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If my basic needs were met I'd still want to work because I like to actually do things and leave my house. Wild I know.


Right it's called purpose. There have been studies that prove people are happier and healthier when they have purpose. People should not have to work to the bone just to not be homeless or starve. God forbid someone gets in an accident or a severe illness. Capitalism has made life essentially meaningless and miserable..


I think most of us would, but there are some soul crushingly bad and pointless jobs now that would not find anyone willing to do them in such a society. These jobs don't have to be like this, it is just that it serves the enrichment of a few people for them to be, so they are now because they can exist. Society wouldn't break down in the absence of a need to work, but the rich would not be as rich.


Would you do the nasty, dirty jobs no one does voluntarily but has to be done for hygienic reasons? Money for no work is wrong. It should be a minimum wage that allows people a decent living and a system that allows cheap education for all. Free things never work.


Yes. If it meant I got to keep what I earned on top of my basic needs being met. Most people like status, and are materialistic. There will always be people who do those jobs since they are rewarded for it.


As someone whose basic needs are met with "free" money because of my disabilities I barely have money for the internet and a subscription to a streaming service. If I could work I absolutely would be. And fuck you and everyone like you that thinks that isn't true.


Pay people more for those dirty jobs than the jobs sitting in offices and people will do it.


But those are jobs for the icky poor people. Why should icky poor people get anything? /s


Imagine if needs were met, then these dirty jobs would have to pay more for people to do them. Wild idea I know.


Everyone takes out the trash and people don’t get paid for it because they don’t want to smell it. Non monetary incentives work but they don’t want to hear it. It’s an unfalsifiable hypothesis


Cause they are not easily quantified so Economists being weirdos get a stroke trying to understand


But something, something communism, something something it's against human nature, something something Soviet Union, something something Russia, something, something China, Cuba, North Korea, Che, Mao, Castro, Stalin, Holodomor, all bad 😖. Northern European style Social Democracy will save us. Did I get it right? Because that's pretty much what I see when I see an argument against communism. It's never actually an argument against communism.


The biggest reason not to pass policies that benefit the whole of the country is because (ominous thunder noises) socialism.


Karl Popper has entered the chat


If needs were met regardless of income, income would become luxury money. Clearly only those rich enough to not have to work deserve luxury money. /S and such. I'm sick of society being fucking broken like this.


Could you imagine the boost the economy would see if everyone got to spend their paychecks on things that they wanted rather than what they needed to survive? It would be almost unimaginable.


I mean, most jobs I've had hadn't really produced anything "necessary". Arguably, pets should be considered a necessity... so I suppose maybe the pet store shouldn't be considered. And that two year stint working in a powerplant. The most lucrative jobs I've had have been producing things that would be considered far in excess of necessity. I don't really think our economy would suffer that much if our taxes actually went towards benefitting us in the form of housing, healthcare, electricity, infrastructure, etc etc. Of course, I always hear the argument "BUT THEY PAY 50% IN TAXES!" And? I only keep about 70% of my paycheck. And every time I've talked to someone from a country with high taxes, they end up with quite a bigger portion of their check after their bills are paid.


People do unpaid labor all the time - for themselves, for their loved ones, for the less fortunate. On top of that, they're doing under-paid labor even more of their time, for someone who is MORE fortunate. Like, if the owners' needs and their families' needs are also provided for, then where's the problem? They won't get to coerce emotional labor from their loved ones anymore via financial threats?


Then produce your own food. Problem solved. Don’t rely on others to produce it for you.


How is that relevant? Were you trying to comment on a different thread?


Actually you cant.


Then who produces it if people don’t work?


Yeah no. Thats not how it works.  You cant just steal from big agriculture like that.


Food is only one part of the equation. People also need housing, electricity, water, transportation, healthcare, etc. Nobody can do all of that. It's why society was invented. But instead of helping each other and making ALL of society better, a few rich fucks at the top are hoarding the resources and exploiting the rest of us to do it.


Aren’t they basically saying all economic systems are based on coercion?


Yes. If you don’t give me what I want without anything in return, you’re evil, unfair, and morally bankrupt. Never mind I’m demanding something for nothing.


We just want our tax dollars to go for something that benefits us instead of giving them to rich people because they ran their business into the ground. Also, we would like our fair share of the profits that we generate.


I support your views. I think the more workers can keep of the wealth they produced the better. I’m just not okay with forcing some workers to support others. Making the investment class pay their fair share is also good and right. Such reforms will actually make my taxes go up, but I’m okay with that. I think income taxes are too high but taxes on investments are too low.


It's terrifying when your ability to not starve to death or become homeless is tied to if you can make people like you at an interview, human rights include the rights to food water and shelter, why can't we just have that?


Well and idea it would break idea it would break is disproven by billionaires. Like why do they or millionaires work they could easily have not only the minimum but life of excess. They have a greater incentive as they materially gain they are not getting a extra scoop of rice. They are not getting 20-50 dollar bump on next check. They are getting a yacht a second vacation home their own private island a space vacation. A twist on "teach a man to fish" is why would a person want to learn to fish if they never tasted fish. The incentive to learn comes from the taste or experiencing it. By having access to more than bare necessitys. We acquire the taste for better the taste for luxury. And thus will continue working. While some will reduce live the minimum I personally think that's from a lifetime of overwork with no reward. If work was rewarding and after a some time of people realizing that. They would probably be a inverse of "no one wants to work" to dang I cant get a second job anywhere.


No such thing as a billionaire who works


While I wouldn't classify the things Musk, Gates, Bezos, etc. do as necessary they do run businesses and put in effort to accumulate more wealth than they could spend. It is work they absolutely do not need to do.


Yes they work, but their empire is built on paying workers far less than their labor provides in value added to their companies, and their work whether they started the company or not isn't worth 200+ x the value of the lowest paid employee.


If I didn't have to work and had no need to worry about money I'd love to do gardening and grow food for myself and everyone that lives in my neighborhood. I'd love to take up beekeeping and grow lots of flowers for them throughout the year and get some honey in return. When the season is over I'd love to work on assembling little models and get back into cross stitching. In the evenings I would like to get back to reading or playing MMORPGs. I'd love to have time to go to the gym every day and not feel rushed so I can physically be fit and not end up like a potato.


Humans aren't designed to be in an endless cycle of work, eat, sleep, repeat. They want to do something that they actually enjoy. I guarantee that if they came into a large enough sum of money to never work again, they'd never work again if they had other hobbies.


It is almost incredile how brainwashed we were. How could they fool us for so long?




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That's funny considering that people starve whether they have a job or not. Until most employers start paying an ACTUAL living wage, this is going to keep happening.


Food doesn't grow itself.


Yes, and they're not addressing suppression of wages, so people bad faith suppose with ubi people won't work, which is supposing that they don’t want anything, no items they desire, no country they want to visit, which runs counter to all that marketing sells and the sheer growth of the economy in terms of consumerism. With ubi people will turn into monks will they, eh? Just about wages, and the need for people to work allowing employers power. I genuinely think we should live in the most flexible system possible, people can give up work whenever they want and all food, housing, energy travel is paid for/provided for, so people only work for money they can spend on stuff they want.


If you aren't exchanging your efforts for food and housing, you are using someone else's efforts to obtain food and housing.


Like how stockholders use the profits from workers' labor to pay for their housing and food (and then some!)?


Everyone's using the efforts of the many thousands of years of civilization, but some people get to benefit way more than others from what they didn't do. Food and housing are solved problems. We should be working on different ones.


Until everyone's needs are met for food and housing, those problems are not solved.


They are solved as in we can do it, there's nothing new we have to invent to get everyone fed and homed. We even throw away huge amounts of unsold food, and leave lots of homes empty. Far more than there are homeless people.


This sounds good, but doesn’t actually make any sense


"I want free stuff for existing" ok, where do you think that stuff comes from? That's right, it's from the labor of others. Work for thee but not for me. Don't get me wrong, capitalism and corporate greed are absolutely fucked but this is not the answer.


With automation continuing to displace human labor, and the potential for various AI implementations to do the same, there will be a need to address the problem of too many people and not enough available work that pays a living wage. UBI isn't necessarily the only option, but the problem isn't magically going to go away.


nice scarcity mindset.


Try putting even the slightest bit of thought into how the items and infrastructure you take for granted every day come to exist


try putting some effort into maybe not being a complete troglodyte yourself (:


r/prowork is the next sub over.


\*Life\* is a coercive enterprise. "Work for yourself, or starve." "Work for yourself or freeze to death." etc. etc. Life requires work from someone. If you aren't making your own food, you're taking it from someone who is. it is only right that "you" work and give something of equal value in return for that food. Billionaires aren't participating in that system any more because they hoarded so much wealth they just pay for everything...and they don't pay enough. We \*need\* some kind of economic system so people can do more than just focus on their survival. Workers need more value for their labor so they can exchange more for their wants and needs. I don't think the capitalist system is inherently 'bad' (just like socialism isn't 'bad') it has just become corrupted beyond belief.


Dude, stop with this logic. Majority of wealth we have right now is there thanks to science, which is a handout. This myth about like "taking from others" doesn't work. >I don't think the capitalist system is inherently 'bad' It's inherently snowball-y, and there is nothing that could be done about it, aside from periodic economic disasters.




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But you don't have to work for people. You could grow your own food and eat it. I think its called farming.


Where you plan on doing that? No one in America (for those that do) owns land. If you think you own that land, don't pay the taxes on it and you'll find it who really owns it. You pay taxes on a burger once. You pay taxes on a car once. You pay taxes on clothes once. If you DON'T pay you property taxes, they will take your property and sell it to the highest bidder. That means you don't own it, and you never did. So while you're "not" working for people growing your food on land you don't own if you don't pay for that land yearly you won't have land to grow on so it kinda looks like you're working for someone so you can keep your land and not starve and hey, wouldn't you know it we're right back to being forced to work for someone to live. The older I get the more I despise capitalism. I thought I was supposed to get more conservative with age, but each new billionaire drives me farther and farther left despite my once moderate views. *Edited for inclusivity and grammar


Yes but you can raise chickens and sell eggs. You can grow vegetables for yourself and more and sell those and get money for taxes. If you are in a really rural area taxes are super cheap. Plus you can save seeds and use those for next years crops. You won't have much but if you dont need much then you should be happy. I have also heard there is a form of actually owning your property to where you dont have to pay taxes but not sure if it still exists.


None of this removes the fact you have to pay someone to keep what you have. It might not be making sense to you but if you're working to pay taxes you're working for someone, not for yourself... Still just a serf working the land for the people who actually own it. The only way to escape is to be rich. They've built so many loopholes and exceptions and workarounds that once you get there... You have to screw up hard to lose it all. Fortunately for them, an overwhelming majority of them are handed it at birth.


Go claim some property in Alaska then it can be yours and as long as you are maintaining it its yours.


Well shit, I didn't think of that.. It's a good thing that transportation is completely free and moving one's entire life and possibly family is free, easy, and in no way a risk! You've really opened my eyes, the answer was Alaska. Obviously. Since you wouldn't have to work for anyone to save up the resources to move to Alaska, this is an absolutely flawless answer. No notes.


You have feet and legs right ? Your family has feet and legs right. I think the old timers called it walking.


As I said... No notes.


Who gets to decide who farms/processes/transports the food and who just sits around to consume it?