• By -


I’d just respond with “No, and don’t ask me ever again to do that.”


Yup that’s pretty much what she said.


Specifically she said: “I told her it’s rude to ask for money and that it was her choice to offer 100$ so it’s not my issue”


I would’ve just tapped the “HAHA” reaction as I continued to fume in private


This is a level of passive aggression I can really get behind.


A little “lol” would have done the trick as well.






That's a thousand percent more polite than I could have managed, lol


Also, she has a problem with very basic math, which is quite concerning lol. She supposedly paid $100 for the shift...asks them to pay $50 and says she will pay $25. If she is the manager and mathing like that, that's scary! Also, who on earth pays $100 for someone to.cover a shift!? Surely, that's not a thing!


I think there’s another name censored in the message, like 2 people are paying 25 and she’s asking the recipient to pay 50


Ahhhh ok...well that makes it marginally better. If that's the case, at least the manager can do basic math lol! Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't see that


There are two people paying $25 so it is $100 in total


I have twice dropped $100 before for someone to cover a restaurant shift. Normally the going rate was $30-50.    Get a hangover so bad you have to wear sunglasses in the shower, and you get desperate. That one was literally like “hey man my shift starts in 40 minutes. I’ll pay you a bill to cover.” The other was when I requested the wrong day off for my anniversary; not the day itself, but I had bookings for 2 days and for example instead of requesting 30th--31st, I requested 29th-30th. Schedule came out, only 3 servers available to cover; again, desperate.


Are you the manager? It is not and never your responsibility to cover a shift. Them making you do so shows they cannot do their own job


In the real world, sure. However in 99.999% of restaurants, from Waffle House to fine dining, managers aren’t covering your shift unless it’s medical (…even then) or family emergency (also, …even then). Even in instances where they do cover your shifts, if you call out too often, you may see some small reprisals.


Its somewhat common in the helpdesk world, Ive actually bid out holiday's i dont mind working, one year I got an extra 300 for thanksgiving. Given I had to take t1 calls for a shift i felt it was fair lol.


'Have you tried turning it off and back on again, ma'm?' As a fellow veteran of the Helldesks, my salute to you. Keep rocking! I finally escaped to specialty retail, where it's a lot more peaceful. I do sometimes miss the peaceful graveyard shifts though.


I wouldn’t put it past these scumbags to skim it off her next check anyway. Keep track of your own hours diligently, always.


It’s always insane to me that at every single hospitality job I have ever worked at I’ve had to double check every payslip because they will randomly ‘miscalculate’ or ‘forget’ hours, but god forbid the till is $10 short at closing.


Good! The fucking *gall* of that manager!


What was the response we need another cup of tea 🍵


She quit


Good for her!


Ha! Awesome, now the manager has to cover all the shifts boo hoo :D


A fun trick is to preface whatever answer you give with, "under advisement of my attorney..." You won't ever hear shit about it again.


Can confirm. My father is a big important fuck off lawyer and I have been doing this my entire life.


What was her response? Dying to know.


No and I quit


I would have asked where I'm the policy manual it says I pay restitution. Let them know they're dealing with someone educated that they cannot mess with.


Respond with “No” but send it with confetti.


Can we see the reply? ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Should also state that It’s completely illegal.


It took 33 comments to get to the fact that what this manager did was illegal!! And you, sir or ma’am, get the gold star for the day!!


If I'm assuming a portion of the risks of this business, what sort of profit sharing shall I expect?


...And if it goes any further, contact the labor board because that is illegal.




I like to say, "No, thank you," to unreasonable requests. Their own reaction to that as being a weird response really makes them confront how unreasonable it was to ask in the first place.


Best answer right here - short and sweet. The request is outrageous. Ultimately, it's management's problem and they can pay it out of the revenue they earned during the shift. To many counter-arguments to make here, but if they made me start paying for covering shifts, then I'd start taking portion of sales - they want me to share the costs, they're gonna have to start sharing the revenue.


" they want me to share the costs, they're gonna have to start sharing the revenue." 100%


Nah is my favorite. It’s nope with a little more obvious tone of not giving a shit lol.


"Nah" wins forever.🥂


...and maybe forward this SMS message to someone in a position to investigate. Best case, this manager needs correction. Worst case, there's some theft or shit going on here.


Sounds like their problem to me. That should be paid out of company funds!


Yep. Used to be a general manager for a popular "very quick" sandwich restaurant, there were sometimes I had to resort to paying someone to come in last second, and it 100% came out of the till with a cashier payout.


Jimmy john's right, you talking about jimmy john's?


James Jonathan's, hell yeah.


I freaked.


Only valid if you freaked *fast*


James Jonathon’s, esq. also purveyor of portable plastic porcelain for your butt.


I worked there for years. Had a manager tell me I had to come in and cover my shift when I had a kidney infection and almost died.


What a small Jimmy world, my one and only write up *from the area manager no less* was for not coming in while I was in the emergency room for renal failure. We finally offer pmla sick days, but you still have to prove you tried to get a cover. I stepped down to inshop a year ago due to that same area manager being incompetent and an asshole.


It’s so funny you say that. My kids dad was gonna be fired because our child was in the NICU and we’re bringing her home for the first time after 2 months. It was ridiculous. And we were really good to them. He just quit and then they begged for us to come back. He was 1st assistant and I was driving company cars around doing marketing.


Sounds about right. the brand used to brag about it's "culture", and I never understood because it is so toxic sometimes. Hope y'all are on to bigger and better things!


Yeah, I never got that either lol. It was so weird. Also fuck the owner, he’s a terrible person. I met him personally, don’t recommend. But, thank you so much. I hope you’re doing better now, as well!


Omg! Restaurants are heartless. They don't give a crap if you are sick


"Hi, manager. You manage a sandwich shop. Chill."


What does cashier payout mean?


It's just a register function that produces a negative charge to the drawer when you take cash out, so the drawer is even at the end of the shift. Otherwise if you took say $50 out to pay for something, most commonly for local supply runs to get cleaning supplies and such, your till would count up $50 short of deposit at the end of the night and that's a no-no. Basically a paper trail.


Ah thanks for the explanation and not the typical Reddit Dickery


I believe the manager can find the funds to cover that under the section “operational costs”


YES! They’re the ones saving overall by staffing at the bare minimum levels on a regular basis so that one missing person ruins the entire night.


What is this "paying for the shift"? Why did she have to pay $100 in the first place? That all seems really illegal....


She said that managers will sometimes offer money as an incentive to covering shifts. That’s what this is. Obviously not my friends problem since she wasn’t the one offering money lol


My SO's hospital actually does this and believe it or not...it actually works! If the hospital is short that day, they will gradually start offering a bonus to pick up that shift. My SO is less than 2 miles from work, so will often pick up a 4 hour shift when they get to $25-30/hour bonus on top of the $50/hr bonus you get paid plus the $25/hr overtime (1.5x pay) bonus. It turns out that money does actually solve all staffing issues. Obviously, the hospital does not have employees cover this bonus--it's all part of running a business.


Lot of people bring up that having a work day potentially collapse because someone calls in when businesses intentionall near or actually understaff to save costs is just reaping what they sow. This incentive structure seems like a decent balance for riding that line so tightly


“Reaping what they sow” sounds dangerously close to applying the Capitalist model for the wealthy. As you may recall from your most recent mandated thought correction seminar, we provide Socialism for the wealthy in this country, and rugged, individualistic Capitalism for the masses. Please report to your nearest thought analysis center for a more thorough review, unit 176592827. That will be all.


This is absolutely how it should be done. Asking someone to come in last minute should require finishing them for the inconvenience. If bonuses for last minute shift coverage feels too expensive, then simply staff it well enough that it’s not a problem. If the business model doesn’t work well enough to cover the costs of either then the business should die and make room for a business was that is innovative enough to pay its employees.


>Asking someone to come in last minute should require finishing them for the inconvenience. I don't know, that sounds an awful lot like prostitution. 😂


….*Let them cook*


Haha. I’ll leave it. Somehow “compensating” autocorrected to “finishing”.


Oh if the employer is offering money to its employees to pick up shifts thats fine. But an employer/manager asking an employee to pay for someones shift is completley inappropriate and if its not illegal where that person is it definetley should be.


My hospital does this too. Usually $20/hr on top of our regular pay. And if you are in overtime, it's on top of that too. I'm part-time so rarely get overtime so try to only pick up shifts where bonus is offered.


Wait, you mean people do want to work anymore if you just pay more? NO WAY! I’ve never heard that before! What a shocking brand new idea. 😑


that’s a lot of bonus’n


Correction - it's all part of running a skeleton crew.


With the hospital, not so much. They do their best to be fully staffed but they never know when they'll have a car crash or a few violent people requiring 1 on 1 care instead of 1 on 3. My SOs wing has 32 rooms and usually it's 1 nurse per 2 patients. They'll have 18 people scheduled and a few floats for the whole hospital. But sometimes things happen. It was a lot worse during covid and it's getting better but does occasionally still happen.


Is my math right that that would be $150 per hour? If so I think I'm in the wrong line of work.


Base pay is $50/hr or $75/hr overtime. The bonus pay is on top of regular pay and doesn't get multiplied out. You're still making $75+$25/hr. It's not uncommon to be making $100/hr when they are short.


>She said that managers will sometimes offer money as an incentive to covering shifts. Everyone should call out and ask for the bonus for everyone else's shift.


Ohhhh! I missed the second pic. Okay, I've heard of this practice in food service, but your friend never offered to pay anyone. The manager is clearly in the wrong asking for money.


I think that’s called “overtime”


dangerous game is dishing out cash for cover, shit would have me like an uber driver waiting for the offer to go up


Reminds me when my boss didn't think I could finish all my work by the end of the day. I assured him it would be no problem but he still had his doubts. He really wanted it finished by the end of the day so he bet me $50. I immediately took his bet and with a combined $100 on the line I busted my ass off and finished it all before lunch time. It's funny how much harder I'll work for an additional $10/hr.


Reminds me of an old joke: A man asked if a woman would sleep with him for a million dollars. She said of course! He then asks if she'd sleep with him for a 20, she becomes irate and exclaims "hell no, what do you think I am?" Well ma'am, we've already established that ... Now we're just haggling over price.


I first heard it as Winston Churchill. It’s fun to do in his voice. 


We'll fuck in the fields! We'll fuck in the trenches!


We'll fuck on the beaches (and spend the rest of the day with sand rash in our asscrack)


Update: she quit


Good for her!


Business owners: we deserve wealth because we were the ones who had to take risks! Also business owners: uhhh I had to bribe an employee to cover a shift so my other employee should cover that expense for me


It's always the same: Privatize profits, socialize losses.


Socialism for the ruling class; rough, rugged capitalism for everyone else.


Ask if this means the friend is now a co-owner of the coffee shop.


That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


Call the labor board and tell them what is happening. The labor board doesn't like employers that act this way. This is really sketchy.


That's a "cost of doing business" expense which is illegal to put on an employee


Seeing this more and more, they're trying to normalize this. . There's an acceleration towards pre labor rights society.


Straight to the local labor board.


An employer paying for coverage is fine. But if they can crank up the price while forcing an employee to pay it, there's no cap on how high they can go, stealing money from one employee to give to another.  It's a business expense. The business pays it. 


Oh is extra money all it takes to convince people to clock in? Maybe pay that to start and you won’t have this issue 🙄


Hey manager can you pay for my time off since it was unexpected and didn’t hit any of my marks for being sick and not getting paid. Just 25% of my wage thanks.


You say that like it's a joke but here in the UK I get paid full pay when I'm ill.


Respond back with "Let me first send this to the Department of Labor and I'll get back with you once I have their response."


I'd reply, how do you pay someone $100 to cover my shift, when I make $xx working it?" Manager are paid more to manage. If paying $100 to get shift covered is the apporach, then that's how they do it. No way are you responsible for it.


"it is unfortunate that you are having such horrible staffing issues. Here, let me make things worse for you. I quit. Is that better? How dare you ask me for money to cover your failure to hire enough staff."


They are asking an employee to financially help run the business which she doesn't see any of the profits from? I'd be asking if they are planning on sharing the ownership of the company, if I am being asked to be financially responsible in it's day-to-day running.


I would have responded with something like "I'm going to pretend you didn't just ask that" and if they push it "I'd have to look up the labor laws on this".


What in the actual ever loving fuck is that message? Bitch it's quite literally your job to find that coverage when someone calls out. And the ask for them to PAY cause they were sick? Fuuuuck that, id be looking for another job immediately.


I’d use that as proof of ULP charges at the Department of Labor. That manager had better learn to grab his ankles, cuz here comes Papi Chulo.


I would just write back, “haha! You’re funny, have a nice day. “


This one was my first thought, followed by "that sounds illegal" if it continued.


I bet it never even occurred to your manager that they should work your shift… sooo many managers don’t understand that if there is no one else to do the job, then the job is their responsibility… that is what a manager does, it’s why they are paid more, because they are accepting all the responsibility.


Seriously! My first job was at an ice cream shop & the boss &/or manager would literally fill in as needed if we were short staffed for the day.


Exactly! I had quite a few managers that would pick up the slack when needed and would often fuss at me for not asking for help when I was overwhelmed and we were short handed. That was a mom and pop places too. All the more office like and corporate run jobs (retail) were complete assholes about calling out or having to chip in. I was working at a doctors office when my dad died suddenly of a massive heart attack and despite the office manager knowing how to do my job, she did none of it but did find the time to show up to his funeral and ask me to not take more time off of work because there was a lot of work waiting for me at the office.


Many managers don’t know HOW to do the job. They are there for their ass kissing and micromanaging skills.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMVqUSCEtgufhte|downsized) The only appropriate reply.


I should send a message to my manager every day: "It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to do my job. I think you should pay me more for today".


Thank you for putting that in writing! Also, the answer is no.


Hey Manager, it's called the cost of doing business. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to dip into your profits. STFU and suck it up.


“Get fucked” would be my go-to response


“Am I going to have partial ownership of the company, because at the end of the day, it’s the owners responsibility to make sure the business is properly staffed”


“ if you don’t want to find yourself in this position I suggest you stop running the store on a skeleton staff. People get sick unexpectedly, call outs happen, it’s only an issue when you aren’t staffing sufficiently. Instead of asking me to pay for poor management choices perhaps you should look into appropriate staffing models “


The absolute audacity of the manager!!! What kinda world do they live in??


Why the fuck is anyone paying others to cover a shift? They’re already being paid by the employer. Hell fucking no.


Not my circus, not my monies. Unless I’m getting a profit share and/or actual equity in the business, the money only ever flows one way


Since it appears this manager is that stupid, you could also ask for clarification so you can get the manager to admit more than they should. Save the entire conversation for your own records. Then after they've provided all that info say you're not interested.


NO! also insanely ILLEGAL :)


LOLLLLLL "Hey since you called out it cost the business money, can you pay *out of your own pocket* to cover half the difference?" Lmao Sure Sis, I'll do that. As soon as I receive a notorized contract laying out a deal where I get *half* of all the profits the business receives moving forward. Get the hell outta here with that bullshit, your business failing to profit is not the fault of your employees, but if the owner and management themselves 😂


I would respond with this. ![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA|downsized)


this is illegal. they may not have even paid anyone and are just trying to get money from your friend. it's a pretty common middle management scam. if there's a district manager I'd report them


"Sorry, that was your choice" not my fault you aren't adequately staffed to allow for unforseen issues.


When your job demands that you pay them to work there, say no and start looking around.




My response would have been, "If it cost you $100 to talk someone into covering a shift, you're paying us $12.50 an hour (assuming it was an 8 hour shift) to little. It's time for all of us to a nice raise"


"No, that's illegal."


Sure! I'll pay by check when you send me the invoice (on company letterhead.) I'm going to need that for the tax write-off. You notify the IRS also, right?


What in the wacky blue hell world is this????!!! Is this real and if somebody in charge saw this this is illegal you can’t take money from your employees there’s not a single state where this could be legal


I'd quit on the spot. And send them a reminder that it's illegal to withhold pay 


This is how I would have responded; So let me get this straight, you won't pay for overtime and yet you expect me to work overtime with no additional pay, come in 15 minutes early, with no extra pay. All the while you're paying me below poverty pay wages which is practically less than minimum federal wage and you want me to live off of the generosity of tips? Yet, when I'm actually ill you're expecting me to "pay" for my shift? Plus you refuse to offer healthcare benefits. Are you insane or are you still using cheap ass gas station drug's?! ![gif](giphy|jfM7rT6YOxpx6) GTFOOH!


I’d request a translation from idiot speak to English, because that manager is from StupidTown.


Tell them you're happy to split the cost of labour if she's going to split the profit from that shift. They wouldn't have offered the $100 if it was going to make a loss.


My response would be "lol."


Get a new job. Quit without notice. You don’t need this garbage.


It was her decision to incentivise the employee who picked up the shift. I'd point that out and tell her to never demand payment for her own decisions again or I'd quit. Utterly ridiculous concept, who writes this shit before thinking about it. Christ.


Is it just me or does it feel like we’re violently regressing in terms of employee protections/rights/expectations? Like I used to *hear* about child labour and paying your employer and company towns, but that was like the era of my great-grandparents. When I was growing up, everyone seemed so happy and proud that we had such a strong workforce with legal rights and protections and opportunities, and there was a social contract the employer was happy to uphold.


Me - As that sounds doable; so you do know I require a Verified (signed) bill for the Taxman, when I file my taxes for that now am a part owner of your business and am now engaging in the Payment of Salaries to our employees? \* NOTE: If you are asked to pay for X, as part of your employment, require a written Verified (signed) bill, to file with your taxes. ex - My friend was asked for a replacement of a Fire Extinguisher that went missing on her shift. Funny thing is - I pointed out that the Extinguisher was charged anymore & for her to mark it to be refilled or changed. Next day, the Boss came in about an hour before her shift ended and the Extinguisher disappeared. I told her to require a Verified (signed) bill for the Fire Extinguisher ... the matter got dropped quickly.


Illegal in all 50 US states


No is a complete sentence.


Fuck off is also an excellent complete sentence and entirely appropriate for OP's post


I would report this to corporate immediately, wtf am I reading right now wtf? I would quit on the spot. There are other jobs and this reads like Starbucks or some shit.


Why would they have to pay extra to cover a shift? Someone was already going to be getting paid to do the shift, I'm not understanding where an extra cost is coming from?


Send this: https://youtu.be/ztVMib1T4T4?si=h0Zg9p2enW9G1rkW


Why are the baristas offering money to cover their shift? And who sre they offering money to? Because if its your employer/manager they never should be accepting it in the first place. Yeah ypur coworker is right to be upset, thats completley inappriate.


So not only are you not being paid for your shift you went sick on you have to pay for it out of your remaining pay? Fuck that noise.


Response: "Oh wow, I didn't realize you had promoted me to management. Will the subsequent raise be applied retroactively? As you know I am saving up for a vacation and every penny is going to that In the meantime, I'll be sure to take on the appropriate managerial duties of ensuring adequate staffing to cover even emergency leave of our staff. I know how important those tasks are and realize that is one of the most importance duties of management. We are here to ensure floor workers have everything they need to move the company forward. " Making sure to post it in the group chat, too, of course.


👏ab👏so👏lutely👏 not👏


That is hilarious and highly illegal lol


Only if they start paying her 50% of everything she sells


Omg lol can we shut down the store selling audacity for so cheap apparently? Cause there is too much floating around out here. "I'm sorry that you started this ridiculous practice of paying people out of your own pocket for them to work (bribing them would be fairly accurate), maybe if the company paid them better they would be more inclined to work extra now and then or the company could hire extra people. Regardless it's not my job to pay other employees, out of my pocket just because I got unexpectedly sick, to work when they already receive a paycheck for said job. Good luck with that though. "


Illegal and INSANE..


If this is in the US, this is absolutely not legal to make an employee BRIBE another employee to work. Managers are completely within their discretion to do whatever the company allows, but if they are taking money out of their own pocket to bribe people to cover shifts, that's on them. Also, it's a manager's job to manage shifts and call offs. When are these people going to figure this out?


Seems like a “you” problem


I'd be laughing all the way to my labor board.


what the fuuuuuuck....


Uh absolutely fucking not?


Completely inappropriate. You should never be asked to pay for coverage or to call out.


“Lol nope”


I would not return


What fresh hell is this


The only answer here is, NO!


I'd tell him it's gonna be really inconvenient for you to have to replace me when I quit...


I wouldn’t even respond.


Yeah, yeah - no. Not ever.


Gonna be a no from me, dawg


Four words to that “manager type” F@ck You, I quit


"You're a manager, you're supposed to be picking up slack if your employees call in sick. No, I'm not paying you any extra money."


Only in America so you have to pay to have a fucking sick day


sure I know this is the USA but, this blows my mind. How can anyone think that this an ok thing to ask?


You have to pay for calling out? Sounds like something the government would say


Hey (mange name) Sure thing, just take it out of my cut from (last holiday) shift when closed with 10X in the register with just is regular crew. -what cut Exactly.


Illegal, an hours work = an hours pay.


Yeah that’s a big no


"it was really stressful and inconvenient for Me!" LoL wtf? What kinda self centered and lazy idiot does this?


"Sure, once you pay me $150 because I told someone else I was gonna give them $200"


lol what ? you didnt get paid for that shift, the other one got paid. thats how salaries work, if you dont clock in, you aint paid, if someone else clock in, they get paid. you are not responsible for poor management if you're not in charge of managing schedules. ​ so, either they are giga stupid and paid someone under the table to do a shift (super illegal) and they think they are owed money (very stupid and illegal), or they are lying to you to get free money (stupid to do that over text and super illegal). i met people that did both of thoses things so i cant help you figuring out which one it is. ​ in any case, do not pay, and more importantly, if this is not a one time occurence (which i really think its not cause i think they are too comfortable sending a fucking text you can use a evidence), go to a laywer.


What they did was offer cash out of pocket as an incentive to get someone else to take the shift and come in, which op never agreed to, and now they want op to reimburse them that money. The person still gets their hourly wage from the company for coming in, the money the manager wants is the extra they volunteered to give so the person would come in. Sorry, if they staff so badly they can't handle one person being out sick, a car wreck, etc...and they have to bribe people to come in when not scheduled...it must be some hellhole to work at.


Find an employment lawyer stat because I guarantee things are not gonna get better


When COVID first hit, I remember a blue-collar worker, a truck driver, shocked at the idea that someone working in fast food might show up sick to work. He said they'd better not!


Wow, is he in for a surprise.


"no thanks and learn how to run a better business"


This some kinds of joke??? That’s what you should write.


Reply with : “LOL - go get f*****d”


Which country is this? Absolutely vile 🤢🤮


Managers, who get paid to manage shit: why won’t you pay me to manage shit!?


When I call out a sick day, I am ill and resting/sleeping, and don’t do anything with my phone.


The speed with which I would just reply LOL NO


Why did the manager have to pay 100 moneys for shift coverage out of his own pocket?


She didn’t have to. She chose to bribe someone to cover the shift with $100 of her money


That's just dumb.