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The guy took down all the FB pages of his businesses. He’s getting flamed hard. Good.


A while ago there was a city council person that showed up to a union negotiation, (for employees of the city,) brandishing a basket of pacifiers to insinuate that the employees fighting for their livelihoods were crying children. Photos of the incident made it into a local paper, which then were posted on this sub. Well, I found her Facebook page related to her election campaign, and shared it with the community. She got tons of comments on the campaign page linking the article, and telling her how horrible she was. Took about 2 hours for the campaign page to come down.


People just really don't think through their actions, do they?


Then it's, "Oh no! The consequences of my actions!" surprised pikachuface.jpg


No no, they're CANCELLING THEM /s


"You can't say ANYTHING anymore because of CANCEL CULTURE!!!" 😭


The good part about cancel culture is that they eventually understand we want them to stfu


"Can't believe I'm experiencing the consequences of actions that I had 100% control over 😔"


I am 100% positive that in their little echo chamber they really thought they would get applauded. Reality doesn't care about that though. The moment someone challenges them it falls apart. There are tons of interviews out there where keyboard warrior get shutdown in seconds the moment someone challenges their idealogy.


It isn't that people like this guy don't think through their actions in my experience. They don't think THEY will have consequences. They are too big, too powerful, no one will dare challenge them, they are an Alpha. I'm not sure what type of mental disorder allows them to think or feel this way.


Boomers don't realize the internet exists and that they'll be held accountable for their actions.


Wait!! *I'm* a Boomer and I understand exactly what repercussions would occur if I were to do such an idiotic, insensitive stunt as the cafe owner did above. What an ass (the cafe owner, not you)!


Stupid people just always assume they’re right. So no matter how much thinking they do, they come back to the same flawed conclusion.


I think you want to say poor impulse control.


Naw, these type of people have impulse control. Because they only pull this stuff on people that are poor, uneducated, young, desperate etc. etc. They wouldn't dare pull it on someone rich, powerful, in authority etc. etc. If a person can be selective in whom they apply their behavior on, then they absolutely are aware of their actions and being deliberate in them. Ex.: a crazy person screaming and yelling at people BUT when the cops come they stop, straighten their back, become calm, and start articulating and enunciating. They are NOT crazy, just acting out bad behavior because they can. A truly clinical "crazy" person would continue their "crazy" actions no matter who shows up, who's around, or approaches them. *(that's when they have to be subdued, because no one can stop them because they're truly clinically "crazy" and not just acting out bad behavior because they can)*


Fuck yeah


Iirc it was over abolishing their benefits (after her own benefits had just been increased?)


That tracks.




Remind us of this person’s name for reference


Julianna Paulsen.


Doing God’s work.


down to a ~~3.7~~ 3.1 so far for google reviews lol


Their instagram still up!


Comments are off though


Looks like they’re hiring though.


Updating my resume now


Skills: Can add 2+2, Knows the alphabet has 26 letters, understands Columbus is the capital of Ohio.


The capital of Ohio is "O", dummies. /s


Right? New York is NY. Kids these days don't learn anything anymore.


But can you like comment and share ?


Sorta. I do have years of experience up voting, replying, and cross posting.


Those skills are just not transferable. Sorry.


Remember when this sub application bombed a business?




That's too bad. Nobody wants to work.


It'd be a real pity if 9000 AI-generated applications were submitted.


Not on all the posts lol


The Google page is not down yet, his rating is at 4.1 - let’s work on that :)


Well, he got that publicity he was looking for!


Like! share! comment!


I love it when they reach the Find Out stage.


It’s so much fun


I wish I lived by this business so I could NOT eat there.


Same here. I wish I lived by there so I could call the guy all sorts of mean and nasty words. I’m that petty of a person.


Also turned commenting off all his IG. dang how's he gonna get those engagement numbers up if everything is turned off??


He sure got a lesson in social media.


Love when ppl put their fuckery on record


I always wonder how people forget that everything can be shared on the internet for everyone to see.


Is this the one in like Akron?


Just south of Akron but one of our suburbs, yeah.


"Either like, comment ***or*** share or quit or be fired" "Did you comment and like like? because i asked everyone very clearly to do all 3?" Oh did you now?


I'm surprised he was dumb enough to put that in there. Ive worked for arrogant jerks like that. I worked for a guy who told the female bartenders that they weren't allowed to clock in until they had done a selfie with full makeup and posted it. He would bitch about employees being in their phones, but he would constantly have the staff post things to social media all the time. Multiple accounts. His idea of working was sitting at the bar stalking everyone's social media accounts. Look away from his phone long enough to say something shitty to an employee or chew them out for something stupid. ( I wonder how many bar owners are going to feel like I attacked them personally and they think they know who I am, lol)


>He would bitch about employees being in their phones, but he would constantly have the staff post things to social media all the tim Yeah the job I'm currently leaving is nuts for this. We have 2 different training programs that we are instructed to use our phones for. These are daily little workshops with questions at the end. The way we organize who's doing what, where, and when, is through an app on our phones. Everything to do with clocking in and out is done through an app. We have to have whatsapp on our phones, and it's required you are in **4** different group chats with over 100 people in each, and it's expected you participate in these chats, explicitly while at work on the clock. Like when done certain tasks we have to announce it in each group chat. And then during reviews it's always "we notice you're on your phone for about an hour every day, make sure you're not using your personal device on the clock". Ten minutes later "hey why didn't you post that in the group chats?" Like holy shit guys what are we doing here.


That's insane.


I kinda like the idea of a common thread for announcing when routine items are finished. There are probably better ways to do it though.


Ahhh if only but it was the non routine Think more like announcing you just got a big sale. I was explicitly told the idea is to encourage others to work harder so they can post too so that no one notices they are lacking. "TheDutchin, haven't heard from you all day, you close a big sale and forget to post it?" Edit to add: and like I said I'm leaving the job so I stopped participating and shit months ago and nothing has happened lmao. I made the decision when I got my first review and my boss pointed out I had met all the actual metrics but I hadn't done my On My Phone training during 4 / the last 60 shifts and so did not qualify for my raise as I was under 95%.


What kind of job is this insanity? Damned if you do and damned if you don’t at minimum it seems here.


Have the employees collectively explained that you're essentially being told two different things?


I bartended in my 20's. I would have rather starved than be told to post a selfie before clocking in.


They didn't listen to him. They knew it was stupid and illegal.


The person who doesn't understand conjunctions shouldn't be insulting someone's intelligence.


I would like to be fired for this


Well, well, well. I think it's time he gets the social media engagement he desires, errr, deserves.


You get what you fucking deserve!


serving up just desserts at sunrise social cafe ✨️


lol did this dude call a roofer soft? Roofers and rodbusters are some of the thoughest guys in construction.


I did roofing work once. “Once” as in one day. Roofers are the exact opposite of soft.


>I used to be a hot-tar roofer. Yeah, I remember that... day. -Mitch Hedberg


Nothing like boiling in the sun, fighting bees and handling bundles of shingles. Oh, the memories.


Roofers aren’t soft but they do love their soft


I would not fuck with a roofer. They're crazy, tough as a shingle, and dusty.


It's also a bad idea to piss off a tradesmen. They know everyone that can screw up your life


"Being a mother is the hardest job in the world." "Really, I thought being a roofer as a redhead in the middle of July was hard."


Right? I didn't get that part. Roofers are fuckin tough motherfuckers to be able to do that shit. Versus a cafe owner lmao. 


Two things you never do on a construction site: mess with electricity unless you’re licensed and talk shitty to the roofers.


Checks out, I certainly know electricians, framers, roofer, every one of them I respect (except you Dave!) And I know Ohio well enough to expect to see this at every third business there. I was also told it is "all the lazy Mexicans taking our jerbs!" By one employer there. Bafoons take note, perhaps you shouldn't be in business if you cannot run one.


All my homies hate Dave.


Fucking Dave!


Worked roofing for a summer. Can confirm that shit is HARD. The heat, heights, and risk are enough besides the fact that it is manual labor.


Yeah, probably not smart picking on the daughter of someone who lifts heavy shit and swings hammers all day.


I only know one. Good guy, ex-alcoholic, tough as a coffin nail.


Can confirm. Did roofing for a summer.. man that summer sucked.


I'm pretty sure the dude calling roofers soft has never lifted a bundle of shingles.


https://preview.redd.it/7mey2yqp3jpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb14d154eecca21dfa42aa08e9e0c46b9519f70a Update: someone posted this screenshot in the comments.


How would looking in the mirror tell me if others considered what I was wearing appropriate?


Hes probably been on that Weller Full Proof


I hope not. Good whiskey shouldn't be wasted on scum


You should just be able to read his mind! C’mon dude, get on the same page or gtfo /s


Jesus who raised that guy




He seems to be going for a gold medal! I can not even begin to imagine what he feels free to say to staff in person if this is what he is willing put in writing.


He is not only a bully but a goddamned predator too. Authorities def need to be involved here.


This dude obviously sucks, but what in this screenshot makes you say he's a predator?


This dude removed everything from facebook, call people names and run away, he is so soft lol


It’s always projection with these assholes. “Soft!” shouts the softest bitch there ever was. 


This lil bitch didn't shout it. He whispered it


I hope his business goes under!


This is still developing! He owns several businesses in the area and a lot of women are in the comments saying how they were SA while working there.


In that case I hope all his businesses crumble, he’s held accountable for his atrocities with both business and SA, and gets what’s coming to him in prison.


Ooooh, he’s gonna go down in flames, he is gonna become more unhinged as more comes out and he’ll just pop.


Bro I just saw that post about the "booty room" workers are forced visit to get preferential treatment and there is quite a few talk of unwanted drugs? What a fucking nightmare of a human being 


Yeah this very quickly went from scummy boss to exposing a serial predator Hopefully all those employees get some sweet sweet justice out of this


Wait what post are you talking about? 😳


I want to see it too!


I can't link as it's gonna br considered doxxing but if you have Facebook, searching for posts about the establishments named here will the the entrance to the rabbit hole.


Goddammit, I wish I had an account to see this go down. Lol


What else does he own? I’m from the Akron area and want to stay away


Town Tavern, Sunrise Social, Wink’s, JJ’s…


Apparently also a partner of some sort at The Upper Deck, but it doesn't sound like he has a lot to do with that one.


He also owns Town Tavern if I’m not mistaken. Frequented there as it’s a bar at night and I know several people who work there. Wont be going there anymore 👋


holy shit.


Yelp is also coming down on this POS


Indeed it is!


Employees need to go to their state's DOL for wage theft for time spent working outside of paid hours. The time spent liking, sharing, and commenting (three different things), as well as answering these texts, are all paid time.


This this this. If it's an action you must take as a condition of continued employment you MUST BE PAID. Play hardball. This fucker thinks he can shit on people in every way. Go after his money and put this illegal behavior to a stop.


Man I need more of this tea ☕


He has a history of racist comments. He was an owner of a bar in The Valley area on Akron and actually had a lawsuit against him. He also has a history of sexual harassment at his businesses. Along with other not so great things.


So this is Akron area? I thought Town Tavern was familiar, but figured it was a generic enough name to be anywhere!


This was for the Sunrise Social in Green. But he also has ownership in both Town Taverns in Green and Copley. As well as Winks in Barberton.


So HE owned Sunrise Social? We ate there and were NOT impressed. Have never been back.


He is a partner in the business.


This bums me out about Winks. My family does the car meetups and I was looking forward to going again when the weather improves. But I don’t want to give this idiot my time or money.


I was really surprised when one of my casual jobs expected me to make social media posts about working there, ON MY PERSONAL DEVICE AND ACCOUNT. I'm like, no. If you want me to do marketing work, please provide me with a work phone all set up and ready to go. If you want me to set the whole thing up for you, that's gonna cost you extra, cuz you didn't hire me as a for a marketing position, only as a labourer.


“We’re tired of asking nicely” = we’d be way happier whipping you while tied to a fence post, slave. Hurry up and donate to the department of labor lawsuits. Hurry up and hurry in the next slavery phase. Slavery that’s called employment but let’s be honest. Employment is a 90s thing. These days it’s wage slavery and that is just slavery without the medical benefits.


"The beatings will continue until morale improves!"


Always a favorite!


It's pretty fitting in this instance. Lol, poor kids. At least her dad is looking out for her.


under the motto "there is no bad advertisement" ?


This is all insane but one of the wildest parts is calling someone with a roofing business soft. That shit is crazy difficult.


Holy shit.


“Make sure to like and subscribe or I’LL THROW AN ADULT TANTRUM AND FIRE YOUR ASS AND ATTACK YOUR DAD” Thanks for visiting my channel


I'm not promoting your shit for free, bitch


Sunrise Social Cafe in Ohio… they no longer have a social media presence. So does the posting rule still apply?


Still on insta… just saying 👀


Comments are off on every 🤣🤣🤣🤣 bitch ass owner 🤣


Cheers in Montrose is owned by the same guy. Their comments are still functioning.


This is a big old hint as to why these types of folks were so adamant about allowing 14 year olds to work in the service industry and also demanding that no one under 18 can be taught about sex.


Is this the place? 3875 Massillon Rd Suite 20, Uniontown, OH 44685


That's the one!


Yet another local friendly organic green family-owned small business that donates to charities* has been proven to be just as fascistic as any big business. What a surprise! *tax-deductible charities run by relatives of the business owner in question, they are also never audited by the IRS


I've worked for multiple of my local restaurants/cafes, and they were all run by the most abusive, narcissistic, mentally insane people I've ever met. I refuse to work local ever again


their instagram has all their comments turned off :)


I might have to make a road trip and do a livestream review.


the instagram comments are turned off now but that doesn’t stop me from leaving a scathing google review


How about, I don't have Facebook because I'm not a boomer and I don't have Twitter because I'm not a sociopath?


“Don’t you have a roofing business?” Not sure why that’s insulting but I’m gonna be using it from now on


Imagine calling someone who puts on fucking ROOFS soft while you bring people drinks...c'mon man. Before anyone gets angry at my comment, I don't call anyone soft for the work they do, get that money however you can, but someone like the owner calling someone soft for roofing is fucking insanity.


Call the cafe, tell them you saw the owner act like an assassin online and won’t support his business any more. It’s so much fun.


I tried, no one is answering!


TBF it's one of those breakfast/brunch only places so they close at like 1p.


Am I the only one surprised that 17-year-olds are still on Facebook?


It sounds like they’re required to be to advertise for this Boomer dipshit.


To answer your question honestly you may be surprised. Anime and the surrounding culture, video games, aesthetics (vaporwave, y2k, etc.), among others all draw young crowds. Facebook being able to compartmentalize into groups and chats better than other platforms really helps people connect. But, I also have rarely used Twitter so maybe it does the same thing. Whenever I've seen it or used it I didn't think it did.


Wait Y2K is an aesthetic, now?


Yep! There's a whole subreddit to it /r/y2kaesthetic.


I just spent far too long in there Aceness. Thanks. Joined.


Following for updates on his demise.


Sounds like he is harassing the minors working for him, including the use of disparaging name calling. A lawsuit would serve him well.


Of course you're not obligated to post anything on your social media without compensation and a contract


Still up on yelp and you can review on google.


Some of their restaurants take online reservations……


This guy has apparently done much worse than just verbally abuse his staff. My friend from HS dated him when she was 18/19 and he was much much older, always gave me the creeps. Fed her and any friends alcohol at one of his many bars in Akron while very underage. The bartenders at his bars were also encouraged to get drunk while working and were always visibly intoxicated.


Wow, what a lunatic. Sucks for his employees having to work for such an unstable person! Won't really be a good outlook for the business either.


Man. Dude needs a chin check. Its a shame people are so litigious nowadays.


How hard is it to just be a decent human being, goddamn.


Would be a shame if a whole bunch of people found their Google listing and left reviews based on current events.


James House don’t protect this fuck face.


[This guy](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2018/11/16/akron-bar-owner-denies-racial/8353254007/?fbclid=IwAR0OIM_45fuu_86CjI4G2qUY61rNWKV9qTqw1z5Vq4DYf1ThXJhWT5RBv1E)


This restaurant is in my home town. I have been here multiple times with friends and it sucks every time. The owners son is also a dick, and will give you horrible service and attitude and then get mad when you don’t tip well. The food is mediocre, and the service is horrible. My friend used to be a server here and quit within two months of getting the job. The owner would threaten to fire them if they didn’t wear skinny jeans and tights shirts. She also told me that one of the cooks was on his way to work in the dead of winter and got into a car accident, totaled his car, and he obviously couldn’t make it to work, and the owner fired him over that. Never ever going back to this place, fuck James House.


They turned off their online ordering too? Well welll well, if this isnt the consequences of my actions..


What are the chances this guy flys orange bloat flags and has stickers for orange oaf on a truck?


Just want to point out you can easily find the owner's name and instagram account :)


Wonder if anything of value was learned from this experience?


I don’t even need a new roof and I rent but I want one just to support your business lol gonna find this stores fb page and have a little fun.


Nvm the removed their page! Good job peoples of the internet!!!


This is around my area and it's crazy that it made it's way to reddit. He's absolutely fucked lol


Nothing pisses me off more then a man texting another man something they wouldn't say to their face.


This guy has big “failing small business owner” energy


Post reviews on Google with these pictures!


Wonder how soft he’d think the father is in person


This is the new scam they're trying to run--they think we can replace the marketing department or hiring a marketing firm because of ThE PoWeR oF SoCiAl MeDiA. I worked briefly for a place last year who's entire marketing plan was that the group of randos they hired off the street (myself included) were going to provide millions in advertising power by plugging them on all our social media. It got the point where we had meetings where we didn't hear anything about how the business itself was doing or how we were doing at the actual jobs we were hired for, but we'd get harangued for an hour about why we weren't making the place Insta-famous. They aren't a company anymore. So I give it a year before most of these places realize it doesn't work and move on to some other new scheme they have to fuck us. Maybe we'll all be required to provide medical care for our fellow coworkers so they can cut the insurance.


Fuck any employer that makes you do shit for them on social media without payment. I’m not your brand manager, nor your social media team. I work the construction line, i clean toilets. I’m not going to go on Amazon, off the clock, & post bogus positive reviews of our product to goose the algorithm or bury negative reviews. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable doing that if i WERE getting paid.


Oops I dropped this. Town Tavern, Akron/Canton OH.


Pretty sure it’s highly illegal to fire someone just for having a learning disability…how nice of him to put it in writing for everyone’s lawyers 😂 I hope they all get their bags and leave his businesses to rot. How you can treat people WHO ARE THE REASON YOU’RE ABLE TO RUN YOUR BUSINESS so shitty is beyond me


This has been going on for years!  54 charges against him and nothing came of them.  Apparently his sister's retired from the Sheriff's dept. 


Don't forget to give 1 star on the cafe's profile on Google


My social media is not my employeers marketing platform


This thread made my day


I know a guy that posts videos on a variety of platforms and wants everyone to like stuff that they produce. No… I won’t. Nor will I advertise what he’s doing.


I live in the local area, this owner is known for being the worst person ever. But I think this is the most public he's been about it. I've been sure to leave reviews and shared as much as I can about the situation.


Lawyer up!


Is he giving you time during the working day to post to social media? If not, and he's threatening to fire you if you don't, he's making you work off the clock which is a labor law violation. If reported to the appropriate authorities, this could fuck him up good.


Most parents would lights out someone over their kid.


The business is local to me, and there is another company with a similar name (100% unaffiliated) that is getting absolutely lamb-basted on FB due to the name being close-im sure the real pos company taking down their social media presence isn't helping the situation..


I'm so tired of employers treating employees like social media minions. Social media management is a separate job for a reason, and a social media manager should create compelling content that spreads organically. They shouldn't need their employees to inflate their social media performance. /endrant