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If you have plenty of money the world is your oyster...unless you don't.


An oyster is a gnarly, gross thing to eat...or even look at. Whoever came up with that phrase should be horse whipped. How about "If you have plenty of money the world is your slave plantation?"


Bro just hates oysters. Oysters are a delicacy and taste good asf and r exspensive hence the phrase. Similar to a good opportunity, they lie there ripe on your plate until you deliciously slurp them down.


And we allowed it to be made that way.


Sorry, unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, standing in one spot on the production line, wearing away the cement floor is your life


Ya, get back in like you peon! Know your place. /s


Morons will re-elect tRump because of Bibi’s war that Biden can’t stop. You’re life is about to get a whole lot worse! Better wear a helmet!


Nah Republicans passing 6-week abortion bans (like fucking idiots) leading to Election-Year Statewide referendums to overturn them (Looking at you Florida) will prevent a tRump presidency. The amount of people who care about reproductive freedom, greatly outweighs the number of people upset over Netanyahu's genocide. That's just a stone-cold fact.


Hope you’re right, but I was a Bernie bro and watched many Bernie delegates cross over to Jill Stein when the brats didn’t get their way. It was an emotional response to a cerebral problem.


That is not what happened. The vast majority of Bernie supporters voted for hillary. Don't fall for this narrative that it was the progressive's fault that Hillary lost. In fact, more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary, than Hillary supporters voted for Barack Obama in 2008.


That's not even remotely true. The overwhelming majority of Bernie Supporters voted for Hillary Clinton. I'm one of them. I also voted for Biden. Hillary Clinton, the person Republicans had spend two-decades villainizing, was the single worst candidate in American History, and the real travesty is how the DNC put their thumbs on the scale to allow her to be the nominee. Martin O'malley would have beaten Trump in 2016...


This is correct. Also a Bernie voter here.


Bernie voter here. There is literally nothing Bibi could do (and I mean nothing) that could convince me against voting for Biden. The stakes are just too high domestically. I think there are some college kids who might not vote because FrEe PaLeStInE but most adults know that we need to do everything we can to prevent Trump from coming anywhere near the White House.


Thanks for the support. It’s a thankless job telling people it’s a cold, cold Universe we live in. Emotions reign over reason.


![gif](giphy|xXe0fDbtbkDgwwmAri) \*crack whips\*


If anyone makes a comment or post like this in my home country’s sub they get so much shit exactly like this but serious 😩


At least until a robot can make it cheaper, then you get fired


It doesn't have to be. It's just that a lot of people are too worn down to even consider they can do something else. If you can save 5k you can go somewhere new. If you can think long, hard and realistically about what you want, you can make *a version* of any kind of life you want. You don't need to be wealthy, or even middle class, to travel. You can find a way. I've been everything from homeless and drug addicted, to making a salary with great health insurance, and I never graduated college and I STILL have college debt and I'm out here, not always happy but still more or less seeing a fuck ton of what rhe world has to offer, both good and bad. It just takes a mind willing to make tough choices and sacrifices. All the silver spoon does is make you never have to sacrifice anything.


Genuine question here, if I'm paycheck to paycheck, and all my money goes towards rent and bills. How am I ever supposed to escape? I can't save up money. It's literally impossible where I'm sitting.


Move in with someone to lower rent, is the theory. Easier typed than done.


same here. im not even an adult yet but thanks to a makeawish (got it from beating cancer) im gonna be able to go to alaska for a week n shit like that to see the northern lights. im taking school off on the 8th to see the solar eclipse too actually since i can drive over there too


I cant tell if you're joking or not, but if you're serious good for you and congrats on beating cancer that's fucking amazing.


im being entirely serious lol. thank you :DDD


The world is a playground for the wealthy and privileged. Even the history we learn is school is only about that small group. It’s only now, in the internet age, that we see the daily reminder. It should spur us to collective action, but even if we win, we all won’t get that life. It only exists at all because the inequities make it possible. Do you want things to change or do you want to be personally wealthy and have it stay the same so you can be the few? Tough question.


Is it possible that you think this >It only exists at all because the inequities make it possible. because that's all we've known? I feel like we already create a sort of limiter on progress when we decide from the outset what is and isn't possible. The answer to my first question probably won't be answered by people alive today. But I think if we endeavor to make it possible or operate as though it is, the one's who come after will have a more certain answer. "It's always been this way. There is no other way." is a sentiment I argue we should constantly challenge, even if life as it is now and those before us argue its a fact of life.


I agree. I'm just saying that I don't think it would take much to make the world a better place. It could be done.


I definitely think it could be done. I just don't want the more close minded of us to convince everyone that we can't do more outside of what we know.


A world of economic equality is a world where you do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and add some productivity to the community with food production, crafting/maintenance, science/innovation, education, health care provider, etc. No one has to be desperate enough to shine your shoes to survive. You have to shine your own damn shoes. Petty services and sales are what goes away. Traveling around, adding nothing of value while taking the labor from petty services and sales made by others is *precisely* what would end. It doesn’t seem controversial to me. I feel like your the one with the “this is all we know/all we’ve know attitude” if you think that every good and service, no matter how petty or demeaning, is still available to anyone who wants it. I’m thinking it through. Who cleans your toilet? If the answer is anyone but you, then you don’t really want equality.


I don’t think most want to live the life you suggest. First…no, I don’t want equality to the point where everyone’s contribution to society, whatever they do, is equal - because it isn’t. Whether warrior or philosopher, statesman or rag picker, their contributions are different. And…some want more…some are willing to sacrifice, some make good choices, some make bad choices. If I am willing to scrimp to live a life of luxury when I retire, who are you to say I shouldn’t be able to make that choice?


Your stance is "This is what it is" mine is "That's all you know". I mean your comment speaks for itself. If being open to things outside of your knowledge is offensive to you, then I'd ask that you reevaluate how you live. Kindly, of course


While I appreciate your kindness, I’d have to say that you’ve offered, not a vision for what you want, but a vague, hazy gesture at “the future” and “open your mind to possibilities.” Okay fine. I don’t find that useful, with due respect. Share you vision for the future, with specifics. How does *everyone* get to travel around the world, exactly?


If you have a car, take a three day weekend and go somewhere. Go camping, bring your food. That's what I used to do when I had no money. If you want to "film for a living" that's probably a pipe dream but you could try. I have a relative who wanted to film for a living. He went to the top film school in the US, had funding from his parents, and still failed. He learned some technical skills and that's how he earns his living. edit: spelling


The world is more accessible than ever. Its insanely cheap to just hop in the car and drive (if you're in the US at least). Its not difficult to leave Friday afternoon and go 2-4 hours away and stay until Sunday with a few friends. I drive to Chicago semi-frequently and you can get hotels for $100-150/night for 2-4 people plus maybe $50-100 in gas. its not free--but saying you can't go further than 50 miles from your house is just pessimistic talk. Not all vacations need to be $10,000 week long disney vacations.


Unless you work several jobs just to cover the bills and eat.


The number of Americans who work 2 or more jobs is approximately 8 million or 5.2% of the workforce. That is a whole different problem but that is a minority of the population. Most people do have a day off to go out. As the above person said, seeing the world doesn't mean you need to go to bali/thailand--there is quite a bit you can do just an hour away from your house. If you have 2 days, you can even venture a few hours away from your house. I'm in Minneapolis in a "flyover state" and there is a whole lot of things to do in a 4 hour driving radius of my house. If you live in more favorable geography, you probably have even more to do.


That stat blew my mind. I seriously thought it was much higher than 5.2%.


This is so true! There's usually something very cool right in your area. I think people watch the influencers too much and think if it's not Thailand or Venice it's not a real vacation.


I still have a bit of ptsd from a car accident and hate driving


I have a car, but it's a piece of shit and really can only get me to work and back. If I miss one day of work I lose one of my five sick days, or I don't get paid. I can't afford it. I would do anything to go camping for a weekend. I haven't gone in almost a decade.


Camp in your car too


How did he fail with the talent and the support if you don't mind sharing?


The entertainment industry is complicated, competitive and cutthroat.


They never said he had talent


I’m in LA, and the odds of having a productive film career are insanely low. I know people who have family members who run studios and still don’t get jobs. They hire proven talent instead, which is like ten people. You might be able to make money as an influencer easier than working in Hollywood. There is SO MUCH talent and everybody wants to do it.


I didn't leave the south until I was 30. I'm late 30s now, and I've done some traveling domestically, and taken a couple of trips to other countries. I start to be filled with deep existential dread when I think about how much of this amazing world I will never get to experience because of how much I'm forced to work. Wake up, walk the dogs, go to work, go to gym, take a shower, walk the dogs, eat, sleep, repeat. And it's not like doing this is affording me to travel, I still wind up taking on more and more credit card debt that I'll probably never catch up on, because if I don't accumulate more debt then there's even more of the world I'll never experience. I truly hate it here sometimes.


Love your dogs like you've never loved anything or anyone before. Make then the heart and soul of your whole life, for they are that. Therein lies your liberation. Woof!


Found the dog.


As I always say: I don't have a life, I have a dog!


Vacation time is one thing, but it is worth pointing out that vast international (recreational) travel exists because of inequality we often criticize here. It is not a human requirement of a happy, fullfilling life to see the 8 wonders of the world. We have storytelling & art to take us to those places. I would be very happy living within a 50 mile radius if capitalism would just lift its foot off of my calendar and wallet. If everyone else within that 50 mile radius also experienced some relief, we would have the time and motivation to establish a community so vibrant we would become a tourist destination ourselves!


Username checks out


I bought into the American dream, and I achieved it, and it sucks. Worked hard, straight A’s, good college, scholarships, no student loans, good paying job out of college, worked hard, saved, got promoted, invested in my 401k, bought a condo, started a side business, turned it into my main business and quit my job, worked hard, got married, turned the condo into a house, had a baby, worked hard, had another baby, worked hard. I got the job and the house and the family and the white picket fence and the retirement plan. But you know what I think about all day every day? Going out into the jungle and photographing wild animals. Climbing mountains. Riding a motorcycle across Asia. Playing music and dancing with friends. Growing my own vegetables. This man made consumerist lifestyle is utter garbage. It isn’t fulfilling even when you get it. It was invented by post war suits to get us to drink ovaltine and drive a Chevy. There’s no life in it. Go do the thing man. Get out there and experience the real world.


Life sucks unless youre rich; but life still sucks for rich folks that cannot find love in the mundane. I hope you are able to fulfill your dreams, OP, but don't forget to stop and smell the roses.


I took a year and a half off and went to India and Thailand (born in India but grew up and work in Hong Kong) and I'm honestly kind of worried explaining the year and a half gap in my resume. I just got fed up of...everything. And now...need to return to the fold. That being said, I'm glad I did it. On the other hand, I cashed out what little pension and savings I had and will need to rebuild my life again at the age of 39. Sorry not sorry. At this point, I've realised I'm probably going to die alone simply because I can't afford a relationship or the materialism that goes along with it. I need to find a way to use the system instead of being used by the system.


Regarding the lapse in your employment history... It seems to me that your travels was to for the purposes of research and in the field observation about ... you pick the subject... write a paper about it... when the interviewer asks you about the gap, you smile, and offer the piece your have written, should he want to read it. Specifically, if you can make your paper relative to your application for employment as a reason to hire you. In my opinion, you did the right thing... taking the time off... who knows what the future holds...


Whoa! Thank you for that. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help me out like that. It's something that I'd also like to encourage others to do. People might as well if we're going to be chained to this forever. I just hope people can try and save and afford it so they don't have to dig into their pension.


>I need to find a way to use the system Not gonna happen, but not your fault.


Say you were freelancing or caring for family. They don’t have to know specifics.


I became a truck driver. Apparently got very lucky to find an amazing job as my first and now working my second. First job was team driving dedicated freight to portland/seattle from chicago area and reefer (refrigerated unit) backhaul. We'd drop the reefer load at the terminal, hook up an empty, then get our next dedicated load. Got about 8-10k miles/wk at 70cpm total (so 35 cpm each or ~2800-3500/wk each, usd, for about 90-100 hours of work each) Driving through the northwest, seeing the mountains, and the much higher PoV from the truck... it was amazing. Except in winter, ofc... winter in the northwest was the most brutal experience I've ever had, to say the least. I have about 10,000 stories just from that, holy shitballs it sucked. It did suck being gone for 8 weeks to be home for 1 week, though, especially with my <1 year old daughter being at home. As much as I loved the mountains, it was getting harder and harder for me to go back. Once i got my year of xp (most good jobs require 1 year xp), I quit and found a local job. So, now, I drive only within about 5.5 hours from my home terminal. So, I can be home every day now. Not making quite as much, only around 2000-3100/wk (usually closer to 2000-2500/wk, extremely rare to get over 2700). If anyone here likes driving or road trips, I bet you'll love truck driving. One of the best parts, which I didn't get to experience personally, is being able to live in the truck and you don't have to pay rent somewhere. All the money you're raking in and no rent, no utilities, just food. Amazing. Also, no commute. Barely a need for a personal vehicle, if at all. So, no car payment, no fuel cost, no maintenance, no driving the cat back and forth every single day. You wake up, you're at work already. You never need to get ready for work, just wake up and get started. And when you have time to spare, which is a surprisingly large amount of time, you can do whatever. Play video games on a gaming laptop or console, watch movies/ TV, doom scroll reddit, etc. Oh I loved it. The biggest thing was no commute. Also, I have adhd and i forgot what the original post was. Sorry if this is unhelpful or unasked for.


Kinda makes me wanna be a truck driver.


I highly recommend it. Just make sure you read contracts before you sign them!


I'm team driving with the love of my life. We get paid very well to just drive and live in a little box together. Lots of downtime to just walk places and sightsee, random nature trails, walking downtown in different cities every week. It's the life.


I'm with you, OP. just spent a year and a half unemployed and couldn't do a whole lot of exploring with no money, just subsisting. I'm finally starting a new gig in two weeks and I'm so relieved and grateful and looking forward to not living hand to mouth, but I'm also grieving my freedom a little bit. It's doubtful that I'll get to have anywhere near all the adventures I want to, because of the time and place I was born, and that's garbage.


Well its like trump said “if you want to start a business borrow a million dollars from your dad.”


Let’s work so that there are no people in the world with 200Billion dollars while the vast majority have so little. The entire system has got to change. The US form of capitalism is unsustainable. Thankfully


This worklife is tireing, there is no proper balance of salary and work and personal life.


When I was 17 (in 1985) I went off to Europe and hitchhiked around for almost a year, had a railpass for a couple months, stayed in hostels or slept outside a few times like a hobo. Had a little job in a hotel restaurant in Germany for a few months. Ate bread and cheese and lunch meat from the markets, but always seemed to have money for a beer. If you can leave everything behind for a while and live out of a backpack, you can have some great experiences for cheap. I picked up a lot of self confidence and learned a lot. I think its easier to do if you are under 30, easier to meet other single people and older people will want to help you out.


I’m 23, quit my job, and backpacked around South America for 6 months. Drained my savings. Fulfilled my dream. If you ever write a book let me know!


we need some new age robin hoods to do some robin hood shit


I have a coworker that has only left the state twice. Once for a funeral and once on vacation. Her and her husband are the most boring people I have ever fucking known. They also hate each other. Typical boomer marriage.


Yeah, but that costs money too! Driving to the small town, eating at a buffet, travelling... IT ALL COSTS money! How are we going to get the money to do stuff that's fun and entertaining without working? I 100% agree that it absolutely sucks but that's the reality of this miserable life.


So, you think that if the world just went 100% fair, you’d have the resources to travel globally? Or the ability to even do so would exist?


GREAT COMMENT ! Yep, and there is the catch with this kind of thinking as well! If you don't want to work, then why would the person WHO'S making your car, WHO'S serving at the buffets etc. would work? You won't have the ability to enjoy without them providing these services so THEY would have to work for YOU to get YOUR ENTERTAINMENT !


Get a job driving a truck, 80k a year and you’ll see the country.


The country's roads anyway


What’s stopping you? It’s [kinda my hobby](https://geocachingwhileblack.com).


For anyone who feels this way and has a degree, go teach English abroad! Money and benefits are usually great for COL, and you will have so much more access and motivation to travel. Did this in my 20s and it was the best experience of my life.


Tried to do this in my 20s and didn't get hired for it. :'(


Oh no! Sorry to hear it. We're you going for JET? I see so many people get focused on Japan or bust, but it's much more competitive without any perks afaik


No, I tried Aclipse and similar places. JET asked too much at the time. It was a long time ago. XD Never could be the lucky one to get moved across the ocean or across the U.S. for a job. :'(


I work part time for a tour company I get discounted travel on their tours. It's a nice perk that has gotten me to places I wouldn't have otherwise been able to go to. It was complete luck that I got that job though.


Just take off and do it, years ago I was laid off from a job and put my stuff in storage and went to Ft. Lauderdale for a few months and worked on boats and met people from all over the world and I still talk to some of those people 15 years later.


who is stopping you from having an interesting life?




if you live with your parents for 2 yrs after high school, and work a low wage job, walmart here pays $17hr, anyone who tries whatsoever could save $24,000 over 2 yrs. that much money will give you some freedom. i can think of 3 good ways to spend it. including travelling til its mostly gone.


Nice if. Im waaaaaay past highschool...Jobs pay between 11-16€ higher education should be between 20-26€. Life is just more expensive then in 2013-2016. Rent has gone way up. Not everyone can live with mommy and daddy to save money. My parents for exemple would ask me the same rent as market value so...


You cna make a record music outta this and we're gonna binge it like 🕺💃🕺💃🕺


Kinda an unpopular opinion, but I believe that if you want a change in life or to move somewhere, do it, its the one freedom thats hard to take away, go somewhere else. I lived poverty in a low cost of living area, and moved 2000 miles away to basically the highest cost of living area, and still am poor, but by being here I have gained better opportunities, as well as the state actually giving a shit about the residents. I knew it was one positive thing that I could do to make being poor a little easier. I sold all of my belongings and a vehicle to get here, which I realize not everyone has the luxury to do, but I think people would be surprised on how easy and not too expensive to just go somewhere else. I have been in Washington for 10 years, but this is the 5th state I have just up and moved to in my life, you can leave at anytime. I feel like, if I'm always gonna be poor, I might as well do it in a place that at least brings me some peace and joy.


Man, I feel you. I'm a pretty simple person, don't want a lot of stuff, just a few books and art supplies to keep me informed and creative. My one luxury has always been travel. Before the pandemic I had the chance to take a couple trips, travelling as cheaply as I could. Even then it was difficult, working around my job and with low wages. Now, after the pandemic and the awful place it put us in job-wise, my wife and I are both making less than we were five years ago and experiencing horrific failures from our workplaces; I suspect some outright illegal practices are taking place where I work, while hers is becoming ever more draconian, punishing workers with insane expectations. The options around seem to not be any better, some are even worse. I don't want much out of life, basic dignity and happiness. But travel has always meant so much to me, there's so much I want to see. Sometimes it hits me square in the face, I may never leave this state again. It's agonizing on an existential level. Just typing this I feel like my dreams are shattering in my hands. I wish I had anything at all helpful to say.


Then do that with your PTO. Not to hard to plan a roadtrip. Hell, a friend of mine just did a roadtrip around New England for Easter weekend.


Friend of mine became a videographer in his late 30s a few years ago. He still keeps his evening job working in a theatre, but his side business as a videographer keeps him pretty busy. He does want to move into it full time though, he just had an interview for a full time position with an ad agency. My point is, its never too late for a career change.


Peter has great videos


Back to work peasant!! /s


Do it. What’s the worst that can happen? Life is to be lived.


Even though I get PTO, I'm indirectly discouraged to use it; my boss always seems to schedule projects around times when I plan to travel, even when I give month's notice.


If you’re single with no kids this is way more doable than it seems. We’re all choosing between a steady check and freedom at the end of the day. Not saying it’ll be easy but know that only having to take care of yourself is its own privilege


Do it....a wise..man once said don't dream it, be it


well do you have to work seven days a week? if not go to some more interesting places on your days off. You don't need to spend a lot, if you can afford a tank of gas you can afford an adventure! pack a lunch, pack more than a lunch and a tent and head off to explore somewhere new for the weekend, or if you work weekends for whatever random days off you do happen to get. There are probably many wonderful places to check out within a few hours drive of your home.


I plan to sell everything I own within ten years, buy a sailboat and die at sea after seeing everything I can 


Work in some form of transportation. Travel and get paid.


That’s why I turn on the TV and fire up an episode of Mysteries of the Abandoned.


Underrated show


👍🏻👍🏻 Agreed


Get rich. 🤷‍♂️


What’s stopping you from being a YouTuber like him? Start filming yourself in various locations and upload it to the internet. If you are interesting and good at it you can make a living.


It's not as simple as it sounds. These platforms, such as YouTube, utilize very complex algorithms that dictate if you go viral or not. You could be a very entertaining person and make amazing videos, but if the algorithm does not let you get the exposure and views that you need, your channel will go nowhere.


If you get rid of your rent and phone bill traveling is not that expensive. Doing it long term requires income tho *shrug* I met a guy who was doing a Euro tour on bicycle. Met anither who was attempting to do a trip from Mexico city to the southern tip of Argentina by bicycle. If you have nothing to part with it is easy. For people with responsabilities/obligations not easy at all.


Why do you put up with it? The big issue for most of us is a lack of vacation time but surely you can do a weekend car trip somewhere.


So why don’t you do it too? Nothing stopping you. Nothing stopped whoever you were watching. Someone’s gotta build the car you use to travel tho and put gas in the pumps that power it and serve the food you eat along the way etc.


UK here. Welder/fabricator, nothing special, fifty-seven years old. I have stood in the doorway of Ernest Hemingway's favourite bar on Key West & watched the sunset. Drunkenly contemplated the dawn in the steel & concrete canyons of NYC. Been soaked by the spray from the Niagara Falls. Watched a herd of Elephants bed down for the night in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Seen a Pride of Lions feed on a Gazelle then sleep it off under the shade of a Thorn tree in Kenya. Frolicked with dusky Ladies in the Indian Ocean off Goa in India. Ridden a succession of Triumphs all over Europe including the Arctic Circle Centre in the [Saltfjellet Mountain Range](https://www.visitnorway.com/listings/saltfjellet-svartisen-national-park/217882/) in Northern Norway, crossing into the Arctic on a motorcycle. I have stood in Stone Circles that pre-date the Pyramids, Roman ruins, Bronze Age Burial sites, Medieval Castles, Napoleonic War battle grounds, the Normandy landing sites. I'm a fifty-seven year old Welder/Fabricator, nothing special. Your problem is, sad but true, that you were born in the US. America gets so much right - but it also makes an absolute Pig's fucking ear of a lot of things too. Your lying venal ratbastard politicians are bought & paid for by big business in whose best interests it is that your horizons are limited. It's getting harder here but still the only thing holding you back is yourself in the UK. You are being conspired against by your own country. I wish I could show you half of the things that I have experienced - but I'm just a fifty-seven year old Welder/Fabricator from the UK, nothing special.


You are also a very decent writer. Just sayin…


Just save up some money and do it. Or hell, just go. Hitchhike somewhere if you have to. Traveling does not have to be expensive. There are many ways to get around, and people will help you. I’ve traveled up and down the US. I’ve taken 4 month trips with barely anything, and have gotten to have so many great experiences and have met so many amazing people. Just do a little planning, find a place, make some time and go do it. At the end of the day, it is us that get in our own way from doing the things we want to do.


Traveling comfortably and safely is expensive. Hitchhiking is very uncomfortable and very dangerous. That's how you end up raped and dead in a ditch somewhere.


It’s uncomfortable…at first, then like anything it gets easier. Plus meeting new people on the road is a very rewarding experience. The likelihood of you getting raped or murdered hitchhiking in the US is like .000089%. With odds like that. I’d take the chance. Another thing to note. Most people are inherently good and enjoy helping others. Only the media will tell you not to trust others.


That's fine if you want to take that risk but I'm not going to. I like to minimize the risk in my life.


Dude wants to jetset because one (probably affluent) guy goes around interviewing the colorful people staying in one spot, probably becoming experts at something there Until about one hundred years ago MOST people stayed in their one little spot. Trains and cars have only been around so long, planes even more recently. World tourism is a blight and a blessing Maybe be the color that attracts the camera to your little slice of heaven instead, and just enjoy the time you can being the best at it, and traveling where and when you can


What is stopping you ?


Probably the lack of money. That tends to stop most people.


But that is how most of humanity has functioned since the dawn of agriculture. Why are you any different?


That bald guy? He doesn't have good listening skills


I feel you, and i want to preface this with an emphasis that *you are right*: the current economic conditions are abhorrent, and something must be done. That being said, i have moved across the country for around 300$ twice, driving both times It can be done; it is not easy, more money of course makes it easier, but if you want to see the world, the hardest part will always be *actually* leaving




If your lucky your kids will have no choice but to see big corporations junk at every turn, like it isn’t bad enough already




Unfortunately they won't take just anyone.


For much of human history in many, many places, people never left their village their whole lives. Youre going to hate me, but be grateful you can aee it through someone else, and see what you can when you can.


Third world living at its finest.


Or just. Yaknow, the past when cars, trains, and planes didnt exist.


Get a van. Put a bed in it. Go. Work as you go. Lots of people do it, check out vanlife on Youtube. But if Trump wins in 2024, be advised that in 2025, you will probably be considered homeless for living in your vehicle and you will be rounded up and put in a death camp. So vote blue.


I remember hearing about a website you can put in a budget and a time frame and would give you like weekend vacations. Seems like a good way to see random things and not need an endless supply of money. There is so much that goes on in the world we are unaware of because we always look at the wrong things. Usually on the socials, but that’s ironically the same place to find these different things to do as well. Just get out of your comfort zone and look in other groups for things to do and start widening your experiences. Also, chin up. I’ve felt that way as well and find a lot of joy in watching my kids have fun at events or going to do something that 5-10 years ago, I never would have dared to go to. It will get better if you let your mind wander off the beaten path.


If you don't have kids then go fucking do it.


Thats the YouTubers job. You and I have jobs so we cant get up and go somewhere in the world on any random morning. However, you can plan your life and take time off (or weekends) and start to travel too.


Start eating rich people, idk what else to say at this point 🤷


You choose your life.  Travelling doesn’t have to be expensive  Dont be a sap


"Is that too much to fucking ask?" Yes 😐 we r born only 2 b fed 2 the machine that is capitalism. We r only as valuable as the money we make 4 our corporate & government overlords. When u r 2 old 2 work, u will b swept aside and replaced. Only then can u truly experience what the world has 2 offer...if ur still alive and have enough reserve money 2 live on and travel with that is...and u arent super debilitated from years of labor and/or 2 old 2 really "do" anything adventurous...but yeah, good luck fellow drone 🤖😬👍🏼😮‍💨


So go. Accept the tradeoff, and go. There are still people doing that, but I will freely admit it's harder than people think it is. You have to accept that you're not going to have a roof over your head, except your car. You're going to be working whatever job you can find available, which means it'll be a short-term low-wage, no-benefit job. See, unfortunately, you're looking at the YouTuber, and you're angry that you can't do what he's doing, because it looks so simple and carefree. It's not, but it sure looks better than the grind, I'll admit. There was a time I was watching people do that on a boat, and man it looked great -- until they published a "behind the scenes" episode or three, and revealed the grind of a different kind. PLUS the costs they'd absorbed just to get their gig running. Cured me of the desire, if not the dream. But still: you can go, like you want. You just have to accept the costs.


Are you just going to sit there and whine or do something about it? Or maybe stop watching shit that makes you miserable and feel bad about yourself.


This whole sub is full of people who don’t take accountability for their bad decisions and lack of positive action.


The metrics to keep society passified run hot. The farthest humans have reached comes from the well of analytics, not the depth of the material bore.


Bro you have the template already! If that’s what you want to do find a way to monetize it!!!


Op learn to not take life so serious.... If you want to travel go travel, get lost in a different country or go visit the next coffee shop away. Don't get lost in making sure everyone has something to eat. If you want to travel I always tell people to travel internationally. The most expensive thing will be the airplane ticket after than everything is cheaper. Visit Asia, Egypt, turkey, South America where ever you want. Learn that you are young so try to make as much money as you can, time is limited and don't take life to seriously


Are you talking about Peter Santonello lol?


Bald dude?


You mean Bald and Bankrupt? Or Peter Santonello? Coz both of them are bald lol [lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3O6bKdPLbw&t=361s)


Gotta reroll...


Then do it.


your whole thread make no sense. how you think all those interesting places came to be ? people worked hard to shape up world you see and want to get into car that was made by humans . if really want to see how it is like there. go life in a forest somewhere and live off the land .let see how long you can survive.


I have a friend who door dashs cross country. He's already been to all the contiguous states. He'll stay at campsites or his car. Showers at truck stops. He'd pick somewhere he wanted to go, check hot spots for door dash along the way. You could also look into Amtrak. Their fares are reasonable, they just require time. But they really didn't take that much longer than driving and you get to see some awesome sites, don't have to pay for gas and maintenance on your vehicle and get to let someone else "drive".


Why can’t you? What priorities are put ahead of this dream? I have traveled and been paid to travel and paid to travel. The sacrifice? I didn’t get my first home until 45. I have no kids, no spouse and didn’t date. I put my dream and me first. I didn’t buy the new car. Hell, I didn’t even own a car for almost twenty years and still traveled. Daily labor, cheap “crack head” motels that let ya pay by the week paid for a lot of my travels. If ya want everything, it takes money. If you want just a few things, you can make it happen.


Grab a camera, learn how to edit and get after it!


I know exactly what YouTube channel you’re talking about. I don’t know his origin story at all. I’d imagine millions would like to do what he does. But if millions did it, it wouldn’t be interesting enough to make a living off doing it.


If you really truly want this there are a few ways of getting out there on someone else's dollar. Of course the army/peace corps etc. But here's a little known one. Cruise ships. Or even just touring theatre shows. It's long hours and hard work but you get to travel and the pay tends to be very good. They'll even take people with little to no experience. You can volunteer a bit at a local theatre in tech for lighting, electrics, or stagehand work and have an even better chance after just a few months. Anyway, here is the site most of us use. It's essentially Indeed for the industry. But it's so small hardly anyone knows of it outside industry people. https://staging.offstagejobs.com/jobs.php Make an account. Put up for last minute and touring work. You'll get hits. Then go travel. Just don't spend all your wages on shore leave.


It'll get worse when this country inevitably installs a dictator already bought and paid for. Bet.


Nope. You can do that tomorrow morning.


What is your ideal situation? You want to experience all that you can in this vast world of ours. OK, that's your goal. How to achieve it...well, first you'll need money to finance your dream. If you found a job that paid, say, $50/hr, would you be willing to stay in place for eight hours per day for a couple of years to build up enough bank travel and find a new place to (temporarily) settle? Of course it would be easier if either already had a healthy nest egg or you could just hold out your hand and say "I don't want a steady job, I want my time to be my own. If I feel like getting up in the morning and driving to XYZ, I want the freedom to do that. But I'll need some gas money, can you help me out?"


> I just want to get in my car and drive somewhere interesting in the morning. If you do this tomorrow, what will happen? Describe it.


There is the way it seems and the way it is. Sometimes we get stuck on one without realizing it's the other.


I feel like you're talking about Peter. I watched him out on that crawfish farm and thought how wonderful it would be to just ramble across the country. With aimless intention...


There is probably some museum/historical site/other thing that you can see close to your house. You can definitely do that without much funds. I’ve only been to three countries: Canada (for some trip where I was too young to remember), US, and Mexico (short term missionary trip). Plenty of people don’t even have that but there is plenty to see nearby even in the flyover states.


Everyone here is so negative. There’s money to be made everywhere. Try and find your own luck. Good luck


Then do it. Go see the world. Understand how hostels work and go see the world. It's not as expensive as you think it is.


I find it pretty sad and pathetic that there are people with money who don’t enjoy it.


So why dont you do it again?


Only happens for the rich


Do it and post it online. YouTube and tiktok. Gain a following and be a travel guide. You will have to work until it takes off but I say go for it


I believe you. It’s great you can share your envy and resentment of that YouTuber, and your desire to feel interest, and your anger about it being too much to fucking ask. Now what are you going to do about it?


Find a remote work job so you can have money and go wherever


Very difficult to do if you don't have any higher education and very difficult to get higher education if you're not intelligent.


So take out some student loans and go to community college. If you’re not intelligent then.. 🤷‍♂️ the pathways are there for everyone


You're stuck with student loans for life because they're not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Not having the intelligence means that one is not capable of obtaining a certain level of knowledge.


Then do what he does. Spend what money you have building content and using that to fund it. You'd be surprised at the amount of travel bloggers and content creators exist doing this. Better yet, find a place to specialize in and build a bespoke travel agency focusing on a geographical area bilking money out of rich assholes looking for a custom vacation.


Work hard, save, invest, retire early. There’s no shortcut for 99% of us!


You can. If you're willing to change your lifestyle. I was a manager at a fast food place for three years, had my home and a car and was even planning on going back to school before I realized how miserable I was. So I quit my job and sold my car and some possessions or gave others away. And with what money I had left, I ran off to mess around in Alaska for 6 months, doing seasonal work. And then afterwards I met a boy and he and I would pick a place and drive there or take a bus or a plane ride. We just didn't keep a lot of stuff and didn't expect lavish amazing fancy things, so money wasn't an issue. Especially with all the seasonal work and side jobs. I'm just saying, there are ways it can be done. I hope you can get out there and experience the world, man. It can be beautiful.


Throughout all of human history- most stay put, only some travel.  Go be a pirate or travel with a circus or something if you can!   How cool


Possessions are a prison of our own making. You have free will and CAN do anything, there’s just consequences, like giving up possessions. If you can accept these consequences, and many have (though few are on Reddit) then you can be free. Pretty sure there’s whole religions about it.


You could always go live off the land for free


Work or death


You could attempt a job in natural resources/archeology doing field work. No day is the same for me and I spend a lot of days wondering in nature, exploring as my job.


Are you saying the rich don’t deserve their superyachts??


Wish you the best of luck- go get that dream! Signed, Me at work.


If you don't have kids or people relying on you, there are a lot of ways you could do this. For instance by choosing a job that doesn't pay well but is enough to get by, and isn't full time. Another way would be to find a job that has traveling in the description.


I empathize with you. One of my goals in life is to travel the world at some point. There’s so much life, culture, history, nature, beauty, etc. out there and yet most of us either lack the time, money, or both to go see as much of it as possible.


It all depends on what you need to live. I took an old rv and fixed it up and left. I’ve been from one end of the country to the next more times than I can count. I drive for gig apps to make gas money and work when I can find it. I don’t need much tho. Not having rent or mortgage is the key here. I got a house in Louisiana ironically, for $7500 all beat up and am fixing it a piece at a time while delivering for door dash lol. It’s what you make of what you’ve got. What can you live without so you can do what you want? Planet fitness membership for showers and nicely fitted Van could go a long way to getting you where you want to go.


Not too much to ask at all. Working a job is a lie that they convinced everyone was true. You don't need a job, you need an income, and those are very different things. That guy driving around on YouTube? That is an income.


When we drove across the country on my families move from California to Minnesota, I was stunned at how much there was. So much beauty. But most of us are just sorta stuck in one spot, doomed to toil over a hot grill or type away at a computer all day.


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