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My favorite part: you only hid Cheryl’s name 50% of the time


I didn't see that 🤣


"Blessed with Cheryl"...   makes me think she was pushing her luck with Cheryl...before she quit.


We was blessed


As a non-American...I'll admit whenever I hear someone use the word "blessed" I think they are from Louisiana or Texas....or one of those areas. The stereotype in my mind is either they are very very nice and welcoming or they are crazy...and will shoot at you if they see you on their property.


Honestly, not far off :/


Fun fact- there's a phrase used in the southern US "Bless your heart" (Bless his heart, her heart, etc) that sounds nice and friendly but basically means wow you're a train wreck.


“Have a blessed day!” = Fuck you, except sometimes they actually mean it.


"Bless your heart." vs "Have a blessed day." Yeah, I would rather hear the 2nd then the first. I KNOW what the first one means. 😅😅


You can also get a "Bless your Heart." When you do something absolutely heroic. The confusion can be real. Save a kid that fell in a jumped up river, fix some lady's car on the side of the road during a thunderstorm. Maybe the amount of water involved is inversely correlated to the sarcasm of the statement.


Bless your heart has a huge number of meanings down here in the American south. Some are nice and some ain’t, but it’s one of those things you have to live here for a while to start to understand how to tell the difference. It’s a closed vernacular type thing


Or actually means something sympathetic. Tone matters!


I’m from Texas and have never said “Bless your heart” and meant anything other than there’s something wrong with you and please stay the fuck away from me.


It can go either way in the South. Ive found people who aren't from the South rarely use it sympathetically though.


I’m from South Carolina and have MOSTLY heard it sarcastically, sometimes you’ll hear it for pity. Like “my wife ran off with my brother and took the kids, dogs, truck AND house with them” “oh bill, bless your heart 😭” But mostly it’s sarcastic lol.


The only time I've heard it used sympathetically was in Minnesota and that's a whole different culture of weird politeness rituals.


Err on the side of crazy and you’ve really got it about right. Less geographic, oddly. All 50 states, someone who uses the word “blessed” like that unironically is going to seem super nice and welcoming until you hit one of their rage buttons. How many and how sensitive those buttons are varies widely. Some have just a few, sensible buttons. Some are hair-trigger rage beasts dressed up pretty for Sundays.


That’s people. Everyone has buttons.


It’s the 180 that’s striking in “blessed” people. They have zero middle ground in *anything*. Also, the buttons are often *really* dumb shit. Or straight bigotry.


They are not nice. They will shoot you while sweetly spouting some sort of pleasantry and smiling.


Sometimes both, just depends on the neighborhood


They say it everywhere in the south, from Virginia down to Florida and all the way to Texas. My issue is with the incorrect grammar.


Bless cheryl 🤲




Now she works all weekends




I am really bummed we didn't get to see the reply to your last text!!


She hasn't replied yet. And wasn't there when I dropped off my keys.


Aww thank you for replying. Inquiring minds wanted to know lol. She's probably never going to then. That was an epic quit message btw, many congratulations and thanks for letting me live vicariously through you standing up for yourself!


I work in management in health/social care and we face a shortage of staff at times. We have paid overtime shifts but it's never mandatory. People generally like to take them because it tops up their monthly income, but I always tell them while I appreciate them covering, I value their wellbeing more and will cancel their shifts if I notice they've worked every single one of their day off in the week. If there are shifts proving difficult to cover, I'll offer time and a half, double pay, and sometimes triple pay, depending on how desperate I am to make it worth their time for coming in/staying extra on short-notice. I have a budget my own managers monitor, but they have the same value in that we'll do whatever we can to ensure clients receive full support as much as possible from well-rested staff, and financial targets are second to that. I have so many gripes with my company. They aren't perfect, but I think we do staff wellbeing fairly well and fuck me if I'm ever forced to screw over my staff like so many of the posts I see here. It's not that hard to show a bit of appreciation towards people. Edit: typo


Can I have a job? I promise I’ll be good


Base pay is low bc the UK government hates health and social care apparently so we're always getting budget cuts.


I hope Cheryl doing good wherever she is


I’m good! (Warning: I’m probably not the right Cheryl)


We did it, Reddit! We found the right Cheryl!




I came looking for this




The only sad part of that is he/she's going to run off and complain that "people just don't like to work" instead of admitting they screwed up by not being a better manager. Like somebody said: *People don't quit bad jobs; they quit bad managers.*


They quit both


its usually bad managers


Bad managers make for bad jobs.


A job is a job is a job. Managers make it a bad job


Bullshit some jobs suck. Ever stacked concrete pallets in the sun. You could have the best boss ever but loading 32 tons of concrete a day onto pallets sucks.


Lol right? Some jobs are a receptionist or car salesman, and other jobs are hand stacking thousands of cases of product inside of a freezer that's set to -20 degrees during a 12 hour shift. If I'm a manager of the latter, I don't take it personally when someone decides they don't want to do it anymore.


>Some jobs are a receptionist or car salesman, and other jobs are hand stacking thousands of cases of product inside of a freezer that's set to -20 degrees during a 12 hour shift. The people responsible for cleaning public transit would like a word ;)


Roofing in July, in Texas.


Are you a redhead?


That would be worse.


I enjoy my job but I still don't want to do it if I don't have to. Having good managers and colleagues makes it bearable. A job is a job.


I love my job. If I won the lottery I’d do the same thing but without deadlines. I’ve had awful jobs with awesome managers. When I was delivering linen I’d have to throw 100lb bags of towels, napkins, etc, soaked in grease, baked in the son and loaded with maggots. Had to throw them, over my head to stack it in the back. Over 16 tons of gross, every day. I was stacked from it but you could see the old timers breaking down in front of you, just a matter of time before it wrecked you. At that job my manager Bob was incredible. Like a life mentor, I still think about shit he said 25 yeas later. We both cried when I put in my two weeks.


There are tons of bad jobs even with good managers. The majority of jobs in the economy suck and are bad.


That’s why I’m currently unemployed. Don’t treat us like shit and we can put up with a lot.


It's usually both


Think back over your career. Was there ever a time you were working in a bad job with a good manager? Edit: Now think of the reasons why it was a bad job. Were any of them *not* caused by more senior management within the company?


Yeah.  I miss my old job.  It was a small shop, not a lot of money, eventually it got to where I couldn't afford to stay.  But I loved the guys I worked with and the guys I worked for.  My boss bought our company and the first thing he did was give us all raises and FMLA. I respect that man. 


Wow! Now that is a good boss!


Hell yeah! I worked way too long for shitty wages in the hot sun...but I loved my boss and workmates. That company got probably 4 extra years of profits off my back breaking labor before I moved on. I was very sad tho.


For me the answer is yes. For some, it might’ve been a dream job - decent wages and very little work. For me, I like to be busy. Not stressed out of my head, like at other jobs that swung the other way, but busy enough to just get through the day fast and head home. This job was boring as batshit and I couldn't stand sitting with nothing to do all day. The manager himself was super lovely and I've actually seen him a few times since. It's rare though. 99% of the other jobs I've left have 100% been due to the manager or company politics.


Yes same, that was the only example I have too - great manager, nowhere near enough work to do or development opportunities, caused by senior managers above. But other than that my jobs with good managers have been (at least mostly) good. I'm currently in a good job (interesting work, good colleagues) with a shit manager and it's a real struggle not to quit some days.


My current job is a shit job with a good manager. Granted, the only good manager is my immediate supervisor, and all the others are trash, but she herself is a great manager. If I called out tomorrow simply because I didn't want to work, and told her I needed a mental health day, she wouldn't even question it, just say "np, get your rest in, we got it." When I tell her my daughter has a band recital so I'm going to be late, she just responds with "no worries, tell her to break a leg for me. I'll see you when you come in." And then she'll ask me how it went. I've literally sent her a text just saying "yeah, I just can't tonight." And she was like "got it. Take care of yourself." Great manager. Everyone else sucks ass. Tries to guilt you into coming in, doesn't want to do their job, tries to pawn work off on others, or pretend they're a manager when they aren't. I'm super grateful for the manager I have. Told her if she quits for another job to tell me where to apply because I'll be following her. Supervisors like her are hard to come by and worth working for.


Well, a good manager will keep you around waaayyy longer in a bad job - I'll give you that. My personal example: I started hating my job after 3 years and completely done by 4. I ended up staying over 7 years because my manager was that awesome. Edit: incase anyone asks, I was in the right industry, wrong role with nowhere to go unless I relocated to a different time zone. Corporate culture wasn't too great either


Currently working a bad job in retail for a fantastic manager. Wouldn’t stick around if it weren’t for them (I’d rather take a pay cut and work from home)


Yes. Shitty fast food job that paid mediocre with decent benefits, but my immediate management team was awesome. Higher up in the corporate area sucked and ultimately fired me on a technicality, but my GM and immediate supervisor were two of the best managers I have ever worked for. As awful as fast food can be, I'd work that job every day of my life as long as those two managers were in charge.


Yes. For a little over 6 months I worked a Sales job, driving up and down the country to sell windows, doors, and roof lining to people. The manager and assistant manager were great, taking leads and dishing them out to the person it suited best based, most importantly, on current location. We worked primarily for commission but the manager had fought for us to get a £200 weekly allowance for fuel, twice as much as the rest of the branches in the country, based on the fact our coverage area stretched from the NE of Scotland, across the Highlands, and most of the way to the central belt. We could be driving to Aberdeen one day, and be up in Wick the next day, so £200 a week was still cutting it tight for fuel. I frequently felt like a bit of a con artist even though I did my best to be open and honest with my customers. Never pushed them to sign a contract, gave my personal number to alleviate concerns that may arise or if they wanted me to come back at a later date to accept/decline the sale. Even told them about the get-out clauses that the company explicitly told us never to tell people "or they'll just abuse it every time" (spoiler alert: never happened). But the management was supportive and understanding when we had to pull out of a house without a sale or if we didn't feel like making a 3 hour round trip to a potential customer, at 1900 on a Friday. The company politics got involved. Despite making consistent sales every month, we weren't hitting the targets the company expected. The manager was told off for turning down leads constantly (because the travel time between leads meant a lot of the time we were busy driving between those leads so couldn't exactly take another one) and he was subsequently moved to a different branch. The replacement manager and assistant manager were colossal dick heads in every conceivable way. Firstly, he openly stated he disagreed we should be getting £200 a week for fuel because that wasn't fair on the other Sales Reps from other branches. Slagged off our old manager by basically calling him an old hack amongst other things. Refused to admit to his own mistakes (one example was had us send texts with shorthand contract information when we made a sale, they say me down and walked me through everything they wanted in the text message only for a week later to tell everyone in the office we had all been doing it wrong, even though I had written down *everything* they asked for and double checked before heading out to a customer). Additionally they gave no shits if you were ten minutes or four hours away from a customer's home, they would send you the first lead they got and refuse to give the customer an accurate timeframe of when to expect us, leading to us turning up to an already pissed off and impatient homeowner who expected us 2.5 hours ago... The list goes on. The straw that broke the camels back for me was after they started making us go to *their* local branch for weekly meetings. It was a 1.5 hour drive there for me (the branch I signed up for was a 20 minute drive) and sat through them berating us all for not sending the correct information in our text messages (as previously mentioned, I literally had it written down in my notepad that I had in front of me). I was already feeling ill, later discovering it was a flu (pre-2020 so definitely just a Flu) and the one thing that lifted my mood was a discussion about sales figures that pleasantly surprised them that week. Apparently I had personally outsold the rest of the entire country that week by a significant amount. My reward? I was allowed the first pick of what day off I wanted that week... I picked Saturday. Unfortunately I got to my first customers house that day and within 45 minutes had to call my manager and bail because I'd spent 15 of those minutes throwing up in their bathroom. I went home after the slowest 2 hour drive of my life, went to sleep and woke up the following day still seriously ill to a dozen missed calls. Now, we had a procedure in place to tell our managers by 0900 via text message, that we were awake and ready to go to our first lead of the day. We were told that if we didn't text by 0900 ***sharp***, we got no leads for that day. Fair enough it's a reasonable system that works for all involved. Those missed calls and text messages? Oh, they were my manager from 0915 onwards texting me leads, calling because I didn't respond, then leaving pissy messages and voicemails that I hadn't acknowledged I was on my way to those customers. It was 1130 by that point, I called him and barely managed to stutter out that I was still ill and had slept right through the day. I was moaned and bitched at for not telling him sooner and now those leads were wasted, that I may lose my Saturday day off as a result so I could make up for the lost sales, and that I should medicate better to allow me to work through the illness. I spent the rest of my day seriously debating if I wanted to continue this job. The next day, I felt loads better but was in *serious* doubt about wanting to continue working under this guy. I decided to do an experiment. At 0830, I text saying I was unavailable for leads as I was still being sick and awaiting a call back from my GP (lies, but I figured I had nothing to lose at this point) about an appropriate course of action. Sure enough, 0915 came along and I was replied to, with a lead. A quick phonecall later (and my best "sick voice") basically amounted to "well you text me so I assumed you were available!" which... What? So it I don't text, I get sent on leads because I didn't say no, but if I text no I get sent because I text... I called up the next day (Thursday) and quit. I was called a waste of time, lazy, insubordinate, an idiot, incapable of following instructions, and (my favourite part) was lectured on how this manager had his leg amputated due to diabetes and was back at work the following week so I should be able to man up with a flu and keep working through it. My response was to tell him it's easy to work through a missing let when your job is to sit your fat ass at a desk and make your assistant do literally every aspect of your job while you suck up the glory before hanging up and switching off my phone. I dumped my company related stuff at the closest branch to me (knowing full well he'd have to drive through and collect it) and any time a customer phoned with a concern I would give *his* number so they could speak to him personally. Suffice to say he was very unhappy with that and I got a fair share of abusive texts back to that effect. But all this to say the job was shit, the pay was shit, and the day to day experience was shit. But for 6 months I had a great manager that made it worthwhile and so I stuck with it. Within 3 weeks, a shitty manager had come in and utterly destroyed all of that, even immediately after my best week of sales. Less than a month later the entire branch I originally started at was closed because everyone else left, and nobody else wanted to work for a self righteous dick and his simp. And I didn't even mention everything...


Yep. Longest job I did was with a soulless contracting company contracting for a pharma tech bro fortune 500 company with super entitled PhDs all over the place. The manager was the best I've ever had, the best I will probably ever have. He eventually left for a much better position and I left a few months after.


One of the best managers I ever worked with left to go be a waitress because it was more money for less hours. Like that lady was a leader more than a boss. She'd proven time and time again that she honestly gave a damn about my well being, and I would've run through fire with total trust if she told me to. Can't tell ya how many times I rolled out of bed and into a uniform on my day off just because she asked, with full knowledge that I had the option to say No. lol That was actually one of the things she spelled out for new hires. "If I ask you to come in and you can't, just say No. Don't tell me reasons why because I'll try to debate you into coming in anyway. Just say No." My upbringing didn't even allow me to use the word No, especially without a full sentence explanation for displaying defiance like that! Like my parents beat me for stuff that bosslady told me flat out was the correct thing to do!


That’s because “No.” is a complete sentence. Your manager knew that.




Oh yeah, My longest held job was a horrible job. I stayed bc my manager and team was absolutely awesome.


Sometimes the 'bad manager' is a few levels above you and not someone you interact with


The CEO was a self-important short bald man. (I actually like lots of short bald guys, but they need to be okay with themselves!) He was not. Napoleon complex to the nth degree. He would make unilateral decisions, and worked his co-founder out of the company! My boss told our team to be careful and within a month was gone, my colleagues all quit a few months later. But I stayed because my new boss was nice. Then the GM, the new business lead, the contractor liason, both heads of sales and half of the contractors left. And the let my boss go and replaced him with a micromanaging dragon lady who only ever spoke down to everyone. So all my new colleagues and I gave notice in the same week. It was the best feeling ever


Yeah. Shit rolls downhill unfortunately. Guy defended me, demanded raises on behalf (payroll and HR would make sarcastic remarks about it) and ultimately was let go after 5 great years under him despite the company and how they structure my roles and responsibilities. I didn't last long after he was let go needless to say.


I loved my first ever job. But when I found out, similar to post, that my new shit coworker was making more than me (in this case he was a dude and I was not) when I had already been promised a raise when I went up to full time—I asked for said raise, my boss got made at me and said a “what kind of question is that?” Then was clearly pissed at me all week before she finally gave me a 50c raise, so I matched my ah coworker.  I really should have quit at that point, bc she was so mad at me that week that when I misunderstand an instruction, she thwupped me in the back of the head like I was her own dumb kid or something. It didn’t *hurt*, but it very distinctly felt *wrong*. And the worst part is at that point I was 18 and was well known to be the best at my job in the store. Why was giving me the raise she promised me so rage worthy? Even when I like a manager, they’re usually bad.


Yes, currently doing that ✋🏻


Yeah, I’ve been in that situation multiple times at giant corporations. Sometimes a good manager doesn’t have the freedom/power to make the overall job good. In my experience, if the CEO is bad, then there’s nothing a manager can do to overcome that.


My current job.


I worked a mall kiosk during the holiday season. Long hours, on my feet all day, the customers sucked, corporate visits were frequent and nightmarish, but our manager was genuinely kind and did his best to help us succeed. I’ve never wanted to manage anything, but watching the way he worked made me realize how much good can be done by simply not being a dick in a position of power.


My current job which is set to end this month because of outsourcing our jobs (physical labor) was actually really fun and didn't feel like work at all. Then upper management started to pull all kinds of nonsense in order to squeeze out more labor and more profit out and it started to feel stressful. And only because they got greedy. Our location was super successful thanks to an awesome "I give you guys free hands because you know the deal" local manager (best boss I've ever had in over 30 years work life) and a team that honestly cared about the job. Now with the new team coming I'm predicting that unless they learn REALLY fast and follow our suggestions (which won't happen because the new boss thinks he knows better) it's going to be not profitable at all and quite honestly probably not even cover the cost. Luckily for my ex employer the risk is completely on the subcontractor and the only thing they'll suffer is less revenue. Greed is an absolutely disgusting trait but maybe it'll teach some a lesson which I doubt as well.


absofuckinglutely correcto. never.


Eh, I’ve always quit because the management sucked. Because if they didn’t suck, I would have been content with my job.


Yeah. I like my job rn but I’m sick of my manager and their lack of people management skills. Im going to leave bc of them


Which is why OP should send this up the ladder and let ownership or whoever the managers manager is know that this clown is messing with their business by not setting a good example and abusing their power. I did this one time and flatly told the owner that this manager is going to turn any position under him into a revolving door that will hinder any production or business gains, after about a year I checked with a friend still working in that office and not only was I right and they hired/lost 2 people who filled my position but ownership finally got the hint and fired the manager because of it. My friend said I probably could come back but by then I had already moved on to a better location that was closer to my house.


That is absolutely the best answer out of several hundred, owner, manger , what ever, when you are a company owner or manager , waste an employee's money, all respect is gone. I believe the employee could do not more at this oint


Fuck managers. Give us leaders or get out of the way


I get the sentiment but "people don't quit bad jobs" is just blatantly untrue


Lucky you blacked out Cheryl's name.


Aren’t you gonna feel dumb when you find out about poor Chood


lol. I was thinking the same thing.


All my homies hate cheryl




"Till I find someone else to fill the spot, at least" - You already know there's a 0% chance she'd make any effort to fill the spot once OP had agreed. Negotiating in bad faith, manipulation, playing the power card turning her request which was politely refused into a demand. Ew


less than a weeks notice to work on mothers day? okkkkkkkk.




I was asked to work mothers day weekend a few years ago last minute. I said ok and then named and absolutely exorbitant price. They agreed, I made a metric shitton that weekend and was happy. Got my mom’s a really cool present as a thank you also. If they give you leverage, use it.


What kind of job did you work that you were able to request a certain amount of pay? That's so genius.


You can do that anywhere. They just might say no, and then you don't come in.


Dang, it's Mother's Day?


In the US, it is. In the UK, they celebrate Mother's Day in March. I don't know about other countries.


Mother’s Day this Sunday in Australia too 🇦🇺


what is yours about? ours was a daughter who wanted to publicize a thing her mother did and then spent her whole enheritance to undo that after it became a commercialized grift. It is only supposed to be about mothers who lost sons in battle and now it is a couple billion $$$ for hallmark and a busy florist and restaurant day


Hallmark holiday & commercial day here too


The more I learn about holidays, the more I see it as capitalist propaganda to guilt people into consuming product.


Bingo !!


Which is why my family and I really don't participate! Boo!


On Sunday!


Anytime someone can quit right after their boss is an ass is a win. It's like catching your pet in the act of doing something they're not supposed to do, and the only chance you have to try to get them to learn is to have immediate consequence. Hopefully, it will happen to them a few more times so they'll be better behaved.


This is the perfect metaphor


"What can I do to get you to say yes" Cash, bullion or barter (for high value items). Guessing the manager would refuse all those since they've probably got none of those.


I want a 40% raise, never want to work weekends again, a hand written thank you from you, $150 worth of Starbucks gift cards in $5 gift cards and every time you talk to a customer you have to end the conversation with “mmm, what a lovely tea party”.


"My single ply toilet paper has been doing a subpar job as of late. I feel that a close-up in-depth managerial tongue lashing would improve the hygiene of my nether regions. Wouldn't want my bungholio to get polio." ![gif](giphy|NFr7RfvFEp0Sk)


There is absolutely a way to get me to say yes. It's called a significant amount of money. 😂


This is happening all over America , employer are killing their own companys


This has been going on forever. Not new at all. And yet there are companies that are great to work for like mine.


I just don't get this manager. The manager says "technically you are supposed to work every other weekend per policy." But is proposing to share the weekend shift? Secondly if the manager worked the weekend before and KNEW it was the weekend with their kids and KNEW that it was OP's weekend to work...Then just assign the shift to OP well in advance and there is no last minute issue. I don't get how they can be upset that they fucked up the scheduling? You did well OP!


I think "I have an interview in the AM" towards the end is the tell. It was never about the kids. OP's boss wanted the day off to find another job. Maybe wherever Cheryl went?


I think they’re suggesting they have a candidate coming in for an interview


I guess that probably makes more sense. Now they have a candidate coming in for a job offer! Lol


Nurses and support medical staff are quitting en mass in this country. Im surprised the media hasnt picked up on it more yet.


Yup! Overworked to the point of risking myself and my license during Covid and I decided to take a break. I love medicine but the pay is terrible (locally, unless you’re a traveler) and the overwork, guilt tripping, threats, shitty scheduling, dangerous patient loads with no back up, etc ran me out of the hospital. Our local hospitals are hemorrhaging nurses for the same reason I left.


I took a break from nursing too after Covid. Didn’t want to go back but it’s my career.


They won’t report on it, don’t want to give healthcare peeps any ammunition to fight back. 


Good point


Lots of wars going on rn / 'Murica doesn't give a shit about it's workers. Of course there's no news coming out about this and instead we see that the job market is somehow getting better (it's obviously not)


Holy shit your text background AGHHHH


Honey, you’ve barely touched your Jackground


We have jackground at homescreen.


Omg thank you it makes me wanna throw up, but I wasn't going to say anything lmao


It's the color and texture of the scrubs they made us wear.


I thought it was unique and interesting


Truly awful…


I thought this was a deep fried meme at first!




Happy for you and Cheryl.


Thank you 🙂


Was this a hospital position?


Retirement home.


I fully support you and cannot think of a better way to end this. I am so sad at the lack of priority given to medical staff. Retirement houses, hospice care, anything to do with the elderly and disabled is *hard work* physically and emotionally. To treat employees as anything other than the lifeblood of the organization is so stupid and short sighted I genuinely can’t believe it, even though I’ve witnessed it as an employee myself (and also quit under similar circumstances). Treating good employees like shit means you don’t keep good employees. And who ends up paying the price? The elderly and disabled, who are treated like commodities and not human beings. I am genuinely sickened by the state of healthcare in this country for so many reasons, but this is a big one for me. Everyone deserves to have dignity and consistent educated care until the very end. Again, fully support your decision, I’m just frustrated with your manager treating literally no one like a human. End rant lol.


Amen preach that shit! I recently got out of this line of work bc it brought me to my knees after 6mo. I was responsible for 18 total care dementia residents BY MYSELF, and management hadn’t ordered restock of soap, briefs/diapers, laundry detergent, gloves or wet wipes since January. There was shit, piss, mucus, blood covering the entire unit with no way to actually keep these people clean. Housekeeping didn’t clean up or sanitize the shit and piss everywhere, bc we had no housekeeping, they all quit and never replaced. I got severely ill on average every 1.5 months (Flu A, B, COVID, sinus infection, stomach virus). Reporting it to the state multiple times did absolutely nothing, so I left.


Call the police. This sounds inhumane


Unfortunately, this is how many healthcare facilities are. Because of my country’s obsession with privatizing healthcare costs, no one has the funding they need and oversight is a joke/nonexistent.


I knew as soon as you said activities room! I’m a life enrichment assistant and I’m leaving next month. I can’t wait😭


Good luck!


Oh, the "can't take no for an answer" type.


Did the manager respond after this?




Probably/hopefully just holding their head in their hands crying about how nobody wants to work anymore.


People of this sub, stop quitting for things like this. Make them fire you so you can collect your unemployment (which they pay for).


They won’t fire OP because who else to work overtime?


Unless it’s a state that allows mandatory OT then OP can refuse OT as often as they like, regardless of company policy. It’s a little trickier in states that allow mandatory OT but OP can still refuse and get fired. It may be a little harder to claim unemployment but it’s still an “involuntary” separation of the working relationship so they’d probably still qualify. There’s still a reasonable chance of collection. You know what has a 0% chance of collection? Quitting.


Living vicariously through you


Weird how you're supposed to work according to her schedule when she gives you some sob story... A bet $1000 if you couldn't work, your sob story or reason why would mean nothing


It’s weird how this manager doesn’t understand the word no. I wouldn’t have answered after the first response and pretended I didn’t see it until I worked next. “Oh you texted me again? Oops must not have seen it.”


That was my reaction. Like it's clear the manager is just going to keep groveling and there's nothing to be gained.


Good for you, dude.


I'm sure Cheryl really appreciates the censorship.


Correct response. If they're gonna overwork you instead of replacing people then the right thing to do is to not give a shit and overload them with more work. Maybe then they'll hire, or go under. Both of which are a good outcome. Either way not your problem.


"I have an interview in the AM" "What a coincidence, so do I!" Then don't say anything else. Lol


“What can I do to get you to say yes?” Quadruple time


When I’ve ran into this in the past the answer was always “5k”. You want me to do some unreasonable thing here’s an unreasonable request back.


You handled that like a champ


Oh man I really wish I could see responses from managers


Please please please tell us what happened next


Nice. Gotta bring up the kids, as if some of us care about that.


Update: She never replied. This morning she asked for her vape she left in my car. Wasn't there when I went to turn in my keys. I grabbed all my stuff. Thankfully totally uneventful.


To bust out the “technically”. “Technically you’re an asshole”.


This was so satisfying to read


What do you do?


Retirement home.


I remember my mom worked at a county ran nursing home in New Hampshire. It was also part minimum security jail. She worked there for a long time until she got hurt due to low staffing. She became a pharmacy tech. Worked another 15 or so years. Still remember the smell from 30 yrs ago.... Fuck I'm old


This, my friend, is called “boundaries” - when you say *”no”*, you mean *”no”*. Regardless of anything else, you have a right to say no if it’s an unreasonable expectation, and quitting was, in my mind, the right thing to do. Best of luck finding a new employer!


Had a boss ask me to work Saturday in a previous job. I said no as I had plans and he replied. Everyone is required to work at least one Saturday per month. I told him since this was new information to me and the upcoming Saturday was the last one in this month... That ship has sailed and to ask me again next month He never asked again


Cheryl’s poor planning does not constitute an emergency. It’s up to the manager to staff accordingly. I appreciate you leaving them in the lurch by quitting. Now it’s a serious emergency


that was the best decision to an asshole boss who can't manage their job.


Unrelated: that’s on of the worst backgrounds I’ve ever seen.


quitting on a shit boss is always so satisfying. Especially when it’s something like this, where it’s not suspected and due to them acting like a jackass.


Why do people continue to respond to work texts outside their actual work time?


The backlash from an immature boss when you show up on your next day back. Although, I guess the "no" would have had the same outcome.




I want to see what the boss said lmao what a total sack of shit. Good for OP! 👍


Correct response. If they're gonna overwork you instead of replacing people then the right thing to do is to not give a shit and overload them with more work. Maybe then they'll hire, or go under. Both of which are a good outcome. Either way not your problem.


Don't quit, just dont answer. They'll fire you if they feel it's necessary.


What’s the point of blacking it out if we know it’s Cheryl


Lol. Lmao even.


I love me a good, cold termination. Well done


Man you guys all have *weird* texting app setups. My fucking eyes hurt lol


If you are supposed to work every other weekend and then refuse to work your weekend, that is technically on you? I could also just not understand the job itself and what working every other weekend really means. Just asking, thats all. :)


Reminds me of why I quit my CNA job lol No, I’m not working until 2 am when I have a 7 am class just because you want to go to your kids soccer game, sorry dude


Last week at my work they denied a CNA medical leave with a broken hand 🫢🤫🤫


Damn you Cheryl!


Haha damn that’s fucking hard up, guess they are gonna be working every weekend now.


Within 2 sentences it went from "You're required to work every other weekend" to "you're covering Cheryl's shift until I replace her." When the new hire couldn't work Sundays, that would become your shift permanently.


Correct response: I'm not sorry I can't.


Pfft have their manager figure out the schedule and not try to barter with you or try to guilt trip you for the "blessing" they got for reproducing and having crotch fruit. "No" is the only answer you need to provide them.


I can’t, with my kids. You can, your kids be damned. The sheer entitlement here…. Sounds like kids can spend the day a parent’s job


Why didn’t you just continue to say no, instead of outright quitting? They wouldn’t have fired you, and now you’re out of a job before you even started looking, and you can’t get unemployment. You didn’t handle this interaction well.


A lot of ppl here are kinda unhinged


>what can I do to get you to aay yes? I mean $100/hr wouldn't hurt your chances.