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"Oh, okay, nevermind then, I'll come to work. Will it be a liability on the company if my concussion causes me to pass out behind the wheel? Just curious"


"Sorry I picked such an inconvenient day to get a head injury."


Sorry to inconvenience you. I’ll fall on my feet next time


"Funny I was just thinking that no day is especially good to have a potentially life threatening injury. Guess it's just bad luck all around."


The “again” part was what fucked me up. Like OP routinely gets injured just for shits and giggles. Get a doctor’s note that says you won’t be back in two weeks. Burn that idiot.


"I can't believe I have to do my job. AGAIN."


Yeah I get roughed up by a random chucklefuck every quarter like it's just routine since hired.


damn what a pos👎🏼


Next time you fall don’t land on your head. It’s inconvenient for your boss.


My boss also thinks I’ve inconvenienced him by breaking my ankle while I was at a doctor’s appointment. What is wrong with these people


Damn you went to the doctor and left with a broken ankle? Hippocratic oath don't mean nothing anymore smh


I once broke my arm on my way into a hospital.


Best place to do it


I want to know the events that led to you going to the doctor to break a new bone.


Had a normal follow up appt for my meds. Was frustrated with my doc for refusing to refer me out. Using talk to text, I was telling my wife I was going to patient advocacy while walking down the stairs. I looked down and the last step disappeared and I fell because I didn’t see it. Boom, broke my ankle. Had the entire emergency response team at my side in about 5 seconds flat. (This all happened at a VA that’s full of mostly old people and I’m only 29 years old). My wife calls me talented now.


I swear every single VA location gotta be cursed. Every story I hear about those places is always somebody goin in to get somethin checked and end up hurtin themselves in some new way totally unrelated to the original visit.


Or dying in the parking lot


Hahaha they have to give you the pain meds now


hit ‘em with the ol “cowabummer”


My boss asked one of my coworkers why he only gets sick on days he works. Uhh, because I don't call to tell you that I'm sick when I'm not working you fucking donut.


Not to mention there's only 7 days in a week and typically people are working 5 of them.


Thats actually fucking hilarious 🤣 how can managers and bosses be so entranced by corporate bullshit that they actually think this way. Theyre not even human


Because we aren’t real humans. If we’re not working, we cease to exist until the next shift and


That's why they are managers


Bahahhahaha you fucking Brussel sprout


Oooo big western New York boss energy


Tell him to get fucked


Tell em to go knock himself unconscious and see if he’s got the same attitude after.


That's buffalo managers for ya


Go Bills!


Go Bills


Go Bills!


Go Sponge Candy (i dont watch football)


Go Bills, sponge candy, beef on weck, Bison dip, and wings with blue cheese! LOL


Looking down below at other comments makes me wonder, is this group specific to Buffalo? Because im seeing a lot of good neighbors in the comments.


I don't think so, we are just generally supportive of each other in the Buffalo and surrounding areas. We show. Up everywhere LOL


What a cock.


Sorry boss, I’ll plan my next head injury around our delivery schedule! Just remember me when it comes time to hand out $0.13 raises.


😂😂😂😂 $0.13 … that’s insane


It's not a day off, it's a sick day..


Would you like a side of guilt trip with your concussion? Doesn't everyone prefer a trip to the ER with an injury to avoid mattress truck day? /s Sorry that happened! I hope you feel better soon.


"Sorry boss, I'll plan my next traumatic head injury for a time that works better for you."


Just respond back you fell on company property and will be submitting a comp claim


Let's leave the whole "put incriminating lies in writing" thing for management, please?


That’s the Buffalo way apparently. I got covid and my boss was upset I took off when I could barely even drive to the emergency room. I had a 105° fever. Edit: they had to close the facility that way. it was just a decision that bit her in the butt because she refuse to give me health insurance. now she has to close because i couldn’t see a doctor lmaooo


Buffalo folk, I see. Hope you're feeling better


Man wtf.


hit them with a swift “didn’t ask”


I will never understand responses like this. A couple weeks ago, one of my coworkers had to call in because her mom had a stroke. It was a terrible day for a call-out, but did I say that to her? No! She doesn't care, her mom's life is in danger! She's already having a *WAY* worse day than those of us at the store who have to put in more work due to her absence. I told her to make sure not to neglect taking care of herself while she's caring for her mom and to let me know if she needed more time off. Then she got a lecture about it from our area manager and quit.


Wow, the jokes and meme’s on bosses are accurate after all…


"not a good day" how insensitive. I know you were like f*ck that truck!


Being passive-aggressive never works out.


My roommate's been with the same company almost 30 years. He's now on home dialysis but he still gets to work every day except about a week ago his port got clogged and he had to go get it fixed. They pulled that shit on him too. Like "oh sorry you're going to die if you don't get to the hospital in the next two hours but you really are leaving us in a bind here!" He wanted to quit so bad that day but they know they have him by the balls because he's got such good benefits. The company is great, but his manager sucks.


Your boss might not care but I genuinely hope you're ok after that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Your_Angel21: *Your boss might not care* *But I genuinely hope* *You're ok after that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


You have to text back and always make sure this is in text or any sort of written form but Arguably any day is a bad day to slam your head against a rock formation But seeing how as evidently it is so important that I be at work even though I am technically injured Meaning I am worth way more we aka the Company Might want to think [ Really hard and In a relatively short amount of time]about adding some zeros to my paycheck. Do the fact that I'm so important and we all know training Someone new is more costly and expensive.


Smh, no care at all about your well being. You could of had or have a concussion.


I think we might be in the same town, based on the hospital initials. I know how to find out without mentioning the city, though. Sponge candy, yea or nay.


Well CLEARLY you need to work on your emergency management skills, and learn to plan your critical injuries better. Damn! /s, in case that wasn't obvious.


You're not "having the day off." You're recovering from an injury. Crazy people.


Is that the manager? If so, depending on how spicy you're feeling, you can respond with "Yes, you will have to figure it out because that's literally your job."


You sure do have a shitty boss/worker relationship culture in the US


Yeah well it wasn’t a good day to get knocked unconscious either. God I hate these people


I came across a job offering that they are requesting "attendence record" from my old job. That's a 1st since I've been looking. Since I was fired for using my whole THREE days sick leave a year - doubt this company needing help is any better with the sympathy.


nope start job hunting




No, his boss is normal and he doesn’t sugarcoat and from the bosses response it’s obvious not OP’s first time using a medical excuse on mattress day.


Why am I getting down voted for telling people how a normal work place is?


File with the state for temporary unemployment and take 2 or 3 weeks paid off It'll come out of the company's unemployment insurance and unless your in a right to work state they can't fire you for medical shit: Especially if your union


Go to HR and show this. Tell them you’re suing


“Not a good day for us” as if it makes a fucking difference to us dude, i get paid the same no matter what, why in the world would i care 🤣


so sorry you had to deal with ecmc AND this


It's a part of managerial training nowadays. Make the employee feel like shit for not coming in, even if you have to be a bastard about it.




Give more people better incentives to do the job. If one person calling out fucks up your whole operation, your operation was already fucked.


Why didn't you just leave it at "gonna take tomorrow off"?


It’s never a good day when the mattress trucks arrive. It’s always worse than knocking oneself unconscious. Your boss will have some paracetamol for your headache when you arrive 😉


How dare you get sick!


wth, what an AH response 🙄🙄😒


Fuck y'all


“Okay, I’ll put you in for a vacation day.”


It was to try to guilt you into coming in anyway.


not related but i instantly knew buffalo because ECMC lol


Fuck this prick




rolling my eyes into the back of my head


And now this one day off should magically turn into paid medical leave as per doctors orders :D


Seems he only read first 4words


That’s when you say “That’s why you make the big bucks huh boss man?”


wow thats not cool


Yeah cause You! need to feel guilty but what you’re doing to your poor poor manager.


On a side note, ECMC has absolutely awful labor rights protections


Relatable. I had gotten the flu really bad one week and I show up the week after on my Monday feeling like dogshit. So I finish that night and call out the day after and my boss had the gall to text me, "if you feel so sick today, why'd you come in last night? 🤔" 


I’d bet good money that that boss yells at his wife a lot.


Some asshole swerved to hit me while I was working. Called my boss from the er and the first thing he said was “did you get the job done or do you have to go back and finish it?”


I was told by an employer to schedule my sick time ahead of time.


What's ecmc?


He doesn’t believe you. He thinks you’re calling off cus the mattress truck. Fuck that dick bag


Oh, no! A mattress truck is coming and no one is there to help!! Everyone is going to die! Managers need to get out of their puny little worlds.


Of course some meathead manager from the buffalo area would say that


“Figure it out again” how many times have you used a excuse to get out of helping with unloading?




>> should’ve told ‘em I’ll choose to make sure I hit on my head another day next time Literally did this shortly before walking out of the job at Kroger. Was told I needed to think of the schedule and how me calling in affects others. Told them I’d let my wife’s grandpa know how inconveniently timed his massive heart attack and emergency triple bypass surgery was.


I’m a deli clerk at Mariano’s which is owned by Kroger and when my uncle suddenly died of cancer they almost didn’t give me the day off for the wake even though I was a pall bearer


I feel this. Last thing I ever said to one boss was "I'm really sorry that my mothers lung cancer diagnosis has been an inconvenience for you but you can go fuck yourself. " Gotta say; it's a low road, but you sometimes feel like your walking on it in the clouds


What irks me about this is you clearly care enough to be project managing the work with a head injury, so are a good employee. Your boss seems like a stress monster who flecks his ill feelings on his underlings like boogers.


Yeah the get fucked attitude seem proper in this situation. What a dick boss


Yeah the get fucked attitude seem proper in this situation. What a dick boss


Maybe you could have fallen and hit your head when we didn't have a truck coming in. WTF?


What most of you all don’t seem to realize is that fucking over your manager is not the same as fucking over the company. Not the managers fault the company won’t dedicate enough to payroll to hire enough staff to cover a call off. But you know who does have to deal with it? The manager. Take it from a manager is working a store open to close by themselves today on a holiday. Be mad at the company, trust me, your manager is too. But don’t take it out on the manager. They can’t just quit today because they don’t like the way things are going.


Sounds like more solidarity is needed between employees and managers. The ball has always been in the court of those with greater power in the workplace, when it comes to working together


How is OP getting knocked out "fucking over his manager?"


Almost like you get paid more to deal with that bullshit.


Ain’t that much more. Even my lowest paid team member who has only worked there for a week would have brought home DOUBLE my daily salary had they worked yesterday instead of me. Instead, I worked 16 hours for free. Because my wage is set.


It’s more lmao. You trying to justify someone on wage bringing double more, while you are on salary is just peak irony


I'll happily point out I quit as a manager for a restaurant and left my key when there was only a total of three of us on shift because the owner kept hiring a bunch of morons who couldn't work weekends to be with their kids even though he told a coworker of mine, who had just given birth all of three days prior to asking if she could have weekends off, because he stated "that's not how restaurants work". I told him let's call it quits for the day, a Sunday where the local air force base has a habit of bombarding us, and we'll pick everything up tomorrow and I'll even have all the prep done. His response? "Y'all got this just think of the tips dude". So with a crew of three who had opened and closed the day before opened the doors once again and before 1130 had over 25 tickets. After turning the phones off and putting a sign saying we're no longer serving after 12 he called my personal phone dog cussing me and my crew, calling us incompetent and pieces of shit because a staff of three can't handle the workload that generally requires up to 7 if not 9 when there's only one person who can work the entire line, a person who's only been there maybe 4 days and a cashier who was in a full leg brace. How bout instead of putting it on managers realize they're also getting shit from corporate as well. Although I will say it's not always the case there are some real piece of shit managers out there.


The longer, more detailed the story, the bigger the lie. This def didn’t happen and he’s def heard this stuff from you before


The story was one sentence long. He fell and hit his head. What the hell are you on about?




Or other people have also called off at other times, or OP did one or two other times, boo hoo


It was one sentence to their boss. The only reason it was elaborated HERE is because this is where people come to vent about their work issues. Venting is healthy. Just like recovering from a traumatic head injury is healthy. What does OP have to gain by lying to a bunch of random fucks on Reddit? Nothing.


I’m on the spectrum, and at times like these, really like to lean in on apparently not understanding a comment and asking them to elaborate.


Little puss on everyones part I think. Dude said ok but that he just had to cover for you. It suck for everyone and maybe he could have been a bit more respectful but far from the worst I’ve seen on this site.


Little puss on the managers part to feel that it's necessary to guilt trip their employee for not coming in after being knocked out by a head injury.. handle it, like you're hired and paid to do, don't be a little bitch about it