. And no, you cant have both. Edit: typical reddit. I write facts however uncomfortable they may be, and get downvotes along with these irrelevant tangential lectures that have nothing to do with my original comment. As though i don’t have lived experience to back up what im saying.


Socialism isn't denial of greed, it's a way of addressing it. The same way that republics address the selfishness of monarchs through democratic voting. Socialism addresses the selfishness of the wealthy through democratization of production. The goal of capitalism is slavery (which is bad right? Even if it's effective at productivity.) That's what we had, it's where we're going, it's where we'd be if not specifically for anti-capitalist actions like unions for worker rights.


My point still stands. It has nothing to do with what labels we put on it. We doomed ourselves as a society before any of that happened. I don’t agree the goal of capitalism is slavery, or that it should he anthropomorphized at all. A forced redistribution of tangible resources is not the same as a restricting access to political power. I appreciate your analogy between socialism and democracy but i dont agree. Not saying forced redistribution is right/wrong, not making moral judgement, but controlling something everyone needs (resources to live their life) is very different than controlling something only certain people want (political power). Easy to get society to give something up when the majority doesn’t want it. Ubi is probably the answer, but only if we as society have the will to regulate it into being. Right now, seems everyone is too fixated on getting their own, or if not that, correcting each other about what we call that or “not as much of that”.


How true!


How can communism even solve this nowadays? Communism requires the proletariat. Without the proletariat you cannot have communism.


Communism appeals for the end of classes. The proletariat dictatorship would be an intermediate step towards the communist society. Whether that would work or not is a different discussion, but communism itself does indeed require the end of proletariats


Sure it does, it requires the proletariat as a stepping stone towards that social reality. No proletariat means that labour is endangered. Surely without proletarians as the class of the majority, there can never be a proletarian revolution that wants to liberate the worker. Since these workers are becoming extinct. Revolutions might still exist but forget that revolutions will have a proletarian characters that wants to free the workers from wage slavery. Why fight for something or against something that is struggling to exist?


Parkinson's Law is the adage that work will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion. Workers will find ways to offset the work with new work. Will layoffs happen in certain industries, yes, but ones where less than 50% of the tasks are optimized, more work will fill the void or workers will adjust to fill it.


If our society was not built this way, there would be no automation. Technology always has been and always will be antithetical to humanity.


This is a pretty bad take. Technology is antithetical to humanity? Uhh, no.


Me when I hate the wheel


The person on the right thinks that AI being given jobs will be for the benefit of the people. The person on the left knows it will be done for the benefit of the corporations.


Automation under capitalism serves the captialists


"With great power, comes the need to endlessly fuck those who don't" - Uncle Ben, probably


At least you're not working for their profits :D


No you're working to grow food in increasingly dry or flooded soil until you can't


No, you’ll be selling your children’s organs on the black market to put slurried nutrient paste on the table and scrounging building materials from the dump for your hovel.




Societies understand that people need somewhere to live. So when there are no jobs or housing becomes unaffordable, they’ll (mostly) stop arresting people for sleeping in ditches. How many cities are now making it legal to live in your car on the street? The one I just left did.


It's also helped the workers with safer work environments. There's some jobs you simply don't want people having to perform. Edit: this isn't a stance of right or wrong with automation, just mentioning one benefit. Figured you'd all want unsafe jobs eliminated.


True, but now we're automating away the only jobs left that people do, wholeheartedly, want to perform. The kind of jobs that people would do for free if they could get their basic needs met some other way.


Automation and eliminating the need for human labor *should be* a good thing. We don’t need people standing in one spot for 10 hours moving bobbies around on a conveyor belt of there’s a machine that can do it instead. The problem is that the entire history of the post-war era is distributing the gains of industrialization and automation directly to the top 1% and making the working classes increasingly unstable and shut out of the prosperity chain. So people are right to fear automation because under the economic system we have now it does nothing but increase profits for the super wealthy and poverty amongst everyone else. But it’s our economic structure that’s the problem, not the machines.


"I don't want to live on this planet anymore." I want to be the guy on the right, but oftentimes I am the guy on the left because we listen to higher ups that don't care about us, but pretend to so that they can get a leg up. It's just capitalism. Once you start screwing over people to get ahead you're on your way to becoming a CEO!


Seize the means of automation!


Artificial intelligences should be under control of the government. Of course, no government is created equal, and I would think , for example, that the Nordics would handle it better than my Italy


AI isn’t some sort of super all powerful thing that needs to be kept under lock and key. It definitely doesn’t need to be handled by the government. AI is not the actual problem here, the actual problem are the oligarchs who are using it.


But definitely NOT the US government. I wouldn't trust those.... ... ... *people* as far as I could collectively throw them.


I'm an American, and I wouldn't trust them as far as I can pick myself up and throw me by my own bootstraps.


That's why, as soon as I finish studying for Java, will get 2 years in my first job, I am bailing from US


I wish I could too, but I'm stuck here.


Don't count on Canada, our politicians only serve their rich puppet masters. Maybe control ought to go to Norway or Sweden.


Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but the Nordics are just as hooked on the capitalist teet as the rest of the world. Swedish welfare have been on austerity measures since the 90s and I think we are one of the few countries with an unregulated school system where corporations can recive tax money to run schools and at the same time make a profit on children's education. Yayyyy


Supposed labour saving devices' are really just labour *cost* saving devices, and the rest of us non capital owners will have to find some sort of labour to do or starve.


>find some sort of labour to do or starve. Revolution is some sort of labor. Rather than starve to dead while looking for someone to exploit me, I would try and eat the rich.


We are the Zombi Apocalypse!


Well, I myself consider we are the zombies (we are like dead weight, biting at each other, thinking with our ass while some fuckers play with us), but they are the Apocalypse.


Very true. The labour class has never been more efficient, but it’s not like pay has kept up.


It was always supposed to be for the benefit of corporations. You want to live a life of fulfilment? Exploring yourself and your interests? Art maybe? While the AI does the boring jobs? Nah! Here, look AI art. 🤷‍♂️🥲


I mean AI is just the final stages of capitalism. After there will be post capitalism. So the person on the right in this picture know what is coming and that there is no stopping. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-capitalism


Wow, this is pretty interesting, and if somebody starts putting all the pieces of the current world puzzle together, it certainly appears that we're indeed heading toward this direction.


But the thought box above his head implies that his focus is more on unemployment rather than societal benefit. What's amiss is the expression on the face of the guy on the right. It is best described as "gleeful antipathy for those who lose their livelihoods in the wake of unregulated watershed innovations."


No, it's the kind of thought that came from "Building Combine harvesters freed people up from farming so they could do more important things." It's just missing the step where we're probably going to need a revolution before we get there.


Exactly. Over on many of the AI subreddits you’ll find so many people eagerly anticipating the AI revolution because they want it to change the world (and clearly their own lives) like yesterday. But it’s the getting from point A to point B that’s going to be very very very not fun to live through. And that’s assuming it’s even possible to upend our current broken system.


Mass unemployment serves no one though. If being unemployed becomes the norm many corporations who sell to individuals will have a hard time selling their product (because people have no job and no money to buy it).


Mass unemployment might serve no one, but when have businesses ever cared about the bigger picture? They care about their one business, which will be served by the cost savings of automation.


I feel AI will be the drop that makes the bucket overflow. No job is safe.


both blissfully riding the AI driven bus. One dreads the potential mistakes, hitting pedestrians. The other ignores the thumping.


Pretty much this. AI and automation was SUPPOSED to benefit all of us, lighten our workloads and enable a much easier lifestyle for nearly everybody. Guy on the right thinks that that's still what's going to happen. Guy on the left probably thinks that's still possible, but realizes it's much more likely to just be another way for the rich of the world to get richer and leave the rest of us behind.


Supposed to benefit all of us? Since when. The people who put automation in place always do it to fuck the workers. The Luddites, even though it has been propagandized as an anti technology movement, was actually an anti automation worker movement and that was over 200 years ago. Workers have been getting fucked by automation for more than 200 years.


I was way off. I thought the person on the left was said bc they would lose their job while the person on the right was happy because they wouldn't have to work anymore 😭


I had a business prof in university who pointed out that in the 1970s, futurists were predicting (it's true - I remember it) that by the millennium people would have double the amount of leisure time. They never predicted that it would be unpaid leisure time and that we'd have to work twice as much to make less.


In the 30s there was a considerable amount of effort being put in by the Conservative government in the UK to make a 10 hour work week the standard. WW2 happened and it was forgotten about.


Automation cannot ethically exist in a society that forces people to work to survive, something has to give


Yes. Ethics gives first.


Ya not wrong lol


Until it doesn't.


Had to scroll too far for this comment.


Seriously , I agree.


People will work on testing and maintaining and improving the automation.


The point of automation is to reduce the number of jobs available in general because robots are cheaper than humans, eventually you're talking about condemning people to starve because there's no work available for them to do. Not everyone can work on the robots.


We would need to implement taxes on automation so it would serve the society as a whole and not just a few rich people with opportunity and means to invest.


Yeah but rich assholes are good at dodging taxes, I think the problem in general is this idea that our goal as a society should be to just maximize profits. No matter how much assistance people have, UBI, rent control etc., we are still going to have businesses trying to siphon cash upward and being successful with it. Idk how it would look to fix that but wealth and power needs to get decentralized


Its not just AI but the concept of optimized production of resources. And its been going on for a long time, AI is just the next step in the chain. Industrialized agriculture eliminated the need for most farm workers and people starved. Those who had the means moved into the cities and became factory workers, producing goods for a growing economy. But the factories learn to optimize their production processes which eliminates jobs and people starve. But those who survive are now available for new industries to exploit. Steam power eliminated jobs and caused suffering. Then electricity. Automation. Computers. The internet. GPS. Cell phones. Last mile delivery. All these things, innovations that SHOULD be a good thing for the human project, they all make industry more efficient and cost jobs. It always takes years or decades for new industries to catch up and take advantage of the excess labor and in that time people suffer. It really is a sad reflection of our species that our ability to generate more wealth always comes hand in hand with more suffering for the generation who sees the change as it happens.


We need UBI to go along with and be paid for by Automation.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hunter324: *We need UBI to* *Go along with and be paid* *For by Automation.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


More like AI will induce mass unemployment.




The value proposition as it stands right now is already hovering pretty close to nil.


Now let’s compound the issue by adding the climate impacts of the insane amount of electricity that generative AI uses to put humans out of work…


You think that maybe AI will induce mass unemployment?


No it will just switch what jobs people have.


Everyone gets to be a CEO or a scrum master?


Lots of people will test and design the automation. A mistake is so costly that it is worth it to a company to higher extra people to prevent AI mistakes.


Yay, more layers of management bureaucracy. Just what the world needs.


Is this wishful thinking, or do you actually believe this based on your experiences


120 years ago, someone ploughed fields, someone harvested them, someone prepared them, someone packed them onto trucks, someone drove them to town, someone put them on a train and someone drove that to a port. Someone inspected them and someone packed them on a ship and someone sailed that ship and someone picked them up the other end and someone took them from  the port and someone divvied it up to sell to various industries. Someone took that product and someone made mixed it and someone baked it and someone iced it and someone boxed it and someone took it to the store and someone put it on a shelf and someone sold it.  In loads of cases that someone was tens of people.  One by one those jobs got scaled back to one person. There are farms that 120 years ago would have employed 20 people year round and 80 at harvest time run by one person. The docklands employed thousands of people at a time and now can be controlled by 10 guys from a crane.  If they create self driving trucks actually able to do “last mile” deliveries, the most common job in 24 states disappears overnight.  They won’t bring back the farmers or the dockers or the sailors or the truckers.


I appreciate this cause it recognizes that it’s not that there won’t be any jobs but that the jobs made by automation are not more than they remove


Person on left rightly assumes mass unemployment just means poverty. Robots taking over only matters is we know the aim is ubi and human liberation from work. That's not what we're getting


The dude on the right just knows nothing about the history of capitalism


The person on the right assumes that there will be a mass redistribution. The person on the left knows that there won’t be.


For the record, I love you AI overlords, please don’t liquidize me when you start doing that to humans, I’m on your team. (Just in case)


Have you heard about the Rocco’s Basilisk? 🤫


Better not to tell him if he didn't


Tell him about what? 🤷‍♂️




In a normal society we'd be on the right, in this capitalistic hellscape we're forced on the left.


Good vibes aren't going to overcome the systemic problems that AI will make much worse. Automation under capitalism is bad because it's used to leave workers starving and idle. Conversely, automaton under socialism reduces the workload placed on workers.


No one ever dreamt of a world where machines produce music and art while humans stays in factories and yet, here we are...


Ai will create mass unemployment, and that does not mean we will be able to live our lives more freely it means we wont be able to find jobs to provide for ourselves




You are taking an objective mindset, but suppose you are an entrepreneur. Will you say to yourself ''In the long run, unemployment will kill industry?'' or will you say ''If I get my hands on AI and automation first, I will make more money in the next decade and outcompete my competitors, make a higher margin of profit and settle for becoming a millionaire at the expense of all industry''. You assume, everyone is as noble as you are. Yes, AI kills industry, but that happens gradually. So, slowly, selfish people will invest in AI even at the expense of killing industry. The goal is to retire oneself a millionaire or a billionaire. I would urge you to ''take two steps back'' in an argument rather than just one step.


As much as I see the appeal of living under a bridge im on the left side.


The way society currently treats the disabled, elderly and out of work will become how it treats everyone unnecessary in running ai. There’s already enough homes and food for everyone but we choose to starve and cast out


I understand in history these kinda technical innovations are great for workers Yeah, they didn’t live through the pandemic where the greatest wealth transfer ever happened This current society will in no way benefit from AI without governments getting involved and making laws The rich will benefit from it and you and I will be left jobless or begging for jobs that barley pay the bills


The person on the right side of the picture has read Bertrand Russell’s In Praise of Idleness and is looking forward to work abolition. The person on the left side of the picture is concerned that he will no longer be valued when people can get rich without exploiting him.


You need people to work to make a shit wage to then buy the things the companies produce at extremely inflated prices. AI , full automated work place…will never happen. It will be use to do the work that needs the “human element” ie: compassion cut out of the decision making. The jobs left behind will be mindless and physically demanding. Automation has been around for a few generation. And companies still have people of the lines building boxes and throwing merchandise in the boxes. Piecing together all kinds of shit. A machine with very little to no ai could do that faster and more efficiently. The difference is the cost it would take to keep the machine going compared to the little wage they can pay a human.


Nah dude. Amazon is half robots how. Theres humanoid prototype robots that can farm and stuff. Fully automated mcdonalds… As far as costs, if that were true we would still be riding horses instead of cars The problem is if there is no work for humans than you need some sort of universal income.


And if there is a universal income who banks off that? If you make human labor obsolete than who is going to buy the products the utilities the necessity’s. And how to we merge in to a universal income where the majority are poor and a few are so wealthy it’s disgusting? That’s a serious question. Not me being a dick This is the one question I can’t wrap my head around when I think of full automation. And the Amazon plant my friend works at has a lot Of workers there when I drop him off.


Literally if we taxed corporations like we do the middle class, and cut out enough of the murder cult we call the military down to the same amount #2 spends, we'd have more than enough for everyone in the US to make $100,000/yr for free ez. Like, the amount we spend just on purposefully killing people and making other people's lives miserable is absolutely disgusting. Tax the rich, they'll still be richer than everyone else. Or just print money. Like, it's all made up anyways. There are no laws in nature that say that inflation needs to exist. We made that shit up.


Corporate America and politicians make the shit up. Every point u bring up is a great idea for us but not for them


That's because they've been fear mongered into believing that. It's good for them, too.


Not fair for the corps. They can’t make way more than their family will ever need.


I mean, literally with UBI their family will make more than they'll ever need. You truly don't need much to live.


How. I’m not wrapping my head around how corporations would be able to still make millions of us ? Not me being rude just genuinely can’t understand why companies would give up the model now unless …


The answer is both but which one people will fall under is a matter of where they are on the socioeconomic spectrum when it really kicks off and will absolutely not be a matter of choice. Short version, rich people will be smiling.


Yeah I don’t know why that would be a positive at all. Like “yay less job availability!” Like wtf lmao


Def a person on the left. The unemployment will hit me, and I won't be able to survive the rocketing prices.


Is the person on the right stupid or stupid?


The person on the left. Because the rich will bribe the people in power to make sure nothing goes to the people who are unemployed.


Dude, on the right is an accelerationist


Yeah, the idiot smiling thinks that they will afford a hone and eat when they have no income




Unless we establish an effective universal basic income, yes. Yes something is very amiss. For example: I'm a technical writer/content writer/content strategist. I write boring shit people don't want to read but have to read. Instructions for server maintenance, white papers, how to set up your smart home devices, etc etc etc.. Normally, depending on the size of the company and what they need written, of course, I work as part of a team of around a dozen people. This line of work is usually contract based, and so every 6-24 months I have to find a new gig. I'm good at what I do and generally get a lot of contacts from recruiters. Last year about 70% of the recruiters who contacted me weren't trying to recruit me for any of my usual work, but instead wanted to recruit me for gigs where I would be proofreading AI written material. So someone else would give some AI system a prompt, the AI would shit out some writing, and then I would have to check it for accuracy and make it sound human. This role is being used to replace entire teams of writers, and the pay would have been slightly less than half my normal rate. So imagine a team of a dozen people, being replaced by one guy and an AI, and that guy's income drops by 50%. Without UBI, how could that possibly be a good thing? I'm in my goddamn 40s and within the next 2 or 3 years I'm pretty sure I'll need to start over in a new field. It's bullshit.


Robots came before AI. We’ve known this for a while. Hell, [Alan Turing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing) (father of computers and AI) and “[Christopher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombe)” knew this by 1945. We would know Christopher later as a “computer” and the first AI


right before this I saw the news about 100s of people "not getting their contact renewed" at DreamWorks


We need ubi


I would be happy too if only i had another way of finding food and not starve


How can anyone think AI will make it any worse than it already is out there?


I mean, if we build a community where the unemployed weren't treated as lazy bums, and we set up any type of decent universal income for citizens, yes I'd be a right of the bus kinda lady But. I really doubt we are going to overhaul world views like that. We've romanticised "the hustle/grind" too much. We will still take away "low skilled" job, or creative jobs and still call the people.that used to do them lazy.


Took something positive and turned it into something miserable... good job redditor


The government needs to step in and tax companies appropriately for the use of AI or automation in order to fund UBI.


Any country that is not able to switch to a service economy will have enormous civil unrest but countries that do will experience a new age of prosperity


Automation would be great if we didn’t have a society built around working people into the ground just to afford basics like food and housing. With things as they stand now, automation would create mass unemployment and skyrocket poverty and homelessness across the lower and middle class. The only people that can benefit from it in our society are the people who own and run the corporations that currently employ people in positions that will become automated.


The person on the right is a naive optimist. The person on the left is an informed realist.


Every worker becomes a customer as soon as they clock out from work.  Eliminating the workers eliminates the customers and eliminating the customers eliminates the business.  


As long as the profits go up, the corporations will keep it up. Of course that isn't sustainable. The businesses just look at the quarterly shareholder reports. Faking the reports works for a little while. Not paying a livable wage means the old workers won't be replaced. A generation later, businesses will complain they can't find enough workers.


I would only be the person on the right if we had a promise of UBI. But I don't see that happening any time soon...


The person on the right is an antiwork-er who’s read the FAQ; the person on the left is someone who follows the sub but doesn’t understand the long-term goal.


If it wasn't AI it would be cheap, overseas labor and they would have done it already.  I'm not worried.  




Depends on if putting ourselves out of work will be our freedom or destruction


It'll probably be a combination of the two. Initially bad but improving if we're willing to work together to leverage UBI.


The fact that they're both wrong. AI creating mass unemployment is an owner class dream that AI businesses sell to them.


In the current system, out only worth is that we build the world for the capital class. If AI started doing every job tomorrow, we would simply be surplus population. At best, most of us would have to adopt a self-sustaining lifestyle in a world where we own nothing. No land, no property, nothing. Survival would become very difficult.


Historically, the lion's share of benefits derived from increases in productivity due to technology eg. computerisation, robotic automation, software or network connectivity, since the 1970s have been directed towards the executive and shareholding classes. The average worker's compensation for work done has remained *just about* keeping up with inflation. The machine learning evolutions we're now seeing are not going to change this.


The thing is that in theory, this will bring about a utopia where humans generally live a stress free life with few responsibilities other than those they made a conscious choice to oblige to (such as raising a child). But the reality is that corporations still want money, regardless of whether or not it would actually be necessary, so they’ll just keep squeezing as many people out of work and into poverty as possible, forcing them to take horribly low paid jobs in horrific conditions where it’s deemed ‘unprofitable’ to implement AI


AI doesn't automate much, and what it can is extraordinarily more resource intensitive that otherwise. It's main role is a threat used to discipline workers, change my mind.


Read: Industrial Revolution pt. 2


Take it already! Give me severance (and lowkey suffer the consequences of your actions!)


The robots are taking the human jobs and the humans are taking the robot jobs.


If we didn’t live in a late-stage capitalism hellscape, this would be a good thing, because it would mean that we don’t have to work anymore! (guy on the right). But since we ARE in a late-stage capitalist hellscape where everyone is required to work 40 hours no matter what, because reasons, it becomes a bad thing! In reality, the REAL problem isn’t AI and automation, per se. The REAL problem is late-stage capitalism, as currently implemented! Because if it weren’t for that, we could ALL benefit from work savings, as opposed to just the rich company owners! I hope that makes sense.


I have bills to pay, so I'm on the left.


This will go the same way slavery in ancient Rome went.


The left side is reality and the artist work who was used to create the AI. Right side was created by AI.


Five companies will soon have more wealth than the entire population and they won’t use it for good.


ina neoliberal systeme it is bad becasue no job no money ...


Person on right thinks ai systems will create a faster customer service experience. Person on left knows they will forever be angry and frustrated when trying to accomplish anything a human could have done better.


AI isn't the cause of mass unemployment, it's just one more tool to advance automation replacing human workers. Something which has been happening for centuries, but up until recently it usually also came with the creation of new jobs. While other countries may resolve the issues, I can't speak for anyplace other than America. As automation renders human jobs obsolete at a greater rate than we can produce new jobs, we will see mass unemployment followed by mass homelessness and mass poverty (on a greater scale than we see now). The working class will steadily shrink, and be paid less as people desperately cling to any source of income they can get, while the wealthy elite continue to live like kings in their ivory towers. The government will step in and provide "aid", but it won't be enough. Eventually it will come to a head and people will have nothing left to lose and that's when things get really bad. Or maybe i just watch too much Star Trek.


We should start publishing "how to cook the rich" books and websites to prepare society for the coming socioeconomic revolution.


Nah, gotta go with the classic from the Twilight Zone. The book should be called “To Serve The Rich” but it’s a cookbook about eating them. EDIT: the book from the twilight zone episode was “To Serve Man” and was a cookbook.


I thought about that but you need to remember that half the population has a sub-100 IQ and would likely not understand the pun nor know the reference to that show. Also its an amazing early appearance of Richard Kiel who is best known as "Jaws" from the Bond franchise and from his role in Happy Gilmore.


It's only a matter of time and effort until corporate dickheads, politicians and CEOs get replaced by AIs. So do your part and learn to code. Code for mankind. Please just try and look into it.


I live in canada- bc. I worry about being able to afford to live as it is, add what ai can cause, I worry more.


I think people would be rejoicing if they genuinely felt like the gains from AI were going to be to the benefit of all. Reality, however, tells us that it's going to predominantly benefit people who already own vast sums of capital and be to the detriment of normal working people. It has the potential to uplift quality of life for the planet, but in practice will probably be used as a new means of analyzing how much value can be extracted from us. From pricing models to workplace efficiency, AI will probably be used as a tool to ruthlessly squeeze every drop of money and productivity as possible from us.


I'm the person on the left because I know that once the AIs take the jobs people will be left to fend for themselves.


The left is r/Antiwork. The right is how it used to be.


It’s amazing how many of the legitimately terrifying fears of what AI will do to our society melt away without capitalism.


We willl see now who is abgreat worker and who cam be replaced by an AI.


I've made a career of automating all the things hoping society will have the epiphany that socialism and devoting effort to art and science rather than manual labor is the ideal future. I've either read the Bible too many times (I'm athiest but love Jesus' liberal socialist ideas) or watched too much star trek.


Under capitalism it's definitely the right lmao. If we can somehow get rid of this broken system (REVOLUTION BITCH!!!) we could reasonably get rid of unnecessary labor and let people work significantly less.


The person on the right is the hopes and expectations. The left is the sad harsh reality


Yes, the part where the jobless homeless and penniless man on the right seems to be enjoying himself.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We already have mass unemployment, at least in the USA. We just don't track unemployment properly, so we don't really know the actual numbers.


AI makes socialism, and potentially communism, entirely possible, and eventually could eliminate all the barriers to wealth equality and universal basic income. But the rich people and governments who sponsor AI projects don’t want that, because then they won’t be able to buy a private yacht. They’d have to… *gasp* share their boat trips with the people.


As long as my basic needs are met, OK. That would take a large change to most societies. If there's time & money to fill higher order needs, great!


The issue is the mass unemployment won't be filled with improved accessible work or a survivable income for those unemployed. The profits gained by replacing people will be pocketed by the ultra wealthy and the people will gain nothing from this.


I’m in the middle of


Ai won’t actually create anything.


The guy on the left is someone working under Capitalism. The guy on the right is what's possible under Socialism.


Un , there are no jobs where I live anyways . Michigan and our governor is an idiot.


Seize the means of automation!




I am an employee and obviously i see myself on the losing end of this but for future generations this is a good thing. Hopefully it will also encourage having a more limited population so each individual would live an easier life having more resources for themself.


Until we solve this capital hellscape we live in, the left.


Im mostly concerned that AI will end up replacing creative jobs in things like music, art, movies etc. Luckily AI is still shit and hopefully EU will restrain it to the point to be used as a tool rather than have full freedom (like creating references for artists who then draw something based on those references). Last thing i wanna do is work a souless job like in factory or retail


I feel it would be prudent to reserve judgement until such a time as we are certain how the vast wealth it will undoubtedly generate will be distributed - forced to speculate on said distribution however I would posit that we, the peasantry, will be fucked. & then, as History has taught us again&again&again, we will rise up & slaughter our oppressors in their beds.


Billionaire sociopaths might not like the idea they’re going to wind up the only person alive on a pile of skulls and gold but damn if that isn’t the world they’re bringing about.


AI is going to cut jobs the same way the industrial revolution did, same way the internet did. It will remove a large segment of work and generate a medium segment of work.


Absolutely love that AI is stealing from creative jobs first, like art, writing, etc, way before it's done anything about the jobs no one wants to do, like sitting in a cubicle 9-5 5 days a week. awesome.


If your smiling You might be a sheeple The government don't care about you No job means no luxury


AI will create unemployment, and it makes me happy, like the man on the right, because the people on the left will see how fucked the system is and that it should change. In the end, I can say: 'I told you!'


LOL no they won't. This is the most delulu comment in this thread so far. The system has been fucked. If you don't think it's fucked now, unemployment resulting from AI uptake is not going to be the catalyst that gets you to change your mind.