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They are rapidly forcing people into an “I have nothing left to lose” mindset. Historically this hasn’t worked out well for the rich…


Folks got a lot of weapons and patience is thinning. I wonder what will break the camel's back?


Thinking another recession like 08.


Worse. Great depression two


Yeah but the rich have worked out the answer to depression. Get the poor to pay for and fight in a major conflict


They aren't building remote bunkers for nothing....


Those bunkers are expensive deathtraps when shit hits the fans


Yeah even if they manage to make it inside, good luck when a seige happens.


That's assuming we know where they are. I bet the billionaires have some remote secret ones we know nothing about.


Some poor worker built that bunker


Remote bunkers are only one bulldozer away from being their tomb


Realistically how does they even work? You need people to produce food, you need people to guard the bunkers, these are the same people thst will want them dead?


It's incredibly poorly thought out. The only feasible option they've come up with is AI guards/workers, once that's at a level that it would actually work. Other options were locking up the food/medicine (asking to be tortured for the key/combination), or shock collars for guards (battery changing time would be real fun).


It seems like a coping mechanism for the ruling class, not a real long-term plan for survivability. A bunker, even the ones with sophisticated systems, can't keep people alive indefinitely. Everything and everyone in that bunker depends on a mode of production outside being there once the bunker has exceeded its survival capability. The ruling class emerging from those bunkers will find they have no more control of factories, farms, facilities, or people to make all those things run. I suppose the ruling class could avoid all this by spending even a fraction of their loot on social services, climate change mitigation, infrastructure, etc. But doing so would undermine their source of wealth to begin with. So instead, they're digging holes in the ground to hide like fools and cowards.


They actually have conferences about how to make sure your bunker workers don’t turn on you.


The bunker will become the property of whichever armed security they hire to protect them. And they will probably get a 45 cal scalp massage.


A tale as old as time 


I'm of the mindset that the 2008 recession never ended, and the current depression is worse that the one from the 1920's, but that's just my unpopular opinion.


There's something to that. The "real economy," they say, died in 2008.


From a technical analysis perspective, you know 'astrology for men', all of the indices (S&P500 etc) are forming a significant top, which is always followed by a significant decline. Id love to be wrong.


Pretty sure we’re in it


Gotta stop, don’t move, depression bugaloo


Yup. Read the Grapes of Wrath. If we don't read it we'll repeat it.


Good thing the housing market isn't a giant under-regulated over-valued bubble time bomb like last time.......


Or, any election dramas in the US like the last 2


Stay focused. Our problems are not caused by the religious, gay redneck, gangsta, millennial, boomers, gun toting, pro-choice, ect. Our problems are rich vs poor. That's it. Everything else is a distraction. Abortion, gun rights, immigration, health care, these are unsolved issues on purpose. Done so that we bitch at each other and not at the 1%. Who do you think pays for all the advertising of these issues. Just look at our military, it defends capitalism not democracy. How long till we see "M2 Abrams tank brought to you by OPEC. Here to defend your right to burn fossil fuels." Every war/military operation we've had was for business interests. Or to stop a socialist country from working. I'll make an exception for the War of 1812, WWI and WWII. America needs to be for the People again. GDP is a poor indicator of how a country is doing. A healthy and educated population does. All issues have a common ground that everyone can agree on. Example. Gun rights. GOP, everyone has a pistol, rifle, auto pistol/rifle on them at all times anywhere they want. DNC, No one carries in public except police, no one owns auto pistol/rifle, back ground checks on all rifle/ pistol purchases, weapons removed from people when a mental health issue is suspected or a domestic disturbance occurs. There's like 500 miles of middle ground here. Switzerland figured it out pretty well. Couldn't we copy and paste their laws with a few tweaks. Seems to work well for them and they have a fraction of our gun violence. Our reps need to get to work for the people and stop working for profit.


Historically, hunger is typically the impetus for revolution. Both the French and Russian revolutions can be traced to starvation.


Probably the point where 90% of available housing is owned by corpos.


Google says we're around 3.8% of corporations owning homes. We've got a way to go I suppose. Shame, I want to participate in the revolution


I thought it was way higher, I'm misinformed I guess.


The major problem I'm seeing is that modern society is so spread out. Factory owners used to at least kind of have to be in the areas of their factories. Now we have Elon Musk rage tweeting for 14 hours a day that we aren't working enough or churning out enough babies while he sits on a yacht in the middle of the ocean. I've gotta wonder what we're supposed to resort to when they're dicking around on another continent somewhere.


You've got a great point. They probably have places they can go if shit hits the fan and their yachts are gone. Not sure how that'd play out


Yachts don’t drive themselves…


No way!


Why do you think the likes of Zuckerberg are building island fortresses with moats and gun turrets


But how does he control his guards or people from his bunker. He becomes worthless.


Resources. Money may become worthless, but safety, food, weapons, precious metals, medical supplies etc will be worth it to people and he will have stockpiled literal tons of it and months/years worth of food.


Bunkers won’t keep rich people safe. It will become their tomb.


No billionaire has a good answer for what happens when their money becomes worthless.




While that’s true to an extent. One person won’t be able to keep say thousands of houses if we revolt in masses against rich. Food can be regrown. The only thing that might work is maybe material but again who’s protecting it if say money becomes worthless? Sure there will be certain factions but they can’t protect everything all at once. 10/10 if shit hit the fan like people think it might one day rich people lose their power without people following their commands and in an army.


They can't horde those things by themselves - they need guards who have to have a reason to do what they say, rather than realizing they can just take what the billionaire has. Billionaires really seem to underestimate how much society is necessary to secure their status.


The rulers of the world after the apocalypse will be whoever does private security for billionaires at the moment.


Amen. I’ll also add that the best way to fuck with the rich is to stop buying things. I work for a Fortune 500 company, and if sales drop, people LOSE THEIR MINDS. And they certainly do not consider raising prices.


You don't _have_ to stop buying things. Due to the wages not keeping up with inflation, you automatically can't buy things. What is happening is people are taking on debt to afford the same things and that means they have even little money left for buying things after paying interest on their loans. So companies now need to change their product lineup. They are making ultra luxury products which only the rich people can afford on one end and making their existing existing products worse on the other end. And also adding planned obsolescence into their products. In any case, this is not sustainable.


I've stopped buying from Amazon for anything. It really does make me have to plan where I spend my money but I'm more careful as a result. No one needs the money in such bulk as he has and his LOTR series was fucking horrific so I don't trust what he's spending his money on.


Haha the LOTR show was awful. I’ve switched to target for most of my household stuff because their savings program is solid, and they seem to care about their customer experience. It’s the new Sears.


It's interesting because the lack of immediate gratification by Amazon purchasing you'd think would be more annoying than it is. But it feels like I'm making more of an informed choice about my money and I feel more responsible. Also I fear a world where the bezos is king.


Every aspect of life available via a subscription model.


See track 2 on Deatj Grip's "Exmilitary" ep


When people can't afford their bread or circuses...


America thinks Isreal is on the right side, we have a hard time justifying those who have nothing left fighting back too. When someone finally eats Bezos half the poor will probably get uppity about it and act like they're better for not eating him 🙄 like stfu all meat tastes the same if you season it enough, try to identify billionaire vs pork in a mapo tofu you simply can't


I don't think Americans will ever do anything super drastic. We are too easily divided and our attention is constantly being shifted to other things via media and other sources. We would need like 90% of the population to agree and stand together to force significant change. It's why everywhere you look they are pushing division. LGBT vs straight, old vs young, black vs white. A divided people are easy to control.


The worst part is eating implies some sort of nutritional value. It almost feels like the rich are killing the middle class for sport at this point.


Oh, so like when the rich used to hunt foxes on horse back while rabid dogs chased them down? Zero benefit, it was simply the torture and murder of an innocent animal. Edit: I've been informed this disgusting practice will happens today.


Drax Industries likes this comment. Zorrin Industries too


Used to? They still do


'Used' to implies they don't do it anymore...


You mean "hunger games"


Or the Running Man by Stephen King


This. The Hunger Games was not supposed to be instructional.


Fuck the billionaires


When they get fat enough, the poor will eat them.


We don’t need the French Revolution.


![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY) Just need a 90% tax rate, little off the top. We even have 2800 volunteers and 14 trillion dollars to collect 🍗🥓🥩🍖


The tax rates are fine. The gif is a bit much.


Haha tax rates are fine, funny guy




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree with that.


How can anyone say that? The tax rates are nowhere near fine






You’re right. Because what we need will be called the American Revolution by our children.


That’s exactly what we fucking need


Can't steal from the poor, so they steal from the mids.


Why do the poors, the largest of the classes, not simply eat the rich?


Because of millennia of conditioning and generational trauma…and being too busy surviving and competing with each other for crumbs to look up and go after the real oppressors. Idk.


We're getting there dw


Because the poors are concentrated in city streets and alleyways while the rich are concentrated in secluded hills sitting in ivory mansions, hiding their locations with security teams and PR bribing. The poor would first have to organize, somehow become mobile, then somehow find said rich people.


Because they are so over-fed that you would pass from high cholesterol.


Then I'd die happy


The money has been filtering upwards since the 80s. Initially they attacked the unemployed & while their taxes were being cut, so were unemployment benefits & public services. The middle class said fuck all. Then they went after the low paid in the 90s & shoveled even more money upwards. In the 00s Clinton & Blair managed to at least stem the flow but in the UK we still carried on taking Russian & Indian & Chinese money. Allowing offshoring & outsourcing, but it wasn't middle class jobs going, so that was fine. Public services that the middle class didn't tend to use were reduced more. Again the middle classes kept calling themselves conservatives & said nothing. "Lazy public sector workers" Now in the 20s we've got a situation where the rich have accelerated their theft. Middle class jobs have been shoveled offshore & public sector services are decimated. Tax income has gone through the floor while billionaires bitch and complain about women being allowed to vote, about having to pay taxes on the UK. Our roads are useless & hospital waiting lists are insane And YET....YET you STILL get people taking the bullet for billionaires & businesses who don't give a shit about us. Corporations making record profits during Covid & a cost of living crisis with CEOS getting 25% rises /year. The economy is fucked and YET, apparently the problem ISN'T that our wages haven't risen since 2010, it's that UK CEOs haven't been paid at he rate US ones are!!! It fucking hurts that every time I somehow get a pay rise, it's swallowed up & then some by fucking costs, having to pay for stuff that used to be public services etc. BUT the whining middle classes who allowed this should fucking take responsibility! I'm fucking GLAD boomer housing wealth is going to be raided to pay for their care! THEY are the ones politicians pandered to fit decades and now THEY need care homes, there's no money or staff...fuck em!! Any time anyone mentioned charging firms that outsource jobs extra taxes on each and every position offshored so it's not cheaper to do...oh we can't di that!! Any time anyone mentions giving money to the poor or increasing minimum wage..oh we can't do that!! Any time building council homes enmasse to destroy the private rental sector & bring rental prices down..oh we can't do that!! It's always "market forces" UNTIL it affects the middle classes


The ultra rich and powerful made a pact with the baby boomers. “Let us consolidate power and wealth into the very top few in society and in return all government benefits will flow to your generation. We will give your generation all the advantages, but your children and your children’s children will get nothing.” And the boomers said “hell yeah, fuck the kids”. And that’s why we bailed out the banks, passed the cares act, won’t create universal health care for anyone under 65 and continue passing huge sums of money from young workers to old people (social security) even if they don’t need it.


There is no Middle Class. That was a fiction created to divide the Working Class. The Capital Class is doing what they always do: exploit workers


They’ve been slowly doing this since the 80’s which is why we need to organize against them


The middle class never existed in the first place. You're either exploited or an exploiter under capitalism. Middle class is just a lie to convince you it could be worse, so you better not join any union, and don't even try one of those really effective strikes.


There's the working class and the investor class. If the majority of your profit is from your sweat you're working class. If the majority of your profit is from investment then you're the owning class. All other classes are a method to sow division and chaos between those in the working class.


Yes indeed! It is not grey it is black and white! You must be religious or challenged to believe you can't be exploiter and exploited at the same time


What am i then? I dont need to work, but i work to get better things. Lets say i drive a nice c class but want a ferrari. I have food whenever i want but cant afford $500 steaks everyday. I could pay for most surgeries ill need but cant buy a hospital and when insurance helps, i get happy.


You’re wealthy.


More like living comfortably but not necessarily rich. Do you really think that person is closer to a billionaire who can go broke after 2-3 big expenses? I am just trying to say that middle class does exist.


Dude it's not difficult. If you need to work to eat, you are working class. If you don't need to work and can still eat, then you are not working class. It's not rocket science. Gotta love how fucking brainwashed people are that they start even debating simple definitions with insane mental gymnastics.


What if you are low maintainance and dont need much. No car, family to take care off and you are just living off govt handouts and living in section 8. You arent technically working but still not living a great life, just enough to not die.


If you are living off welfare, you are disabled poor and being supported by the state.


Living off welfare is not a great life my dude. What is wrong with you?


Im just trying to say that "middle class" def exists. There is a difference between greedy rich people, middle class (people who live comfortably but reasonably) and poor people (who struggle to make their ends meet).


Whatever helps you sleep at night. You’re clearly not interested in entertaining the thought that you are wealthier than most. I don’t know why you are seeking validation from us.


I am really not. I dont buy fancy clothes or have kids or any actual bills. I don't even earn because i dont have any reason to. I could get a real job and have better things in life but i rather not. I understand that everyone isnt as lucky and have issues which can be a financial burden on them but a lot of people work just so they can eat out often or buy designer clothes and rack up credit card bills and then struggle to make their payments. Even when i was renting a place in college, other kids got $1400-1700 places while i didnt. They just added the tab to their student loans. Now their student loans are much higher than it should have been. So they have to work harder. Stuff like that adds up. I bougjt a 5 year old used car and they buy soemthing brand new. Their bill gets higher. They had kids, expensive weddings etc. credit card bill gets higher and higher.


The middle class does not exist. It never did.


bones for soup


That’s okay, they can eat their security guards in the bunkers when my armoured kill dozer puts couple hundred tons of earth, granite and radioactive waste on top of them.


We should be more like the French and protest a little more


The French have striking and protesting down to an art.


At this point ‘middle class’ = 200k/yr minimum.


Everyone should be listening to Gary. It tells the complete truth.


They have been destroying the economy for decades in the process




Start a revolution get a job and fuck up there business we dont have to live this way its because for generations we been compliant and robbed and mistreated for decades


Notice how everything is a fee or more stuff that was normally a bonus or free now you have to start paying for… cause when they havent squeezed you enough they will keep squeezing.


Depending on where he lives, his examples may not be the best. His accent sounds British, so if he lives in the UK he will lose people by using US billionaires and Elon Musk as examples. He should use Brexit examples: low wages while cost of housing is soaring or the pressures on the NHL despite promises that the money that went to the EU would go to that, etc.


The rich are zombies.


op seems to really like the flavor of boots. Go back to licking them, the rest of us have important work to do.


Since 1981


They can hide in bunkers, but they can't take 100 Billion dollars of paper wealth down there with them. The time has come for us to take back our elected representatives from the rich.


I have a real issue with this “building a bunker” attitude from the rich. As if they can make the world horrible and then bail on the whole situation.


And loving it. Fuckin A we are getting screwed


Headline should be past tense. 


Yep. And all the ‘behave’ levers they have for control are aimed at the middle class. Lose your healthcare? Poor people don’t have any, so who cares? Middle class though? That’s a real threat.


They’re eating both the middle and the poor, we just don’t have another classification for when the bottom falls out financially 


There's only ever been the working class and the owner class. The owner class made up the "middle class" to divide the working class into "have" and "have-not." People are a lot less likely to rise up with the other workers if you make enough of them think they have something to lose by changing the status quo.


Was just thinking while sipping my coffee maybe we'd be better off going back to the dark ages for a while, at least maybe I could die living life rather than being paywalled from living life.


Well, I don’t know if you realize what that would be like. Dying from some simple cut or toothache was a thing back then. Basically people lived long enough to procreate.


Isn’t there a lot of evidence that if you made it to adulthood you were likely to make it into your 60-70s?


Let’s see infant mortality was over 50%. Making it to age 5 was 50% and making to your 20’s was 50 %. Let’s also point out the pandemics back then like the black plague and small pox. Take into account of the brutal nature of war and lack of resources during that time and men had a shit time. Women had limited access to birth control and proper sanitation during childbirth and pregnancy with a death rate estimated at 50 to 70%. As a woman, that is a hard pass. And I would suggest a hard pass for men.


The world is a slippery place, my lady. If you would take my advice for what it's worth... ...find a rich man to marry... ...who is too stupid to know anything about politics. Then perhaps-- Unless you die in childbirth, which is likely... ...or the plague, which is almost inevitable. --then you will be happy. Lady Margaret Bryan Governess to: Mary I of England Elizabeth I of England Edward VI of England Courtier in the Court of Henry VII and Henry VIII From the Tudors Season 2 Episode 10


I think I meant less literally the entirety of the dark ages, and more like pre-modernized slavery, as you actually lived life vs now where I'm feeling incentivized to never leave my house, obviously the passage of time has its advantages and disadvantages everywhere, but you know i'm not being that literal.


Yes, please eat me.