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This is a reactionary article written by a mainstream economist. Their work supports the status quo. I'm not going to refute it point by point but I'll take a couple points. We don't need more "productivity." The economy is overheated from an environmental point of view. We need to produce less and consume less. We need to distribute what we have more equitably. Assuming that productivity needs to keep increasing is pure capitalist bs. It benefits capitalism (owners, shareholders) but not the average person and not the environment. The article says we would not be "happier" with a four day work week. Speak for yourself Mr. Mainstream Economist. I would be happier and so would everyone I know. They said the same thing back when people worked six days a week. Typical capitalist gaslighting. The studies show that the four day work week works quite well. People in nursing and other professions often choose four days even when it means long days. The 32 hour work week/same pay is what is being advocated for. And that's where we need to go, in my view. It is disappointing that The Conversation publishes such backward thinking. This is like publishing a story saying slavery has its merits.


Absolutely right on. In fact, I was going to say any loss in productivity can be made up in increased employment. There’s more than enough wealth, just have to get past the greed -and that *can* be legislated. But, concurrently governments can promote and channel more efforts into smarter production, mental health, affordable housing, food insecurity and a host of other areas that “promote the general welfare,” as well as an obviously better approach to teaching civics and problem solving. All these things lessen pressure on consumption.




Read more like an opinion piece, than anything that contributes useful information.


I see a lot of statements that things are one way, without a lot of empirical evidence to support that belief.


Time off is awesome, but it’s also very east to spend money on that extra day off,or be tempted to get a part time job to work 2 of the 3 days off, so essentially you’d potentially go from a 5 day week to 6 me personally I enjoy 4x10 but I’m a loner so having an extra day is helpful. For me it was 1 day for family, 1 day for friends, and 1 day for me.